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Energy without end: wave energy 03: wave pumping power plant 01

Wave pumping power plant "Wave Star", a
                project with 10 floats
Wave pumping power plant "Wave Star", a project with 10 floats [8]

by Michael Palomino (2014 / 2022)

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Energy without end: wave energy 03: wave pumping power plants 01

Wave pumping power plants 01

When floats "ride" the waves, they go up and down and produce electricity
Wave pumping piston power plant,
Wave pumping piston power plant, schema [1]
Wave power plant, wave compressed
                                air power plant, scheme
Wave power plant, wave compressed air power plant, scheme [2].
The combination of 1) column shaft
                                power plant and 2) shaft compressed air
                                power plant, scheme 03
The combination of 1) column shaft power plant and 2) shaft compressed air power plant, scheme 03 [3].
The construction with pumps on the bottom is not so recommended because of the destruction of large parts of the seabed.

Video: Blue Energy - Ocean Power

There is NO need for atomic power or fracking or lithium battery or mortal wind mill against birds or insects.

Wave pumping power plant "Wave Star" in Hanstholm in northern Denmark
(wave power plant hanstholm)

The prototype of the "Wave Star" was inaugurated in 2009 and has been producing electricity since 2010 [web02]. Translation: <The advantage of the Wave Star Machine is that the floats are sufficiently moved to produce electricity even at wave heights as low as 50 centimeters> [web01].

Map with Hanstholm (Wave Star) and Holstebro (Dexa Wave) in Denmark at the North Sea Coast

Wave pumped-storage power plant
                                "Wave Star" in Hanstholm in
                                Denmark, prototype
Wave pumped-storage power plant "Wave Star" in Hanstholm in Denmark, prototype [4].
Wave pumping station "Wave
                                Star" at Hanstholm in Denmark with
                                view of the floats  Wave pumping station "Wave
                                Star" at Hanstholm in Denmark with
                                view of the floats, zoom  Wave pumping station "Wave
                                Star" at Hanstholm in Denmark with
                                view of the floats, floats are raised
Wave pumping station "Wave Star" at Hanstholm in Denmark with view of the floats [5], close-up of the floats [6], floats raised [7].

Wave pumping power plant
                                        "Wave Star", a project
                                        with 10 floats
Wave pumping power plant "Wave Star", a project with 10 floats [8]

From waves as small as 50 centimeters high, pumping performance starts:
<The advantage of the Wave Star Machine is that the floats are moved sufficiently to produce power even at wave heights of only 50 centimeters> and a pressure of "up to 200 bar" is generated [web01]. During storms and calm seas, the floats are raised [web03].

This is a 1:2 scale prototype [web01]. The floats are 5 meters in diameter: <The 40 m long impressive prototype – with two floats of 5 m in diameter – is located 300 m off Hanstholm in the North Sea at a water depth of 7 m and produces electricity to the grid.> [web02].

Wave Star A/S

Park Allé 350A, DK-2605 Broendby (Kopenhagen)
Tel: +45 4040 4696

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[web01] http://www.konstruktion.de/allgemein/hydraulik-buendelt-das-potenzial-von-wellenkraftwerken/
[web02] http://www.hornonline.com/frontpage/denmark/destination-denmark/wave-star
[web03] http://mhk.pnnl.gov/wiki/index.php/Wave_Star
[web04] Wells-Turbine, Erfindung von Allan Wells in Belfast Ende der 1980er Jahre: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells-Turbine
[web05] Voith Siemens: http://www.solarserver.de/news/news-5179.html
[web06] Power-Bojen: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/PDF/PowerSystem.pdf
[web07] OPT: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/stage/mark3.html
[web08] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom-Boje
[web09] http://tube.7s-b.com/Strom-Boje/
[web10] http://www.oekonews.com/index.php?mdoc_id=1051362

[web11] https://www.evn.at/EVN-Group/Energie-Zukunft/Zukunftsprojekte/Strombojen.aspx
[web12] Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 1min.10-18sek.
[web13] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für EnergyGlobe Award (1080p): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 0-55sek.
[web14] Video: Strom-Boje auf Servus TV 10.2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rec8UlPdS0
[web15] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für österreichischen Klimaschutzpreis 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-YyGUFGj0k
[web16] http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web17] Danish Dexawave has begun a wave energy project at Malta (word-Document); In: http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web18] http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110605/local/uk-firm-launches-wave-energy-project-in-malta.369062#.UvmbRkgcZ0o
[web19] St. Urban: Erdgasblase getroffen: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zentralschweiz/story/26058554
[web20] Solarkraftwerk Teller-Stirling-Systeme:

[web21] Stirling-Motor: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirlingmotor
[web22] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_Power
[web23] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totoral_Wind_Farm
[web24] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestas
[web25] SN Power: http://www.snpower.com/about-us/our-offices/
[web26] Vestas: http://www.vestas.com/en/about/find_vestas#!sales-and-service
[web27] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.tagesanzeiger.com/zuerich/oberland/Vertikale-Windraeder-Ein-alter-Ingenieurstraum/story/14490530
[web28] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.suedostschweiz.com/wirtschaft/windturm-soll-strommarkt-revolutionieren
[web29] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.agilewindpower.com/de
[web30] Windrail aus Zürich: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zuerich/story/27313443

[web31] Windrail aus Zurich: http://startup.com/index.cfm?page=129382&profil_id=6102&backpage=129573
[web32] Wellenkammerkraftwerk in Mutriku: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_undimotriz_de_Motrico
[web33] Mutriku: http://voith.com/en/products-services/hydro-power/ocean-energies/wave-power-plants-590.html
[web34] Wavegen Voith Siemens: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-21657133
[web35] Pelamis: http://www.pelamiswave.com/
[web36] Aqyuamarine Power (Auster-Wellenkraftwerk): http://www.aquamarinepower.com/contact-us/
[web37] Hammerfest Strom (Andritz Hydro Hammerfest), Gezeitenturbinen: http://www.hammerfeststrom.com/about-us/contact-us/

Photo sources

[1] Schema 01: Säulen-Wellenkraftwerk unterirdisch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYfs-qYGzvs, 1min.47sek.
[2] Schema 02: Säulen-Wellendruckluftkraftwerk oberirdisch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYfs-qYGzvs, 2min.2sek.
[3] Schema 03: Säulen-Wellenkraftwerk und Wellen-Druckluftkraftwerk kombiniert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYfs-qYGzvs, 2min.13sek.

"Wave Star" in Hanstholm, Dänemark
[4] Wellen-Pumpkraftwerk "Wave Star" in Hanstholm, Dänemark, Prototyp: http://www.hornonline.com/frontpage/denmark/destination-denmark/wave-star
[5] Wellen-Pumpkraftwerk "Wave Star" in Hanstholm, Dänemark, Prototyp, mit Sicht auf die Schwimmer:
[6] Wellen-Pumpkraftwerk "Wave Star" in Hanstholm, Dänemark, Prototyp, Nahaufnahme der Schwimmer:
[7] Wellen-Pumpkraftwerk "Wave Star" in Hanstholm, Dänemark, Prototyp, die Schwimmer sind hochgezogen:
[8] Wellen-Pumpkraftwerk "Wave Star", Projekt mit 10 Schwimmern: http://mhk.pnnl.gov/wiki/index.php/Wave_Star
