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Genetics facts - news 01

The findings of racial-ethnic differences in medical treatments need to be used in a positive way

February 17, 2009: Child abuse or trauma affect the genes of children and grandchildren - Possibilities of influence - April 8, 2010: Anxiety can also be genetic - April 8, 2010: Japanese have a "sushi gene" - July 2, 2010: Highlands Populations have an "athlete gene" for the thin air at high altitude - August 31, 2010: The Jewish gene peculiarities - September 1, 2010: <Human geneticists on Sarrazin theses: "There is no Jewish gene"> - 8.12.2010: The "MAOA-L" gene - the "Wall Street Gen" - 8.2.2012: Twins who grow up separately have suspiciously similar CVs - 11.3.2012: Redheads are more sensitive to cold and heat - but less sensitive to pressure pain - April 29, 2012: <Abused children: violence damages genetic material> - December 2, 2012: <Bad experiences in childhood: trauma can change genetic material> - the second brother is more likely to be gay -- Spending time in space changes genetics -- Blood of africans -- July 7, 2022: Faces from blacks and whites -- May 25, 2021: Tendons with genetics -- July 29, 2022: Map of Europe: White race in percent

Abstammung aus Afrika: Pélé mit schwarzer
                          Hautfarbe, und der klassische, blonde,
                          weisshäutige Nordeuropäer-Typ, Bobby Moore
Origin from Africa: Pélé with black skin, and the classic, blonde, white-skinned Northern European type, Bobby Moore 1966 [12]
Asiatin, z.B. die Friedensnobelträgerin
                          von 1991 aus Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi
Asian, e.g. the 1991 Nobel Peace Laureate from Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi [3]


presented by Michael Palomino

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Genetic, race-adapted medicine - each race requires its own healing methods

from: Mr. Jörg Blech (Switzerland): Another race, another pill - the new race debate (orig. German: Andere Rasse, andere Pille - die neue Rassendebatte); Mirror (German: Der Spiegel) 17 / April 19, 2004, p.9; S.186-188

School "medicine" believes that it has discovered a new branch of research in genetic and racial medicine and believes that it will make people healthier. It is probably the case that the races need different medicine depending on the continent. However, the article does not mention that intelligence does not always make you smarter. And the article also does not mention that the side effects of school "medicine" make people sick, no matter what skin color or race. The entire genetic-racial medicine goes - unfortunately - for miles around the many causes of "civilization" diseases. However, taking racial genetics into account in medicine seems correct.

Michael Palomino 2009

The article (translation):

Different race, different pill
<People of different skin tones develop certain conditions differently. Doctors and geneticists are therefore on the delicate search for ethnic differences in the genome.> (P.9)

<The new race debate

Geneticists systematically search for differences in the genetic makeup of different ethnic groups. Their goal: medicines and therapies that are tailor-made for patients with certain skin tones. Critics fear a new racism under the guise of biology (p.186).

[The most recent organ donation made by Aballah Daar]
Aballah Daar prefers to operate on the borders of medicine. The doctor took the kidneys from a premature baby, which was declared dead after 34 weeks of pregnancy, and planted them in a baby - a world record. Never before has there been younger organ donor (p.186).

[Aballah Daar: The idea for paid organ donation]
But Daar, 54, who is a professor of surgery at the University of Toronto and also heads the Department of Applied Ethics, also likes to run ahead as a thinker: 10 years ago, he called for paying the organ donors - such ideas are presented by German transplanters only since recently, before they did not have the courage for it (p.186).

[Aballah Daar: The Idea for race-specific medicine]
Last week Daar opened another barrel at a specialist congress in Berlin. In front of the elite of genetic research, the jack-of-all-trades, meanwhile also an ethics consultant of the human genome organization, bluntly demanded:

"We should reintroduce the concept of race into science and medicine." (p.186)

[The doctors want to "sort" and optimize]
With his appeal, the visionary sparked a debate that has recently been smoldering among geneticists. Because lately doctors have been talking more and more openly about the possibility of treating patients differently depending on their skin color. In clinical trials, it is appropriate to sort people into different groups: according to their ethnic origin (p.186).

[Howard University, Washington: The Collection of DNA Samples Only from Blacks in the "USA"]
Howard University in Washington - once founded for black students - plans to collect DNA samples from 25,000 people over the next four years for the sake of medical research - but only from blacks. The program is called: "Genome research in the African diaspora" (p.186).

[Hapmap Project: Search for Racial-Genetic Differences]
The next human genome world map is already in project - but this time it is not about the similarities, but about the differences between people: In the so-called Hapmap Project, an international research association, equipped with 110 million dollars in research money, is systematically looking for differences between Nigerians, Japanese, Chinese and Americans. Here too one hopes to discover new therapies (p.186).

[Aballah Daar: thesis of "tailor-made" medicine]
"Especially for the minorities in the West and the people in the developing countries," explains Daar, "thanks to such advances, we could offer medicine that would be tailored to their ethnic group." (p.187)

[The previous false diagnoses for race-specific ailments]
With such statements, a fundamental rethink is emerging. It was never controversial that people of different skin tones suffer from certain ailments with different frequency. But science had identified social disadvantage and racism as the causes. Now, however, medical professionals in hospitals and research centers are increasingly coming up with another factor: the genetic makeup of different ethnic groups (p.187).

[Jerome Rotter: Different genes - different medicine]
"It is very foolish to be color blind, especially because ethnic groups differ in their genes," explains Jerome Rotter from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, for example. The controversial geneticist examines the genetic makeup of 2,700 U.S. citizens descended from Africans, Mexicans, and Chinese. Rotter advises doctors to take a patient's genetic profile into account before treating them. "Such [a procedure] is called good medicine." (p.187)

[The allegations of medicine without race difference: the geneticists would provoke new racism]
Such sayings cause horror in many doctors. For example, as a "pseudoscience of the race", an editor of the "New England Journal of Medicine" flagged the infiltration of ethnic categories into the heads of several researchers (p.187).

Their findings only fueled a new racism: "Race", actually a traditional social construct, is suddenly declared to be a biologically important dividing line between humans and humans. Racists could now quite openly blame themselves not only for diseases, but also for perception, unreliability or crime a gene variant could be blamed responsable (p.187).

[Vincent Sarich's race investigation: blacks have an average IQ 70]
Indeed, Vincent Sarich, an emeritus anthropologist at the University of California at Berkeley University [San Francisco], has just published a book on the "Reality of Human Differences," which does just that. The volume combines the latest findings in genome research with half-truths and absurd claims. Africans of black skin, it says, had an average intelligence ratio of 70 (p.187).

[Racist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach: Caucasians should be the "most beautiful human race"]
The new book is part of a terrible tradition that was founded by the German anatomist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752 to 1840). He invented the term "race". He wanted to have identified five of them worldwide: Mongols, Ethiopians, Americans, Malays and Caucasians. He assigned his own people to the latter, whom he described as the "most beautiful human race".

The pseudoscientific mixture of this geneticist and his successors

[these successors were the Darwinists and the evolutionists who justified colonialism with Darwinism]

led in the middle of the 19th century to the conclusion that high-ranking races were entitled to rise above inferior people - which ultimately led to the Auschwitz selection ramp (p.187).

[Richard Lewontins genetic research: approx. 85% or 93% of the gene differences are within the races - 7% concern ethnic groups]
The concept of the biological race, however, began to crumble when serious researchers took a closer look. Richard Lewontin, then at the University of Chicago, examined blood proteins from people around the world in 1972. He had by no means expected the result: Most genetic differences - about 85 percent - exist between people who belong to the same ethnic group (p.187).

Another 8 percent of the differences occur between populations of the same "race": for example between Swedish people and Spaniards. And only the remaining 7 percent of the differences can be attributed to belonging to one of the large ethnic groups. That means: A German from the province of Palatinate can differ genetically from his friend in Palatine with whom he plays cards like skat (p.187) more than from a man from the wild desert from the Namib desert (p.188).

[Luigi Cavalli-Sforza rejects any racial teaching]
The division of mankind into races is therefore not tenable, said geneticist and author Luigi Cavalli-Sforza a decade ago. The external differences between Finns, Pygmies, Laotians and Aborigines are only adaptations to climatic conditions, with no deeper correspondence in the genes. From the point of view of biology, there are no human races, as the scientists have agreed since then (p.188).

Different race - different medicine. Examples of races in the article
Pygmäendorf bei Mbaiki
Village of Pygmies near Mbaiki [1]
Finnisch, meist blond
Finns are mostly blond [2]
Asiatin, Portrait, meist dunkel- oder
                          schwarzhaarig ohne Locken
Asian, portrait, mostly dark or
black-haired without curls [17]
Aborigines aus Australien, verschiedene
Aboriginal people from Australia, various scenes [4]

[New genetic racial research under Mr. Marcus Feldman]
But exactly this politically correct consensus is now being questioned - again by geneticists. The group led by Mr. Marcus Feldman from Stanford University in California, for example, examined the genome of 1056 people from 52 populations, including Bedouins, Pygmies, Sardinians, Druze, Melanesians, Pima Indians and people from France (p.188).

The researchers detected 400 sections (markers); usint these patterns, they were able to divide the human genome into five groups. And they corresponded exactly to the large earth zones: Africa, Europe, Asia, Melanesia and America (p.188).

Genetic differences depending on the continent: Africa - Europe - Asia - Melanesia - "America"
Example from Africa:

Pygmäendorf bei Mbaiki
Village of Pygmies near Mbaiki [1]
Example from Europe:

Sardin Caterina Murino, Portrait
Sardinia (Italy) Ms. Caterina Murino, portrait [5]

Franzose mit Zigarette, Paris 2007
A man from France with a cigarette, Paris 2007 [7]
Example from Asia:

Beduins [6]

Drusen, Heirat 2007
Druze, marriage 2007 [8]

Melanesier in Kanus
Melanesians in canoes [9]

Pima-Indianer in
                                      Arizona, 1893
Pima natives in Arizona, 1893 [10]

[New genetic race research by Mr. Lutz Roewer: 23,000 genetic samples - now the European settlement history becomes traceable]
"If you only look at the right sections in the genome, you can already find out which ethnic group a person belongs to," says Mr. Lutz Roewer, 42, from the Berlin Institute of Forensic Medicine from Berlin hospital Charité. The geneticist is one of the very few German researchers involved in the delicate search for ethnic genetic differences - and has done pioneering work (p.188).

Years ago, Roewer found a certain pattern on the male Y chromosome that can be used to classify men of the same skin color. In collaboration with 86 institutes, he has since examined the patterns of almost 23,000 men from 200 European populations and combined the results into a unique genetic map: It not only reveals the regional peculiarities that have emerged since the ice age 12,000 years ago. Roewer also believes that he can distinguish between 10 younger ethnic variants that have been a reflection of European settlement history since Roman times (see map) (p.188).

Karte: Genetische Verwandtschaftsgruppen
                          in Europa; Spiegel 17 / 19.4.2004, S.188
Map: genetic groups of blood relationship in Europe; Mirror (German: Spiegel) 17 / April 19, 2004, p.188 [11]

[Lutz Roewers database: pedigree can be derived from gene samples]
Conversely, the genes reveal which group an individual is from. And because the researchers around Roewer also installed into their data base thousands of samples from Asia, North and Latin America, Africa and Oceania, you can investigate the ethnic background of almost every person.

[Abuse of the genetic database by police - companies doing genealogy]
That's why police officers use the database to find out what kind of population a perpetrator comes from. All they have to do at the crime scene is to sequence the corresponding patterns on the Y chromosome of tissue traces and type the results into the publicly accessible database (www.ystr.org). In some seconds comes a world map. Red dots on it reveal where and how often the respective gene pattern occurs. Private genealogical research companies such as the US company Gene Tree also tap into the service of the Berlin researchers - to find out the origin of their customers.

[Genetic racial research: example of sickle-shaped red blood cells against malaria]
The DNA patterns were created by evolution. As soon as groups of people reproduce geographically, they are subject to different selection pressures. For example, people from Africa and the Mediterranean have comparatively frequent sickle-shaped red blood cells. This protected their ancestors against malaria widespread in the south, but can also lead to severe forms of anemia ("sickle cell anemia").

[Genetic race research: Blacks with more breast and prostate cancer - 30-40% of Asians with mutant liver enzyme need only about 30% of the pill dose]
But the relationships are rarely so obvious. Why, for example, do blacks develop breast and prostate cancer more often than whites? No evolutionary biologist knows that yet. The US company Genaissance also came across differences of mysterious origin: 30 to 40 percent of all Asians have a mutated liver enzyme and are not so good at reducing drugs in their body. The finding is of great pharmacological importance because it explains why Asian patients often manage their illnesses with significantly lower doses of heart, pain and psychopills than other people.
[Supplement: Natives in Central and South "America" are also Asian people and a considerable part of them needs only about 30% of the pill dose that a white man from Europe needs. This means: the normal dose for white people will kill many Asian and native people from Central or South "America"].
[Patient data: The ethnicity or race is not taken into account so far!]
Such peculiarities have so far hardly been considered in clinical studies: The conditions were simply like this: 80 percent of the test subjects have white skin, ethnic aspects are generally not included in the evaluation of the data.

[The company NitroMed: New medication against cardiac death only planned for black people - the test series is being implemented]
Now there is a striking story for inventing the first "ethno pill" of the world, and this project is well observed by medical doctors: African Americans die more by heart stroke than whites - possibly because they are lacking nitric oxide which is produced in the white bodies normally. This supposed deficiency should be equaled with a new pill by the "US" company NitroMed. With whites there is no help, but it could help the blacks.

The "US" drug agency FDA therefore granted the company approval for the first time to test a drug exclusively on black patients - which immediately led to a scandal.

"It is disturbing to see honorable scientists and doctors sort things into race categories," said "US" geneticist Craig Venter.

Of course, those affected see it differently. The Association of Black Cardiologists, a group of 500 African American cardiac specialists, is doing its utmost to support the ongoing study.

"In the name of science," explains the black doctor Waine Kong, "we'll cooperate."

Jörg Blech>


20 minuten
              online, Logo

February 17, 2009: Heroism is in the genes

Fussballhelden Pélé und Bobby Moore 1966
Soccer heroes Pélé and Bobby Moore 1966 [12]
Fussballheld Franz Beckenbauer mit
                          Weltpokal 1974
Soccer hero Franz Beckenbauer with the 1974 World Cup [13]
Politischer Held: Georg Elser
                          (Hitler-Attentäter in München 1939), auf einer
                          Briefmarke von 2003
Political hero: Georg Elser (Hitler assassin in Munich 1939) on a postage stamp from 2003 [14]
Politischer Held Michail Gorbatschow
                          (1985) mit Perestroika (ab 1986)
Political hero Mikhail Gorbachev (1985) with perestroika (from 1986) [15]

from: 20 minuten online: Stress resistance is innate - heroism is in the genes; February 17, 2009;
(original German: Stressresistenz ist angeboren - Heldentum liegt in den Genen; 17.2.2009)


<Having the ability to think clearly and logically also during much stress is not an art but is a predisposition, this say "US" researchers. The tendency to different reactions to stress should be anchored in our genes.

The fact that there are some people being able to keep a cool head also during greatest pressure, this is inherited, "US" researchers say. They found out that the body that there were soldiers who lived always in a calm way and they had an unusual manner to react against stress.

The hormone profile of these people in extreme stressful situations is unique, said psychiatrist Deane Aikins from Yale University at the AAAS annual conference in Chicago. While normal people release the stress hormone cortisol in response to fear and anxiety, their levels remain low.

Stress reactions in the test

Aikins had used simulators to expose "US" soldiers to various stressful situations. Some remained completely calm and were able to carry out the tasks assigned to them even in the most extreme situations. Others reacted with panic.

The researcher now wants to find out whether it's predictable consulting the hormonal profile if a person will be calm in difficult situations or not. According to him, science is that far developed that trials could be made for manipulating persons to be stress resistant.

Source: SDA/ATS >


If more active and passive behavior is genetically determined, it is therefore not justified for more passive people to laugh at the more active people or vice versa. The disgusting journalism, teacher tactics or officer tactics, which dismissively judges extraordinary acts as "playing the hero", is not justified. On the contrary, genetics seem to play a major role in social behavior. A balance of power is to be striven for according to the abilities and rational senses. The journalists, teachers and officers are often rather dusty, passive and destructive characters who achieve rather only little things ...

At the same time, it could also be possible that heroism is related to blood group 0 (hunter-gatherer, see blood group medicine by Dr. D'Adamo - link).

Michael Palomino, February 2009


20 minuten
              online, Logo

May 19, 2009: Child abuse or trauma have effect on the genes of children and grandchildren - possibilities of influence

from: 20 minuten online: Abuse damages the genes of the grandchildren (orig. German: Missbrauch schädigt Gene der Enkel); May 19, 2009;


<Traumatic experiences change the genome of the victim's children. Psychologist Terrie Moffitt found out: The damage is even detectable in grandchildren.

As part of a conference for clinical psychology and psychotherapy at the University of Zurich, the Klaus Grawe Foundation today awards Terrie E. Moffitt the Klaus Grawe Research Award 2009, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. The British woman receives the award for her studies, which for the first time indicate a clear interaction between genetic dispositions and environmental influences in the development of mental disorders. Moffitt is a professor at King’s College London Psychiatric Institute and Duke University (USA).

Désirée Pomper Terrie Moffitt is giving a public lecture today at 6.30 p.m. in the auditorium of the main building of the University of Zurich. More information on this at www.grawe.ch

If a woman is raped or a child is abused, this has a measurable effect on the genes of the offspring of the victim. This is shown by long-term studies by psychologist Terrie Moffitt. Such traumatic experiences lead to the fact that your own children and grandchildren inherit a very weakly active form of a certain gene. The lower the activity of this gene, the weaker the resistance to negative experiences. A child whose grandparents have been abused will find it difficult to process their parents' divorce, war or other stressful situations for genetic reasons. The result: the child or adolescent becomes behavioral, aggressive or even violent.

But Moffitt states: "An unfavorable gene combination does not necessarily lead to behavioral disorders, because you can also influence the genes positively." This contradicts the previous assumption that you are at the mercy of your genes. "By giving children a lot of attention and love, the negative effects can be reduced," says Moffitt. She advocates investments in the early detection and professional treatment of children and adolescents with behavioral problems. So it is possible to prevent a large part of the mental illnesses in adulthood from the outset

When a woman is raped or a child is abused, this has a measurable effect on the genes of the offspring of the victim. This is shown by long-term studies by psychologist Terrie Moffitt. Such traumatic experiences lead to the fact that your own children and grandchildren inherit a very weakly active form of a certain gene. The lower the activity of this gene, the weaker the resistance to negative experiences. A child whose grandparents have been abused will have more problems to manage mentally coming strokes in life like their parents' divorce, war or other stressful situations - for genetic reasons. The result: the child or adolescent becomes behavioral, aggressive or even violent.

But Moffitt states: "An unfavorable gene combination does not necessarily lead to behavioral disorders, because you can also influence the genes positively." This contradicts the previous assumption that everybody has a bad luck with it's genes.  "By giving children a lot of attention and love, the negative effects can be reduced," says Moffitt. She calls for investments in the early detection and professional treatment of children and adolescents with striking behavioral problems. So it is possible to prevent a large part of the mental illnesses in adulthood from the outset.>


n-tv online,

April 8, 2010: Anxiety can also be caused by genetics
from: n-tv online: Pathological fear: panic can be caused in the genes; April 8th 2010;
(original German: Krankhafte Angst: Panik kann in den Genen liegen; 8.4.2010)

<Munich researchers have discovered a genetic cause of the panic disorder. The Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich reports that a change in the activity of a specific gene apparently influences the communication between the forebrain and the emotional center in the brain and triggers the uncontrolled feeling of fear. Tis was documented by studies of the institute which is headed by Mr. Florian Holsboer. The researchers' results were published in the journal "Molecular Psychiatry". With their findings, the scientists hope to have discovered a new starting point for pills [that have a side effect of] causing anxiety.

According to the data, in the body of the affected patients a risk version of the gen being called transmembrane protein 132D could be found. People with this genetic variaty have a higher concentration of the gene product in the brain - as anxious animals have. In the study, the woman boss of the Ambulance for Anxiety Disoderder, Ms. Angelika Erhardt, was investigating the genes of 908 patients with panic disorder. The patients had all a higher activity of the transmembrane protein 132D.

Patients with panic disorder have extreme fears and are therefore under a lot of stress. Possible consequences are often inability to work and social isolation. Psychotherapeutic treatment methods are not sufficient in all cases. Many sufferers also need medication.


n-tv online,

8.4.2010: Japanese have a "sushi gene"
from: n-tv online: Intestine bacteria with a twist: Japanese people have the "sushi gene"; April 8th 2010;
(original German: Darmbakterien mit Pfiff: Japaner haben das "Sushi-Gen"; 8.4.2010)


<Japanese have intestinal bacteria with a "sushi gene": With this they can procede certain components of fish rolls better. North Americans lack intestinal bacteria with this genetic information. The Japanese intestine microbes have probably acquired the ability of marine bacteria to digest certain algae better, writes a team of scientists led by biologist Mirjam Czjzek from the biological station in Roscoff, France, in the British journal "Nature". Sushi is traditionally prepared with seaweed leaves.

Czjzek and her team compared the genes of the gut bacteria of 13 Japanese and 18 North Americans. With the Japanese, but not with the Americans, they came across genetic information for a specific enzyme that helps digest algae. The team had previously characterized this carbohydrate-digesting enzyme in the marine bacterium Zobellia galactanivorans, which mainly feeds on Porphyra algae. The researchers conclude that the Japanese intestinal bacteria have inherited this genetic makeup from marine microorganisms in the course of evolution.

Porphyra algae have been an integral part of the menu in Japan for centuries. Among other things, they are processed into nori sheets, which then encase the sushi snacks. Regular contact with marine microorganisms - such as sushi - has probably paved the way for the ocean genes to enter the digestive tract, the researchers say.

Intestinal bacteria help to discompose the food and thus provide the body with the individual nutrients. They promote the development and maintenance of the intestinal mucosa and are also involved in the defense against viruses, fungi and disease-causing bacteria.


n-tv online, Logo

July 2, 2010: Highland populations have an "athlete gene" for the thin air at high altitude
from: n-tv online: Health: Rapid evolution: Tibetans have "athlete gene"; 2.7.2010;
(original German: Gesundheit: Rasante Evolution: Tibeter besitzen "Athleten-Gen"; 2.7.2010)


<With a genetic analysis, scientists are able to find out how the Tibetans were able to adapt to the difficult living conditions at an altitude of 4,000 meters. The genetic change succeeded in less than 3000 years.

In record time, the Tibetans have developed the ability to adapt to difficult living conditions at an altitude of over 4,000 meters. Researchers found that in less than 3000 years, the physical requirements of the Tibetans were adjusted accordingly, as the US science journal "Science" reported. "It's the fastest genetic change we've ever seen in humans," said Rasmus Nielsen of Berkeley University, California, who led a study on genetic differences between Tibetans and Han Chinese.

According to the investigation, the Tibetans and Han Chinese split into two different population groups about 2,750 years ago. While the larger group moved to the Tibetan highlands, where the population shrank, the Han Chinese spread rapidly in the lowlands. However, the Tibetans developed the unique ability to live in the mountains at an altitude of over 4,000 meters, where the oxygen content in the air is 40 percent lower than at sea level. "A lot of people had to die for such a big change because they had the wrong version of a gene," said Nielsen. Above all, a certain gene, the so-called "super athlete gene" EPAS1, spread rapidly among the Tibetans compared to the Han Chinese.

Survival with a single gene

According to Nielsen, the new findings could lead the researchers to previously unknown genes that play a role in the body's response to a lower oxygen level. This could perhaps also explain some diseases, including schizophrenia and epilepsy, which have been linked to oxygen deficiency in the womb. "This is the first time that we have been able to determine the important function of a gene using evolution data alone," said Nielsen. The study was funded by various Chinese, Danish and US organizations.

When people from lower regions go up to an altitude of over 4000 meters, the body reacts in a variety of ways: People get tired more quickly, get a headache and babies are born with a lower weight. Child mortality is also increasing. Tibetans and other peoples in the highlands, such as the South American Andes, do not have such problems.



                Zeitung online, Logo

Aug.31, 2010: The Jewish genetic characteristics
from: Basler Zeitung online: From Jewish and other genes; August 31, 2010;
(original German: Von jüdischen und anderen Genen; 31.8.2010)

There is a principle with the Jews of "Jewish upper class": lies are permitted when it serves Judaism. This is a principle of acting which seems to be genetic, but it's political.


<Of Jewish and other genes.

When Thilo Sarrazin was asked by journalists from the newspaper "Sunday World" (German: "Welt am Sonntag") whether there was a genetic identity of a people, he replied: "All Jews share a certain gene ..." With this, he received massive criticism in Germany.

In his statement, Sarrazin referred to two recently published scientific studies in which geneticists examined the genetic makeup of some Jewish groups compared to non-Jewish ones ("American Journal of Human Genetics", vol. 86, p. 850; "Nature", vol. 466, p. 238). The researchers did not find a "Jewish gene", but rather slight changes in numerous parts of the genome. These so-called SNPs are individual building blocks in DNA that differ from the known human genome. Such changes occur in all people. However, the closer individuals are related, the more similar their SNPs are.

The Israeli and US researchers took advantage of this to reconstruct kinships dating back centuries and thus the lineage of today's Jewish groups. The story is actually reflected in the genome of the Jews examined.

For example, the researchers saw evidence of the splitting up of the Ashkenazim by the Arab Jews, the so-called Misrachim, around 2500 years ago. Or they found a "bottleneck" in the Ashkenazim genome when the number shrank to around 50,000 after the persecution of the Jews in the 15th century. The five million Ashkenazi Jews who lived at the beginning of the 19th century all descended from these 50,000 people.

These changes in the genetics of the Jews say nothing about external characteristics or intelligence, just something about the relationships. This also reveals the Y chromosome, which is always inherited from the fathers to their sons. With the help of this, British researchers recently found that European men probably came from a farmer from Anatolia. However, he lived in the Neolithic. Perhaps Thilo Sarrazin also carries the chromosome of this early Turk.>

And here is another article on the subject yet that nations do not have common genes, but all humans have the same genes, but in different variations:

Stern online,

September 1, 2010: <Human geneticists on Sarrazin's theses: "There is no Jewish gene">
from Star (German: Stern) online: Humangenetiker zu Sarrazin-Thesen: "Es gibt kein Juden-Gen"; 1.9.2010;

There is a principle with the Jews of "Jewish upper class": lies are permitted when it serves Judaism. This is a principle of acting which seems to be genetic, but it's political.

<Thilo Sarrazin caused outrage with his theses on heritable stupidity and the intelligence of ethnic groups. A human geneticist explains how little there is in the claims.

André Reis, Portrait
André Reis [16]

© Nationales Genomforschungsnetz (NGFN)
About the person: Professor André Reis is board member of the German Society for Human Genetics (link). The scientist from the town of Erlangen conducts research on the genetics of various common diseases, including psoriasis (link) and eye diseases such as glaucoma.

Translation of the interview:

Mr. Reis, Mr. Thilo Sarrazin edited a new book stating that intelligence would be "hereditary to 50 to 80 percent". Intelligence is in the genes?

To a certain extent, intelligence is inherited. Depending on the genetic study, this is between 50 and 80 percent. However, there is no single intelligence gene, but a large number of genetic factors are involved. With the children, these factors are recombined again and therefore talented parents can also have talented children and vice versa. So, the matter is not so simple.

Sarrazin also assumes that entire ethnic groups are less intelligent because of their genes. Is there a German or Turkish people's IQ?

This is a nonsense. You cannot say that people of Turkish origin are generally stupid. There is a scatter in all populations - there are intelligent people and less intelligent ones. This is no different for Germans than for Turks, Italians or Greeks. However, the economic and social framework play a role. If migrants come to us who had less favorable conditions [of education in their origin countries], their education is likely to be rather low, where education and intelligence are related.

In what way?

What is certain is that the environment has a decisive influence on whether a child can develop its abilities or not, whether certain genes are activated and how they work together. If we have no funding, no favorable framework conditions that enable the development of intelligence, then the potential is also not available. We can basically only see the genes as an option. A certain potential is inherited, but this must also be activated. For this, environmental conditions such as the economic situation of the parents and their educational standards are crucial.

[Supplement: with crazy fantasy religions the education level is also low and less intelligence comes out: extreme Catholic Christians, extreme Jews, extreme Muslims. They only read one single fantasy book and cientific books are even forbidden].

Could an expert - only with a view to a person's genome - even recognize whether it is a German or a Turk?

Ethnic groups differ genetically from each other. For example, it is possible to read from the genome whether it is a person of African, Asian or European descent. However, we can no longer clearly distinguish whether someone comes from Turkey or Germany. In addition, the genetic differences between two people in one population group can be greater than between two people in different population groups. So there is by no means a Turkish or a Jewish gene.

That is exactly what Mr Sarrazin claims. In an interview, he assumes that all Jews have a specific gene. Or all Basques.

With this statement, in my opinion, Mr. Sarrazin has disqualified himself. Since he is completely on the wrong track. There are no genetic traits that characterize a single population or religious group. Everyone has about 25,000 genes and everyone really has all of them. However, there are different variants of these genes in each individual, which have arisen through mutation. However, as I said, a German and a Turk can be more alike than two Germans. So there is as little a Turkish or Jewish gene as there is a Franconia or Bavaria gene. Individual traits such as blue eyes or red hair can be traced back to variants of these genes, but this is not enough to say, for example, that someone with red hair is Irish. Here, people are just as little reducible to genes as with intelligence.

Why are there such absurd, scientifically outdated theses as those that certain ethnic groups are supposedly less intelligent than others?

There are always trials to isntall values with characteristics comparing the populations in discussions, this is a common problem. Perhaps the fact of surface differences provoces the thinknig that a certain skin color or hair color would mean that the intelligence should be different. But these are pure prejudices. Sarrazin's book provoked the thinking that invadors have to be more promoted when this is necessary. And should not be discriminated.

Interview: Lea Wolz>

[I repeat it again: Extremist religions are blocking intelligence
With crazy fantasy religions the education level is also low and less intelligence comes out: extreme Catholic Christians, extreme Jews, extreme Muslims. They only read one single fantasy book and cientific books are even forbidden. The other way round: the elimination of the extreme religions would liberate people for developping more intelligence and then more skilled workers will come out. Test intelligence of pastors, bishops, cardinals, rabbis, and imams - and you know how stupid they are].


20 minuten
              online, Logo

Dec.8, 2010: The "MAOA-L" gene favors people to make financially worthwhile decisions - the "Wall Street gene"
from: 20 minutes online: Genetic research: Bankers with "Wall Street Gen" are more successful;
(original German: Genforschung: Banker mit "Wall-Street-Gen" sind erfolgreicher)

<Carriers of a particular gene variant make better financial decisions, British researchers claim.

A gene is said to help financial jugglers to success: researchers in the “Proceedings B” of the British Royal Society report that carriers of the gene variant called MAOA-L are more likely to take financial risks if it is worthwhile.

In previous studies, the scientists had already found a connection between certain gene variants and the risk behavior in financial transactions. Cary Frydman of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and his team now wanted to find out more about what mechanism could be behind this connection.

Test setup

They let 90 young men playfully carry out various financial transactions. Each participant received $ 25 starting capital, from which he could risk a fluctuating portion in 140 simulated financial transactions.

For example, one of the offers was to use $ 4 to win $ 7 with a 50 percent chance. Alternatively, the participants could also refuse the proposed risk business and retain their current capital completely. The attempt was therefore made to consider whether an offered deal is worthwhile or too risky.

Risks that don't bring profits are rejected

Most of the test persons recognized worthwhile risks. However, carriers of the gene variant called MAOA-L were still slightly better than the other participants: They chose 6.4 percent more often for the rewarding risk business than carriers of the alternative MAOA-H variant. On the other hand, people of both groups rejected unsuccessful risks with an equally large majority.

This shows, so write the researchers, that the wearers of the L variant are not simply more daring or impulsive, but can actually make better decisions under risk conditions. They only took the risk more often if it was worth it.

Brain messenger substances

The MAOA gene forms an enzyme that breaks down brain messenger substances such as serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine. Carriers of the L variant are forming in the body less enzyme as a carrier of the H variant. Thereforem, the content of brain messengers is higher in them. This could be an indication of the mechanism behind their results, the researchers write.

For example, previous neuroscientific studies had shown that higher levels of norepinephrine in the brain lead people to make a choice that promises the highest immediate reward. According to other experiments, a high dopamine content also seems to make better decisions.



Welt online, Logo

Feb.8, 2012: Twins who grow up separately have suspiciously similar CVs - example in Sweden
from: World (German: Die Welt) online: United after 30 years: the miraculous parallels of the separated twins; 8.2.2012;
(original German: Nach 30 Jahren vereint: Die wundersamen Parallelen der getrennten Zwillinge; 8.2.2012)

-- Case 1: birth of twins in Indonesia in 1983 - adoption to Swedish couples - taxi driver in Indonesia gives information that there is a twin sister - they find each other in Sweden, report 2012

-- Case 2: birth of twins in the "USA" - the boys grow up in Ohio in different families developing exactly the same habits (same cigar company, same beer company, same name for the dog) - report in 1979 in Ohio

The article (translation):

<Author: Claudia Becker
| 08.02.2012

Emilie Falk and Lin Backman (left) discovered many parallels in their lives at their meetings

They were separated at birth, lived close together without knowing it: seeing them again after 30 years brought some surprises to Swedish twins.

Lin (29) was still a baby when her adoptive parents took her from an orphanage in Indonesia in 1983. The couple of family Backman wanted to bring the girl from Semarang to Sweden. They will have been happy when they left the orphanage on the other side of the world and got into the taxi, but certainly also excited, unsettled, and then the driver said something that confused them very much: "What about the other, the sister?"

The Backmans knew nothing of a sister. But the taxi driver thought he knew that little Lin was a twin. He reportedly even knew the Indonesian names of the children and gave them to the adoptive parents.

When the Backmans were in Sweden, they inquired about their adopted daughter's supposed twin sister. In fact, in Sweden, just 40 kilometers from their home, they found the Falk family in Helsingborg, who had adopted a little Emilie from that orphanage.

Wrong name on the papers

Should that be her daughter's twin sister? The families met, they looked at the adoption documents. They were amazed to find that both girls had a mother named Maryati Rajiman. But there wasn't much in the papers.

In addition, the children did not look very similar, and there were no DNA tests that could have provided clarity. The Backmans and the Falks did not believe that their children were closely related and let the contact fall asleep. Nevertheless, they told their girls about the meeting.

Lin and Emilie found that interesting. At some point, however, they stopped asking questions. They had - as is the case with adolescents - enough to do with their lives. They got bigger, they graduated from school, they went to college, they fell in love, they got married.

Wedding as a trigger for the search

For Emilie Falk, the wedding was not only the beginning of a new phase of life, but also an occasion to deal with her past, her origins. "I started thinking about family and thinking about my adoption."

Emilie Falk searched in a network for adopted children from Indonesia. She found Lin Backman. But she exchanged the first words with her via the social network Facebook. "I was born in Semarang on March 18, 1983," she wrote. "My biological mother's name is Maryati Rajiman." It didn't take long for Lin to get an answer. "Wow, that's my mother's name too!" Lin wrote enthusiastically. "And this is my birthday!"

And then they just met, the two young women. And they found that they had a lot in common. That both are teachers is only one. Lin and Emilie also married on the same day. There was a year between their wedding celebrations - and both had wished the song “You and Me” by Lifehouse for their celebration.

What is more important: genes or education?

Twins, who were separated after birth and meet again after many years, provide psychologists and biologists with wonderful opportunities to investigate the extent to which it is the genes that determine our personality.

[Ohio: Jim Lewis and Jim Springer]

The evidence that twins give is astounding. There is an example from Ohio from 1979 striking in the "USA", and this is only one of many examples. Jim Lewis and Jim Springer, two twin brothers who were adopted by different couples a few weeks after their birth, hadn't known about each other for 39 years until they met - and found great things in common.

Not enough that both smoked the same brand of cigarette, drank the same beer, and drove the same car. She had both married twice, a Linda for the first time and a Betty for the second. Her sons were Alan and James Allan. Her dogs were called Toy. As a sideline, the brothers worked as auxiliary sheriffs. And in their gardens there was a tree on the lawn, framed by a white bench.

The similarities may be strange, but they do not provide any proof of a genetic predetermination of humans. Today twin research assumes that the environment and genetic influences influence a personality equally. There are also numerous examples of very different twin characters.

Lin and Emilie are also individual personalities with different talents, especially since they are dizygotic twins who are genetically as related to each other as normal siblings.

DNA testing gave definitive certainty

The DNA test gave the final certainty of family membership. When Lin got the result, she called her sister on the cell phone. Emilie was in the car when she found out that she and Lin were siblings with a 99.98 percent chance. "I had to laugh first," says Emilie Falk and that her first thought was on her mother's stomach. Nine months, she suddenly realized, she shared it with her sister. Hard to imagine that their paths will ever part again.

They do not shed tears over the years they have lived without the other. "There's no reason to be sad about anything," says Emilie. "I'm just happy that I found her."

They want to travel to Indonesia together soon. There they want to find their birth parents. They already know the name of her mother. They know at least one thing from the father, as can be seen from the adoption documents: that he is a taxi driver by profession.>


Welt online,

March 11, 2012: Redheads are more sensitive to cold and heat - but less sensitive to pressure pains
from: World (German: Welt) online: Fiery hair: Where redheads have common unique pains; March 11, 2012;
(original German: Feurige Haarpracht: Was Rothaarige schmerzhaft einzigartig macht; 11.3.2012)

-- genetic block MC1R determinating red hair
-- Scotland with 14% red haired, Ireland with 10% red haired
-- there are also red variations with animals: horses, dogs, cats, even in chickens and blind cave tetras (a type of fish - link)


<Author: Pia Heinemann

They are cheeky and have witch genes: prejudices about redheads persist - their genetic material may be the key to a pain-free life.

[The myths and prejudices]

Redheads are said to have a lot. They should be stubborn, cheeky, impulsive and uncomfortable. They have thousands of freckles, pale skin and witch genes, and - even more curious - they become vampires when they die.

In addition, they feel no pain and can consume chili in rough quantities. Such slander is not surprising, since the unusual is often (and often unjustifiably) said to be unusual. Redheads are so rare in the world population that a mass of myths about them persist.

Scotland has the highest density of redheads

In the United States and England, for example, just four percent of people naturally have red hair. In Germany it is just two percent, and even fewer people with red hair are born in Asia, Africa and South America. Scotland is the country with the highest density of redheads - fourteen out of 100 people have red hair here.

In Ireland, the “island of the redheads”, it is a little less at ten percent. So redheads are actually very rare. But they are not only visually exceptional, they also have a special feature in their genome, which differentiates them in their physiology from people with a different hair color.

[The genetics of redheads: dyes eumelanin or phaeomelanin - genetically determined dye concentration]

A look at the genome reveals that a certain gene on chromosome 16 is responsible for the hair color. Depending on which variant of this gene a person carries, he has different pigments in his hair. In dark-haired people, large amounts of the dye eumelanin are produced by the hair follicles and stored in the horn structure. If phaeomelanin predominates, the hair becomes red or red-blonde. White-blonde people, on the other hand, have little of either type of melanin. Your hair is therefore almost dye-free.

The reason for the different pigment deposits in the hair lies in our genes, more precisely in a specific gene: everyone has the genetic building block MC1R, which provides the building instructions for the melanocortin-1 receptor. More than 50,000 years ago, a mutation, a small change, occurred independently in this MC1R gene many times.

Five gene variants lead to red hair

Mark Stoneking and his team from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (MPI-Eva) and many other international scientists were able to show this for Homo sapiens. More than 70 different variants of this gene have been discovered so far, of which five are known to lead to red hair color.

And at least one other gene, the HCL2 on chromosome 4, seems to play a role in red hair color - but experts hardly know anything about it yet.

[Neanderthals also had red hair]

Five years ago, Stoneking's colleague Mr. Michael Hofreiter, who was also doing research at the MPI-Eva at the time and now works at the University of York, found that there were even redheads among our cousins, the Neanderthals. He had isolated ancient DNA from the fossil remains of Neanderthals from different regions in Europe. Searching and controling old cell remains, the researchers found also the red variant of the MC1R gene.

[Shades of red also occur in animals]

And biologists also know various shades of red in other living bodies: In horses, dogs, cats, even in chickens and blind cave tetras (a type of fish - link), corresponding genetic changes lead to red fur, feather or scale color.

[Thesis that the redheads would soon die out - father and mother must have the red gene]

But unlike other gene changes, the red gene is still rare, and some researchers are even assuming the thesis that the redheads will be extinct in the world by 2060.

Genetics again forms the basis of such considerations: So far, scientists have discovered five variants of the MC1-R gene that favor red hair. If a parent inherits one of these variants, the offspring may get red hair. But if both parents inherit such a variant, the probability of a redhead is very high.

This is because the gene is recessively inherited, so it can hardly develop if it is only inherited as a simple copy. Two copies, one from the mother and one from the father, must be available for the child to become red-haired. The premature conclusion is that what happens so rarely and is then also inherited recessively disappears at some point - and sooner rather than later.

But anthropologists think it off: Even if a gene is rare and inherited recessively, it does not mean that it will die out. It is passed on from generation to generation in the same way, but does not reveal its existence to great grandfather, grandma, mother and child - it only shows up once from time to time.

And since the red-haired genes are rare, the “right” parents, who both inherit the red gene, rarely meet.

Redheads have a different feeling of pain

Anyone who carries the "red" variant of the MC1R gene in their genome is not only likely to have red hair, but is also a little different: Jeffrey Mogil from McGill University in Montreal was able to show that mice and red-haired people perceive pain differently than dark-haired conspecifics with these genes. If their MC1R gene is changed so that as a result hardly any eumelanin is formed, they are more sensitive to pain.

[Red-haired women are more sensitive to cold and heat, are more sensitive to pain reliever morphine, but are less sensitive to anesthetics]

Mogil and other scientists immediately looked for similar relationships in humans. They were able to show that red-haired women are more sensitive to cold and heat stimuli. At the same time, they are more sensitive to a certain pain reliever medicament, a morphine. However, they are less sensitive to anesthetics. This finding sounds a paradox which is not fully cleared to this day.

[Chili experiment on the skin - mechanical pain on the skin]

A team led by Lars Arendt-Nielsen from the International Association for the Study of Pain, who also conducts research at Aalborg University in Denmark, wanted to find out more about the sensitivity or insensitivity of redheads to pain. So they examined 20 healthy pale-skinned women with red hair and 20 women with blonde or brown hair. They applied capsaicin cream to their skin for half an hour. This chilli heat stimulated the skin, so to speak - which enabled the researchers to determine the individual pain threshold.

With the cream treatment, redheads, blondes and brown-haired people reacted completely identically, there was no difference. In the second part of the experiment, the researchers then used a mechanical stimulus to test whether the redheads were more sensitive or less sensitive. The result: The redheads were clearly less sensitive than the other women.

Less sensitive to pinpricks - [differences in the processing of heat, cold and pressure pain]

Arendt-Nielsen and his team conclude that redheads are less sensitive to certain pain stimuli. They react less to pinpricks or pressure. This revealed another particle in the mosaic of pain: Apparently heat and cold pain are processed differently than pressure pain. The redheads accept pressure, picks and cockroaches with ease, they are very sensitive to temperature stimuli.

Researchers agree that the redhead's pain is complex. For better treatment of red-haired pain patients or under anesthesia, research still needs to be done. Maybe it will also explain why and how a gene for the production of dyes influences pain.

[Pale skin of the redhead due to lack of eumelanin - high susceptibility to cancer - high sensitivity to vitamin D3 production]

But the jealousy that redheads can stay physic pressure more easily than blonds or blackhaired is equaled fast with another characteristic: their light, pale skin. Like the hair color, this is also caused by a lack of eumelanin.

However, if fewer pigments are stored in the skin, the UV rays of the sun can penetrate more easily to the nuclei and thus to the DNA of the skin cells. Here they can damage the genome so that the cells degenerate and cancer develops. The skin cancer risk of a pale red-haired person is up to a few hundred times higher than that of a person with dark skin tone.

Anthropologists explain that so many pale-skinned, red-haired or blond-haired people still live in Europe, because the paleness offers a decisive advantage in these sun-poor areas. Because the sun's rays can not only trigger harmful cancer in the skin, but also boost the production of vitamin D3.

A lack of this substance can cause rickets in children. If adults lack the vitamin, they become tired, nervous and can no longer concentrate properly. In countries where the sun burns from the sky all year round, vitamin D deficiency is rare. Here the protective function of melanin in the skin is more important for survival - which is why the skin is dark because of the melanin.

Forensic scientists can identify a perpetrator's hair color - [redheads are immediately discovered by criminals]

Life is also more difficult for redheads in a completely different area - at least if they are criminals. Criminalists have now also taken advantage of the fact that they can be identified so clearly on the basis of their MC1R gene:  A DNA test with tissue samples from a crime scene shows is clearly.

This is how they can determine the melanin type of the perpetrator. Forensic scientist Manfred Kayser from the Erasmus Universiteit of Rotterdam developed the most accurate hair color test so far last year: with the help of 80 percent certainty, the scientists can use it to tell whether a perpetrator is brown-haired or blonde.

For black-haired people, safety rises to over 90 percent - only red-haired offenders are detected by 100% and cannot escape. Because of the characteristic gene profile, they are clearly exposed as red-haired.>


                online, Logo

April 29, 2012: <Abused children: Violence damages genetic material> - shortened nerve ends "telomeres" and illnesses in adult life
(original German: Misshandelte Kinder: Gewalt schädigt Erbgut; 29.4.2012)

-- violence and child abuse are damaging the family's genetics: the ends of the nerves "telomeres" are shortened
-- according to a Forsa survey in January 2012, around 40 percent of mothers and fathers admit that they punish their children with a pat on the bottom. 10 percent slap children across the face
-- slapped and abused children make the impression to be older
-- as adults the abused children develop more chronic illnesses when they don't know about natural medicine healings with sodicum bicarbonate (link), about natural healings of cancer (link), about healthy nutrition (link) and blood group nutrition (link).

The article:

<People who have been abused as children have a higher risk of suffering from chronic diseases and tumors than adults. Because the genetic material is massively damaged by the violence, as researchers report.

The genetic makeup of abused children shows damage that can have an impact years later. The consequences are most serious for children who suffered multiple forms of violence, researchers report in the journal "Molecular Psychiatry". The so-called telomeres are damaged most in their genome. These ends of the chromosomes protect DNA like the plastic sheaths on laces. Shortened telomeres are associated with increased risks, for example for chronic diseases and cancer.

[Bring up your body to normal protecting it with a healthy pH in the body, see here the base for healthy life:
-- healings of chronic diseases and cancer see the healings with sodium bicarbonate  - link
-- natural cancer healing methods see the note about natural cancer healings - link
-- natural prevention of all kind of illnesses by good nutrition evading trash food - link
-- natural prevention of all kind of illnesses by blood group nutrition of Dr. D'Adamo see here - link]

[Children with violent childhood are tested: shortened telomeres - hit children are "biologically older"]

The team led by Idan Shalev from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, examined the genetic makeup of children aged five and ten. The samples were from 236 British children born in 1994/95. 42 percent of them were at least temporarily victims of violence: from extensive surveys of the mothers, the researchers knew whether and when the children were exposed to domestic violence, continued harassment or physical abuse by an adult.

In children who had experienced at least two forms of violence, the telomeres shortened significantly more from the fifth to the tenth year than in children who had not experienced any suffering. The slapped and abused children were biologically older than their birthday, the researchers report. Gender, social environment, weight and health status played no role in this. Childhood abuse and violence could lay the foundation for later health problems, the researchers write

[Ms. Terrie Moffitt: Good childhood is worth millions of dollars for evading expensive difficulties in adult life]

"An ounce of prevention is worth as much as a pound of healing," Terrie Moffitt of Duke University said in a statement from his college. "Some of the billion dollars spent on diseases related to the elderly, such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia, should be better invested in protecting children from suffering." With an analysis of the telomeres of children who are now adults, the scientists now want to investigate the longer-term effects of violence in childhood on the aging of the genome.

The telomeres are a kind of protective cap on the ends of the 46 chromosomes of humans, the carriers of the genome. They become shorter with each cell division. If the length falls below a critical length, the cell can no longer divide. The shortening of telomeres is considered a causal factor of aging: the regeneration of damaged tissue is inhibited and the life span is shortened. Shortened telomeres are also a risk factor for the development of tumors and chronic diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis and inflammatory intestine diseases.

[All these diseases can be evaded with sodium bicarbonate, with blood group nutrition, and liver is healed with a lemon cure].

[Shortened telomeres: by chronic stress+insufficient care in homes]

Some time ago, researchers discovered that people with a certain gene variant have shorter telomeres and look biologically older. It is about three to four years, the team led by Tim Spector from King’s College London reported in the journal "Nature Genetics". It is also known that chronic stress shortens telomeres, but sports maintain them. An analysis presented last year had indicated that insufficient care in homes could shorten telomeres in children. This was shown by the data of 136 Romanian orphans, a team led by Stacy Drury from Tulane University in New Orleans reported in "Molecular Psychiatry".

Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in October 2009 for the discovery of telomeres and their tasks.

Source: n-tv.de, dpa>

[Bring up your body to normal protecting it with a healthy pH in the body, see here the base for healthy life:
-- healings of chronic diseases and cancer see the healings with sodium bicarbonate  - link
-- natural cancer healing methods see the note about natural cancer healings - link
-- natural prevention of all kind of illnesses by good nutrition evading trash food - link
-- natural prevention of all kind of illnesses by blood group nutrition of Dr. D'Adamo see here - link]


                online, Logo

2.12.2012: <Bad experiences in childhood: trauma can change genetic makeup>
(original German: Schlimme Erlebnisse in der Kindheit: Trauma kann Erbgut verändern; 2.12.2012;

<Anyone who experiences violence as a child is more likely to suffer from psychological problems as an adult. A study now shows that traumatic experiences also leave traces in the genome - but not for everyone.

Traumatic experiences in childhood leave traces in the genome - but only if they are genetically predisposed. International scientists were able to prove this in a study. They present their results in the journal "Nature Neuroscience".

The team led by Elisabeth Binder from the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich examined the genetic material of almost 2,000 African-Americans who were severely traumatized as children or adults. Those affected lived in regions with a high crime rate in the United States.

They suffered sexual or physical abuse, for example, or experienced violence early, such as the murder of a family member. A third (33%) of the victims of trauma fell ill and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder in adulthood.

A gene is responsible

The researchers found that these victims and affected were different with a special variation of the FKBP5 gene which the not affected trauma victims did not have. It was already known that the FKBP5 gene had a changed activity through the traumatic experiences.

But now it was the first time a specifici sequence was found which is responsible if a trauma provokes lasting traces on the gene. Because only when this special genetic variation is present, there can be changes in the DNA which mediate the stress. By this, the activity of the gene is higher and the stress hormone system is regulated in a wrong way. This was proven by the researchers at Max Planck Institute with experiments with nerve cells.

Hope for treatment possibilities - [they want to invent new pills]

It has not yet been possible to investigate whether this weakening of the stress system is also passed on to the children of the trauma victims. The change is permanent for those affected. The researchers believe that the findings have a key to helping patients. "The hope is that such processes can be reversed with drugs in the future," said Binder.

[No change of genetics when trauma only comes in adult life]

The changes in DNA are mainly caused by trauma during the childhood trauma, the scientists explained. When the guinea pigs were adults having been traumatized in their adult life, the molecular change could not be proven.

Sources: n-tv.de , dpa>


Shortnews online,

Dec.13, 2017: Rumors say that the second brother has always a tendency to be gay
Immune response of the mother is responsible: younger brothers are homos from time to time
(original German: Immunantwort der Mutter verantwortlich: Jüngere Brüder sind öfter homosexuell)

<According to studies, it is more probalbe that when there are brothers, the younger one will be a homo, and this chance is of 33 percent.

For long time it was an enigma for researchers why this is like this: Now there is an answer. The sexologists Ray Blanchard and Anthony F. Bogaert definitely finish with the prejudice that a "re-education" by the mothers would be the cause.

But more effect has a pure biological fact, and this fact is always in the immune response of the pregnant mother.>


Welt N24 online,

March 18, 2018: Stay in space changes gene ectivity by 7% - research with two astronout twin brothers:
A tiwn returned from space with modified genetic material
(original German: Zwilling kehrte mit verändertem Erbgut aus dem All zurück)



<Scott Kelly has been in space for almost a year, but his twin brother Mark has not. Seven percent of Scott's genes still reacted differently around six months after returning to Earth. This is perfect for researchers.

His approximately one-year stay in space left traces in the genome of US astronaut Scott Kelly (54): Seven percent of his genes also reacted differently to the environment around six months after returning to Earth than before he began his stay in space. This was announced by the US space agency Nasa. The change in gene activity is comparable to that which occurs under stress, for example when climbing or diving. The structure of the genes themselves remained unchanged.

"That could be good news," Kelly quipped on Twitter news agency after a US magazine reported on the changes. "I no longer have to call Mark Kelly my identical twin brother."

But that was not correct, corrected NASA. “Mark and Scott Kelly are still identical twins. Scott's DNA hasn't changed fundamentally. ”

Between March 2015 and February 2016, Kelly spent almost a year on the International Space Station. He then retired, but continues to work on research on his annual mission. His twin brother is also part of the research: Mark was also an astronaut, but stayed on the ground during his brother's flight. For scientists, the two are a dream team, since they can start a twin study. The goal: to gain insights into how long space travel affects people. Of particular interest are the stresses to which the body is exposed - higher doses of cosmic radiation, muscle and bone loss, weakened immune system, problems with the eyes and consequences for the genome.

[The question of damaging bones by long space flights]

Mr. Volker Damann saw a renaissance of twin research shortly after his return. "We hope for cognition of how certain changes that we see in space after a quarter or a half year develop, such as bone loss," said the space doctor at the European Space Agency. Is it that I continue to lose one or two percent calcium carbonate in my bones per month even after a year, or is there a limit? Of course, this is extremely important to know if we want to send people to Mars. ”

[Telomeres (end of chromosomes) are longer after long space flights - but telomeres become normal fast after return]

One finding came to light a year ago: the researchers had observed that the so-called telomeres, which are located at the end of chromosomes, had become longer with Scott Kelly during their stay in space. "It's exactly the opposite of what we expected," said radiation biologist Susan Bailey of Colorado State University.

Researchers have long associated the length of telomeres with a person's life expectancy. In the course of a lifetime, the telomeres become shorter and shorter. They are, as it were, an indicator of the aging process and can also be roughly used to determine the age of a person. So telomeres are used up and at some point cell division is no longer possible.

When Scott Kelly returned from space, he had longer telomeres than his brother Mark, who was the same age. But this difference, and this is the second surprise, did not last long.

The length of Scott's telomeres quickly returned to the "normal" length of his brother after returning to Earth. The researchers have no explanation for the extension of the telomeres in space nor for the shrinkage after return.

[Higher body temperatures in space - always like fever]

The astronauts notice another phenomenon already with life in space: in weightlessness the human body temperature gradually rises to 38 degrees Celsius. During physical activity, the 40-degree mark is even exceeded. This was reported by scientists from the Charité University Hospital in Berlin.

The data published in the scientific report "Scientific Reports" show that even when at rest, astronauts always have a body temperature above the normal level of 37 degrees Celsius. And during physical exertion, the body even runs really hot.

The research team led by Professor Hanns-Christian Gunga, Managing Director of the Charité Institute for Physiology, used forehead sensors to examine the so-called core temperature in the brain and internal organs of astronauts on the ISS. It found that the temperature did not rise suddenly, but that the body became warmer in weightlessness for about two and a half months until it finally leveled off at around 38 degrees. This is the "normal temperature" for long-term space travelers.

Gunga has a simple explanation for weightlessness fever: “The body can hardly get rid of the excess heat in weightlessness. The heat exchange between the body and the environment is significantly more difficult in this environment. "

[Hurting legs and feet after return on Earth]

After returning from space, Scott Kelly also had terrible problems: three months later he was still complaining about pain. "My legs still hurt, my feet hurt," said Kelly at the time. “Getting used to life on earth is definitely a challenge. It's easier to get used to life in space than life on earth. ”



Journalistenwatch online, Logo

Aug.4, 2018: Blood of Europeans and Africans is not the same

Africans need blood donation - but: incompatible with a trait that "all whites have"
(original German: Afrikaner braucht Blutspende – Aber: Unverträglich gegen ein Merkmal, das „alle Weißen aufweisen“)


<Aren't we all equal as we always want to believe? A press release (link) from the German Red Cross draws attention: it "is looking for blood donors of black African origin". Medical reason: "At present, a patient of African descent in a North Rhine-Westphalian university hospital has to be supplied with blood transfusions that can only come from Africans."

The "GRC German Red Cross Blood Donation Service West in the town of Hagen" formulates somewhat confused: "The patient has an intolerance to certain blood group characteristics that only rarely or rarely occur in Africans." However, in the next sentence it becomes more understandable: "This patient cannot receive blood donations from the native German population because they would harm him. "

How can it be that blood from whites will harm a black African? The patient had sickle cell anemia in connection with severe kidney disease, GRC declared. It shows "a blood group antibody", "which is directed against a blood group characteristic, which practically all whites have". Therefore, "we have to target the search for suitable donors with people of black African origin".

The GRC (German: DRK) is therefore calling on black Africans with blood types B and 0, which have the characteristic "U-negative", to report to themselves. However, the German Red Cross assumes that "the least willing donors know their antigen status". Therefore, an extensive blood group examination must first be carried out. "According to the current state of knowledge, the blood group characteristic 'U-negative' is most common in the black African population of West Africa (up to 1%)."

At the same time, the German Red Cross also carries out a malaria test: "The results of this examination then decide whether the donor is willing to donate blood to this patient of African descent."

Perhaps there is someone among the "Jouwatch" readers who can help. Then please report to a blood donation appointment of the German Red Cross in North Rhine-Westphalia. (WS)>

Aug.7, 2020: Face forms genetically: Black=monkey - white=pharaons

from VK: Luca-Faletti E-I-Rifiuti-Genetici - post of Aug.7, 2020

Face forms genetically:
                  Black=monkey - white=pharaons

Face forms genetically: Black=monkey - white=pharaons [18]


Zurich, May 25, 2021: Certain humans have stiffer and stronger tendons and can jump better:
Certain genetic variations make jump humans better
(orig. German: Eine bestimmte Genvariante lässt Menschen besser springen)



Eine bestimmte Genvariante macht Sehnen steifer und stärker, wie Forschende der ETH und Universität Zürich herausgefunden haben. Demnach erzielten afroamerikanische Studienteilnehmer mit dieser Genvariante eine besonders gute Sprungleistung.

Sehnen übertragen die Kraft von den Muskeln auf die Knochen. Je steifer sie sind, desto besser gelingt dies. Insbesondere für Sprinter und Athleten in Sprung-betonten Sportarten verspricht dies eine höhere Leistungsfähigkeit. Sind die aus Kollagenfasern bestehenden Sehnen hingegen besonders elastisch, halten sie etwa Druck und Stössen besser stand.

Zürcher Forschende entschlüsselten nun den zellulären Mechanismus, der Sehnen stärker und steifer macht, wie die Hochschulen mitteilten. Im Zentrum steht dabei ein sogenanntes Ionenkanal-Protein.

Wenn sich nämlich Kollagenfasern gegeneinander verschieben, lässt das Protein Kalziumionen ins Innere der Sehnenzellen strömen. Dadurch werden bestimmte Enzyme produziert, die die Fasern miteinander verbinden - die Sehnen werden so weniger elastisch, aber steifer und stärker. Davon berichtet das Team im Fachmagazin "Nature Biomedical Engineering".

Genvariante macht bessere Springer

Es gibt verschiedene Genvarianten, die bei Menschen für dieses Ionenkanal-Protein codieren. Beispielsweise die Variante namens E756del, die ein Drittel der Personen mit afrikanischer Abstammung trägt, und auch vor schweren Malaria-Verläufen schützt. In Experimenten mit Mäusen zeigte sich, dass diese Genvariante mit steiferen Sehnen einhergeht.

Die Forschenden um Jess Snedeker, Professor für orthopädische Biomechanik an der ETH und der Universität Zürich, starteten daraufhin Sprungtests mit 65 afroamerikanischen Studienteilnehmenden, von denen 22 Träger dieser spezifischen Genvariante waren. Demnach sprangen die Probanden mit der Variante E756del im Durchschnitt insgesamt höher: Sie schnitten 13 Prozent besser ab als die anderen Teilnehmenden.

Es sei faszinierend, dass eine Genvariante, die sich aufgrund einer Anti-Malaria-Wirkung herausgebildet habe, gleichzeitig mit besseren sportlichen Fähigkeiten verbunden sei, liess sich der Erstautor Fabian Passini in der Mitteilung zitieren. Es wäre interessant wissenschaftlich zu ergründen, ob diese Genvariante unter Spitzenathleten gehäuft vorkomme. Und sich damit erklären liesse, wieso Athleten mit Abstammung aus Ländern, wo E756del sehr häufig ist, etwa im Sprint, Weitsprung oder beim Basketball häufig brillierten.


July 29, 2022: Races in Europe: white race in percent - map
aus: VK: Wim Smit: https://vk.com/mpnatronetc#/mpnatronetc?z=photo403847087_457247553%2Fwall472868156_20193

July 29, 2022: Races in Europe:
                  The white race in percent - map
July 29, 2022: Races in Europe: The white race in percent - map [19]


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[12] Pélé (Schwarzer) und Bobby Moore (Europäer):
[3] Suu Kyi (Asiatin): http://www.rp-online.de/public/bildershowinline/aktuelles/politik/4358

[1] Pygmäen in Zentralafrika: http://fahrtenbuch.peter-engelhardt.com/reise/afrika/Zentralafrika/lobaye.htm
[2] finnisch-blond: http://theresalduncan.typepad.com/witostaircase/2007/02/index.html
[17] Asiatin: http://www.zimbio.com/Bollywood+Actresses/articles/1707/Beautiful+Asian+Girls+Tips+dating+Asian+girl
[4] Aborigines, verschiedene Szenen: http://www.world-tour-orion7.com/

[6] Beduinen: http://www.wellermanns.de/Gerhard/Klimazonen.htm
[5] Sardin Caterina Murino, Portrait: http://pimpwiz.com/archive/2007_07_01_archive.shtml
[8] Drusen, Heirat 2007: http://yalibnan.com/site/archives/2007/03/just_like_syria_1.php
[9] Melanesier in Kanus: http://www.jadu.de/jaduland/kolonien/bak/Seiten/ba13_jpg.htm
[10] Pima-Indianer, Arizona, 1893:
[7] Franzose mit Zigarette, Paris 2007:

Heldentum  in Genen
[13] Franz Beckenbauer mit Pokal 1974:
[12] Fussballhelden Pélé und Bobby Moore: http://mailhost.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/community/history/BobbyMoore.asp

[15] politischer Held Gorbatschow (1985) mit Perestroika (ab 1986):
[14] politischer Held Georg Elser (Hitler-Attentäter 1939): http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Elser

Variationen der Gene

[16] André Reis, Portrait: http://www.stern.de/wissen/mensch/humangenetiker-zu-sarrazin-thesen-es-gibt-kein-juden-gen-1599193.html

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