Planting trees on Bulcão Farm 01 [3] - Image credits: institutoterra

Planting Trees on Bulcão Farm 02 [4] - Image credits: institutoterra
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Turning desert into forest 05c1: Reforestation in Brasil: The farm "Fazenda Bulcão" with Salgado
Sebastião Salgado and Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado - Earth Institute (Instituto Terra - https://institutoterra.org/)
Bulcão farm in Brasil before in 2001 and after in 2019 [1] - Bulcão Farm (Hazenda Bulcão), examples of plants and animals (from the web site of Instituto Terra)[11]
presented by Michael Palomino (2022)
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-- photographer Salgado owns in Central Brasil in the Federal State of Minas Gerais near the town of Aimrés near the Atlantic a farm of about 609 hectars
-- when he returned from a long trip in Africa, he sees that almost all forest is destroyed [culprit unknown]
-- his wife has the idea to reforestate the forest, for that an Institute is founded: Earth Institute (Instituto Terra): https://institutoterra.org/
-- this Earth Institue has also got a Facebook web site: https://www.facebook.com/InstitutoTerraOficial/
-- it was a hard handiwork, 290 home plant species were planted on 609 hectars, and insects, birds and fishes came back.
Bulcão farm in Brasil before in 2001 and after in 2019 [1] - Mr. and Mrs. Salgado [7] - Vía: El Mundo
Bulcão Farm (Hazenda Bulcão), examples of plants and animals (from the web site of Instituto Terra) [11] - map of Brasil with the Federal State of Minas Gerais [12] - map of Minas Gerais with Aimorés [13]
Logo of Instituto Terra [10]
Contact data (from the web site https://institutoterra.org/):
-- RPPN Fazenda Bulcão - Caixa Postal 005 - CEP: 35200-000 - Aimorés / Minas Gerais MG / Brasil - Tel.: +55 33 3267 2025 Tel.: +55 33 3267 2302
Cel: +55 33 99978 2025
-- Instituto Terra, address: Instituto Terra, Fazenda Bulcão, S/N, Zona Rural 35200-000 Aimorés, Minas Gerais, Brasil
-- Instituto Terra, e-mail: iterra@institutoterra.org
-- Instituto Terra on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InstitutoTerraOficial/
-- Instituto Terra on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/InstitutoTerra1
-- Videos about Instituto Terra: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=InstitutoTerra+salgado
-- the singer Gilberto Gil on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gilbertogiloficial
-- the singer Gilberto Gil with his song for the forest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MEDbRCVJRM
Brazil Aug.17, 2020: Reforestation of the farm "Fazenda Bulcão" by Sebastião Salgado and Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado:
Photographer And His Wife Plant 2 Million Trees In 20 Years To Restore A Destroyed Forest And Even The Animals Have Returned
Internet archive indicates the article sinde Aug.17, 2020:
If you spend any quantity of time looking the news, you understand that the timber withinside the global are disappearing quickly. This consists of the Amazon rain forest, that's being reduce right all the way down to make manner for farmland and fanning the flames of world warning.
According to the UN, a place the scale of South Africa has been misplaced completely considering the fact that 1990. Another manner to study it's miles a place of the scale of Panama being misplaced each year.
Add on pinnacle of that the deforestation enterprise this is chargeable for 15% of greenhouse fueloline emissions and it truly provides to the plant species and animals which are going extinct. David Attenborough has stated that species are going extinct on the identical price because the dinosaurs after they disappeared. And all of us realize that it didn`t stop nicely for the dinosaurs.
Sometimes extrude isn`t approximately turning the tide completely, it`s approximately making small differences. That is what Brazilians are seeking to do. Married couple Sebastião Salgado and Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado are displaying the sector what's viable while people move up in opposition to the environmental problems we're now experiencing.
For years, the husband spent his time documenting the Rwandan genocide and while he again to Brazil, he determined that it become now no longer similar to while he left. At one time, the tropical rain forests had been status proudly however now, the u . s . become nearly barren. This consists of the disappearance of wildlife.
Planting trees on Bulcão Farm 01 [3] - Image credits: institutoterra
Planting Trees on Bulcão Farm 02 [4] - Image credits: institutoterra
“The land was as sick as I was – everything was destroyed,” Salgado told The Guardian. “Only about 0.5% of the land was covered in trees. Then my wife had a fabulous idea to replant this forest. And when we began to do that, then all the insects and birds and fish returned and, thanks to this increase of the trees I, too, was reborn – this was the most important moment."
Brazil Feb.21, 2021:
[Singer] Gilberto Gil, Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado are together intensifying the reforestment
(orig. Portugues: Gilberto Gil, Lélia Wanick Salgado e Sebastião Salgado se unem para incentivar reflorestamento)
Brasil March 6, 2021: Reforestation of the hilly desert: Fazenda Bulcão:Salgado has founded an own institute: Earth Institute (Instituto Terra).
São Paulo, SP (Folhapress) - [The singer] Gilberto Gil has only the forest in his head - just in a transferred sense, always being worried, and this is also shown in his video climp "Refloresta", with his new song and with the names of the campaign of the Eart Institute (Instituto Terra) from Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado. This action tries to communicate the meaning of recovering of bad forest areas, and this will be started on Saturday evening (21).
Photographer Salgado was observing the environment situation in Brazil constantly. The head quarter of his institute is a living example for the initiative for reinstalling forest in deforestated areas. When the location was purchased by his family, the location was a cattle farm before, and was destroyed.
This location is [now] a protected natural reserve being called "Fazenda Bulcão" (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural - RPPN), it's a forest region near the Atlantic near the Rio Doce Valley (Vale do Rio Doce). The RPPNs are natural reserves in private possession.
This RPPN which consists of something more than 600 hectars. About 2,2 million trees were planted up to now. From now on, the territory will be helped by Zurich Insurance with one more million of seedlings - which mostly are created in the greenhouse of the institute. With this, 120 species of plants of the Atlantic Forest (mata atlântica) are created.
According to indications of the institute, since November 2020 again 100.000 seedlings have been planted. Now between November of this year and February 2022, the project is plantin another 140.000 trees of 69 species.
Terra Institute (Instituto Terra) indicates that about 15.000 seedlings came from greenouses from familiars around the farm.
The period of 2021 until 2030 is considered by UNO as the century of the reinstallment of the ecosystems. Atlantic Forest is the most destroyed region of the country, and deforestation has grown since a short time again. Only about 12% of it's original forest is existing yet.
Reforestation was restarted with this campaign and this was important, but it was not simple. But effects come immediately as also with the higher rain forest. In the meantime, Gils song is saying "it's not enough what remains". This means: There has to be a very hard work for convincing so the forest is finally respected."
The incredible reforestation of the farm of the photographer Mr. Sebastião Salgado
(orig. Spanisch: La increíble reforestación de la finca del fotógrafo Sebastião Salgado)
Sebastião Salgado is without any doubt one of the most important photographers ever in the world.
In 2019, the Earth Institute (Instituto Terra) helped the reforestation of Sebastião Salgado's farm, more than 290 local plant species were planted on 609 hectares.
The begin of the project
The project of reforestation of the farm began in the early 2000s, when Sebastião Salgado was coming back from a horrible documentation of the Ruanda genocide.
Returning to his farm again, Salgado was together with his wife and saw only a dry and sad zone without life. And then they had a thought which was for others almost impossible: reforestate the complete forest.
"The soil was so ill as I was. My wife had a wonderful idea to plant this forest again, and when it began sprouting, all insects, birds and fishes returned."
Sebastião Salgado
The Earth Institute (Instituto Terra)
A short time after this, the Earth Institute (Instituto Terra) was found which planted until today more than 4 million trees and helped to complete reforestation of the photographer's farm.
The work of Sebastião Salgado
Sebastião Salgado investigates life and experience of humans in less developed and impoverished countries. His photo books like "Exodus and children" ("Exodos y Children") show the hikes in 35 countries in Africa concerning complete families, from the parents down to the little child.
The signification of his work lead to the fact that in 2001 he was nominated a special representative of UNICEF, and in 2007 he won the prize of the Prince of Asturias (premio Príncipe de Asturias de las artes).
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Photo sources
[1 bis 5] https://www.thesciearth.com/2020/01/photographer-and-his-wife-plant-2.html
[6 bis 9] https://picnic.media/la-increible-reforestacion-de-la-finca-de-sebastiao-salgado/
[10] Instituto Terra, logo: https://institutoterra.org/o-instituto/
[11] Instituto Terra, examples of animals and plants: https://institutoterra.org/o-instituto/
[12] Map of Brasil with Federal State of Minas Gerais: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minas_Gerais
[13] Map of Aimorés in the Federal State of Minas Gerais: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimorés_(Minas_Gerais)