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Breasts+tits 02: Breasts during pregnancy - the meaning of breastfeeding (lactation)

Pregnancy and breastfeeding as a symbiosis between mother and child - criminal Nestlé company is fighting this connection with "baby food"

Breastfeeding at mother's breasts is the first relation for the baby installing the baby's brain's structure  Nestlé is an absolutely criminal company making propaganda against breastfeeding for selling it's artificial and expensive baby food
Breastfeeding at mother's breasts is the first relation for the baby installing the baby's brain's structure [1] - Nestlé is an absolutely criminal company making propaganda against breastfeeding for selling it's artificial and expensive baby food [2]

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2018)



Ingrid Olbricht portrait (1935-2005) Ingrid Olbricht: The breast. Organ and symbol of feminine identity (original German: Die Brust. Organ und Symbol weiblicher Identität); Edition Kreuz 1985, Edition Rohwolt (rororo) 1989 from: Ingrid Olbricht: The breast. Organ and symbol of feminine identity (original German: Die Brust. Organ und Symbol weiblicher Identität); Edition Kreuz 1985, Edition Rohwolt (rororo) 1989 [a1,a2]

The growing breasts during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the breasts, boobs, boobies, tits and titties become larger. Breasts develop mammary glands, the duct system becomes longer and more branched. Most of the hormones for this come from the placenta. The nipples become darker by increased storage of skin pigment (p.35).

In the 1st-3rd month of pregnancy the breasts swell up and "ache, as if pierced with 1000 needles". (S.79)

[The feeling of pain varies in intensity and length depending on the woman].

From the 4th month on the chest pain disappears, but now the feelings towards the outside become even more unstable as the stomach becomes thicker and thicker. The pregnant woman's self-assessment varies between attractive or fat and stupid (p.112).

[From the 6th month, the pregnant abdomen takes on the main visual effect, the breasts appear smaller than before].

Breastfeeding as proof of woman's potency - the relationship between mother and baby

During breastfeeding at the latest, the mother becomes aware that the breast has not only sexual but also nourishing functions (p.70). Breastfeeding is the expression of female potency. The mother connects the escaping milk for the baby as proof of potency in comparison to the sperm with the man (p.117).

Breastfeeding also symbolizes a mother power. The large, round breasts filled with milk symbolize the power of the mother,

-- to decide on food or no food.
-- having a family or not.
-- with a family having an effect on the development on the society (p.127).

Breastfeeding or nourishing the baby's breast has both nourishing and emotional significance (p.120). The longer a baby is breastfed, the more the baby becomes part of the mother, because everything that the baby takes in comes from the mother (p.21). The mother develops a close relationship with the baby during lactation that the father cannot develop (p.51). Milk stains on clothing are absolutely normal. Who finds milk stains embarrassing, has suffered an extreme education against body fluids and should overcome this education (p.116).

The connection between mother and child is maintained together during breastfeeding (p.110). Breast milk is perfectly adapted to the baby's development, except when the mother is taking medication. Breastmilk has an anti-infective effect on babies and prevents the development of allergies. Overfeeding is hardly possible, and breast milk is always hygienically perfect and always at the right temperature (p.111).

Limitations by breastfeeding have to be ignored (p.111).

[The world of men should adapt to the breastfeeding mother, because she is growing the children].

Long breastfeeding results in courageous, cunning and strong children. The strength comes from the maternal-feminine (p.160). "Food is more important than the so-called 'genetic material. [...] Starch comes from milk [...] Only nutrition gives us the strength we need." (S.161)

Breastfeeding is a pleasure. When breastfeeding is integrated into the family process, all taboos are broken. The breasts are placed in the right perspective and freed from the erotic overinterpretation of "civilization". Unnecessary fears of breasts in third parties are reduced and the breast may even become an organ of communication (p.117).


"During the time I had really huge breasts [after the birth of the second child] I kept them airy under my T-shirt, if necessary in a bra model made of French lace. There were no rhagades [skin cracks], and emerging milk stains on the clothes were no more embarrassing than the cocoa stains of the older child on the tablecloth. We all [the father, the elder son and the mother] tried and marvelled at the milk flowing out of the warts in large drops, sometimes it was even splashing. I was jealous I couldn't suck and suck there myself.

Instead of taking [the chemical medicament] Methergin to accelerate uterine regression, I could feel very intensively how the baby's powerful suckling caused strong contractions and warmed my whole body.

With this giving breast I now experienced the natural and natural ability to nourish, calm or bring the baby to sleep with warm sweet milk whenever and wherever it wanted.

My breast had become more than an optical symbol of my motherhood, which I no longer had to demonstrate to meet expectations; it was a voluntary willingness to give in exchange for many happy moments.

I felt not only as a 'good' mother, but despite or just now with these breasts I felt as an attractive woman. Sometimes I regret that the big bosom, which I was so afraid of as a child, is now back to its normal size, although it has kept its sensitivity for me." (S.114)

Breastfeeding as a physical process of communication

Body contact during breastfeeding is just as important as cleanliness. Without the transmission of "mental energy" through physical contact, the child's soul is reduced, just as a physical relationship between man and woman would reduce without physical contact (p.118). Breastfeeding is the continuation of child development after birth, with opportunities for growth and development (p.133), as a prerequisite for becoming an adult (p.134).

Breastfeeding is an intermediate stage between the stage of pregnancy (with the total symbiosis of mother and child, the "deep harmony") and the child's own responsibility for its food. After cutting the umbilical cord, breastfeeding partially restores the unity between mother and child (p.118). Breastfeeding is a physical and mental symbiosis, a physical unity in which both parties can grow (p.121). At the same time, the baby can re-experience some of its stomach health and does not have to feel completely separated from its mother (p.118).

With breastfeeding, mother and child merge into a double path, a dyad, with transmission of a vital substance. The physical condition is similar to that before birth, a physical wholeness. Breastfeeding creates closeness, bridges borders, is sensual and a fundamental need (p.137).

Babies feel safe, accepted and loved by breasts (p.118) [just like men do]. When the mother is open to these feelings of love, breastfeeding can be very happy for the mother (p.119). It is even useful if the baby lies only at the breast without sucking milk. The feeling of savety contacting the breasts is decisive. The baby learns its first binding ability (p.120).

[The baby's brain can store this first relationship experience, which later becomes the basis for it's later behavior. The brain experiences its first "formatting"].

Breastfeeding at mother's breasts is the first relation for the baby installing the baby's brain's structure 
Breastfeeding at mother's breasts is the first relation for the baby installing the baby's brain's structure [1]

Breastfeeding in natural cultures

In natural cultures, every baby's crying is answered by holding the baby to the mother's breast. When the nursing mother is just gone, the baby is held to another woman's breast, where it may even be able to suckle (p.121).

With adoptions, the sign of transfer is that the child is placed on the adoptive mother's breast and sucks milk there. The milk transfer is a symbol of possession. So birth and breastfeeding is an equivalent process (p.133).

Breastfeeding as a sexual process: uterine contractions promote the regression of the uterus

Breastfeeding is a sexual process (p.97), a stimulation of the nipple. Breastfeeding triggers - as when caressing the nipple - a hormone boost with oxytocin from the pituitary gland, with effect on the smooth muscle fibers in the milk ducts of the breasts and with effect on the muscle fibres of the vagina and uterus (p.96). In a life without prejudice and sexual inhibitions, the breastfeeding woman can enjoy breastfeeding with sexually accentuated feelings, up to sensual relaxation and orgasm-like states (p.97).

 The contractions triggered by the uterus promote their regression without medication (p.114).

Other women forbid themselves the sexual feelings while breastfeeding and thus forbid themselves a piece of enjoyment of life (p.97)

Comparison of the sexual process of breastfeeding with a penetration

Other men like Mr. Georg Groddeck think that giving milk to a baby would be a sexual process with the nipple as "penis" in the baby's mouth as "vagina" (p.59-60) and the milk comes out as "sperm" (p.60). There are just a few differences with that:

-- breasts are giving continuous milk, not jerky like ejaculation

-- the child determines how much milk it takes, the woman cannot determine how much sperm the man pumps into her during ejaculation

-- during breastfeeding there is an imbalance of power, during sex there are equal partners [except for sexual child abuse]

-- the milk is used as a whole, only one sperm survives in the semen

-- milk is only available when the woman has had a baby, so there is milk "in moderation", sperm is always there, "without moderation" [until stupid Catholic men are impotent with 40 already because they are praying against love always and have bad garbage food]

-- the breasts embody balance and harmony, attunement and measure, the penis embodies aggression and penetration without measure [until stupid Catholic men are impotent with 40 already...] (p.148).

Envy of giving birth and envy of giving food of men in dreams and in real

Young men have dreams that there will grow breasts or that they are pregnant (p.50). An envy of giving birth can be overcome by a male child's bed (p.52). The nutrient envy is experienced in real life with the baby when the man is left alone with a baby and he cannot calm the baby until the mother comes and gives the baby the breast (p.50).

The men regard their university system as a spiritual nourishment for "civilization" and thus as a nutritive mother "Alma mater". The scientists try to take on the role of mother through the institution "university". At the same time, women are often downplayed in femininity at universities. The men want to defend their "nutritional function" with it. These [technical university] men do not accept the women with their breasts who have the actual nutritional function (p.49).

The consequences for the child when emotionally cold mothers breastfeed

A mentally cold mother who only breasts in order to breastfeed without establishing a relationship with the child does not convey a binding ability, and the basis for the relationship ability is lost to the baby (p.120).

The baby's brain cannot store any relationship experiences from the nursing period and therefore remains "unformatted".

Refusal of security and warmth is an act of female aggression against the child (p.134).

Studies that only distinguish the development of breastfed children ("nursing children") and bottle children are imprecise, because it depends on whether the mother's relationship with the child was also warmhearted or not, whether a relationship ability was conveyed or not (p.120).

The emotionally cold pacifier

In white "civilization" the comfort of the baby does not come from the breast of the mother or other women, but from the pacifier. The pacifier is a scam on the child, on the relationship and on the importance of sucking. Warmth and comforting security are missing. The pacifier causes an early mental division between mother and child (p.121).

Studies that only distinguish the development of breastfed children ("nursing children") and bottle children are imprecise, because it depends on whether the mother's relationship with the child was also warmhearted or not, whether a relationship ability was conveyed or not (p.120).

Male medicine invents reasons against breastfeeding - and wants to sell baby food

Certain male doctors claim that breastfeeding is harmful, would misuse the forces of the mother, etc.. Mothers who want to breastfeed their newborn baby provoke more work for the hospital with transports, weight controls for supplementary feeding or not, etc. Husbands are also against breastfeeding (p.109), because they think this is a tribute to the powers of women. There is also the opinion that breastfeeding provokes the deformation of the breasts to sagging breasts (p.110).

[What is certain to come through breastfeeding is a permanent darker discolouration of the nipples].

Mother Earth for breasts: anise seeds+green parts of fennel+beer massage+stinging nettle - or aguaje juice
There are two recipes from Mother Earth for getting bigger breasts or reinstalling sagging breasts: with anise seeds, green parts of fennel, beer massage and stinging nettle - or, when the woman is living in a country with tropical fruits, drinking a glass of hormone juice of aguaje 1 glass per day - or BOTH together.

The male food industry produces baby food, which is only bought when the mother is not breastfeeding. So the propaganda, not to breastfeed, is aimed at the consumption of baby food invented by men who don't know anything about a baby nor about giving breast milk [e.g. criminal Nestlé company from criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland) producing artificial baby food for high prices]. But artificial baby food is never equal to breast milk, even if the male industry claims so (p.110).

Nestlé is an absolutely criminal company making propaganda against breastfeeding for selling it's artificial and expensive baby food
Nestlé is an absolutely criminal company making propaganda against breastfeeding for selling it's artificial and expensive baby food [2]

Employers are also against breastfeeding, because then the woman does not work. Mothers who are breastfeeding become outsiders in the company (p.110).

[Criminal "West" does not want to see breastfeeding mothers
This is a fake: the mother can work breastfeeding the baby but there are perverse male bosses of the "civilization" of the European necktie who DO NOT WANT THAT MOTHERS ARE WOKING DURING BREASTFEEDING THE BABY. When a woman has a shop and a baby and is breastfeeding and performing selling operations at the same times that's no problem...].

Factors with women who refuse breastfeeding
Some women develop the obsession of losing body substance through breastfeeding. Other women also have a disgust for any body fluid and are disgusted by their own breast milk, which comes from the mother's obsession with cleanliness (p.110). Mothers develop irrational feelings of guilt before breastfeeding, an unease that can destroy any desire to breastfeed (p.119).

Mother's milk may also be associated with tears in the mother's subconscious. If education has forbidden crying and "wanted to see no tears", then this can lead to the emerging milk being perceived subconsciously as crying and thus being rejected by the mother herself, e.g. if tears in childhood were rejected as an oversensitivity (p.111).

Father and mother may also have generally rejected any body fluids with the children. Or the mother wants - by some madness of cleanliness - to avoid the baby's saliva mixing with the mother's body fluids (p.111).

If the mother is not informed about these connections of the defense of breastfeeding, the mother-child relationship can be severely disturbed from the beginning (p.111).

[The "West" and criminal Nestlé Company from criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland) with their "baby food"
The "civilized West" with its criminal Nestlé criminal enterprise of criminal Switzerland with its "baby food"
This blocked mother-baby relationship is very much the case in the "Western world" in Europe, in the "USA", in Canada, in Australia, and in New Zealand. Nestlé's criminal enterprise is eager to dominate the world with its anti-breastfeeding propaganda for selling its toxic and expensive baby food. That is to say: the Nestlé company
1) Take advantage of psychopathic mothers who refuse to breastfeed.
2) Nestlé is making propaganda against breastfeeding and provokes more psychopathic people when babies cannot receive their mother's milk and cannot "format" their brain with this first relationship with their mother.
3) This criminal Nestlé company is only one part of the destruction of humanity, other parts are the pharmaceutical industry with toxic pills, the pharmaceutical industry with toxic vaccines, and the pharmaceutical industry with deadly pesticides, and these Nestlé and the other pharmaceutical industry are dominating the media with advertising and bribes, and they are dominating the chemical medical doctors and hospitals with bribes and quotas.

If the mother is not informed about these connections of the defense of breastfeeding, the mother-child relationship can be severely disturbed from the beginning (p.111).

    The "West" and criminal Nestlé Company from criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland) with their "baby food"
    This cut relation between mother and baby is mostly the case in the "Western World" in Europe, "USA", Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Criminal Nestlé is eager to dominate all the world with anti breastfeeding propaganda for selling it's toxic and expensive baby food products].

Reasons for a stop with breastfeeding

Milk production depends on experiences:

-- stressful emotional experiences can cause milk production to stall or dry up

Mother Earth has easy hormone herbs for more breast milk production
Chewing anise seeds, and eat green parts of fennel, or one can make teas with it sometimes per day, also mixing both together.

-- when the breastfeeding mother decides that any intimate contact with breasts filled with milk is to be a taboo for the man, then the harmony with the breasts is disturbed and a conflict between child and man is opened (p.115).

Standstill while breastfeeding: Breastfeeding terror in hospitals with breast pumps until the 1980s

The breastfeeding terror in the male-dominated hospitals leads to the loss of the ability to breastfeed (p.113).


"After having given birth I was proud to have put the baby on instinctively - the midwife praised the 'technique'. Breasts filled in some hours completely being swollen up. My food for my son! But it was in the nursery, and when it was brought, it drank 10 grams. I had plenty of milk for him!

Then one of the nurses showed me a towel which I had forgotten when I had changed the clothes of the baby. So I got the feeling of being incapable of raising a child. Thus he would starve and die of  hunger. Now the excess milk was sucked off with an electric pump. The atmosphere, even in brestfeading room, was with that much tension filled so breastfeeding became a purely technical matter, including milk performence proof in the breastfeeding book.

Only at home did I felt freer, without control, but still anxious not to make any mistakes. According to the instructions, the nipples had to be sprayed, anointed, blow-dried (!) and packed in a bra similar to my aunt's model at that time.

Of course the breast was taboo during the breastfeeding period in intimate contact [with the man]. It was the food source for the child. For breastfeeding, the hands were disinfected, but the dog and cat were smiled at when they licked the milk bells off the saturated baby.

Because of painful rhagades (cracks) the breastpump was used again. The association: cow with udder and milking machine forced itself very mood-clouding. What is sensual about a bosom that is mechanically sucked out for the woman, the baby, the man?

When the milk flow quickly dried up, of course, a feeling of failure finally arose, since I wanted to belong to the generation of new conscious and sensual mothers, with the ability to feed the children naturally longer than one year itself." (S.113)

Healing cracks with Mother Earth: coconut oil or hydrogene peroxide
Cracks in nipples heal with coconut oil or with hydrogene peroxide (water with hydrogene), or also with a solution of water with soda (sodium bicarbonate). A little bit of natural medicine is needed for life.

The bad consequences of the breastpump for the mother-child relationship

If breastfeeding does not take place, a great deal is said about the baby, which suffers a heavy psychological dammage. The decision to breastfeed or not to breastfeed is a symbol of power (p.134).

Pumping out the breast with a "breast pump" provokes the mother to feel that she has failed [consciously or unconsciously] (S.116). In addition, the mother has to deal with the association "cow - udder - milking machine" (p.113). In such cases, women recognize that the breast is the part of the body that is most prone to malfunction (p.116).

Mother Earth curing breasts
-- for more milk production: chew anise seeds and eat the green parts of fennel, or make teas of it
-- against cracks in the nipples: put coconut oil, or peroxide water, or soda water.

The artificial formula to "compose" baby food which is invented by men is thus part of an emotionally catastrophic development: the breasts are degraded to appendages for aesthetic purposes. The function of the breasts is "amputated" and the mother gives the power to produce food for the baby to the infant food company being composed by men since birth [criminal Nestlé, etc.] (p.135).

If the event of feeling love for the baby breastfeeding the baby is not happening, a lifelong search for love is possible for the child in adulthood [because the basic structures of relationship life in the brain were not installed]. Olbricht:

"The mother is the first intense love relationship of every human being. When babies do not get to know this sensual body feeling in the first months of their lives, they will probably be dissatisfied all life long looking for it. Therefore, a mother is important for the faith of the child forming it's emotional structure since the beginning." (p.119)

Childeren never having breastfed are crying more (p.119-120) or become ill more often (p.120).

[When children never have installed the structure of relationship then they will be very nervous for all life long].

Weaning: The baby has teeth...

Breastfeeding becomes critical when babies get their first teeth. Then the babies [through their natural play instinct] bite into the nipples (p.122). [Breastfeeding will be over].

After weaning, almost the entire breast augmentation recedes from pregnancy (p.34). The breasts have thus become a symbol of creation itself (p.35).

If a woman has suckled several children, the breasts usually become flaccid. In some cultures such sagging breasts are worshipped as a sign of fertility. In the "civilization" of the white man, sagging breasts are considered inferior (p.107).

[White "civilization" then helps itself with breast operations to "tighten" the sagging breast. Mother Earth has natural recipes tightening breasts:
chew anise seeds 3x per day, eat fennel green parts 3x per day, make beer massage with the breasts 3x per day, and sting the breasts with stinging nettles all two days stimulating the tissue - 1cm in 1 week comes out - do it best in holiday times - or in countries with tropical fruits take 1 glass of hormonal aguaje juice per day - or in a climate mixed country do BOTH. This breast will stay also when weight is falling].

Bad will be when little children are forbidden to look to the breasts from one to the other day because white "civilization" means that seeing the mothers breasts would be "immoral". This double standard is absolutely crazy and is splitting the family because everybody can purchase magazines with information how tits are looking like (p.116).

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Photo sources
[1] breastfeeding: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/230598443404730398/
[2] Logo of absolutely criminal company of Nestlé from criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland):


[a1] Ingrid Olbricht, portrait: http://www.bcaction.de/bcaction/ingrid_olbricht/
[a2] book 
of  Ingrid Olbricht: The breast. Organ and symbol of feminine identity (original German: Die Brust. Organ und Symbol weiblicher Identität); Edition Kreuz 1985, Edition Rohwolt (rororo) 1989: https://www.booklooker.de/Bücher/Ingrid-Olbricht+Die-Brust-Organ-und-Symbol-weiblicher-Identität/id/A02iYNyp01ZZz?zid=1eb86f9498a562ab9c38af7c134c44a8
