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Water power index

Energy without end

River power plant at Eglisau on the Rhine River
                  (Switzerland)   Tidal power plant with turbine in a dam between
                  water stream of low and high tide, schema   Stream buoy of Mr. Fritz Mondl, waiting for
                  transport   Wave chamber power plant at Limpet on Islay
                  Island in Scotland, built in 2000, schema from the
Energy without end with wave power Sep11,
                  2022: wave park at Aguçadoura 3 miles off the
                  Portuguese coast   Wave pump power plant "Wave Star", a
                  project with 10 floaters   Oyster wave power station ("Oyster") on
                  Orkney Island in northern Scotland, scheme with cable
                  and transformer station on the mainland   Big power buoy from OPT in the sea

by Michael Palomino (2014 / 2022)

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Streaming power plants
1. Rivers: river power plants
2. Tides: tidal power plants
2. Tides: tidal power plants news 01
3-1. Stream buoys
3-2. Stream buoys with details

Wave energy
1-1. Wave chamber power plants
1-2. Wave chamber power plants: Mutriku
1. Wave chamber power pants news 01
2. Pelamis wave power plants (water snakes)
3. Wave pump power plants
4. Oyster wave power plant on the beach
5. Buoy wave power plant

Further topics
1. Snow cannon without energy use news 01
2. Water termics news 01
3. Water drip power generator: water drip producing power 01

Water power: stream power plants

1. River power plants 01  

River power plant at
                                        Eglisau on the Rhine River
River power plant at Eglisau on the Rhine River (Switzerland) [2]

2. Tidal power plants 01 
Tidal power plant with
                                        turbine in a dam between water
                                        stream of low and high tide,
Tidal power plant with turbine in a dam between water stream of low and high tide, schema [1]

     Tidal power plants - news 01

3. Stream buoys of Fritz Mondl 01 - 02: Stream buoys of Fritz Mondl in detail
The pioneer concerning strea mbuoy is Mr. Fritz Mondl from Austria - web site: www.aqualibre.at

Stream buoy of Mr. Fritz
                                        Mondl, waiting for transport
Stream buoy of Mr. Fritz Mondl, waiting for transport [1]

Water power: wave energy

1. Wave chamber power plants 01  

Wave chamber power plant at
                                        Limpet on Islay Island in
                                        Scotland, built in 2000, schema
                                        from the video
Wave chamber power plant at Limpet on Islay Island in Scotland, built in 2000, schema from the video

1. Wave chamber power plants 02: Mutriku 01  

Das vollendete
                                        Wellenkraftwerk von Mutriku
                                        (Motrico) mit der Turbinenhalle,
                                        im Schutzdeich integriert, Sicht
                                        vom Ufer aus    Wellenkraftwerk von
                                        Mutriku, die Turbinenhalle
The completed wave power plant of Mutriku (Motrico) with the turbine hall, integrated in the protective dike, view from the shore [31].
Wave power plant of Mutriku, the turbine hall (turbine house) [32].

1. Wave power plants - news 01  

2. Pelamis wave power plants (water snakes) 01  

Energy without end with
                                        wave power Sep11, 2022: wave
                                        park at Aguçadoura 3 miles off
                                        the Portuguese coast
Energy without end with wave power Sep11, 2022: wave park at Aguçadoura 3 miles off the Portuguese coast

3. Wave pump power plants 01  

Wave pump power plant
                                        "Wave Star", a project
                                        with 10 floaters
Wave pump power plant "Wave Star", a project with 10 floaters [8]

4. Oyster wave power plant on the beach 01  

Oyster wave power station
                                        ("Oyster") on Orkney
                                        Island in northern Scotland,
                                        scheme with cable and
                                        transformer station on the
Oyster wave power station ("Oyster") on Orkney Island in northern Scotland, scheme with cable and transformer station on the mainland

5. Buoy wave power plants 01  

Grosse Power-Boje von OPT
                                        im Meer
Big power buoy from OPT in the sea [8]

Water power: more topics

z01: Zero energy snow cannon - news 01  
z02. Water termic energy - news 01  
z03. Water drip generator produces current for light - news 01