04g1: Permaculture farm of the family
Hervé-Gruyer in Le Bec
Hellouin, France
A Farm installs 1 hectare
of permaculture - the farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in
Le Bec Hellouin, France -- 2004: France: Acquisition of a
farm in Le Bec Hellouin - in 2008 change of 1 hectare on
permaculture -- Some impressions and pics from the
permaculture farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le
Bec-Hellouin (France) 1,2,3 -- The hillbeds in the
permaculture zone in Le Bec-Hellouin: The roots remain in
the soil, so the hillbeds become always more fertile -
yield per year 55 ¤ / m2 (2018)
farm in Le Bec Hellouin in France, Charles Hervé Gruyer
explains the raised bed principle, scheme [1] - The hillbeds
of the permaculture farm in Le Bec Hellouin represent a big
mandala, a mandala field, aerial view [2] - farmer's bride
Perrine Hervé-Gruyer
Bec Creek with barn - hillbed with different salads
and straw mulch - radiant mandala with hillbeds with
mixed culture - farmhouse
presented by Michael Palomino (2018)
Charles Hervé: "On average, the mandala
hillbeds give a yield of 55 euros per m2." (30'48'') -
Reporter: "That's almost 10 times more than on a
conventional, tractor-driven vegetable farm."
Here are some big pioneers -
in terms of organic farming with permaculture - almost NO
machines, NO pesticides, almost NO irrigation:
A Farm installs 1 hectare of permaculture
- the farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec
Hellouin, France
Map of France with Le Bec-Hellouin between Paris and Le
Havre [k01] - The permaculture zone of the farm of the
Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec [3]
The permaculture zone of 1 hectare on the Hervé-Gruyer
farm in Le Bec with it's partition plan
2004: France: Acquisition of a farm in Le Bec Hellouin
- in 2008 change of 1 hectare on permaculture
-- Permaculture farm in Le Bec, website: https://www.fermedubec.com/
-- Book by Mr. Charles Hervé-Gruyer on his experiences
with natives: La femme feuille (French) - Amazon
-- Book by Mrs. Perrine Hervé-Gruyer's book on the new
life of permaculture: La relaxation en famille (French) -
-- Book about the permaculture experiences and learning
processes (2018) [web02]: Permaculture
– Guérir la Terre, nourrir les Hommes
- Amazon
Link (Permaculture - healing the earth, nourishing
Farm in the village of Le Bec
Hellouin in France, Charles Hervé-Gruyer explains
the hillbed principle, scheme [1] - The hillbeds
of the permaculture farm in the village of Le Bec
Hellouin form a large mandala, a mandala field,
aerial view [2]
In 2004,
Charles Hervé-Gruyer and Perrine
Hervé-Gruyer took over a farm in the
little village of Le Bec Hellouin with the
idea to feed their children with good
vegetables and fruits. In 2006 they made a
farmers diploma. In the time before,
Charles used to have a sailing school and
traveled around the world with his school
sailing ship for 20 years, meeting also
native people around the world (Amazon,
Africa, Papuans, Aborigenes, etc.). He had
noticed how her life is in harmony with
nature. He had made films and written
books about them, including: "La femme
feuille" (Amazon
Link). [web01]
The permaculture farm in Le Bec is
inspired by the spirit of the indigenous
people with their lives in harmony with
nature and Mother Earth. The wife Perrine
had said goodbye to top sport and as a
businesswoman from capitalist life and
turned to nature. On further education
they discovered the permaculture and
elements of Eliot Coleman and changed
their farm 2008 to permaculture. Wife
Perrine advises other permaculture farms
The conversion to permaculture in 2008 was
carried out with a mandala garden, with
the establishment of garden islands, and
with an orchard (orchard) - and with the
construction of hillbeds [web01]. On 1
hectare permaculture was installed with
the mandala garden, the garden island, and
the forest garden, and this became the
most productive zone [web02 - 15''].
Harvests and yields rose and agronomists
and vegetable gardeners began to admire
the permaculture farm in Le Bec Hellouin.
The development was scientifically
accompanied. The National Institute of
Agronomic Research (Institut
national de la recherche agronomique)
and the Agricultural Institute
AgroParisTech confirmed the large yields
in a small space. The farm became a large
family with many employees. Of course, all
of this is done without machines, without
pesticides, with mixed culture with
partner plants, with mulching of planting
beds AND paths, the roots always remain in
the soil, etc. The experiences are
described in the book of 2018 called
Permaculture - Healing the Earth - Feeding
the People (Permaculture
– Guérir la
Terre, nourrir
les Hommes)
Some impressions and
pics from the permaculture farm of the
Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin (France)
Video: [DOCU] Permaculture in Le
Bec-Hellouin (11'0'') (original French: La permaculture par le Bec
Video: [DOCU] Permaculture in Le Bec-Hellouin (11'0'')
- YouTube channel UniLaSalle
(uploaded on Jan. 25, 2018)
zone on the farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family
in Le Bec-Hellouin: Seminar title -
seedlings in cultivation - the Bec Creek
with barn
Permaculture zone on the farm of the Hervé-Gruyer
family in Le Bec-Hellouin: path with foliage -
Inside view of the greenhouse with straw mulch - a
donkey on stage
Perrine Hervé-Gruyer - bird feeder
column - the vision is agriculture without fuel
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
Vision ecosystemic - everything happened with a
self-taught development - try it yourself, collect
your own experience - henhouse with a wire mesh
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
Pond, path and pastures - the main thing is the
maintenance of the soil, the earth of Mother Earth -
and another main thing is the principle "small but
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
principle reduce cultivated areas - principle reduce
plowing - principle hillbed (butte)
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
The blackboard with the layout of the mandala field,
the ray mandala with it's hillbeds
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
hillbeds with seedlings - principle techniques
transform people
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
The different layouts of mandala fields with
hillbeds, circular fields etc.
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
Mandala field with hillbeds with seedlings, a
greenhouse and willow trees in the background - long
fields and greenhouses - hillsides with
straw-mulched paths
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family
in Le Bec-Hellouin: farm house - smithy (forge) -
pond with hillbeds and straw mulched paths - a cock
on a pasture by the carriages
impressions and pics from the permaculture
farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le
Bec-Hellouin (France) 02
The farm has reserve areas as a meager meadow and a
free forest garden [to give the small animal world and
the insects absolute free development opportunities]
(6'37''). The farm has 11 permanent employees and 4
students (10'13''). The permaculture takes place on
only 1 single hectare, which was converted to
permaculture (13'0''). Farm's vegetable production
goes to a veggie shop and 6 restaurants in Paris
Video: Miraculous Abundance at La
Ferme du Bec Hellouin (15'6'')
Video: Miraculous Abundance at La Ferme du Bec
Hellouin (15'6'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0NP9__ZQW8 -
YouTube-Kanal PermacultureMedia
(uploaded on Jan. 17, 2018)
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
Mixed cultivation beds in the greenhouse 1,2 - Hillbeds
with mixed culture and straw mulch
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
hillbed with various salads - vegetable beds with mixed
culture - free orchard
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin: Free
poor meadow / rough pasture - forest garden 1,2
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
mixed crops - shelter for pigs and sheep - pigs at the
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
Small field cultivation - an employee sorts vegetables
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin: The
permaculture floor plans on the blackboard
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin: An
employee sorts vegetables 02
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
hillbeds of the radiant mandala with mixed cultivation
Farm of the Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin:
Vegetable crop with carrots and herbs - harvest of
cherries - The permaculture area covers exactly 1
Some impressions and
pics from the permaculture farm of the
Hervé-Gruyer family in Le Bec-Hellouin (France)
Video: DOKU - Our agriculture is
killing insects and poisons the water (permaculture in
Le Bec: min.28-31) (original German: DOKU - Unsere Landwirtschaft tötet
Insekten und vergiftet das Wasser)
Video: DOKU - Our agriculture is killing insects and
poisons the water (permaculture in Le Bec: min.28-31)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXl71o8MrOQ - YouTube
channel Natürlich
Echt (uploaded June 17, 2018)
Farm in Le Bec Hellouin (France) with 1 hectare
of permaculture zone, view diagonally from above
Farm in Le Bec Hellouin (France) with 1 hectare
of permaculture zone: hillbeds forming a little
field agriculture - butterfly caterpillar -
spider on a leaf
in Le Bec Hellouin (France) with 1 hectare of
permaculture zone: bird eats insects - bird on a
wooden fence - bumblebee on a flower 1,2
Farm in Le Bec
Hellouin (France) with 1 hectare of permaculture
zone: seedlings are placed in a hillbed 1,2
The hillbeds in the permaculture
zone in Le Bec-Hellouin: The roots remain in the
soil, so the hillbeds become always more fertile
- yield per year 55 ¤ / m2 (2018)
Charles Hervé explains: "The hillbed is planted
very densely, with vegetables on the ground and
with tall plants between, too (29'50''). [During a
harvest, the roots are left in the soil.] The soil
gets more and more roots, so that every hillbed
gets it's own microclimate (29'59''). During
raining there is NO erosion, because the hillbed
is full of roots and full of life that keep the
earth together: earthworms, bacteria, fungi
(30'7''). With every harvest the hillbed becomes
more fertile." (30'20'')
Charles Hervé explains his hillbed:
planting vegetables, planting tall plants in
between - and the roots remain in the bed - and
healthy microorganisms, bacteria, worms, etc.
are working in the soil.
Reporter: "Charles Harvé copied the mandala
field with the hillbeds from Asia (30'27'').
All mixed cultures are optimally aligned with
the sun." (30'32'') - Charles Hervé: "On
average, the mandala hillbeds give a yield of
55 euros per m2." (30'48'') - Reporter:
"That's almost 10 times more than on a
conventional, tractor-driven vegetable farm."
The hillbeds in the permaculture zone of the farm in Le
Bec (France) - Charles Hervé pours his hillbeds with
metal watering cans - Charles Hervé-Gruyer in the
mandala field explains: The yield per m2 is 55 euros
[per year]
Le Bec-Hellouin (France): Charles Hervé-Gruyer enters
the Mandala field with two full watering cans - The view
of the mandala field with the hillbeds from above - Farm
in Le Bec Hellouin (France) with 1 hectare of
permaculture zone, viewed from diagonally above
In 2017/8 Charles and Perrine Hervé-Gruyer edited their
book about their permaculture experiences and learning
processes (2018) [web02]: Permaculture
– Guérir la Terre, nourrir les Hommes
- Amazon
Link (Permaculture - healing the earth, nourishing
Book by Charles and Perrine
Hervé-Gruyer "Permaculture. Guérir la terre
- norrir les hommes" [6] - Amazon-Link
[web03] Video: Miraculous Abundance at La Ferme du Bec
Hellouin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0NP9__ZQW8
Photo sources
Farm at Le Bec Hellouin in France, Charles Herve
Gruyer erklärt das Hügelbeet-Prinzip, Schema:
Video: DOKU - Unsere
Landwirtschaft tötet Insekten und vergiftet das
Wasser -
[2] The hillbeds of the permaculture
farm at Le Bec Hellouin are forming a big mandala, a
mandala field, aerial view:
Video: DOKU - Unsere Landwirtschaft
tötet Insekten und vergiftet das Wasser -
[3] Permaculture zone aerial view:
[k01] map 01: France with Le
Bec-Hellouin between Paris and Le Havre: