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HELL IS HERE and all are only watching - index

Impossible and murder like sociological conditions on this world

by Michael Palomino (since 2002)

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13. Modern deluge 01 - 02 -

21a. Worldview by wisdom: truths, strategies, extraterrestrials etc.
21b. Lying journalists - lying monsters  

25. Unmögliche Gefängnisbedingungen Teil 1   -  Teil 2  -
25a. Unmögliche Gefängnisbedingungen in Lörrach 2008
25b. Impossible prison comditions: Thailand with blackmail, torture and murder

40 Atomic part 22: Dumping of nuclear waste into the sea by GB+F - Video log

57. The criminal sect of commanders 

58. Terrorist whistle - stop whistle terrorism!
