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Child education for more intelligence

7. Intelligence development by role play and theater

Children's theater "Varia-Vineta" in
Children's theater "Varia-Vineta" in Berlin [1]

by Michael Palomino (2012)



Role plays in family - the first theater

Role plays are preprogrammed in a family: The adult person is always stronger than the children. But when there are many children the situation can "change" and the children can make intrigues against the parents, which - when the parents have got a safe humor - is answered by other intrigues against the children, but always in a kind without provoking a big damage, because otherwise any humor will be lost in the family.

The first role plays in childhood are the first play in the sandpit where children are sharing sand forms, or another role play is the queue before climbing the ladder of the slide where children precisely get aware who is always "pushing to the front", or there is another scenery with the swing where the children know who is always "occupying" the swing etc.

When children of a family are not bothered by strong forces by psychoses of the parents or by housing shortage or other negative matters in life like abuses or compulsory sales etc., then the children can learn easily that they have a "role" in the family, and this role gives them possibilities and limits, but they know that when they get older the possibilities and the "roles" will rise.

"Roles" in a family are also "distributed". Can be that the "roles" are distributing themselves automatically by helping each other automatically with a soft humor. And one person should not do always the same thing, but there should also be an automatic change and variation of the compulsory actions in a household, lead by an automatic mental intuition. Another possibility is changing the housework with a coordinated plan. But such a workplan is a strong emotional fixation, and children principally don't like at all when there is fixed in advance which emotion and which work they should do at which time because the school is giving them enough strict structures already without any spontaneous action. Add to this a housework plan is always in danger to be not fulfilled and big discussions can follow.

Therefore the best is when the parents wish something, and the child helps, or the child is wishing something, and the adult person helps.

Children have to experience house work as equal persons to the adults, have to experience that the adult person is playing the same "role" in the house, and then this will all work with the mutual automatic help. With this the adult person has got the task not blaming the children too much, but - as it was with the music - correcting the action of the child with humor. With this always counts the argumentation of functionality and efficiency, and then the children will also like to copy this. When the adult person can hold a good atmosphere in a household in this kind, then it can even be that the children will ask by themselves where they "could help" yet. This is no joke, but this is a fact. The energies lead by a soft humor and by constructive corrections are coordinating so constructively that humans want to help to each other at the end. Only the politicians and war lords of the political lodges - above all from criminal "USA" - have not noticed that yet because they want to have always war for their "profiling"...

Beaten children developing no "role" in their family but only fighting for the "next" - and they will be also beating parents

When children are often shouted or beaten at home without reason, or by little negligible reasons, or when children are caged for punishment in a broom closet or in a cellar, or when there are taken away the most loved toys as a punishment, or when children regularly have to suffer a punishment being beaten black and blue by a belt - and in this way are the education methods in some "non developed countries" yet where nobody makes a report because of the fear getting "difficulties" by revenge reaction - then the intellectual development of those children is blocked: The spirit of such children is only thinking in a fight for the "next". They are not recognizing their "role" nor their possibilities because the are never permitted any "role" because their parents don't manage their "role" at all. Children like this are growing up in a permanent fear, and correspondingly these beaten children cannot see their possibilities and their further possible "roles" and they will be typical "employees" at the end only working with the order of the boss without knowing that there could be also other "roles" to live coming "forward" in life.

When parents don't know about the fact of the blockage of the childish role play, then they are rotting systematically the intellectual horizon of their children by shouting and beating. They are limiting their authority on "spreading fear" and they are installing the children a trauma for life, and when there are no other correcting elements cleaning up with the criminal parents, the children do not recognize this trauma but even think that all this would be "normal" and at the end they are even repeating this beating behavior with their own children (like this it happens with many "non developed countries"). In this way the violent societies are created, and that's why the murder rates in South "America" are until 10 times higher than in Central and Northern Europe for example: The humans in Europe have recognized the "roles" and the value of a non violent, psychological well managed education, but the societies in South "America" unfortunately not yet. The fear of the corrupt police which is collaborating the the criminal gangs being capable to kill everybody is blocking any justice in these non developed countries.

School theater and distribution of roles

School theater can develop children reading their first real literature, analyzing "good" and "bad" characters of certain persons copying these roles. For beaten children from families without intellectual wisdom about "roles" in family life these school theaters are even the only possibility for learning about and incorporating roles. Even the discussion about the distribution of the "roles and actors" is a play for itself how a "society" is working, who will be the "king" and who will be the "queen", who is capable for minor parts etc. Here the teaching person has got the task to recognize hidden talents of the children giving them the chance in the role play to develop new capacities. Also children having difficulties with their language should not only get little roles, but it will be a stimulus bettering their language, also when during ht theater nothing will better yet - but this stimulus and the remembrance to the speech defects will have an effect for whole youth and will be corrected eventually during the youth.

Of course during such a project of a school theater - this is the same with the music group - not only a theater is played, but there will be supported artistic and artisan talents when sceneries are build up and complete landscapes are painted, or when masks are produced and painted, or when clothes are knitted etc. Then it can also be that some more objects have to be made, and other pupils with artisan talents are coming up. Or suddenly a mousy pupil gets the chance to deliver an important object for the theater by familiar relationships.

The whole is working with the support of the parents of course supporting the children with learning texts by heart, helping them working with "jingles", helping them memorizing texts with some decisive words, and organizing "test runs" at home taking over other roles of other children in the test.

One can see that a theater play is not only theater but whole life is going with it, and the children are intensively learning the constructive cooperation in a group. And for children from non culture families a school theater really is the only possibility to detect "roles" and talents.

Music in the school theater can be played by a music teacher on the piano. But even more interesting is a school theater with music playing of the children themselves.

Youth theater

Youth theater is occupied with greater literature then. The talents are risen during the youth age onto an adult level, and eventually also the choice of career and of the "role" in life is influenced by this. When it's a youth school class playing theater, then this theater can be very boring for some members because the members "know each other" for a long time already. When it's a central and municipal youth theater, then it will be very interesting because new people will know each other preparing a theater performance during half a year with all what belongs to it.

"Developing countries" without school theater or youth theater

It could be watched in South "America" (with the exception of Chile) that schools in the "developing countries" there have no theater activities, and the local children have no possibility to live in other roles. Therefore an important point is missing in the intellectual development there for comparisons, comparing persons, and recognizing the own parents in their role. Children consider this intellectual poverty as "normal" then and are eventually even enforced for children's work. At the same time the governments of the "developing countries" are wondering about what the Europeans are making different than the South "Americans" (with the exception of Chile). But these governments never ask, and therefore they don't know what's the point. But perhaps they are reading this text, and then they know it.

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Photo sources
[1] Children's theater "Varia-Vineta" in Berlin: http://www.ytti.de/variavineta-kindertheater-theaterkurse-familienbrunch-berlin-pankow-6108/
