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Copper 01: antibacterial + medical functions 01

Copper pots - copper handles - copper plates - copper switches - copper rods - copper tables - copper beds - reduction of hospital infections by up to 60%, transmission by over 90% - copper diseases + copper deficiency

Where the copper comes from - the antibacterial effect of copper - copper surfaces have an antibacterial effect in 90 minutes: copper pots - copper bottles - copper handles - copper light switches - "copper rooms" - copper in hospitals and clinics: door handles, copper plates on doors etc. - infection rate almost 60% less - More data on copper in clinics and hospitals - Copper alloys (bronze, brass etc.) also have an antibacterial effect - Copper and its medical functions in humans: Copper is involved in physical processes - Amount of copper per day - Copper promotes health: promotes iron absorption and the formation of red blood cells - copper promotes the brain and creativity - Copper diseases in humans: Too much copper - Wilson's disease with copper deposits - Menkes syndrome with copper deposits - Copper diseases in humans: Copper deficiency: Copper deficiency causes - Copper deficiency diseases - People with a copper deficiency - Diseases that show a copper deficiency - Measuring copper in the blood is not that easy

Copper pots give off
                                health-promoting copper ions    2 door
                        handles made of copper: They kill pathogens in a
                        maximum of 90 minutes (laboratory conditions),
                        in reality much faster   Copper sliding
                                    carriage, it is no longer infectious
                                    in a maximum of 90 minutes   Copper
                                    kitchen appliances on a copper wall
                                    frame 02
Copper pots give off health-promoting copper ions [6] - 2 door handles made of copper: They kill pathogens in a maximum of 90 minutes (laboratory conditions), in reality much faster [2] - Copper sliding carriage, it is no longer infectious in a maximum of 90 minutes [3] - Copper kitchen appliances on a copper wall frame 02 [5]

Copper water makes healthy and happy [web24]

by Michael Palomino (2020)

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Where the copper comes from

-- ores containing copper are deposited in layers of the earth [web52]
-- the groundwater dissolves copper ions from the ores, so that the groundwater has a certain copper content (mostly low, less than 10 μg / l) [web52]
-- water in copper pipes can also dissolve copper ions [web52].

The antibacterial effect of copper

Mode of action of copper: kills microorganisms - boosts the immune system - is anti-inflammatory

-- Copper has been known as a remedy since ancient times [web21]
-- Bacteria die when they come into contact with copper surfaces [web11]
-- Disease-causing germs die when they come into contact with copper [on copper surfaces 90min., in copper water at least 4 hours, e.g. in a copper bottle or in a copper cup [the water must be kept in it for at least 4 hours] [web48]

-- Copper is toxic for microorganisms, but only "relatively weakly toxic" for higher organisms [web01]

-- Ayurvedic sources state that keeping water in copper and silver vessels is a way of disinfecting water [web20]

The antibacterial effect of copper

Mode of action of copper: kills microorganisms - boosts the immune system - is anti-inflammatory

-- Copper has been known as a remedy since ancient times [web21]
-- Bacteria die when they come into contact with copper surfaces [web11]
-- Disease-causing germs die when they come into contact with copper for at least 4 hours, e.g. in a copper bottle or in a copper cup [the water must be kept in it for at least 4 hours] [web48]

-- Copper is toxic for microorganisms, but only "relatively weakly toxic" for higher organisms [web01]

-- Ayurvedic sources state that keeping water in copper and silver vessels is a way of disinfecting water [web20]

-- Copper increases the immune system and is anti-inflammatory [web01]

-- Copper damages the DNA + cell membranes in microorganisms: "The toxic effect arises from the fact that copper ions bind to thiol groups of proteins and peroxidize lipids in the cell membrane, which leads to the formation of free radicals which damage the DNA and cell membranes.>

Copper surfaces have an antibacterial effect in 90 minutes:
Copper pots - copper bottles - copper handles - copper light switch - "copper room"

Water in copper pots (copper water)
                              pots give off health-promoting copper
Copper pots give off health-promoting copper ions [6]

-- Copper pots can perform the sterilization of water, so that negative bacteria, viruses and fungi are eliminated in the copper water [web46]:
Quote: "Copper has a sterilizing effect and effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi." [web46]

-- The environmental protection agency of the "USA" (US Environmental Protection Agency) has registered recently [in approx. 2016] that the metal copper is the only solid material that eliminates harmful bacteria [web46]:
Quote: "Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registered copper as the only solid surface material to kill health-threatening bacteria." [web46]

The copper bottle

Copper bottles give off
                                health-promoting copper ions
Copper bottles give off health-promoting copper ions [7]

-- when you deposit still water in a copper bottle overnight
   -- this water has measurably fewer bacteria [web26]
   -- this water has a higher pH value [web26]
   -- this water has a particularly fresh and pure taste [web26]

-- Copper has an antibacterial effect with a self-cleaning ("oligodynamic") effect like silver [web01]

-- Contaminated water, which is kept in copper cups for 16 hours, drastically reduces the microbe content [web19]

-- Drink water from copper vessels:

"A study from 2016 showed that copper vessels specifically reduce the number of E. coli and P. aerugeinose microbes in the water. A liter of water with a concentration of 1 mg copper resulted in a 99.9 % Inactivation of both microbes detected. " [web07]

(original German: "Eine Studie aus dem Jahr 2016 zeigte, dass Kupfergefäße speziell die Anzahl von E.Coli und P. aerugeinose Mikroben im Wasser reduzieren. Bei einem Liter Wasser mit einer Konzentration von 1 mg Kupfer wurde eine 99,9% Inaktivierung beider Mikroben festgestellt." [web07])

-- Copper pipes [and copper roofs] kill microorganisms [web01], also copper suplies to ponds [web09]

"The British researcher Bill Keevil (University of Southampton) has shown that copper kills the norovirus, which is known to cause particularly nasty gastrointestinal diseases. Even the notorious hospital pathogen Staphylococcus aureus only survives an hour and a half on copper [2] but not a bad idea, for example, to make door knobs and handles in clinics and old people's homes, handrails and handles in buses, subway and suburban trains or in the ICE from copper, to copper them or at least to use the good old brass. " [web08]

(orig. German: "Der britische Forscher Bill Keevil (University of Southampton) hat nachgewiesen, dass Kupfer den Norovirus abtötet, der bekanntlich besonders üble Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen auslöst. Selbst der berüchtigte Krankenhauserreger Staphylococcus aureus überlebt auf Kupfer nur eineinhalb Stunden [2]. Da wäre es doch z. B. keine schlechte Idee, Türknäufe und -klinken in Kliniken und Altenheimen, Haltestangen und Griffe in Bussen, U- und S-Bahnen oder im ICE aus Kupfer herzustellen, sie zu verkupfern oder wenigstens das gute alte Messing zu nehmen." [web08])

Copper surfaces in hospitals and clinics

Copper in hospitals and clinics: door handles of copper, copper plates on doors, etc. - infection rate almost 60% less

                                          handles made of copper: They
                                          kill pathogens in a maximum of
                                          90 minutes (laboratory
                                          conditions), in reality much
                                          faster   sliding
                                          carriage made of copper   Copper kitchen appliances
                                        on a copper wall frame 01   Copper kitchen
                                          appliances on a copper wall
                                          frame 02
Door handles made of copper: They kill pathogens in a maximum of 90 minutes (laboratory conditions), in reality much faster [1] - sliding carriage made of copper [3] Copper kitchen appliances on a copper wall frame 01 [4] - 02 [5] 

-- Copper on door handles and light switches disinfects the hands and thus reduces the MRSA germs (staphylococci) by 37% (clinical study in Hamburg: 50 door handles, door plates and light switches were replaced) [web01]

-- Copper surfaces in hospitals eliminate MRSA microbes (staphylococci) in 90 minutes, stainless steel needs 3 days [web46]:

Quote: "Research conducted by Southampton University in the U.K. showed that MRSA microbes remain alive on stainless steel surfaces for up to three days, whereas the same microbes on a copper surface are eliminated within 90 minutes." [web46]

-- Copper surfaces in hospitals are killing harmful and infectious bacteria by 97%, and the infection rate in hospitals falls by 40% [web19].

Quote (translation): "In another study, researchers found that copper surfaces in hospitals killed 97% of the harmful bacteria that can lead to infections. Just because of the copper surfaces alone, the hospital infection rate fell by 40%." [web19]

(original German: "In einer weiteren Studie fanden Forscher heraus, dass Kupfer-Oberflächen in Krankenhäusern 97% der schädlichen Bakterien töteten, die zu Infektionen führen können. Nur wegen den Kupferoberflächen allein, die Infektionsrate im Krankenhaus fiel um 40%." [web19])

-- If all metal parts in a room are made of copper, the infection rate in "copper rooms" can be reduced by almost 60% (study in the USA 2010/2011) [web01]

-- Objects made of copper alloys have up to 92% LESS germs than objects made of other metals (study in Chile with a humidity of 7.2 to 19.7%) or over 80% fewer (study in the "USA" 2010 / 2011) [web01]

-- Whole clinics now only use vessels made of copper alloys (e.g. the Clinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in the Niederberg Clinic, North Rhine-Westphalia (North Rhine-Westphalia) [web01].

Further data on copper in clinics and hospitals

-- Copper kills bacteria and could reduce germs in hospitals if all metal objects are made of copper alloys (bed rails, tables, door handles), and the consequences were that the 4.5% rate of hospital acquired infections (HAIs) was reduced by over 50 % - see the journal "Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology" from May 2013 [web49]

-- a study by the University of South Carolina in an intensive care unit of a hospital found that copper in intensive care units (ICU) kills 97% of dangerous bacteria and reduces the risk of infection by 40% [web49]

-- General: If all metal surfaces are made of copper, this reduces the infections by over 50% [web49]

Copper surfaces kill Corona19 in 4 hours

-- Corona19 only survives approx. 4 hours on copper, but on stainless steel or plastic up to 72 hours.

Quote (translation): "Experiments by the US health institute NIH and the disease protection agency CDC showed that copper is also effective against coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) or SARS (SARS-CoV-1): SARS-CoV-2 only survives about four hours on copper surfaces . On stainless steel or plastic - both unfortunately common in many places in hospitals - viable viruses were detectable even 72 hours after contamination "[web08]

(original German: "Experimente unter anderem des US-Gesundheitsinstituts NIH und der Seuchenschutzbehörde CDC zeigten, dass Kupfer auch gegen Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) oder SARS (SARS-CoV-1) wirkt: Auf Kupferoberflächen überlebt SARS-CoV-2 nur etwa vier Stunden.
Auf Edelstahl oder Kunststoff – beides in Krankenhäusern leider an vielen Stellen üblich – waren sogar 72 Stunden nach einer Kontamination noch lebensfähige Viren nachweisbar" [web08])

Copper alloys (bronze, brass etc.) also have an antibacterial effect

-- Copper alloys with a copper content of at least 60% also show a toxic effect against noroviruses. [45] [web01]

     Copper alloys are: copper + tin = bronze - copper + zinc = brass - copper-silver - copper-magnesium - copper-nickel - copper-beryllium [web02]

Coins of copper or brass

                                                          ents: copper
                                                          coins and
                                                          brass coins
Euro  ents: copper coins and brass coins [8]

-- Copper coins are germ-free: "The red money is antiviral" (orig. German: "Das Rotgeld ist antiviral") [web08]

-- The yellow brass euro coins (copper + zinc) are antibacterial:
Quote (translation): <Change, which consists of 10, 20 and 50 coins, should be put on the table for a little time. After 4-5 hours, brass is germ-free [3]. A copper content of 60 percent, as in brass (alloy of copper and zinc), is highly effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi. On the other hand, the euro coins of 1 and 2 euro are likely to be less sterile. Because pathogens feel right at home on stainless steel. The brass rim is hardly sufficient for sterility.> [web08]

(original German: <Wechselgeld, das aus 10er, 20er und 50er Münzen besteht, sollte man am besten etwas liegen lassen. Nach immerhin 4-5 Stunden ist Messing keimfrei [3]. Schon ein Kupferanteil von 60 Prozent wie im Messing (Legierung aus Kupfer und Zink) ist hochwirksam gegen Viren, Bakterien und Pilze. Weniger steril dürften dagegen 1- und 2-Euromünzen sein. Denn auf Edelstahl fühlen sich Krankheitserreger richtig wohl. Der Messingrand reicht zur Keimfreiheit wohl kaum aus.> [web08])

Copper and its medical functions in humans

Copper is involved in physical processes

-- In most multicellular animals, copper is a component of many enzymes, thus a vital trace element, is a component of the blood pigment haemocyanin in molluscs and arthropods, serves to transport oxygen [web01]

Copper is involved
-- with 16 enzymes [web03]
-- in the formation of blood (especially in the formation of the red blood pigment hemoglobin and in the formation of the red blood cells) [web03]
-- in energy production (helps with electron transport) [web03]
-- with the immune system [web03]
-- against inflammation [web03]
-- Copper is needed for proceeding the iron in the body (divalent iron is catalyzed by copper to trivalent iron) [web03]
-- Copper is involved with the formation of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue [web03] - promotes the formation of collagen and connective tissue, thus promoting the elasticity and flexibility of the skin [web04]
-- As an antioxidant, copper protects cell membranes from damage [web03]
-- Copper cares for the adrenal and nervous system through the synthesis of epinephrine and noropinephrine [web03]
-- without copper the skin does not form melanin [web03]
-- Pigments are formed with copper (hair color, skin color) [web04]
-- Copper is important for cell respiration (supply of body cells with oxygen) [web04]
-- Copper is a necessary trace element for bone formation and bone growth [web04]
etc. etc.

Amounts of copper per day
-- Most of the copper is found in the human body in the liver, in the brain, in the heart, in the kidneys and in the skeletal muscles [web48]

-- Babies should receive 0.2 to 0.6 mg copper daily, adults 0.5 to 1.5 mg - [a balanced whole grain food is important] [web52].
Quote (translation): "The German Nutrition Society (DGE) indicates for babys a daily need of 0.2 and 0.6mg  of copper per day for the firest months, and for children and adults between 0.5 and 1.5mg copper per day. In all age groups, the needed copper can be required by food normally." [web52]

(original German: "Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) gibt als täglichen Bedarf für Säuglinge in den ersten Lebensmonaten zwischen 0,2 und 0,6 mg Kupfer pro Tag sowie bei Kindern und Erwachsenen zwischen 0,5 und 1,5 mg Kupfer pro Tag an. In allen Altersgruppen kann der Kupferbedarf in der Regel über die Nahrung gedeckt werden." [web52])

-- a copper intake of up to 10mg per day [adult] is not a problem, the EU food safety authority recommends a maximum of 5mg [web52]:
Quote (translation): "Both the European Food Safety Authority and the US Department of Health and Human Sciences (ATSDR) see no potential risk with a copper intake of up to 10 mg per person per day. The European Food Safety Authority recommends that adults should not consume more than 5 mg of copper per day. " - Pregnant and breastfeeding women less - people with copper diseases (metabolic disorders) are not allowed to take in much copper [web52]

(original German: Zitat: "Sowohl die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit als auch das US Gesundheits- und Sozialministerium (ATSDR/US Department of Health and Human Sciences) sehen aber bei einer Kupferzufuhr von bis zu 10 mg pro Person und Tag kein Gefährdungspotenzial. Die Europäischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit empfiehlt, dass Erwachsene nicht mehr als 5 mg Kupfer täglich aufnehmen sollen." - Schwangere und Stillende weniger - Menschen mit Kupferkrankheiten (Stoffwechselstörungen) dürfen nicht viel Kupfer aufnehmen [web52])

-- Copper promotes wound healing and intercepts free radicals, is an antioxidant, protects against premature aging, is a precaution against cancer [web04]

Copper promotes health: copper promotes the absorption of iron and thus the formation of red blood cells

-- can extend life [web46]
-- promotes iron absorption [web46]
-- participates in the formation of new red blood cells [web46]
-- participates in the formation of collagen, a decisive part in bones and connective tissue against premature aging [web46]
-- cares for the nerve cells [web46]
-- cares for the immune system [web46]
-- acts as an antioxidant, reduces free radicals that can cause cell and DNA damage [web46]
-- heals the airways [web46]
-- heals inflammation [web46]
-- heals the spleen [web46]
-- promotes the maintenance of the skeleton, the nervous system and the cardiovascular system with [web46]
-- promotes cleaning of the intestinal walls [web46]
-- promotes healing in the abdomen [web46]
-- has healing properties on the heart, lungs, thyroid and brain [web46]
-- heals the abdomen (lower chakras) and heals from the lungs to the head (upper chakras) and thus balances the chakras [web46]

Copper promotes the brain and creativity
-- Copper strengthens thoughts and metaphysically expands the thoughts and improves the ability to develop intuition [web46]
-- the copper content in the brain is proportional to the creative thinking and to the discovery of problem solutions, the more copper is available, the more nerve tracts can develop [web46]
-- Copper reduces and removes blockages in the brain [web46]
-- Copper promotes general, spiritual well-being and has a grounding effect [web46]

Copper diseases in humans: Too much copper

-- excess copper is excreted with the bile [web01]
-- people rarely suffer from a "copper storage disease" [web01], thus metabolic disorders, so that those affected cannot process the copper [web52]
-- a long, high supply of copper accumulates in the brain capillaries, can damage the blood-brain barrier, the removal of beta-amyloid is hindered, leading to Alzheimer's disease - a study with the ionophore PBT2 as an active ingredient caused Alzheimer's disease patients a reduction of zinc + copper in the brain [web01].

Wilson's disease with copper deposits
-- Wilson's disease provokes copper deposition in the liver, then in other organs, for example in the cornea of the eye with Wilson's disease [web01]
-- with Wilson's disease the copper intake may only be very low, copper accumulates in the liver, brain and eyes, therefore liver damage and nerve disorders such as tremors or unsteady walking are possible [web52]

Menkes syndrome with copper deposits
-- In the case of the copper metabolism disorder "Menkes syndrome", the copper can be absorbed by the cells, but not transported further in an orderly manner, so that some organs are too heavily loaded with copper, other organs get too less copper [web01]

Copper diseases in humans: copper deficiency

Copper deficiency is caused by

-- stainless steel dishes: stainless steel is not copper and is worthless in terms of health [web24]
-- certain metals provoke an excretion of copper from the body like nickel, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum [web24]
-- harmful heavy metals provoke an excretion of copper from the body like cadmium or mercury [web24]
-- harmful foods cause the excretion of copper: especially fructose in fruit juice or in sweeteners or in refined household sugar (consists of 50% fructose) [web24]
-- so: a lot of fruit juices and sugar will cause a copper deficiency [web24]

-- copper deficiency can also occur after long diarrhea, or with premature children [menstruation at 9], or after long malnutrition [web01]
-- with processing problems (sprue, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis) etc. [web01]
-- when high doses of zinc, iron or molybdate are taken [web01]
-- when zinc supplements are taken for a long time [web04]
-- too much vitamin C, zinc and calcium hinders the absorption of copper [web04]
-- long consumption of zinc-containing food supplements can disturb the absorption of copper [web04]
-- smoking hinders the absorption of copper [web04]

-- after a long copper deficiency a "microcytic" anemia is possible [anemia, lack of red blood cells, too little oxygen in the blood] [web01], energy problems, loss of performance, fatigue, concentration problems, feelings of weakness, possibly also disturbances in the nervous system [web04]

 Other factors that provoke the excretion or blocking copper absorption: egg yolk, phytic acid, vitamin C, iron, zinc, vitamin B6:
  • Egg yolk forms an insoluble bond with copper in the intestine, which the body can no longer absorb [web24]
  • Phytic acid (contained in whole grain cereals and legumes) also inhibits copper absorption [web24]
  • Vitamin C prevents the absorption of copper. In addition, ascorbic acid dissolves the copper from its enzyme compounds and transports it into the tissue [web24]
  • Iron, zinc and vitamin B6 also reduce the absorption of copper from the intestine into the blood. Above all, the much advertised excessive consumption of zinc can cause or exacerbate a copper deficiency [web24]
[Conclusion: all has to be in a balance].

Copper deficiency diseases

Copper deficiency provokes
-- Malfunctions of many vital enzymes: glucose utilization + energy generation no longer works, detoxification no longer works, immune system and defense against pathogens become weak, nervous system and psychological mood become unstable [web24]
-- chronic physical and psychological symptoms [web24]
-- overweight, insufficient fat loss [web07]
-- weak connective tissue [inelastic skin] [web04]
-- weakened immune system, which can provoke skin diseases and infections [web04]
-- inflammatory diseases [web04]
-- cardiovascular diseases [web48]
-- depression, fragile bones, growth disorders, infertility [web04]
-- the lack of blood pigment provokes pigmentation disorders of the skin, gray hair [web04]
-- increased cholesterol level, heart diseases [web07]:
Quote: "Copper is part of two antioxidant enzymes: the enzymes (superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin) prevent the bad cholesterol from oxidizing. This lowers the risk of heart disease." [web07]

(original German: "Kupfer ist Teil von zwei antioxidativen Enzymen: Die Enzyme (Superoxid-Dismutase und Ceruloplasmin) verhindern die Oxidation des schlechten Cholesterins. Dies senkt das Risiko von Herzerkrankungen." [web07])

Here are the scientifically proven copper deficiency symptoms: [web24]

  • fatigue syndrome
  • weakness
  • depression
  • diarrhea
  • hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels)
  • emphysema (chronic lung disease)
  • hypochromic and microcytic anemia (certain types of anemia)
  • leukopenia (too few leukocytes in the blood, can be seen in the blood picture)
  • neutropenia (too few neutrophils in the blood, recognizable by the blood picture)
  • infections
  • myocardial degeneration (heart damage)
  • alopecia (hair loss)
  • dermatoses (skin diseases)
  • osteoporosis [hollow bones] [web24]
-- lack of energy, burnout [web24]
-- cholesterol metabolism is disturbed and therefore dangerous LDL cholesterol is produced [web24]
-- muscle tension [web27]

People with a copper deficiency are for example
  • Infants who are only fed with cow's milk [web03] or when they are not breastfed [web04]
  • people with a one-sided nutrition and poor absorption of nutrients (malabsorption)
  • people suffering of strong oxidative stress, e.g. from smoking
  • people with gastrointestinal disorders (chronic diarrhea, intestinal inflammation)
  • people suffering all possible inflammatory diseases
  • people with disorders in the immune system
  • people with a nephrotic syndrome (pathologically impaired protein metabolism)
  • people with cystic fibrosis [gland malfunction]
  • people proceeding a therapy with antacids (stomach acid binding agents), penicillin [web03]
  • "A copper deficiency can also occur more frequently during pregnancy" [web04]
[and during each menstruation women have difficulty with blood and copper because a lot of blood has to be regenerated].

Diseases with low copper level (copper deficiency)
"Low copper levels are often found in many diseases: e.g. cancer, hepatitis, diabetes (diabetes), gastritis, constipation, heart failure, hypertension (high blood pressure), hypotension (too low blood pressure), arrhythmia, eczema, periodontal disease and bronchitis. Some diseases such as cystic fibrosis and nephrotic syndrome (disturbed protein metabolism) are found to have a pronounced copper deficiency. [...]
As a rule, if there is a copper deficiency, it is possible to influence the copper values ​​therapeutically, but it is necessary more often than it is actually carried out.
Some diseases are also characterized by an excess of copper. Examples are osteoarthritis, colitis, prostatitis and sinusitis. " [web03]

Measuring copper in the blood is not that easy

It is not easy to measure the copper values ​​because

-- the copper in the blood is increased when the immune system has to fight an infection (acute copper requirement).

<Further parameters for the copper status are


  • Die Diaminoxidase (DAO): Dieses Enzym wird von der Darmschleimhaut gebildet und dient dem Abbau von Histamin. Eine erniedrigte Aktivität der DAO führt zur Histaminintoleranz und kann durch einen Kupfermangel bedingt sein. 
  • Das Coeruloplasmin: Dies ist ein wichtiges Speicher- und Transportprotein für Kupfer. Erhöhte Serumwerte für Coeruloplasmin werden bei Infektionskrankheiten und in der Schangerschaft gefunden, erniedrigte bei Morbus Wilson. (Quelle Roche Lexikon Medizin)
  • Die Superoxyd-Dismutase (SOD), auch als Hämocuprein bezeichnet: Dies ist ein kupferhaltiges Enzym in den Erythrozyten und im Plasma des Blutes, das für die Entfernung von Wasserstoffperoxyd-Radikalen nötig ist. Einer amerikanischen Studie zufolge ist die SOD der verlässlichste Status für den Kupferstatus im Körper. Bei uns wird die SOD leider (noch) nicht zur Bestimmung eines möglichen Kupfermangels herangezogen. 
  • Die Kombination des Serumkupfers und des Coeruloplasminwertes ergibt aber auch wichtige Hinweise zum Kupferspiegel. Wenn beide Werte erhöht sind, ist dies ein Hinweis auf eine Infektion oder sonstige Krankheit mit einem erhöhten Kupferbedarf. Wenn beide erniedrigt sind, spricht das laut dem Roche Lexikon Medizin für einen Morbus Wilson. Bei dieser seltenen Erbkrankheit wäre eine erhöhte Kupferaufnahme wohl schädlich und würde möglicherweise zu einer Kupferüberlastung führen.
  • Andererseits ist bekannt, dass das Transportprotein Coeruloplasmin schnell abgebaut wird, wennn es kein Kupfer zu transportieren gibt. Das heißt, ein ausgeprägter Kupfermangel führt zu einem erniedrigten Coeruloplasmin, und dieses wiederum bewirkt, dass das Kupfer nicht (mehr) ausreichend gebunden werden kann und in ungebundener Form dann möglicherweise schädlich ist. Ursache eines niedrigen Coeruloplasminspiegels ist dann wohl ein starker Kupfermangel mit leeren Kupferspeichern, nur muss hier das Kupfer vorsichtig und einschleichend zugeführt werden.> [web24]

  • The diamine oxidase (DAO): This enzyme is produced by the intestinal mucosa and is used to break down histamine. A reduced activity of the DAO leads to histamine intolerance and can be caused by a copper deficiency.

  • Ceruloplasmin: This is an important storage and transport protein for copper. Elevated serum values ​​for ceruloplasmin are found in infectious diseases and in pregnancy, and decreased serum values ​​in Wilson's disease. (Source Roche Lexicon Medicine)

  • Superoxide dismutase (SOD), also known as haemocuprein: This is an enzyme that contains copper in the erythrocytes and in the plasma of the blood, which is necessary for the removal of hydrogen peroxide radicals. According to an American study, SOD is the most reliable status for the copper status in the body. Unfortunately, we do not (yet) use the SOD to determine a possible copper deficiency.
  • The combination of the serum copper and the ceruloplasmin value also provides important information about the copper level. If both values ​​are elevated, this is an indication of an infection or other illness with an increased copper requirement. If both are humiliated, according to the Roche Lexicon Medicine, this speaks for Wilson's disease. In the case of this rare hereditary disease, an increased copper intake would probably be harmful and possibly lead to copper overload.
  • On the other hand, it is known that the transport protein ceruloplasmin is broken down quickly when there is no copper to transport. This means that a pronounced copper deficiency leads to a reduced ceruloplasmin, and this in turn means that the copper cannot (no longer) be sufficiently bound and is then potentially harmful in unbound form. The cause of a low ceruloplasmin level is then a severe copper deficiency with empty copper stores, only here the copper must be added carefully and slowly.> [Web24]


Concerning the difficulties of measuring copper in the blood, it is better to suspect a copper deficiency based on symptoms and treat with small doses of copper and see whether the symptoms improve or not. If they improve, one can conclude that there is a copper deficiency [web24].

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[web01] MoSSad Wikipedia: Copper: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupfer
[web02] MoSSad Wikipedia: Copper alloys: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupferlegierung 
[web03] https://www.centrosan.com/Wissen/Naehrstoff-Lexikon/Spurenelemente/Kupfer.php
[web04] https://praxistipps.focus.de/kupfer-und-seine-wirkung-auf-die-gesundheit-wofuer-das-rote-metall-gut-ist_106118
[web05] https://www.oekolandbau.de/landwirtschaft/pflanze/grundlagen-pflanzenbau/pflanzenschutz/pflanzenschutzmittel/kupfer-im-oekolandbau/
[web06] http://skyhen.de/2017/04/23/kupfer-warum-kupfergefaesse-fuer-den-alltagsgebrauch-empfehlenswert-sind/
[web07] https://www.foodwachhund.com/warum-sie-ihr-wasser-aus-einem-kupfer-becher-trinken-sollten/
[web08] https://182tage.net/blog/archive/1485
[web09] Copper against algae in a pond: https://www.hausjournal.net/kupfer-gegen-algen
-- pool with copper device gets clean water without chlorine: https://www.deutsche-apotheker-zeitung.de/news/artikel/2012/08/01/sauberes-wasser-mit-kupfer-ionen
-- pool with copper device gets clean water without chlorine: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/2012/07.16-08.43.html

[web11] https://www.medica.de/de/News/Archiv/Warum_sterben_Bakterien_auf_Kupferoberflächen
[web12] Copper bands on roofs against plants on the roof: https://www.bauhaus.ch/de/moosband-20236195
[web13] Copper in the swimming pool, no chlorine: https://www.wippich-schwimmbadtechnik.de/swimming-pools/chlorfreie-pool/
[web14] Copper bathing water provokes green shinging in blonded hair: https://www.test.de/Gruene-Haare-nach-dem-Schwimmen-Mit-Zitronensaft-spuelen-1371484-0/
[web15] Copper chain and copper spiral kill sperm: https://www.gynial.com/de/hormonfrei/ueberblick/auf-einen-blick/
[web16] Copper cloth: https://www.waschbaer.de/magazin/putzen-mit-kupfertuch/
[web17] Copper water has a harmful effect on earthworms and other small organisms: https://oekologischerlandbau.julius-kuehn.de/index.php?menuid=45
[web18] Copper cup: https://www.hole-x-taschen.de/detail/index/sArticle/121
[web19] Drink water from a copper cup: https://mein.yoga-vidya.de/profiles/blogs/wasser-aus-einem-kupferbecher-trinken-st-rkt-die-gesundheit
[web20] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312355/

[web21] https://www.bodhishape.com/warum-aus-kupfer-trinken-so-gesund-ist/
[web22] https://noizz.de/news/studie-moscow-mule-becher-aus-kupfer-sind-gefahrlich/g0dttec
[web23] Video about Moscow Mule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7X-AeGHPcE
[web24] https://www.gesundheit-ganzheitlich.com/kupfermangel/
[web25] Copper healing in Ayurveda: copper cup, copper drinking bottle etc .: https://www.ayurdeva.de/Ayurveda-Ernaehrung/Kupferbecher-Trinkflaschen/
[web26] Copper heroes: https://www.biocompany.de/neuheiten/kupferhelden.html
[web27] Copper: https://www.schmuckladen.de/magazin/wissenswertes/edelmetalle/kupfer/
[web28] Copper bracelet: https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Kupferarmband

[web46] https://picosworldwide.com/blog/healing-power-of-copper-h2o/ (9. April 2018)
[web47] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/copper-water-benefits#what-it-is
[web48] https://www.theindusvalley.in/12-benefits-of-drinking-water-in-a-copper-vessel/
[web49] https://minedjewels.com/pages/healing-metals

[web50] https://www.interaquaristik.de/content/kupfervergiftung

[web51] https://www.zooblitz.at/ratgeber/warum-ist-kupfer-in-tiernahrung

[web52] https://www.lgl.bayern.de/lebensmittel/chemie/schwermetalle/kupfer/index.htm

Photo sources

