Trees are like brothers - big trees are like big brothers...
Who is protecting trees will also be protected by trees.
Tadpole Playground in the shadow of big trees, Boston, criminal "USA" [9]
Tree protection 02: bench in form of a volcano snake around a pal tree in Brazil Square (plaza Brasil) in Santiago in Chile
1. The facility - concept and psychology on the playground --
2. The playground devices and their surroundings --
3. Trees and shrubs on the playground --
4. Extension possibilities for an amusement park -- the raft at the lakeside or riverside --
5. The sand box in the house -- Important: Warning from sand digging
by Michael Palomino (2012)
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Trees and shrubs on the playground
Big trees and big shrubs giving shadow on the playground - and reducing noise - and more
A playground needs high and stable trees, not only for playing tag around the trees, but their shadow or half-shade is a protection for the children who are playing there outdoor for hours. The natural shadow or half-shade is only created by the trees, or also by big shrubs. Trees are the big and silent friends of the children and children even treat them like persons. Children (and also adults) also speak with them Later the trees are the location for an arrow and a heart with two names in the bark.
Add to this big trees and hedges and shrubs on a playground have a natural effect reducing noise so the children's noise is not so overpowering the neighborhood.
Shadow by big trees on the playground - playgrounds without trees
Playground under big trees, Schützenmattpark (Rifleman Meadow Park) in Basel [1]
Playground with big trees in Ejido Park in Quito, Ecuador [2]
Tadpole Playground in the shadow of big trees, Boston, criminal "USA" [9]
The big fault here is the hard ground of bitumen pavement. Better would be an artificial lawn.
Playground without trees and without shadow on Uetliberg ("Uetli Mountain"), region of Zurich [3]
Playground without high trees on Hari Krishna farm "Eco Truly" in Lluta Valley near Arica in Chile. Desert is sending it's love... [4]
So, children are playing more after sunset after 6 pm...
Playground without trees and without shadow in Egelsbach, Germany [5]
When there is a playground in a park area under strong and big trees, so this will be the right solution.
Tree protection with round benches
Trees can be protected by round benches. On a playground also creative combinations of colors is permitted. Rush mat does not seem to be enough.
Tree protection
Tree protection 01: bench around a tree in the center of Santiago in Chile
Tree protection 02: bench in form of a volcano snake around a palm tree on Brazil Square (plaza Brasil) in Santiago in Chile
Tree protection 03 with a rush mat around a tree in Dreirosenanlage (Three Roses Park) in Basel
Plant new trees on the playground - evade certain trees or shrubs
New trees can be planted on a playground and have to be protected during 10 years with fences. After 10 years one can "give the trees free for the children". When the trees are planted on a playground, then trees have to be used which do not make many problems and which are solid enough concerning injuries or climate. It seems that the following trees are appropriate for playgrounds:
-- birches (survive almost any climate, can grow on any soil, give a wonderful half-shade, have only little leaves, and have a white bark which is even good for writing)
-- locust tree (robinia) (with little leaves but with a fairytale-like bark)
-- apple trees which develop horizontal branches
-- shrubs without prickles with eatable berries.
One has to evade for example the following trees:
-- trees with prickled fruits: chestnut trees with big leaves and prickled fruits which can be dangerous for all children and adults
-- trees or shrubs with toxic fruits: for example yew tree
-- shrubs with prickles like blackberries.
Children also ask why a shrub has prickles. Well, there are birds having their life and bird's nest on the soil, and they live in such prickled shrubs which grow naturally in the broad forest edges, together with other little animals. The prickles are defending the birds and little animals from foxes or cats.
Climbing trees - apple trees - firs - acers
Apple trees develop their main branches almost horizontally. In the beginning of their growth such trees have to be protected for 10 years, and then the children can use them. In mountain areas any fir is a romantic element on a playground supporting fantasy, and during winter fir cones are coming. But firs are nothing for climbing because there is resin on the branches damaging the clothes. Another good tree for climbing are acer trees with horizontal branches, and in autumn they give colorful and big leaves for pressing. Any market garden can give more advice.
Apple trees - climbing trees
Apple tree in blossom [6]
Apple tree without leaves [7]
Children can climb in a wonderful way on the branches of apple trees. It's also possible to fix ropes between the branches. When a branch of an apple tree is strong, also a swing can be fixed on it - but only for children, NOT for adults.
The function of big shrubs
Big shrubs can also be a good element on a children's play ground a hide-and-seek, or in summer and in autumn also berries and nuts can be, also for the birds. Big shrubs with prickles are the home for little animals and some classes of birds. In the mountains firs and spruce are giving shadow spreading a romantic element.
Scoring trees - botanical garden
When the trees are scored, then a better relationship with the tree is coming up, also to it's seed or fruits. This little work scoring the trees is educating the conscience of all men and is also a contribution of tree protection and protection of nature.
Therefore a tree is not only a tree, but it has got a name, the leaves are having certain colors during autumn, and the fruits are little nuts or winged propellers etc., and in spring all is coming in an new way. Also a shrub has got a name, is giving berries in summer, in autumn or even in winter for the birds. Trees and shrubs also contain medical substances, and therefore not only their fruits can be used in natural medicine, but also leaves, their bark or also preparations with their root can have a medical effect healing diseases. When this is also indicated on a shield, then this will be also a contribution for spreading the wisdom of natural medicine.
The child which is much at home during winter times is saying to itself that in spring it will be there again. Therefore children learn - when the trees and shrubs are on the playground - that they not only have names, but their leaves have certain colors and they have certain fruits, nuts or berries, or also medical effects - and the children are memorizing this, even children with parents who don't want to know anything about nature.
Botanical garden with scored trees at the Railway Museum of Temuco in Chile [8]
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Photo sources
Shadow: big trees and missing trees
[1] playground in Schützenmattpark (Rifleman Meadow Park) in Basel under big trees: photo by Michael Palomino 2008
[2] playground in Ejido Park in Quito in Ecuador with big trees: photo by Michael Palomino 2012
[9] Tadpole Playground with big trees in the shadow, Boston, "USA": http://www.ratestogo.com/blog/best-playgrounds-united-states/
[3] playground on Uetliberg (Uetli Mountain) without trees on the playground, region of Zurich:
[4] playground without trees on the Hari Krishna farm "Eco Truly" in Lluta Valley near Arica in Chile: photo by Michael Palomino 2011
[5] playground without trees and without shadow in Egelsbach, Germany: http://www.op-online.de/nachrichten/egelsbach/spieloasen-warten-kleine-entdecker-216886.html
Tree protection - protect trees
tree protection 01: bench around a tree in the center of Santiago in Chile: photo by Michael Palomino 2010
tree protection 02: bench in form of a volcano snake around a palm tree on Brazil Square (plaza Brasil) in Santiago in Chile: photo by Michael Palomino 2010
tree protection 03: a rush mat around a tree in Dreirosenanlage (Three Roses Park) in Basel:
Climbing tree - apple tree
[6] apple tree in blossom: http://lernumgebung-baeume.wikispaces.com/Grace+B%C3%A4ume
[7] apple tree without leaves: http://kleinsthof.de/Biogarten/Obstbau.php
Scoring trees - wisdom about trees
[8] botanical garden with scored trees at the Railway Museum of Temuco in Chile: photo by Michael Palomino 2012