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Healing effect of coconut and coconut oil

9. Skin care and hair care with coconut oil

Kokosnussöl (coconut oil)  Acne on the front  burnings and acne in a face
Kokosnussöl (coconut oil) [1] - Acne on the front [2] - burnings and acne in a face [3]

Skin - dandruff and dry skin - acne - fungal infections - wrinkles - deodorant - shaving - after-shave - peeling mixture - cellulite - make-up remover - stingsskin diseases - dark circles, bags and wrinkles around the eyes - solar protection - intertrigo (scouring of the thighs) - lip care - general hair treatment - dandruff, eczema on the scalp - hair loss - hair gel

by Michael Palomino (2017)
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Coconut oil generally cares for the skin

Coconut oil generally strengthens the skin [web11].

"Coconut oil stimulates collagen regeneration. Collagen is an important protein to reduce wrinkles. Its fibrous structure binds the tissues and is providing elasticity and resilience to the skin." [web12]

"Coconut oil can safely be used as a substitute for almost all common skin creams and ointments." [Web04]
(original German:
"Kokosöl regt die Neubildung von Kollagen an. Kollagen ist ein wichtiges Protein, um Falten zu vermindern. Mit seiner faserigen Struktur verbindet es das Gewebe und sorgt so für Elastizität und Spannkraft der Haut." [web12]

"Kokosöl kann bedenkenlos als Ersatz für fast alle gängigen Hautcremes und Salben aufgetragen werden." [web04])

Coconut oil nourishing and healing the skin

Coconut oil
-- stores moisture in the skin, does NOT dry out the skin [web12]
-- heals the wrinkles [web12]
-- regenerates and softens hardened skin, sometimes the process is reaching even a total healing [web12]
-- is smoothing the skin: "It gives the skin a silky glow and is smoothing also the structure." [web12].

Warm coconut oil against dandruff and dry skin - rub in warm

-- Hypothyroidism provokes a slowed metabolism, skin becomes dry, flaky and itchy
-- Coconut oil moisturizes, itching and dryness are reduced, the healthy skin is restored
-- Gently heat the coconut oil daily (holding it in your hands) and gently massage into the skin for 10 minutes [web03].

Coconut oil heals acne

Lubricate coconut oil twice a day for acne - the effect comes after 3 weeks

Coconut oil is reducing acne even building new healthy skin. Quote of a reader [web10 - Melanie Eckert]:
Concerning coconut oil as a facial care, I can tell you that for a few weeks every day in the morning and in the evening I creamed my face with it and I have a combination skin prone to pimples and redness ... ..
Since about one week I have noticed that my skin has less red veins and I also do not get pimples so fast any more - especially during menstruation this was very striking, but now not anymore" [web10 - Melanie Eckert]:

(original German:
Zum Thema Kokosöl als Gesichtspflege kann ich dir sagen, dass ich seit ein paar Wochen jeden Tag morgens und abends mein Gesicht damit eincreme und ich habe eine zu Pickeln und Rötungen neigende Mischhaut…..
Seit ca einer Woche habe ich bemerkt, dass meine haut weniger rote Äderchen hat und ich auch nicht mehr so schnell Pickel bekomme- besonders in der Periode war das bei mir auffällig, aber jetzt nicht mehr" [web10 - Melanie Eckert])

Coconut oil mask against acne 5-10 minutes 2x per week, then shower and apply an anti pimple water

"I make a coconut oil mask twice a week, so I spread the oil all over my face & let it take 5-10 minutes, after that I mostly take a shower & 'use an antiperspirant toner!" And after this I use an anti pimple face water. Since the beginning of this treatment I have really less pimples than before. This you should absolutely try out (before I also had really dry facial skin, especially in winter & that has also disappeared)" [web10 - reader voice Marinaleinchen]
(original German: "Ich mache mir 2x in der Woche eine Kokosölmaske, also ich verteile das Öl aufs ganze Gesicht &‘ lasse es 5-10Minuten drauf danach gehe ich meistens duschen &‘ verwende noch ein Antipickel-Gesichtswasser! Seit dem ich das mache, habe ich deutlich weniger Pickel als vorher. Solltest du deshalb auch unbedingt mal ausprobieren! (Hatte auch vorher recht trockene Gesichtshaut, besonders im Winter &‘ das ist auch verschwunden)" [web10 - Leserstimme Marinaleinchen])

Coconut oil + tea tree oil against acne - coconut oil for mixed skin - and don't use towels

from: coconut oil - the all-rounder: https://www.the-inspiring-life.com/2017/01/kokosoel-der-alleskoenner.html

Quotation of a reader [web10 - Sandra F.]:

"I had a skin only causing problems and constantly pimples, because I have a combination skin with oily and dry parts and therefore I never found a suitable product. Either the care was too less moisturizing or it was just too oily ... Meanwhile, I use ONLY coconut oil in combination with tea tree oil from the pharmacy, eliminating my make up from my face with coconut oil, cleaning my face daily with it (morning / evening) and have really experienced a true miracle! Also a second idea: I no longer use a towel, but only large cotton pads! Towels are already after 2x use the purest bacterial sputum and toxic for pimple skin! Also: do not let the water at the end of the cleaning dry on the skin (there will be limescale deposits blocking the pores), but dab it with a handkerchief and give a fingertip size of coconut oil on your face to moisturise! That's it, your miracle cure !!" [web10 - Sandra F.]
(original German: "Ich hatte eine Problemhaut und ständig Pickel, da ich eine Mischhaut mit öligen und trockenen Partien habe und deswegen nie ein passendes Produkt gefunden habe. Entweder war die Pflege zu wenig feuchtigkeitspendend oder eben zu ölig…Mittlerweile benutze ich NUR noch Kokosöl in Kombination mit Teebaumöl aus der Apotheke, schminke mein Gesicht ab von Makeup und reinige es täglich (morgens/abends) und habe wirklich ein wahres Wunder erlebt!!! Zudem noch ein zweiter Tipp: ich benutze kein Handtuch mehr, sondern nur noch grosse Wattepads! Handtücher sind bereits nach 2x benutzen die reinste Bakterienschleuder und toxisch für Pickelhaut! Zudem: lass das Wasser am Schluss der Reinigung nicht auf der Haut trocken (Kalk lagert sich ab und verstopft die Poren), sondern tupfe es mit einem Taschentuch ab und gib eine Fingerspitzengrösse vom Kokosöl auf dein Gesicht zur Feuchtigkeitsspende! Et voila, dein Wundermittel!!" [web10 - Sandra F.])

Coconut oil heals fungal infections and makes wrinkles disappear

-- cold-pressed coconut oil has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects ("antifungal") [web04]
-- can be used on the whole body when there is general a dry skin [web10]
-- but the coconut oil takes about 10 minutes to move in, you should not put clothes before [web10]
-- on wet skin it moves in faster [web10 - reader Julia]
-- coconut oil is mild and heals fungal infections, eczema (with itchy rash) [web04]
-- coconut oil reduces wrinkles stimulating the regeneration of collagen ("the fibrous protein that binds the tissue") and replaces make-up concealing wrinkles [web04]
-- coconut oil balances dry skin [web04]
-- coconut oil heals chapped skin [web04]
-- coconut oil heals injured or thin cuticles [web04]
-- makes disappear dark circles around the eyes [web10 - Reader Sarah]
-- is eliminating eye bags [web10 - Reader Sarah].

Coconut oil as a deodorant - with soda + corn flour

Coconut oil works against sweat in the armpits: man / woman simply massages some coconut oil into the armpit. Women can prevent breast cancer which is caused by pharmaceutical deodorants [web09].

"Due to the antibacterial effect, it can even be used as a deodorant, just rub a small piece into the underarms." [web09]

(original German: "Durch die antibakterielle Wirkung kann es sogar als Deo verwendet werden, einfach ein kleines Stückchen in die Achselhöhlen einmassieren." [web09])

Deodorant: mix coconut oil + baking soda + cornmeal

2 table spoons (TS) of liquid coconut oil + 2 TS of soda + 1 TS of cornmeal + a flavored oil (essential oil as you like, for example 5 drops) [web10].
-- Soda absorbs the sweat odor
-- Corn flour absorbs moisture [web10].

Coconut oil for shaving as a shaving cream - better than after-shave

Reader Sarah reports, coconut oil is ideal for shaving:
"I use coconut oil as a replacement for shaving cream, it cares for the skin and you do not have to cream it later." [web10 - Sarah]

(original German: "Ich nutze Kokosöl als Ersatz für Rasierschaum. Es pflegt die Haut super und man muss diese später auch nicht mehr eincremen."  [web10 - Sarah])

[Experiment: This style of shaving is unfortunately a bit expensive. It is better to use liquid soap for shaving, and then use some coconut oil as an after-shave].

Coconut oil in the peeling mixture

This is the general mixture: mix coconut oil + almond oil + sugar (dry skin) or + salt (oily skin) [web04, web12].

Body peeling: Mix coconut oil with salt (oily skin - [web04,12]) and use as a scrub, then shower off, you can add an essential oil to the mixture for a particular aroma (fragrance) [web19]

Coconut oil on the skin against cellulite

Coconut oil applied on the skin eliminates cellulite:
"It penetrates deep into the skin and tightens all skin layers, so that the typical dents of cellulite much less visible to the outside." [web11]

(original German: "Es zieht tief in die Haut ein und strafft sämtliche Hautschichten, so dass die typischen Dellen der Cellulite viel weniger nach aussen hin sichtbar werden." [web11])

Coconut oil as make-up remover for make-up removal

Coconut oil is a good agent for a make-up [web09].

Coconut oil on a warm washcloth [or on a cotton pad] removes make-up, even removes waterproof make-up. Then rinse the face again [web09].
"The fat [of the coconut oil] dissolves perfectly the cosmetic particles from the skin. This goes very fast and the face is also taken cared at the same time!" [web10 - reader Malu]

(original German: "Das Fett [des Kokosöls] löst hervorragend die Kosmetikpartikel von der Haut. Geht super schnell und das Gesicht wird gleichzeitig auch mitgepflegt!" [web10 - Leserstimme Malu])

"With its excellent moisturizing properties, dry skin or other skin irritations are successfully prevented." [Web12]

(original German: "Mit seinen sehr guten rückfettenden Eigenschaften werden trockene Hautpartien oder andere Hautirritationen erfolgreich verhindert." [web12])

Coconut oil heals stings away

Treatment: rub coconut oil on the stitches, this supports the healing [web04].

Mixture as anti-insect repellent: with tea tree oil, lemon balm, peppermint or rosemary [web04].

Coconut oil heals skin diseases

Ingest coconut oil and apply it on the skin for the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema [web09]

Apply coconut oil putting on the affected area for herpes (cold sores, genital herpes), athlete's foot [web11]

Coconut oil is eliminating dark circles, bags and wrinkles overnight

Apply coconut oil overnight [during 2 or 3 months]
-- Dark circles around the eyes [web10 - reader Jutta]
-- Eye bags [web10 - reader Jutta]
-- Wrinkles [web10 - reader Jutta]

Coconut oil is a solar protection

-- Coconut oil "protects against the damaging effect of UV radiation from sunlight" [web09]
-- "Coconut oil has an sun protection factor (SPF) of eight to ten" [web09]
-- blocks off approx. 20% of the UV rays, protects against skin cancer, does not block the pores [web12]

Coconut oil against intertrigo (scouring of the thighs)

An obese woman reports that her thighs are always sore and she gets intertrigo with this. The effect of coconut oil lasts half a day liberating her from intertrigo effect wearing mini skits with bare legs [web10 - reader Mi].

Coconut oil for lip care

Some coconut oil cares for the lips for dryness for hours without having to repeat any greasing treatment [web12].

Coconut oil as a general hair treatment

There are different applications:

-- a long time before rinsing / showering the coconut oil is rubbed into the hair, then leave it soaking, then rinse the hair with a mild shampoo [web04]
-- "Simply rub the oil in your hands and massage it regularly into the hair lengths and into the scalp, then leave it soaking, and then rinse the hair  thoroughly with lukewarm water" [web13]
-- After the normal hair wash, rub 1 tbsp of coconut oil into the hair, spread it well, let it work for 5 min [web10]
-- make a night-time cure: After shampooing, the hair is rubbed with 1 tbsp of coconut oil, then a towel is wrapped around the head and sleep with the towel on the head, the next morning wash the hair out [web10, web13].
-- before going to bed rub 1 teaspoon of coconut oil on the scalp and spread the oil up to the tips of the hair, then sleep with a shower cap  [web19] - [and the next morning rinse the hair or let it like this]

The effect of coconut oil on the hair:

-- dry hair becomes normal [web04]
-- natural shine [web09, web13]
-- strengthens thin hair [web09]
-- eliminates splits [web13]
-- makes hair supple and shiny [web09] and easy to comb [web10]
-- against dandruff [web13]
-- works like an expensive hair cure [web10].

Coconut oil for dandruff, eczema on the scalp etc.

One can make a massage with some coconut oil on the scalp, in the evening before going to bed. This is how the scalp will heal [web09]:

-- Coconut oil helps against dandruff [web09]
-- Coconut oil eliminates eczema [web09]
-- Coconut oil eliminates fungi that have lodged on the scalp [web09].

[Experiment: fungi are also eliminated with an dog's shampoo against vermins].

Warm coconut oil against hair loss

Make a massage with coconut oil

Apply several times a week in the evening a warm and cold-pressed coconut oil on the scalp with a massage of 5 minutes, let it work overnight, wash it out in the morning with a mild shampoo [web03].

Thyroid gland is responsible for hair growth

"Thyroid hormones have a strong influence on the hair follicles, which can greatly affect hair growth in hypothyroidism, and often affect the eyebrows and body hair in addition to the hair on the head." [web03]

Coconut oil reaching the hair shaft

"Coconut oil helps prevent hair damage. The lauric acid in coconut oil has a strong affinity for the hair proteins because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain. It is able to penetrate the hair shaft and helps prevent hair damage." [web03]

Make a massage with coconut oil

"For hair loss and other hair problems, spread some warm cold pressed coconut oil on the scalp and massage in for 5 minutes. Let the coconut oil soak in the hair overnight and wash with a mild shampoo the next morning. Repeat the application several times a week." [web03]

[For having an influence to thyroid gland there has also to be an ingestion of coconut oil mixing it in food or beverages].

Coconut oil is also a hair gel

-- Hair gel: rub coconut oil into your hair and style your hair [web19]

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[web01] Coconut oil in the headlines and why natives are healthy eating many coconuts (original Deutsch: Kokosöl in den Schlagzeilen und warum Naturstämme, die viele Kokosnüsse essen, so gesund sind)
Quellen: PublicDomain/zentrum-der-gesundheit.de am 29.06.2017

[web02] Dementia prevention: more success with coconut oil, Big Pharma is failing on (original German: Demenz-Prävention: Kokosöl verzeichnet weitere Erfolge, Big Pharma versagt weiter)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/06/demenz-praevention-kokosoel-verzeichnet-weitere-erfolge-big-pharma-versagt-weite/ (1.6.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/info.kopp-verlag.de am 01.06.2017

[web03] How coconut oil is helping to thiroid gland dysfunction - good against hair loss, inflammations and more (video) (original German: Wie Kokosöl bei Schilddrüsenunterfunktion hilft – gut gegen Haarausfall, Entzündungen und mehr (Video)
Quellen: PublicDomain/eatmovefeel.de am 08.01.2017

[web04] Coconut oil - a real wonder remedy against old skin and more (original German: Kokosöl – ein wahres Wundermittel gegen Hautalterung und mehr)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/02/kokosoel-ein-wahres-wundermittel-gegen-hautalterung-und-mehr/ (6.2.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/info.kopp-verlag.de am 06.02.2017

[web05] Coconut oil can prevent caries better than toxic fluoride (original German: Kokosöl kann Karies besser vorbeugen als giftiges Fluorid (Video)
Quellen: PublicDomain/naturalnews.com/epochtimes.de am 11.03.2016

[web06] Eye opener: "Stop eyesight now" with coconut oil (original German: Mit Kokosöl „Sehkraftverlust jetzt stoppen!“)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2016/05/augenoeffner-mit-kokosoel-sehkraftverlust-jetzt-stoppen/ (29.5.2016)
Quellen: PublicDomain/epochtimes.de am 25.05.2016

[web07] Coconut oil: healthy healing force of natives (original German: Kokosöl: Gesunde Heilkraft der Naturvölker)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2016/06/kokosoel-gesunde-heilkraft-der-naturvoelker/ (11.5.2016)
Quellen: PublicDomaim/zentrum-der-gesundheit.de am 11.05.2016

[web08] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Science_in_the_Public_Interest
[web09] Special effects of coconut oil: https://kokosgesund.jimdo.com/viele-viele-wunderbare-eigenschaften/
[web10] Coconut oil - the allrounder: https://www.the-inspiring-life.com/2017/01/kokosoel-der-alleskoenner.html

[web11] Coconut oil - gift of nature: https://www.kokosoel.info/
[web12] Coconut oil for the skin: http://www.kokosoel.eu/kokosoel-fuer-die-haut/
[web13] Coconut oil - the white gold: https://formslim.com/kokosoel-das-weisse-gold/

Photo sources
[1] English coconut oil: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/370491506830125149/
[2] Acne at the front: photo by Michael Palomino 2017
[3] Burnings and acne in the face: photo by Michael Palomino 2017

Coconut oil generally cares for the skin -- Coconut oil nourishing and healing the skin -- Warm coconut oil against dandruff and dry skin - rub in warm -- Coconut oil heals acne -- Coconut oil heals fungal infections and makes wrinkles disappear -- Coconut oil as a deodorant - with soda + corn flour -- Coconut oil for shaving as a shaving cream - better than after-shave -- Coconut oil in the peeling mixture -- Coconut oil on the skin against cellulite -- Coconut oil as make-up remover for make-up removal -- Coconut oil heals stings away -- Coconut oil heals skin diseases -- Coconut oil is eliminating dark circles, bags and wrinkles overnight -- Coconut oil is a solar protection -- Coconut oil against intertrigo (scouring of the thighs) -- Coconut oil for lip care -- Coconut oil as a general hair treatment -- Coconut oil for dandruff, eczema on the scalp etc. -- Warm coconut oil against hair loss -- Coconut oil is also a hair gel
