- ESP -
Pioneers in medicine: Albert Schweitzer index -
one of the first "medical doctor without borders"
Albert Schweitzer = one of the first "medical doctors
without borders"
Africa: colonialism bringt in new
illnesses+slavery provoking high crime rates against
wites -
Blacks are absolutely helplessness in causal thinking
and science -
Albert Schweitzer takes in far too many patients -
concentration camp conditions in the hospital 1924-1927
Instead of taking a carpenter from Europe, Albert
Schweitzer plays the carpenter ...
Pioneering achievements in the first Albert Schweitzer
Hospital: prevent amputations, discover cholera, skin
grafts to heal ulcer wounds, cure sleeping sickness +
blackwater fever, operation of hernias + elephantiasis,
by Michael Palomino (2020)
Albert Schweitzer - chronology
Albert Schweitzer's childhood and youth - studies
in religion - and also studying medicine -
foundation of a hospital in Africa for healing
black people - money collections and prizes
The movie: My Life Is My Argument (2005)
A pioneer of medicine -
tropical medicine and jungle hospital in
Lambarene (Gabon) - ethics with "reverence for
life" - birth Jan.14, 1875 in Kaisersberg - move
to Gunsbach (Günsbach) in 1876 - bad school
grades and teasing - the key experience: Church
bells block a slingshot: "You shall not kill" -
"Reverence for life" - Africa: The slave trade
in the newspapers - Thinking about Africa - the
statue in Colmar - White colonialists destroyed
whole peoples - Albert Schweitzer: piano and
organ - Bach works editor and interpreter on the
organ - Albert Schweitzer as a student 1893-1901
- Albert Schweitzer tunes an organ - Helene
Bresslau - Correspondence for 10 years - the
"bigger task" is yet to come - 1904: The Impulse
to become a missionary doctor to atone for
slavery and colonialism against the blacks -
1912-1913: The French Mission Society rejects
Albert Schweitzer - collecting money - traveling
as a doctor to Lambarene - The arrival in
Lambarene - the waiting for the second ship -
100s of blacks ask for a cure - Accommodation +
food also for family members - Illnesses in the
tropics in Gabon: sleeping sickness, malaria,
dysentery (permanent diarrhea from inflamed
colon), leprosy, stomach hernias, bronchitis,
pneumonia, heart diseases, mental illnesses,
venereal diseases, elephantiasis - 1914-1918:
First World War: arrest and questions -
1917-1919: deportation to France - prisoner of
war - diseases - 1920-1924: concert tours and
lectures in half of Europe to raise money for
the hospital: Sweden, France, Germany,
Switzerland etc. - Publications: Memoirs -
Lambarene 1924: The hospital is now being
rebuilt as a hospital village - Honorary titles
+ awards - the new headquarters in Gunsbach
(Günsbach) - 1930s: autobiography - records with
Bach works - from June 1940: Albert Schweitzer
in the hospital village of Lambarene - wounded
healed from both sides - corrugates sheets
serving as barricades - from 1945: atomic bomb
discussion - Nobel Peace Prize - torchlight
procession - Photographers are like ticks - from
1952: Nobel Prize money - new leprosy station -
gigantic correspondence - warning of atomic bomb
tests and nuclear war on the radio and in
newspapers - Sep.4, 1965: death of Albert
Schweitzer - Pilgrims' streaming to Lambarene
for months - Status 2005: hospital village of
Lambarene - Status 2005: The Albert Schweitzer
Museum in the old hospital building - Status
2005: Houses of the Schweitzer family in
Gunsbach: Conference center + museum - Status
2005: Albert- Schweitzer Institute in
Connecticut ("USA") - Status 2005: Voices about
the pioneering work of Albert Schweitzer:
Idealism - views - career sacrificed in France -
humane person
Medical doctor Albert Schweitzer in Africa in
Gabon 1913-1917 - the first hospital
Studies - preparation of a hospital in Lambarene
(Gabon) with concerts and money collections - the
first small hospital village - Goalas and Pahuins
- language problems and translators - tropical
diseases and surgery - first world war and
philosophical questions: Why do whites kill
themselves when they already have everything ? -
Captivity of war 1917-1919
Medical doctor Albert Schweitzer in Africa in
Lambarene in Gabon 1924-1927 - conditions of
concentration camp - criminal Benjabis -
prevent amputations, detection of cholera -
the new big hospital
The journey from Bordeaux to Gabon - living
conditions in Africa - the rebuilding of the
hospital - timber trade since 1919 provokes the
neglect of agriculture in Gabon - famine is
foreseeable - pure drama in Lambarene: the
criminal Bendjabis from the interior -
concentration camp-like conditions in the hospital
with hunger and dysentery - more dead than graves,
children have to dig graves - pioneering work in
healing - search for timber - motor boats - Goalas,
Pahuins, and the criminal Bendjabis
- hardly any bricks in Africa - always these
perforated roofs with "leaf bricks" - Dr. Nessmann
- Albert Schweitzer's foot ulcers - Dr. Lauterburg
- leopards, healings and motor boats - leprosy and
phagedean ulcers - bandages with the healing dye
methyl violet - Albert Schweitzer recognizes: The
basis of a culture is the CRAFT - dysentery
epidemic on Ogowe River since May 3, 1925 -
PLUS: Famine comes by neglected agriculture
- concentration camp (cc) conditions in the
Lambarene hospital due to overcrowding with
dysentery patients and famine - October 1925: Albert
Schweitzer's purchase of land for
a larger hospital with self-sufficiency -
clearing - new buildings: all rooms with dry
wooden floors and double roofs with corrugated
sheets - Albert Schweitzer educates the blacks in
caring animals - young chimpanzees in the hospital
- sleeping sickness cured with tryparsamide -
poisoning - phageenic ulcers burst with dripped
mercury oxycyanur solution - skin transplants with
circles of skin - ulcers also disappear with
copper sulfate solution or with Breosan ointment -
Dr. Trensz discovers: dysentery is often a kind of
cholera (cholerine) - white rice makes people
vulnerable - the construction of the new
hospital 3km above - the fight against the forest
- the "dining car" - the move in 1927
Tropical diseases and healing methods in
Lambarene 1913-1927
Syringe terrorism: syringes
about all - accidental injuries - heart disease
and syringes - sleeping sickness and syringes:
from 1926 Tryparsamide or Bayer 205 - purulent
processes - leprosy: cured with injected oil
mixture (four parts chaulmoogra oil with 5 parts
peanut oil) - dysentery, which is later
partially recognized as cholera: Healing with
white clay water - hookworm disease
(ankylostomiasis) - tetanus - the mentally ill -
bites injuries and bites: human bites are the
worst - scabies with scabies ointment - colds +
pneumonia - boils: cured with medicament
Turpentine Steel - poisoning - surgery with
bandages with the dye methyl violet: torn hands
- shot elbows and bandages with the dye methyl
violet - leopard bites and bandages with methyl
violet - elephant flesh in the throat - ulcers
heal with syringes and bandages with methyl
violet - phageenic ulcers burst from dripping
with a homeopathic dilution with mercury oxycy
anur, or with a copper sulphate dilution or with
Breosan ointment - skin transplants (strips,
then circles) - cancer, tumors, no appendix
cases - hernia operations (masterpiece) -
accidental injuries healed with bandages with
methyl violet - operation of elephantiasis
(masterpiece) - teeth and dentition: brushing
thymol - minor illnesses: flu - healings of
burns with bandages with methyl violet - save
babies - illnesses especially with white
patients in Lambarene: foot ulcers, malaria,
black water fever with injections of 3% saline
solution under the skin of the thighs - muscle
abscesses, pneumonia, fractures, Leopard attacks
etc. - sunstroke - furunculosis cured with
Turpentine Steel - blacks are guinea pigs for
Criminal mentality of blacks against whites
a.o. in Lambarene in Gabun 1924-1927
Albert Schweitzer=one of the
first "medical doctors without borders" This is
how Albert Schweitzer's black patients were from
1924 onwards: Abusing - dirtying - cultivating
fake fantasies - poisoning - running away
without payment - pawning women - not helping
strangers - destroying things - brutally
torturing and killing animals - lying + stealing
- black people cheat white timber dealers with
tricks with the wood - the worst defamations
against a medical doctor - the criminal
Bendjabis from the interior: refusing to help -
they do not accept house rules - refusing
mosquito nets and blankets - they "lose"
instruments and exchange them for tobacco - no
memory - making a fire under the bed - stealing
food from other patients (theft of food) - but:
fetching coconuts from palm trees - making a
fire with lumber - not wanting to wash out
bandages - throwing bandages away - stealing
chickens from Albert Schweitzer when the doctors
are operating - the hospital staff is nervous -
defamation by black relatives - kidnapping of
07: Hospital in Lambarene in Gabun 1924-1926
similar to a concentration camp
Albert Schweitzer has to be
a doctor and a builder in one - rooms without
windows - roofs with holes provoke colds and
deaths - terminally ill people are dropped
anonymously - blankets and mosquito nets are
missing - children have to dig graves + carry
corpses - no cremations - blacks don't want to
dig graves for strangers - chicken coop under
the pile dwellings in the tropics - barracks
without windows + without light - overcrowded
barracks: patients flee - murder in the hospital
for defamation - cuts are not enough, but
poisoning must be - May 1925: Albert Schweitzer
lets the best carpenter Mr. Schatzmann go -
while Albert Schweitzer is traveling, a patient
who is waiting for his operation dies of
pneumonia - from June 1925: with the dysentery
epidemic Lambarene converts into a total
concentration camp - hookworm disease too -
famine too - helpers leave because of the
dysentery epidemic - those who are healed do not
leave because at home is only hunger - new
poisoning from mushrooms and wild honey - 1926:
Dr. Trensz discovered: symptoms of dysentery are
often a kind of cholera (cholerine) - the famine
is reduced due to rice imported from Europe -
the concentration camp conditions are slowly
Living conditions in Africa in general Albert
Schweitzer=one of the first "medical doctors
without borders"
Tornadoes destroy steamships - Africa's ports are
not deep enough for steamships - Loss of time and
loss of goods during loading operations - Plague,
rum and gunpowder in Africa's ports - Gulf Stream
and currents - Birth on ships - Slavery has
destroyed entire island populations - African
bureaucracy provokes waiting times for days -
Gabon: lack of agriculture - leopard people - leaf
roofs always have new holes after every wind -
only 2 months dry season - the natives only want
to plant where there was a slash and burn, the
myth of ash as fertilizer - brick production in
the short dry season - mismanagement 1924: too
much logging, hardly any agriculture anymore -
coconuts everywhere - Goalas, Pahuins, and the
often criminal Bendjabis from the interior -
letters of condolence - the doctors: Dr. Albert
Schweitzer - Dr. Viktor Nessmann - Dr. Marc
Lauterburg - poor diet on the Ogowe River: almost
only white rice - dried fish - hippopotamus meat -
canoes - whaling by Norwegians - Gabon: The timber
trade destroys handicrafts and agriculture -
timber trade with a lot of risks - the harvest of
bamboo poles only during floods or during the dry
season with low water - from 1924: Goalas, Pahuins
and the often criminal Bendjabis - motor boats -
brick production - no dry season - no agriculture
- animals on the hospital grounds: chimpanzees,
dogs, goats, chickens - June 1925: the famine: the
seeds have been eaten - Currencies in Gabon:
gunpowder, lead, tobacco, alcohol - the medium of
exchange - birds, monkeys and palm trees in the
jungle - the plantings on the new hospital
grounds: planting - creating an orchard - the
double roof by carpenter Mr. Schatzmann - little
chimpanzees - Albert Schweitzer introduces animal
welfare - the mono diet with white rice provokes
weak immune systems and susceptibility to
War destroys everything:
trade, agriculture, society - technology-culture
turns negative and destructive - worldview goes,
ideals of culture go, in the end people kill
each other - ideals + ethics + progress =
cultural development - India with ban of further
education - natives without education - the
ethical affirmation of the world and life - the
reverence for life - avoiding negative actions -
avoiding the destruction of life - ethics
human-human and human-animal world - the helping
devotion - the craft is the basis of a culture
with education for precision and reliability,
manual skills and intellect are trained at the
same time - important sawyers and carpenters
August 2020: Albert Schweitzer is analyzed - highly
interesting mistakes and pioneering achievements in
the hospital in Lambarene on the Ogowe River
During the 10 days of quarantine after my return from Peru
to Switzerland (July 23, 2020) I had something to read,
collected works by Albert Schweitzer. I wanted to find out
how he healed - puu, you have to read a lot, because there
is no such summary of his healings. So I wrote down
everything and then found out what was good and what was
not so good (for people who want to learn something about
Africa, the works of Albert Schweitzer are valuable
introductory reading) - so the propaganda hides all the
negative points, e.g. the film "my life is my argument" -
chapter 2
If you look at the general living conditions in Africa
(Link08), you can immediately see that things are
different in Africa - there is a lot of inefficiency, and
you have to pay much more attention to your life - you may
even be self-sufficient in order to survive...
Albert Schweitzer has to play the carpenter
The main shortcoming: Albert Schweitzer forgot to take two
carpenters with him from Strasbourg, and so Albert
Schweitzer had to play the carpenter and was always
dependent on unreliable, inefficient blacks and could not
heal and research as he had thought, that was the first
phase of his first hospital from 1913-1917 - Link
chapter 3. In addition, Albert Schweitzer was
not linguistically prepared, could not speak African
languages and was always dependent on translators. So
stupid but ouch! As of August 1914, as a German in a
French colony, he was a prisoner of war and couldn't
organize anything big anyway. He was a prisoner of war in
1917 and returned to Strasbourg in 1919.
Concentration camp
conditions with Albert Schweitzer
From 1923 to 1927 was the second phase of the hospital -
The hospital was now overcrowded and the huts were
without windows and only with damp soil, then it kept
raining through the canopy of leaves and the black
patients sometimes got pneumonia and died from it - the
blacks from inner Gabon (Bendjabis) had been coming
since the end of the war 1919 to the Ogowe River to get
involved in the timber trade and turned out to be
notoriously criminal when they were patients in
hospital, simply because they had their families far
away inland and felt "free". Then there came dysentery
and famine at the same time, and this was how
concentration camp conditions arose in the hospital.
Albert Schweitzer did not have the authority to place
the dysentery patients in a ward 1km away to save his
hospital from the dysentery. Sheer horror came up. There
were more deaths than graves, corpses weren't burned but
buried, children from the mission's school had to dig
graves, etc. He didn't call for help in Strasbourg!
Criminality of the blacks
Since Albert Schweitzer had conditions in a
concentration camp, a completely overcrowded hospital
with dysentery diarrhea patients, many blacks probably
had no desire to behave "well" and were in some cases
hyper criminal against Albert Schweitzer with lies,
stealing, simulating, defaming, abusing the hospital
as a death hospital, running away the night after the
operation without payment (bananas, 1 goat), or when
the hospital staff was busy with an operation, black
relatives of patients stole Albert Schweitzer's
chickens for their dinner, etc. So this criminality of
the blacks against Albert Schweitzer fills an entire
website - link06.
Healings and pioneering achievements by Albert
Schweitzer and his doctors
Albert Schweitzer's healings also fill their own
website - link05. Albert Schweitzer was a pioneer
-- with the prevention of amputations in the event of
severe injuries or fractures: with moist bandages with
methyl violet
-- with skin transplants for faster healing of open
zones where there previously an ulcer had been
(phagodanic ulcers)
-- then from 1926 the phagedean ulcers were removed
with a homeopathic dilution with mercury oxycyanur, or
with copper sulphate, or with Breosan ointment, so
that general anesthesia was no longer necessary
-- and in 1926 a doctor Mr. Trensz discovered in Lambarene under the microscope that many
dysentery patients had no dysentery at all, but
cholera - which heals with white clay water.
Another pioneering achievement by Albert Schweitzer is
his cultural philosophy with ideals + ethics + progress,
with the reverence for life (Link09) - he even taught
black people how to protect animals ...
Syringe master -
guinea pigs for the Rockefeller Foundation - the
cowardly church did not support Albert Schweitzer!
In general, Albert Schweitzer was a pharmaceutical
syringe master and not a fan of natural medicine. The
jungle was right next door and he did NOT develop any
new remedies with the jungle plants which could have
replaced expensive pharma pills or injections (!). No
homeopathy, no noni, no sodium bicarbonate! And Albert
Schweitzer had his hospital used for Big Pharma: The
Rockefell Foundation gave him e.g. new drugs against
sleeping sickness to be "tested" on black people -
guinea pigs - but the new drugs now also defeated
advanced sleeping sickness (one case went blind). And
there were loads of elephantiasis and hernia operations.
This was master work.
And the Jesus Fantasy Church did NOT support Albert
Schweitzer, he had to collect all the money himself or
"play together" through organ concerts, lectures and
from his friends - because Albert Schweitzer "did not
have the right faith". The conditions of a concentration
camp in the hospital were consequently provoked by the
refusal of help by France and the Church. Well, it
should be better with Mother Earth. And next time,
please take two carpenters from Europe with you and try
the baking soda cures for tropical diseases too - Link!
Questions to the African governments
-- why the African governments don't install
protection moles to their harbors?
-- why the African governments don't install tracks for
passing ships along the rivers during low water levels?
-- why the African governments like Gabon permit Norwegian
walers to hunt wales in Gabon sea when the own population
is suffering famine?
-- why the African governments don't install their own
school systems but let work the fantasy God prayers of
Rome to install a school system which only provokes fake
proud and new alcoholism with the parents who are loosing
their children to the diabolic Satanist Church?