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Energy without end: wave energy 05: buoy wave power plant 01

Bit power buoy from the company OPT in the sea
Bit power buoy from the company OPT in the sea [8]

by Michael Palomino (2014 / 2022)

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Energy without end: wave energy 05: buoy wave power plants 01

Power Buoys: PowerBuoy Wave Power Plants

Power buoys (English patented name: PowerBuoy) produce electricity due to their special design. In the center of the buoy is an intermediate hydraulic element, so that the buoy expands with each wave and contracts again with each wave valley. The hydraulics in the buoy produce pressure, which in turn produces electricity in a small generator inside the buoy. The electricity is transmitted to shore by a cable. The main producer of the power buoys is the company OPT (Ocean Power Technologies) in New Jersey ("USA") - link.

Power buoy from OPT on a truck
                                    in New Jersey  Power buoy from OPT during a
                                    test run in the port of Seattle  Large power buoy from OPT in
                                    the sea
Power buoy from OPT on a truck in New Jersey [1] - Power buoy from OPT during a test run in the port of Seattle [2] - Large power buoy from OPT in the sea [8].

The power buoy on the first photo is still relatively small: height between 5.6-9m, height out of the water 1.7m, draft 7.4m, average wave height difference 1.5m, weight 2140kg [web06].

The power buoys can also be upgraded for working as research stations with various transmitters and sensors: Coastal light buoys, off-shore fish farms, sonar systems, radar systems, seafloor sensors. Further combinations may be in combination with drilling platforms or storage sites in the sea [web06].

Large power buoys

Larger power buoys have dimensions up to 45 to 50 m with radii of 10 to 13 m.
Big power buoy, scheme
Big power buoy, scheme [3,4]
                                power buoy, scheme
Big power buoy before transport
Big power buoy before transport [5]

Bit power buoy on a truck
Bit power buoy on a truck [6]

Power buoy in the sea with
                                        transformer station and power
                                        line on the seabed, schema
Power buoy in the sea with transformer station and power line on the seabed, schema [7].
Big power buoy from OPT in
                                        the sea
Big power buoy from OPT in the sea [8]
Power buoy park
                                        with underwater transformer
                                        station and power cable to the
                                        coast, schema
Power buoy park with underwater transformer station and power cable to the coast, schema [9].
Power buoy farm (power buoy
                                        park), schema
Power buoy farm (power buoy park), schema [10]

Video: Ocean Power Technologies PB150 Power Buoy Animation (2'44'')

3 minutes that change everything concerning energy - atomic power, fracking, lithium batteries and killing windmills against birds and insects are NOT needed.

Contact of OPT [web07]

In the US & Canada                          
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.
1590 Reed Road        
Pennington, New Jersey 08534, USA


+1 609 730-0400


+1 609 730-0404

In the UK & European Union
Ocean Power Technologies, Ltd.
Warwick Innovation Centre
Gallows Hill
Warwick CV34 6UW, United Kingdom


+44 (0) 1926 623370


+44 (0) 1926 408190

In Australia & Asia
Ocean Power Technologies (Australasia) Pty. Ltd.
PO Box 12 Collins Street West
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia

E-mail: Mark3NA@oceanpowertech.com - Web site: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com

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[web01] http://www.konstruktion.de/allgemein/hydraulik-buendelt-das-potenzial-von-wellenkraftwerken/
[web02] http://www.hornonline.com/frontpage/denmark/destination-denmark/wave-star
[web03] http://mhk.pnnl.gov/wiki/index.php/Wave_Star
[web04] Wells-Turbine, Erfindung von Allan Wells in Belfast Ende der 1980er Jahre: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells-Turbine
[web05] Voith Siemens: http://www.solarserver.de/news/news-5179.html
[web06] Power-Bojen: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/PDF/PowerSystem.pdf
[web07] OPT: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/stage/mark3.html
[web08] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom-Boje
[web09] http://tube.7s-b.com/Strom-Boje/
[web10] http://www.oekonews.com/index.php?mdoc_id=1051362

[web11] https://www.evn.at/EVN-Group/Energie-Zukunft/Zukunftsprojekte/Strombojen.aspx
[web12] Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 1min.10-18sek.
[web13] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für EnergyGlobe Award (1080p): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo, 0-55sek.
[web14] Video: Strom-Boje auf Servus TV 10.2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rec8UlPdS0
[web15] Video: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für österreichischen Klimaschutzpreis 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-YyGUFGj0k
[web16] http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web17] Danish Dexawave has begun a wave energy project at Malta (word-Document); In: http://www.dexawave.com/media.html
[web18] http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110605/local/uk-firm-launches-wave-energy-project-in-malta.369062#.UvmbRkgcZ0o
[web19] St. Urban: Erdgasblase getroffen: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zentralschweiz/story/26058554
[web20] Solarkraftwerk Teller-Stirling-Systeme:

[web21] Stirling-Motor: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirlingmotor
[web22] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_Power
[web23] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totoral_Wind_Farm
[web24] Windpark Totoral: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestas
[web25] SN Power: http://www.snpower.com/about-us/our-offices/
[web26] Vestas: http://www.vestas.com/en/about/find_vestas#!sales-and-service
[web27] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.tagesanzeiger.com/zuerich/oberland/Vertikale-Windraeder-Ein-alter-Ingenieurstraum/story/14490530
[web28] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.suedostschweiz.com/wirtschaft/windturm-soll-strommarkt-revolutionieren
[web29] Windturm in Dübendorf bei Zürich: http://www.agilewindpower.com/de
[web30] Windrail aus Zürich: http://www.20min.com/schweiz/zuerich/story/27313443

[web31] Windrail aus Zurich: http://startup.com/index.cfm?page=129382&profil_id=6102&backpage=129573
[web32] Wellenkammerkraftwerk in Mutriku: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_undimotriz_de_Motrico
[web33] Mutriku: http://voith.com/en/products-services/hydro-power/ocean-energies/wave-power-plants-590.html
[web34] Wavegen Voith Siemens: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-21657133
[web35] Pelamis: http://www.pelamiswave.com/
[web36] Aqyuamarine Power (Auster-Wellenkraftwerk): http://www.aquamarinepower.com/contact-us/
[web37] Hammerfest Strom (Andritz Hydro Hammerfest), Gezeitenturbinen: http://www.hammerfeststrom.com/about-us/contact-us/

Photo sources

Power buoys of OPT, "USA"
[1] Power-Boje von OPT auf einem Lastwagen in New Jersey: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/PDF/PowerSystem.pdf
[2] Power-Boje von OPT bei einem Testlauf im Hafen von Seattle: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/PDF/PowerSystem.pdf
[3] Grosse Power-Boje 45 bis 50m lang, 10 bis 13m Durchmesser, Schema: http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/stage/mark3.html
[4] Fisch-Comic: http://fishygirl93.deviantart.com/art/Betta-Comic-Cast-Set-1-203769064
[5] Grosse Power-Boje vor dem Abtransport: http://www.greenlaunches.com/alternative-energy/energy-generating-water-buoy-readied-for-use-off-scottish-coast-1.php
[6] Grosse Power-Boje auf einem Lastwagen: http://www.clearwaterpower.com/DrawOnePage.aspx?PageID=130
[7] Grosse Power-Boje im Meer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerBuoy
[8] Power-Boje mit Anker und Unterwasser-Trafostation, Schema: http://jagadees.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/powerbuoy/
[9] Power-Bojen-Park mit Unterwasser-Trafostation und Stromkabel ans Festland, Schema:
[10] Power-Bojen-Park, Schema: http://www.flickr.com/photos/southwestengland/3721134087/
