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Natural antibiotics: peppermint - news 01

Leaves: antibiotic, antiviral, has a cooling effect (menthol!), antispasmodic, blood circulation, biliary complaints, flatulence, bloating, indigestion, gastrointestinal complaints, irritable bowel, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, relieves cold, headache, migraine, strengthens nerves + circulation + energy, cheers up - inhale peppermint oil: antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral - rub peppermint oil: cooling, analgesic, expectorant, against headaches, respiratory infections, against headaches

Pfefferminze   Pfefferminztee   Pfefferminzöl
Peppermint [1] - Peppermint tea [2] - Peppermint oil [3]

by Michael Palomino (2023 - translation 2023)

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May 2, 2013: The most important natural plants with antibiotics in Europe:

Garlic - Echinacea - Oregano - Eucalyptus - Peppermint - Onions - Ginger - Lemon / Lime - Mushrooms - Thyme - Green Tea

from: Facebook: Der Wahrheit auf der Spur; May 2, 2013;
https://www.facebook.com/derwahrheitauf.derspur (2020 not available any more)
but has got a new location: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1720841941507974/

Natürliche Antibiotika: Knoblauch, Echinacea,
                    Oregano, Eukalyptus, Pfefferminze, Zwiebeln, Ingwer,
                    Zitronen / Limonen, Pilze, Thymian, Grüntee - und
                    auf dem Foto fehlt: der Honig
Natural antibiotics: garlic, echinacea, oregano, eucalyptus, peppermint, onions, ginger, lemons / limes, mushrooms, thyme, green tea - and on the photo are missing: honey and horseradish [1]

Healing effects of peppermint

Healing properties of the leaves
-- have an antibiotic effect [web01]
-- as tea, tincture, infusion, rub it on the skin [web01]
-- antispasmodic, promotes bile flow, flatulence, indigestion, nausea, vomiting [web01]

Medicinal properties of peppermint oil
-- has antibiotic effect [web01]
-- for inhalation, rubbing on the skin or ingestion, as a spice [web01]
-- antibacterial, cooling, analgesic, expectorant, against headache, respiratory infections [web01]

Medicinal properties of peppermint (peppermint tea with peppermint oil with up to 45% menthol).
-- antiviral, antimicrobial [i.e. antibiotic, but without fungi] [web02]

-- Peppermint tea+peppermint oil: severe gastrointestinal troubles are soothed, antispasmodic, indigestion, irritable bowel, stomach troubles, antimicrobial against gastritis [web02]
-- Peppermint tea: bloating, flatulence, bloating abdomen [web02]
-- Peppermint tea: bile troubles are balanced [web02]

-- Peppermint oil: headaches are reduced, especially if they come from fatigue [web02]
-- Peppermint tea: headaches and nausea during pregnancy [web02]
-- Peppermint tea: supports in an antiviral way the healing of colds in combination with other remedies [web02]

-- Peppermint tea strengthens the nerves [web02]

-- Peppermint tea promotes blood circulation, has antispasmodic effect, relieves migraine, stimulates circulation, stimulates digestion, circulation gets going+provokes new life [web02]

-- Peppermint has a cooling effect, and hot peppermint tea also has a cooling effect. Quote:
"Menthol has numerous positive effects on the body. Most prominent is the cooling effect, which in a way occurs even if you consume the tea hot." [web02]

Nausea + headaches during pregnancy
-- Take peppermint tea [web02]

Oct 28, 2015: Peppermint: antispasmodic, bile flow, flatulence, digestion, nausea - oil: antibacterial, cooling, analgesic, expectorant, headache, respiratory tract [web01]:
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) [web01]
(orig. German: Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita) [web01]
https://www.pflanzliche-antibiotika.de/Arzneipflanzen/Beispiele/Pfefferminze.html [web01]
Internet Archives first registration on Oct 28, 2015:

-- Peppermint was discovered in England in the 17th century
-- Peppermint grows up to 30cm high with serrated leaves, small flowers in white-pink are coming in June

-- essential oils, tannins, bitter substances, flavonoids, have an antibiotic effect

Healing effect of the leaves
-- as tea, tincture, infusion, rub it on the skin
-- antispasmodic, promotes bile, reduces flatulence, indigestion, nausea, vomiting

Healing effect of peppermint oil
-- for inhalation, rubbing on the skin or ingestion [diluted in water], as a spice
-- antibacterial, cooling, analgesic, expectorant, against headaches, respiratory infections.

April 14, 2021: Peppermint: antiviral, antimicrobial, balances gastrointestinal, cooling, stimulating, nerve-strengthening [web02]:
Peppermint tea: 5 effects, 3 variants & 5 alternatives [web02]
(orig. German: Pfefferminztee: 5 Wirkungen, 3 Varianten & 5 Alternativen) [web02]
https://www.gesundfit.de/artikel/pfefferminztee-9929/ [web02]
in the Internet Archives registrated first on April 14, 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20210414040243/https://www.gesundfit.de/artikel/pfefferminztee-9929/

-- Harvest peppermint fresh and prepare it as tea, or dry and use it in winter and spring
-- Peppermint from supermarket may contain pesticides, rinse it well
-- Keep dried mint leaves hermetically sealed and protected from light
-- when the mint tea is infusing, you can already inhale or cover the tea so that the essential oils do not evaporate.

-- the peppermint oil in the peppermint leaves contains up to 45% menthol
-- Forms: peppermint tea, peppermint oil capsules, high-dose peppermint preparations

The effect of menthol
-- menthol has got a cooling effect (even hot mint tea has a cooling effect). Quote:
"Menthol has numerous positive effects on the body. Above all, the cooling effect stands out, which in a certain way also occurs when you consume the tea hot."

-- promotes blood circulation, has an antispasmodic effect, relieves migraine, stimulates circulation, stimulates digestion, circulation gets going + provokes new life
-- is NOT a sleeping tea, because it makes you awake, so do not take too much in the evening. Quote:
"At the same time, however, the tea also has an invigorating effect and should therefore not be consumed in large quantities, especially before going to bed."

Healing effect of peppermint (peppermint tea with peppermint oil with up to 45% menthol)
-- antiviral, antimicrobial [antibiotic, but not against fungi]
-- severe gastrointestinal troubles are reduced, antispasmodic, digestive problems, irritable bowel, stomach troubles, gastritis, bloating, flatulence, bloating
-- antimicrobial against gastritis
Quote: "You can also use peppermint tea for stomach troubles and even gastritis. The antimicrobial effect of peppermint has a supporting effect here."
-- Ball bladder troubles are balanced
Quote: "In addition, peppermint stimulates bile production and bile flow and can thus also counteract bile complaints."
-- Headaches are reduced, especially if they come from fatigue
-- antiviral effect against colds in combination with other remedies
Quote: "Because peppermint tea has an antiviral effect and can thus act against viruses of colds."
-- strengthens the nerves
Quote: "Not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the nerves, peppermint tea has a calming effect."

with pregnant women:
-- do not take more than 2 cups of mint tea per day
-- against pregnancy nausea (the antispasmodic effect regulates the gastrointestinal area)
-- against headaches during pregnancy
-- with more than 2 cups per day, heartburn is possible and can trigger birth contractions (this is "scientifically" not proven)

during breastfeeding:
-- DO NOT take mint tea because it can reduce milk production
-- at the end of lactation, peppermint tea serves very well for finishing the breastfeeding (weaning).

Mixtures (blends) with peppermint tea
-- mix peppermint with lemon juice against cold (up to 60ºC, antibacterial, vit. C is destroyed over 60ºC)
-- mix peppermint with honey against sore throat (must be drinking temperature, antibacterial, antiviral, especially manuka honey with a lot of methylglyoxal)
-- mix peppermint with other medicinal herbs, e.g. sage or chamomile
-- [man / woman can mix peppermint with fennel, for the care of the blood and against the spikes of the "corona vaccination", and fennel tea made of fennel seeds or fennel leaves is reducing menstrual pain]

-- in pregnant women, more than 2 cups of peppermint tea daily can cause heartburn and ev. also cause birth contractions
-- People with bile problems should not take high-dose peppermint supplements

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[web01] Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita): https://www.pflanzliche-antibiotika.de/Arzneipflanzen/Beispiele/Pfefferminze.html
[web02] Pfefferminztee: 5 Wirkungen, 3 Varianten & 5 Alternativen:  https://www.gesundfit.de/artikel/pfefferminztee-9929/

Photo sources
[1] Peppermint: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/pfefferminze-gr%C3%BCn-bl%C3%A4tter-3481470/
[2] Peppermint tea: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/minze-tee-pfefferminze-kräuter-4155723/
[3] Peppermint oil:

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