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pH value 04: in urine

Influence of pH value in the urine by food and medicaments - pH value in the urine between 4.6 and 7.5 -- pH value in the urine: indicator for food and danger of health -- Control of pH value in the urine -- Possible illnesses with a too sour pH value in the urine under pH5 -- Possible diseases provoking a too basic alkaline pH value in the urine over pH7

Urine sample
Urine sample

presented by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019)



pH value 04: in urine

Influence of pH value in the urine during the day by food and medicaments - pH value in the urine between 4.6 and 7.5

pH value in the urine is variable according to the food [web01] and is oscillating between 4.6 (sour) and 7.5 (basic alkaline) [web02].

With a basic powder one can convert urine pH value into a basic alkaline one - and with sour food or ascorbine powder one can convert it sour [web09].

Factors for pH value in urine are food and medicaments [web10]:
<By a big part pH value of urine is dependent from food or medicaments.> [web10]
(original in German: <Der pH-Wert des Urins ist vielmehr von der zu sich genommenen Nahrung oder Medikamenten abhängig.> [web10])
pH value in urine is therefore an indicator if food is balanced or unilateral, and if there is a danger of health or not (conclusion Palomino).

With high-protein food [meat] pH value in the urine is sinking to the sour zone. Many vegetables have a basic effect and let rise pH value in the urine heading upwards to the neutral level pH7 and to the basic alkaline zone of over pH7. Vegetarians not eating meat have a higher more basic alkaline pH value in the urine because the acids of meat are missing [web02].

Well, now there are different indications what is a "normal" pH value in the urine:
-- forum participant Nussbecher means means that a pH5 to 7 would be normal for urine [web02]
-- forum participant Klaus means that pH in the urine could oscillate between 4.6 and 7.5 [web05]
-- forum participant Xiphoid means that a pH between 5 and 6 would be normal in the urine, and until 7.5 would be "just ok yet" [web02]
-- forum participant AkamiXx means: "6-7-8, these three pH values are neutral yet. Don't worry.> [web02]

pH value in the urine: indicator for food and danger of health

pH value in the urine is partly regulated by the kidneys:

<pH value of the urine is not indicating precisely  a sour environment because kidneys are self regulating and the values (depending from the food) are different even during the day.> [web03]
(original in German: <Der pH-Wert des Urins gibt keinen genauen Hinweis auf ein saures Milieu, da die Niere selbstregulierend ist und die Werte (abhängig von der Nahrung) unterschiedlich zu den verschiedenen Tageszeiten sind.> [web03])

Therefore pH value in the urine should be controlled always in the morning and sober [web04] so one can compare it with later measurements - also in the morning and sober (conclusion Palomino).

pH value in the urine is the indicator if food is balanced or is unilateral, if there is a danger of health or not (conclusion Palomino).

Control of pH value in the urine

One can control the pH value preventively for example
-- controlling the work of kidneys [web05] (when kidneys are not working well and too less toxics are secreted so this provokes an acid body with a very sour pH value in the urine [web06])
-- estimating the risk for urinary stones [web05]
-- estimating the cancer risk [web04] (cancer can only grow in an acid body and with a very sour pH value cancer risk is high [web04]).

Possible illnesses with a too sour pH value in the urine under pH5
A pH value of 5 or under 5 is too low and dangerous in any case [web05]. Possible diseases with a too low pH value in the urine are
-- gout
-- metabolic or respiratory acidosis [web05] with a sour pH value in the blood [web07]
-- cancer [web04].

Possible diseases provoking a too basic alkaline pH value in the urine over pH7

pH value in the urine of over 7 is basic and problematic [web05] because then many nutrients cannot be absorbed any more by the body [web08]. An alkaline pH value in the urine of over pH7 can be provoked
-- by the intake of certain medicaments [web05]
-- by an alkalosis [web05] with a basic pH value in the blood [web07]
-- by lack of potassium [web05].
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[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH-Wert

[web02] http://www.gutefrage.net/frage/ph---wert-vom-urin-65-
[web03] http://equapio.com/de/gesundheit/uebersaeuerung/
[web04] http://www.med-etc.com/med/merk/merkblatt-krebsheilung-m-natron-backpulver-Dt.html
[web05] http://www.netdoktor.de/Diagnostik+Behandlungen/Laborwerte/Urin-pH-Wert-1555.html
[web06] indication in the course of natural medicine in the Hipocrates de Cos Institute in Lima 2015
[web07] http://www.netdoktor.de/Diagnostik+Behandlungen/Laborwerte/pH-Wert-1411.html
[web08] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boden-pH
[web10] http://www.mariaebene.at/sos/index.php?topic=1187.0

Photo sources

Urine sample: photo by Michael Palomino
