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Note: Alcoholism healed (mostly) with Baclofen

Healing of alcoholism with Baclofen medicament. Analysis and case studies - with hot meals with chili Baclofen does not work

Dottore (doctor)
                Giovanni Addolorato in Rome (here in an article from
                2010)   Book of
                Olivier Ameisen in English: "The End of My
                Addiction"  Lioresal /
                Baclofen, Packung in Grau

Research by Michael Palomino (2012)

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Baclofen pill - this web site

It's really very rare that I will make propaganda for a chemical pill, but in this case there has to be some propaganda with "Baclofen" pill which exists already since about 80 years, because with this old pill there are new healing successes against alcoholism (and also against cocaine addiction and other addictions), so there really had to be this web site, in the name of all alcohol addicted people and their family members. It really can be stated that with some special information and analysis it's possible to free oneself of the suffering of alcoholism.

Everybody has got the right to have his "switch event".

Michael Palomino, 25 October 2012

Causes for alcohol addiction are fears, panic or depressions etc.

When a person takes alcohol in quantities of addiction this is the expression of not treated fears and panics and depressions concealing them with alcohol [web15].

Alone in France there are living 2 milion people with an alcohol addiction, and there are 6 million people with an excessive consumption of alcohol, all side effects inclusive (damaged livers, cancer in the respiratory system and digestive system, there are accidents which don't have to be, the person is not social any more but is incompatible, and there are also suicides which don't have to be etc.). [web17]

Italy: First research with Baclofen against alcoholism - healed rats and healed patients

Dottore (doctor) Giovanni Addolorato in
                          Rome (here in an article from 2010)

Dottore (doctor) Giovanni Addolorato in Rome (here in an article from 2010) [1]
First research with Baclofen against alcoholism began in Italy. Patent was applied there in the year 2000, and there were already healed alcohol patients. These alcohol patients had been healed partially within only 4 weeks. Obsessional thinking for getting alcohol ("craving" [web08]) was eliminated. See this text:

<In fact there was even a patent for treatment of Baclofen against alcoholism which had been applied by Italian doctors in the year 2000 already. So, this was two years before Olivier Ameisen had his treatment. In 2000 already there was scientific data of animal experiments with rats, and there also was clinic data about 10 male alcohol patients who had been treated with Baclofen during four weeks, first 15 mg, and then 30 mg per day, distributed during the day. Seven of these patients reached a complete abstinence  during the time of study. And there were also some indications already about the manner of acting of the medicament: "The most important statement (...) was that the obsessional thinking for getting alcohol was eliminated", so the text in the patent document. In medical words: This means less craving.> [web08]
(orig. German:
<Tatsächlich gibt es sogar ein Patent zum Einsatz von Baclofen bei Alkoholismus, das von italienischen Ärzten schon im Jahr 2000, also zwei Jahre vor Olivier Ameisens Entzug, beantragt wurde. Schon damals gab es Daten aus Tierversuchen mit Ratten, und es gab auch erste klinische Daten bei zehn männlichen Alkoholpatienten, die vier Wochen lang mit zunächst 15mg und dann 30mg pro Tag Baclofen, verteilt auf drei Einzeldosen, therapiert wurden. Sieben dieser Patienten erreichten während der Studienzeit eine vollständige Abstinenz. Auch auf einen möglichen Wirkmechanismus gab es damals schon erste Hinweise: „Die wichtigste Feststellung (…) war das Verschwinden von zwanghaftem Nachdenken über Alkohol“, heißt es in der Patentschrift. Weniger Craving, medizinisch ausgedrückt.> [web08]

France: Healing of alcoholism with the medicament Baclofen with Dr. Olivier Ameisen

The big media circus began in 2008 and then one year later in 2009 in Germany in connection with the "Frankfort Book Fair": Doctor Olivier Ameisen who had developed an alcohol addiction himself, he had treated himself with the medicament "Baclofen" which principally is only permitted for the treatment of muscle tensions, and he had healed himself and had got free of alcoholism with it. Doctor Ameisen also is free of fears today, and there is no fear suffering a backslide either. But he broke the taboo of alcohol addiction and wrote about his liberation of his addiction [web01] first an article in the review "Alcohol and Alcoholism" in 2005 [web03, web04], and then even a complete book, first in French "Le dernier verre" ("The Last Glass") and then in English "The End of My Addiction" in 2008 [web03]. Then the book also was edited in German in 2009 with the title "Das Ende meiner Sucht" ("The End of My Addiction").

Book of Olivier Ameisen in French "Le
                        dernier verre" (2008) Book of Olivier Ameisen in English:
                        "The End of My Addiction" German translation of the book of
                        Olivier Ameisen. "Das Ende meiner
                        Sucht" (2009)
Book of Olivier Ameisen in French "Le dernier verre" (2008) [2] [web03]
Book of Olivier Ameisen in English: "The End of My Addiction" (2008) [2]
German translation of the book of Olivier Ameisen. "Das Ende meiner Sucht" (2009) [2] ISBN 978-3-88897-585-1

The wonder medicament:

Lioresal /
                Baclofen, package
Lioresal / Baclofen, package [3]

Lioresal / Baclofen, package in light blue
Lioresal / Baclofen, package in light blue [4], an old medicament for muscles gets a new sense - it's healing alcoholism!

Lioresal /
                        Baclofen, blister with the little white wonder
Lioresal / Baclofen, blister with the little white wonder pills [5]

Little summary about the life of Olivier Ameisen

Olivier Ameisen, born in 1951 in Paris, became a medical doctor and even a personal doctor [web02] of French prime minister Raymond Barre [web03], and then was doctor for cancer (cardiology) at New York University Clinic ( at New York Hospital and Cornell University Medical College) [web02], and at the end he also had a private practice [web03]. But he had so much stress with all to he had fears of failing, concealing this with alcohol. Several times he was unconscious, came several time to the emergency, kidneys were in danger of failing, and he even had epileptic attacks [web02]. Olivier Ameisen also was falling several times: <He had broken first the left hand and then the shoulder, and he waked up from a blackout with several broken ribs which had persisted into the lungs.> [web01]
(orig. German:
<Er hatte sich nacheinander die linke Hand und die Schulter gebrochen, war aus einem Blackout mit mehreren gebrochenen Rippen erwacht, die sich in die Lungenflügel bohrten.> [web01]
He gave up his profession, went on treatments and psychological cures and was member of self-help groups but nothing had any effect, because there were always backfalls and backslides, during 5 years. Then an article came to him about "Baclofen" medicament which had not only an effect against muscle spasms, but had a side effect which could be applied also against alcoholism [web02]. In animal experiments this had been stated: < In 2002 it was already known that animal experiments gave the result that Baclofen in high doses could suppress the addiction.> [web01]
(orig. German:
< 2002 war aus Tierversuchen bekannt, dass Baclofen in hoher Dosierung die Sucht unterdrücken kann.> [web01]
After getting into contact with the researchers Dr. Olivier Ameisen had the courage for the self experiment dosing Baclofen always higher and higher - and within a short time the craving for alcohol had gone. And this hope is valid for all who are addicted to alcohol. Olivier Ameisen is teaching again, now at State University of New York as a lecturer against addiction diseases, with domiciles in Paris and in New York [web02].

"Science" first does not want to believe to Olivier Ameisen - over 300 healings in France and in England until end of 2009

Well, until these days alcoholism was officially rated as "incurable", and science did not believe him first that Olivier Ameisen was healed [web01]. And Wikipedia texts about Olivier Ameisen also are more or less making jokes about his success fighting alcoholism rating his healing experiment as "controversial" or "not proved in controlled clinical studies until today" (effective 2012) [web03].

At the same time the healings are more and more, e.g. describes in an article of the review "Stern" ("Star") in 2009:

<As Dr. Ameisen states, doctors in France, in the USA and in Great Britain have healed already much more than 300 alcoholics with great success. One of them [of the doctors] is Renaud de Beaurepaire from Paul Guiraud Hospital in French town of Villejuif. He writes for example: "I had 135 cases of hopeless alcoholics and gave them Baclofen and the results are really incredible."> [web01]
(orig. German:
"Ich habe 135 hoffnungslosen Alkoholikern Baclofen verschrieben, und die Resultate sind einfach unglaublich."
But Pharma industry does not want to know anything about these successes and is not giving funds for great studies - because there cannot be won any money with it:
-- because the patent for "Baclofen" has expired since a long time already
-- generics can be produced
-- and therefore there will be no "profit" with it [web06]-

And above all the normal doctors don't want to leave their idea that alcoholism would be uncurable. They simply mean that Baclofen would be similar to the medicaments which had applied before with a success rate with e.g. the medicament "Acamprosat" of 6 to 8%, with one healed person of a group of 7 or 8 getting liberated from the addiction. The doctors even reproach to Olivier Ameisen he had no vast base of data [web06].

Well, one can see by this case where Pharma industry has it's heart: They have NO heart, but they are only thinking on the money and are not at all interested in public health [web07].

But Olivier Ameisen has a clear answer for the stupid "doctors" and stupid "Pharma" industry: "Science" is failing:

<The fact that addiction doctors have not begun a Baclofen study since 2004 is not showing the lack of proofs, but is proving the lack of science.>
(orig. German:
<Dass Suchtmediziner seit 2004 keine Baclofen-Studien angestoßen haben, zeigt nicht den Mangel an Beweisen, sondern den Mangel an Wissenschaft.> [web06]

Italy 2007: Big study with Baclofen healing alcoholism: 71% healing rate with Baclofen

In December an Italian result of a Baclofen study is presented: 71% of the test group have reached abstinence - only 29% of the placebo group

<In December 2007 a Roman doctor Giovanni Addolorato, one of the co possessors of the patent, reported in the professional journal The Lancet (2007, 370: 1915) about Baclofen supporting alcohol abstinence with patients with a liver cirrhosis (LC). This study had been working with 148 patients, but at the end only 84 had stayed through the treatment with Baclofen or with a placebo. The study was randomized and controlled. 71% of the patients in the test group could reach a complete abstinence. In the placebo group only 29% of the patients could reach an abstinence. Add to this the patients in the Baclofen group were abstinent of alcohol during 62.8 days which was more than the double than the patients of the placebo group reached.

Well, this sound well first, but there are some limitations. First Baclofen has side effects. Second there are already some medicaments reducing Craving but without getting the solution of stopping the alcohol addiction. Add to this long term data are missing indicating which part of the patients will be abstinent after one year yet. Addolorato and his colleagues will have these data but made no publication in written which at least is not a good sign. And there is another point yet: Reality of psychiatry is characterized by alcohol addicted persons with psychiatric co morbidities. They were excluded in Addolorato's study so there were at the beginning 148 and at the end only 84 randomized patients.> [web08]

Only in 2009 there are big studies about Baclofen and alcohol addiction in project in England and in the "USA" [web06]. Psychiatry of Berlin hospital "Charité" has treated several alcoholics with a great success with Baclofen until 6 April 2010, and with this they repeated the success of Olivier Ameisen [web08].

In May 2012 there begins a big double-blind study "Bacloville" in France about the effect of Baclofen healing alcoholism [web09].

At the same time Baclofen is more and more sold in France. The selling data from 2010 to 2012 and especially 2011-2012 are like this:

<In France the use of Baclofen has been risen by 44% in the last three years. Alone in the last 12 months the consumption rose by 30%. These data were delivered by
Celtipharm , a French pharma informations company. There is estimated that in month of August 2012 about 45,000 persons were under a treatment with Baclofen, among them 11,000 because of alcohol problems.> [web09,web10]
(orig. German:
<In Frankreich der Verbrauch von Baclofen in den letzten drei Jahren um 44 % gestiegen. Alleine in den letzten 12 Monaten waren es 30 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Diese Zahl liefert Celtipharm, ein französisches Pharmainformations-Unternehmen. Man schätzt, dass im Monat Augst 2012 in Frankreich insgesamt 45.000 Personen mit Baclofen behandelt wurden, darunter 11.000 wegen Alkoholproblemen.> [web09, web10]

Strategies with Baclofen (BAC)

"Off-Label-Use", as long as there is no official permission using it against alcoholism

Officially Baclofen is only "permitted" for a treatment of muscle tensions, but in Germany a medicament can be used also for other purposes. This is a so called "off label use". In France the patients are even pleading for the medicament and the doctors first don't want to prescribe it because "rules" would be violated with this [web06].

Effects of Baclofen: neutralizing the desire for alcohol (craving)
Baclofen has got it's effect <"pretending" the chemical processes in the brain which are principally initiated by the drug - and therefore any craving is eliminated in the best case, or at least is reduced.> [web13]
(orig. German:
Baclofen hat sein Wirkung, <indem es die chem. Prozesse im Gehirn "vortäuscht", die eigentlich die Droge in Gang setzen würde - und somit im besten Fall das Craving beendet oder wenigstens eindämmt.>

And there is an important thing with Baclofen against craving: One has to find out one's personal "level":

<The receptors in the brain have always to be "busy", so there is not a big sense taking Baclofen "only" sporadically. After all what I have read about Baclofen there should be reached something like a "level" (the quantity in mg) which is individually different, see Warzo), and this level will be kept over the whole day taking some Baclofen several times. A (successful) therapy with Baclofen is lasting a longer time.> [web13]
(orig. German:
<Da die entsprechenden Rezeptoren dauerhaft "beschäftigt" sein müssen, macht es m. E. wenig Sinn, Baclofen "nur" sporadisch einzunehmen. Nach allem, was ich bislang über Baclofen gelesen habe, sollte eine Art "Spiegel" angestrebt werden (die Höhe (mg) ist individuell verschieden, s. Warzo), der dann über den Tag durch mehrmaliges Einnehmen gehalten wird. Eine (erfolgreiche) Baclofen-Therapie ist auf einen längeren Zeitraum angelegt.>
So the beginning of a treatment with Baclofen is a slow increase until the <personal "level" is found and then is kept>
orig. German: <persönlichen "Spiegel" herausfinden und den dann vorläufig beibehalten>,
and then [automatically] the desire for alcohol (craving) will be eliminated [in the brain]. [web13]

At the same time a "tolerance" has to be considered, that means, the effect at the Gaba-b receptors [of the brain] is weakening by the time, and also that's why that higher doses are necessary:

<With Baclofen a tolerance effect is possible - that means, the effect at the GABA-B receptor is weakening.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Unter Baclofen gibt es möglicherweise eine Toleranzentwicklung - d.h., die Wirkung am GABA-B-Rezeptor schwächt sich ab.> [web15]
At the same time Baclofen does not provoke a new addiction because no euphoria is provoked:

<Baclofen does not provoke another dependence, because there is no euphoria provoked.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Baclofen macht nicht abhängig, weil es keine Euphorie vermittelt.> [web15])

Sometimes members of forums about Baclofen indicate that they even had forgotten to take it, and this is the absolute proof that Baclofen does NOT provoke another addiction:

<You will write here often that the intake of Baclofen will be forgotten from time to time - and this is not imaginable when it would be an addictive drug!> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Du wirst oft hier lesen, dass die Einnahme von Baclofen schon mal vergessen wird - bei einem Suchtstoff unvorstellbar!> [web15] )

Effect of Baclofen: messenger substances and Gaba-b
<Baclofen has got an effect on a messenger substance in the brain; it has got an effect on the so called Gaba-b receptors. There are many messenger substances in connection with the addiction, not only Gaba-b.> [web06]
(orig. German:
<Baclofen beeinflusst ein Botenstoff-System im Gehirn; es wirkt auf die sogenannten Gaba-b-Rezeptoren. Bei der Sucht sind viele Botenstoff-Systeme eingebunden, nicht nur Gaba-b> [web06]

<We think that the effect of Baclofen is transmitted by the GABA-B receptor and the connected muscle relaxation and general relaxation", indicates Dr. Jakob Hein from Berlin hospital "Charité" to DocCheck.> [web08]
(orig. German
< Wir denken, dass der Effekt von Baclofen über den GABA-B-Rezeptor und die damit verbundene Muskelrelaxation und Entspannung vermittelt wird“, betont Dr. Jakob Hein von der Charité gegenüber DocCheck.> [web08]

Baclofen <is applied in Neurology since a long time getting a relief for patients with spastic paralyzations.> [web08]
(orig. German:
Baclofen <wird in der Neurologie schon seit Langem eingesetzt, um Patienten mit spastischen Lähmungen Erleichterung zu verschaffen.> [web08]

Effect of Baclofen: balancing effect of psyche so also depressions and other alcoholic compensations are eliminated
<Many people state that it [Baclofen] had also an effect eliminating fears and depressions.> [web13]
(orig. German:
<Viele Leute behaupten, es [Baclofen] habe bei ihnen eine angstlösende und antidepressive Wirkung.> [web13]
<There is another side effect of Baclofen which should not be underestimated: It is said that it has a relaxing and slowing down effect provoking more stability in psyche so you will not be vulnerable again for "drug escapades". The idal case will be that the whole life will be more comfortable (or at least acceptable) and life has not to be coked "beautiful" any more or drunken "beautiful" any more.> [web13]
(orig. German:
<Ein nicht zu unterschätzender Nebeneffekt von Baclofen ist, dass es einen entspannenden, entschleunigenden Effekt haben soll, der Dich dann vielleicht auch nicht mehr so anfällig für "Drogeneskapaden" macht. Im Idealfall wird vieles ganz angenehm (oder zumindest akzeptabel) und muss nicht mehr zwingend "schön" gekokst oder gesoffen werden.> [web13]

2011: Doctoral dissertation in France: "Baclofen, alcohol and other cravings" (orig. French: "Baclofène, alcool et autres cravings") about Baclofen with 139 alcohol patients

Baclofen against alcoholism is also a topic for wast doctor dissertations like in the present case with 247 pages [web09], from Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg University in France (Université de Strasbourg) [web18]:
  • <THESE PRESENTEE POUR LE DIPLOME DE DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE (work for getting doctor diploma of medicine)
  • Diplôme d’Etat, Médecine Générale (statal diploma, general medicine)
  • PAR Olivier SANGLADE (by Olivier Sanglade)
  • Baclofène, alcool et autres cravings : Intérêts et limites à partir de 13 entretiens qualitatifs (Baclofen, alcohol and other cravings: interests and limits analyzing 13 cases)
  • Vu et approuvé : 01 Juin 2011> (seen and controled: 1 June 2011) [web09]

All in all Baclofen was given to 132 alcohol patients during one year. The study began with 181 patients and ended with 132. The medium alcohol consumption of the patients was 183 gram alcohol per day corresponding to <4.5 liter beer or 1.8 liter wine> [web11].

Doses of Baclofen:

In general counts the following: <General effect of the medicament and managing well it's side effects requires a strong and controlled rise of the dose. The initial dose generally is 3 x 5 mg during the first three days. Then comes 3 x 10 mg during the next three days. In this rhythm the dose is risen step by step until the effects are coming. The officially permitted dose for ambulant therapies is a dose of 75 mg per day.> [web11]
(orig. German:
Generell gilt: <Die bekannte Wirkung des Medikamentes und die Beherrschung seiner Nebenwirkungen verlangt eine strenge, und kontrollierte Erhöhung der Dosis. Die Anfangsdosis liegt im Allgemeinen bei 3 x 5 mg während der ersten drei Tage. Danach bei 3 x 10 mg für die nächsten drei Tage. In diesem Rhythmus wird weiter erhöht bis zur wirksamen Dosis. Die offizielle Zulassung für ambulante Therapie erlaubt eine Dosis bis 75 mg / Tag.> [web11]

Depending on the doctor the dosage can be different. Spastics get doses of up to 300 mg per day given by certain doctors. Lethal effect never has been observed [web11].

In the study the dosage was limited withing the suggested limits of WHO. First the dosage was tiny, and was then augmented step by step [web11].

There are contraindications for Baclofen:

<Contraindications are athetosis and Parkinson Syndrome. Also difficult is Baclofen in connection with muscle tensions with rheumatic origin.
(orig. German:
< Gegenindikationen sind Athetose und Parkinson Syndrom. Ebenfalls sehr abzuraten ist Baclofen bei Muskel-Krämpfen rheumatischen Ursprungs.>)
Baclofen should be omitted in cases of: psychotic troubles, schizophrenia, mental general troubles (risk that such nerval manifestations would get worse), problems with closing muscle of urethritis (French: "hypertonie sphinctérienne") (because there is a risk that urine is retained (French: "risque de rétention d'urines").

Medical assistance is required when the patient is suffering the following problems: stomach cancer, problems with blood supply of the brain ("affection vasculo-cérébrale"), insufficiency of respiratory organs, diabetes, and liver damages (regular control is needed of transaminasis, alcalic phosphatasis, and blood sugar levels).

In cases of epilepsy Baclofen only can be applied in the prescribed dosages, and the finish of treatment has to be observed well.

A sudden finish of treatment is not at all recommendable. (There are risks of mental troubles, psychotic or maniac habits, hallucinations, bad social habits ("convulsions")).

When overdose is reached (remark DQ: this means that there are heavy side effects) then the rest of the treatment for drying out is about two weeks yet.> [web11]

3. Contraindications and not desired side effects (page 28)

<(remark DQ!: here only the "contraindications" are mentioned, the rest will be mentioned in a separate chapter "side effects")>


-- when there is known a hyper sensibility with Baclofen
-- children under 6 years: This pharmaceutic treatment is not suitable before that age (there is a risk of a wrong form of therapy ("fausse route"))
-- Baclofen contains milk sugar. So there should not be a treatment with Baclofen when there is a hereditary incompatibility or only bad incompatibility, or when there is only a bad compatibility of glucose or galactose.>


-- Derived from animal experiments, there is a suggestion not to use Baclofen when the patient is with a
-- during pregnancy: With an oral intake Baclofen is passing placental barrier. Animal experiments came to the result that the fetus is affected. There are not enough clinical data in reference of toxic or deforming effects of the fetus until today. Therefore there is the suggestion to advise pregnant women against Baclofen in the first four months of pregnancy.>


Concentration of Baclofen agent in the breast milk is little and therefore Baclofen can be given to suckling women.> [web11]

Objects of the doctoral dissertation
Main objective of this doctoral dissertation was the investigation of Baclofen with the effect against alcoholism.
Secondary objectives were:
-- investigation of the medium dosage
-- investigation of side effects
-- change of general view about the treatment of alcoholism in general medicine
-- reduce of alcoholism in general applying Baclofen
-- investigation of possibilities reducing the risks [web11].

Assistance: first the participants had a meeting all 2 weeks, then less; when participants had more complex problems, they got meetings every week first.

Side effects with the study participants
Side effects came mostly after using Baclofen some weeks, and disappeared then mostly again during the study:
  • <sleepiness (or fatigue) / sleepiness: 62 (47%)
  • dizziness: 25 (19%)
  • headaches: 12 (9%)
  • depressions: 9 (7%)
  • hypomania: 11 (8%)
  • lack of sleep: 35 (27%)
  • pains in joints: 17 (13%)
  • parestesia: 17 (13%) (DQ: URL-Tag is not working for this link, seems strange, has to be searched in Wikipedia, there is the indication)
  • taking weight: 8 (6%)
  • loosing weight: 19 (14%)
  • change of habits of eating?!?: "Modifications alimentaires": 21(16%)
  • eczema: 2 (2%)
  • sexual problems: 23 (17%)
  • mental disorientation: 13 (10%)
  • respiratory problems: 5 (4%)
  • sweat, hot flash: 9 (7%)
  • digestive problems: 25 (19%)
  • sick feeling, vomiting: 18 (14%)
  • change of taste: 12 (10%)
  • memorial problems and concentration problems: 19 (14%)
  • tinnitus: 7 (5%)
  • other side effects came sporadically with some few participants, few than three: incontinence of urine, gases, pollaquisuria, dry mouth, muscle cramps, sensibility of skin to UV rays, pains in the face ("algies de la face"), salivation.> [web11]

Doctoral dissertation of Strasbourg: Case histories [web18]

Looking for the doctoral dissertation in the Internet directly with it's title (Baclofène, alcool et autres cravings) I could find the original text of the doctoral dissertation in pdf format in French. Here some case histories are translated for you. Look:

Doctoral dissertation of Strasbourg: case history "A": Baclofen eliminating desire for alcohol and cocaine with a father of a family

These case histories could be watched by the doctoral student during a practical training with Dr. Bronner in Strasbourg (p.187).

A father "A", 42 years old, married, one child, from an Algerian family, born in 1981, was working as a driver for heavy haulage and got to be Dr. Bronner's patient in Strasbourg (p.188). This driver was trying out heroine by curiosity and got addicted rapidly and add to this was complementing this consumption with cocaine bridging the low phases of heroine consumption. And soon "he landed in the hell" as he described his time between 1995 and 2000. And then an addiction of alcohol was also adding to his life because he wanted to conceal all this frustration. Therefore "A" needed a treatment of drugs, and a treatment of alcohol, tried out first injections with Subutex, but was not so successful. Then he broke off all relations and went on with a treatment with Baclofen.

1st day: 1 pill 10 mg each 3x per day
2d day: 2 pills 10 mg each 3x per day
3d day: 3 pills 10 mg each 3x per day.

He suffers some side effects with fatigue and slow psycho motoric receptivity. With 90 mg per day he is going on feeling a desire for alcohol yet, but with interruptions.So the dose was enhanced up to 120 mg per day, and after one month he was describing a feeling of indifference in respect of alcohol. The desire for alcohol had disappeared. When he was given alcohol as aa test, he reacted with defense and with disgust.

At the same time the mental state of the patient had improved very well, he was more calm, more concentrated, could begin his social life again and was cozy. But the side effect of slow psycho motoric was present yet, often almost like a lethargy when there was no stimulus from outside. But thymus gland was improved, chronic states of anxiety were less, and libido was better, but ejaculation was some late (p.189). At the same time the capacity for communication with the outer world was better.

Subutex medicament will be reduced soon. Actually "A" is with 90 mg Baclofen per day, with a emergency dose in case of a desire attack for alcohol. He thinks about to begin again with his work as a driver. His environment is supporting him well during the Baclofen treatment (p.190).

Doctoral dissertation of Strasbourg: case history "B": Baclofen eliminating the desire for alcohol

Mrs. "B" (45) living together with Mr. "C" (54), one child, patient of Dr. Bronner. She was addicted to heroine, later to cocaine by "financial reasons", was regularly consuming 4 g during the weekends, and since 2 years also an addiction of alcohol developed, according to her indications "by boredom". Because of food problems and vessel problems by her drug addiction the person was also invalid, and had an AIDS problem. According to the indications of "B" she had a consumption of half a bottle of Rum per day, and add to this the daily glasses of wine. Baclofen treatment was introduced and within 3 days a dose of 90 mg was reached:
[in analogy to case history "A":

1st day: 1 pill 10 mg each 3x per day
2d day: 2 pills 10 mg each 3x per day
3d day: 3 pills 10 mg each 3x per day].

Mrs. "B" was going well with Baclofen, and the highest dose was 160 mg (p.190). With this dose a healing effect was working and she had no desire for alcohol any more, and also cocaine was getting indifferent. At the same time some side effects were coming up. Her taste was changing to a bitterness, together with a dry mouth, and with headaches. That's why the dose was reduced to 100 mg per day:
in the morning 3 pills 10 mg each = 30 mg
midday 3 pills 10 mg each = 30 mg
in the evening 4 pills 10 mg each = 40 mg.

During the following time the 100 mg Baclofen per day hindered any further desire for alcohol. She could participate meetings where cocaine was smoked but she had no desire for it. "B" could manage her consumption absolutely and could limit it. Further drug consumption had been the same like before (tobacco, benzodiazepines, Subutex).

Mentally patient "B" felt "well-balanced", but she had lost some of her humor, and also her libido was going back. "B" concluded that her libido had gone back because her humor had gone back. Sleep at the same time had bettered, but hypnosis was going on to be necessary for finding a sleep. Add to this came ulcers in the lung since a short time and she was forced to have a healthier life (p.191). In general the patient was satisfied having a total control with her consumptions, and she did not want to be absolutely abstinent. One month after having found the ulcers in the lung "B" died (p.192).

Doctoral dissertation of Strasbourg: case history "C": a welder is incompatible with Baclofen - change of family situation provoking a drastic reduction of alcohol consumption

Mr. "C" (54) was living with Mrs. "B" (see the case above). "C" was a metal welder and was a patient of Dr. Bronner in Strasbourg. He had been with heroine, then he made a treatment, but had continued with cocaine on "festivities", but according to his indications this had been always under a good control. All in all he became addicted with cocaine and alcohol, and psychologically he had always been fragile, with fears and with a continuing insomnia. He called it a post traumatic stress since he had done his military service in Libanon War. The focus in this matter was the massacre of Sabra and Chatila. According to his indications alcohol addiction began a second time after beginning of insomnia. He looked for a "trip" then. Therefore his consumption of alcohol concentrated with him to the evening hours with 3 bottles of wine each evening. But he also wanted to sleep taking sleeping pills of Noctran.

5 months ago he got the proposal for a therapy with Baclofen which was integrated into his life step by step then. During one week 30 mg per day were taken, distributed to the morning, midday and evening (10 mg each time). His domestic partner was helping him with the regular daily intake. Then he felt surprising effects:
-- more aggression ("agressivité accrue")
-- tenseness ("hargneux")
-- propensity for vulgarities ("méchant")
-- insomnia and anxiety were going on
-- consumption of alcohol and cocaine were not going down, but alcohol consumption was even enhanced "looking for a calm" because it became "uncontrollable" ("ingérable") (S.192).

Then Baclofen was stopped for one week and reintroduced and within 48 hours the critical state was reached again so Baclofen was totally stopped. Actually alcohol consumption is one bottle of wine per day. Cocaine consumption during festivities is normal with him, and regular anxiolytics, Subutex (8 mg per day).

After the death of his partner in life "B", Mr. "C" was organizing his life in a new way getting together with his daughter and his grand child helping there with work. This new situation facilitated him to reduce his alcohol consumption again considerably and beginning his life again (p.193).

[Not mentioned addition: Familiarity and relaxation in combination with a certain quantity of tenderness - and this can be also only some tender words every day - have a great effect to the glands and to the hormone release in the body, so also only this can have a healing effect already].

Doctoral dissertation of Strasbourg: case history "D": Baclofen facilitates a controlled alcohol consumption on a low level and is reducing smoking by 50%

Mr. "D" (37), alone without children, looking for work, was addicted to heroine, had had a treatment already and occasionally consumed cocaine and cannabis. But he smoked cigarettes like a horse with 15 great packages per month. And since he had been 12 or 13 the addiction to alcohol began. Already his father had been a chronic alcoholic. Mr. "D" with 37 years was as addicted of alcohol like his father, suffered ill temper, depressions, had stays in psychiatry, states of fears, insomnia and moments without control like shopping fever etc. He had passed about 15 treatments in hospitals and institutions with classic treatments with benzodiazepines, vitamin therapies, hydrations, but nothing helped. 6 months after his last treatment he got the proposal using Baclofen which was integrated step by step into his life (p.193). Side effect was a slight sleepiness and nothing more, and therefore the dose could be increased:

1st to 2nd day: 1 pill 10 mg each 2x per day [20 mg per day]
3d to 5th day: 2 pills 10 mg each 2x per day [40 mg per day] (p.193)
since the 6th day: 3 pills in the morning - 2 pills at midday - 3 pills in the evening (p.194), so 80 mg per day (p.193).

A security dose ("dose de secours") was always ready. After some time also the slight sleepiness had gone. With the higher doses life was suddenly changing:
-- he was "more opened, more calm" ("plus ouvert, plus calme")
-- states of anxiety were reduced
-- tendency for depressions were reduced
-- desire for alcohol (craving) also was reduced, but only partly.

Then at the end he indicated that he had a total control of his alcohol consumption on a low level without being addicted again. He felt "liberated". But there was always a fear of a backslide, and therefore a higher dose of intake always was one of his projects. But all in all he had won his social life again, was more active than before and even could enter a love relationship. Libido was increased and there even came the problem of a preterm ejaculation. Insomnia did not go unfortunately. Consumption of cocaine and cannabis were constantly low. Cigarette consumption was lowered by the half by 50% without any force. Baclofen had no side effects with him. At the end of the study he wanted to increase the dose getting an end of all his addictions, and he also wanted to discontinue Baclofen at the end ("pour en finir") (p.194).

Doctoral dissertation of Strasbourg: case history "E": Baclofen liberating from alcohol consumption and fears of life

Mr. "E" (43), married, two children, electro computer scientist looking for work, patient of Dr. Bronner. His experience with Baclofen is similar to the one of Dr. Ameisen. Alcoholism began with 14 concealing his chronic anxieties (e.g. he had a phobia of telephone (p.196)), which were bothering his life and professional life (p.194). He was drinking up to one liter pure pastis [anise snaps] every day. There had been also phases with benzodiazepines leveling his anxiety and his alcoholism. He probed different medicaments. Other addictions or insomnia he did not have, and he did not smoke either. Acamprosat and Naltrexon hardly helped. He developed an addiction of benzodiazepines. "Classical" treatments and other therapies did not help, also homeopathy or hypnosis did not help. At the end "E" wanted to try Baclofen and in an internet forum he found his new doctor [Dr. Bronner in Strasbourg]. Baclofen was integrated according to the classic rhythm reaching step by step an intake of 60 mg per day within a week. Maxi mum with "E" was 270 mg per day.

From 80 mg Baclofen per day changes began:
-- relaxation
-- calm in feeling of life
-- amelioration of general state of health
-- lasting intern activity came to a calm

but the lasting thinking about alcohol (craving) did not stop yet.

After some time with 270 mg Baclofen per day craving was reducing but was not eliminated yet. Above all during festivities at the end of the year additional doses of Baclofen had to be used. Therefore the dose was increased to 300 mg Baclofen per day (p.195).

This dosage with 300 mg Baclofen per day was given in three portions first, 3x 100 mg (3x 10 pills), provoking side effects of sleepiness in the afternoon. Therefore the 300 mg daily were distributed in 6 steps then: 7-3-7-3-7-3 (p.196): 7 pills in the morning, at midday and in the evening, and 3 times 3 pills between these times. Emergency dose was not needed any more (p.195). This distribution did not provoke any side effect any more and was perfect. The patient could feel his "turnaround" now, his "switch event". His feeling to alcohol got indifferent and he reached a complete abstinence. He even made - against the advice of his doctor - a self test buying a bottle of Rum ordering to himself one glass of Rum, but his feeling remained indifferent without any feeling of desire, and he could stop alcohol consumption without problems.

There were mental changes:
-- his fears were reduced essentially
-- his humor was "stabilized"
-- he felt more calm, peaceful and relaxed ("plus posé, apaisé, relaxé")
-- he could begin his social life again and he could organize a rich way of life
-- and some motivations came back which had been lost before
-- "nervous tendences" also were reduced ("impatience in the legs")
-- also his phobia against telephones was reduced in big parts
-- quality of sleep was essentially better
-- libido was better
-- confidence in the world and in his senses was better.

He even could develop a will for introducing a balanced alimentation and with this also a positive reduction of weight was provoked.

There was only some side effect of sleepiness and nothing else. Since two weeks there is a supplement treatment with Olmifon (2 pills per day) bettering life conditions again.

Patient Mr. "E" indicated to be very happy with Baclofen. It would be the first treatment which had really a healing effect. He "felt normal" and meant (p.196) that his life would stabilize really now (sa "vie en dents de scie est désormais stabilisée") (p.196-197). At the end he also performed a reduction of Baclofen step by step by 10 mg per week. At the end of the study he had reached 260 mg Baclofen per day (p.197).

Details about the application of Baclofen from other Internet forums

Therapy with Baclofen is generally also called a "BAC time" ("BAC-Zeit") [web12].

Side effects of Baclofen: eventual sleepiness and dizziness - but no addiction to pills, no euphoria, no "fog in the head"

<He is taking Baclofen daily, a remedy which principally is part of neurology for relaxation of muscles. It can have the side effect of sleepiness and can provoke dizziness attacks. But there is no addiction with this pill. It does not provoke any euphoria, is not nebulizing the head. The agent was taken from Ameisen in 2002 the first time. He prescribed it himself.> [web01]
(orig. German:
<Er schluckt täglich Baclofen, ein Mittel, das eigentlich Neurologen zur Muskelentspannung verordnen. Es kann schläfrig machen und Schwindelanfälle auslösen. Abhängig wird aber niemand von den Tabletten. Sie verursachen keine Euphorie, vernebeln nicht den Kopf. Das Mittel hat sich Ameisen erstmals im Jahr 2002 selbst verschrieben.> [web01])
Side effects: sleepiness during the day
Baclofen is causing a certain "sleepiness during the day" and is "damping" many other feelings [web13].

<Bac makes tired, but not addicted.> [web14]
(orig. German:
<Bac macht müde, aber nicht abhängig.> [web14])

When there is an operation with general anesthetic: Baclofen has to be "reduced down" first
When an operation is coming Baclofen should be "reduced down" first, and "with a certain time before the operation, because the effect of Baclofen is lasting for a long time yet". With this one does not have a shame telling this to the doctor, because doctors often are addicted to alcohol themselves, and the Baclofen treatment is nothing bad but all should know about it who does not know about it yet! Add to this one should indicate in any case the addiction of alcohol before an operation because alcohol addicted people need more anesthetics, otherwise there is a danger to wake up too early during the operation. Also when there is only  local operation with local anestesia Baclofen should always be "reduced down" because a little operation can convert rapidly into a big one with complete anestesia [web12].

Treatment of illnesses with other medicaments - stop Baclofen for a short time

Example of a participant of a forum:

<had stopped Baclofen suddenly for some days because I had to take strong painkillers.
The good thing with it was that I had no problems stopping Baclofen whereas I used Baclofen since end of October 09!
Since some days I take it again all evenings with 12,5 mg so I can find a better sleep.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<habe Baclofen abrupt für einige Tage abgesetzt, da ich starke Schmerzmittel nehmen musste.
Das gute war, dass ich keinerlei Absetzungsprobleme bekommen habe, obwohl ich Baclofen seit Ende Okt 09 nutze!
Seit einigen Tagen nehme ich zum Abend wieder 12,5 mg ein, damit ich besser (ein)schlafen kann.> [web15]

Dosage of Baclofen - to find the personal level

Dosage of Baclofen: some sober days before beginning the therapy

<Ideally before beginning Baclofen therapy there should be some days of abstinence.> [web13]
(orig. German:
<Idealerweise sollten wohl ein paar Tage Abstinenz der Baclofen-Therapie vorausgehen.> [web13])

Dosage of Baclofen: eliminating fear and depressions

<There are users searing for it [Baclofen], and there are users having their doubts. It's important to find the individual dose. It seems that this individual dose is between 2.5 7 2.5 / 2.5 and about 80 mg per day, taken in several little doses. Many people claim that there would be an anxiolytic and antidepressive effect.> [web13]
(orig. German:
<Es gibt Nutzer, die schwören darauf [auf Baclofen], und es gibt welche, die daran zweifeln. Wichtig ist, die individuelle Dosis zu finden. Diese liegt scheinbar zwischen 2,5 / 2,5 / 2,5 und ca. 80 mg / Tag in mehreren kleinen Dosierungen. Viele Leute behaupten, es habe bei ihnen eine angstlösende und antidepressive Wirkung.> [web13]

Dosage of Baclofen: approaching the own personal level - differences of effect up to factor 5
Baclofen has a very personal effect with differences up to the factor 5:

<Fact is also that there is an enormous individual variety of effects with the oral intake of BAC forming concentrations in the liquor [alcohol in the body]... This variability of effects can be compared with the one of methadone where the intake per 1 mg / kg weight of body can provoke blood levels from under 100 up to over 500 ng / ml...

That's why the approach to the individual effective dose is so important!> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Fakt ist auch, dass es eine enorme individuelle Varianz gibt, welche oralen BAC-Dosen welche Konzentrationen im Liquor ergeben... diese Streuung der Wirkung ist vergleichbar der bei Methadon, wo die Einnahme von 1mg/kg Körpergewicht Blutspiegel zwischen unter 100 und über 500 ng/ml ergeben kann...
Deshalb ist das Herantasten an die individuell wirksame Dosis auch so wichtig!> [web15]

Dosage of Baclofen: example of 25 mg all 2 hours

<The intake of 25 mg all 2 hours is the best one for me and according to my experience is provoking a balanced Baclofen level. All in all I take 150 mg per day actually.>
(orig. German:
<Die Einnahme von 25 mg alle 2 Stunden vertrage ich am Besten und führt m.E. zu einem gleichbleibenden Baclofenspiegel. Wobei ich zur Zeit 150 mg/d zu mir nehme.> [web15])

Dosage of Baclofen: The "royal road" - and "dosing up" and "dosing down" slowly - and stabilizing the mental state
<Royal road, 3x 5 mg or 6,25, all 3 days dosed up by 10 mg and when there are side effects go down with the dose until the side effects have gone.
When there is Politoxi [another drug with danger of addiction] it's important: Effects of dosing down can be heavy up to threatening life when you mean that taking much would help much only because some effect is pleasant to you with the meaning that much is helping much.
When there are fast dosages up and down side effects can be heavy with breathing depressions, panic attacks etc. pp. Take care, o.k.?!
Generally you are absolutely right with Bac, pathological gambling and alcoholism etc. become manageable because Bac is also working as a mood stabilizer.> [web14]
(orig. German:
<Königsweg, 3x 5 mg oder 6,25, alle 3 Tage um 10mg aufdosieren und bei NW [Nebenwirkungen] stoppen, bis sie weg sind.

Grade bei Politoxi [eine weitere Droge, von der Menschen abhängig werden können] ist das wichtig: die Absetzerscheinungen sind gravierend bis bedrohlich, wenn du das Zeug einwirfst, weil dir irgendeine Wirkung daran gefällt und du meinst viel hilft viel.
Atemdepression, Panikanfälle etc. pp sind die Folge bei schnellem Auf- und Abdosieren. Pass da auf, ja?!
Ansonsten liegst du mit Bac völlig richtig, Spielsucht, Alkohol etc werden besser beherrschbar, weil Bac auch als ein Mood-Stabilizer wirkt.> [web14])

Other forums where doctors are assisting: 
Jivaro and praxx [web13]

Many Baclofen patients with addiction to alcohol are observing positive and "crazy" things

Baclofen provokes a healthy relation to life with <self consciousness, vitality, drive> ("
Selbstbewusstsein, Lebensfreude, Tatendrang"). Therefore Baclofen is all in all much more than only an "anti craving medicament". This effect is reached with a dosage of 70 to 100 mg daily. All day life is becoming normal and balanced, and positive and "crazy" things are happening. When the side effects are too heavy, so this state is not reached unfortunately [web16].

Dosage of Baclofen: the indications in the book of Dr. Olivier Ameisen with 200 to 300 mg per day are very high or even too high

Participants in German forums clearly indicate that the dosage indications of Dr. Olivier Ameisen with 200 to 300 mg Baclofen per day seem not to be so worth copying, but have to be modified:

-- the high dosage of Dr. Olivier Ameisen provoke that the participants of therapy "are walking like zombies" [because of the side effect of sleepiness]
-- add to this Prof. Ameisen rejects an abstinence, and therefore the term of "healing" is discussed of course if an abstinence or a controlled alcohol consumption would be a "healing" or not, but for some ex alcoholics an "absolutistic abstinence" is not a solution either
-- Olivier Ameisen is working with dosages of 200 to 300 mg, but this can provoke heavy side effects, and most patients will go to hospital for it. In forums and in German medical offices dosages of 30 to 100 mg of Baclofen are used, but every patient has to find his personal dose, and some have the level of 200 to 300 mg, but these persons seem to be hardly on the way in the Internet
-- also low dosages bring healing successes and a complete abstinence, for example in University clinic of Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE)
-- studies from Italy of Dottore Addoloraato and Leggio indicate a dosage of 30 to 30 mg:
<And 30/60 mg are for sure by the studies of Addolorato and Leggio, and the interaction with alcohol and until 80 mg Baclofen is at least investigated initially.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Und 30/60 mg sind durch Studien von Addolorato und Leggio abgesichert, die Wechselwirkung von Alkohol und bis zu 80 mg Baclofen sind zumindest im Ansatz untersucht.> [web15])
-- but comparing the forums in Germany and in France the following surprising detail comes out:
<Frenchmen (in forums) have according to my analysis a medium dosage of about 140 mg Baclofen, compared with 65 mg in our analysis [in German forums].>
(orig. German:
<Die Franzosen (im Forum) haben nach meiner Auswertung eine gemittelte Dosis von ca. 140 mg Baclofen verglichen mit 65 mg bei unseren Auswertungen [in deutschen Foren].>)

That means that Frenchmen seem to imitate the high dosages of Dr. Olivier Ameisen without care whereas those high dosages are not at all necessary [web15].

Or Frenchmen have other bodies than Germans... [web15].

Dosage of Baclofen: For some patients e.g. 100 mg are good

One person reports in a German forum:

<Personally I am just well with 100 mg. Higher doses provoke more, but the most important thing:

No craving.

No syndromes of dependency of Baclofen, but it's more like this that I forget sometimes to take it.>
(orig. German:
<Ich persönlich fahre mit 100 mg recht Gut. Bei höheren Dosen muss ich zugeben bin ich auch beeinflusst, aber das wichtigste:
Keine Craving,
Keine Abhängigkeitssyndrome von Baclofen, es ist eher so, ich vergesse die Einnahme doch immer wieder mal recht gerne.>

Dosage of Baclofen: Experiment from 37,5 to 75 mg provokes a mental balance as never had been before

Another person prescribes an own experiment with 75 mg per day:

<I had written - you know - that I had been well with 37,5 mg per day and I had a gradual reduce in project for the end of the year. But I was well with Baclofen (with the exception of some sleepiness during the afternoon and light dizziness). So I had the idea of a higher dosage for seeing what will happen.

Since about two weeks I have reached 75 mg per day, and there is no bad effect and there are no limits for my work, and add to this there is a medical assistance. And it became amazing. I felt a relaxation like never before. Such a balanced life was unfamiliar for me and was even something incredible. Alcohol is no element of my life an more, I can drink in a moderate way and I don't lose control. I am curious about it how life will continue with it, but complete gradual reduce is the project of course.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Ich hatte ja geschrieben, dass es mir zuletzt schon mit 37,5 mg am Tag gut geht und ein Ausschleichen zum Jahreswechsel vorgesehen ist. Da ich aber Baclofen gut vertrage (außer etwas Müdigkeit in den Nachmittagsstunden und leichter Schwindel) kam mir der Gedanke doch nochmals höher zu dosieren, um zu sehen, was dann passiert.
Seit ca. zwei Wochen bin ich wieder bei 75 mg angelangt, was die berufliche Tätigkeit nicht wirklich einschränkt, dazu bin ich auch in ärztlicher Begleitung. Es ist verblüffend. Ich fühle jetzt ein Entspannung, die ich noch nie hatte. So eine Ausgeglichenheit war mir fremd und ist mir fast schon unheimlich. Alkohol ist kein Thema mehr, ich kann moderat trinken und verliere nicht die Kontrolle. Bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht, wobei das Ausschleichen von Baclofen aber das Ziel bleibt.> [web15]

And the wrigint person has hardly any side effect with 75 mg per day:

<With an intake of 12,5 mg I felt not so well any more and I stopped with Baclofen gradually.

75 mg Baclofen per day I take since some time and I am very well with it (without side effects). A backslide with the Baclofen treatment is not possible any more for me! With the intake of Baclofen self confidence is simply better and fears all have gone.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Mit der Einnahme von 12,5 mg fühlte ich mich nicht mehr so gut und ich schlich Baclofen doch wieder ein statt aus.
75 mg Baclofen nehme ich zur Zeit und es geht mir sehr gut damit (keine NW). Unter Baclofen Einfluss rückfällig zu werden ist für mich so nicht mehr möglich! Mit der Einnahme von Baclofen hat man einfach ein besseres Selbstbewusstsein und keine Ängste mehr.> [web15])

After some time in good health without any drive for alcohol the family doctor urges for a reduction of Baclofen resp. for a beginning of a gradual reduction of the medicament [web16].

Always higher dosages

Always higher dosages: A doctor in a German forum is speaking about the effect why higher dosages are needed

<There is the following hypothesis about high dosage therapy:

Baclofen is connected in big parts to protein of plasma. Free Baclofen in the blood is rapidly eliminated passing the kidneys. So, it could be that only with an intake of high doses the top concentrations could be reached in the plasma which are necessary for reaching the concentrations in the liquor having a complete effect to the GABA-B receptors...> [web15]
(orig. German:
Baclofen wird zu einem großen Teil an Plasmaeiweiß gebunden, freies Baclofen im Blut wird sehr schnell über die Nieren eliminiert. Es könnte sein, dass nur bei Einnahme sehr hoher Einzeldosen kurzzeitig Spitzenkonzentrationen im Plasma erreicht werden, die notwendig sind, um im Liquor Konzentrationen zu erreichen, die eine annähernd vollständige Sättigung der GABA-B-Rezeptoren ermöglichen...> [web15])

The "switch event"

Dosage of Baclofen: The "switch event" with Dr. Olivier Ameisen came with almost 300 mg per day - and with others also - and there should be always a person for the case of emergency

A doctor warns from high dosages with Baclofen, but Olivier Ameisen and other are well with it as it seems:

<Ameisen reported that he increased the dosage simply until his craving for alcohol had gone completely, and until there was no will necessary for stopping his alcohol consumption. With him this was the case with 300 mg per day. On web sites from the United States there are many reports by Baclofen users who had their "switch event" with doses between 200 and 300 mg per day.

Such doses are without doubt not without danger because there is an interaction with the alcohol [in the blood], so as a doctor I could only take responsibility for this treatment under conditions of emergency with the ventilation and reanimation devices - also when here some users were without any damage with dosages of up to 300 mg.

Persons who are risking this in a self treatment with their own responsibility, these persons should have somebody near for sure for the case of emergency for a call for an ambulance, and this person also should be capable to communicate how long and how high the dosage of Baclofen had been.
> [web15]
(orig. German:
<Ameisen hat ja berichtet, dass er die Dosis einfach so lange weiter erhöht hat, bis das Verlangen nach Alkohol vollständig erloschen war, und keine Willensanstrengung mehr notwendig war, keinen Alkohol zu trinken. Bei Ihm war das bei fast 300mg der Fall, auf US-Seiten gibt es zahlreiche Berichte von Baclofenanwendern, die ihr "Switch"-Erlebnis bei Dosen zwischen 200 und 300mg p.d. beschreiben.

Solche Dosen sind zweifellos nicht ungefährlich, zumal im Zusammenwirken mit Alkohol, als Arzt könnte ich das nur stationär unter Intensiv-Bedingungen mit Beatmungs- und Reanimationsmöglichkeit verantworten - auch wenn hier einzelne Anwender Dosierungen bis 300 mg schadlos vertragen haben.

Wer das selber in Eigenverantwortung riskieren will, sollte jedenfalls sicherstellen, dass jemand in der Nähe ist, der im Notfall den Rettungsdienst rufen und Angaben zu Dosierung und Einnahmedauer von Baclofen machen kann.> [web15]

The end of Baclofen therapy is the end of alcohol addiction - but gradual reduce is an art

"Gradual reduce" after one year of use (reduction to 0)

One of the many forum participants says after almost one year of Baclofen therapy:

<Now I can really state that alcohol has become indifferent for me.
Since some weeks I have this special feeling; even in moments of stress where I had taken the bottle in earlier days.
In some kind this new life is feeling like a liberation; a damned fine feeling, having expelled the demon of alcohol.
I have no fears any more and I am in a good mood for my future. Principally I want to reduce gradually Baclofen until the end of the year;
Dosages are at 37.5 mg per day at the moment; but I had also higher dosages already (75 to 100 mg for a short time)!
Thanks for this forum where new impressions and informations were given every day.
Especially I want to thank to Dr. Oliver Ameisen for his work making propaganda for this new therapy.
Add to this the book "The End of My Addiction" was inspiring me and was broadening my knowledge in general about the addiction.
For me it's absolutely clear now that alcoholism is a biological illness.
Add to this I hope that addiction medicine will wake up at least and will also work with Baclofen therapies.

Greetings.> [web15]
(orig. German:
<ich kann jetzt wirklich behaupten, dass Alkohol für mich gleichgültig geworden ist.
Seit einigen Wochen habe ich nun dieses besondere Gefühl; selbst in Stressmomenten, wo ich sonst zur Flasche gegriffen hätte.
Irgendwie fühlt sich dieses neue Leben wie eine Befreiung an; ein saugutes Gefühl, den Dämon Alkohol vertrieben zu haben.
Ich habe keine Ängste mehr und bin für die Zukunft froh gestimmt. Das Baclofen möchte ich eigentlich zum Jahreswechsel ausschleichen;
Dosierung durchschnittlich zur Zt. bei 37,5 mg; hatte aber auch schon höher dosiert (kurzzeitig bei 75-100mg)!
Danke für dieses Forum, wo man täglich neue Eindrücke und Informationen bekommen hat.
Besonderer Dank an Dr. Oliver Ameisen für dessen Einsatz zu einem neuen Therapieansatz.
Das Buch "Das Ende meiner Sucht" hat mich zudem inspiriert und mein Wissen über die Sucht allgemein erweitert.
Für mich steht jetzt eindeutig fest, dass es sich um eine biologische Krankheit handelt.
Hoffe zudem, dass die Suchtmedizin endlich aufwacht und endlich Baclofen für die Behandlung einsetzt.
Viele Grüße > [web15])

Other participants don't have the courage to finish the Baclofen treatment after one year and are passing a second year with Baclofen therapy [web15].

Procedures for gradual reduction

Gradual reduction is not so simple as is reported here fore example:

It's clear that like with any medicament also with Baclofen <a sudden reduction can be accompanied with extraordinary and inconvenient side effects, but nobody would speak of syndromes of treatment!> [web15]
(orig. German:
Es ist klar, dass wie bei jedem Medikament auch bei Baclofen ein <plötzliches Absetzen ausserordentlich unangenehme Nebenwirkungen haben kann, ohne dass jemand von einem Entzugssyndrom sprechen würde!> [web15]

Another voice prescribes it like this:

<Now I see that it will not so simple with the gradual reduction. Some report about stress and drinking situations.>
(orig. German:
<Jetzt sehe ich, daß es mit dem Ausschleichen wohl nicht so einfach ist. Einige berichten über streßbedingte Trinksituationen.>)

Others are drinking simply "by boredom". So after the overcoming of alcoholism also new spiritual horizons are wanted [web15].

Trick for gradual reduction: Prolongation of intervals and then leaving out the evening dose

<I had the idea that I will not take 2x 50 mg but 4x 25 mg, and then by the time I will extend the intervals until I can leave out the fourth dose in the evening. This should work, is it? So, since some days I am parting the my dosage of Baclofen in 25-25-25-25. This is working and I am not better or worse with it as before. So, all is o.k. I will extend the intervals step by step and then in the evening one dosage will be left out.>
(orig. German:
<Ich habe mir überlegt, dass ich nicht 2x 50mg nehme, sondern 4x 25mg und die Zeiten dann auseinander ziehe, bin ich die 4te Dosis dann weglasse. Müsste doch funktionieren oder? Also, seit ein paar Tagen teile ich die Baclofen Dosis auf 25-25-25-25 auf. Es geht mir damit nicht besser oder schlechter als sonst auch. Also allles OK. Werde die Zeiten langsam strecken und dann am Abend eine weglassen.> )

And blood pressure is normal at least, and 10 kg loss of weight also have a good effect. [web15]



Indications by Mr. Neige, March 3, 2014: Death of Mr. Prof. Olivier Ameisen - new studies

1. Mr. Olivier Ameisen died on July 18, 2013 in his flat in Paris suffering heart attack with 61 years.

2. The doctoral dissertation of Descartes University in France was published now also in the famous specialist journal "Alcohol & Alcoholism".
-- abstract (in English)
-- full version (in English, pdf).

3. Last December 2012 Mr. Dr. Renaud de Beaurepaire was publishing his retrospective cohort study "Suppression of alcohol dependence using baclofen: a 2-year observational study of 100 patients".
-- Full version in English is here for free

4. There are two studies in the pipeline working with placebo controlled groups.
-- Last information here
(in German).

5. In France the potential use of the medicament Baclofen has been discovered now by the healty policy for therapies thus the national agency for safety of medicine in France (ANSM, http://ansm.sante.fr (in French)) has initiated a procedure for a priviliged Baclofen treatment against alcoholism without regarding the results of more clinical studies of higher evidence class.
-- Information (in German) is here, page forward to see the latest news.

<<     >>

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[web01] http://www.stern.de/gesundheit/baclofen-alkohol-olivier-ameisen-das-ende-meiner-sucht-1506268.html
[web02] http://www.weltbild.de/3/15927265-1/buch/das-ende-meiner-sucht.html#produktbeschreibung
[web03] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Ameisen
[web04] http://alcalc.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/2/147.full
[web05] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Ameisen
[web06] http://www.stern.de/gesundheit/2-baclofen-alkohol-olivier-ameisen-das-ende-meiner-sucht-1506268.html
[web07] conclusions Palomino
[web08] Pille gegen Pulle: http://news.doccheck.com/de/article/177602-pille-gegen-pulle/
[web09] News of Dr. Ameisen: http://www.baclofen-forum.com/news/forum/olivier-ameisen-baclofen-news/
[web10] Baclofène: http://blog.ehesp.fr/mediasantepublique/2012/09/07/baclofene-augmentation-de-plus-de-30-des-ventes-en-un-an/
[web11] Doctoral dissertation about Baclofen with 132 participants during one year:
[web12] http://www.baclofen-forum.com/fragen-und-antworten-baclofen-und-alkohol/vollnarkose-baclofen-t588.html
[web13] http://www.baclofen-forum.com/fragen-und-antworten-baclofen-und-alkohol/baclofen-uberhaupt-fur-mich-geeignet-t697.html
[web14] http://www.baclofen-forum.com/forum-mitglieder-stellen-sich-vor/philipp-jahre-t487.html#p2458
[web15] http://www.alkohol-und-baclofen-forum.de/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=735
[web16] http://www.alkohol-und-baclofen-forum.de/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=735&start=30
[web17] http://www.baclofene.org/baclofene/baclofene-alcool-et-autres-cravings-interets-et-limites-a-partir-de-13-entretiens-qualitatifs
[web18] http://www.apima.org/img_bronner/These_Baclofene_Sanglade_reduit_cas.pdf

Photo sources
[1] Dottore / Arzt Giovanni Addolorato: http://www.cattolicanews.it/studi-e-ricerche-alcol-sempre-piu-14enni-tra-chi-abusa

[2] book by Olivier Ameisen
-- in English: The End of My Addiction: http://scienceblogs.com/bookclub/2009/03/03/the-end-of-my-addiction-by-oli/
-- in German: Das Ende meiner Sucht: http://www.weltbild.de/3/15927265-1/buch/das-ende-meiner-sucht.html
-- in French: Le dernier verre: http://www.books.ch/detail/ISBN-9782207259962/Le%20dernier%20verre

[3] Lioresal / Baclofen, package: http://blog.brasilacademico.com/2012/04/bacoflen-remedio-para-alcoolismo-e.html
[4] Lioresal / Baclofen, package in light blue: photo by Michael Palomino (2012)
[5] Lioresal / Baclofen, blister with little, white pills: photo by Michael Palomino (2012)
