Comment: NO wind turbines - there are better
methods of energy!

June 26, 2013: Gigantic wind
turbines whirl up warm air in the air and
provoke a warmer climate on the spot
(original German: Gigantische Windräder wirbeln
Bodenwarmluft in die Höhe und provozieren vor
Ort ein wärmeres Klima)
"Wind turbines' rotor blades heat
up the climate in their surroundings:
Especially at night, it is significantly
warmer on wind farms than on open spaces,
according to US researchers at the State
University of New York in Albany using
satellite data. In the field of wind farms,
temperatures have risen more than 0.72 degrees
Celsius over the past decade, rather than in
open areas. "Cause: Rotor blades are lifting
warm soil air."

Sep.1, 2013:
Offshore wind farms deliver extremely expensive
electricity - and customers have to pay for that:
Every German must pay 100 euros annually for wind
farms in the sea
(original German: Jeder Deutsche muss 100
Euro jährlich für Windparks im Meer zahlen)
Link: National
anti energy reform law (EEG) movement NAEB -
<For new wind farms that do not yet provide
electricity [because there are some English bombs
from Second World War in the sea to recover], the
taxpayer has to pay 6.7 million euros a month. The
operators cash the money. Consumers have no
alternative but to pay. For citizens, offshore
electricity is even more expensive than
electricity from solar energy.
Every citizen has to spend around ¤ 100 a year for
offshore electricity. At first they do not receive a
return because the installed wind farms are
functional, but the connection to the mainland
has not yet been established. For example, at
the recently inaugurated wind farm Riffgat near
Borkum Island in Germany.
The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) stipulates
that the operators of wind farms are already paid as
soon as the wind farm is ready. Consumers are
therefore already paying 6.7 million euros per
month for electricity that can not be delivered at
all, the power consumer protection movement
NAEB e.V reports in a press release. From this
amount, the operators can pay the 20,000 liters of
oil that are needed each month as corrosion
protection for the wind turbines.
The wind
generators at sea are now the most expensive
green power plants - even more expensive than
electricity from sunlight.
has cost 500 million euros. The installed
capacity is 100 megawatts (MW). This power is
only achieved in strong winds. If the wind
speed is halved, the performance drops to
one-eighth. When the wind is calm, the power
is zero. The installed capacity is thus rarely
achieved. The annual average is expected to be
up to 45% of the installed capacity. If this
is achieved, Riffgat will produce just under
400,000 megawatt hours (MWH) or 400 million
kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year.
According to EEG [German Energy Law],
offshore electricity is paid 15 cents per
kilowatt hour (kWh) for 15 years. For wind farms
with a greater distance from the coast or in
deeper waters, the operators still receive a
surcharge. The transport of energy through the
sea to the land to the next substation cost
another 5 cents / kWh, which did not fall under
the feed-in tariff under the EEG Law, but would
have to be paid as network costs by the
electricity consumer, so the NAEB says.
"Offshore electricity costs 20 to 24 cents / kWh
including land transport. With VAT, that's 24 to
29 cents / kWh."
[Windmills (wind turbines) are CRAZY!]
The Riffgat wind farm is
burdening the electricity customer with 80 million
euros per year. That's 1 euro per inhabitant. But
this is only the beginning:
to the plans of the Federal Government, the
offshore capacity is to be increased to 10,000
MW. That's 100 times more than Riffgat. And
every inhabitant in Germany will then be charged
with one hundred euros extra costs per year for
offshore electricity. Of these, about a third
appears on his electricity bill. The rest he
pays for higher prices for goods and services. "
As a result, offshore
electricity will become "the largest price driver
provoking inflation in Germany," said Heinrich
Duepmann, chairman of NAEB. All parties
represented in the German Parliament (Bundestag)
support this price development of the energy
transition. Consumers have no alternative but to
[Merkel with wind turbines is CRAZY!]
Link: National anti energy reform
law (EEG) movement NAEB - Webseite

Altstätten (Switzerland, St.
Gallen) 10.3.2014: Wind generator with wind
spoons "Aroto" - combined with solar system -
this is very good
(original German: Selbst
entwickelt: Clevere Windgeneratoren aus
dem Rheintal)

Small wind power plant with wind spoons "Aroto"
with solar system on top [1]
from: 20 minuten online: Selbst entwickelt: Clevere
Windgeneratoren aus dem Rheintal; 10.3.2014;
<New invention
from upper Rhine Valley: A medium company
produces compact wind power plants for
self-sufficient power supply. The main customer
shall be Africa.
The wind power plants of G & S World Bridge
Trading in Altstätten weigh a mere 250 kilos. Even
at a wind speed of 10 kilometers per hour - a
light breeze - they deliver electricity. Compared
to conventional wind turbines, the small energy
factories have several advantages according to the
manufacturers: the frost and heat-resistant power
plant "Aroto" produces energy independently of the
wind direction - thanks to the so-called "wind
spoons" also without any noise. And while wind
turbines have to be stopped during storms, an
"Aroto" just keeps working.
"If you install three Arotos on your roof, you
will be fully self-sufficient with electricity,"
says managing director Georges Gamper. This is
interesting for countries without a functioning
power grid, such as South Africa: "There, an Aroto
is amortized within three years," says the
Farmer associations in South Africa have already
promised him the purchase of large quantities. The
Rhine Valley innovation is also set to make its
triumphal march in other countries, such as
Nigeria. The Aroto can be supplemented as required
with solar panels. "Especially for Africa, this is
optimal," says Gamper.
Everything produced itself
The company of Altstätten produces the 35
different parts of the plant on its own. "We do
not want to be dependent on suppliers," explains
the trained carpenter.
Everything was developed in Altstätten, from the
bucket to the generator. Gampers business partner
Sigfried Schmitt had the idea six years ago. At
that time, the two of them founded their working
group, the vision of the self-sufficient wind
power plant already clearly in mind. In April they
want to go into mass production. Gamper: "Soon we
will produce 1000 pieces per month." The price of
an Aroto module with nine spoons is 8600 francs.
The first plant is already in operation on a
rooftop in the location of Widnau [also in the
Rhine Valley]: "I expect that this combination
plant supplies about half of our electricity
needs," says the homeowner.
And now the wind turbines come
for what they really are: BIRD SHREDDERS
FORBID WIND TURBINES! There is water motor
engine, compressed air engine, solar power,
upwind power, wave power, tidal power etc.
Originally published at

birds of prey are
killed each year by
criminal wind
turbines, here a photo
from the "USA" [8] -
Eagles slain by a
criminal wind turbine,
"USA" 2014 [9] -
Criminal windmills of
the wind farm on the
Altamont Pass at San
Francisco 01, old [11]
- 02, new [12]
Map of the San Francisco area with the
Altamont Pass (308m high) - location
of 100s of windmill bird shredders
April 26, 2014 (San Diego)
By Mark
Duchamp, Save the Eagles
International and World
Council for Nature
wind farms are actually
slaughtering millions of
birds and bats annually
The Obama administration is
issuing 30-year permits for
“taking” (killing) bald and
golden eagles. The great birds
will be legally slaughtered
“unintentionally” by lethal wind
turbines installed in their
breeding territories, and in
"dispersion areas" where their
young congregate (e.g. Altamont
["USA": Mass murder of 1.4
million birds per year up to
By chance (if you believe in
coincidences), a timely
government study claims wind
farms will kill “only” 1.4
million birds yearly
by 2030. This new report is just
one of many, financed with
taxpayers' money, aimed at
convincing the public that
additional mortality caused by
wind plants is sustainable. - It
is not.
[California 2004: windpark
"Altamont Pass": 116
Golden Eagles killed per year -
in 25 years a mass murder of
2.900 Golden Eagles]
Dr. Shawn Smallwood’s 2004 study,
spanning four years, estimated
that California’s Altamont Pass
wind "farm" killed an average of
116 Golden Eagles annually. This
adds up to 2,900 dead
“goldies” since it was built 25
years ago. Altamont is
the biggest sinkhole for the
species, but not the only one, and
industry-financed research
claiming that California's GE
population is stable is but a
[Annual Holocaust MASSMURDER in
windpark of Altamont: 300
red-tailed hawks, 300 American
kestrels, 380 borrowing owls,
1,000s more birds]
Eagles are not the only
victims. Smallwood also
estimated that Altamont killed
an average of 300 red-tailed
hawks, 333 American kestrels and
380 burrowing owls annually –
plus even more non-raptors,
including 2,526 rock doves and
2,557 western meadowlarks.
[Spain 2012: Windmills commit
MASS MURDER of 6 to 18 million
birds and bats per year]
In 2012, breaking the European
omerta on wind farm mortality,
the Spanish
Ornithological Society
(SEO/Birdlife) reviewed actual
carcass counts from 136
monitoring studies. They
concluded that Spain’s 18,000
wind turbines are
killing 6-18 million birds and
bats yearly.
["USA": MASS MURDER of 13 to
39 million birds+bats
per year]
Extrapolating that and similar
(little publicized) German and
Swedish studies, 39,000 U.S.
wind turbines would not be
killing “only” 440,000 birds
(USFWS, 2009) or “just” 573,000
birds and 888,000 bats
(Smallwood, 2013), but 13-39
million birds and bats every
[Cr. governments conceal
MADD MURDER by windmills]
However, this carnage is being
covered up by self-serving
and/or politically motivated
government agencies, wind
industry lobbyists,
environmental groups and
ornithologists, under a pile of
misleading studies paid for with
more taxpayer money.
[Manipulation of studies
against the Holocaust truth with
wind turbines: only rare
controls, too small search
areas - stats with much too
low victim figures - denyal of
Wildlife expert Jim
Wiegand has
documented how areas searched
under wind turbines are still
confined to 200-foot radiuses,
even though modern monster
turbines catapult 90% of bird
and bat carcasses much further.
Windfarm owners, operating under
voluntary(!) USFWS guidelines,
commission studies that search
much-too-small areas, look only
once every 30-90 days, ensuring
that scavengers remove most
carcasses, and ignore wounded
birds that happen to be found
within search perimeters.
(Details at
These research protocols are
designed to guarantee extremely
low mortality statistics, hiding
the true death tolls – and the
USFWS seems inclined to let the
deception continue. In addition,
bird mortality data are now
considered to be the property of
windfarm owners, which means the
public no longer has a right to
[Birds of
prey in windfarm areas use
the high poles as a platform
for rests or for detecging
new prey]
Nevertheless, news has leaked that
eagles are being hacked to death
all across America. This is hardly
surprising, as raptors are
attracted to wind turbines. They
perch on them to rest or scan for
prey. They come because turbines
are often built in habitats that
have abundant food (live or
carrion) and good winds for
Save the Eagles
International (STEI)
has posted photographs of raptors
perched on nacelles or nonmoving
blades, and ospreys building a
nest on a decommissioned turbine.
Moving blades don’t deter them
either: videos show a turkey
vulture perched on the hub of a
spinning turbine, and a griffon
vulture being struck. Birds
perceive areas traveled by
spinning blades as open space,
unaware that blade tips are moving
at up to 180 mph. Many are focused
on prey. These factors make wind
turbines “ecological death traps,”
wherever they are located.
By 2030, the United States
plans to produce 20% of its
electricity from wind. That’s
nearly six times as much as
today, from three or four times
as many turbines, striking more
flying creatures due to their
bigger size (even the mendacious
study predicting 1.4 million
bird kills recognizes this).
Using the higher but still
underestimated level of
mortality published by Smallwood
in 2013, by 2030 our wind
turbines would be killing over 3
million birds and 5 million
bats annually.
But this is shy of reality by
a factor of ten, because 90%
of casualties land outside the
search perimeter and are not
counted. We are thus really
talking about an unsustainable
death toll of 30
million birds and 50 million
bats a year – and
more still if we factor in
other hide-the-mortality
tricks documented by STEI.
This carnage includes
protected species that cars
and cats rarely kill: eagles,
hawks, falcons, owls, condors,
whooping cranes, geese, bats
and many others. The raptor
slaughter will cause rodent
populations to soar. Butchery
of bats, already being
decimated by White Nose
Syndrome, will hammer
The U.S. Geological Survey
says the value of pest-control
services to US agriculture
provided by bats ranges from $3.7
billion to as much as $53
billion yearly.
These chiropters also control
forest pests
and serve as pollinators. A
Swedish study documents their
attraction from as far as nine
miles away to insects that
swarm around wind turbines.
Hence the slaughter.
Wind lobbyists claim they
need “regulatory certainty.”
However, eagle “take” permits
will also ensure extinction
certainty – and
ecological, agricultural,
economic and social disasters
that America cannot afford.
Mark Duchamp is president of
Save the Eagles International,
a nonprofit conservation
and Chairman of WCFN, the
World Council for Nature
Mark Duchamp
Plaza de la Fuente
19313 Peralejos, Spain
- Mortality
at Altamont Pass wind farm:
Chapter 3, Page 73, Table 3-11:
Species/Taxonomic group:
Golden eagle – Mortality per
- adjusted for search
detection: 75.6
- adjusted for search
detection and
scavenging: 116.5
- scroll down that last column
to find the mortality for
other species
Developing Methods to Reduce
Bird Mortality in the Altamont
Pass Wind Resource Area – Shawn
Smallwood & Carl Thelander
(2004) – for the California
Energy Commission.
Full report page:
- Pictures and videos of
raptors attracted to wind farms:
- Over 90% of mortality not
accounted for - wildlife expert
Jim Wiegand:
- Spanish Ornithological
Society: Spain’s wind turbines
kill 6 to 18 million birds and
bats yearly:
- 573,000 birds and 888,000
bats killed by wind turbines in
the US annually (Smallwood,
- White Nose Syndrome:
- University of Colorado study:
wind farms kill 600,000 to
900,000 bats yearly:
- USGS: value of bats to
- Two Swedish studies: "We
recorded 11 species (of bats)
... flying over the ocean up to
14 km from the shore (to an
offshore windfarm)."
And: "… our data showing
that at least 10 species, both
migratory and resident,
regularly forage far out at sea
are novel."
"The bats did not avoid the
turbines. On the contrary they
stayed for shorter or longer
periods hunting close to the
windmills because of the
accumulation of flying
insects.... Bats also used wind
turbines for resting." http://www.nat
The author's credentials:
President of Save the Eagles
International and Chairman of
the World Council for Nature,
Mark Duchamp is a retired
businessman with a passion for
wildlife. Here are some of his
achievements, based on 12 years
dedicated to researching wind
farms and related subjects:
The French
Ornithological Society (LPO
- Ligue pour la Protection des
Oiseaux) invited him as a guest
speaker, expenses paid, to an
international symposium on the
Red Kite (a European bird of
prey facing extinction, in part
due to wind farms). They
published his contribution here,
in English and French:
(page 96)
His Op-Ed on global cooling was
published by the Washington
Times on Jan 30 2009, co-signed
by Professor David
Clive Hambler
(Lecturer in Biological and
Human Sciences, Hertford
College, University of
Oxford), supports his
work. They published a joint
article here:
He wrote a long email
supporting Duchamp's work to a
journalist in the US:
In 2008 Duchamp
co-founded the European
Platform Against Windfarms,
a federation grouping 645
associations from 24
countries. He administered
it during five years as
Executive Director.
His critiques of the
ornithological establishment
over the years produced a
significant result: the
Spanish Ornithological
Society elected a new
president in 2010, following
which they started to tell
the truth about mortality at
wind facilities, and to
challenge new wind projects
in court. They obtained 136
wind farm monitoring reports
from the government under
freedom of information
legislation. After studying
them, they published a
report in which they
estimated that Spain's
18,000 wind turbines are
actually killing 6 - 18
million birds and bats a

28.6.2014: Wind turbines produce
infrasound like foehn winds (Chinook winds) -
effects up to depression and suicide:
hazard due to wind-wheel-generated infrasound
German: Gesundheitsgefährdung durch
windradgenerierten Infraschall)
Infrasound is produced by criminal wind
turbines when a rotor blade is passing the tower
compressing the aire between the rotor blade and the
tower. This vibration is damaging and also killing
animals and humans become ill or die before their
Illnesses by infrasound: insomnia,
anxiety, dizziness, headache, lack of
concentration, balance disorders, nausea,
tinnitus, cardiovascular problems up
to depressions
Translation of the article:
<Thorsten Schmitt
The thesis that infrasound
is imperceptible to the human organism was
refuted by Wanka and Höppe, who demonstrated
that infrasound in Munich associated with
foehn or special weather conditions [German
Chinook winds in the Alps] maximizes the
tripling of daily rescue service operations
due to suicide, suicide attempt or mental
disorders. Perceptibility does not depend on
the sound pressure level but on the
signal-to-noise ratio of a narrow-band
disturbance which is superimposed on the
infrasound noise by natural and technical
sources. This is what Dipl. Physicist Dr.
Joachim Schlüter is writing in his article on
the website of the European Institute for
Climate and Energy (EIKE).
The article further states: "It is hypothesized
that this signal is perceived by the sense of
equilibrium and interpreted as a threat to which
humans react with aggression or depression."
Wind-wheel-generated infrasound has a similar
discrete sound spectrum as Foehn ("USA": Chinook
winds), consequently It should also cause the
same health disorders that have been detected in
the Föhn regions, and which are actually
complained about in wind turbines. Therefore
locations near infrasound generating windmills
should not have much more noise level as foehn
On the Internet, but also in the scientific
literature / 1 / there are numerous observations
indicating that the infrasound produced by wind
turbines is provoking complaints such as insomnia,
anxiety, dizziness, headache, lack of
concentration, balance disorders, nausea,
tinnitus, cardiovascular problems up
to depressions. While these
indications are taken seriously in Australia,
Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and the
USA, and have partly led to the extension of the
protection zones and have provoked relevant
national research programs, the authorities and
the wind industry in Germany argue that
infrasound could not be harmful because it is
not audible / 2 /. Also, the pain threshold for
infrasound is so high that it could not be
exceeded even at the foot of wind turbine
The Bavarian State Office for Environmental
Protection is often quoted as the first official
statement with the statement / 3 / that "... the
sound immissions lying in the infrasonic range are
far below the perception threshold of humans and
therefore do not cause any nuisance." This
statement was copied by almost all other German
environmental ministries, but later cautiously
formulated / 2 / "... .that all present infrasound
measurements consistently show that the infrasound
of wind turbines are even at close range well
below the human hearing threshold and thus well
below a conceivable effective threshold". Here one
has replaced perception threshold with threshold
of hearing. Obviously, one did not want to exclude
the possibility that the human infrasound organism
could have other organs of perception, and that
then a much lower effective threshold would be
This remaining possibility prompted the Federal
Environment Ministry three years ago to commission
the Federal Environment Agency with the
preparation of a feasibility study entitled
"Impact of infrasound, development of
investigations for the determination of the
effects of infrasound on humans by different
sources" *. Obviously, the planning of the
development of such methods - by no means already
their provision and application - was extremely
difficult, as the study was only published in
early June 2014, three years after placing the
order / 4 /, albeit without explicit distancing
from the previously expressed misconceptions. It
is certainly difficult to experimentally prove a
combination of extremely small pressure
fluctuations with symptoms of predominantly
psychic nature, to have a sufficient number of
subjects to ensure acceptable significance, to
continue to ensure the compatibility of
epidemiological examinations with medical
confidentiality and data protection and finally
the to evaluate the information of the subjects of
experiments with the necessary caution.
* „Wirkung
von Infraschall, Entwicklung von
Untersuchungen für die Ermittlung der
Auswirkungen von Infraschall auf den Menschen
durch unterschiedlichen Quellen“
[Foen wind statistics in Munich
compared with rescue statistics: rescue
works are TRIPPLED]
It is not mentioned in / 4 /
that already in 2003 (after preparatory work by
A. Delyukov / 5 /) Munich meteorologist Eva R.
Wanka solved all these problems convincingly in
her diploma thesis, which she published in 2005
in extracts with P. Höppe / 6 /. In a natural
experiment, she spent a year studying the
effects of Föhn-generated infrasound on 1.8
million test persons, the inhabitants of Munich
and the surrounding area. To this end, she
correlated the number of daily, due to mental
illness, suicide attempt and suicide rescue
service missions in relation to the fluctuations
in air pressure in the frequency range of
infrasound. It was thus able to prove with
extremely high significance that Föhn wind
(Chinook winds) generated infrasound can
maximally triple these operations. This confirms
earlier observations / 7 / that Föhn [with
infrasound] leads to suicide. At the same time,
infrasound was identified as the vehicle effects
on the human organism. It seems curious that
this obvious connection was recognized only a
few years ago, although the phenomenon of the
Föhn, which had already attracted the attention
of the ancient Romans, has been scientifically
studied for 200 years.
Although not explicitly stated, the work
contains two more important results. As
independent parameters did not serve the watched
amplitudes of the singular frequences, but the
proportions were watched. When all amplitudes
are rising at the same time, the proportions
don't change. Such a rise of all parameters in
all frequence areas is interpretated as a rise
of a continuum, as an increasing noise. Thus the
infrasound noise could not change a singular
parameter, and could not change the dependent
parameter (number of rescue actions). Only the
suicide rescue actions rised. Interpretations
mean that this rise was because of a narrowband
signal, a linear sound radiation, maybe with
some harmonic upper waves.
[Foen winds
provoking infrasound and suicide attempts -
kriminelles Windrad provoziert Infraschall
and suicides]
In general, it can be said that a human organism
is only ignoring infrasound when it comes as a
general noise with an amplitude not rising the
threshold of pain, but can be perceived when it
is transferring as a narrown band line the
constantly existing continuum. Only the sound of
the infrasound is perceived. There is a limit
for this, below it's just a dump noise, without
pain. As it was proved that this unconcious
perception can provoke heaviest psychological
consequences for humans, also Foen winds should
be rated as cause for slight psychological
complaints - and other sources which cause the
same complaints.
There is no reason not to transfer the above
implications to the case of wind-wheel-generated
infrasound. The previous exclusion criterion
that the human organism can not perceive
infrasound, as far as it is below the hearing or
pain threshold, has been falsified. In addition,
the spectral distribution of the wind
wheel-generated infrasound also has a discrete
component / 8 /, which of course is only
noticeable if it exceeds the noise level. This
also invalidates the often-argued objection: Why
should wind-wheel-generated infrasound be
harmful if infrasound noise generated by
vehicles or machines is not? The answer is:
noise is ignored, signals are perceived.
[Suicides in the Merkel-GDR and in the Munich
In Germany, about 9,000 suicides are reported
annually, and in Munich around 200 suicides per
year or a suicide every two days. Assuming 20
foehn days [Chinook wind days] with a doubled
suicide rate, the result would be 10 suicides
because of foehn winds in the region of Munich.
[The distances of wind turbines to human
settlements: At 2MW power the minimum of
distance should be 2km]
For good intelligibility of speech, a
signal-to-noise ratio greater than 10 is
required. Applying this condition to the
perception of infrasound, in rural areas where
the background noise at 1 Hz is approximately 60
dB / 8 /, the level of wind-wheel-generated
infrasound should not exceed 70 dB, otherwise
adverse effects would certainly be expected.
With the current minimum distance of 500 m, this
condition will only be fulfilled by plants whose
power does not exceed 300 kW / 8 /. For 2MW
plants, a distance of 2 km would be required.
[1 windmill (wind turbine) provokes 1 suicide in
30 years]
As an example, it is assumed that the singular
windmill plants with 2MW would have a minimal
distance of 500m to the next dwelling building,
this would count for 300 of them. In this case the
population would suffer infrasound on a surface of
36,000km2 which corresponds just to the number of
inhabitants of Munich and surroundings admitting
50 inhabitants per km2 for rural areas.
Calculating 200 working days insead of 20 foehn
wind days, the result would beo 100 additional
suicides per year. The medium for the windmills
power plants would be 1 suicide during a working
time of 30 years.
[Merkel regime with windmill projects - suicide
rate is rising]
This statement is based on the assumption of an
installed capacity of 6,000,000 kW and
underestimates considerably the wind power
capacity already installed on land. Admitting that
the expansion of wind energy is going on like
before and also surfaces with dense population
will be filled with sound, so it would not be
unrealistic when [Merkel GDR] Germany had up to
1000 suicides because of wind turbine's
infrasound. There is a rising rate of suicide in
[Merkel GDR] Germany since 2007 which would not
contradict this statement.
On the mechanism of perception and interpretation
of the infrasound signals, I would like to sketch
a hypothesis whose fragments are mainly found on
the Internet and which emphasizes the importance
of infrasound for evolution with the following
chain of effects:
Generation of infrasound through the sequence of
steps of a (feeding) enemy,
Perception by the organ of balance, the outer hair
cells of the cochlea or by baroreceptors, analysis
by means of narrow-band filters in the central
nervous system, interpretation as a threat,
insomnia (more correctly: increased alertness or
attention), fight or flight or aggression or
In the course of evolution, this type of
perception has enabled many escape animals to
survive. Even with the few people, in which the
sense of balance tends to misinterpretation, it is
preserved. Humans can therefore respond to
infrasound in three different ways, namely with
aggression, with depression or with ignoring.
These partly contradictory possibilities will
certainly not facilitate the planned
Generally speaking, signals that repeat at a large
but constant interval interpret the central
nervous system as a threat. This theory explains
e.g. also the intolerability of a dripping faucet.
Its disruptive effect depends neither on the
volume nor on the repetition frequency, but only
on the signal character. It seems plausible that
the same should apply to weather- or
wind-wheel-generated infrasound. The experimental
proof should not be difficult. For the frequency
independence found in Wanka's work more, not
treated here evidence.
Of course, for ethical reasons laboratory
experiments are prohibited with the aim of causing
depression or even suicide with infrasound.
However, a correlation between infrasound and
insomnia could be demonstrated almost effortlessly
in the sleep laboratory. Dependent parameter would
be the sleep quality, which would be quantified
with known and existing procedures. The
independent parameter would be once the level of
(white, pink or red) infrasound noise, on the
other hand the amplitude, frequency and possibly
coherence length narrow-band infrared signals. The
laboratory would have to be in the center of a
wind turbine-free zone about 50 km in diameter.
The number of subjects remained manageable, if
initially only persons who are weather-sensitive,
would be examined. The resting position of the
subjects during the examination period avoids that
constant vertical head movements in the
inhomogeneous field of atmospheric pressure, even
if only a few centimeters, would be perceived as
irregular pressure fluctuations, which in turn
would cause the useful signals to be noisy.
The conclusion is that the scientific proof of the
health hazard caused by weather-generated
infrasound was provided by Wanka's diploma thesis.
As long as this proof would not be refuted
experimentally, it is concluded that there is a
health risk from wind-wheel-generated infrasound.
Therefore, when defining the minimum spacing of
residential wind turbines, it should be taken into
account that the signal character rather than the
amplitude of this infrasound is the decisive
feature. Even a death threat presented in a
whisper can be effective.
/1/ Pierpont, N. Wind
turbine syndrome, K-selected books (2009)
/2/ Bundesumweltminister
P. Altmaier, Schreiben vom 3.8.2013 an die
Umweltminister/innen der Länder, PDF
/3/ Hammerl, C. u. J.
Fichtner, Langzeit-Geräuschimmissionsmessung
an der 1 MW-Windenergieanlage Norde N 54 in
Wiggensbach bei Kempten, Bayerisches Landesamt
für Umweltschutz (2000)
/4/ Bundesamt für Umwelt,
Machbarkeitsstudie zu Wirkungen des
Infraschalls, (2014), (PDF), (hier)
/5/ Delyukov, A. and L.
Didyk, The effects of extra-low-frequencies
atmospheric pressure oscillations on human
mental activity, Int. J. Biometeor. 43, 31 –
37 (1999)
/6/ Wanka, R. and P.Höppe,
Human biometeorological relevance of low
frequency air pressure oscillations,
MeteorologischeZeitschrift, 14, 279 - 284
/7/ Faust, V.
Biometeorologie – Der Einfluss von Wetter und
Klima auf Gesunde und Kranke, Hippokrates
Verlag, Stuttgart (1976)
/8/ Ceranna, L., G.
Hartmann & M. Henger, Der unhörbare Lärm
von Windkraftanlagen, Bundesanstalt für
Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, PDF
Quelle: Dr.
Joachim Schlüter, Dipl.-Physiker / EIKE>

Merkel's Germany - Dec.22, 2014:
Municipal Council is liable for damage caused
by wind energy - 200m high "Monsters" - a
maximum of 40% efficiency:
Local deputees liable for damage to health
caused by wind turbines
(original German:
Gemeinderäte haftbar für Gesundheitsschäden
durch Windkraftanlagen)
Translation of the article:
<Edgar Gärtner
Representatives of federal and state
parliaments enjoy special protection. It is
quite different with local politicians in city
and local councils. You can now make them
personally responsible for damage to the
health of wind turbines.
In Germany there are now about 25,000 wind
turbines (Windkraftanlage - WKA). More and more
of them are harmful to health. In the course of
the so-called "repowering" more and more smaller
older plants are being replaced by
200-meter-high monsters. In forest areas, wind
is breaked by the trees, thus the windmills are
at least 200m high monster wind plants.
Roughly speaking, even the largest wind turbines
can convert only about 40 percent of the wind
energy into electrical energy. The large
remainder is lost in the form of sound waves,
that is, periodic changes in air pressure
[infrasound]. The frequency of these waves
(expressed in Hertz) and thus the sound
perceivable by us humans is lower, the longer
the rotor blades are. In other words, the
wavelength of the noise generated by wind
turbines increases directly with the length of
the rotor blades. But there's something else the
media keeps silent about wind turbines.
You can read the full text of this article in
the current edition of the background
information service KOPP

Windmill victims in Denmark - march
2, 2015: Infrasound caused by high windmills:
minks are killing each other, miscarriages +
stillbirths - perennial nursery must close because
of insomnia, vibration in the chest, headaches +
menstrual problems - Germany with cr. Merkel
regime refuses any investigation !!! - Windmill
industry is also destroying the sea with
infrasound against fish + seabirds:
Does the infrasound of wind turbines make you
(original German: Macht der Infraschall von
Windkraftanlagen krank?)
Infrasound of windmill turbines provokes:
difficulty breathing, headache,
tightness in the chest, menstrual problems,
frequent nosebleeds, swollen tonsils
Infrasound of windmill turbines provoke with minks:
eath other, miscarriages, stillbirth
Book of Nina Pierpont "Wind Turbine
Syndrome" of 2009:
tinnitus, headache, sleep disorders, dizziness,
Translation of the
<by Daniel Wetzel
expert for economy
[Dec.6, 2013: Mink farm in Vildbjerg (DK):
Minks injured or even kill each other,
miscarriages and stillbirths]
Map with
Vildbjerg in Denmark [2] - Mink [3] - fur
breeder Mr. Olesen, Vildbjerg [4]
For fear of health damage caused by infrasound,
Denmark hardly allows the construction of windmill
energy power plants. There is a state's
investigation. German [Merkel] authorities are
playing the problem down yet.
At the first test, the animals started
screaming. "They raged in their cages with a shrill
shriek and started biting each other," says Kaj
Bank Olesen, a mink breeder in the
location of Vildbjerg, Denmark.
When his veterinary called the police in Herning at
dawn pleading a shut down of the new wind turbines
behind Olesen's farm, half a dozen animals were
already dead in the cages. More than 100 had wounded
each other so deeply that they had to be killed.
The events on Olesen's mink farm on the night of 6
December 2013 have unsettled many of the
ecologically oriented Danes. Does wind power make
you sick? Do the turbines generate infrasound,
these are low-frequency vibrations below the limit
of audibility, that drive animals crazy and perhaps
also are charging human health?
Suddenly there is lull in the state of Denmark -
[reports on infrasound in DK in the whole country
- awaiting investigation report]
The fate of the Jutland-based mink breeder made
headlines nationwide and even engaged the parliament
in Copenhagen. And since then, the energy revolution
has a problem, as Jan Hylleberg admits, the CEO of
the Association of the Danish wind industry: "A
large part of the Danish municipalities has put the
plans for new wind farms on hold until the state
investigation into the health problems by infrasound
is completed."
In 2014, in the first year after the incident in
Vildbjerg, only new windmills with a total output of
67 megawatts went online. The year before, it was
694 megawatts.
[Germany with 500 citizens' initiatives against
criminal wind turbines]
Does that what the Danes are currently experiencing,
also threaten [Merkel's GDR] Germany? A wind turbine
does not turn differently in this country. The local
manufacturers of turbines, rotor blades and steel
towers are alarmed. Currently, they are experiencing
an unprecedented high-altitude demand: 1766 wind
turbines were rebuilt last year in [Merkel's GDR]
Germany, more than ever before. Just as many will be
added this year. Could the boom end soon?
Meanwhile, more than 500 citizens' initiatives
against wind power projects are making front. They
are reproaching to German licensing authorities that
sound emissions of windmill power plants would put
in danger the health of the neighboring population.
Fear of Denmark can transmit fast to [Merkel's GDR]
Wind power expansion splits Danish society - [DK
with 40% wind power]
The small neighboring country is the world leader in
wind power generation with a share of 40 percent in
electricity consumption. The ambitious energy policy
radiates far beyond the borders of the country.
All of Denmark is "a gift to Earth", according to
environmental protection organization WWF, when it
presented its "Gift to the Earth" prize (Link
(English)) to Prime Minister Helle
Thorning-Schmidt in 2013. The parliamentary monarchy
in the north "is considered a laboratory and an
example for the transformation of a whole country,
away from dirty coal, oil and gas, to a renewable
energy production," cheered the German news magazine
"The Mirror" ("Der Spiegel"). The Viking descendants
are "the tamer of the wind" (Link
[DK with over 200 citizens' initiatives against
criminal wind turbines - highest electricity
prices in Europe]
[Wind turbines are not only
killing millions of birds per year, but in
the sea they are producing the most
expensive electricity because of cables on
the sea ground].
In the
5.6-million-inhabitant state, however, more than 200
citizens' initiatives against wind farms are now
active. And that's not just because of Europe's
highest electricity prices.
[DK: families move away from wind turbines]
The Danish daily newspaper "Jyllands Posten"
publishes reports of families abandoning their homes
for their children's health because wind turbines
have been erected nearby. The popular newspaper
"Ekstra Bladet" (Link
(DK)) shows a caricature of a farmer
showing his middle finger in the form of a wind
turbine. Headline: "Vindmoller has altid ret":
"Windmiller is always right". The dispute over the
pros and cons of further wind power expansion is
dividing the Danish society.
[Vildbjerg: mink farm with 4
wind turbines next door: home becomes
uninhabitable - is only usable as a deposit of
products - difficulty breathing, headache +
tightness in the chest - when there is west wind
with infrasound: females bite young animals dead
- malformations]
Always with west wind animals
bite other animals dead
Kaj Bank Olesen is a blond two-meter
giant with a face reddened by sun and wind. "I do
not think this farm will exist yet in two years," he
says, referring also to his home, which is now
considered uninhabitable and therefore is unsalable.
[Olesen sleeps 50km away in the summer house -
difficulty breathing, headache, tightness in the
Since the four wind turbines turn next door, his
wife and he retire each night to sleep in their 50
km away summer house. Olesen complains of difficulty
breathing, headaches and tightness of the chest.
That the complaints come from the sound waves of the
wind turbines, he considers clear. The animals also
Olesen holds 25,000 minks in long,
flat stables. His profession has not a high
reputation in Denmark. "My ethic is that every night
I know the animals are fine," he says. But the
animals are not feeling well anymore. When
there is west wind, he females always bite their
juveniles dead. Other newborns have malformations.
[Humans do not hear the infrasound - but animals
seemingly do! - Distance rules do not count for
Olesen believes that the low-frequency sound of the
wind turbines, which is no longer audible to humans,
drives the animals crazy. The four rotor towers
behind his farm are located exactly 561 meters from
the house. Four times the height of wind turbines is
required in Denmark as a minimum distance to
residential buildings. This limit was just
fulfilled. Only for animal stables the distance does
not count. The next wheel turns 320 meters from the
mink cages.
[Vildbjerg: miscarriage and stillbirth at just
15% - normal is a rate of 0.5%]
After the first mating season, about 500 of the
4,500 Nerzweibchen had miscarriages and stillbirths.
"Usually the average is 20 miscarriages," says
Olesen as he walks through a dim corridor of his
tool shed. At the end, he opens a two-meter-long
freezer: Inside are about 2,000 thumb-sized dead
mink puppies.
[Holbaek on
Zealand (DK): perennial nursery has to close
because of criminal wind turbines]
Infrasound provokes: insomnia, vibration in
the chest during the night, exhaustion in the
morning already, headaches, menstrual
Map of Denmark with Holbaek
[5] - Holbaek, aerial photo [6] - Boye
Jensen with criminal wind turbines on
fields [7]
"Vibrating in the chest"
In the community of Holbaek on the island of
Zealand, 250 kilometers east of Olesen's mink farm,
there is also a wind energy trouble. The plant
breeder Boye Jensen, 67, stands with
his family, friends and employees in front of his
former company and raises protest posters. The
insolvency administrator has scheduled the sell-off
of the company "Lammefjordens Perennials" for today.
Buyers come from everywhere and load the trunks of
their station wagons with cheap plant pots and
During 40 years, Mr. Jensen has established this
company of perennial breeding, but now he has house
ban. His operation with 14 employees is insolvent,
and according to Jensen, the wind turbines behind
his fields are to blame for this.
Jensen had long fought against the project of the
municipality of Holbaek, to build wind turbines
directly next to his company area. In November 2011,
the energy company Vattenfall set up the almost
130-meter-high towers.
Two weeks later, Jensen suffered from insomnia.
At night he felt a "vibration in the chest",
he says. "I was exhausted right after getting
up." But Jensen's real nightmare began
several months later, when several of his female
gardening staff told him they were suffering from headaches
and menstrual problems.
Plant breeder companies are left
without staff - [infrasound: rotor blades
passing the tower provoke an air pressure wave]
The boss went on an odyssey through health
inspectorates and health care inspectorates. Then
the Danish media spread the pictures of Olesen's
dead mink from Jutland. Wind power opponents were
cited, who considered the fate of animals as the
result of an involuntary field experiment: The power
plants would provoke a sound which is inaudible for
humans, just a low frequency. It always arises when
the rotor blade passes the tower of the wind
turbine compressing the air. The
vibrations below 20 hertz are not only harmful to
animals, but also to humans.
could not agree with my conscience to expose my
employees to this health risk for longer.
Boye Jensen, perennial gardener
There is resistence against criminal windmill power
plants with following web sites for example:
These web sites refer to dozens of scientific
publications. The World Council for Nature, an
international organization that rejects wind for
protection of nature reasons, accused the Danish
government in an open letter of ignoring the growing
body of evidence of the existence of a "wind turbine
All this caused panic in Jensen's perennial
gardening. Five employees quit their job without
notice. Jensen saw no chance to continue the
company. He wanted to slowly unwind the gardening
companyt with a shrunken crew. "I could not agree
with my conscience to expose my employees to this
health risk for longer," he says. But the banks did
not accept the plan and quit the lines of credit.
Jensen had to file for bankruptcy.
Former Minister of the Environment represents
wind power opponents
"You do not know what you have committed in
Christiansborg." Hans Christian Schmidt, chairman of
the Parliamentary Committee for Land Districts and
Islands, listened to the perennial gardener Jensen
for two hours (report
link (Danish)). Schmidt, a member of the
Liberal Party (Venstre), is Denmark's former
Minister of the Environment and the only prominent
politician ready to present the issue of the
problems with wind power boom at Copenhagen's
Christiansborg Palace, the seat of parliament and
There is no other representative fighting against
the wind lobby, and there are good reasons for this:
windturbine industry, with a turnover of over ten
billion euros, is an important economic factor,
accounting for almost four percent of Danish exports
That is probably why the hearings always ended with
little tangible results. With one exception: with
the number of anti-wind power groups rapidly
increasing, the government commissioned a study on
possible health hazards from wind turbines in late
This order for more research has far-reaching
consequences. Many municipalities that have
statutory planning jurisdiction in Denmark have put
their plans for wind energy projects on hold.
Considering insecure citizens, they only want to
permit new windparks when the results of the study
about wind energy dangers will come in 2017. This is
de facto an expansion moratory, and wind power
opponents are celebrating this as a first big
success. As another sucess counts that the
government gave the order for research just to a
leading cancer research institute.
Cancer researchers are studying
wind power risks
The private institute Kraeftens Bekaempelse (Link (Danish))
is located in a long building complex made of bright
clinker bricks near the Copenhagen Castle. The core
of the research institute are forming around 250
researchers. The institute is member of Danish
Cancer Society.
One of them is Mrs. Mette Sørensen, an environmental
doctor specializing in ecological epidemiology. So
far, she has researched the health effects of
traffic noise and air pollution. Since the beginning
of 2014, it has been commissioned by the Danish
government to determine whether wind turbines pose
harmful infrasound emissions.
Aslak Harbo Poulsen, who heads the wind turbine
project with Sørensen, considers the research
project unique. "So far, health effects have only
been studied on the basis of interviews with those
affected," says Poulsen. "We, on the other hand, use
objective data."
The data is a Danish speciality. Because there is
hardly any other country whose inhabitants are so
comprehensively measured and registered by the
authorities. The scientists have access to a data
pool that includes individual medical findings. At
the same time, official statistics know the data of
every wind turbine built since 1980.
"We select those people who are affected by sound
emissions in the vicinity of the facilities and
compare their health data with residents in the
neighboring communities," says Poulsen. Around one
million citizens are thus the focus of attention,
after which the study focuses on an estimated 10,000
to 15,000 people in the immediate vicinity of the
wind turbines.
Comparing statistics of the population with the
windmill statistics the scientists can determine
whether there is a higher proportion of heart
disease around wind turbines, whether sleep
disorders are treated more frequently and whether
antidepressants are prescribed more often. Regarding
registered health complaints, "we can determine a 20
percent increased disease risk with 80 percent
confidence," says Poulsen.
Health problems with wind
turbines only are an idea? - [the thesis of
"imagination" of complaints]
But despite its high scientific standards, the
Danish study will not be able to resolve the dispute
between wind power opponents and proponents. Even if
a higher rate of illness was found near wind
turbines, no one could say whether the symptoms were
caused by physical or medical reasons or merely
psychosomatic reasons.
Not the wind turbine,
but the fight against wind turbines makes sick
This clames a researcher at Copenhagen
"Hundreds of thousands of people in Denmark have
always suffered from chronic health problems of
unclear origin," says a researcher at the University
of Copenhagen, who does not want to be mentioned by
name. "It is obvious to many that their complaints
are simply due to the existence of widely visible
wind turbines."
According to this interpretation wind opponents, who
are actively fighting construction projects in their
neighborhood, suffer from frustration and anger,
therefore a special charge of stress which can also
have health effects.
The feeling to fight as a lonly person against a
green common mainstream by self-serving motives
provokes a high psychological pressure on the
adapted normal citizens. "Not the wind turbine, but
the fight against wind turbines makes sick," says
the scientist.
German authorities play down the
issue - [Merkel regime does not want to
The wind power opponents is rated a psychological
ill: German authorities also tend to this view,
because the evidence for the existence of wind power
diseases were only a few so far. In fact,
experiments by New Zealand researchers suggested (link
(German)) that the subjects' discomfort
with low-frequency sound was due to a "reverse
placebo effect," the so-called nocebo effect.
In the experiment, also subjects claimed symptoms
when they were exposed to fake infrasound sources.
Just the expection of a health impairment provoked
inconveniences, whereas there was no physical cause
for it.
[Book by Nina Pierpont (2009): Wind
Turbine Syndrome]
Nosebleeds, tinnitus, headache, sleep
disorders, dizziness, tachycardia: Such
symptoms were described for the first time in 2009
by the American author Nina Pierpont in a
book entitled "Wind Turbine Syndrome".
However, the 300-page work of the psychologist,
which is widespread among wind power opponents
worldwide, does not meet the scientific minimum
[Arrogant criminal German Merkel GDR
authorities don't want to investigate and define
simply all "in order"]
[Baden Wurttemberg]: "Already the
procedure, only on the basis of 23 phone calls
without accompanying medical examinations to develop
a new clinical picture with twelve leading symptoms,
seems adventurous", this is the comment of
Environment Authority for Mesurement and Nature
Protection of Baden Württemberg* (Link
(German)). So, there would not be any
wonder that "this work was not published in any
scientific review". The authorities of Baden
Wurttemberg conclude: "There is no wind turbine
* Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und
Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg
[Bavaria]: Bavaria state authorities for
environment, health and food safety* (Link
(German)) declare that all low frequence
sound would be harlmess: "The
infrasound levels generated by wind turbines at
normal distances to residential development are
well below the hearing and perception limits," it
says. Therefore, "according to the current state
of science wind turbines would have no harmful
effects on the well-being and health of humans."
* Bayerische Landesämter für Umwelet,
Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit
[German Merkel GDR authorities only say]: What one
[humans!] cannot hear, according to the officials
can not be harmful [but animals hear it!]
Doctors call for more infrasound
research - [animals become crazy with infrasound
- example the minks in Denmark]
Wind power opponents, however, do not believe that
this view can be maintained for a long time - and
refer, among other things, to the dead mink birds of
the Danish fur breeder Olesen: It is not possible
that animals have imagined to be ill comporting like
this, says Mauri Johansson, a retired medical doctor
who worked for working station observation. Now he
is assisting the Danish wind power opponents.
[Austrian medical doctors recognize infrasound
Elsewhere health complaints are recognized as a
medical problem. For example, the Vienna Chamber of
Physicians found that "the residents of wind
turbines are experiencing complaints of excessive
and above all low-frequency sound and infrasound".
Comprehensive investigations "with regard to any
harmful effects on health are indispensable",
explains Piero Lercher, consultant for environmental
medicine at the Vienna Medical Association.
[Low frequency tones are not hearable for humans
- but the ear is proceeding them]
Also studies of the Ludwig Maximilians University
Munich contradict the Bavarian supervisory
authorities: "the assumption, deep tones would not
be processed by the ear, because they are not or
hardly audible, is wrong," says the neurobiologist
Markus Drexl: "The ear reacts very well even on very
low-frequency sounds."
For example, the Department of Neurobiology of the
University [of Munich] had measured in a laboratory
experiment how low-frequency sounds affect the inner
ear. According to the investigation, the "cochlea"
of the inner ear is stimulated by infrasound. "The
time that the inner ear needs to recover from the
low frequency noises is longer than the time of
exposition to the tone", Drexl noted.
Whether this is a first indication of a potential
damage of the inner ear by low-frequency sounds,
should show further experiments.
[New kind of refugees in Merkel
GDR Germany]: Wind power refugees also in
Germany - [movie "Wind Rush"]
In fact, it would be unusual for the large number of
reported health problems worldwide to be explained
by psychosomatic illusions and nocebo effects alone.
Now, in the Internet more and more reports of "wind
power refugees" and their fate can be found, for
example on YouTube there is a widespread
documentation "Wind Rush" of the state-owned
Canadian television station.
[Wind power plants are destroying Merkel
GDR Germany: e.g. Schleswig Holstein - sleeping
room in the sound proof cellar - NO CHANCE]
In Germany too, conflicts between wind power
projectors and residents are increasing. In [Merkel
GDR] Germany, the federal state of Schlewsig
Holstein is number 1 for windmill plants. Last year
455 rotor towers were erected. According to
information of the State Office of the Environment,
60 complaints came in during the same time
complaining about noise of wind power plants,
whereby according to indications "the number of
complaints is not statistically completely
There are German wind power victims, for example
Pieter and Heimke Hogeveen, who run a health center
with four employees in a converted old waterworks in
Dörpum, Schleswig-Holstein. The team's offer
includes physiotherapy, massages, rehab sports and
preventive sports.
But the athletic, even highly active couple
complains of a dramatic decline in physical
performance, dizziness and insomnia, since 500
meters from the house an Enercon E82 mill with a hub
height of 140 meters was built.
The Hogeveens gave up their bedroom under the roof
and set up a new one in the basement. When the
complaints did not reduce there, they pushed up the
kitchen floor and built the former water reservoir
down with the help of plasterboard to a "sound-proof
room" to be able to sleep again.
Federal Federation for Wind energy (Bundesverband
Windenergie) expresses itself restrained
I have woken up this
night at 3 o'clock again.
It has little use. "I woke up again at three
o'clock tonight," Heimke Hogeveen said. "East wind."
The Hogeveens believe the infrasound also reaches
them down there. Frequent nosebleeds and
swollen tonsils are the symptoms.
Meanwhile, there are twelve wind turbines around her
home. "We are like in a cauldron," says Heimke
[Schleswig-Holstein: nosebleeds stops at once
changing the domicile - infrasound of wind power
plants causes NOSEBLEEDS]
They sent their 17 years old son to a boarding
school in Flensburg. He had often nosebleeds, and
there it stopped at least. Pieter Hogeveen is
checking the facts with his lawyer if there will be
a criminal file against the wind power plant manager
because of intentional assault.
[Merkel GDR authorities don't want to
The [Merkel GDR German] Federal Wind Energy
Association is reluctant to comment on such reports
on health risks and refers to the studies of the
southern German regional offices. Nevertheless, the
industry takes the debate on infrasound "very
With good reason. If it turns out that the
complaints are justified, the question of
consequences would arise. Is it enough to set
minimum distances to residential development? If so,
how big do they have to be? Many in the renewable
energy sector have always referred to the health
risks of coal power and nuclear reactors in order to
justify a rapid energy turnaround. Now they
themselves have to deal with the suspicion of being
responsible for health hazards.
Contradictory messages from the
[Merkel German] Federal Environmental Agency -
[Bavaria installs the law: distance to the next
dwelling house must be at least 10 times the
A delicate task. The state government of Bavaria has
already enforced as a minimum distance to
residential areas ten times the wind turbine height.
For wind turbines of 200 meters of height, a minimum
distance of 2000 meters is needed to the next
dwelling house. This requirement is not based on any
medical or scientific knowledge: The minimum
distance was chosen by the Bavarian state government
apparently for political reasons. However, critics
of this "10-H rule" [10 times the height rule] no
longer see any chance of installing a significant
number of wind turbines in the country.
[German Federal Environment Agency does NOT WANT
to protect the population - and does not want to
change to not harming energies!]
The [coward Merkel GDR] Federal Environment Agency
(UBA) warns other federal states therefore to follow
the example of Bavaria. When this 2km distance would
become a standard in hole [Merkel GDR] Germany, wind
turbines would only be possible in the country with
a power performance of 36 gigawatts. As just this
magnitude is installed already, any new construction
of wind turbines must be stopped. And this would be
the end of the energy revolution.
This is a BIG LIE of the "Merkel German Federal
Environment Agency" (Umweltbundesamt - UBA): There
are many other energies to install: water motor,
compressed air drive, upwind tube on slopes of
hills, wave energy, tidal energy etc.]
Mrs. UBA President Maria Krautzberger advised the
countries, therefore, they "should not make the
mistake of installing laws prescribing to much
distance otherwise the important column of the
energy revolution would be in danger."
However, it is strange that the Federal Environment
Agency states in another study that the indications
of health risks of infrasound emissions are to be
taken seriously and urgently need to be better
[A Merkel German study about infrasound indicated
clear personal damage by wind turbines]
Although secured scientific knowledge is still
pending. However, it has been proven that
"low-frequency concentrated sound can significantly
affect mental well-being even at low levels,"
according to the "Feasibility study on the effects
of infrasound" *, which was commissioned by the
Federal Environment Agency in Wuppertal.
* „Machbarkeitsstudie zu
Wirkungen von Infraschall“
[The Merkel German "Immission Protection Law"
does not mention infrasound!]
Among the registered complaints from the population
"noise emissions from wind turbines were among the
most common causes". In particular, the type of
sound measurement prescribed by the Immission
Protection Law (Immissionsschutzgesetz) completely
ignores the effect of low frequencies indoors.
Meanwhile, the Federal Environment Agency has
launched a follow-up study to bring more light into
the matter.
What should one believe now? On the one hand, the
Federal Environment Agency demands that the health
effects of infrasound be further researched. On the
other hand, Mrs. UBA President Krautzberger already
dares to discourage larger minimum distances between
wind turbines and residential buildings, so that the
energy transition is not endangered.
This is a BIG LIE of the "Merkel German Federal
Environment Agency" (Umweltbundesamt - UBA): There
are many other energies to install: water motor,
compressed air drive, upwind tube on slopes of
hills, wave energy, tidal energy etc.]
Previous limits without
The study of the UBA about infrasound emissions
indicates clearly that the emission guidelines for
wind turbines have to be revised without any doubt.
Because wind turbines are becoming always higher and
stronger, so also the emitted sound waves have to be
newly rated, and they have to include the infrasound
sector, this requires acustic expert Mr. Detlef
Krahé who was leading the UBS study: "More height of
wind turbines provokes bigger rotor blades and
provokes a stronger varying wind profile."
Therefore, one can "not assume that the radiation
and distribution model for smaller wind turbines can
be transferred to modern, large wind turbines."
The wind industry therefore argues on a shaky basis
when it always emphasizes in the dispute with
residents, they hold all the existing limits:
Because the limits themselves and the methods of
their measurement are now being questioned by
government experts, in Denmark as well as in
[Measurment prescriptions: measurments are not
made INSIDE the houses!]
Emissions from wind turbines are measured according
to the "Technical Instructions for Protection
against Noise" * (TA noise). According to this
regulation, however, the measurement always takes
place only outdoors. Insufficient, find an
acoustician: Because interiors often reinforce the
effect of low frequencies. Buildings are only badly
protecting from low vibrations below 100 hertz, and
they can penetrate almost unhindered by big windows.
* „Technischen Anleitung zum
Schutz gegen Lärm“ (TA Lärm - TA noise)
Frustrating experiences -
[measurment prescriptions according to the human
ear which cannot hear low frequences]
Another disadvantage of the law "TA noise": It
requires that the sound pressure level must be
measured in a way that the sound perception of the
human ear is simulated. But: This so-called
A-rating, measured in decibels-A, is rating higher
pitches always stronger on principle, becaussince,
for example, shrill sounds of people are commonly
perceived as a major annoyance.
The extra low frequencies being emitted by wind
turbines are ignored in this type of
[Criminal Merkel GDR Germany leaves the
population in the infrasound]
Yes, this prescription TA noise (TA Lärm) also
indicates that when there are low frequencesmore
measurments have to be done. But: These more
measurments should be according to the prescriptions
of German Industry Norm. And this norm DIN 45680
has, as every DIN, not the character of a law
prescription but is simply a recommendation. At the
latest here, the quarrels between wind power
operators and noise victims are lost in the fog of
legal uncertainties.
For people who consider themselves victims of
infrasound emissions, this means frustrating
experiences: the "right to physical integrity"
guaranteed by the Basic Law or the "protection
against harmful environmental effects" promised in
the Federal Immission Control Act are difficult to
sue as long as the jurisprudence and science are not
having the level of control of the new buildings of
the energy revolution as it's the case in the wind
power sector.
Denmark's wind power deviates to
the sea - [then fish and seabirds suffer]
It is therefore unclear which direction the debate
might take. Is it even possible, within certain
limits, to even tolerate the health effects of a new
ecological energy infrastructure, just as people
elsewhere have accepted the consequences of lignite
mining? After all, all is about climate protection.
The fact that aircraft noise or heavy traffic
affects the health of the residents, is also
undisputed. Nevertheless, nobody would therefore
prohibit the aviation or car traffic. An expansion
stop for wind power would probably also out of the
This is a BIG LIE of the "Merkel German Federal
Environment Agency" (Umweltbundesamt - UBA):
There are many other energies to install: water
motor, compressed air drive, upwind tube on
slopes of hills, wave energy, tidal energy etc.]
[Modification of rotor blades]
In the meantime, major turbine manufacturers, such
as the German company Enercon from
Aurich, are testing a technology in which the
trailing edges of the rotor blades are modified so
that they emit less aerodynamic noise. These
so-called "Trailing Edge Serrations" (TES) could in
the future belong to the standard equipment of wind
turbines. Whether the technology is sufficient to
eliminate all the complaints is still unclear.
The Danes have found a way out of the dilemma. On
land, only a few new plants will be added, believes
Jan Hylleberg, the head of the wind industry
association. The growth will be done on the sea.
This is a BIG LIE of the "Merkel German
Federal Environment Agency" (Umweltbundesamt -
UBA): There are many other energies to
install: water motor, compressed air drive,
upwind tube on slopes of hills, wave energy,
tidal energy etc.]
With two new large-scale wind farms in the North
Sea and Baltic Sea, the 50 percent mark in green
electricity will be skipped by 2020. In Danish
coastal waters there will be as much wind power as
on land.
Germany does not want to follow this eco-model. On
the contrary, the expansion plans for offshore wind
have recently been vigorously reduced. The federal
government wants to allow only 6500 megawatts in the
North and Baltic Seas by 2020, while there are
already more than 35,000 megawatts of wind power on
This would mean that seven times more wind power
would be installed on land than at sea - although
the infrasound there would only disturb a few
Infrasound also goes underground into the water
damaging fishes and wales].

(Caliphate NRW, Germany) - Jan.
26, 2016: Windmill gondola
including rotor blades breaks off
without warning:
Cause not yet known - 150,000
euros damage 100-ton windmill
gondola including rotors breaks
(original German: Ursache
noch nicht bekannt – 150.000 Euro
Schaden 100 Tonnen schwere
Windrad-Gondel samt Rotoren bricht ab)
(Caliphate NRW): Windmill
gondola with rotor blades
broken off [13] - close up
<By Jürgen Vahle
Altenbeken (WB). At Altenbeken-Buke the
gondola and the rotor blades of a
100-meter high wind turbine broke off on
Tuesday afternoon and fell to the
ground. No one was hurt, the damage
amounts to about 150,000 euros.
According to operator Westfalia
Wind (Westfalen-Wind) it is a
prototype of the company »Enercon«, which
was built in 1996 directly on the federal
road 64. Company spokesman Daniel Saage
says the wind turbine should be dismantled
after 20 years anyway in early April and
taken to the company's own Enercon museum.
Why the entire head of the plant is
broken, yesterday was not yet known.
Technicians now want to retrieve the
completely destroyed gondola with cranes
and transport it with a low-loader, in
order to examine it more closely.
The damage of 150,000 euros is mainly due
to the now no longer produced and sold
According to Westfalen-Wind, the broken
component weighs 100 tons.>
windmills (wind turbines) are mass murder and
should be FORBIDDEN:
1. INFRASOUND kills wildlife and people
on the ground.
2. Millions of birds, bats and insects
are SLAYED on rotor blades.
3. Large wind turbines in the forest are
interpreted as a bird of prey, the animals
flee ALL.
4. Wind turbines TIP in 10 years. Wind
turbines are UNPROFITABLE. Dismantling
is expensive.
from: 2.3.2015: Does infrasound
of wind turbines make ill? (original German:
Macht der Infraschall von Windkraftanlagen
INFRASOUND: "The installations emit inaudible
sound at a low frequency for people, which
occurs whenever the rotor blade passes the tower
of the wind turbine compressing the air.The
vibrations below 20 Hertz are not only for
animals, but also for humans harmful to health."
(original German: "Von den Anlagen gehe für
Menschen unhörbarer Schall mit niedriger
Frequenz aus. Er entstehe immer dann, wenn
das Rotorblatt am Turm der Windkraftanlage
vorbeistreicht und dabei Luft komprimiert.
Die Schwingungen von unter 20 Hertz seien
nicht nur für Tiere, sondern auch für
Menschen gesundheitsschädlich.")
+ SOUND DETECTOR - upwind power plants
Every wind turbine ("windmill") must have a
surveillance camera and a sound detector to document
the mass murder of birds - and then the wind turbines
need to be converted worldwide into upwind power
plants without visible altitude propellers. So you
have reliable upwind power production without damages.
Michael Palomino, Sep.10, 2019 -
to the upwind power plant of Manzanares in
Spain -
to upwind tubes on the mountainside (study)