Sand box 04 with a big shadow cover, on the territory of the "House of Little Men" ("Haus der kleinen Leute") in Erfurt, Germany
Sand box in the house 01 in a beach volleyball hall in Seattle, in den kriminellen "USA"
Sand box in the house 02, a box with sand, play cars and play digger and shovel
1. The facility - concept and psychology on the playground --
2. The playground devices and their surroundings --
3. Trees and shrubs on the playground --
4. Extension possibilities for an amusement park -- the raft at the lakeside or riverside --
5. The sand box in the house -- Important: Warning from sand digging
by Michael Palomino (2012)
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The sand box in the house (or on a courtyard, or in a garage etc.) has many advantages
Sand box 01 with cover, Germany
Sand box 02 in form of a pentagon, Ottersberg, Germany
Sand box 03 "Peter Pan" with a little roof, ebay
-- the roof is - as one can see - much too little and is not protecting the children from the sun, but is only an alibi roof.
Sand box 04 with a bigger shadow cover, on the territory of the "House of the Little Men" ("Haus der kleinen Leute") in Erfurt, Germany
-- one can see that a shadow roof has to be definitively bigger than the sand box itself.
When the sand box is in the house, in a garage or on a protected and roofed courtyard, then this has many advantages:
-- wild animals like cats or dogs are not shitting into the sandbox
-- when the sand box is on the level of a table it's not necessary to kneel down
-- a sand box is always protected from rain or snow or ice
-- children are always protected from the sun
-- the works in the sand box are protected from other children who want to destroy the work.
Sand box in the house 01 in a beach volleyball hall in Seattle, "USA"
Sand box in the house 02, a box with sand, play cars and play digger and shovel
Sand box in the house 03, sand box with sand, cars, a tunnel and a house, primary school in Gibson, criminal "USA"
Sand box in the house 04 on wheels, blog of Rachel Andaj, no location indicated
Sand box in the house 05 in a round form, of gonge.com
Children can perform architectonic master peaces in the sand with some water
-- mountains with double tunnels or even triple tunnels, or
-- castles with many towers and doors and figurines
-- or a cake is baked
-- or cookies are baked
or there is simply "scooped up" sand for creating a lake.
When this sand box in the house is protected from other children and dogs in the house, so the parents can always see what the child is "developing", where new focuses are developing with the child. Add to this children with a sand box in the house can be sure that no other envious child is destroying it's work.
A lake in the sand box can only be when there is some clay put on the ground. Children and parents will also learn something about geologic layers.
Warning concerning sand digging
Important: warning from sand digging - lethal danger for children from about 40 cm depth on
Sand digging 01 on Elafonissos island in Greece
Sand digging 02 at North Sea in Northern Holland
When children are "living" in their deep sand holes or are digging big sand tunnels, this sand monument can collapse without any warning and the child will die because of lack of oxygen when there is no immediate help rescuing the child from the sand.
When children are digging too deep on the beach then this can provoke lethal accidents when the sand tunnel or the sand hole is collapsing burying the child so the child only is coming home in a coffin. Therefore one should limit sand digging to a maximum of 40 to 50 cm, and this should taught to the children again and again. After some time one also can change the location and the play so sand digging is not interesting any more.
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Photo sources: topic sand
Sand box
sand box 01 with roof: http://kleinanzeigen.ebay.de/anzeigen/s-anzeige/sandkiste-aus-holz/68395242-18-13
sand box 02 in a pentagon in Ottersberg, Germany: http://www.hausaufdemberge.de/html/v_familien.html
sand box 03 with a little roof, ebay:
Sand box in the house under the protection of a roof
-- sand box in the house 01 in a beach volleyball hall in Seattle, "USA": http://sandboxsports.net/kids-sandbox/sg1l7664/
-- sand box in the house 02 with play cars and a play digger: http://humandaddy.com/2011/09/14/indoor-sandbox/
-- sand box in the house 03 with tunnel and car and house in a primary school in Gibson, "USA": http://mheidebrecht.blogspot.com/2010_12_05_archive.html
-- sand box in the house 04 on wheels, blog of Rachel Andaj: http://www.rachelandaj.com/2012_07_01_archive.html
-- sand box in the house 05 in a round form, gonge.com: http://www.gonge.com/produkte_2107.htm
Sand digging
-- sand digging 01 on the island of Elafonissos in Greece: http://www.schlewitz.com/htm/urlaub/griechenland2009_2.htm
-- sand digging 02 in the North of Holland at North Sea: http://alexanderharrymorrison.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/sand-wind-und-schnellen-autos/