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Note: healing effects of anise
The anise plant -- The anise seeds -- Ingredients of anise and anise seeds -- Make an anise tea: Crushing the anise seeds - hot water - let it go -- Cures with anise - the list: Body system -- Circulation -- Effect of anise on the mental life -- Head area -- Respiratory tract (chew aniseed, take anise tea or rub the breast area with an anise cream) -- Gastrointestinal tract (chew aniseed, take anise tea or rub the stomach with an anise ointment) -- Anise in the gall, in the urinary tract, in the pelvic organs -- FOR ALL WOMEN: Hormonal effects of anise tea, anise seeds and aniseed oil -- Anise against infections -- More healing effects of anise -- Anise for the skin -- Anise for joints -- The effects of aniseed on the baby -- Medicinal effects of anise with small children -- Anise against vermin -- Anise oil against mold -- Anise with cows -- Mixed teas with anise: milk teas / teas for milk building / breastfeeding teas -- Mixed teas with anise -- The healing effects of anise seeds -- Anise cream / ointment -- Anise oil -- Making aniseed oil by yourself -- Anise oil - always diluted with a carrier oil -- Inhalation of anise -- Anise wine -- Aniseed for birds -- Side effects and contraindications of anise -- Plants with similar flavor: fennel, star anise from China, sweet cicely
Anise umbel [2] - anise seeds [4] - woman with menstruation pain or PMS [11]
Healing menstruation pains and PMS with anise: chew anise seeds 3 times per day and in 1 month they go for EVER [10] - WOMEN WITHOUT PAIN: chew aniseed 3x a day for 1 month - done! [12]
presented by Michael Palomino (2016 / 2017 / 2021)
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Anise (lat.: Pimpinella asinum L.) comes originally from the Balkans from the Eastern Mediterranean. The cultivation it today in all the world in moderate climate zones. Main cultivation zones of today is South of Russia. In the Middle Ages anise was also cultivated in Central Europe [which is only possible with warm climate changes] [web04].
Anise field [1] - anise umbel [2]
Anise is also called "aniseed" [web17].
The plant has a strong aroma [web04]. The smell of anise is sweet, floury and mild. Anise smell is provoked by etheric anise oil in the anise seeds and children like it very much. In certain bakeries and sweet bakeries anise oil is a constant part [web01].
The anise plant
Anise needs bright and sunny locations, needs rich soils and always some humidity during the growing period. The anise plant is for one year, it's a forb, becomes 10 to 60cm of height with a thin taproot [web04]. The seeds are sawn at a distance of at least 20cm. The fields must be used in a period of 3 years, that means only once every 3 years in the same field [web10].
The stem is highly branched, slightly hairy. The foliage leaves are 2 to 5cm long with small stalks, the leaves are 1 to 3cm long, heart-shaped rounded on the edge sawn, the stalk leaves are one-to-two pinnately, the edges of the feather blades are sawn. The uppermost stems are reduced and are only three-lobed [web04].
Anise plants, the leaves are a chaos [3]
The white flowers on the umbels have five petals [web04].
The anise seeds
Anise seeds [4] - anise seeds 02 [9]
The umbels mature unevenly one after the other, and even within a dome, the seeds ripen unequally [web10]. The anise seeds are two-part, brownish-long with yellow strips (ribs) [web04]. The harvest in the late summer is therefore done by hand several times. Those who pick the whole umbels always have immature seeds under them [web04]. The seeds are gently dried and stored in dark, opaque vessels. Over time, oils are sticking to the walls - as a sign that a great deal of oils are present [web10].
Ingredients of anise and anise seeds
-- Components of the essential oil of anise: Anethol [a. Fennel], isoanethol, ansiketone, anissic acid, acetaldehyde, acetylcholine, azulene, bergapten, boron, camphor, carvon, chamazulen, eugenol [web01]; and there are: fatty oil, phenolic carboxylic acids, flavonoids [web02]
-- furthermore there are: coffee acid, cumarine, myristicine, salicylate, thymol, umbelliferone, xanthotoxine, vitamin C [web01].
or so:
Essential oils (Chamazulen), ingredients of essential oils (Anethol [a. Fennel], carvone, isoanethol, myristicine, salicylate, thymol, xanthotoxine) [web09]
Other ingredients are: anise acid, acetaldehyde, acetylcholine, azulene, boron, cumarine (... [German: bergapten], umbelliferone), protein, eugenol, flavonoids, camphor, coffee acid, vitamin C, sugar [web09]
Anethol makes up 90% [web04] or even up to 95% of the essential oils that make up the sweet aniseed flavor and aniseed odor [web02].
Make an anise tea
Crushing the anise seeds - hot water - let it go
The anise seeds are crushed in a mortar [web01] or cut [web03] so that the active substances can escape better [the seeds then smell stronger] [web01]. The essential oils store in the seeds in excretory passages ("oil strains"). The mortar bites the excrements, the oils are released and so the seeds smell more intense. The seeds are less durable, however, because the oils are volatile [web04].
With the aniseeds, prepare an anise tea [web01] with boiling water, let it go for 10 to 15 minutes, drink 3 cups daily [web03].
"For anise tea, brew 1 teaspoon of anise with 1 cup of boiling water and let the mixture draw for 10 minutes." [web04]
Anise tea should not be used for more than 2 weeks [web03]. [You take a tea for 2 weeks, then make a week break and then follow again 2 weeks with the tea].
Gargling anise tea promotes oral hygiene: "Since the anise has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, it is possible to do something against infections in the mouth or against mouth odor by gurgling an anise." [Web10]
Cures with anise - the list
Body system
-- abjection [web01]
-- tonifying [web09]
-- "In general the oil helps against cramping of the airways, the muscles, the nerves, the blood vessels and the internal organs." [Web10]
(origin. German: "Allgemein hilft das Öl gegen Verkrampfungen der Atemwege, der Muskeln, der Nerven, der Blutgefäße und der inneren Organe." [web10])
Soothing in low doses [web10]
- against fears [web10]
- against nervousness [web10]
- against rage [web10]
- against stress [web10]
Energizing in high doses [web10]
- stimulates blood circulation [web10]
- stimulates more attentiveness [web10]
- healing edema: eliminating water retention in tissue [web10]
Effect of anise on the mental life
-- relaxing [web09]
-- brings insomnia to disappear [web01] e.g. by inhaling [web10]
-- a pouch with anise seeds next to the head pillow causes a better sleep and protects from bad dreams [web10]
-- anise bewares [by the sweet smell?] from bad dreams [web04], anise seeds are chasing bad dreams away [web10]
-- increases and strengthens the psyche [web10]
-- "strengthens the heart and acts antiseptically, the oil has a relaxing effect and warms the soul, helps against nightmares" [web10]
(original German: "stärkt das Herz und wirkt antiseptisch. Das Öl entspannt und wärmt die Seele, hilft zum Beispiel gegen Albträume" [web10])
-- anise is said to protect from bad glimpses [web04]
-- anise seeds in the pockets protect from bad spirit [web10]
-- smoked anise seeds (like incense) make people fall into a trance [web10]
Head area
-- it's against headaches: inhale anise smoke [web10]
-- it's for mouth hygiene: gargle anise tea [web10]
-- mouth odor: chew fresh or roasted aniseed chew: anise makes the breath "sweet" [web10]
Respiratory tract (chew aniseed, take anise tea or rub the breast area with an anise cream)
when you have
-- hiccup [web10]
-- cough [web01, web03], cough remedy [web09], anise is in the cough juice [web08]
-- has a secromotor effect [web04]
-- is mucolytic [web01, web04], triggers mucus in the lungs, allows the coughing [web10]
-- there are possibilities of combinations against bronchial catarrh and cramping cough: mixture of anise+ribgrass+coltsfoot (Sebastian Kneipp) [web11]
-- when you have a sniffing nose: use anise cream [web11]
-- when you have a cold: rub the chest with an anise cream [web12]
-- asthma [web01, web09]
-- bronchitis [web01, web09]
-- throat infections [web01, web09]: e.g. gargle anise tea [web10]
-- laryngeal inflammations: e.g. gargle anise tea [web10]
-- dry cough [web01]
-- cold [web10]
Gastrointestinal tract (chew aniseed, take anise tea or rub the stomach with an anise ointment)
Anise remedies such as aniseed, anise tea or aniseed wine regulate the processes in the gastrointestinal tract ("helper in need" [web10]) by a mild stimulus:
in the case of
-- swallowing difficulties [web01]
-- heartburn [web10]
-- antispasmodic (spasmolytic) [web01, web04, web09], relaxing, antibacterial [web01]
-- nausea [web10]
-- flatulence [web01, web04, web09, web10] flatulent (carminative) [web04]: take it 1-3 times 1/2 a teaspoon of anise oil, with children: diluted in water [web10].
-- is an emergency relief for stomach cramps and flatulence [web11]
-- gastrointestinal complaints [web04]
-- digestive problems [web04], digestive problems: take an anise tea 2-3 times a day [web10]
-- colics [web04]
-- acts against breeding excitement [web01]
-- works against stomach cramps [web01, web04]
-- digestive weakness [web01]
-- constipation is remedied with aniseed oil, has a mild laxative effect [web10]
-- stomach ulcer [web10]
Anise in the gall, in the urinary tract, in the pelvic organs
-- bile complaints [web09]
-- diuretic [web01, web09], excess water is removed from the tissue [web10]
-- white flow [web09]
FOR ALL WOMEN: Hormonal effects of anise tea, anise seeds and aniseed oil: menstrual pain and PMS go away! Also climacteric dificulties go away!
Anise regulates the female hormones. "Aniseeds contain anethol, a plant hormone similar to human estrogen, which promotes menstruation and stimulates milk production."
(original in German: "Anissamen enthalten Anethol, ein pflanzliches Hormon, das dem menschlichen Östrogen ähnlich ist, das die Menstruation fördert und die Milchbildung anregt." [web10])So: anise
-- has a tonic effect [web01]
-- balances premenstrual pain (PMS) [web10]
-- anise oil in fatty oils and anise ointment with aniseed oil is used for "stimulating treatments" (orig. in German: "reizende Einreibungen") [web04]
-- acts as an aphrodisiac (promotes potency in men) [web01, web04, web10]
-- increases libido [web10]
-- healing impotence [web10]
-- encourages infatuation and mutual attraction [web10]
-- in Bohemia there is a national tradition with an "anise day" on November 30 [web04]
-- promotes milk production for breastfeeding mothers [web01, web10]
-- the breastfeeding tea for the forming of mother's milk can be an anise tea or a seed mix of aniseed, caraway and fennel [web01, web10]
-- all symptoms of hormonal fluctuations are healed (mood swings, irregular menstruation bleedings, etc.) [web10].
Healing of menstruation pains is working chewing anise seeds 3 times per day and the menstruation pain is going away within one month. The healing rate is 100% [web18].
Anise against infections
Healing menstruation pains and PMS with anise: chew anise seeds 3 times per day and in 1 month they go for EVER [10]
WOMEN WITHOUT PAIN: chew aniseed 3x a day for 1 month - done!
WOMEN WITHOUT PAIN: chew aniseed 3x a day for 1 month - done! [12]
Also works with aniseed tea (aniseed in hot water).
Also works with fennel tea
You can also chew with fennel leaves
or combined anise tea + fennel tea etc.
-- inflammations [web10]
-- pains (effect like a natural aspirin) [web10]
-- virus infections [web10]
More healing effects of anise
-- epilepsy (supporting) [web01, web09]: anise preparations reduce the number and duration of epileptic seizures [web10]
-- who plant anise in the house is protected from epilepsy (statement of Pythagoras) [web10]
-- diabetes: anise cures the pancreas [web10]
-- reduces the bad effects of insect bites [web01]
-- relieves headaches [web01]
-- Pancreatic glandular fever [web01]
-- appetite loss [web09]
-- anise oil promotes wound healing [web10]
-- anise was part of the general antidote "Theriak" [web10] at Antiochus (king of Syria 224-187 BC)
Anise for the skin
-- anise tea: is well washing a greasy skin [web10]
-- anise tea: is well washing a skin with acne [web10]
-- "The anise is often used in the cosmetic field in soaps, because it acts so well on the skin, for example against greasy skin and against acne." [Web10]
(original in German: "Der Anis wird im kosmetischen Bereich oft in Seifen verwendet, weil er so gut auf die Haut wirkt. Dies hilft zum Beispiel gegen fettige Haut und gegen Akne." [web10])Anise for joints
-- anise oil against rheumatic pain [web10]
-- anise oil for arthritis pain [web10]
The effects of aniseed on the baby
When the breastfeeding mother takes anise tea for mother's milk production, the anise flows over the mother's milk into the baby and acts against flatulence [web01].
Medicinal effects of anise with small children
-- anise tea or anise seeds are a good remedy for children because of the sweet but harmless taste [web11]
-- reduces or heals epilepsy with small children [web10]
Caution: when essential oils are breathed by little children [up to 3 years about] allergic reactions are possible up to respiratory distress [web13].
Anise against vermin
-- use of aniseed oil [web04] against parasites such as lice or scabies [web10]
-- aniseed oil kills the smallest insects [web10]
-- aniseed oil in a scent lamp keeps insects away [web10]
Anise oil against mold
-- aniseed oil in bakery makes it durable against mold [web10]
Anise with cows
-- anise also causes more milk production with cows, but then the milk also has a little anise taste [web10].
Mixed teas with anise: milk teas / teas for milk building / breastfeeding teas
Note: Milk formation can be greatly influenced by a change with the application position, also with by the breastfeeding frequency, and with the during of the resting periods of the mother. Scientific teas about breastfeeding teas are still missing (as of 2013) [web16].
Aniseed fennel cumin tea for the stomach and for breastfeeding for the mother's milk production (breast-feeding tea)
Anise is often also mixed with fennel and caraway in cases of digestion, flatulence, colics, and seizures [web04]. Anise-fennel-caraway tea is the a classic combination of breast-feeding and stomach tea [web10].
Anise tea alone promotes the milk formation and is slightly effective against flatulence [web10].
Aniseed elder flower tea for breastfeeding for mother's milk production (breast feeding tea)
Mix 30g aniseed + 30g elderberry blossoms. 1 teaspoon of tea mixture + 1 cup of boiling water, let it go for 10 minutes and sieve it. Take 1 cup 4 times a day [web14].
Aniseed-Dill-galega-melissa tea for breastfeeding for mother's milk production (breastfeeding tea)
5g anise + 5g dill fruits + 30g galega + 10g melissa. 1 teaspoon of tea mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, let it stand for 10 minutes and sieve it. Take 1 cup 4 times a day [web14].
Anise malva basil caraway pansy raspberry fennel raspberry leaves tea for mother's milk production (breastfeeding tea)
Mix 10 g each of aniseed, malva, basil, caraway, pansy, and curry, and 20 g of fennel and raspberry leaves. Add 2 teaspoons of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water, leave to simmer for 5 minutes, sieve it, take 3 cups daily [web10].
Mixed teas with anise
Anise-caraway-peppermint chamomile tea against stomach pain
Acting against stomach pain: 1 tablespoon anise + 1 tbsp cumin in 1/2 liter of boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes, sieve it. Add the tea bag of peppermint and chamomile, let it rest for 5 minutes. Drink it [web10].
Anise-melissa tea against hiccups (eructations)
"Bring a teaspoonful of melissa, a half teaspoon of crushed aniseed, and a cup of cold water to the boil, then let it go for ten minutes, then sieve it. Take one cup after meals, if you notice at dinner that you get too much air in the stomach. " [web10]
(original German: "Einen Teelöffel Melisse, einen halben Teelöffel zerstossene Anissamen und eine Tasse kaltes Wasser zum Kochen bringen. Danach zehn Minuten ziehen lassen und dann absieben. Je eine Tasse nach den Mahlzeiten, wenn man schon beim Essen merkt, dass man davon zu viel Luft in den Magen bekommt." [web10])Aniseed willow tea against fever
2 teaspoons aniseeds + 1 teaspoon of willow bark in 1 cup of boiling water - let it go 5 minutes - ingest it [web10].
Anise-lung-herb marshmallow-sweet-thyme-king-candy-thyme tea for cough
"Mix 5g of aniseed, 15g of lentil, 15g of marshmallow, 10g of sweet mustard, 15g of king candle and 15g of thyme, add 2 teaspoons of the tea mixture into 250ml of boiling water, then let it go ten minutes, then drain it. Drink 3 times per day one cup of it. " [Web10]
Anise-marshmallow-fennel-thyme tea for angina and tonsillitis
10g anise + 20g of marshmallow, fennel + thyme. 1 tablespoon of tea mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, let it go a short time, drain it. Drink 2 to 3 cups per day in sips. [web14].
Anise-fennel pansy dandelion tea for acne
Mix 15g of aniseed, fennel, pansy and dandelion. 1 teaspoon of tea mixture in 250 ml of boiling water. "Drink 1 cup warm or cold in the morning and in the evening, in sips." [web14]
Anise-attica-gentian-restharrow tea against gout
"Mix 40g of attica, 40g of gentian, 20g of the restharrow, 10g of aniseed. Put 1 tablespoon of the herbal mixture into 250ml of water for 5 minutes, then drain it. Take a cup of it in the morning and in the evening." [web14]
Anise-lime tree dough tree bark-knotweed leaves tea against bile-stones
"10g aniseed, 15g dough tree bark, 20g bird's coryder, 40g willow leaves. 1 tablespoon of the herbal mixture with a cup of water, boil it for 10 minutes, drain it, take one tablespoon of it all 15 minutes in a warm estate when possible." [web14]
Anise-buckthorn bark-fennel-licorice tea against constipation (intestinal inertia)
10g aniseed, 60g buckthorn bark, 10g fennel, 20g licorice. 1 teaspoon mixture in 1 cup of boiling water. Take it in sips during the day 2 cups [web14].
Anise and Mint Melissa Tea for strengthening the nerves (nerve strengthening, nerve strengthening against weak nerves, nervousness, etc.)
Add 1 teaspoonful of anise seeds, mint and melissa in 1 cup, pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes. With sweet honey. Depending on desire and needs [web14].
Anise-mint-melissa tea for strengthening the nerves (nerve strengthening, nerve strengthening against weak nerves, nervousness, etc.)
Add 1 teaspoonful of crushed anise seeds, mint and melissa in 1 cup, pour boiling water over it, let it go for 10 minutes, drain it. Sweet it with honey. Take it as you feel you need it [web14].
The healing effects of anise seeds
Anise seeds can be chewed. They can also be spread in the salad and thus regulate digestion [web10].
The essential oil in the anise seeds has the effects
-- against cramping
-- mucolytic
-- antibacterial [web02]
-- inhibits pathogens such as bacteria and fungi and thus counteracts spasm-like gastrointestinal symptoms and flatulence [web02]
-- dilates bronchial tubes, relieves upper respiratory infections [web02]
-- stimulates the glands of the gastrointestinal tract [web04].
Anise tea and anise seeds
"The essential oil of the aniseed oil, which is absorbed by a tea or by eating the seeds, is excreted by the lungs, which means nothing more than that the oil, before leaving the body, transmits all its healing power once again to the lungs. That's why anise is also an important and valuable remedy for the lungs and the breathing system!" [web10]
(original in German: "Das ätherische Anisöl, das man durch einen Tee oder durch das Essen der Samen aufnimmt, wird durch die Lunge wieder ausgeschieden. Das bedeutet nichts weniger, als dass das Öl vor dem Verlassen des Körpers seine ganze Heilkraft noch einmal auf die Lunge überträgt, weshalb der Anis auch ein wichtiges und wertvolles Heilmittel für die Lunge und das Atemsystem ist!" [web10]
Anise cream / ointment
Make an anise cream yourself
You buy a raw ointment in the pharmacy, or you take lard, or you can make an ointment with oil and beeswax:
Anise ointment with an ointment base + oil
For each 100g of ointment base mix 10g of anise seeds: take anise seeds (10g, 20g, etc.) in oil and heat it to 60 degrees, let it stand for 1h, drain the oil. Now the anise oil is added to the ointment base and mixed so the cream becomes sufficiently firm [web10].
Aniseed with pork fat + aniseed
For each 100g of pig fat 10g anise seeds: heat the pig fat, crash the anise seeds and add them, heat all to 60 ° C and let stand for 12 hours, then drain it [web10].
Anise oil
Anise oil with a brownish color [5]
Anise oil should always be taken diluted, never pure [web09].
Anise oil in oil mixtures
Making aniseed oil by yourself
Fill 1 glass or bottle with crushed aniseed seeds - add an oil (soybean oil, sunflower oil or olive oil) until everything is covered - let it stand for 2 weeks in a sunny and warm place - filter it into a dark-walled bottle [web10].
Anise oil - always diluted with a carrier oil
Pure anise oil has concentrated, poisonous ingredients and is dangerous because of the high concentration [web11]. "However, one should never apply the oil pure, but always mixed with a carrier oil such as soybean oil ... The aniseed oil can also be rubbed from the outside as an oil mixture on the chest if one coughs. The same is possible in the stomach region with rubbings against flatulence. " [Web10]
Anise oil is used against vermin [web04], against lice or scabies [web10].
"It harmonizes well with neroli oil, melissa oil, chamomile oil, cinnamon oil." [Web10]
(original in German: "Es harmoniert gut mit Neroliöl, Melissenöl, Kamilleöl, Zimtöl." [web10])
Oil mixture to soothe in the fragrance lamp
Oil mixture to soothe stress, irritation, tension: mix 3 drops of aniseed oil, cinnamon oil, coriander oil in a scent lamp, the smell soothes the environment [web10].
Soothing oil mixture for massage
2 drops of aniseed oil, caraway oil, fennel oil, coriander oil - mix some soybean oil and rub it in the belly zone [web10].
Oil mixture for almond infections
A gargling mixture against almond infections
1 drop of aniseed oil + 1 drop of sage oil (not for epileptics), mix it in 1 cup of water - gargle [web10].
Anise rose oil against earaches
"If you put some seeds in warm rose oil, let it go for a little time and put the oil into an ear with cotton swabs to eliminate the ear aching." [Web10]
(original in German: "Gibt man einige Samen in warmes Rosenöl, lässt dies etwas ziehen und gibt das Öl dann per Wattestäbchen in ein Ohr, soll das Ohrenschmerzen vertreiben." [web10])Anise-fennel-cumin-jojoba oil for mother's milk production
Take a carrier oil (jojoba oil, marigold oil, almond oil). Add 3 drops of aniseed oil, fennel oil, and caraway oil, and massage this mixture into the breasts. Thus the breasts are fostered and milk flow is stimulated. Marigold oil heals sore nipples. Almond oil cares for the skin [web10].
Instead of almond oil one can add 1 drop of essential lavender oil, this also maintains the skin. Massage in the morning and in the evening [web10].
Anise oil for fishing, hunting, and in the house
Anise oil (here from star anise) highly concentrated is an attractant against fish - not for human use [6]
Fishers are using aniseed oil as bait and attractant. Anise oil is an attractant for 3 to 4 hours [web05].
Anise oil as an attractant for game hunting [7]
Aniseed oil is also used as an attractant in game hunting: black deer, deer, pigeons, predators and fish. Application can be at the fishing ground, at the trapping location, at the animal's love location, or at the salt location. Already few drops spread an intense scent and have an amazing attractive effect [web06].
Anise oil is used for pigeons as follows: When the pigeons change their house, the pigeon house is painted with anise in order to "accustom" the pigeons to the house with the anise-attractant, so they no longer fly into the old house [web04].
Anise oil for a good odor in the house [8]
Inhalation of anise
Inhalation of aniseed in water against insomnia
Put a handful of anise seeds in a bowl and pour over boiling water - inhale the steam [web10].
Inhalation of anise smoke against headache
"Sprinkle a handful of anise seeds on glowing coals and inhale the smoke." [Web10]
(original in German: "Streuen Sie eine Handvoll Anissamen auf glühende Kohlen und atmen Sie den Rauch ein." [web10])
Inhalation of aniseed oil in the scent lamp
"A drop of aniseed oil evaporated in a scent lamp can soothe the coughing sensation." [Web10]
(original in German: "Ein Tropfen Anisöl in einer Duftlampe verdunstet kann den Hustenreiz beruhigen." [web10])
Inhalation of aniseed oil
"For inhalation with anise oil, take hot water and about 5 drops of anise oil, breath the steam during about 10 minutes. Reduces cough symptoms." [web01]
(original in German: "Für Inhalation mit Anisöl nimmt man heisses Wasser und etwa 5 Tropfen Anisöl, die Dämpfe atmet man etwa 10 Minuten ein. Lindert die Beschwerden bei Erkältungen." [web01])
"If you want to inhale the essential oil, add 5-8 drops of aniseed oil to water of 70 degrees hot and then keep your head above it, but without scalding. Then breathe the fumes during a quarter of an hour. This reduces the troubles of the lung with coughing or influential infections. Make the inhalation up to 3 times per day. But take care: when you are suffering from inflammatory skin problems, eye discomfort, circulatory problems, or low blood pressure, you should avoid doing so but use better an inhaler." [Web10]
(original in German: "Wenn Sie mit dem ätherischen Öl inhalieren wollen, geben Sie 5-8 Tropfen Anisöl in 70 Grad heisses Wasser und halten dann ihren Kopf darüber, aber bitte ohne sich zu verbrühen. Atmen Sie dann eine viertel Stunde lang die Dämpfe ein. Dies hilft der Lunge, zum Beispiel bei Husten oder grippalen Infekten. Führen Sie die Inhalation bis zu 3mal am Tag durch. Aber Vorsicht: Wenn Sie unter entzündlichen Hautbeschwerden, Augenbeschwerden, Problemen mit dem Kreislauf oder einem zu niedrigen Blutdruck leiden, sollten Sie besser darauf verzichten. In diesem Fall eignet sich für die Anwendung besser ein Inhalationsgerät." [web10])
Anise wine
An aniseed wine for bloating and stomach discomfort
Mix in a large bottle or into a screwed glass etc.
-- approximately 40 g of crushed anise seeds
-- 1 cinnamon stick
-- 1 bottle of white wine
-- on request 2 shot glasses of corn or brandy.
Let it stay for 7 days, filter and sieve it. The aniseed wine should be stored in a dark bottle. For stomach problems, take a shot glass 3 times daily [web10].
Anise products
-- anise bread already existed in the time of the Old High German in Greece [web04] with the digestive effects of aniseed in the bread [web10]
-- anise cookies already existed in the time of the Old High German in the region of Rome [web04]
-- cake seasoned with aniseed [web04]: aniseed stimulates the digestion to digest the meal from before [web10]
-- anise is an element in alcoholics (Sambuca, Raki, Uzo, Arak, Absinthe, Pastis, Aguardiente, Chonchon, Anisette etc.) [web04]
-- anise sweets
-- there are also fragrances and anise-scented oils in the perfume industry (perfumes, healing fragrances in sanatoriums)
-- there is seasoning of wine on Crete with aniseed, coriander, juniper and dost
etc. [web04].
Aniseed for birds
-- anise bread for pigeons so they grow better [web04]
-- aniseed or aniseed oil in the pigeon fodder binds the pigeons, so they come again and again because anise tastes them so well [web10]
-- but too much anise oil acts on pigeons poisonous [web10].
Side effects and contraindications of anise
Side effects of aniseed and aniseed products
-- there can be a hypersensitivity to aniseed or anethole [web03]
-- allergic skin reactions [web01, web03],
-- allergic reactions of the respiratory tracts [web03]
-- allergic reaction of mucous membranes [web01]
-- allergic reactions in the gastrointestinal area [web03]
Anyone who is allergic to umbelliferous plants (fennel, cumin, celery, coriander, dill) or arboreal (arnica, chamomile, marigold) should refrain from anise [web03].
[Allergies are a vaccine damage and cure with soda].
Contraindication for anise products
-- pregnancy [web01] - eat little to no aniseed food during pregnancy [web10] - [exact details on the effect during pregnancy are not available, provokes eventually an abortion].
-- do not take anise in larger quantities for a long time [web09], can lead to nausea, vomiting, convulsions or even pulmonary edema [web10]
-- pure aniseed oil can cause skin irritation, always dilute it [web10]
-- always take aniseed oil diluted [web09]
-- anise oil on the skin together with sunlight can cause skin diseases [web09].
Anyone who collects aniseed can easily confuse it with poisonous umbelliferous plants (e.g., hemlock) [web09].
Plants with similar flavor: fennel, star anise from China, sweet cicely.
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[web01] Anise: http://www.heilkraeuter.de/lexikon/anis.htm
[web02] Anise: effects and ingredients (German): http://www.onmeda.de/heilpflanzen/anis-wirkung-und-inhaltsstoffe-3149-2.html
[web03] Anise: applications (German): http://www.onmeda.de/heilpflanzen/anis-anwendungsgebiete-3149-3.html
[web04] Anise: http://www.wikiwand.com/de/Anis
[web05] Anise oil as an attractive for fishes:
[web06] Anise oil as an attractive for hunting:
[web07] star anise: https://maria-treben-schwedenbitter.de/blog/wirkung-vom-sternanis-im-schwedenbitter/
[web08] CIA-Wikipedia: Anise: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anis
[web09] Healing plant encyclopaedia (German) with anise: http://gesund.co.at/anis-heilpflanzenlexikon-22831/
[web10] Anise (German): http://www.kraeuter-verzeichnis.de/kraeuter/anis.htm
[web11] Herbs of Kneipp: anise (German): www.kneippverein-gladbeck.de/docs/kneippvisite/23_Anis.doc
[web12] Health ideas of Kneipp Congregation: anise (German): http://www.kneippverein-gladbeck.de/docs/gesundheit-plus/heilpflanzen/Anis.pdf
[web13] Topic: how the *** I get the nose drops into the child??? (German):
[web14] applications and old recipes with anise (German):: http://www.kraeuter-verzeichnis.de/rez/rezepte-anis.shtml
[web15] Anís Pimpinella anisum (Spanish): https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pimpinella_anisum
[web16] Ecologic Test: milk forming teas, July 2013 (German): http://www.oekotest.de/cgi/index.cgi?artnr=102402&bernr=06
[web17] Anise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anise
[web18] Healings in Lima by Michael Palomino with women with menstrual pains, August 2016 to March 2017
Photo sources
[1] Anise cultivation field: http://www.plantaroma.es/AceitesEsenciales.html
[2] Anise umbel: http://www.ecoagricultura.net/anis/
[3] Anise plant, the leaves: http://www.homeo-herb.com/anis/
[4] Anise seeds: http://www.wikiwand.com/de/Anis
[5] Anise oil with brownish color: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anise
[6] Anise oil (star anise) in a high concentration as an attractive against fishes - not for human use:
[7] Anise oil for hunting as an attractive: https://www.hood.de/i/anisoel-kieferle-100ml-100-reines-anisoel-lockmittel-schwarzwild-rehwild-tauben-50491976.htm
[8] Anise oil for better smell in the house:
[9] Anise seeds 02: photo by Michael Palomino (2016)
[11] Woman with menstruation pain or PMS: Powerpoint collection