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Energy without end: wave energy 01: wave chamber power plants 01

Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Limpet auf der Insel
                Islay in Süd-Schottland, Baujahr 2000, Schema aus dem
Wave chamber power plant at Limet on Islay Island in Scotland, year of construction 2000, schema from the video [4]

by Michael Palomino (2022)

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Energy without end: wave chamber power plants 01

Wave energy 01: wave chamber power plant with air pressure hopper 01

Wave chamber power plant with air pressure hopper in Limpet on Islay Island (southern Scotland)

It is generally estimated that global wave power alone could meet 40% of the world's electricity needs (Limpet wave power plant video, 20-28sec.), equivalent to the output of 700 to 800 nuclear power plants (ibid., 32sec.). A subsidiary of Voith Siemens Hydro, "Wavegen", developed and operates the wave power plant in Limpet on the southern Scottish island of Islay. The output of this globally unique plant is 500 kW [web05].

Karte mit der Insel Islay in
                                    Süd-Schottland mit dem
                                    Wellenkraftwerk in Limpet
Map showing the island of Islay in southern Scotland with the chamber wave power plant at Limpet [1].

Address: Voith Hydro Wavegen Limited, 13a Harbour Road, Inverness IV1 1SY, Scotland, UK - Tel.: +44 (0)1463 238094 - Fax: +44 (0)1463 238096 - E-mail: Contact form - web site: http://www.wavegen.com

Wavegen was bought by Voith Siemens in 2005 to save the company [web34].
Voith, Logo [2] Wavegen, Logo [3]

Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Limpet
                                auf der Insel Islay in Süd-Schottland,
                                Baujahr 2000, Schema aus dem Video
Wave chamber power plant in Limpet on Islay Island in southern Scotland, built in 2000, schematic from video [4]
Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Limpet
                                auf der Insel Islay in Süd-Schottland,
                                Baujahr 2000, produziert Strom 24
                                Stunden am Tag gratis
Wave chamber power plant in Limpet on Islay Island in southern Scotland, built in 2000, produces electricity 24 hours a day for free [5]
Das Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in
                                Limpet auf der Insel Islay in
                                Schottland, Schema 2
The wave chamber power plant at Limpet on Islay Island in Scotland, scheme 2 [6]
Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk Limpet auf
                                der Insel Islay in Süd-Schottland,
                                Hinteransicht mit Turbine
Limpet wave chamber power station on Islay Island in southern Scotland, rear view with turbine [7]

The operating principle of this small wave chamber power plant is a water column in the cavity, which continuously moves up and down ("oscillating water column", "swinging water column"). In the process, air is continuously expelled and sucked in by the turbine. The turbine (Wells turbine, invented by Mr. Allan Wells at the end of the 1980s [web04]) is designed in such a way that it does not interrupt the direction of rotation, no matter in which direction the air flow goes ("compression" and "decompression") (Video Limpet wave power plant (Limpet Wellenkraftwerk, 1'20-32''). The effect for power generation occurs already at relatively small waves (1'33-52'').

The cavity is also called a funnel. Translation: <In this technique, the water surface is covered with a funnel-shaped roof. Inside the funnel, the water column oscillates and compresses/decompresses the volume of air trapped between the water surface and the "funnel roof". The energy stored in these pressure differences is converted into electrical energy via a Wells turbine and a generator, which can then be fed into the power grid.> [web05]

Video: Freie Energie
                                  Wellenkraft 28.10.2014:
                                  Wellenkraftwerk in Limpet (Schottland)
Video: Energy without end with wave force Oct28, 2014: wave power plant at Limpet (Scotland) (2'43'') [8]

Video: Energy without end with wave force Oct28, 2014: wave power plant at Limpet (Scotland) (2'43'')
(orig.German: Wellenkraftwerk in Limpet (Schottland) (2'43'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/BZNwlqKIJjh9/ - Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc. - hochgeladen am 11.9.2022
(Video: Limpet - Wellenkraftwerk (Schottland))
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbauzHi6QXQ - YouTube-Kanal: Ideas for the green planet - hochgeladen am 29.10.2014

Energy without end with wave power: Countries with coasts with a lot of wave action can produce the energy with the waves.

The wave chamber power plant at Mutriku in Spain since 2011: 16 turbines.

In Mutriku, another wave chamber power plant of this type was built in 2011, with a capped funnel in a new breakwater dike in 2011. However, the turbines are now installed vertically. Wikipedia quote (tralsnation): <The power plant has 16 turbines operating at 296 kW [per day], producing 970 MWh per year.> [web32]

(original in Spanish: <Consta de 16 turbinas con una potencia total de 296 kW capaces de producir 970MWh al año.> [web32])

Each of the 16 turbines produces 18.5 kW per day [web33].

Wellenkraftwerk in Hafenmole von
                                Mutriku, Baskenland, Spanien, Einweihung
                                war im Juli 2011
Wave chamber power plant in the dike of Mutriku, Basque Country, Spain, inauguration was in July 2011 [9]

Karte von Spanien und Portugal mit
                                Mutriku im spanischen Baskenland
Map of Spain and Portugal with Mutriku in Spanish Basque Country [11]
Turbinenhalle des Wellenkraftwerks
                                von Mutriku mit vertikal eingebauten
  Turbine hall of the wave chamber power plant of Mutriku with vertically installed turbines [10].

970 MWh per year without any nuclear waste or exhaust gases!

Video: Freie Energie
                                  Wellenkraft 28.10.2014:
                                  Wellenkraftwerk in Limpet (Schottland)
Video: Energy without end with wave power Oct28, 2014: wave chamber power plant at Limpet (Scotland) (2'43'') [12]

Video: Energy witout end with wave force Aug14, 2014: wave chamber power plant at Mutriku (1'31'')
(orig. German: Unedliche Energie Wellenkraft 14.8.2014: Wellenkraftwerk in Mutriku (1'31'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/6PQCYZdMQ7O6/ - Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc. - hochgeladen am 11.9.2022

(orig. Spanish: Video: Planta de energía de las olas de Mutriku (1'31'')
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m1QrqPtQ8Q - YouTube-Kanal: Ente Vasco de la Energía - hochgeladen am 14.8.2014

The project came from [the Spanish energy company] "Ente Vasco de la Energía" (EVE - link). The construction was realized by the Scottish company "Voith Hydro Wavegen", the Siemens subsidiary that already built the small wave chamber power plant in Scotland on Islay Island in 2000 [web32].

Wave chamber
                                power plant of Mutriku, Basque country,
                                Spain, schema of functioning with air
                                chaber and pressed air (air ejection)
                                and sucked air (air suction)
Bild vergrössern Wave chamber power plant of Mutriku, Basque country, Spain, schema of functioning with air chaber and pressed air (air ejection) and sucked air (air suction) [13]

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[web01] http://www.konstruktion.de/allgemein/hydraulik-buendelt-das-potenzial-von-wellenkraftwerken/
[web02] http://www.hornonline.com/frontpage/denmark/destination-denmark/wave-star
[web03] http://mhk.pnnl.gov/wiki/index.php/Wave_Star
[web04] Wells-Turbine, Erfindung von Allan Wells in Belfast Ende der 1980er Jahre: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells-Turbine
[web05] Voith Siemens: http://www.solarserver.de/news/news-5179.html
[web06] Power-Bojen: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/PDF/PowerSystem.pdf
[web07] OPT: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/stage/mark3.html
[web08] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom-Boje
[web09] http://tube.7s-b.com/Strom-Boje/
[web10] http://www.oekonews.com/index.php?mdoc_id=1051362

[web11] https://www.evn.at/EVN-Group/Energie-Zukunft/Zukunftsprojekte/Strombojen.aspx
[web12] Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 1min.10-18sek.
[web13] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für EnergyGlobe Award (1080p): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 0-55sek.
[web14] Video: Strom-Boje auf Servus TV 10.2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rec8UlPdS0
[web15] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für österreichischen Klimaschutzpreis 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-YyGUFGj0k
[web16] http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web17] Danish Dexawave has begun a wave energy project at Malta (word-Document); In: http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web18] http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110605/local/uk-firm-launches-wave-energy-project-in-malta.369062#.UvmbRkgcZ0o
[web19] St. Urban: Erdgasblase getroffen: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zentralschweiz/story/26058554
[web20] Solarkraftwerk Teller-Stirling-Systeme:

[web21] Stirling-Motor: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirlingmotor
[web22] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_Power
[web23] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totoral_Wind_Farm
[web24] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestas
[web25] SN Power: http://www.snpower.com/about-us/our-offices/
[web26] Vestas: http://www.vestas.com/en/about/find_vestas#!sales-and-service
[web27] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.tagesanzeiger.com/zuerich/oberland/Vertikale-Windraeder-Ein-alter-Ingenieurstraum/story/14490530
[web28] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.suedostschweiz.com/wirtschaft/windturm-soll-strommarkt-revolutionieren
[web29] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.agilewindpower.com/de
[web30] Windrail aus Zürich: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zuerich/story/27313443

[web31] Windrail aus Zurich: http://startup.com/index.cfm?page=129382&profil_id=6102&backpage=129573
[web32] Wellenkammerkraftwerk in Mutriku: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_undimotriz_de_Motrico
[web33] Mutriku: http://voith.com/en/products-services/hydro-power/ocean-energies/wave-power-plants-590.html
[web34] Wavegen Voith Siemens: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-21657133
[web35] Pelamis: http://www.pelamiswave.com/
[web36] Aqyuamarine Power (Auster-Wellenkraftwerk): http://www.aquamarinepower.com/contact-us/
[web37] Hammerfest Strom (Andritz Hydro Hammerfest), Gezeitenturbinen: http://www.hammerfeststrom.com/about-us/contact-us/

Photo sources

Wave chamber power plant at Limpet on Islay Island, Scotland
[1] Karte mit der Insel Islay in Süd-Schottland auf der Höhe von Glasgow: http://www.keywordpicture.com/keyword/schottland%20karte/
[2] Voith, Logo: http://voith.com/en/products-services/hydro-power/ocean-energies/wave-power-plants-590.html
[3] Wavegen, Logo: http://www.logosdatabase.com/machinery/W/700
[4] Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Limpet auf Islay, Schottland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbauzHi6QXQ, 1min.11sek.
[5] Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Limpet auf Islay, Schottland, 2000: http://writd.blogspot.com/2011/03/scottish-revolution.html
[6] Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Limpet auf Islay, Schottland, Schema 2: http://brageconsultores.blogspot.com/2009/04/planta-de-energia-maritima-en-motrico.html
[7] Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk Limpet in Schottland, Hinteransicht mit Turbine: http://www.solarserver.de/news/news-5179.html
[8] Video: Freie Energie Wellenkraft 28.10.2014: Wellenkraftwerk in Limpet (Schottland) (2'43''): https://www.bitchute.com/video/BZNwlqKIJjh9/

Wave chamber power plant at Mutriku, Basque country, Spain
[9] Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Mutriku in einer Hafenmole, Baskenland, Spanien: http://www.eve.es/Noticias/Jornada-de-puertas-abiertas-en-la-planta-de-energi.aspx
[10] Turbinenhalle von Mutriku mit vertikal eingebauten Turbinen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m1QrqPtQ8Q, 36sek.
[11] Karte von Spanien und Portugal mit Almeria (Sonnenkraftwerke), Aguçadoura (Pelamis-Park) und Mutriku (Kammer-Wellenkraftwerk):
[12] Video: Freie Energie Wellenkraft 14.8.2014: Wellenkraftwerk in Mutriku (1'31''): https://www.bitchute.com/video/6PQCYZdMQ7O6/
[13] Wellenkammer-Kraftwerk in Mutriku, Schema: http://desenchufados.net/mutriku-estrena-la-primera-planta-precomercial-de-energia-undimotriz/
