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Genetics index

Not all people are medically the same. The findings of racial-ethnic differences in medical treatments or assessments have to be used positively

by Michael Palomino (2020)

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1. News about genetic facts with humans

1. Genetics facts - news 01   
The findings of racial-ethnic differences in medical treatments need to be used in a positive way

2. Favism (genetic variation G6PD - natural malaria resistance)

2. Favism - malaria resistance with genetic variation G6PD
The genetic variation G6PD (favism) - chloroquine applied with favism people is causing destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), clumping, microembolism in all organs, total organ failure and death

Weltkarte mit den Malaria-Gebieten mit
                            Malaria-Zonen-Menschen mit der genetischen
                            Malaria-Resistenz G6PD Favismus

2a: Chloroquine kills people with favism - report Dr. Wodarg
Report by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (May2, 2020): People with genetic malaria resistance D6PD (favism) die with the anti-malaria drug with the agent chloroquine
                            Wolfgang Wodarg from Germany, portrait
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg from Germany, portrait

Genetics 02b: Favismus: The package insert for hydroxichloroquine (HCQ) is incomplete - Favismus G6PD
The package insert seems incomplete and should give a better warning, especially where there is a fatal danger!

Hydroxichloroquin HCQ
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