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pH value 06: animals and soil (agriculture)

pH value with animals -- pH value in aquariums has to be different depending of the fish -- pH value with soil -- General connections with clay content etc. -- List: pH values of soils -- pH values with soils, fruits and vegetables -- Cultivation of fruits and vegetables according to pH values in the soil -- Cultivation of fruits and vegetables according to pH values in the soil - the list

Small farm agriculture with mixed culture
                  without pesticides: A field, here e.g. in Salasaca in
                  Ecuador: Every soil has it's characteristic clay
                  content or underground layer and therefore a
                  characteristic different pH value
Small farm agriculture with mixed culture without pesticides: A field, here e.g. in Salasaca in Ecuador: Every soil has it's characteristic clay content or underground layer and therefore a characteristic different pH value

by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019)



pH value with animals

Optimal ist für die meisten Lebewesen der Bereich zwischen 7,5 und 8,5.> [web01]

pH value in aquariums has to be different depending of the fish
<In aquariums plants and fishes need certain pH values in the water. There is a certain pH tolerance but beyond the pH tolerance they cannot live. Mostly the water plants in aquariums are more tolerants concerning pH in the water than fishes are.

Guide values for fresh water aquarium fishes:

  • sour water  (pH ≈ 6):
    • South "American" fishes (like neon fish, anglefish, discus fish, L welses and others)
    • Asian fishes (gourami fish and others)
  • neutral water (pH ≈ 7)
    • Central "American" fishes (firemouth cichlid and others)
  • basic alkaline water (pH ≈ 8)
    • fishes from the East African trench lakes (cichlids from Tanganyika lake and Malawi lake and others).> [web02]
Angelfish  Gourami fish in sour
                    water from Asia
Anglefish in sour water from South "America" [2] - gourami fish in sour water from Asia [3]

pH value with soil

General connections with clay content etc.
The more clay the soil contents the more basic the ground is [web03]:

<Optimal pH value of the soil is influenced by kinds of plants, content of organic substances (humus etc.) and by clay minerals. Thypical pH values in agriculture are recommended here for example:

-- pH5.0 to pH5.5 with under 4% (<4%) organic substance and <5% clay share
-- pH 5.4 to pH6.0 with 5 to 12% clay share
-- pH6.0 to 6.5 with over 13% (>13%) clay share.> [web03]

Sour rain is buffered by soil and is hardly changing any environment. [web03].

List: pH values of soils
-- Limestone powder pH10,0-11,0 [web03]
-- Lime marl pH9,0-10,0 [web03]
-- Alkaline soils pH8,0-9,0 [web03]
-- Lime shiver acre: basic [web04]
-- Gravel path: basic [web04]

-- Neutral salty soils (saline soils) pH7,5-8,0 [web03]
-- Calcerous low moors pH7,0-7,5 [web03]
-- Lime marsh pH7,0 [web03]
-- Black soils pH6,5-7,0 [web03]
-- Coniferous forest: sour [web04]
-- Brown soils, little marsh pH6,0-6,5 [web03]
-- Para brown earths, tidal marsh pH5,0-6,0 [web03]
-- Podzol, moor marsh (bog marsh?) pH4,0-5,0 [web03]
-- Hill moor pH3,0-4,0 [web03]
-- Sour sulfate soils <pH3,0 [web03]

pH values with soils, fruits and vegetables
Very basic alkaline soils can suffer under a lack of mangane [web03].
A rise of pH value has generally an effect of embetterment of the earthy framework [web03].
Cabbage needs basic alkaline earth [web03].
Field crops prefer neutral or slightly sour soils mostly because of the solubility of most of nutrients between pH6.4 and pH6.8 [web03].
Potatoes and strawberries need a sour soil [web03].
Very sour soils can provoke that too much aluminum is released in toxic concentrations [web03].

Cultivation of fruits and vegetables according to pH values in the soil

Spanish sainfoin 7.5-8.4 - bell bean 7.0-8.4 - lucerne
6.5 to 8.9 - asparagus 6.5-8.4 - clover, garden salad, onion 6.0-7.4 - spinach 6.0-6.9 - olive tree 5.5-8.4 - wheat 5.5-7.9 - white clover, sorghum, rye, peach, pear, apple, corn, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, citrus fruits 5, 5-7.4 - garden pumpkin, Trifolium Incarnatum, tomato 5.5-6.9 - vetch 5.0-8.4 - barley, rice, soybean 5.0-7.9 - tobacco from Virginia, wine 5.0-7.4 - bastard clover, potato, bean, oat for seed 5.0-6.9 - strawberries 5.0-6.4 - blueberries 5.0-5.9 - cotton 4.5-6.9 - rhododendrons 4.5-5.9 [web03]

Cultivation of fruits and vegetables according to pH values in the soil - the list

-- Spanish sainfoin 7.5-8.4
-- bell bean 7.0-8.4
-- lucerne
6.5 to 8.9
-- asparagus 6.5-8.4
-- clover, garden salad, onion 6.0-7.4
-- spinach 6.0-6.9
-- olive tree 5.5-8.4
-- wheat 5.5-7.9
-- white clover, sorghum, rye, peach, pear, apple, corn, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, citrus fruits 5, 5-7.4
-- garden pumpkin, Trifolium Incarnatum, tomato 5.5-6.9
-- vetch 5.0-8.4
-- barley, rice, soybean 5.0-7.9
-- tobacco from Virginia, wine 5.0-7.4
-- bastard clover, potato, bean, oat for seed 5.0-6.9
-- strawberries
-- blueberries 5.0-5.9
-- cotton
-- rhododendrons 4.5-5.9 [web03]

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[web02] https://www.hochsauerlandwasser.de/wasser-wissen/swimming-pool/ph-werte/
[web02] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH-Wert

[web03] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boden-pH
[web04] http://www.gutefrage.net/frage/welche-pflanzen-wachsen-auf-saurem-welche-auf-alkalischen-boeden

Photo sources
field in Salasaca in Ecuador: Foto von Michael Palomino
[2] anglefish: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skalar_(Fisch)
[3] gourami fish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gourami
