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Albert Schweitzer 03: Medical doctor in Africa in Lambarene in Gabon 1913-1917
Albert Schweitzer = one of the first "medical doctors without borders"

Studies - preparation of a hospital in Lambarene (Gabon) with concerts and money collections - the first small hospital village - Goalas and Pahuins - language problems and translators - tropical diseases and surgery - first world war and philosophical questions: Why do whites kill themselves when they already have everything ? - Captivity of war 1917-1919

from: Albert Schweitzer: On the edte of the Primeval Forest (1920) -- Letters from Lambarene 1924-1927  -- Out of My Life & Thought (1931)
In: Albert Schweitzer. Collected works in 5 volumes (German: Gesammelte Werke in fünf Bänden): volume 1; Edition ExLibris without year (appr. 1970)

Chronology of data

presented by Michael Palomino (2020)
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Literature: Books of Albert Schweitzer concerning medicine in the African rain forest

Medical reports from Africa:
1) On the edge of the primeval forest (orig. German: Zwischen Wasser und Urwald (Edition Haupt, Berne 1921 - Spanish: Entre el agua y la selva virgen)
2) Letters from Lambarene 1924-1927 (orig. German: Briefe aus Lambarene 1924-1927)
3) Out of My Life & Thought (orig. German: Aus meinem Leben und Denken 1931 - Spanish: Mi vida y pensamientos)

Other sources

Sources for the time from 1924-1927 in Lambarene are also the reviews of the C.H.Beck Edition, which were mainly written for the donors of the hospital:
-- Messages from Lambarene. First and second review (spring 1924 - autumn 1925). C.H.Beck Edition, 164 pages
-- Messages from Lambarene. Third review (autumn 1925-summer 1927). C.H.Beck-Verlag, 74 pages
The reviews are also available in Swedish, English and Dutch, English with the title: "More from the Primeval Forest" (Life + Thought, p.219)


Gabon 1521 to 1850: slave trade + alcohol + deportations + introduction of new animals and diseases destroy the black societies in Africa

from 1521 on
Jesus Fantasy Catholics settle on the African coast [without asking the blacks?]
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)

The Portuguese organize food for Africa
The Portuguese import important foods for Equatorial Africa:
-- banana
-- cassava
-- yam
-- sweet potato (batata)
-- oil palm.
According to Albert Schweitzer, where these food plants are not widespread, there is supposedly famine (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.381).

Today [as of 1914] there are still oil palm groves around dilapidated villages, and oil palms can hardly be found in other locations (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.381).
[Until then everything seems to be going "well", but then the slave trade will come, alcohol and new animals will be introduced that will spread new diseases in Africa and Catholics and Protestants will become hypercriminal in Africa and in "America"]:
from 1578
Gabon: Creation of the city of Cap Lopez
Cap Lopez is the port city in the Bay of Cap Lopez with the Ogowe River to get into the interior of Gabon by river route. There was once a Jesus fantasy missionary Odoardo Lopez, he came in 1578 (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324).

Slave trade + alcohol destroy black society
-- the powerful black tribes on the Ogowe River are systematically destroyed by the slave trade and by the alcohol of the whites (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)

18th century
Jesus Fantasy Jesuits are installing agricultural farms on the coast with a lot of slavery
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)

19th century
GB + F against slave trade
England and France take great measures to end slavery against blacks.
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)

Establishment of Libreville for freed slaves
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)

Cap Lopez Bay and the Ogowe River Delta
The blacks keep silent that the many small estuaries belong to a single Ogowe river (p.324-325), which is only discovered later by the whites (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.325).

White people discover the Ogowe River inland
that all the small estuaries in the bay of Cap Lopez belong to a single river. In addition, a connection to the Congo River is now being sought to find a waterway into the Congo, but this is impossible because of the rapids on the upper part of the Ogowe River and is not practicable with normal ships (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.325).

from 1870 approx.
The spread of sleeping sickness by the white colonialists from 1870 approx.
As long as there was no traffic in Africa, sleeping sickness was limited to a few centers, because the tribes did not allow strangers from other tribes into their territories. Then came the white colonial powers, they took black people over long distances to other territories [deportations or business] and so sleeping sickness spread to all of Africa. In approx. 1880 sleeping sickness came to Lambarene through carriers from Loango (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.389). Quote from Albert Schweitzer:

"How does it spread [the sleeping sickness]? It seems that it was always present in Equatorial Africa. But it was limited to only some spots because there was no traffic. Because commerce under natives was only organized from tribe to tribe from the sea to the next frontier line, and then from one frontier line to the other frontier line where the goods were taken from the merchants from the oather tribe. From my window I can see the point where N'Gounje River is joining Ogowe River. Until that point the Galoas of Lambarene region could travel. Passing this point provoked the danger to be eaten.

When Europeans came, they organized rowing teams and porter groups bringing black groups from one region to another. When there were people with sleeping sickness under them, so they were spreading this illness to the new region where they were brought to. At Ogowe River it was unknown before. It was introduced about 30 years ago [appr. in 1880] by porters from Loango." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.389)

When infected for the first time, 1/3 of the population will die from sleeping sickness. But in one district of Uganda 2/3 die, the population is reduced from 300,000 to 100,000 (Life + Thought, p.389). A village with 2000 inhabitants has only 500 inhabitants left after the first infection with sleeping sickness (Life + Thought, p.389-390). Then the lethality goes back a little, but can rise again (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.390). Albert Schweitzer quote:
"If sleeping sickness comes to a new area, it initially causes immense devastation. In the first onslaught it can kill a third of the population. For example, in the district of Uganda it reduced the population from 300,000 to 100,000 in 6 years. An officer told me that in the upper reaches of the Ogowe he had found a village with about 2000 inhabitants. When he passed there again two years later, he still counted (p.389) 500. The others had meanwhile died of sleeping sickness. " (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.390)
Symptoms of sleeping sickness
Sleeping sickness is chronic meningitis and encephalitis (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.393). The symptoms are:
-- a slight fever that comes and goes
-- rheumatic pain
-- amnesia (reduction of brain activity)
-- insomnia (cannot sleep)
-- possibly mentally ill with melancholy or rage or thoughts of suicide
-- in some cases: severe headache
-- until falling asleep the development can take two to three years, there are naps when sitting quietly or after eating (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.390)
-- In the end, sleep becomes and goes into a coma, the patients defecate and urinate without noticing it, lose weight, ulcers come from the position on the floor, there is an embryo position with knees on the neck, sometimes an improvement comes before the ultimate death, in the end often occurs pneumonia (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.391).

White people with sleeping sickness are sent to the Pasteur Institute in Paris (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.390).

The white colonialists spread sleeping sickness with their deportations of blacks throughout Equatorial Africa from the east coast to the west coast, in the north up to Niger, in the south down to Zambezi River (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.395).

1872: Importation of the sand flea from South "America" - and also the Sangunagenta ant
The sand flea was introduced in trading boxes from South "America" in 1872 and is now spreading throughout Central Africa, as also the Sangunagenta ant is spreading, which was also imported from South "America" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.396).

Summary: World trade spreads pathogens in Africa - and the white governments do not want to confess this
The white colonialists with their world trade have brought many ugly diseases to Africa and cause great misery in Africa (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.400-401).
"I can only give some signals here mentioning the fact that a large part of the tropical doctor's work (p.400) is treating ugly and ugliest diseases that Europeans have brought to nature's children here. What misery is behind this hint!" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.401)
Europe does not help Albert Schweitzer, not one single government helps, but the [Freemason] governments prefer to spend millions on armaments (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.396). Quote from Albert Schweitzer about the spread of sleeping sickness by the colonialists in Africa (translation):
"In the present times, sheepling sickness has spread from the African east coast to the African west coast and in the north up to Niger and in the south down to Zambesi [river] [what all happened by deportations of blacks within Africa]. Can we (p.395) manage this? Systematic fight against it in this large region would afford many medical doctors and much much money... and where death is already winning, the European states are even more stingy with their means to stop it, but for weapons without sense they spend any money for harvesting more deads in Europe itself." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.396)
Albert Schweitzer is backed by all of his friends in Alsace who have donated money, but the donators cannot be there (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.402).


The preparations for a hospital project in the jungle

from 1874 on
Gabon: Jesus missionary terror in the Ogowe area by "American" Jesus fantasy missionaries
(Life + Thought, p.187; Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.325)

Foundation of the Lambarene mission station by Dr. Nassau
(Life + Thought, pp. 128, 151); Dr. Nassau is an "American" Protestant Jesus fantasy missionary from the "USA" (Life + Thought, p.128).

from the 1880s
French "Christian" Jesus Fantasy Colonialism in Africa

The Jesus Fantasy Missions and their Jesus Fantasy Missionaries
-- have many "functions" such as Jesus fantasy bishopric, Jesus fantasy school center, farm and market
Jesus missionaries live here without end
-- as a station manager,
-- as a psychoterrorist traveler ("evangelism missionary") to manipulate blacks [e.g. against their own family] in the villages,
-- as a teacher for the black boys
-- as a teacher for the black girls
-- there should be two carpenter missionaries for crafts
-- and a doctor should also be present on a Jesus fantasy mission (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.460).

If there are no craft missionaries, a lot of time is lost for the others, and handicrafts are often only bogus, which in the end results in even more loss of time (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.461).

-- all Jesus fantasy missionaries should have a secondary education, and without secondary education they are a misfortune for the Jesus fantasy missionary station (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.461).
[This counts for every family! People with only ONE profession are poor - at least three should be!]

The Jesus fantasy missionaries are always busy with the psychological terror against blacks and exhaust all their spiritual energy with the manipulation of the blacks to their fantasy Bible from Rome [total waste of time!] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.461-462) .

The Jesus fantasy missionaries should not "nigger": only get upset about small things
-- Jesus fantasy missionaries should have a "thorough education" in order not to be taken in by the blacks and to "niggle": Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"Should a missionary have a thorough education? Yes. The more developed the spiritual life and interests of a person, the better he can endure it in Africa. Otherwise, he is easily in danger of, as they say here, of being "niggered". (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465)
"To nigger" means specifically:
-- lose the big context of life [loose the will for the Jesus fantasy evangelism and the discrimination and destruction of all other cultures)
-- lose the mental resilience [no longer be interested in discriminating against and destroying all other cultures]
-- get upset about small things and miserably long discussions about small things and lose time with it (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"This can be seen in the fact that he [the niggered Jesus fantasy missionary] loses sight of the big points of view, loses his spiritual elasticity and, almost like a negro, begins to dwell on and argue about small things. Also thorough theological education is better than a less thorough one. " (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465)
A "good missionary" without a degree in theology: Mr. Félix Faure
-- Faure is a good mission station leader in Lambarene, even without having studied theology (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465)
-- He is an agricultural engineer and directs the plantings of the Jesus fantasy mission
-- he terrorizes the blacks with Jesus fantasies and with the fantasy Bible from Rome like mad (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.466). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"He is agricultural engineer, this is his family, he came to the Ogowe River mainly to direct the mission's plantings. At the same time, however, he proved so capable as a preacher and evangelizer [fantasy manipulator] that in time he became more of a missionary than a planter." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.366)
The Jesus fantasy head of a mission station
-- must hold the lie services and keep supervision
-- has to hold the market, the natives bring cassava, bananas and dried fish, exchange them for European goods such as salt, kerosene, nails, fish utensils, tobacco, saws, knives, hatchets, cloths, this marked is 3 times a week in the morning, alcohol cannot be bought at mission stations
-- has to do the bookkeeping, has to plan the rowers, has to control the plantings (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.462)
-- has to organize buildings, prepare building materials
-- must smoke fish to make it inedible for pests
-- must care for plants properly, so: If e.g. coffee bushes are hardly pruned, they grow too high, hardly bear anymore and you have to cut them off at the bottom and wait for years until they bear again (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.463)
-- must investigate or conduct the investigation, because thefts often occur at the mission stations
-- has to settle all legal disputes of blacks, if he wants to act quickly, he is not taken seriously by blacks but the black will claim that he is not a "fair judge"
-- has to accommodate rowers when foreign canoes come
-- has to receive mail and boxes of goods at the steamer landing point, which is not so close
-- when there is a shortage of food he has to send out canoes to get food (p.463), sometimes the canoe comes back empty and it needs a trip in another direction (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.464)
-- has to terrorize the school children with Jesus fantasies in the morning and in the evening [instead of showing something about Mother Earth]
-- has to give a sermon about Jesus fantasies on Sundays [instead of showing something about Mother Earth]
-- must always keep "Christian kindness" and "Christian meekness" = "sermon without words" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.464).
[-- and when in the hospital of Albert Schweitzer too many patients die, the children from the neighboring mission station have to shovel graves].
The Jesus fantasy mission schools
-- Many African governments do not establish schools, but let the mission schools do everything, and the result is partially that the children are emancipated who are rejected by the African society: black government employees and factory employees - they are all educated by mission schools and enable diplomacy and international trade (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.460)
-- the schoolchildren are terrorized in the morning and in the evening by the mission manager iwth his Jesus fantasies, [instead of showing something about Mother Earth]
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.464)
-- Some of the children come from villages that are more than 100km away and then live on the mission station itself and sleep on wooden cots
-- The children are given wooden plank beds as beds and food and therefore have to work a little on the mission station, including the girls
-- Parents bring the children in October [beginning of the rainy season] and pick them up again in July for going home [at the beginning of the dry season] so that the children are with the family during the fishing trips [camping on the sandbanks] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.464)

The daily routine of the children in Jesus fantasy mission schools
-- from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m .: work: cutting grass + bushes around the mission station (that's the eternal fight against the jungle)
-- from 9 am to 10 am: rest hour, cooking with plantains in groups of 5-6 children
["Morning prayer" is missing?]
-- from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: school lessons (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.464)
-- from 12 noon to 1 p.m .: relaxation with swimming and fishing (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.464-465)
-- from 2 pm to 4 pm: school lessons
-- from 4pm to 5.30pm: work:
   -- Help in the cocoa planting
   -- Help the craftsman missionary: prepare bricks, transport building materials, do earthworks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465)
-- from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm: receive food for the following day
-- from 6 pm to 7 pm: Psychological terror with Jesus fantasy and fantasy Bible from Rome ("evening prayer")
-- from 7pm to 9pm: cooking the dinner and eating
-- 9 p.m .: sleeping on a wooden cot under a mosquito net (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465).
[Trick against mosquitoes: people who eat a lot of garlic are not bitten - there should be a trial if that also works in the jungle].
Special programs for the children
-- Canoe trips are made on Sunday afternoons
-- the girls row for the woman teacher
-- in the small dry season [in January] games are played on sandbanks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465).

The Jesus fantasy evangelism missionary
-- he takes the boys from the boys' school with him as rowers, so they miss any school during complete weeks (!)
-- this problem will only be solved when motor boats are available (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.465)

Lambarene special:

Baptism at the Lambarene mission station
-- only adults are baptized
-- only people are baptized "who are tried and tested in their living"
-- the "Christian communities" exclude a lot of people and remain small groups [forming a little Jesus mafia] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.466).

The split in the Jesus Mafia between Catholics and Protestants

The Fantasy Bible Christians are still competing with each other with Catholic and Protestant mad people (p.466), which only confuses the blacks even more and makes the Jesus mafia appear even more unbelievable and mad (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p. 467).

Catholic Jesus Fantasy Missions
-- are better organized than the Protestant missions on some points
-- but the goals are different:
   -- Protestant Jesus Fantasy Missions want to train "Christian" personalities
   -- Catholic Jesus Fantasy Missions want to found a solid Church, which is a "less ambitious goal" than the Protestant goal (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.467).
[Both are mad because they don't see Mother Earth with all natural medicine and more earth tricks].

from the 1880s
Logging in Africa near the rivers
Africa has neither roads nor trucks, and the jungle floor in Africa consists only of roots and swamp [trees communicate with each other through their roots]. One would have to build roads for high costs. In addition, the heat in Equatorial Africa makes it impossible to bring foreign workers from other climates to the region (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.404).

from 1892
Gabon becomes a French colonial territory - the French destroy the blacks with alcohol
The French Jesus Fantasy Mission Association takes over the "American" Jesus Fantasy Missions, because the "Americans" cannot speak French well and therefore do not fulfill the requirements (Life + Thought, p.128; On the Edge of Primeval Forest, p.325).
Now French Jesus fanatics missionaries come from the Paris Mission Society (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.325).

-- the schnapps of the Europeans destroys the African tribes, destroys complete villages (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.340). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
<Abandoned and crumbled huts on the bank. "When I came to the country 20 years ago," says a merchant next to me, "these were all flourishing villages." - "Why are they not anymore?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders and says softly: "Schnaps ..."> (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.340)

Blacks' income from the timber trade in Gabon on the Ogowe River is used for schnapps. Gabon is in misery from alcohol. Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"Most of the money that comes into the country by the timber trade is converted into schnapps. I was traveling in colonies meeting all variations of people. The schnapps is the enemy of all cultural work." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.340)

(original German: "Der Schnaps ist der Feind aller Kulturarbeit." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.340)
The mission doctors before Albert Schweitzer came to Gabon
-- there was a Mrs. Lantz in Talagouga (she died in 1906, she was an Alsatian)
-- there was Mr. Robert in N'Gômô
Both heal the blacks with success and prepare a good arrival for the next missionary doctor (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.351).
[But Lantz and Robert have not payed a complete hospital with personal money or collected money for sure. Investigation is needed].

from 1895 approx .: Albert Schweitzer is studying in Strasbourg
Albert Schweitzer lives in the a Thomas men's home (Life + Thought, p.115)

Congo: Inauguration of the Matadi-Brazzaville Congo Railway
From now on the upper reaches of the Ogowe River is of no interest to the white colonialists any more and the research there is stopped (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.325).

Berlin 1899
Discussion in the house of Mr. Curtius
In the discussions the keyword "epigones" is mentioned. Since then Albert Schweitzer has a work "We the epigones" in his head with the description of negative tendencies in knowledge and ethics (Life + Thought, p.159).

from 1899
Albert Schweitzer warns some colleagues about the hypocrisy of white technology culture, which would only consist of "epigones"
but he is not taken seriously by his friends, rather his attitude is dismissed as end-century pessimism ("fin-de-siècle pessimism"). Since then, Schweitzer has been silent about these dangers, except in his sermons, where he repeatedly brings up his warnings (Life + Thought, p.159).

from 1900 approx.
Albert Schweitzer warns in his sermons against a negative development in white technology culture
with criticism of the development of technology, which could also lead to negative and destructive effects (Life + Thought, p.159).

1905 approx.? / some years before 1913
Lambarene: First operations in the mission station by Jauré-Guibert
The French government doctor Jauré-Guibert performs some operations in Lambarene. This is pioneering work from which Albert Schweitzer would later benefit (Life + Thought, p.153).

Foundation of the Bach Society with Albert Schweitzer as an organist
The Paris Bach Society is founded
-- with Gustave Bred (conductor)
-- Dukas [composer]
-- Fauré [composer]
-- Widor [composer + conductor]
-- Guilmant
-- d'Indy (Life + Thought, p.113)
-- Albert Schweitzer (organist) (Life + Thought, p.113, 156).

1905: The plan: build a hospital in Africa for the blacks - and study medicine for it

The motivation to heal black people in tropical Africa

Albert Schweitzer reads about the medical misery of blacks in Africa and Europen governments don't care about. The blacks have no means (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.319).

The government doctors in the colonies are a few hundred, that is far too few, and they mostly only cure the whites, the blacks hardly any (p.319-320). That is why Albert Schweitzer is still studying medicine at the age of 30 [and wants to set an example: He wants to heal the blacks in Africa] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.320).

1905: Albert Schweitzer still wants to study medicine

Albert Schweitzer wants to go to Africa as a doctor, because
-- for Albert Schweitzer it's simply not enough to be a teacher and Jesus fantasy preacher
--- his colleagues and his family think that his medicine project would be "unreasonable"
-- Albert Schweitzer still has to study medicine (Life + Thought, p.108)
-- Albert Schweitzer wants to "serve"
-- According to reports in the Jesus-Fantasy Mission Newspaper, Equatorial Africa absolutely needs doctors, there are constant complaints that the sick cannot be treated there
-- Albert Schweitzer compares himself with the fantasy Hannibal [who, according to new historical research, never existed]: Albert Schweitzer is not afraid of the troubles of studying medicine, because Hamilkar + Hannibal first had also to conquer Spain before they could occupy Rome [according to the latest research that is fantasy] (Life + Thought, p.109)
[Albert Schweitzer should become the first "doctor without borders" who had a complete hospital - a pioneer].

Autumn 1905: Albert Schweitzer's medical studies - when a fantasy religion professor is still studying medicine - a special case
Albert Schweitzer's medical studies
-- is "everyday work" with "everyday worries"
-- there is no time left for questions of faith any more (Life + Thought, p.111), but he continues to give lectures on Jesus fantasy religion in the second lecture hall of the University of Strasbourg (Life + Thought, p.125)
-- Albert Schweitzer registers as a medical student at the medical faculty of Strasbourg - with the dean Professor Fehling - dean Fehling does not believe Albert Schweitzer and says he should go to psychiatry (Life + Thought, p.111)
-- In order for a fantasy religion professor to be able to be a student again, permission from the government is required, in addition, all lectures are free for fantasy religion professor Albert Schweitzer because he is the "colleague" of the professors (Life + Thought, p.112) . Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"Now there was still a legal question to be resolved. As a member of the teaching staff at the university, I could not be enrolled as a student at the same time. If I only listened to the medical colleges as a guest, then, according to the applicable regulations, I could not be admitted to the exams. The government graciously allowed me to register for the exams on the basis of the certificates that the professors of medicine would give me about the lectures I attended. The professors, for their part, decided that I, as their colleague, would pass all the lectures for free of charge. " (Life + Thought, p.112)
Late October 1905
Albert Schweitzer's medical studies: the 5 pre-clinical semesters
Albert Schweitzer goes to his first medical college - in anatomy (Life + Thought, p.112).

The 5 pre-clinical semesters are:
-- Anatomy with Prof. Schwalbe, Weidenreich, Fuchs
-- Physiology with Prof. Hofmeister, Ewald, Spiro
-- Chemistry with Prof. Thiele
-- Physics with Prof. Braun, Cohn
-- Zoology with Prof. Goette
-- Botany with Prof. Graf Solms, Jost (Life + Thought, p.112).

The 5 pre-clinical semesters are pretty exhausting because the material is inconsistent (Life + Thought, p.112).
[The professors may contradict each other, data do not match, etc.].

from 1905
Friend Helene Bresslau fully supports Albert Schweitzer
when completing manuscripts and proofreading (Life + Thought, p.126)
[and with the project to study medicine and then set up a hospital for black people in the jungle].

1905-1906: Albert Schweitzer overloads himself
Albert Schweitzer totally overloads himself
-- professorship and lectures in fantasy theology AND
-- with Jesus fantasy sermons in the Nicolai church on Sunday AND
-- with medical studies (Life + Thought, p.112-113)
-- Albert Schweitzer is also writing the "Treatise on Organ Building" and the "last chapter in the history of the life of Jesus research" (Life + Thought, p.115)
[He studies tons of books but sodium bicarbonate and hormone plants as cheap and effective medicaments he does not see. Albert Schweitzer ist blind by Bible...].
from spring 1906: Albert Schweitzer reduces his workload - had to move and gains new relationships "at the top": Friedrich Curtius - Countess von Erlach
-- and resigns as director of the Jesus-Fantasy-Theological Study Pen (Life + Thought, p.113), the Thomas men's home, and now has to move out there (Life + Thought, p.115) and moves into the house of Mr. Friedrich Curtius, the President of the Lutheran Jesus Fantasy Church in Alsace, son of the Berlin Greece connoisseur (Hellenist) Mr. Ernst Curtius - students are helping Albert Schweitzer moving his  things to the top floor of the Thomas chapter (Life + Thought, p.116).

Friedrich Curtius is married to his wife Countess Luise Erlach, and in the Thomas Chapter also lives the Countess of Erlach, born Countess May, she comes from the Neuchâtel region on Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland. Since the very old Countess von Erlach can no longer attend concerts, Albert Schweitzer plays the piano for her for an hour a day, and she influences his general behavior (Life + Thought, p.116). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"Over time, this important and noble woman gained a great influence on me. I owe it to her that I have rubbed off some edges of my lifestyle." (Life + Thought, p.116)
The Countess of Erlach has 2 unmarried daughters, Ada + Greda, who both have a talent for painting (Ada is Henner's student). Albert Schweitzer is also a model for them. She paints him a picture for his 30th birthday (Life + Thought, p.117).

from 1906: Due to the reduction in posts and the Jesus Fantasy Service, Albert Schweitzer has to give more concerts
because he is short of cash (Life + Thought, p.122)

Countess of Erlach: The advice to the colonialist hat against malaria mosquitoes
The Countess of Erlach has an uncle who was active in the Dutch colonial army and said that thanks to the colonialist hat on his head he never got malaria and never had malaria attacks. So the Countess of Erlach instructs Albert Schweitzer to always wear the colonialist hat in order to never get malaria (Life + Thought, p.117).
[Eating garlic is a prevention against mosquito bites].
-- and
Albert Schweitzer with concerts on the organ - traveling by train with women from "high circles"
Albert Schweitzer has to give organ concerts in the Paris Bach Society, so every year in winter he has to travel from Strasbourg to Paris several times to perform organ things loosing 3 days each time. On the train Albert Schweitzer then drafts his Jesus fantasy sermons for his St. Nicolai Jesus fantasy church in Strasbourg (Life + Thought, p.113). In addition, the train journeys from Strasbourg to Paris are sometimes very entertaining
-- with Fanny Reinach, the wife of Theodor Reinach
-- with Countess Mélanie de Pourtalès, the friend of Empress Eugenie etc. (Life + Thought, p.113).

The Paris Bach Society also gives concerts in Barcelona, e.g. Orféo Català, where Albert Schweitzer has to play the organ too (Life + Thought, p.113).

Overall, Albert Schweitzer is now playing more organ concerts to compensate for the loss of income (Life + Thought, p.113).

The Countess Mélanie de Pourtalès
-- she lives on a country estate near Strasbourg (Life + Thought, p.113)
-- there Albert Schweitzer often meets the Princess Metternich-Sandor, a great helper of art in France, the wife of the Austrian ambassador Metternich in Paris during Napoléon III
-- Princess Metternich also had direct connections to Napoleon III, e.g. gave it to Napoléon III. the hint to perform the German opera of Tannhäuser in the Paris Opera (Life + Thought, p.114).

Albert Schweitzer with connections in Paris - "high musical circles"
Albert Schweitzer meets again and again
-- with Adele Herrenschmidt, a teacher from Alsace who works in Paris
-- with Luis Millet, the conductor of the Orféo Català
-- with the Catalan builder Gaudi from Barcelona, a friend of Millet. Gaudi was just busy building a monster Jesus fantasy cathedral (Sagrada Familia) (Life + Thought, p.114).
[Why people is believing in a fake Jesus and fake God of Rome when such big cathedrals are needed spending millions for it? Sagrada Familia cathedral is not finished yet in 2020 (!) - link]
1906-1908: Study of the natural sciences in medicine
Albert Schweitzer analyzes the natural sciences "with zeal", so Schweitzer works the groundwork for the philosophy that he has already made (Life + Thought, p.118). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"At last I was allowed to acquire the knowledge which I needed for having the real basement for my philosophy!" (Life + Thought, p.118)

Schweitzer: Studying the natural sciences was the "longed-for completion of knowledge." (Life + Thought, p.118)

So: The entire philosophy, which consists only of opinions, is now confirmed or refuted by Albert Schweitzer with the natural sciences. With Albert Schweitzer the "sense for the real" emerges. The natural sciences are like "another country" with logicians for whom it is normal to produce evidence (Life + Thought, p.118).

Some "philosophers" call the natural sciences unimportant and judge them as "being nothing important". But it is clear for Albert Schweitzer: Natural sciences are the "simply established truth", and philosophy is the "truth of thought" (Life + Thought, p.119).

Albert Schweitzer also grades like the others:
-- Knowledge of philosophy should be "knowledge of the higher kind"
-- Knowledge of the natural sciences should be "knowledge of the simple kind" (Life + Thought, p.119).

from 1908 approx.
Albert Schweitzer's financial worries have been resolved
-- through the German edition of the book about Johann Sebastian Bach
-- through concert fees (Life + Thought, p.122; On the Edge of Primeval Forest, p.320)
-- at the end there are also donations from the Thomas Cantor in Leipzig and from friends from Alsace, F, D + Switzerland (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.320).

April 1909:
The preparation of the "Physikum" - the "Drilling Association" ("Paukverband")
Albert Schweitzer lets himself be persuaded to go to a "Drilling Association" in order to prepare the final exam of the "Physikum" with questions and answers in the way that the professors will ask (Life + Thought, p.120).

from May 13, 1909
Albert Schweitzer completes the "Physikum" studies
(Life + Thought, p.119) but he is badly prepared, he has done too much pure science and because of overload he has "the worst fatigue crisis" of his life. But Albert Schweitzer is passing the exam well (Life + Thought, p.120).

1909-1911: Study of real medicine in medical studies: the "clinical semesters"
The material is uniform and everything is therefore less strenuous [so: without contradictions, without data divergences, etc.]. The professors for the clinical semesters are:
-- internal medicine: Prof. Moritz, Arnold Cahn, Erich Meyer
-- Surgery: Prof. Madelung, Ledderhose
-- Gynecology: Prof. Fehling, friend
-- Psychiatry: Prof. Wollenberg, Rosenfeld, Pfersdorff
-- Bacteriology: Prof. Forster, Levy
-- pathological anatomy: Prof. Chiari
-- Pharmacology: Prof. Schmiedeberg
-- Pharmacy:
    -- Prof. Arnold Cahn for practical lessons
    -- Prof. Schmiedeberg for theoretical lessons (researcher of digitalis substances) (Life + Thought, p.120)

Funny things from Strasbourg
-- Darwinism can be presented if one does not mention the word "monkey"
-- Hegel and Ernst Haeckel can easily be confused in Strasbourg, because in Alsace both names are pronounced like Häggel (Life + Thought, p.121).

1910 approx.
Lumber yards in Africa - the timber trade is getting more complicated
The lumber yards on the river banks are all eliminated now, so one has to look for lumber yards inside the jungle (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.405).

September 1911
Munich: Albert Schweitzer is in Munich at the "French Music Festival" and earns the money for the state examination
There the "Symphonia Sacra" for organ and orchestra by composer Widor is performed, with Widor as conductor (Life + Thought, p.122).

October to December 1911
Strasbourg: Albert Schweitzer passes the medical state examination (2 months of exams)
(Life + Thought, p.122)

December 17, 1911
Strasbourg: Albert Schweitzer is passing his state medical examination
with surgery professor Madelung. In the evening the medical state examination is finally over (Life + Thought, p.122). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
<When I stepped out of the hospital into the darkness of the winter evening on December 17th, after the last station with the surgeon Madelung, I couldn't believe that the terrible exertion of studying medicine was behind me. Again and again I made sure that I wasn't dreaming but that I was awake. Madelung was walking next to my side but I heard him from far away when he told me again and again: "Only because of your strong health you were able to such a thing like this."> (Life + Thought, p.122)
There are still missing:
-- "the practical year as a volunteer"
-- the doctoral thesis on the topic: Was the Fantasy Jesus insane or not? (Life + Thought, p.122)
-- fot this doctorla thesis, the basic works are by de Loosten, by William Hirsch and by Binet-Sanglé (Life + Thought, p.122).

So: Albert Schweitzer wants to check whether the "messianic awareness" of the Fantasy Jesus "was somehow related to a disturbance of his psyche", because:
"De Loosten, William Hirsch and Binet-Sanglé had somehow assumed a paranoid mental disorder in Jesus and found pathological ideas of greatness and persecution in him." (Life + Thought, p.123)

[But now see this: This Fantasy Jesus is a code play with the numbers 3 (trinity), 12 (the dozen), 13 (moon calendar and women's menstruation rhythm), and 33 is the highest Freemason's grade with 33 vertebrae of the human column - this is all just a GAME!]
University of Strasbourg: Albert Schweitzer with comparative lectures
Albert Schweitzer gives lectures comparing religious fantasies with the natural sciences (Life + Thought, p.125). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"My lectures held in the winter semester of 1911 to 1912 dealt with quarrels of religious views with the results of historical religious research and also comparing all this with facts of the natural sciences." (Life + Thought, p.125)
Spring 1912
Paris: Albert Schweitzer is also studying tropical medicine
Now already, Albert Schweitzer is purchasing things for the future hospital in Lambarene in Paris, for the boxes the customs notes are prepared, etc.
-- medical instruments
-- medication
-- dressings
-- other equipment
-- and the whole household too (Life + Thought, p.126).

Albert Schweitzer notices that placing orders is also an art (translation):
"Today I am so far that the beautiful preparation of an order gives me artistic satisfaction." (Life + Thought, p.126)
Albert Schweitzer notes that product catalogs are very confusing and impractical, even in the medical sector (Life + Thought, p.126-127).

Doctoral thesis by Albert Schweitzer: The Fantasy Jesus is said to have been an ethical ruler
Albert Schweitzer thinks that the Fantasy Jesus is "a powerful, ethical personality." And: "According to his spiritual nature he was actually the ethical [fantasy] ruler promised by the [fantasy] prophet." (Life + Thought, p.124)
[There is just a fantasy provoking the next fantasy...]
June 18, 1912
Marriage of Albert Schweitzer to Helene Bresslau - move to the parsonage of his father Schweitzer
Helene is the daughter of the historian Mr. Bresslau from Strasbourg. Albert Schweitzer then moves with Helene to his father's parsonage and completes all the work that is still outstanding with the help of Helene (Life + Thought, p.126).

1912: Finish in Strasbourg - the money collection for Lambarene

The end of existence in Strasbourg
-- Albert Schweitzer gives up his fantasy religion professorship at the University of Strasbourg
-- Albert Schweitzer gives up the Jesus fantasy preacher position at the Church of St. Nicolai (Life + Thought, p.124).

The begging for money for the jungle hospital: professors, his ex-congregation, congregations of pastor colleagues, money by concerts + lectures
This is followed by begging for money for the hospital in Lambarene on French colonial territory [on the territory of the enemy!]
-- some give something, especially German professors from the University of Strasbourg
-- some reject and humiliate Albert Schweitzer (Life + Thought, p.127).

Significant donations come:
-- by members of his Jesus Fantasy Church St. Nicolai in Strasbourg
-- from other Jesus Fantasy parishes in Alsace, especially where Albert Schweitzer's fantasy religion fellow students act as Jesus fantasy pastors
-- money also comes from a patron concert of the Paris Bach Society with a choir, Maria Philippi and Albert Schweitzer as soloists
-- from a lecture in Le Havre, where Schweitzer is already known with concerts (Life + Thought, p.127).
[It seems strange that the "high circles" like the many countesses are not mentioned as patrons].
There is money collected for about 1 year, for investments, travel and hospital management (Life + Thought, p.127), and "wealthy friends" promise more finances if Albert Schweitzer is bankrupt (Life + Thought, p.128) .
[The extremist Jesus Fantasy Church GIVES NOTHING!
It seems strange that the Jesus Fantasy Mission Society does not give Albert Schweitzer one cent for his hospital project. Albert Schweitzer is thus up against the ENTIRE church in order to enforce his hospital AGAINST the church working for indigenous people and primary nations].

Annie Fischer's help in administration in Europe for Schweitzer
Annie Fischer was a widow and had a son of a tropical doctor from the University of Strasbourg who died young. Annie Fischer helps Albert Schweitzer managing financial and business affairs in Europe. The son later also became a tropical doctor (Life + Thought, p.128).

The earned and collected money is enough for 2 years (p.320-321). Albert Schweitzer expects to spend 15,000 francs per year (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.321).

? The choice of the Lambarene location for the hospital - easy access by canoe
The factors for the choice were
-- the geographical position with the accessibility by canoe on the rivers
-- the information from Jesus fantasy missionary Morel (also an Alsatian) (Life + Thought, p.151).
-- Lambarene is chosen as the location because sleeping sickness is spreading more and more there (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.320).

1912: Application to the Paris Jesus Fantasy Mission Society for Lambarene

Paris: Albert Schweitzer's offer to the Parisian Jesus Fantasy Mission Society
Now Albert Schweitzer makes the offer to the Jesus Fantasy Mission Society of Paris to be a Jesus Fantasy Mission Doctor in Lambarene at OWN EXPENSES (!!!) (p.128). The mission director Jean Bianquis (Boegner's successor) wants the free doctor Albert Schweitzer to work in Lambarene immediately, but the extremist Jesus Fantasy Committee members want to test Albert Schweitzer with a "faith exam" and invite him for a test. Albert Schweitzer rejects this test on the grounds (p.128) that the Fantasy Jesus only demanded from his disciples only to follow him (Life + Thought, p.128-129).

Albert Schweitzer is convinced that humanitarian aid must be neutral. The hospital in Lambarene is supposed to be without confession tests and international, in symbiosis with the Paris Mission Society, which the hospital only tolerates (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.321).

In addition, BEFORE Albert Schweitzer, another doctor had been rejected by the Jesus Fantasy Extremists of the Mission Society because this doctor had doubted that the 4th Fantasy Gospel would come from Fantasy John, and Albert Schweitzer wanted to avoid this fate (Life + Thought, p.129).

Because Albert Schweitzer does not want to become the second rejected doctor, he declines the test, but offers face-to-face meetings with every single committee extremist. Result:
-- The Jesus fantasy extremists believe that Albert Schweitzer could "confuse" the local Jesus fantasy missionaries in Gabon with his own fantasy theology
-- Albert Schweitzer affirms that he only wants to work as a doctor and that he is as "mute as a fish" when the topic is about fantasy religion (Life + Thought, p.129)
"être muet comme une carpe" (literally: mute as a carp) (Life + Thought, p.129,155)
-- many committee members are reassured and even warm and accept the offer of a free doctor (Life + Thought, p.129)
-- some members of the Jesus Fantasy Mission Committee still do not want Albert Schweitzer because "Christian love" is not enough, he must also have the "right faith" (Life + Thought, p.111)
-- a very extreme Jesus fantasy extremist in the mission committee resigns from the committee after Albert Schweitzer has been accepted as a doctor in Lambarene (Life + Thought, p.129-130)
-- With his application in Paris, Albert Schweitzer also wants to change the practice in Paris: It should not be allowed to reject medical help because of questions of faith!
(Life + Thought, p.111)

The Evangelical Jesus Fantasy Mission Society is not accepted
-- Albert Schweitzer rejects to apply for a medical job at the General Evangelical Missions Association of Switzerland because he absolutely wants to go to the Congo (Life + Thought, p.111)

Next step: The French colonial ministry has to approve the GERMAN doctor Albert Schweitzer (!)
-- must approve that a GERMAN doctor with a GERMAN doctoral diploma may heal in the FRENCH colony
-- "Influential acquaintances" also make that possible (Life + Thought, p.130).
[It's not a little bit much what Albert Schweitzer wants to reach as a little revolutionary?]


March-April 1913: Albert + Helene Schweitzer's trip to Gabon to Lambarene

February 1913
-- Shipping of 70 boxes of material to Bordeaux
-- Albert Schweitzer has 2000 RM in gold in his hand luggage, is safer in the event of a war outbreak, which Albert Schweitzer reckons with, despite many efforts at peace and contact between France and Germany, because
-- both states D + F hardly ever pay out wages in gold, and
-- the outbreak of war does not only depend on D + F (Life + Thought, p.130).

FINISHING with music
Albert Schweitzer thinks that with his activity in Africa his musical career has ended (Life + Thought, p.156).

Beginning of March 1913 approx.
Albert + Helene Schweitzer leave Günsbach
(Life + Thought, p.150)

March 26, 1913
Departure of the ship from Bordeaux to Gabon
[The aim is the French mission station Lambarene to build a hospital for blacks]
(Life + Thought, p.150)

The steamers that go to the Congo ("Congo steamers") are built very flat in order to navigate the Congo River up to Matadi even at low tide (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.329).

During a storm that lasts 3 days, the steamer swayed seriously, several people were seriously injured, then comes the arrival in Tenerife, where coal was refilled. When leaving Tenerife, Albert Schweitzer sees flying fishes (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.330).

In Dakar Albert Schweitzer sees how the Afros brutally abuse their horses and mules (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.333).

The ocean in front of Africa is full of sharks, the sharks are attracted by the kitchen garbage of the steamers and also come to the ports (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.334).

In the ports, young black men dive in groups for European coins. They make a huge noise, so that the sharks are driven away. The mouth is a money deposit [at that time black people only had loincloths, no trouser pockets] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.334).

Loading off at the African coast
Most of the ports in Africa do not have a pier, i.e. no protective dam against high waves, so that the cargo is loaded onto the dinghies using the ship's crane. In Grand Bassam (Tabou, Cotonou) it is very extreme, the cargo and people are heaved in wooden boxes onto the dancing boats, sometimes it doesn't work and the cargo gets wet. Africa lacks safe havens (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.336).

The ship with Albert Schweitzer is constantly passing cyclones and downpours (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.336-337).

The colonialist hat against malaria - and it never comes
Albert Schweitzer follows the advice of the Countess of Erlach to only be outside with a colonialist hat in order to never get malaria fever, and it never comes (Life + Thought, p.117).

White people on the ship are warning that with a cloudy sky the sun is much more dangerous than the direct sun (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.337).

Annie Fischer handles the administration in Europe
Ms. Annie Fischer takes on the handling of financial and business matters in Europe for Albert Schweitzer (Life + Thought, p.128).

In 1913 Gabon had 4 Protestant Jesus Fantasy mission stations
-- in N'Gômô, about 200km from the coast
-- in Lambarene, about 250km from the coast
-- in Samkita, about 300km from the coast
-- in Talagouga, about 350km from the coast, on a romantic river island (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.325).

The mission order:
-- In each mission there are 2 married couples with their children as well as 1 single Jesus-Fantasy-Missionary and a teacher

In 1913 Gabon had 3 [cr.ped.gay] Catholic Jesus Fantasy mission stations
-- in N'Djôle
-- at Samba
-- at the tributary N'Gounje (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.326).

The mission order:
-- in each cr.ped.gay Catholic mission there are 10 white persons (3 [cr.ped.gay] priests, 2 lay brothers, 5 sisters) (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.326).

The government is represented with district captains in Cap Lopez + Lambarene + Samba + N'Djôle with about 500 colored soldiers (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.326).

April 13, 1913: Arrival in Libreville

The customs in Africa can be very arbitrary, [depending on the mood of the customs officers], suddenly old things are valued as new etc. to demand more customs etc. (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.337).

from May 1913 approx.: The time of the first hospital in Lambarene

Lambarene's Jesus Fantasy mission gives Albert Schweitzer around 2000 francs for the construction (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.358).

The big school barrack of the Jesus Fantasy mission also serves as the Jesus Fantasy church and Albert Schweitzer preaches the fool's bible from Rome to the blacks there (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.457).

Ojembo is a teacher at the boys' school, he is a "fine person", but at the same time he is also a Jesus fantasy terrorist (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.459)

The hospital in Lambarene

Albert Schweitzer can keep his own books, he is not obliged to do anything to the state, no reports, statistics, applications etc. (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.388).

Europe does not help Albert Schweitzer, not a single government helps, but the [Freemason] governments prefer to spend millions on armaments (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.396).

May 1913 approx.
Reception in Lambarene - a chicken house becomes the first consultation center
-- Now a first corrugated iron barrack should be built to enable a complete medical activity immediately, but this is not possible because there is a lack of workers, because the trade in okoume wood is more attractive than building a house on a Jesus fantasy territory
-- Albert Schweitzer therefore has to set up his first consultation center in an old chicken coop (Life + Thought, p.150).
[Albert Schweitzer has forgotten to take two carpenters from Europe with him! - and he always forgets THIS!]
-- first the building site has to be leveled, that should go with 5 lazy workers of the mission (p.358-359), then they get wages and buy schnapps with it and sleep off their intoxication the next day and cannot be engaged for any work. Then 8 porters from timber merchant Rapp come from the Catholic Jesus Fantasy Mission and soon the territory is leveled (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.359).

The white population in the region of tropical Ogowe River in Gabon
-- Whites from Europe or the "USA" get tired and anemia comes after 1 year, after 2 to 3 years they are no longer able to work and need a break of at least 8 months in Europe
-- there is a high mortality among whites, e.g. in Libreville (the capital of Gabon) on the coast with a mortality rate of almost 14% ("almost 14 in 100") (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.323)
-- before 1914 about 200 white people live at the tropical Ogowe River: planters, timber traders, merchants, government officials, Jesus fantasy missionaries (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)
-- and until 300 years ago there were powerful black tribes living on the Ogowe River, in 1914 everything is in ruins, because the slave trade and the alcohol of the whites destroyed the black tribes (Wasser + Urwald, p.324).
[Colonialism by alcohol
Alcohol destroys a large part of the brain and people lose their spirit, the discipline, the architecture, the sense of prevention, they let their huts fall into ruins, the people lose the art of differentiated thinking, they lose the fine feelings, they only judge affairs generally in black and white, they lose all intermediate colors when thinking, they solve problems with murder and revenge - and the French colonialists then laugh at the blacks when they are fighting each other by alcoholism - French colonialists repeated in Africa what English colonialists did with the natives in "America" for having all power on foreign territory etc. etc. - that's why Christians are a cruelty].
The black population on the tropical Ogowe River in Gabon: Orungus, Galoas, Pahouins
-- the Orungus in the Ogowe Delta have almost completely disappeared (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)
-- the Galoas in the area of ​​Lambarene are a maximum of 80,000 (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324)
-- Tribes from the interior of Gabon are pushing into the void: the Fans (Pahouins) are supposed to be cannibals, they are stopped by the colonialists, not to destroy the others
-- Lambarene is the border between the Pahoins and the old tribes on the lower reaches, the Orungus and the Galoas (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.324).

The dry season and the dangerous sandbanks in the Ogowe River
-- in this dry season the river levels sink considerably and you can walk on the sandbanks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.455), whole villages are camping on the sandbanks for fishing (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.343,455), so there are less patients coming to the hospital (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.455) or the mentally ill are put on a sand bank during the dry season where they can make their theater without handcuffs or unbound (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.360)
-- Sandbanks at the hospital in Lambarene also serve as "mailboxes" to deposit ill persons there anonymously (Letters from Lambarene, p.675)
-- Shipping during the dry season is very dangerous: If steamers get stuck, it may take days before they can free themselves (Letters from Lambarene, p.670,684), or if motorboats hit a sandbank, they become defective (Letters from Lambarene, p.531), or if wooden rafts hit a sandbank, the entire raft has to be dismantled and reassembled, the loss of time is up to 8 days (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.411)
-- always after the dry season after the fishing season there are new waves of patients coming to the hospital (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.455)

No land purchase for a large hospital

The Jesus Fantasy missionary Mr. Morel shows Albert Schweitzer a big territory 3km above Lambarene at the fork of the Ogowe River, on this territory had been big villages of the "Sun King" once. The forest there is young, no problem for clearing. Sometimes oil palms from the former villages can be found (Letters from Lambarene, p.620).

-- The valley basin is the place for the new hospital
-- the rolling hills are the place for houses (Letters from Lambarene, p.620).

But Albert Schweitzer refuses to buy the land, but stays at the Lambarene mission station (Letters from Lambarene, p.620) and builds a hospital designed for 40 patients there (Letters from Lambarene, p.618).
[Later he will regret not having bought the land when his hospital becomes too small and the worst conditions prevail in 1925 - then he finally buys the land in 1926].
The flood of sick blacks
The sick come from the first day on, but Albert Schweitzer still has no medication or surgical instruments (Life + Thought, p.150-151).

The choice of the location now turns out to be correct, because
-- Lambarene can be reached by canoe
-- people come from 200 to 300 km away on a canoe with their relatives (Life + Thought, p.151).

Many blacks refuse a necessary operation, but they make the queue at Albert Schweitzer (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.377). Quote (translation):
"In some areas of equatorial Africa it is difficult or impossible to get the negroes to accept an operation. But how magic is this that on Ogowe River they are even urging for this, I don't know. May be there is a connection that some years ago a military doctor Mr. Jauré-Guibert has proceeded some successful operations when he had a stay at the district captain in Lambarene. I am harvesting what he has sown." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.377)
Diseases of black people
Albert Schweitzer reports that he mainly treated the following diseases:
-- Surgery: especially hernias + elephantiasis tumors
-- dysentery
-- Frambosia
-- heart disease
-- leprosy
-- pneumonia
-- malaria
-- phageenic ulcers
-- sleeping sickness
-- urology (Life + Thought, p.151).

Albert Schweitzer is surprised to find that the African population suffers from many hernias and that they often die in agony from trapped hernias when no doctor is there. So the physical suffering in Africa is dramatic (Life + Thought, p.151)

Sleeping sickness has a center at N'Gounje River, about 150km upwards, and a small center around Lambarene and on the lake behind the location of N'Gômô (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.389).

Albert Schweitzer has to distill water every day, mix medication, scratch out ulcers, pull teeth etc. (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.395).
[The simple method to disinfect water with ultraviolet radiation of the sun is not known yet - link].
The decision to go to the hospital - the family decides
-- often the family council, not the patient, decides whether someone is allowed to heal at Albert Schweitzer's hospital (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.368)

Listening to the heart with an ear tube and making diagnoses - that makes an impression on black people
Albert Schweitzer makes an impression on the Afros by listening to the heart with his ear tube and recognizing heart problems without communication with the blacks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.359). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
<The number of people with heart disease surprises me more and more. For their part, they are amazed that I know all of their suffering when I have listened to them with my ear tube. "Now I think this is a real doctor!" a woman with heart disease recently called to Joseph [Albert Schweitzer's assist]. "He knows that I often cannot breathe at night and that I have swollen feet a lot, and I haven't told him about it, and he hasn't even looked at my feet."> (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.359)

First surgery in Lambarene
-- Albert Schweitzer's first operation is a hernia (Life + Thought, p.151)
-- The blacks immediately trust Albert Schweitzer's operation procedures because they have already had positive experiences with the government doctor Jauré-Guibert: There they have already seen successful operations with healing (Life + Thought, p.153)
-- Albert Schweitzer operates successfully and the first OP cases all survive, which promotes his reputation (Life + Thought, p.153).
-- Albert Schweitzer is operating and healing, he talks nothing about the fantasy god from Rome or about the fantasy Jesus, and that is why the blacks soon have full trust in him (Life + Thought, p.155).

Albert Schweitzer has problems of demarcation
Albert Schweitzer has no "robust temperament" and is always worried and by this eternal worry, he is emotionally drained (Life + Thought, p.153).

The interpreter Joseph Azowani
In Lambarene, Albert Schweitzer is also surprised that he has no translators, because there are hardly black people who could speak French. The first translator is a cook - Joseph Azowani - who then remains in the hospital with Albert Schweitzer (Life + Thought, p.151), although he earns less at Schweitzer than before as a cook. Schweitzer writes that at that time he did not have the money for an equivalent payment (Life + Thought, p.151-152).

Helfer Joseph is a language talent (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.386). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"I am always satisfied with Joseph. He can neither read nor write. Nevertheless, he is not mistaken when he is supposed to reach down a medicine from the stock of the pharmacy. He remembers the word image of the inscription and reads it without knowing the letters." He has a great memory, excellent language skills. He speaks eight Negro dialects and does not speak bad French and English. " (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.386)

The helper Joseph has a tendence for "elegance" and spends 50% of his salary on it. He is much more elegantly dressed than Albert Schweitzer (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.388).

Helfer Joseph had 120 francs a month as a cook in Cap Lopez, now with Albert Schweitzer he has 70 francs a month (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.359).

-- Interpreter Joseph Azowani translates during operations
-- Interpreter Joseph Azowani gives Albert Schweitzer important instructions on how to deal with Afros
-- Interpreter Joseph thinks that seriously ill people have to be rejected, so: The African healers always reject the terminally ill patients in order not to have any failures in their balance sheets
-- Albert Schweitzer is acting differently, he also treats the seriously ill, but gives the warning that the healing may not succeed, that the healing is not certain, and if the seriously ill person heals, then Albert Schweitzer's reputation is rising again (Life + Thought, p.152).

Albert Schweitzer is concluding that black people can deal with death well and do not scream around when a healing of a seriously ill person is not successful (Life + Thought, p.152).

Lambarene: The piano for Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer receives a piano with organ pedal as a gift from the Paris Bach Society, which is transported to Lambarene. Albert does not have the courage to practice at the beginning (Life + Thought, p.156).

Helene Schweitzer with full workload as a nurse + organizer

-- she does the household PLUS
-- she is a nurse + is assisting
-- she is managing the linen and bandages
-- she is proceeding the sale in the pharmacy
-- she cleans the medical instruments, prepares the operations and is proceeding the anesthesias (Life + Thought, p.152).

-- Ms. Helene Schweitzer also cooks the healthy food for the white patients and is therefore famous throughout the country (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.450)

Lambarene: Helene Schweitzer can't stand the humid climate
Helene Schweitzer can't stand the humid air in Lambarene and therefore has to spend more time by the sea to compensate (Life + Thought, p.174).

Case Aug.15, 1913: Operation of an incarcerated lumbar hernia
The operation takes place in an improvised room, the operating room is not finished yet (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.368).

An incarcerated lumbar hernia is operated (the intestine "backfires"), the operation takes about 4 hours, and Albert Schweitzer takes the last stitches under the light of the kerosene lamp - and the patient is healed (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.377).

The healed patient collects 20 francs for Albert Schweitzer in his family as a reward for the successful operation (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.378).

Case: Open fracture on the lower leg with a protruding piece of bone, hand-length, festering
and the patient is totally meager - he is cured by Albert Schweitzer (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.377).

The patient's uncle is a carpenter and builds some cupboards for the hospital (Life + Thought, p.378), the cupboards are used as medicament deposits (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.379).

Anesthesia is reported to be "dead" - the awakening from the anesthesia is reported to be "resurrection"
Anesthesia is perceived by blacks as death and awakening as resuscitation. Heart or brain strokes are also described as "being dead" ("I was dead") (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.378).

Good blacks: gifts without need
Albert Schweitzer also receives gifts from people simply as a thank you for coming for the blacks to heal here (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.378).

Among the gifts is also a torture thing that black people use among themselves, a hippopotamus whip made of hippopotamus skin (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.378).

Case: leprosy
The patient comes from the Fernand Vaz lagoon, south of Cap Lopez (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.379).

from September / October 1913
Jesus fantasy sermons by Albert Schweitzer in Lambarene - new translators
In autumn 1913 Albert Schweitzer was asked by the Jesus fantasy mission leadership to preach in Lambarene [ooo, he should speak about fantasy religion!], and from now on he no longer has to be as mute as a fish (Life + Thought, p.155). He is allowed to preach, and black school teachers translate his sermons into the languages ​​of the Goalas and Pahuins (Life + Thought, p.156).

October 1913 approx.
Albert Schweitzer is given a fetish (lucky charm)
Fetishes are also given as a present, e.g. to Albert Schweitzer, who now has got a fetish with pieces of skull from a parietal bone (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.365). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"I have a fetish myself. The main parts of it are two elongated oval cutouts from a human skull, being soaked in red dye, it seems to me that they are taken from the parietal bones. The owner and his wife had been sick for months. They suffered from insomnia, it was a torture for them. In the dream, the man heard a voice several times, which revealed to him that they could both recover only if he brought the fetish he had inherited from his fathers to the missionary Mr. Haug in N'Gômô, and he should obey to the missionary's orders. Finally he did as he was commanded. Mr. Haug ordered him to give me the fetish as a present. Man and woman stayed with me for several weeks and left the hospital in a much better condition than before. " (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.365)

Late autumn 1913: the first treatment center 8x4m is ready

Late autumn / November 1913
Lambarene: The corrugated iron barrack on the river is ready
-- the corrugated iron house is 8 by 4 meters
-- the corrugated iron house has a roof of leaves above the corrugated iron roof [so that the corrugated iron stays cool]
-- the corrugated iron house is divided into a consultation room, an operating room and a small pharmacy (Life + Thought, p.150).
-- Albert Schweitzer always maintains in contact with Dr. Nassau who is now in "America" ​​and congratulates Albert Schweitzer for building his hospital (Life + Thought, p.151)

The first hospital village - with racist separation between blacks and whites - [NO cultural exchange - no direct learning processes]
Around this medical barrack, bamboo huts are built for lodging the ill and their family members. The whites are racisticly separated being housed with the Jesus fantasy missionaries and in the doctor's house (Life + Thought, p.150).
[The cultural exchange and the exchange of wisdom are NOT promoted at Albert Schweitzer - learning processes only take place indirectly - or blacks are also stealing - and alcoholism and damaged brains are healing with sodium bicarbonate water+apple cider vinegar taken on an empty stomach in the morning during 1 or 2 months - what Mr. Albert Schweitzer did not detect, he had no cure for recovering brains...].
The hospital in Lambarene accommodates around 40 sick people and their relatives every day (Life + Thought, p.153).

Albert Schweitzer demands a small payment
-- Albert Schweitzer demands a compensation for the drugs used
-- that amounts to 200 to 300 francs per month (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.449)
-- Albert Schweitzer educates the relatives of the black patients to pay something for the cure, i.e. with money, bananas, chickens and eggs, so the upkeep of the hospital for Albert Schweitzer is a little cheaper. The money is used to buy rice when the bananas have run out (Life + Thought, p.153).

Albert Schweitzer also states that customers appreciate the value of the hospital more when they see that there is also work there and they can participate in it (Life + Thought, p.154).
[In the 2000s, journalists like André Audoynaud, who don't know anything about the details, would claim that Albert Schweitzer did execute slave labor and beat black people in his hospital ... but Audoynaud does not report anything about the crime of black people against hospital staff and fellow patients - André Audoynaud's report of lies is from 2005 - appears to be a Freemason who "wants to collect points"].
"Very wild people" think that after the operation they would have the right to get a present from Schweitzer!
Some blacks - "very wild boys" - think that they would receive a present from Albert Schweitzer after the healing, because Albert Schweitzer has now become their "friend" (Life + Thought, p.154).

Albert Schweitzer talks to black people - thoughts about life
Albert Schweitzer concludes by conversations with the Afros that the Afros do think about life and not just live like animals (Life + Thought, p.154).
[In "Christian" racist Europe, black groups are hold in zoos as dancing half animals until 1945. So, Albert Schweitzer is also fighting the racist doctrine of the "Christian" governments dedicating a complete hospital to black people].

December 1913: Houses in Lambarene Hospital - patient beds are built
-- the waiting hall and a barrack for the sick are ready, 13 x 6 m
-- the Jesus fantasy missionary Mr. Christol is assisting Albert Schweitzer on building
-- the distance to the river is 25m, there is a mango tree in the bay
-- and now the beds are being built (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.373).

Bed construction in Lambarene's hospital
-- A bed for patients in Lambarene is a frame for two or 3 people, 50cm high, so that things can be stowed below (boxes, cookware, supplies, bananas), and with dried grass as a mattress over it
-- Women and men sleep together in a barrack, Albert Schweitzer only regulates that the sick always have a bed, relatives who cannot find space on beds have to sleep on the [bare] earth ground (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.374 ).

A few huts are still missing
-- a hut for the family members
-- a hut for patients with dysentery
-- there is also a project for building a separated hut for patients with sleeping sickness on the other bank of the river (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.374).

December 1913: Only about 2 to 3 operations per week
Albert Schweitzer's team only manages two to three operations per week. The patients with hernias make the queue (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.376).

-- Albert Schweitzer makes bandages in the morning, in the afternoon he operates [or is a construction manager] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.377).

1913-1914 approx.
Lambarene: intrigues of Jesus fantasy pastors against "lower believers"
In the mission school, Albert Schweitzer can observe intrigues of black Jesus fantasy pastors against young blacks and does NOT intervene:
-- who e.g. does not take the catechism seriously, fails the baptismal examination
-- those who bring logical answers instead of catechetical answers fail the baptismal test (Life + Thought, p.155).
[Here you can see how a Church's school is going on - it's total corruption, and thinking is forbidden because all is LIE, and then discrimination comes when pupils don't accept the Fantasy Doctrine from Rome... and in this way many mental talents are blocked ant the stupids who accept all the fantasy from Rome are making their career. THIS is "justice of the fantasy God" of Rome. It's not more than a Fantasy mafia - ups! And the Vatican are 1,000 gays, criminal pedophiles, drug dealers, money launderers, they are Satanists - and all this Mr. Albert Schweitzer did not see - he was really a bit naive...].
Early 1914
Lambarene: Albert Schweitzer healed 2000 patients
It seems strange: appendicitis and cancer do not occur, are not present in Equatorial Africa (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.366). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"During nine months of my work I have seen around 2000 different patients. I was able to determine that most European diseases are represented here. But I have not yet seen cancer and appendicitis. They are said not to be found among the negroes of Equatorial Africa." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.366)
Jan. 10, 1914: Malaria and a broken thigh
Case: Malaria with Mrs. Jesus fantasy missionary Mrs. Faure (p.370), she has fever and delirium (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.371)
Case: On the same day, a victim of a hippo attack is admitted with a broken thigh. The hippopotamus had attacked a fishing boat and had then followed the victim, others were able to save themselves (p.369), then the victim was brought to Albert Schweitzer with a 12 hour boat ride (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.370) .

Little free time in Lambarene: Everything for Johann Sebastian Bach
In the early days of Lambarene, Albert Schweitzer hardly had any free time, but when he had any, he also worked in his free time: He worked on the last three volumes of the "American" edition of Bach's organ works (Life + Thought, p.156).

Albert Schweitzer in Lambarene: It's NOT the end of music
One day the urge to practice and perfectionate comes back and he learns organ works of Bach, Mendelssohn, Widor, César Franck and Max Reger by heart. Albert Schweitzer enjoys practicing without pressure sometimes only for 30 minutes a day (Life + Thought, p.156).
[There is the question why Albert Schweitzer did not learn about jungle medicine with jungle herbs - but he is loosing hours with classical music...]

Samkita Jan. + Feb. 1914

Samkita Jesus fantasy mission - January + February 1914: Albert + Helene Schweitzer with missionary Herrmann with furunculosis + high fever
Albert Schweitzer is absent from his hospital for 3 weeks (p.383). At the same time, many people from the region also come to the mission  for being healed by Schweitzer (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.380).

Medical assistant Joseph stays in Schweitzer's hospital and takes care of the sick for a few days and makes the bandages for them while Albert and Helene Schweitzer are in Samkita. Joseph also manages to bandage a festering stump of an arm with hydrogen peroxide solution, which must first be obtained from Natrum perboricum (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.383).

At the same time, people in the hospital are waiting for an operation for weeks and Albert Schweitzer is not present (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.383-384).

Samkita: A leopards kills chickens
Case: a leopard breaks into the hen house of the Jesus fantasy mission and kills all 22 chickens. Jesus fantasy missionary Marcel prepares one of the dead chickens with strychnine (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.382). .

    Strychnine causes muscle rigidity (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strychnine).

Well then the leopard comes back and eats the chicken with strychnine, he poisons himself, rolls around on the ground and Marcel shoots the perpetrator (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.382).

Case: A leopard kills goats (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.382).

Jesus fantasy missionary Cadier serves monkey meat (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.382).

Albert Schweitzer and his love for animals - the blacks are angry!
The black paddlers from the hospital tell Albert Schweitzer that he should shoot and kill more animals (p.382), because the blacks want to eat meat from monkeys, birds and caimans, but Albert Schweitzer only wants to shoot snakes and birds of prey . The blacks only shake their heads (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.383).

February 2014: Inauguration of the hospital barrack with operating theater
-- Building the hospital barrack two craftsmen "missionaries" helped with the construction, Mr. Kast (Swiss) and Mr. Ottmann (Argentine)
-- The floors are made of cement, the windows go up to the roof so that the hot air can escape and there is air circulation (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.372)
-- Mosquito windows are installed against mosquitoes, and shutters are installed to protect against thunderstorms (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.372-373).
-- The doctor's wife is instructing the medical assistant Joseph to clean the instruments and prepare operations
-- The doctor's wife is doing the hospital laundry and washes out the bandages (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.374)
-- In the afternoon the doctor's wife is proceeding the anesthesia (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.375).

Three employees
The hospital has three employees:
1) A boy who does the rooms and supervises the chickens
2) A cook preparing the food
3) A washer for washing and ironing everything (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.375).
[How much time they loose ironing? And they don't learn the jungle medicine? - Albert Schweitzer mentiones jungle medicine only in a negative way. Just crazy].
Albert Schweitzer has to keep all things locked to prevent blacks from stealing. If he permits that things can be stolen, he is considered stupid by the blacks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.375-376).

Tragic death - by amputation
Albert Schweitzer comes back from Samkita after a 3 week trip. A patient with a severe leg injury had to wait for the operation, then the condition worsens and the amputation ends with the patient's death (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.383-384). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"I met the young man who was hurd by a hippopotamus, he was in (p.383) bad condition. By the stay away during 3 weeks, I was hindered to operate him in time. Now he died during the amputation of the thigh which was proceeded in a hurry." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.384)
Case: ascites
is punctured (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.385).

Case: shot hand and sleeping sickness
A white man in Gabon cleaned his revolver and involuntarily shot himself in his own hand. Then he and his servant come to Albert Schweitzer's hospital, who suspects that the servant has sleeping sickness, examines the blood with the microscope and discovers sleeping sickness. So two lives are saved at once (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.390-391).

Construction of the hut for sleeping sickness patients on the other bank
-- the territory must be cleared
-- Albert Schweitzer has to monitor everything and cannot operate much during this time (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.388-389)

July 1914 approx.
Lambarene: Albert Schweitzer's hospital receives a large load of medicines and bandages
(Life + Thought, p.174)

July 1914
Lambarene: Albert Schweitzer with abscess goes to the military doctor in Cape Lopez
The abscess opens and slowly heals, he stays in Cap Lopez for weeks [healing other people there] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.403).

since July 1914: healings with methyl violet
-- in July 1914 approx. the first methyl violet reaches the hospital in Lambarene, Prof. Stilling sends it with the suggestion to try it out in Lambarene, and it becomes a total success, Albert Schweitzer just does not like the color of this popular powder (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.449)
-- Methyl violet has the company name "Pyoktanin" and comes from Merck ("Mercksche Farbenwerke")
-- Professor Stilling - a professor of ophthalmology (curing eyes) - has found the disinfecting effect of the concentrated dye methyl violet
-- Methyl violet kills bacteria without attacking the tissue, does not irritate, is non-toxic
-- Methyl violet is much better than sublimate, carbolic acid, iodine tincture
-- Methyl violet also promotes the skinning in the healing of the ulcers (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.449)

August 1914
Albert Schweitzer's journey from Cap Lopez to Lambarene
with a load of petroleum from the "USA" for the natives (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.418).

The health of the Schweitzers has improved a lot in these 3 weeks on the beach (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.454).

First World War 1914-1918: Whites are killing whites - Albert Schweitzer interned until the end of November 1914 - and the Afros don't understand that - the whites are NOTHING with the blacks anymore
[The whites have world power - and are at war
The whites, who rule almost the entire world with their steam ships, telegraph lines and steam engines, are now banging on each other. The Afros absolutely cannot understand THAT. So something is wrong in the brain of the white people with their Jesus fantasy - fantasy bible says: You shall not kill!]
Albert Schweitzer quote how he describes this moral disaster:

"Many natives are wondering how it is possible that the whites who bring them the gospel of love are now murdering each other and thereby disregarding the commandments of the Lord Jesus (p.441), we all feel this. If they ask us the question, we are helpless. When I am approached by thinking negroes, I try not to explain anything, not to gloss over anything, but to say that we are faced with something incomprehensible and terrible. How much the ethical and the religious authority of the whites among the children of nature suffers as a result of this war, one will only be able to assess later. I fear that the damage will be enormous. " (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.442)

And from the first week on since the beginning of this First World War even more disaster comes in Africa:

Aug.5, 1914
WW1: outbreak of war in Europe + internment - blacks complain about black soldiers who lock up a white doctor
The government in Paris immediately put Albert and Helene Schweitzer under house arrest on Lambarene and placed them under black-French soldiers [because Albert and Helene Schweitzer are Germans from German Alsace]. Also another pair of missionaries (also Alsatians) on Lambarene is placed under house arrest. Many blacks protest and insult the black soldiers protesting against the fact that blacks are now locking up a white doctor (Life + Thought, p.157).

-- the Gabon government is commandeering steam ships now so that the population and the Jesus fantasy missionaries have no more steamship connections (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.440). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"On August 4th, two days after our return from Cap Lopez, I had prepared some medication for a sick lady in Cape Lopez and sent Joseph to a trading post to ask if her little steamer could take the package with her on its next trip. He brought me a note from the white man: "In Europe there is mobilization and probably already war. We have to make our steamer available to the authorities and do not know when it is going to Cape Lopez."" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.440)
WWI: The black timber trade is gone - inflation - but Albert Schweitzer has a deposit for his hospital
The blacks are losing the timber trade to Europe - and inflation is driving up prices (Life + Thought, p.157).

Despite a state of war, Albert Schweitzer has enough medication and bandages in stock for his treatments, he and his jungle hospital have big luck (Life + Thought, p.174).

WWI: Food shortage in Lambarene - patients should pay with food - the Jesus Fantasy School is temporarily closed
In Lambarene's hospital there is an acute shortage of food [since August 1914 from the beginning of World War I], which is why Albert Schweitzer then demands food from the healed patients as payment. The school of the Jesus-Fantasy-Mission station with 150 children has to close sometimes because of a lack of food (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.427).

since Aug.6, 1914
WWI: The white technology culture turns negative and destructive
-- The white technology culture is in decline and people are blasting each other off. Albert Schweitzer's warnings since 1899 are coming true (Life + Thought, p.159).
-- the work "Die Epigones", which Albert Schweitzer had planned, no longer makes sense, but Albert Schweitzer writes it for himself during his house arrest (!) (Life + Thought, p.160)
-- Albert Schweitzer is afraid that the guards will rob him the pages he has written (Life + Thought, p.160)

from August 1914
Whites from Gabon have to go to Europe to fulfill their "soldiers' duty"
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)
-- some whites who live on the Ogowe River then go to Europe for war and fall during acts of war and are killed. The blacks comment on the war as a pointless "palaver" (Life+Thought, p.157)

WWI: Black perspectives on senseless acts of war
The blacks also have different perspectives on fatalities during the fight:
-- if a war party kills someone, then the perpetrator's side has to pay for killing a human life
-- if one kills people without eating them afterwards, the killing must have been done out of pure CRUELINESS (Life + Thought, p.157).

from August 1914
Lambarene: Eating monkey meat becomes normal
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)
-- Monkey meat is donated by a Jesus fantasy missionary (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)
-- Monkeys are the easiest game to kill
-- Monkey meat tastes like sweet goat meat
-- In the eyes of some whites, eating monkey meat is the beginning of man-eating (anthropophagy) (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.454).

WWI: During internment: External contacts thanks to Mr. Robert Kaufmann
Albert Schweitzer can maintain his communication with the world through a Bach singer in Zurich - Robert Kaufmann - who organizes the connection to the internees office ("Office des Internés Civils") in Geneva for Albert Schweitzer (Life + Thought, p.173).

1Wk. During internment: beginning with the cultural philosophy with the search for ethics - and why ethics was lost
Albert Schweitzer now has the whole day for free and uses the time from the second day to develop his cultural philosophy:
-- Whites are only epigones (discussion in Berlin in the summer of 1899 in the Curtius house)
-- humanity is moving towards self-destruction (thoughts from university time)
-- Ideals no longer count, the sense for justice and appropriateness are going down (Life + Thought, p.158)
-- philosophical hopes for the future of mankind are reduced to that what can be done (Life + Thought, p.158-159)
-- "Reality politics" are converted into short-sighted nationalism
-- Anti-progressive tendencies are encouraged
-- the belief in a high level of inventions + knowledge + spirit + ethics turns out to be superstition respectively old cultures [without big arms] turn out to be smarter than the new technical cultures of the whites (!) (Life + Thought, p.159)

from September 1914
WWI: House arrest for Albert + Helene Schweitzer cannot be maintained, is not feasible
-- from about August 10th, 1914 WHITE AND BLACK AT THE SAME TIME complain to the French military authorities that the only doctor in the region should now be locked up, and that is not possible
-- some sick people urgently ask for treatment from Albert Schweitzer [because some of them have traveled over 100s of km with family members!]
-- the district captain of the French army has to allow treatments and instructs the guards to let the sick patients through to Albert Schweitzer (Life + Thought, p.160).

Late November 1914
Lambarene: Albert + Helene Schweitzer's internment is canceled
-- Albert + Helene Schweitzer's internment is canceled at the instigation of a Mr. Widor. Now they can heal people also officially again
-- in his free time Albert continues with cultural analysis, partly all night long with thoughts of the people in the trenches. The key question of the matter is the process why it is possible to bring entire cultures to ruin (Life + Thought, p.160)
[Albert Schweitzer is investigating the manipulation of the masses without knowning about MindControl with media and transmitters of the secret services. He don't want to detect the mafia in Rome nor the Satanists in London with the Committee of 300 with Rothschild - all this he does not know - so Albert Schweitzer remains a childish musucian].
from December 1914
Bad consequences of the First World War for black people in Africa
-- Lack of ships -> no more timber transport possible -> layoffs
-- Lack of ships -> the workers can no longer be transported back to their villages -> they have to walk long distances in groups
-- Shortage of ships -> prices are increasing for imported products from Europe and North "America": tobacco, sugar, rice, petroleum, schnapps (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.441).

Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"For a certain time no wood can be transported because of the lack of ships, and all workers being employed for one year are dismissed from the factories; and as there are no ships going for transporting them home, they collect in groups for walking heading for and reaching the coast line of Loango where most of them have come from." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.441)
There is famine in Africa
-- there is hardly any rice left because rice can no longer be imported from Europe, all deliveries are questionable (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.444).

The blacks only feel hoaxed by the white Jesus fantasy Christians
-- Inflation: the blacks associate WWI only with higher prices, they don't see the deads in Europe (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.441)
-- The whites kill each other, why so? The blacks ask why the Bible demands "charity", but the whites in Europe kill each other (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.441-442)
-- Censorship by Albert Schweitzer: Albert Schweitzer hides the horrors of war from black people, he hides the newspapers (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.442)

Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"The fact that tobacco, sugar, rice, kerosene and schnapps are suddenly becoming so expensive makes blacks aware that there is war. This is what concerns them most about the events in those times. (p.441 ) [...] For us, the war is more than an uncomfortable increase in prices. Each of us fears for the life of many good people, and we hear the moaning of the wounded and the groaning of the dying from far away (Life + Thought, p.441) - [...] That many natives are asking how it is possible that the whites, who bring them the gospel of love, now murder each other and thereby disregard the commandments of the Lord Jesus p.441), we all feel. (p.442). [...] In my house I make sure that blacks learn as little as possible about the atrocities of war in illustrated newspapers - the post office is starting to function on a fairly regular basis again - must not lie around so that the boys who can read will not occupy themselve deeply with the texts and the pictures, so all talk about it is blocked." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.442)
[Let's see what happens: Albert Schweitzer commits CENSORSHIP - and the white Christians are outrageously brutal making war with their technology!]
-- End of 2014: elephants are eating up the banana fields: the food shortage is getting worse because of the elephants, who were able to reproduce quietly because of the neglect of the elephant hunt and are now devouring one banana field after the other (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.442). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"What worries me is the procurement of food for the sick. There is almost famine here ... because of the elephants. In Europe one usually imagines that the wild animals will die out where the "culture" [from Europe] comes (Life + Thought, p.442). This may be the case in some areas, in others almost the opposite is true. Why? For three reasons: If the indigenous population declines, as is the case in many places, there is less hunting. The natives have forgotten how to hunt animals in the primitive and often ingenious way of their ancestors. They are used to hunting with rifles. However, in view of possible revolts, the governments of all Equatorial Africa are selling to the natives only little powder. And modern hunting rifles are forbidden, they permit only the old flintlock shotguns. But thirdly, the fight against the wild animals is reduced also because the natives have got no time any more for it. They are making more money timbering and rafting than with hunting. Therefore the elephants can live in peace and can reproduce without danger. This has consequences that we feel now. Banana plantations of the northwest villages from here are ravaged again and again by elephants where we have the food from. 20 elephants are enough to destruy a big plantation in one night. What is not eaten is trampled." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.443)

[There is another possibility yet: the blacks say that the banana plantations were visited by elephants in order not to have to give anything].

since the end of 1914
Lambarene: The post office works half half - but boxes of hospital material are still in Le Havre and Antwerp
Albert Schweitzer's hospital is also in need now:
-- since December 1914 the post office works to some extent again
-- many boxes for the hospital are still in the ports of Le Havre and Antwerp, transport not determined (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.442)

Albert Schweitzer still has time to ponder
-- after normal days Albert Schweitzer ponders ethics and culture. He receives books from Professor Strohl at the University of Zurich
-- he ponders about thoughts that he already had around 1900 (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.451)
-- Albert Schweitzer always plays music between 1pm and 2pm, including on Sunday afternoons
-- Albert Schweitzer thinks that the soul feels deeper in the jungle than in Europe:
"I learn to understand many of Bach's organ pieces more easily and more inwardly than before." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.451)

[And Albert Schweitzer never has the idea to investigate for jungle plants and jungle natural medicine? So he could have spared many transports of chemical medicine in wooden boxes for the hospital...]

January-April 1915
Lambarene: Exceptional work for 4 months
Strong thunderstorms have underminded  the hospital barrack and everything has to be rearranged so that this will not happen again:
-- A stone wall is being built around the hospital barrack
-- Rainwater ditches are dug through the entire hospital grounds so that the water can flow off the hill quickly
-- stones have to be brought in, e.g. from the hill, e.g. with boats from other areas, and the walls are built with cement - cement can be found in an old barrel standing around on the mission, so as far as the cement is concerned, Albert Schweitzer is lucky in this case (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p .445)

April 1915
Lambarene: Termites discovered in a bandage box
[Termites eat away at the wood so that whole houses can collapse]. In the case of the wooden storage boxes, the following must now be done:
-- the termites are perceived by their sticky smell (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.446)
-- the attractant for the termites was a medicinal syrup that dripped from a leaky cork bottle (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.446)
-- all boxes must be opened and repacked
-- so Albert Schweitzer wastes any free time for weeks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.445).
[Natural medicine from the rain forest for sparing transports from Europe is not his topic...]

Lambarene: soldered cans against the small weevil
-- Flour + corn for chickens are soldered in cans, that's why Helene Schweitzer is now learning to solder
But: The small weevil (Calandra granaria) also penetrates the soldered cans, and in a short time the corn is converted into dust (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.446)

Albert Schweitzer fights against vermin
-- small weevil (Calandra granaria)
-- termites
-- little scorpions
-- stinging insects.
--> Every step in the housework becomes a risk and you have to be careful with every movement, not like in Europe, where you can safely take something from a drawer without looking (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.446)

Albert Schweitzer fights against black army ants (Dorylus)
-- Albert Schweitzer's house is [what bad luck!] built on an ant road of the black army ants (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.447)
-- his dog "Caramba" on the terrace is of no use against ants, not either the little dwarf antelope on the terrace (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.451)
-- the army ants are marching through territories in parallel columns (p.446), run very quickly, much faster than European ants (p.448) at a distance of 5 to 50m (p. 447), the big hikes take place especially at the beginning and at the end of the rainy season [i.e. in September and May] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.448)
-- the army ants bite and are hardly removable, or the grippers get stuck in the skin (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.447-448)
-- during the hikes every small animal is eaten away, even big spiders that save themselves on trees (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.447)

-- the black army ants usually swarm out at night, so there are always night attacks
-- chickens warn with scratching and a "strange chuckle"
--> one has to let the chickens out of the hen house, so they don't become victims, otherwise the ants attack the chickens, crawl in their noses and mouths and the chickens suffocate and are eaten up by the army ants, chicks are all eaten up, they can't chuckle
-- Albert Schweitzer then fetches water from the river, which is mixed with Lysol [disinfectant - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysol], and the area around the house is watered with it (p. 447), the smell of lysol drives the ants away and many drown (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.448)
-- the worst was so far a week with 3 raids of the army ants (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.448)

Summer 1915
Lambarene: Albert Schweitzer has new theses on how a culture disappears
But now he also wants to know how to rebuild a culture (!) (Life + Thought, p.160-161)

Albert Schweitzer's findings on the decline of cultures: First comes the worldview - then the ideals of culture - then the people
-- First comes a catastrophe with the worldview
-- then the destructive worldview destroys the culture, whose ideals then no longer count (Life + Thought, p.162)
-- Life affirmation, ethics + will to progress lose orientation (Life + Thought, p.165)
-- Worlds are converting from ethical to non-ethical worlds because the ethical world "was not really based on thinking":
-- there was noble thinking, enthusiastic thinking, affirmation of life, ethics
-- but this thinking was only superficial without living according to it
-- the belonging together of the elements is only a feeling, without acting respecting this (Life + Thought, p.166):
"It [the way of thinking] was feeling and experiencing the togetherness of the ethical and the affirmation of the world and of life more than it proved it [in the case of doubt]." (Life + Thought, p.166)


"It [the way of thinking] acknowledged the affirmation of the world and life and ethics, without really having explored itself and its inner connectedness." (Life + Thought, p.166)

[In short words: People were preaching and singing for peace but did not destroy the armament industry!]
If a culture breaks down, then the "noble and valuable worldview" was more of a belief and was not real action and was therefore not capable of survival, but other powers take over the spirit (Life + Thought, p.166).

Albert Schweitzer's insights into the rebuilding of a culture: ideals + ethics with progress or denial of progress
-- you have to rebuild the ideals
-- an ethic must be established that protects the world and life from violence = this is: "world and life affirmation"
Examples: Enlightened technology culture
-- this can be a progressive culture permitting a further development [performing a policy without violence] (Life + Thought, p.162)
-- Europe developed the will to progress in ancient Greece, then came a standstill, the Middle Ages were shaped by the Jesus Fantasy Church with ecclesiastical repression, and at the same time the Rome God Fantasy Christians believed that the "extrasensory perception" (again fantasy!) would be the "sense of life" (Life + Thought, p.163)
-- the renaissance renounced the Church's dogmas against normal life, new ethics are developed and a "spiritual-ethical world", the people themselves want to "become an active force in the world" and so new ideals are developed reshaping the world (Life + Thought, p.164)
-- this is how modern culture is founded (Life + Thought, p.164).

Such ethical-progressive cultures are:
-- the Zarathustra culture (which is then destroyed by the Mohammed Fantasy Islam: affirmation of life, ethics and the will to progress lose their orientation)
-- the Chinese thinking of Confucius (Kung-Tse), Meng-Tse, Mi-Tse etc. (which is then almost totally decayed by English colonialism - the affirmation of life, ethics and the will to progress lose their orientation (Life + Thought, p.162)
[since about 1650, the Mafia of the East India Company from London is ordering to plant drugs in India, which are then sold in China in order to destroy India and China AT THE SAME TIME, this is only revealed with Coleman's book "The Committee of 300"].

Culture without development in India
-- that can be a negative culture like in India, which rejects all progress as "folly", [but at the same time makes nonviolent politics] with an eternal retreat into the interior - as well as with a lack of interest for the whole of humanity - and with no action during the life - and with the simplest waiting for the no longer to be - and with the expectation of ultimately standing above the gods (Life + Thought, p.162).
-- this is the way how the Brahmins are thinking, and now all people in India should become like the Brahmins [a false ideal] (Life + Thought, p.163).

Culture without development of the indigenous people
-- Albert Schweitzer thinks that the indigenous cultures ("primitives and semi-primitives") simply live there without the will to progress (Life + Thought, p.163).
A decline of a culture is a consequence of the progressive weakening of the world view with the ethical world and life affirmation (Life + Thought, p.166).
[Albert Schweitzer has no idea about the secret lodges and Satanist circles deciding about peace or war since about 3000 years, and he has no idea either about the strong natives in "America" who have preserved the world wisdom].

Research into how a new culture comes up

since summer 1915
-- Albert Schweitzer inwardly holds on to the ethical affirmation of the world and of life (Life + Thought, p.167)
-- how a new culture arises is still unclear for Albert Schweitzer (Life + Thought, p.167-168)
-- everything he has studied in ethics is useless for the task of creating a new culture, so this field was "unexplored land" and thus pioneering work:
"To my surprise, I found that the central province of philosophy, to which my thinking about culture and worldview had led me, was actually unexplored land." (Life + Thought, p.168)
Albert Schweitzer's spirit is now looking for new words and concepts (Life + Thought, p.168).
[Instead of new research concerning natural medicine with rain forest plants...]
September 1915 (in Gabon dry season)
A river trip brings the solution: The key concept for a holistic culture: Reverence for life
Albert and Helene Schweitzer are at Cape Lopez on the beach because Helene has to relax. There comes a message that a Jesus fantasy missionary - Ms. Pelot - should be treated 200km upriver in N'Gômô. A steamer with a barge is ready (p.168), Albert Schweitzer quickly gets on the barge (p.169). A black friend from Lambarene - Emil Ogouma - is on board on the barge, all others are unknown black people who let Albert eat with them, because in the rush Schweitzer had no time to buy food for the trip (Life + Thought, p.168).

The journey up the river is difficult at low tide between sandbanks. Albert Schweitzer is on the deck of the barge with pen and paper and is always looking for a solution to the creation of a culture. On the evening of the third day, the steamer and the barge are passing a herd of hippos, and that's when Albert Schweitzer thinks of the key term for a holistic culture:

    "Awe of Life." (Life + Thought, p.169)

This counts for positive cultures with world affirmation, with life affirmation, with ethics, with cultural ideals (Life + Thought, p.169).

Late 1915 / December 1915
Another Jesus fantasy war Christmas
The candle stubs from 1914 are now completely burned down (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.445)

The war news reach Lambarene regularly (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.452). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"News of the war now come here fairly regularly now. From N'Djôle - where the great telegraph line from Libreville goes inwards - or from Cap Lopez, the telegrams, an extract from (p.452) the daily reports, are brought here about every 14 days. The district captain sends them by a black soldier to the factories and to the two mission stations. They are read while the deliverer waits for them to be returned. Then for 14 days one thinks again about the war in general. How is the mood for the people who have to read this every day being upset, being stressed, we cannot imagine this. But we do not envy them. " (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)
10 of the white "soldier duty" people have already fallen
The blacks only shake their heads at the stupid whites, why the whites wage wars against each other and do not negotiate (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453). Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"During these days it became known here that 10 of the whites who had gone from the Ogowe to Europe to do their military service had already died. This makes a great impression on the natives. "10 people have already died in this war!" an old Pahuin said. "Yes, then why don't these tribes come together to discuss the palaver? How can they pay for all of these dead?" Because with the natives it's like this: those who kill somebody in war have to pay for this, not important if they are the vanquished or the winners." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)
Or the blacks ask: "Is there still war going on?" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)

End of 1915: The whole of Gabon is bankrupt
-- the First World War blocks all connections, so that all trade between Europe and Africa collapses
-- Albert Schweitzer complains: "Now there is no more money in the country"
-- the patients can hardly give anything
-- and some white Europeans get stuck in Gabon and wait for years for a return journey (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.449)
-- some whites are collapsing and have to go to a doctor for "repairs" (p.449-450) and they tell what happens to them, they are in bed in hospital for weeks, sometimes whites come in pairs or in groups of three, then Albert Schweitzer sleeps on the terrace under the protection of mosquito wire nets and lets the whites sleep in his bed (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.450)
-- but there are cases when some whites come from Cap Lopez only to "relax" in Lambarene to enjoy the fine hospital meals from Ms. Helene Schweitzer, well, then Albert Schweitzer rejects these white patients if a doctor is present in Cap Lopez (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.450)

Late 1915: The racist whites lose EVERY authority with the blacks
-- when [the Christian-racist] Europe wages the First World War and wastes billions on wars, there is no more money for Africa and connections are broken
-- and when the whites kill each other, both Catholics and Protestants lose all authority with the blacks (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.468).
[The only thing the mission station does to the blacks is education through the school because the black governments are failing and not installing their own school systems].
End of 1915: Albert Schweitzer remains without money and has to go into debt
-- [because of interrupted mail?]
-- because his circle of friends in Europe is totally destroyed by the First World War and people can no longer send anything, partly because they are impoverished (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p. 476)
-- Albert Schweitzer has to go into debt and can only pay the medical assistant Joseph 35 francs a month
-- Joseph quits his job now in the hospital, because such a low salary is "below his honor", he goes with the money box that Albert Schweitzer has set up for him, which contains 200 francs, the money was intended for the purchase of a wife, but Joseph wastes away the money and lives with his parents on the other side of the river across from Lambarene (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.448)
-- now Albert Schweitzer is alone with N'Kendju, he is sometimes in a bad mood and a lot of what Joseph has done, Albert Schweitzer now has to do himself (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.449).

Lambarene - late 1915: food shortages
-- European food is hardly to get, the use is very sparingly
-- there are hardly any potatoes left [which normally come from the Canary Islands] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)

-- some patients give the hospital something "in advance" and them come days afterwards presenting their illnesses to Albert Schweitzer's hospital to be cured there (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.453)

Late 1915: The Schweitzers have tropical anemia
-- Albert Schweitzer and Helene Schweitzer already suffer from tropical anemia [lack of red blood cells, too little oxygen is transported in the body], it leads to rapid exhaustion and "strange nervousness" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.450)
-- the teeth of the two Schweitzers are in bad condition: Albert Schweitzer has 2 irreversibly carious teeth, and he is putting provisional fillings with Helene Schweitzer (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.450)
[Apparently Albert Schweitzer has not yet heard of eating eggs with the eggshell, in this way many blacks get strong teeth. Why he wasn't told this trick?]
End of 1915 approx.
Finally, Albert Schweitzer formulates the positive, holistic culture

With his/her consciousness people develop a thinking worldview.
Thought with awareness means thinking SOMETHING. The people with awe of life are in the following state (Life + Thought, p.169):
"I am life that wants to live in the middle of life that wants to live." (Life + Thought, p.169-170)
Self-reflection and the control of the relationship to the environment is
   -- "the will to live in the midst of will to live"
   -- "mysterious higher development of the will to live" = lust
   -- "Fear of annihilation + fer of the mysterious impairment of the will to live" = joke (Life + Thought, p.170).

To affirm the will to live means:
-- an action carried out in instinctive thinking is now realized thinking consciously
-- existence on Earth is an "unexplainable secret" (Life + Thought, p.170).

Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"Life affirmation
is the spiritual action when he [the person] stops to live on just without thinking but begins to devote himself to his life (Life + Thought, p.170) with reverence in order to bring it to its true value. "(Life + Thought , p.171)
"Affirmation of life is deepening, internalizing and increasing the will to live." (Life + Thought, p.171)
The life-affirming person is a "person who is thinking now"
-- and shows the same respect for other life as the person does for himself/herself
-- and can <empathize with another life, with love, devotion, compassion, joy, striving, and with solidarity (Life + Thought, p.171).

The morality (basic principle) of the affirmation of life
Occupations and types of work are:
-- Preserve life / promote life / develop life / bring it to its highest value (Life + Thought, p.171).

Activities to be avoided are:
-- destroy life / damage life / hold down life that can be developed (Life + Thought, p.171).

Ethics worldwide until 1915
Up to 1915, ethics only dealt with human-to-human behavior (Life + Thought, p.171).

The holistic ethics of Albert Schweitzer from 1915: The helping dedication
The ethics from Albert Schweitzer demands that human behavior towards animals and plants should also be regulated in a non-violent way (Life + Thought, p.171).

Quote from Albert Schweitzer:
"He [man/woman] is ethical only then when his [her] life as such, that of plants and animals as well as that of man [woman], is sacred and he [she] embraces life, helping when help is needed."
and: The responsibility towards everything that lives has no limits
and: The ethics between people is only ONE part of the whole ethics, but a special part: Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"The ethics of human-to-human behavior is not something isolated, but is just something special that arises from general behavior." (Life + Thought, p.171)
The destruction of life - meat consumption
= when a stronger will to live destroys a weaker will to live (Life + Thought, p.171)
-- Animal husbandry and meat consumption constantly destroy life, this kind of life has it's base the destruction of life (Life + Thought, p.171-172)

Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"This [solidarity with other life] he/she [the human being] cannot fully carry out because the human being is also placed under the mysterious and gruesome law of living at (p.171) the expense of another life to have to and continue to be guilty of destroying and damaging life." (Life + Thought, p.172)
The life of ethical beings - the really lived "respect for life"
Ethical beings do the best they can
-- for not harming to others
-- for proving their humanity
-- for saving others from suffering (Life + Thought, p.172).

THAT is real lived reverence for life with ethics and life affirmation. This counts for all relationships between
Human being - human being
Human - animal
Human being - plant world (Life + Thought, p.172)

All of these relationships are examined. Those who live according to it have "the thinking world and life affirmation", which according to Albert Schweitzer represents "the spiritual and ethical perfection of the human being" (Life + Thought, p.172).

This strong, ethical spirit is strong with resistence:
-- the "mindless cultural arrogance" can no longer harm it
-- to look truth in the eye becomes normal: So:
    -- The progress of knowledge + ability is not only a positive development, but can also turn into a negative development: The "true culture" does not get any easier
    so, but more difficult
    -- one recognizes the interrelationship between spiritual + material
    -- poverty is unacceptable (Life + Thought, p.172).
    -- this is how the "true culture" arises (Life + Thought, p.173).
[Albert Schweitzer thinks the same as my conclusion: It does not depend on a very high IQ, but what is important is the direction in which people go with their intelligence].
Lambarene: Albert Schweitzer develops the structure of his cultural philosophy
The chapters are as follows: Quote (translation):

     "1. Of the current lack of culture and its causes
     2. Examination of the idea of reverence for life with previous attempts by European philosophy to justify the world view of ethical world and life affirmation
     3. Representation of the worldview of reverence for life
     4. About the cultural state. "

Missing books for the elaboration are sent to Schweitzer from zoology professor J. Strohl and his wife from Zurich (Life + Thought, p.173).

Albert Schweitzer has the idea of working for an "Age of Peace" (Life + Thought, p.174)
[Nobody understands why Albert Schweitzer did not investigate jungle natural medicine when he was living in the jungle...]

WW1: Now slavery for war comes: Gabon government recruits many men as porters for Cameroon - mass death of porters in the jungle without graves
-- the government of Gabon acts for Cameroon and recruits many Gabonese men as carriers for military goods
-- the young Gabon men are driven by a steamer e.g. picked up in N'gômô and many families lose their sons [who were the families' hope]
-- only now the blacks really notice what war really means (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.470)
-- [the diet is miserable]
-- the carriers are infected with dysentery (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.470).
-- the carriers have to carry heavy loads through swamps for the military and die on the way while the other carriers are moving on (!), the weak die lonely and abandoned, they are innocent victims (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.471 ). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"Perhaps they [the white warmongers with their manipulative newspapers] would come to their senses if they had passed a day's journey on a jungle path in one of the African theaters of war between the corpses of the porters, who sagged under their burden and died lonely on the way, and watching the face of these innocent and unenthusiastic victims in the darkness and silence of the jungle would they could have thought about the war as it really is." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.471)

Rainy season Dec 1916-Jan 1917
Albert and Helene Schweitzer on the beach
Albert + Helene Schweitzer go to the sea for a few weeks because Helene cannot stand the humid air in Lambarene. They pass the time in Tchienga near Cape Lopez with a timber merchant, there is a guard's house free - the guard of the rafts - this house is free because the guard was called up for war (Life + Thought, p.174; Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.469 ).

On the beach, Albert Schweitzer goes fishing for herring fish in the fish-rich bay of Cap Lopez (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.469).

The Bay of Cape Lopez: wood has to be rescued
Since the timber trade is interrupted during WWI, the logs (okoume wood) have to be rescued from the water and transported to the shore, otherwise the shipworm would destroy the wood. The trunks weigh up to 3 tons and Albert Schweitzer helps with this - they work in groups with blacks who were not drafted for the war. The trunks are pulled out of the water always during high tide, one log has up to 3 tons of weight, partly the maneuvers saving logs need hours of hard work (Life + Thought, p.174).

During ebb time, Albert Schweitzer broods over his cultural philosophy or heals the sick (Life + Thought, p.174).

Bay of Cap Lopez: abandoned huts of the paddlers
Since the timber trade has stopped, there are no raft paddlers, their huts are falling apart and are only visited by hiking groups passing the area marching to their home villages. Controlling the huts, Albert Schweitzer finds a sleeping patient there in a hut who has been left there (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.469).

WWI: Europe is in ruins and has no more funds for Africa
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.475)

February 1917
The Schweitzers return from Cap Lopez to Lambarene with renewed energy
-- now dysentery is a big problem, heals with subcutaneous injections of emetine (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.470).

September 1917
Leaving Lambarene - deportation to France
In September 1917 [after the "USA" entered the war for helping England and for gaining territory of Israel against Turkey] Albert and Helene Schweitzer [as German prisoners of war] were deported to France (Life + Thought, p.175-177).

Albert Schweitzer is sick and has two operations
[he hides his illnesses, no detail is told] (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.476)

from 1918
Albert Schweitzer has to pay off debts - that's why he gives organ concerts and lectures
(Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.476)

Spring 1919
France expells 100,000s of German Alsatians - Professor Schmiedeberg with his digitalin manuscript
By chance Albert Schweitzer passes the train station of Strasbourg-Neudorf, from where 1000s of German Alsatians are deported to Germany, including Prof. Schmiedeberg for pharmacology. He has a manuscript on digitalin with him. He has to leave all the furniture behind and the French customs officers may confiscate the manuscript (p.121). Albert Schweitzer takes over the manuscript and later sends it to Baden-Baden so that it would not be confiscated by the French customs authorities (p.121-122). There it is published, shortly afterwards Schmiedeberg dies (Life + Thought, p.122).

Albert Schweitzer making up a balance

White colonialists bring new diseases to Africa - but they don't bring doctors (!)

-- The claim in Europe that black people are less sick and hardly feel pain is a lie
-- There are many diseases in Africa that are common in Europe [but also many illnesses are unique in Africa and canNOT be found in Europe]
-- In Africa there are many diseases that the white colonialists brought there [by international trade]
-- [The white colonialists have spread sleeping sickness throughout Central Africa by deporting blacks]
-- The misery in Africa is greater than in Europe because there are hardly any doctors in Africa
-- and the European media are hiding all that (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.471).

Africa has hardly any doctors and hardly any clinics (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.471)
--> There is pain and despair in the African huts
--> Europeans should imagine how life would be without doctors
--> it is a responsibility for the Europeans to go to heal in Africa (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.472). Quote from Albert Schweitzer (translation):
"Every day there are hopeless people in many, many huts far away, which we could eliminate. Everyone should think about only the last 10 years in his family, if they should have been passed without doctors! We have to wake up from sleep and see our responsibilities." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.472)
-> Going to Africa to heal there is, according to Albert Schweitzer, not a matter of "mercy", but an "irrefutable duty" (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.472)
[Albert Schweitzer forgets the systematic education of African people in medicine so they could manage health in Africa THEMSELVES].

Status 1920: The circle of friends for the hospital was destroyed by the First World War
The circle of friends and patrons to finance the Lambarene hospital was destroyed by the First World War. Albert Schweitzer's friends have become partly empoverished (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.476)
[because in 1918 the French government chased all Germans from Alsace to Germany and sacked all goods and houses from them, only Alsacian Germans accepting the French passport are allowed to stay in Alsace].
-- The circle of patrons in Europe is destroyed by the WW1
-- many patrons are impoverished by the 1WK
-- the war caused a 300% inflation and everything is now 3 times as expensive as before, and Albert Schweitzer is waiting for a "miracle":

Albert Schweitzer quote (translation):
"My work which I had founded has collapsed during the war. The friends who gathered from different nations for financing it have separated by the war events for a long time. There are some who could help yet, but some of them have empoverished by the war. It will be heavy to collect the means. And there must be much more money than before because the costs now are three times as much as before, and this is only a very modest project." (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.476)
Albert Schweitzer is making propaganda for more work in Africa
-- Albert Schweitzer hopes for grateful patients who have been healed, who then will donate something so that others can also be healed
-- Albert Schweitzer hopes that other doctors will join him (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.476).

Albert Schweitzer quote:
"But I stay brave. Misery that I have seen gives me the force, and the belief in humans keeps my hope upright. I want to belief that I will find enough good people who were saved from misery and will have the feeling to sacrifice a little of their life to save others from misery ... I want to hope that we will be a group of medical doctors, who will be sent to all the world for healing the people who suffer pain... (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.476)

-- Albert Schweitzer calls for new mission stations in the interior of Gabon to have schools there BEFORE the seductive European products reach the interior and will distract and destroy the society (Edge of the Primeval Forest, p.467)
[there must be installed a spiritual resistance against alcohol BEFORE the alcohol also destroys the interior of Africa - but Albert Schweitzer is not mentioning that alcohol is reducing the brains, may be this is not known yet]
[Conclusions: Corrupt black governments are never mentioned - Albert Schweitzer = one of the first "doctors without borders"
-- Albert Schweitzer NEVER mentions the corruption of the black governments, some of which work AGAINST their own black population
-- Albert Schweitzer NEVER mentions the sense of inflation for homeowners and the upper class
-- In my opinion, Albert Schweitzer is the first real "doctors without borders" and is the role model for the organization "Doctors without Borders"].

Racism with Albert Schweitzer

-- natives are called "primitives and semi-primitives" (Life + Thought, p.163)

If you take into account the criminality of many blacks against whites, this designation is unfortunately justified and is NOT racism.

[Supplement: high crime rate among blacks against whites from Europe - high crime rate among Peruvians against whites
I was able to observe the high level of crime against whites from Europe in Peru due to the Stone Age population there, where money is always drunk and rumors and defamations prevail in order to act against whites from Europe and so they do never want to learn anything from a white man. In Peru, the criminal pastors manipulate the population against wise whites. THE SAME connection can be assumed with Albert Schweitzer: Criminal pastors who were against Albert Schweitzer manipulated black groups in order to deliberately harm him and the hospital for reducing his success because Albert Schweitzer was considered "not a good believer". THIS is PURE CHRISTIAN RACISM of VATICAN+P2 lodge - I think THESE two were manipulating blacks against Albert Schweitzer]

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