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Energy without end: wave energy 04: oyster wave power plant on the beach 01

Oyster wave power plant ("Oyster") on
                Orkney Island in Northern Schotland, schema with cable
                and transformation station on the coast
Oyster wave power plant ("Oyster") on Orkney Island in Northern Schotland, schema with cable and transformation station on the coast [1]

by Michael Palomino (2014 / 2022)

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Energy without end: wave energy 04: oyster wave power plant on the beach 01

Oyster wave power stations on the beach

The "Oyster wave power station" in Scotland on Orkney Island (Oyster wave energy converter)

This oyster wave power plant is placed on a beach far in the water and the waves move the barrier back and forth without end - just as an oyster moves. The oyster power plant was developed by Aquamarine Power in Edinburgh, Scotland  (http://www.aquamarinepower.com)
Oyster wave power plant
                                ("Oyster") on Orkney Island in
                                northern Scotland, scheme with cable and
                                transformer station on the coast
Oyster wave power plant ("Oyster") on Orkney Island in northern Scotland, scheme with cable and transformer station on the coast [1].

24 hours a day free electricity without waste or air pollution....
Oyster wave power plant in
                                Scotland, scheme with several elements
                                [2], planning for 2013
Oyster wave power plant in Scotland, scheme with several elements [2], planning for 2013 [web01].

Map of Scotland showing the Islay
                                  Island with the chamber wave power
                                  station, and Orkney Island with the
                                  oyster wave power station  Map of Scotland showing the Islay
                                  Island with the chamber wave power
                                  station, and Orkney Island with the
                                  oyster wave power station
Map of Scotland showing the Islay Island with the chamber wave power station, and Orkney Island with the oyster wave power station [3,4].

Oyster wave power plant
                                  "Oyster" in the factory
Oyster wave power plant "Oyster" in the factory hall [5].

This power plant model is called an "oyster" because the plant keeps opening and closing like an oyster shell.

Oyster wave power plant element
                                "Oyster" with shaft, scheme
Oyster wave power plant element "Oyster" with shaft, scheme [6]
Oyster with pearl
Oyster with pearl [7]

The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland
                                with a view of the cliff, installed in
The Oyster wave power plant on one of Orkney Island in northern Scotland with a view of the cliff, installed in 2007 [8] [web01]

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCheEfaoCOs  

The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 01  The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 02  The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 03
The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 04  The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 05  The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 06
The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 07  The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 08  The Oyster wave power plant on one
                                of Orkney Island in northern Scotland,
                                work 09
The Oyster wave power plant on one of Orkney Island in northern Scotland, sequence [9-17]

Video: Wave power in action: Aquamarine Power's Oyster 800 wave energy machine

The oister park project

Oyster wave power plant in
                                  Scotland, scheme with several elements
                                  [2], planning for 2013
Oyster wave power plant in Scotland, scheme with several elements [2], planning for 2013 [web01].

Scotland May 31, 2013: Project for a wave farm at the coast line of Lag na Greine near Fivepenny Borve
Ministers approve plans for world’s biggest wave farm in Western Isles
im Internetarchiv: https://web.archive.org/web/20180109220042/https://awaken.com/2013/05/ministers-approve-plans-for-worlds-biggest-wave-farm-in-western-isles/

Wave energy firm Aquamarine Power said it would begin installing its Oyster devices in the next few years, once grid infrastructure is put in place. Energy giant SSE said last week it would not be able to commission work on a Western Isles subsea electricity cable before 2017. Aquamarine said it planned “ultimately” to deploy between 40 and 50 devices along the coast at Lag na Greine, near Fivepenny Borve. The project will be carried out by Aquamarine subsidiary Lewis Wave Power Limited.

The company "Aquamarine Power" is waiting for your questions [web36]:

Main phone number: +44 131 524 1440

E-mail: info@aquamarinepower.com

Web site: http://www.aquamarinepower.com


Edinburgh, Scotland (Head Office)

Aquamarine Power
Elder House
24 Elder Street

T:+44 131 524 1440

F:+44 131 524 1444

Belfast, Northern Ireland

Aquamarine Power
School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
David Keir Building
Queen's University, Belfast

T:+44 131 524 1440

F:+44 131 524 1444
Das Logo der Firma
                                        "Aquamarine Power" aus
                                        Edinburgh, die das
                                        "Oyster" produziert
Das Logo der Firma "Aquamarine Power" aus Edinburgh, die das Auster-Wellenkraftwerk "Oyster" produziert [18]

At the same time, Aquamarine Power wonders why the EU still allows nuclear power when there is so much wave energy available: <Nuclear insanity – is the EU seeing the nuclear light?> [web36]

Video: Ocean Power Technologies PB150 Power Buoy Animation (2'44'')

3 minutes that are changing your consciousness completely - atomic power and fracking and lithium batteries are NOT needed.

<<     >>

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[web01] http://www.konstruktion.de/allgemein/hydraulik-buendelt-das-potenzial-von-wellenkraftwerken/
[web02] http://www.hornonline.com/frontpage/denmark/destination-denmark/wave-star
[web03] http://mhk.pnnl.gov/wiki/index.php/Wave_Star
[web04] Wells-Turbine, Erfindung von Allan Wells in Belfast Ende der 1980er Jahre: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells-Turbine
[web05] Voith Siemens: http://www.solarserver.de/news/news-5179.html
[web06] Power-Bojen: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/PDF/PowerSystem.pdf
[web07] OPT: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/stage/mark3.html
[web08] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom-Boje
[web09] http://tube.7s-b.com/Strom-Boje/
[web10] http://www.oekonews.com/index.php?mdoc_id=1051362

[web11] https://www.evn.at/EVN-Group/Energie-Zukunft/Zukunftsprojekte/Strombojen.aspx
[web12] Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 1min.10-18sek.
[web13] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für EnergyGlobe Award (1080p): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 0-55sek.
[web14] Video: Strom-Boje auf Servus TV 10.2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rec8UlPdS0
[web15] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für österreichischen Klimaschutzpreis 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-YyGUFGj0k
[web16] http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web17] Danish Dexawave has begun a wave energy project at Malta (word-Document); In: http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web18] http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110605/local/uk-firm-launches-wave-energy-project-in-malta.369062#.UvmbRkgcZ0o
[web19] St. Urban: Erdgasblase getroffen: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zentralschweiz/story/26058554
[web20] Solarkraftwerk Teller-Stirling-Systeme:

[web21] Stirling-Motor: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirlingmotor
[web22] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_Power
[web23] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totoral_Wind_Farm
[web24] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestas
[web25] SN Power: http://www.snpower.com/about-us/our-offices/
[web26] Vestas: http://www.vestas.com/en/about/find_vestas#!sales-and-service
[web27] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.tagesanzeiger.com/zuerich/oberland/Vertikale-Windraeder-Ein-alter-Ingenieurstraum/story/14490530
[web28] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.suedostschweiz.com/wirtschaft/windturm-soll-strommarkt-revolutionieren
[web29] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.agilewindpower.com/de
[web30] Windrail aus Zürich: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zuerich/story/27313443

[web31] Windrail aus Zurich: http://startup.com/index.cfm?page=129382&profil_id=6102&backpage=129573
[web32] Wellenkammerkraftwerk in Mutriku: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_undimotriz_de_Motrico
[web33] Mutriku: http://voith.com/en/products-services/hydro-power/ocean-energies/wave-power-plants-590.html
[web34] Wavegen Voith Siemens: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-21657133
[web35] Pelamis: http://www.pelamiswave.com/
[web36] Aqyuamarine Power (Auster-Wellenkraftwerk): http://www.aquamarinepower.com/contact-us/
[web37] Hammerfest Strom (Andritz Hydro Hammerfest), Gezeitenturbinen: http://www.hammerfeststrom.com/about-us/contact-us/

Photo sources

Oyster wave power plant "Oyster" on Orkney Island, northern Schotland
[1] Auster-Wellenkraftwerk "Oyster" in Schottland, Schema mit Kabel und Trafostation am Festland, Schema:
[2] Auster-Wellenkraftwerk "Oyster" in Schottland, Schema mit mehreren Auster-Elementen (Projekt): http://wordlesstech.com/2011/06/28/oyster-wave-power-technology/
[3] Karte von Schottland mit den Orkney-Inseln: http://www.keywordpicture.com/keyword/schottland%20karte/; http://www.welt-atlas.de/datenbank/karten/karte-1-178.gif
[4] Karte der Orkney-Inseln, Zoom: http://www.keywordpicture.com/keyword/schottland%20karte/; http://www.montedeloro.com/Schottland/Images/schottland_karte.jpg
[5] Auster-Wellenkraftwerk in Werkhalle: http://www.aquamarinepower.com/
[6] Auster-Wellenkraftwerk-Element "Oyster" mit Welle, Schema mit Welle: http://www.reuk.co.uk/Oyster-Wave-Power.htm
[7] Auster mit Perle: Video: Louisiana Farm Bureau: Ag Minute - Oysters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCjpooxuOx0, 1min.7sek.
[8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] Video: Wave power in action: Aquamarine Power's Oyster 800 wave energy machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCheEfaoCOs
[18] Aquamarine Power, Edinburgh, Logo: http://www.aquamarinepower.com/
