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desert into forest 02b: Elzéard Bouffier in the Southern Alps (Southern France) - real

The spirit of planting oak forests for new water sources - "The man with the trees" / "The man who planted trees"

Map with the South Alpes
                      with Mount Lure (Montagne de Lure)  Eicheln,
                        Nahaufnahme Junger
                          Eichenwald 01  Ein Sonnenblumenfeld in den Südalpen
Map with the South Alpes with Mount Lure (Montagne de Lure) - acorns - young oak forest - sunflower field with intact village in the background
original text (in French) pdf

2b) Shepherd Bouffier with an iron bar and acorns - oak forests bring new life to the Southern Alps: The beginning of shepherd Bouffier's tree planting: Oaks on Mount Lure since 1910 -- Acorns are sorted and placed in the ground -- The new oak forest in the Southern Alps -- Beech in the oak forest -- Water, creeks, rivers, reconstruction of villages

Allegedly the character of the shepherd Bouffier was invented by Jean Giono [web01/02]. The location are the Southern Alps of France.

presented by Michael Palomino (2018)



Video: Video: The man who planted the trees.m4v (18'16'')
(original German: Der Mann der die Bäume pflanzte.m4v (18'16'')

Video: Video: The man who planted the trees.m4v (18'16'') - YouTube channel: MrVanFilm

2b) Shepherd Bouffier with an iron bar and acorns - oak forests bring new life to the Southern Alps

The beginning of shepherd Bouffier's tree planting: Oaks on Mount Lure since 1910
From 1910 the shepherd Bouffier was planting the forest at Mount Lure (1'34''). The highest point is Mount Ventoux, where there was no forest and only grassland and heathland (2'3'').
Karte der Haute Provence
                      mit dem Berg Lure (Montagne de Lure)   Grasland ohne Wald am Berg Ventoux
                      (mont Ventoux)   Heideland ohne Wald in den
                      Südalpen, Südfrankreich
Map of High Provence with Mount Lure (Montagne de Lure) - grassland without forest on Mount Ventoux (mont Ventoux) - heathland without forest in the Southern Alps, Southern France
The villages in the Southern Alps were lost and decayed, as the windy climate (with the Mistral wind) without forest was unbearable (2'43''). There were only flocks of sheep (3'26'') like those of shepherd Bouffier (3'35''). He realized that the land would die out completely without trees. That is why he collected acorns and planted them with an iron bar which he had to sharpen regularly (5'24'').
Ein verlassenes,
                      zerfallenes Dorf in den Südalpen, Südfrankreich   Schäfer Bouffier
                    (Filmdarsteller) mit einer Schafherde in den
                    Südalpen   Ein Steinhaus in den Südalpen,
An abandoned, decayed village in the Southern Alps, Southern France - shepard Bouffier (film actor) with a flock of sheep in the Southern Alps - A stone house in the Southern Alps, Southern France
Acorns are sorted and placed in the ground

He collected acorns, sorted them (4'38''), and kept sharpening the blade of his iron bar (5'24'').

Eicheln werden
                    sortiert  Eicheln,
Acorns are sorted - acorns, close-up
Bouffier (Filmdarsteller) schärft
                    seine Eisenstange   Die Eisenklinge der Eisenstange, Nahaufnahme
Bouffier (film actor) sharpening his iron bar - close-up of the blade of the iron bar

Bouffier planted land that just lay there. Maybe it was common land, or it belonged to people who had moved away (5'57'').

Bouffier (Filmdarsteller) mit der Eisenstange
                    und einem Sack Eicheln unterwegs in den Südalpen 01  Bouffier (Filmdarsteller)
                      mit der Eisenstange und einem Sack Eicheln
                      unterwegs in den Südalpen 02  Bouffier (Filmdarsteller)
                      mit der Eisenstange und einem Sack Eicheln
                      unterwegs in den Südalpen 03
Bouffier (film actor) with the iron rod and a sack of acorns on the way in the Southern Alps 1,2,3

Bouffier put the acorns in the ground: he made a hole about 5cm deep with his iron bar, put an acorn into the hole and closed the hole with earth (7'12'').

Bouffier macht mit
                    seiner Eisenstange ein Loch für eine Eichel 01  Bouffier macht mit
                      seiner Eisenstange ein Loch für eine Eichel 02   Eicheln im
Bouffier makes a hole with his iron rod for an acorn 1.2 - acorns in a jute bag
Bouffier legt eine Eichel ins Loch 01  Bouffier legt eine Eichel ins Loch 02   Das Loch mit der Eichel wird
                      mit Erde verschlossen  
Bouffier places an acorn into the hole 1,2 - The hole with the acorn is closed with soil

The new oak forest in the Southern Alps (or in the Southern Alpes)

Bouffier said: Of 100,000 planted oaks, 20,000 (7,19'') had grown. Of the 20,000, another 10,000 would be lost through rodents and other events, Bouffier (7-31'') said.

                    Eichenspross 01  Kleiner
                    Eichenspross 02  Kleiner
                    Eichenspross 03
Small oak shoot 1,2,3

Junger Eichenwald
                    01  Junger Eichenwald
Young oak forest 1,2

Beech in the oak forest
Bouffier also planted beech trees in the young oak forests, which grow up under the protection of the oaks (11'50''). A hot year once dried out all newly planted oak shoots. However, Bouffier did not let this setback stop him (12'15'').

Buchen im
                    Eichenwald 01  Buchen im
                    Eichenwald 02  Buchen im
                    Eichenwald 03
Beeches in the oak forest 1,2,3

After a certain time shepherd Bouffier gave up his flock of sheep because the sheep eat on the young trees. Instead, he become a beekeeper with 100 bee colonies (12'59'').

Bouffier wird Imker und hantiert
                    mit Bienenwaben   Bienenstöcke 01   Bienenstöcke 02
Bouffier becomes a beekeeper and handles honeycombs - hives 1,2

Water, creeks, rivers, reconstruction of villages

Bouffier didn't care about wars, he continued to plant trees daily also during First World War and Second World War (13'38''). The springs, creeks and rivers came back, villages were rebuilt and inhabited again (16'50''). The Southern Alps [or the Southern Alps] were reforested with pastures and fields (17'50'').

Regenwetter   Flüsse fliessen wieder in den Südalpen  Ein Wasserfall in den Südalpen hat
                    wieder Wasser
Rainy weather - Rivers flow again passing the Southern Alps - A waterfall in the Southern Alps has water again
Dörfer in den Südalpen werden neu aufgebaut  Ein Sonnenblumenfeld in den Südalpen   Ein Haushaltswarengeschäft in den Südalpen
Villages in the Southern Alps are being rebuilt - A sunflower field in the Southern Alps with a village in the background - A home ware store in the Southern Alps
Französische Handorgelmusik /
                  Zieharmonikamusik in den Südalpen   Weide mit bewaldetem Hügel in den Südalpen
                    01   Weide mit bewaldetem Hügel in den Südalpen
French hand organ music / accordion music in the Southern Alps - willows and meadows with forested hills in the Southern Alps 1,2
Weide mit Jungbäumen in den Südalpen   Weide mit bewaldetem Hügel in den Südalpen
Willow with young trees in the Southern Alps - Willow with wooded hill in the Southern Alps 03

Bouffier became 89 years old and died in Banon hospital (18'6'').

Banon is in the Southern Alps, look the CIA Wikipedia article about Banon.

Bouffier stirbt im Spital von Banon 1947  Darsteller von Bouffier im Film
                      ist Alfred Steigerwald
Bouffier dies in Banon hospital in 1947 - the actor of Bouffier in the film is Alfred Steigerwald

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[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Mann,_der_Bäume_pflanzte_(Kurzgeschichte)
[web02] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/L'Homme_qui_plantait_des_arbres
