Planting forest - index
Convert desert into forest - reinstall complete
ecosystems for a better life
Examples: Africa with Sawadogo - Ethiopia with Pfister -
China with Liu - Australia with Lawton - Brasilien with
by Michael Palomino (2018 / 2022)
1. Africa
with pioneer Sawadogo
2. France with Bouffier
(fiction) a - b - c (legend)
3. Ethiopia with
4. Ethiopia with pioneer Pfister
5a. China, Africa, Jordan
etc. with pioneer Liu
5b. China, Africa,
Jordan etc. with pioneer Liu+Lawton
5c1. Brasil: The farm
"Fazenda Bulcão" with Salgado
Planting forest - turn desert into
- Turning
desert into forest 02a: Mr.
Elzéard Bouffier in the Southern Alps
(Southern France) - the cartoon
"The Man With the Trees"
The spirit of planting oak forests and
preserving water sources - "The man who planted

Jean Giono
about sheperd Bouffier with alcorns and
oak forest in the French Southern Alps -
cartoon with data
2a) "The man who planted trees" - a
short story by Jean Giono (13''). 1913
(13'39''): Jean Giono's hike in the
Southern Alps - the shepherd Elzéard
Bouffier with his acorns -- The planting
of oak forest: a hole with an iron rod -
an acorn in - cover the hole -- First
World War 1914-1918 - the walk in the
Cevennes from 1919: oak forest of 11km
length and 3km wide, beech and birch
groves -- The oak forest stores
rainwater and the groundwater level is
rising: New springs, streams flow again
-- 1933: The provincial administration
discovers the "wonder forest" in the
Southern Alps - 1935: Nature
conservation and the ban on charcoal
burning -- 1939: Wood gas cars need wood
- the Southern Alps are too far away and
the oak forest remains -- 1945: The
rebirth of the villages in the Southern
Alps by the oak forest of Bouffier -
water brings new life - example of
Vergons -- Elzéard Bouffier made over
10,000 people happy - he died in 1947
- Turning desert into forest 02b:
Elzéard Bouffier in the Southern Alps
(Southern France) - real movie in
the Cevennes ("The Man With the Trees")
The spirit of planting oak forests for new water
sources - "The man with the trees" / "The man
who planted trees"

Jean Giono about sheperd
Bouffier with acorns and oak forest in
the Southern Alps - real film made in
the Southern Alps
2b) Shepherd Bouffier with an iron bar
and acorns - oak forests bring new
life to the Southern Alps: The
beginning of shepherd Bouffier's tree
planting: Oaks on Mount Lure since
1910 -- Acorns are sorted and placed
in the ground -- The new oak forest in
the Cevennes -- Beech in the oak
forest -- Water, creeks, rivers,
reconstruction of villages
- Turning
desert into forest 02c: The legend about
Elzéard Bouffier in the Southern Alps
(Southern France)
The original text (translation)
Map of
France with the forest area between
the rivers of Durance and Drôme -
Mount Ventoux, karst and forests,
1909m above sea level - Book
"The man who planted trees", original
"L'homme qui plantait des arbres"
2c) The
legend about Bouffier, original text
(translation): The spirit of planting oak
forests for new water sources - "The man
with the trees" -- The walk in the barren
Southern Alps - abandoned and dilapidated
villages -- The shepherd, his farm, his well
-- Sorting acorns - making holes with an
iron rod - setting acorns -- 10,000 out of
100,000 oak trees grow -- First World War
1914-1919 -- The new oak forest at Mont
Ventoux - 11 kilometres long, 3 kilometres
wide -- New sources, new water, new life --
A crisis year: 100,000 maple trees are not
coming -- 1933: A forester - and a stone hut
12km away -- 1935: A forester boss and a
picnic -- 1939-1945: Short danger for the
forest at Mont Ventoux because of wood gas -
but it was unprofitable -- June 1945: The
transformation of the villages in the Mount
Ventoux region - example Vergons: fragrant
breeze, forest noise, rippling water,
vegetable garden with flowers
- Turning
desert into forest 03: Highlands of
Ethiopia (Africa): provinces of Amhara,
Tigray and Oromia - Status 2014
Terraces, dams, ditches, meadows, forests, water
furrows, ponds, higher harvests - and the river
flows ALL year round

Ethiopia, the plateau was a desert until 2005
and became green and fertile in less than 10
years with dams, ditches, meadow protection,
livestock at the farm, forests, ponds and
water furrows etc.
Tree nursery - planting and caring trees - new
waters with irrigated agriculture throughout the
WHOLE year - donkeys for transports - the school
- Turning
desert into forest 05a: John D. Liu in China,
Jordan, Africa (Ethiopia, Ruanda) (status
of 2012)
Converting deserts into working ecosystems
John D. Liu, cameraman and
ecologist -- 1) China, the bare
Loess Plateau (Huangtu Plateau) and the
consequences with floods and sandstorms (smog)
in large cities -- 2) Jordan:
1000s of years overgrazed - fenced areas
regenerate in 3 years - extinct plants grow
again -- 3) Ethiopia (Africa):
New springs in the high plains by forested
mountains -- 4) Jordan: John D.
Liu in the guest house -- 5) Rwanda
(Africa): deforestation and field
farming on slopes provoked erosion - farmers
moved to the Rugezi Wetlands nature reserve
draining the soil and reducing the flow of the
river -- 6) Make ravaged soil fertile
- secure global food production
- Turning
desert into forest 05b: John D. Liu and
Geoff Lawton in China, Jordan, Bolivia
(status of 2012)
Converting deserts into working ecosystems
7) Jordan: The
desert around the city of Petra -- 8) China:
The renaturation of the Loess Plateau (Lush
Plateau) since 1995 -- 9) Jordan: A
permaculture garden in Jordan's
desert - renaturation in 3 years -
self-sufficiency and autarky in 5 years -- 10)
China, Loess Plateau with
permaculture -- 11) Renature all the
deserts of the world -- 12) Bolivia
with slash-and-burn - people there
don't know anything about permaculture yet --
13) The proposal of biomass exports
from tropical zones to dry zones
for the renaturation of desert landscapes