The renaturation of the planet takes
place in these steps:
In this way, an important water buffer will be installed
in times of flooding and this will allow the flora and
fauna of the floodplain landscapes to develop anew with
“nurseries” for the water animals.
Renaturation step 2: WIDEN THE RIVER
down+normalizing the flow speed
1. from 1750 appr.: How the meanders and
river loops were systematically destroyed
Originally, all the rivers on Planet "Earth" looked very
"curvy" with loops and meanders and there were many
peninsulas with impact slopes and gliding slopes. On these
peninsulas and on the long riverbanks, water plants and
water animals were living. Nowadays, this natural system
can be seen only rarely. Here are 3 examples:
1. Canton of Berne and Solothurn in Switzerland with the
Aare River between Biel and Solothurn with original
meanders and slings
2. Canton of Berne with Langete stream between Langenthal
and Rohrbach with original meanders and slings
3. Germany with the Rhine River between Karlsruhe and
Manheim with remnants of the original meanders and slings:

Map of the Aare River between Biel and Solothurn with
original loops + meanders [2]
Map with the Langete Creek between Langenthal and
Rohrbach with original loops + meanders [3]
Map of the Rhine River between Karlsruhe and Mannheim
with rests of the original loops + meanders [4]
Some rivers could not be straightened because they are
flowing through mountains, for example the Moselle River
between Trier and Koblenz in Germany: This example shows
how ALL rivers in the WHOLE world ONCE were flowing: Long
river course, low flow velocity, meanders and loops.

Map with the Moselle River between Koblenz and Trier
with original loops + meanders [5]
The meanders and loops worked with gliding slope (slow
flow speed for uphill travel by ship and for the nurseries
of the animal world) and impact slope (high flow speed for
energy generation).
What did the "Christians" do with their diabolical money
mania and stock exchange mania from 1750 onwards with
Jewish bankers in the background? The rivers came out as
speculation objects for a faster ship traffic and for
winning territories. Nature, plants and animals don't
exist as values in the stock exchange.
2. The destruction of streams and rivers
in "Christian" areas from 1750 onwards by
The madness of "Christianity" with its lying pastors,
bishops and popes has caused the "Christian" rulers to
think that they are allowed to destroy EVERYTHING that is
nature with the slogan "Subdue the earth" if it serves
their money purposes. The criminal "Christian" rulers
destroyed almost all meanders in the "Christian"
countries, filled them up and "straightened" the rivers in
order to gain land - so almost all streams and rivers in
the "Christian" area became absolutely boring canals. In
the case of the Rhine River in Germany one can see the
castrated Rhine River and the remnants some meanders and
loops. Here not everything was piled up.
3. Examples of "river straightening" with
destruction of all meanders and loops
3a1. The Rhine: The destruction of the meanders and
loops of the Rhine
Lower Rhine (NRW, Germany) with
the canalized Rhine, old meanders are painted in
red and marked as “loops” ("Schlinge") [1]
Blue area 14-19 meters above N.N. [?]
Green area 20-30 meters above N.N:
Brown area from 30 meters above N.N.
Red = Early Roman [Greek] course of the Rhine
according to Klostermann
Red interrupted line with arrow = Flood channel
into the Isselbruch region
Around 1750, the "Little Ice Age" prevailed in Europe.
Instead of inventing the underground greenhouse for
growing fresh vegetables also in winter, the Jesus Fantasy
"Christian" lords (emperors, kings, princes, bishops,
etc.) set about turning almost all rivers into straight
canals as straight as arrows. From about 1750 onwards,
they simply thought: WE are the LORDS of the country, we
want more trade, so the merchant ships should travel
shorter distances, we shorten all rivers, we lower all
rivers, then the ships are faster, then larger ships with
more draught can go on the rivers, then we have more to
eat, and nature is not important, only the MONEY is
important. And where it is not possible to lower the
stream or river, we protect the reclaimed land with dams.
Well, with every flood, the river forms new deposits
within the dam bed, so that the side edges became higher
and higher. What happens then is logic...
3a2. The Rhine: How the Rhine
was narrowed from a width of 1km to 200m
Here is a summary of a newspaper article
“Attempts to tame the Rhine” ("Zähmungsversuche
des Rheins") from 1978, when there was no
environmental protection in the politcs present.
The reduction of trees is regretted, but the
reduction of biodiversity not:
by Stephan Jüngling, grammar school MNG of Basel
Mr. Johann Gottfried Tulla was the Grand Duke of
Duchy of the duchy of Baden in Germany in 1818.
At that time, the Rhine was one kilometer wide.
He forced the Rhine [with his plans and military
action partly against the population (!)] into a
200m wide riverbed. Consequences:
-- no more flooding
-- no more irrigation of the land [no new mud
with new minerals from the Alps for the soil]
-- 7m lowering of the river bed
-- lower water table [the groundwater level in
the Rhine valley sank by about 5m, so that new
houses with cellars could be built in the
alluvial zone, BUT all the trees withered
because their roots could not grow fast enough]
[the Rhine was now flowing about twice as fast
and since then the Rhine has been digging itself
further and further down due to erosion -
without control].
Finally, the canal was built so that the Rhine
could be passed by ship as far as Basel. As a
result, the water level [around the canal] sank
by 2m, and below Strasbourg the ground was
lowered by 3m.
The erosion was stopped by building water power
stations [in the Rhine channel].
[The channel has much less current due to its
locks (watergates), so the Rhine canal does not
dig downwards - there is no erosion, but
electricity is produced - and fish cannot
migrate in the Rhine canal because the locks are
blocking the fish - fish ladders were only
introduced from 2000 on approximately...].
The engineer Mr. Karl Steitz tried to compensate
for the erosion of the Rhine with bed-load
Advantage: no large structures [no steps were
Disadvantage: this is not a permanent solution
(DM 1.5 million per year).
France has the last word.
[Important to know: The project of the
Rhine-Rhône Canal through Switzerland was not
built because people saw the dying trees in
The final project was a navigable canal for
cargo ships through Switzerland, connecting the
Rhine with the Rhone in Geneva: through the
Rhine - the Aare - Lake Biel - Lake Neuchâtel -
with a canal with many locks down to Lake
Geneva. However, resistance in Switzerland soon
grew when the dying trees were seen along the
canal in France. For this reason, the industrial
bosses and governments of Switzerland were
unable to realize the Rhine-Rhône Canal project.
To this day (2024), the Rhine freight ships have
their southernmost river port in Basel and in
Birsfelden (east of Basel) - these are the only
Swiss river ports on the Rhine].
3a3. Example of how the Rhine was castrated
On the next maps you can see the original Rhine in
Baden-Württemberg at the mouth of the Neckar with the
natural Neckar delta - and the boring canalization for the
land winning policy: This canalization was
"scientifically" also called "Rhine straightening, also
Rhine regulation, Rhine correction or Rhine
rectification"* - a cruel "Christian" game against nature
castrating all rivers from their wild life:
* "Rheinbegradigung, auch Rheinregulierung, Rheinkorrektur
oder Rheinrektifikation"

Map of the Rhine and Neckar before and after [9] - Map
of the Rhine between Altrip and Jockgrim with meanders +
loops - and then only like a line [10]
Germany 4R: Rhine loops were systematically amputated
3a4. The description of the "Rhine
from [web01]
see also: Rhine straightening (orig. German: Die
Rheinbegradigung) -
Translation with Deepl:
straightening, also known as Rhine
regulation, Rhine correction or Rhine
rectification, is the artificial shortening of
the formerly meandering Rhine. River straightening was
carried out in Germany between 1817 and 1876 by the
engineer Johann Gottfried Tulla and his successors,
including Max Honsell. The straightening of the Rhine
was also a prerequisite for making the Rhine navigable
up to Basel, which was begun in 1907.” [web01]
And: “Cut off river loops” - “narrow” the river bed -
“deepen” the river bed - “build dams” - “force the
Rhine to erode deeply” - “lower the water level”:
“The first plan to correct the Upper Rhine by Tulla
was presented in 1809. In the Upper Rhine [between
Basel and Frankfort] plain north of Karlsruhe, river
loops were to be cut off by means of “pearcing” and
the riverbed narrowed and deepened to 200-250 m, and
dams were to be built to protect against flooding,
which would force the river to erode deeply [by the
double of flow speed] and the [ground] water level
should go down.” [web01]
What happened: “rectification plan” - “piercing” river
“The flood in January 1816, which hit the community of
Wörth hard, led to an agreement between the Baden and
Bavarian [Duchy] governments on April 26, 1817, without
offsetting the costs. It was decided to cut through the
bends in the river according to the planned
rectification plan. Bavaria then took over the execution
of the breakthroughs on Baden territory and Baden the
breakthroughs on Bavarian territory.” [web01]
River loops were “shortened” with a small canal - river
loops “silted up”: Example the loop with the island
"Cowhead" (“Kühkopf”) near Ehrfelden and Stockstadt:
“In 1829, a narrow short-cut channel was dug on the
Cowhead (Kühkopf) compared to the river bed. The rest of
the “work” to widen it was done by the river itself.
Today, the river only takes this shortcut, and there is
permitted only a small part of the water flowing through
the loop, which is now almost completely silted up.”
“Kühkopf Island is formed by the Upper Rhine and one of
its oxbows. It belongs to the Hessian municipalities of
Riedstadt-Erfelden (northern part) and Stockstadt am
Rhein (southern part).” [web02]

River loops are "shortened" and "silted up" with a small
canal, for example the map with Cowhead Island
(Kühkopf-Insel) in Ehrfelden and Stocktadt [12]
3a5. The construction work on the Rhine: Dig a canal
with shovels, the river does the rest by itself -
amputate river loops and meanders and let them "silt up"
- but you can also keep them alive with a small
tributary with a threshold - example Cowhead (Kühkopf)
from [web01]
Translation with Deepl:
“Because there was no heavy equipment such as excavators
at that time, and soil could only be moved with shovels,
wheelbarrows and horse-drawn carts, efforts were made to
move as little soil as possible. Instead of digging a
completely new riverbed, small channels were dug as
shortcuts through the bends. These channels had a width of
around 10 to 20 meters. During the construction work, a
small dam was left at the upper end so that the workers
could shovel largely in the dry. This dam was removed when
the canal was otherwise complete, flooding the canal and
giving the water a shortcut. The widening to the full
riverbed width of 240 m above and 300 m below Mannheim was
carried out by the river itself. As the canals are passing
the same height difference as all the loops before passing
a shorter distance now, the gradient was greater now and
the current stronger, so that these shortcut canals grew
to their full width on their own by the next flood at the
latest. In many cases, the old loop was blocked at the
upper end with a dam, so that there was no longer any
current and the loops slowly silted up. The Kühkopf (see
map) is an exception: part of the Rhine water still flows
through the old loop today - however, the amount of water
here is limited at the entrance by a
concrete sill.”
[If the water in the loop goes on flowing, the development
of flies and mosquitoes will be less].
3a6. Construction work on the Rhine: forced labor with
“aristocratic” military surveillance - and destruction
of fauna and flora
The cutting of the meanders shortened the distance between
Basel and Bingen by 81 km. Initially, the plan also
appeared successful in terms of deepening the riverbed, as
the water level dropped, the floodplains [were dried and
destroyed and] could be used for agriculture [vegetable
fields and grain fields] and the Upper Rhine was spared
from flooding for the time being.
In the spring of 1817, forest areas were cleared and work
began on the Knielinger piercing (Knielinger Durchstich).
The work could not be started without incident. The
inhabitants of Knielingen [today a district of Karlsruhe]
feared for their fishing grounds and resisted; their
resistance was broken by military force. The communities
were obliged to provide manual labor. The excavated soil
was poured to the side. The further deepening and widening
of the channel was left to the floods. After three to four
years, the Rhine finally took up the new valley path. Mr.
Tulla set the width of the Rhine at 240 meters. From the
mouth of the Neckar downstream, a width of 300 meters was
planned. The bank itself was fortified with sinkers and
stone paving.
In 1826, protests against the continuation of the
straightening of the Rhine were presented by the
governments of Hesse, Prussia and the Netherlands. Only
after difficult negotiations, the fears of increased flood
and ice hazards were allayed. The last breakthrough
(piercing) to be tackled was the Altrip breakthrough in
1865. However, further corrections in the area of the
mouth of the Neckar, such as the Lindenhöfer piercing,
were not realized, which is why the Rhine still has
individual meander loops today.” [web01]
3a7. Example of river straightening of the Rhine: The
destruction of the meanders between the mouth of Lauter
River (near Karlsruhe) and the village of Roxheim (north
of Mannheim)
You can see for yourself from the map of the region
between Karlsruhe and Mannheim that some remnants of the
Rhine meanders have been preserved as ponds and pools in
order not to completely wipe out the flora and fauna - and
the highways are far away from the Rhine - so the
rectified Rhine between Karlsruhe and Mannheim was NOT
raped with highways:
Map of the Rhine River between Lauter
River (Karlsruhe region) and the village of Roxheim
(north of Mannheim) with the straightened Rhine and
many ponds as remnants of the former meanders and
Rhine loops, which are all “amputated” today - as of
2024 [13]
3a8. Small question about mosquitoes
All in all the question comes up why the meanders and
loops were not left with a small inflow despite the
cuts, because the many stagnant bodies of water that
were once flowing meanders provoke large plagues of
mosquitoes, which can be avoided with a slight
3a9. Example of Rhine straightening: 18 “cuts” over
approx. 86 km as the crow flies from Neuburg to
Wesel - shortening the Rhine from 135 to 86 km
The “straightening” was also called a “breakthrough”
(using the military vocabulary of the battlefield with
bayonets and so on).
“A total of 18 breakthroughs (piercings) were made
from the mouth of Lauter River to the village of
Roxheim, shortening the course of the river by 37
percent from 135 kilometers to 86 kilometers. Of the
18 breakthroughs, Bavaria carried out 8 and Baden 10.
The costs of the Altrip breakthrough were paid jointly
[and you can admit, there was much forced labor for
the local population under "Christian" military
- Neuburg
- Daxland
- Pforz
- Knielingen
- Wörth
- Neupotz
- Linkenheim
- Leimersheim
- Germersheim
- Rheinsheim
- Oberhausen oder Rheinhausen breakthrough
- Angelhofen breakthrough
- Otterstadt
- Ketsch
- Altrip
- Friesenheim
- Büderich Channel breakthrough near Wesel"
3a10. Conclusion: What was done with the “Rhine
straightening” (castration of the Rhine) - details:
-- the criminal “Christians” CUT the meanders with each
other and then the meanders were often DRIVEN UP and
completely DESTROYED “to gain land” and make navigation
faster with direct, straight connections - in the case of
the Rhine in Germany, the meanders were also often left to
“silting up” on their own or still exist today as ponds
and pools
-- in this way, many streams and rivers in the “Christian
West” suddenly became straight, the rivers became boring
channels like a pencil, like a “line”: see the meandering
Rhine, the meandering Thur, the canalized Dreisam
(Freiburg im Breisgau), the canalized river “Wiese” (near
Lörrach), the Birs River between Aesch and Basel, the
canalized Aare River between Thun and Bern, most of the
Reuss River between Lucerne and the mouth of the Rhine, or
the Danube and the Inn in Bavaria, or or or - the river
has become almost half as SHORT, the flow speed of the
water has almost doubled because the same difference in
height is covered over a shorter distance, navigation has
become faster... but the revenge comes with every heavy
rain (!)
-- Most of the time, the criminal “Christians” also
“lowered” the rivers and streams, i.e. they dug out the
entire stream bed or river bed by 5 to 7 meters as
“security” that the canalized stream or river would not
overflow its banks during floods, and so the banks of the
stream or river became steep embankments where only grass
grows - for example the Mattenbach in Winterthur - in
extreme cases the stream bed was also concreted over so
that there is NO life left in the stream at all - for
example in Olten the Dünnern Creek or in Yverdon the Buron
-- thus the criminal “Christians” destroyed the ENTIRE
ANIMAL AND PLANT WORLD on the banks of streams, rivers,
and creeks, and because the stream or river now flows much
faster and is often much deeper and the banks of streams
and rivers had now become steep embankments, the aquatic
animals on the stream or river could no longer set up
their “nurseries” anywhere and were EXPELLED, and many
plants that grow on calm waters were also EXPELLED
-- but that didn't matter to the cr. “Christians”, because
now land was won and safe - and feeder roads and
residential areas “directly on the stream” or “directly on
the river” were built, in the Fantasy Bible is nothing
written about the animal and plant world, so that can't be
important either, not even the word “environmental
protection” is mentioned in the Fantasy Bible - but “make
the world your own”, THAT is what it says and THAT should
count - that's what the Jesus Fantasy pastor said (!)
You see, this Fantasy Bible is a very DESTRUCTIVE BOOK
DEVIL'S FANTASY BOOK - from 1698 on in collaboration with
the diabolical stock exchange (foundation of the stock
exchange system in London 1698), where nature becomes an
object of speculation: the more rivers are destroyed, the
more the value of the land increases, because nature and
quality of life do NOT appear on the stock exchange value
Now, think how other rivers were castrated and violated by
"Christian" technique and money madness (with stock
exchange speculations and Jewish bankers in the
background...): Danube River, Seine River (up to Paris),
Garonne, Po River, Neisse River, Oder river, Volga River
and so on and so on. The river carnage runs through the
WHOLE "Christian" area.
4. The very last thing: the final rape of
straight rivers with highways and freeways on their
-- on the canalized streams and rivers it was still
possible to build nice straight paths and roads or
freeways, as happened on the Ergolz in Liestal, on the
Birs between Aesch and Basel, on the Dreisam on BOTH SIDES
in Freiburg im Breisgau, or on the Rhine between Landquart
and Lake Constance, or on the Rhone in Valais, or on the
Ticino between Bellinzona and Biasca, or on the river
“Wiese” near Lörrach and Basel / Riehen with a “duty-free
road” through a water protection area (in this way the
Christian Pigs were building it ridiculizing any
resistence!) - the rape of the rivers by the “Christians”
could hardly be greater and the wildlife is now fleeing
the river because of the eternal noise and has to look for
smaller creeks without a highway - this is how
extermination of nature goes - by the "Christian" cars and
lorries (!):

Map of the raped rivers Birs and Ergolz in the canton of
Basel Country: straightened, canalized and raped with
motorways [6]
Map with the raped river Dreisam between Freiburg im
Breisgau and the mouth of the Rhine - raped in Freiburg
with the motorway on both sides [7]
Map with the raped Rhine between Feldkirch and the mouth
of Lake Constance - raped with motorway [8]
5. Examples of raped creeks and rivers in
towns and cities
5.1. Case: The raped river in Valencia (Spain): Río
Turia - and severe floods
And what was it like in Valencia, when the river "Río
Turia" claimed its old riverbed and its original delta?
The criminal "Christians" have taken all the space from
it, channeled it, built roads and built residential
quarters next to it - and without compromise the Catholic
Jesus fantasy "Christians" of Valencia have destroyed the
delta of the river "Río Turia" and let the river flow into
the sea as a "pencil" - this is the maximum rape of a
river, which happened there in Valencia - and the revenge
of Mother Earth came at some point: In November
2024, the river wanted to have its delta back (!) and
flooded a big part of the city...

Map of Valencia with the totally raped river Río Turia
like a pencil without a delta [11]
The inhabitants of Valencia are just stupid standard
Catholics, they DID NOT KNOW why this suddenly happens -
in the Spanish governments the knowledge about the rivers
in nature and about the natural water systems is UNknown -
we just wait for them that they will get the link, maybe
with these websites about renaturation.
5.2. Case: The raped river in Genoa (Italy): Polcevera
River - and severe floods
The region of Genoa (Italy) has been experiencing heavy
rainfall with flooding for years, sometimes a bridge
collapses, etc., as in 2014 (video
2019 (
and 2024 (
Just like in the Jesus-Fantasy-Catholic town of Valencia,
the river in the Catholic Jesus Fantasy Genoa was
narrowed, lowered, all meanders and loops destroyed and
the delta destroyed, and roads were installed to the left
and right of the "rectified river" - Polcevera River is
only a pencil now "like a line" - of course: in heavy rain
he wants his delta back. So as long as there is no
renaturation and without it's loops and delta, the floods
in Genoa will be repeated continuously...

Map of Genoa with the Polcevera River like a pencil,
"like a line" [14]
5.3. Case: Settlements and motorway in the alluvial
area of the Rhône in the canton of Valais (Switzerland)
- and the river comes back to Chippis
-- in the canton of Valais (Switzerland), the river
"Rhone" / "Rotten" was canalized and motorway as well as
houses and industrial plants were built near the new river
banks, so consider this: actually the ground floor should
be left free there because the ground belongs to the
river, or all buildings in the alluvial zone would have to
be raised by one floor so that the ground floor can be
kept free for the Rhone when it needs more space after
heavy rain...
Canton of Valais (Switzerland): the raped Rhone:
constricted river, industrial plants and motorway built
next to it, so that all nature flees [15]

Chippis (Valais, Switzerland): At the end of June 2024,
the flood test came and industrial areas in Chippis were
flooded, being built up in the alluvial zone of the
Rohne River - June 30, 2024 [16] - Chippis (Valais): The
dead straight canalized Rhône - just "like a line", is
flooding Chippis - June 30, 2024 [17]

Canton of Valais (Switzerland): Flooded motorway which
was built in the alluvial zone of Rhone River, June 30,
2024 [22]
Well, if you build up buildings in the alluvial land of
rivers, you have to expect that the river will come
-- and in this way the criminal "Christians" from 1750
onwards have destroyed ALMOST ALL rivers, "straightened
them", expelled the flora and fauna of the creeks and
rivers, put whole city quarters on straightened rivers,
which now flow much faster than before and where since
then there are only a limited number of fish and grass -
these are dead rivers without access to the bank and
without life on the bank - and in many cases there was a
large road or even a highway built right next to it - the
animal world and plant world were EXTERMINATED at the
river, they became victims of the "Christian" devil's work
on the river with its two main criteria: "subject" + stock
5.4. "Straightened" and lowered, dead creeks with steep
embankments with residential buildings next to them -
these streams used to be not so deep, but used to live

Yverdon (canton of Vaud, Switzerland): The creek "Le
Buron" is channeled "like a line" PLUS lowered with
steep embankments where only grass can grow, and without
access for humans - Nov 18, 2024 [18] - where is the
Yverdon (canton of Vaud, Switzerland): The "East
Channel" (French: "Canal Oriental") is canalized "like a
line" PLUS laid down with steep embankments of stone and
no access for humans, here everything is sterilized and
nothing lives anymore - Nov 18, 2024 [19] - where is the

Olten (canton of Solothurn, Switzerland): The stream
"Dünnern" is canalized and the riverbed is paved with
stones - here everything is sterilized and nothing lives
anymore [20] - where is the renaturation?

The Matte Creek (Mattenbach) in Winterthur (Switzerland)
is a sadness: just "like a line", lowered, steep
embankments, only grass, no access for humans, NO life
-- but the fish were also EXPELLED: by dams for
electricity production, and the locks are about 10 to 15m
high, no fish can jump that high - so all migrating fish
stayed away - so since about 2000 fish ladders are
installed, but every fish ladder needs an enormous fight
against the electricity industrialists, who simply don't
give a shit about fish and natural food.
6. The renaturation of canalized streams
and rivers
-- One has to widen all the riverbeds and re-establish the
meanders which the Jesus Fantasy "Christians" have
destroyed since the year 1750 appr.
-- When the riverbeds are widened and the meanders are
reestablished, the flow speed of the river water is
-- The meanders with the gliding slopes almost without
currents serve as a nursery for the offspring of the
animal world: in small, quiet bays, in the reeds, in caves
on banks etc.
-- Putting big stones in the canalized rivers is a first
beginning, but in order to resettle the river animals the
canalization has to be broken up, the meanders and
nurseries have to be made possible again with sliding
slopes, little quite bays, and reeds
-- When the flow of the rivers decreases, more water seeps
into the groundwater and the level of the groundwater
(groundwater level) rises.
-- In order to avoid flooding in dwelling locations, new
river arms or stream arms can be built as a reserve
(replace roads with streams or riverbeds) so that in case
of torrential rains there are no more floods - in
Langenthal in Switzerland even a water tunnel was built so
that the floods are a thing of the past.
Küsnacht (canton of Zurich), here
the village stream has been renaturalized at least to
some extent: the concrete floor has been replaced by
gravel soil and the flora and fauna has received a
gravel strip for aquatic plants and nurseries - but
the stream is still lowered, without access and
squeezed in with roads - of course those responsible
are afraid of flooding - because up on the mountain
the pond rows, the forests and the floodplain
landscapes are missing as water buffers, but you
would also have to reduce the roads along the stream
to widen the stream bed, or you could also build a
reserve stream bed around the village to avoid any
flooding during heavy rainfall, or a water tunnel...
So, Brienz in the canton of Bern (this is just one
example where destructive floods occur regularly) now
knows how to defend itself:
-- widen the stream and allow meanders
-- install water buffers over Brienz, if that is
possible: chain of ponds, forests, floodplain
landscapes - or if that is not possible:
-- install a second or even third stream bed around
the village (left and right of the village) - as a
reserve - or / and
-- dig a water tunnel like in Langenthal.
Then the floods should be a topic of the past.
The same applies to all towns and cities that have
neutered their rivers, eliminated all water buffers,
narrowed and lowered rivers and now regularly suffer
from flooding: Valencia, Genoa, Brig, Laufen, Cologne,
on the Oder, etc.
In Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), the riverbed of the
Dreisam in the old town was not narrowed, but "only"
lowered. Flooding has never been reported there.
For Locarno with flooding due to the Ticino River and
other tributaries during heavy rainfall, it can also
be recommended for the buildings on the lakeshore to
keep the ground floor free and add a floor on
And cellars in regions of former streams and rivers
should be prohibited of course. It is better to put
one or two floors on top of the house. At the same
time, the ground in the ex-alluvial land is not
necessarily stable. When food production is
transferred to the greenhouse towers, some fields in
safe zones will be free.