Bio permaculture 04d3: Sepp Holzer and
his Krameter Farm - permaculture of the Alps
Biodiversity and water with 72 ponds on the
slope and low forest grazing
Pond management with 72 ponds on a slope -
crayfish breeding - terracing with embankments with grazed
low forest
Krameterhof: long ponds in the uppermost area with the
uppermost house - semicircular pond around the middle house
[2] - crayfish breeding - terrace with rye biennial
Pigs are led sector by sector into the pasture to dig up the
earth - Black cows and cattle in the middle forest 2 - Horse
in a pasture - Lily pond
1. Krameter Farm (Krameterhof):
Biodiversity and water with 72 ponds on a slope
The principle is the following: We have to restore all the
ponds and lakes that the stock market capitalists have
destroyed by filling them up since 1700 to gain land. The
blind capitalist man, with his criminal speculative stock
exchange, thought he would gain new land by destroying
ponds and small lakes, but the consequences are a horror:
1) he lowered the groundwater level, 2) he destroyed
springs and kept brooks to a minimum, 3) he destroyed a
large part of fauna and flora of their biodiversity, 4)
the water reserves are largely destroyed, and 5) he is
defining good and bad animals fighting them with toxic
pesticides contaminating earth, remaining waters,
vegetables and fruits. All this must be reversed. Sepp
Holzer has done that:
Farmer pioneer Sepp Holzer has created on his farm
"Krameterhof" on the mountainside 72 small and large ponds
to be self-sufficient even with relatively little rainfall
in terms of water:
Satellite photo of Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), total
view with lower and upper ponds, bing satellite photo
The upper house with the ponds
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) with the
upper, large, semi-circular pond, aerial view [2]
2. The elements of Krameter Farm
(Krameterhof) with Holzer's permaculture of the Alps
The entrance sign "Krameterhof" made
of wood with a hand-tree [18]
Holzer's permaculture includes
-- a distinctive landscape design on the mountainside:
-- Terrace construction
-- Installation of hill and
raised beds
-- Humus retention basin [before
leaving the area of the farm, the brook is filtered so
that no humus flows away]
-- Dry biotopes [special sites
with a special structure] and humid biotopes [ponds with
the entire biodiversity]
-- Small climate zones, etc.
-- a pronounced water balance on the mountainside with
relatively little quantities of rain [web02]:
-- water gardens
-- ponds
Holzer's permaculture also includes
-- Agroforestry (inclusion of trees and shrubs in
agricultural use)
-- Fisheries
-- Aquatic plant breeding
-- Livestock farming
-- Fruit production
-- Alpine farming
-- Cultivation of alpine plants and medicinal herbs
Holzer's permaculture is based on decades of experience
and practice [web02].
Holzer's permaculture
-- shows alternative methods of use in extreme zones (from
alpine regions such as the Krameterhof in Lungau to
drylands in Spain and Portugal)
Holzer's Permaculture deals
-- with the recultivation by intensive agriculture of
damaged areas [where ponds were destroyed and
machines+pesticides destroyed the soil]
-- with disaster prevention (building works against
floods, erosion, storm damage, etc.)
-- with the planning of holistic projects [installation of
ponds and lakes to install water systems and natural
agriculture again with all biodiversity]
-- with the creation of nature experience landscapes to
alternative golf courses
-- with alternative energy systems
-- with the regulation of "pests" or their natural
predators, which are missing when other "pests" occur in
order to realize a "symbiotic" agriculture [web02]
Also tourism is not excluded [web02].
Guided tour passing the Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) with
Josef Holzer [10] - Lunch at Kranacherhof owned by the
Holzer family [9]
3. Sepp Holzer and his biodiversity at
Krameterhof by Sepp Holzer: Forest
garden on terraces [12] - Sepp Holzer gives food to the
pigs [23]
The soil becomes more fertile every year: terraces and
Pioneer Sepp Holzer has achieved with permaculture
principles that his soil is becoming ever more fertile [by
combinations of vegetables with other plants, roots remain
in the soil, humus is filtered from the brook etc.]. He
terraced his mountainside, inspired by Asian, terraced
rice fields. He "sought for solutions for his farm to
prevent the drainage of rainwater and to prevent the loss
of valuable nutrients.This permaculture technique has made
the Black Mountain (Schwarzenberg) a place of life, a
fertile paradise with ponds and terraces, and healthy food
for generations." [web03]
[And every mountain farmer can do it!]
Insect hotel on Krameterhof by Sepp
Holzer [3] - boar Oskar on Kramterhof by Sepp Holzer [4]
Each small field contains about 40 to 50 plant species:
vegetables and wildflowers - practically no pests, no
Every walk on Krameterhof is worth a discovery. Sepp
Holzer learnt from the permaculture experience that the
more plant species grow in a field, the fewer parasites
there are and the more stable the system is. Each piece of
land is planted with a mixture of 40 to 50 different
plants (vegetable seeds, partner plants, partly also rare
wildflowers) whose root system stabilizes the soil and
prevents erosion. The stabilization also involves hedges
and bushes. Thus on every m2 will be a harvest, vegetables
next to flowers, foxglove next to lettuce, there grow
pumpkins piles of stones, there grow old potato varieties
or black corn. [web03]
Sepp Holzer proved with old, robust and nutritious seed
varieties that even under extreme conditions organic
farming and permaculture are possible. The synergy of a
natural balance of the elements in the field (animals,
plants, elements, humans) maintains the
ecosystem [web03].
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) of Sepp
Holzer: Cattle and cows grazing on steep pastures [15] -
The mobile chicken house on wheels [16]
There are no fertilizers, insecticides, monocultures,
hybrids or genetic plants that would only leach out the
soil, but there is a multitude of plants and animals used
that mix with each other and live in harmony with each
other. Sepp Holzer noted that the interdependence between
fauna and flora also has an effect to the crops on his
farm - thus without a rich wildlife will be no rich plant
life and vice versa [web03].
Weeds have no chance, resp. weeds do not exist, but there
just exists balance or imbalance. This kind of Holzer
agriculture is meanwhile copied all over the world
Setting up micro-climates: terraces, waters, rock faces
- cherries, citrus fruits, kiwis, and cereals in the
The change of terraces, waters [with the effect of sun
reflection] and rocky depressions [with the effect of
reflecting sun's heat] creates real microclimates. The
thermal energy traps with their sunny rock walls store the
heat during the day and radiate it again at night. This
avoids excessive temperature fluctuations. Thanks to this
technique, on Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) also grow 15
cherry species on over 1000m, also lemons and kiwis as
well as cereals of old crops [web03]. In the rockier areas
of Krameterhof, there are many heat-loving plants such as
pumpkins and even citrus fruits can be found [web01].
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) by Sepp Holzer: Microclimate
on a rock face with straw mulch [f78] - Flatland
vegetables growing in a microclimate on a rock face with
straw mulch on 1400m over sea level [f79]
4. Sepp Holzer's pond system with 72 ponds
on the slope - "water castles" on the mountainside
At the highest point of the farmland, the springs are
bubbling and the creeks are running passing a network of
72 ponds, producing incredible biodiversity. The ponds are
home to a variety of aquaculture species, fish, crabs,
orchids and a variety of aquatic plants [web01].
On the satellite map (see beginning of the web site) you
can see only the largest ponds, about 15 in number. The
three large "water castles" are positioned into the upper,
middle and lower pond systems.
Long ponds in the uppermost area with the uppermost
house of Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) by Sepp Holzer [14]
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) with the middle, large,
semi-circular pond system, aerial view [2]
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) by Sepp Holzer, lower house
with pond systems [19] - close up [20]
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) by Sepp
Holzer, the mill with electricity production [22]
The water saturation on the slope - mushroom mechanisms
are storing nutrients
Different techniques let the seemingly impossible happen
on the Krameterhof. The water slowly seeps through the
earth, mineralizing and purifying and at the same time
saturating the Earth's body. The stored moisture gives the
fungus mechanisms (mycelium) many ways to establish
themselves. The Krameterhof was home to over thirty
different types of mushrooms. These mushrooms not only
produce food and medicines but also help to store moisture
and distribute nutrients in the fungal pathways [web01].
Ponds and mixed cultures around it: Sun reflection of
the water is fully exploited - plus rock walls
A pond at the Krameter Farm
(Krameterhof) of Sepp Holzer 1,2 [5,6]
The ponds are surrounded by various mixed cultures that
are used in the farm's agroforestry systems and make full
use of the sun's reflection of the water [web01].
The water together with the rocky walls regulates the
temperature and keeps the heat for the surrounding plants
and trees, so that different micro-climates are created.
The art of keeping the water - AND producing
electricity AND operating fish AND crayfish farming
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) by Sepp
Holzer: The middle house with its circular pond system
[8] - The upper ponds, view from above [17]
In his permaculture model on Krameter Farm (Krameterhof),
Sepp Holzer has also included renewable water energy.
Water, without which no life would be possible, was given
the highest priority. The sources were channeled, more
than 70 ponds, lakes and ponds were designed with a
multiple purpose:
-- using hydropower to power the entire farm [web03],
-- using sun's reflection of the water provoking warmer
microclimates [web01],
-- enabling fish farms with many fish species and crayfish
species [web03].
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) of Sepp
Holzer: crayfish farming [11]
A new tool: The Holzer spillway regulates the pond
Pioneer Sepp Holzer developped a level control tube system
in "L" form wich is adjustable to the wanted level. The
Holzer spillway allows to adjust the water level by
changing the angle. The water is whirling down the tube
and the brook bed being revitalized [web01].
The pond's overflow at the pond can be tilted to lower
the pond level 1,2
5. The son Mr. Josef Holzer: Guided tour passing
the Krameterhof - Alpine permaculture with pond systems
and free-range farming in low forest systems (video
Video: Sepp Holzer Josef Holzer
Krameterhof (33'44'')
Video: Sepp Holzer Josef Holzer Krameterhof (33'44'') -
YouTube-Kanal: Richard
45 hectares with 400m of height difference
with ponds and terraces
Josef Holzer is speaking:
The farm Krameterhof has about 45 hectares [upload of the
video was in 2012] with about 400m of difference in
altitude, beginning at the bottom of the valley with
almost 1100m going up the slope to about 1500m above sea
level (50''). The steep terrain has advantages and
disadvantages (1'10''). The location on the slope gives
the possibility for whole pond systems and even
electricity production (1'23''). In addition, one can
stretch the harvest a bit using the height differences
(1'38''). Nothing works without terraces (1'48''). The
precipitation is barely 750mm, that's not very much, so
everything is done to save the water, so with ponds and
terraces (2'5'').
Cattle and cows on a terrace embankment - pond - Josef
Holzer on the Krameterhof
The middle house with a semi-circle pond - Krameterhof:
The lower house seen from above - the steep slope is
quite steep
Krameterhof: fruit trees and fallow fields, plowed and
prepared fields by swines - a terrace with a fountain -
the lower house with a steep slope
Lily pond 01 Front view - Side view - Another pond
Krameterhof with a watermill for electricity production
- Orchard Meadow - The uppermost pond with the uppermost
Krameterhof: Hillside with straw mulch - close up -
square field
Krameterhof: firewood, energy wood
Climate at Krameterhof
The annual temperature is 5 degrees C, statistically there
are 1.7 hot days per year with over 30 degrees (2'27 ''),
25 summer days per year with between 25 and 30 degrees
(2'32 ''), but 166 frost days with -0 during some time,
and 50 ice days with temperatures day and night below 0ºC
(2'50 '').
The Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) and its
pond systems
Krameterhof: The upper pond - a pond
in the high pond system - the high pond system, view
from above
Keep the water on the property as long as possible
Pond systems: The goal is to keep the spring water of the
territory as long as possible on the property. The ponds
begin at the highest possible position and are spread over
the entire property (3'56 '').
Ponds on "several floors" with structure - productive
flat areas for small fish and crayfish - deep zones for
adult fish
The ponds contain a lot of structure, this means wood and
plants as a shelter for water animals (4'24 ''). The ponds
remain without additives, without artificial food, but the
ponds develop themselves (4'39 ''). Important for this is
the structure in the pond [with old branches, with many
shelters], productive flat areas [with the breeding
grounds and spawning grounds]. Other ponds have deep
zones, where the adult fish live, with sufficient volume
of water, with the right water temperature, and with the
opportunity to spend the winter in a frozen pond (5'3 '').
Krameterhof: pond with structure 01, wood - pond with
structure 02, wood and water plants - 03, wood and
Krameterhof, a pond with jetty 01 - a
pond with blue pond shells - a wooden well
The flat zones and structures with branches in the ponds
also favor crayfish breeding. The crayfish, the local
crayfish of the region, is one of the main products of the
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) (5'25 ''). Big ponds are not
very suitable on a slope, but it is very easy to put
several ponds in one system (5'49 ''). So there are
shallow ponds as a "productive flat zone", and there are
deeper ponds for mature fish, and these two elements can
be combined well, which is a huge advantage (6'9 ''). The
ponds are thus distributed on "several floors" (6'19 '').
In the ponds live crayfish, predatory fish (trout, pike,
zander), and non-predatory fisch (carp and tench) (6'35
''). At Krameterhof, the main topic is crayfish, which
need a lot of structure (6'45 ''). In a crayfish pond live
crayfish and a few trouts in it, with a lot of structure.
The pond produces a lot of food, and this feed flows into
the ponds below, where the predators live and then
partially eat the food (7'10 '').
Krameterhof, 2 ponds of the high pond system - lupins
with long roots - pond with jetty 02
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), a shallow
pond - deep lily pond as a fishpond - a shallow crab
Krameterhof and its low forest system with
grazing animals between the terraces
Robust and small animal breeds on the mountainside
Animals on the Krameterhof are cattle (bovine and cows),
horses, sheep, pigs, living in free range in the pastures
all year round (7'35 ''). The breeds must be robust, and
must also be relatively small, so that they do not provoke
great damage on the slope due to their weight (7'50 '').
Terraces were installed and the slopes of the terraces are
protected by a kind of low forest system (8'9 '').
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), cattle on the slope - pigs
- horse in a pasture
Krameterhof: Black cows and cattle in the low forest 1,2
The animals are grazing the low forest systems on the
terrace slopes
The grazing animals graze the low forest systems on the
terrace slopes (8'14 '') and keep the areas free [so they
do not turn into dense forest] (8'58 ''). But for this one
must have relatively small animals on the terrace slopes.
The cattle on Krameterhof are therefore a cross breed
between dwarf bovine and Scottish High Cattle (8'35 '').
The cattle graze steep slopes, graze the forest pastures,
and at the same time the forest is used (9'37 '').
Krameterhof: Black cows and cattle in
the low forest 3 - Slope with hillbeds with rowanberry
bushes - Horse with cattle grazing together the low
An embankment is e.g. overgrown and secured with rowan
berries. Of the rowan berries jam and schnapps etc. are
made (10'2 ''). The area between the trees and shrubs is
grazed by the livestock again and again (10'14 '').
Without the grazing animals the slope would soon be
converted into a dense forest (10'22 ''). The grazing
animals cultivate the land as a precondition for field
agriculture (10'33 ''). The slopes are used agro-forestry
(10'46 ''). The grazers also care for the fruit trees by
grazing the soil (11'0 '').
Terraces: working horizontally, building the ground, no
With terraces one can work much better, one can build the
soil layer by layer, there is no major erosion during
tillage, the flowing rainwater is soon stopped and can
slowly infiltrate into the soil and can not wash or erode
anything (11'50 '').
The rye field at Krameter Farm (Krameterhof)
Krameterhof: Terrace with rye biennial
Rye field on a terrace: The rye grows biennial: is sown in
early summer, when it's tall it is grazed in the autumn
and grows a second time in the coming spring, then it
grows more beautiful, grows denser, can better contain the
wild herbs, becomes in the end without pesticides a very
nice grain, without that you have to do anything (12'57
''). One year old rye would have a lot more wild herbs in
between and would not grow so well and harvestable (13'7
''). The biennial rye grows more freely and purer (13'15
''), the grazers have additional food, the soil
experiences a longer regeneration phase and thus is
building up humus (13'32 '').
The terraces and the embankments with low forest -
optimal population with beneficials
Due to the small units with terraces and slopes, there is
always a very good mix of biodiversity, [photo: clover
grows at the bottom of the rye field] (14'9 ''). There is
always a very high biodiversity at the edge of the
embankment, and with these small terraces there are never
any problems as large monocultures have (14'34 ''),
because from the slopes the beneficials migrate
immediately to the field - with a maximum width of a
terrace of 2m - and there is a guarantee for a maximum of
soil life (15'2 ''). The rye grain is for independence of
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) (15'20 '').
Kramter Farm (Krameterhof) with rye
grain just before the harvest, close up - clover grows
on the ground [enriching the soil with nitrogen]
The earth cellar: Storage at earth temperature and
ventilation trick
In earth cellars the bulk of fruits and vegetables are
stored, at earth temperature, with ventilation system
(16'1 ''), with output pipe above, and with a long,
underground, somewhat rising inlet pipe. The incoming air
is adjusted by the long underground route to the earth
temperature and the condensing moisture drips down through
the inlet pipe and does not enter the interior (17'5 '').
Kramter Farm (Krameterhof) with earth
cellar - the entrance of the earth cellar - the vent
pipe at the upper end - the somewhat rising, underground
inlet pipe with dehumidification
Fruit tree meadow on 3 terraces - grazing animals -
pigs eat windfalls
Here are 3 terraces with fruit trees as orchards (17'13
''), so the grazing animals graze here, in the upper zone
the cattle, in the lower zone the pigs, and on the trees
are growing fruits with pears and apples (17'35 ''). The
fruit is partly used for cider production and juice
production, and the excess fruit is eaten by the pigs
(17'44 ''). The fruit trees thus serve the animals partly
also as feed trees (17'48 ''). So also this area is used
multiple times, and it is an essential supplementary food
for the animals (18'22 '').
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), the
orchard over 3 terraces - orchard for pigs, cattle and
Pigs grazing and pruning
Pigs graze areas and prune areas
Here is a pig paddock, the pigs are outdoors all year
round, for winter they have draft-free shelters (18'36
''). They are grazing areas throughout the year, and the
pigs change their place over and over again (18'50 '').
Most of the food is fetched by the pigs from the area, so
they eat the grass, rake the soil, eat roots, worms,
snails, whatever they find (19'13 ''). Then they are fed
by the farmer, so they also eat the last rest on the
field, and then the pasture is changed (19'28 ''). This is
how surfaces are cleaned, and then plants grow, and the
pigs enjoy doing so (19'35 '').
Pig husbandry at Krameter Farm
(Krameterhof) in free range with wind-protected shelter
Pigs are actually forest animals, so the best are forested
areas (19'47 ''). In the low forest they find enough food,
and there they can not do much damage (19'51 ''). Pigs dig
and dig where the terrain is unfavorable to the peasants,
especially on areas where stones are encountered [which
could harm machines] (20'4 '').
Pigs plow up areas that can neither be farmed nor managed
by hand (20'11 ''). The digging of the pigs is like a
barking and then you can sow again (20'25 ''). Pigs are
also useful against weeds to get rid of "unwanted growth,"
[including roots]: "There is no animal that can remove
"unwanted growth" as well as pigs." (20'40 '')
Pigs are led sector by sector into
the grazing areas for digging up the soil there - a pig
gets fed grass for fun
The low forest at the terrace slopes
The low forest on the terrace slopes: fruit trees,
berry bushes, energy wood, timber
On the terrace slopes there is an agro-forestry system
with a low forest: on the slopes wood or fruits are
growing (21'43 ''), at the same time the roots of trees
and shrubs secure the slopes against erosion (21'48 ''),
but at the same time, the terraces have to get enough
light because productivity must not drop (21'58 ''). The
forest at the terrace slope must therefore be very light,
and must always be maintained a little bit (22'8 '').
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof): Terrace
slopes with low forest (agroforest system) with shrubs
and trees - a terrace embankment is in a regeneration
Krameterhof has created the low forest on the terraces
with fruit trees and shrubs, so there are elder, rowan
berries and fruit trees in between (22'20 ''). Individual
trees are used for wood production like a larch or a birch
(22'26 ''). Young trees are firewood (energy wood), tall
trees are timber, the slopes are grazed (22'55 ''). So the
terraces get enough light, you have fruit, berries,
lumber, energy wood for heating, the roots stabilize the
terrace slopes (23'15 ''). And in winter, the terraces
serve as roads to harvest wood (23'21 '').
The full-grown low forest on the embankment - the
decision what will remain and what not
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), example
of a grown embankment between 2 terraces
When a terrace is "fully grown", you have to decide which
trees and shrubs remain and which not, for example birch,
elder, which grew up by itself (23'49 ''). The trees and
shrubs grow where nature decides, and when the slope is
full, the farmer has to decide what will remain and what
not (24'4 ''). What is more important: the wood? The fruit
trees? The berry bushes? (24'16 '')
The middle forest on the terrace slope - multiple
benefits for the embankment
Low forest management was a traditional form of forest
management in Europe until 1900, but then fell into
oblivion [by the greed for money by the mono
afforestations] (24'28 ''). Mid-forest crops are ideal for
the steep terrain, so that the roots protect the terrace
slopes, and berries, fruits and wood are added as products
of the embankment (24'51 ''). Thus, stability is created
and productivity is increased - this is a "wonderful
multiple benefit" (25'1 ''). The terraces are managed
differently, this can be a terrace with potatoes, or can
be a fallow, so a terrace that "is taking a rest", or it
can be a terrace with cereals (25'20 '').
All areas are used: terrace - low forest embankment -
terrace etc.
The Krameterhof has created its own forest system, a
terrace system with low forest between the terraces (25'28
''). The neighbors stuck to their steep slopes, did not
build any terraces and did not grow potatoes or cereals
because they simply say: "This is not going to work here
on this territory." ("Das geht hier nicht in diesem
Gelände"). (25'45 '')
[Low forest embankments - NO construction of expensive
terrace walls necessary
The middle forest slopes not only guarantee the presence
of beneficials, fruits, berries and wood, but the mountain
farmer can do all this without the construction of
expensive terrace walls].
The pond systems with bio-treatment plants
and open creeks for oxygenation
The ponds of Krameter Farm (Krameterhof) of the Holzer
family are built in several "floors" (26'0 ''). The
overwater is passed through an overflow and a ditch into
the next lower pond (26'16 '').
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), pond system with inflow
from an upper pond
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), pond
with overflow - Krameterhof, pond with drain ot the
ditch - the lower pond of a pond system
Pond systems as bio-wastewater treatment plants
The water needs to be able to regenerate: some ponds are
used more intensively, other ponds have plants and work
like organic sewage treatment plants to regenerate the
water (27'13 ''). There the water is enriched with oxygen,
there the water is a habitat for microorganisms, etc.
Since the water is "prepared" for the next pond (27'24
Some ponds are full of aquatic plants forming a natural
flat zone with clarifying effect (28'8 '').
In this case it's essential to let the water flow in
creeks over open rocks so the water is enriching itself
with oxygen regenerating itself. So the water is
"perfectly prepared" for the next pond (27'43 ''). The
water flows passing a natural creek up to 100m in length
[the water accumulates oxygen on the gravel and rocks], so
gets a perfect water quality and flows into the next pond
(28'43 ''). Thus, the scarce water of the region is used
optimally, the regeneration of the water is very important
(28'55 ''). These structures and functions can be divided
on the slope (29'12 ''): ponds with flat zones, shallow
ponds, deeper ponds, open creeks, etc. This only works on
a slope (29'25 '').
Krameterhof, quiet, shallow pond 1,2,3
Krameterhof, water lily pond, frontal view - side view
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), pond
with fish under aquatic plants
Fishing with lowering of the pond level
It is relatively difficult to catch the fish if there is
much structure in the pond. You can lower the pond level
and make the pond fishable, this goes over [swiveling]
pipes (30'0 ''). The drained water is collected in the
lower pond and is not lost unless water is drained from
the last bottom pond (30'12 ''). Plankton and small crabs
flow with and are not lost (30'26 ''). After fishing, the
pond can be refilled immediately with water from the upper
pond (30'37 ''). The ponds give a lot of water in a short
time, whereas the springs themselves give only little
(30'49 ''). So, after a fishing action, soil life takes no
damage, but the pond is replenished quickly from the pond
of the higher level, so that nothing can happen (31'0 '').
The movable overflow permits to lower the pond level
without fishes (31'34 ''). The swiveling pipe is
maintenance-free (32'50 '').
Krameterhof, overflow is moved sinking the pond level
Krameterhof, the end tube without water coming - and
with water coming
Krameterhof, middle house with
semi-circle pond system, view from above - side view 1,2
Vegetables at 1400m altitude on the rock face
Microclimate on the rock face at 1400m: At the foot of the
rock face, earth is poured up and mulched with straw so
that flatland vegetables can grow there (33'30 '').
Krameterhof, warmes Mikroklima an einer Felswand auf
1400m mit Strohmulch lässt Flachlandgemüse wachsen-
Krameter Farm (Krameterhof), warm microclimate on a rock
wall at 1400m with straw mulch, flatland vegetables are
growing - closeup