The caper bush in the Mediterranean and Asia
to India

Caper bush [3]
Capers are flower buds of the caper bush (Capparis spinosa)
[web01]. The wild caper bushes have thorns, cultivated bushes
are created without thorns in plantations (centers are in
Turkey, Spain, Italy with the island of Pantelleria) [web06].
-- The caper bush grows in a warm and dry climate [web08] in
the entire Mediterranean area and the Arab-Asian region as far
as India. It was "naturalized" in the Canaries. Centers of
caper cultivation are in South of France, Greece with the
Aeolian Islands ("Capers Festival" in June), Italy with the
Sicilian island of Pantelleria [web01].
-- The caper bush also grows on barren or rocky soils, is
particularly salt-tolerant and hardly needs any water, which
is why it is revered as "almost magical" [web02]
-- The shrub can grow up to 2m high and 4m wide, is up to 50
years old. [web01], the branches are up to 4m long, with thick
leaves [web08]
-- The caper bush develops flower buds, which are then
processed into "capers" [web01], since the ancient Greeks
-- The delicate blossoms only have a short blooming period
[web08], called "orchid of the Aeolians" in southern Italy
-- The Greek goddess Aphrodite is the patroness of the small
caper buds. [web02]
Die Verwendung des Kapernstrauchs: Knospen, Früchte, Rinde
The use of the caper bush: buds, fruits, bark
-- From the caper bush are used: the buds (called "capers"),
fruits (called "caper apples") and leaves are used [web02]
-- Extracts of the caper bush can be found in cosmetics
-- The bark of the caper bush is used for medical purposes:
caper bush bark tea against rheumatism, chew bark against
toothache [web05].
Capers are immature flower buds that are dried
and then pickled: brine, vinegar, olive oil

Caper buds on a caper bush [4] - Little capers are that stron
in healing like an apple [1]
Immature flower buds are harvested by hand when they are olive
green to bluish green [web01]. The harvest in spring [web08]
is mostly at daybreak. Freshly picked capers are bitter and
inedible [web06]. After the harvest, they are dried for a day,
then marinated in salt, brine, vinegar or olive oil. This is
how the sour, piquant taste is created (capric acid and
mustard oil glycosides are created) [web02]. In detail:
Spontaneous fermentation takes place, a kind of lactic acid
fermentation. After about 1 month, the microorganisms have
largely broken down the bitter substances. This is followed by
flushing and sorting depending on the size [web06].
Capers have their name depending on their size, in France for
-- 4-7mm: Nonpareils - with the best taste (the smaller, the
milder + more expensive [web05])
-- 7-8mm: Surfines
-- 8-9mm: Capucines
-- 9-10mm: Capotes
-- 12-13mm: Fines
-- Mifines
-- 13-15mm: Hors Calibres ("Communes") [web01]
-- 20mm: in Spain [web08]
Some capers are bitter and bitter, others rather hot. The
bigger the capers, the more intense their taste [web08].
If capers have been pickled in salt, they must be soaked in
water before being used in the kitchen [web01]. Capers pickled
in salt or vinegar endanger the body's water balance due to
the excessive salt content when consumed too much [web05].
Capers can be kept in hermetically sealed jars and covered
with brine for at least one year [web05].
For the supermarket, capers are 15 minutes. heated to 80
degrees (pasteurization) to increase the shelf life, that is a
compromise to the shelf life [web06].
[Vitamins are destroyed at 60 degrees
The healing effects of capers - their healing
force is that stron like an apple
-- Capers have a high content of "secondary plant substances"
and are very healthy [web02]
-- Capers have a stimulating effect on digestion and as a
remedy [web02]
The most important health-promoting components of capers
("secondary plant substances")
- "In addition to vitamins C and B, the flower bud of the
caper bush also contains magnesium and potassium as well
as trace elements such as iron, copper and manganese."
[web02], rich in calcium, ans also some sodium [web05]
Vitamin B1 for the metabolism, vitamin B2 for the energy
balance and against mental disorders [web05].
Iron and copper promote the formation of red blood cells
(e.g. against anemia) [web03], and copper promotes the
formation of pigments for skin and hair, against gray hair
- "Quercetin
The bud has a relatively high proportion of this
flavonoid. Quercetin is a natural pigment from the group
of polyphenols and flavonoids, which is also found in
onions, berries and apples. It has an antioxidant effect
on the cardiovascular system. "[Web02]
Quercetin is a natural pigment that protects against
infectious diseases and strengthens the immune system.
- The plant substance rutin protects the blood vessels
Plants use the flavonoid rutin to protect against UV
radiation. In the human organism it protects the smallest
blood vessels and the intestines." [web02]
- Mustard oils kill germs [web02]
"Mustard Oil Glycosides
They give some vegetables a bitter taste. In the human
organism they prevent respiratory and urinary tract
infections. "[Web02]
- Antioxidants
Capers are high in natural antioxidants:
-- neutralize harmful by-products that arise during the
digestion of meat [web05]
-- prevent fat oxidation and the development of
cancer-promoting compounds [web05]
Quote (translation): <Capers are an underestimated
ingredient in the healthy "Mediterranean diet", this was
found out by a researcher's group with Maria A. Livrea
from Palermo University. The fruits of the caper bush have
an unexpectedly high proportion of oxidation inhibitors,
the scientists report in the journal "Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry" (vol. 55, p. 8465). In
experiments, they had observed that the antioxidants in
capers can neutralize harmful by-products that arise
during the digestion of meat. "Capers can have positive
health effects, especially for those whose diets are high
in fat and red meat," it said. The small fruits are an
ideal combination to meat dishes as a prevention against
cancer and heart diseases.> [Web07]
(original German: <Kapern sind eine unterschätzte Zutat
der gesunden "Mittelmeer-Diät", haben Forscher um Maria A.
Livrea von der Universität Palermo festgestellt. Die
Früchte des Kapernstrauchs besitzen einen unerwartet hohen
Anteil an Oxidationshemmern, berichten die Wissenschaftler
im Fachblatt "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry"
(Bd. 55, S. 8465). In Versuchen hatten sie beobachtet,
dass die Antioxidantien der Kapern schädliche
Nebenprodukte neutralisieren können, die bei der Verdauung
von Fleisch entstehen. "Kapern können eine positive
Auswirkung auf die Gesundheit haben, insbesondere für
diejenigen, deren Ernährung reich an Fett und rotem
Fleisch ist", heißt es. Die kleinen Früchte seien als
Vorbeugung gegen Krebs und Herzkrankheiten eine ideale
Kombination zu Fleischgerichten.> [web07])
Capers as a remedy
Capers - indications: digestion - appetite - cholesterol
- inflammations - allergies - edema - spleen - scurvy -
cramps - diabetes - hepatitis - blood vessels
-- Digestive: promotes the digestion of
animal fats when eating meat [web08]
-- appetite enhancing [web08]
-- Capers are supposed to regulate the cholesterol
level [web05]
-- Capers are supposed to reduce inflammation
[web05], have an anti-inflammatory effect, against
rheumatism and arthritis (today's natural medicine in
Europe) [web08]
-- Capers should reduce allergies [web05]
-- Capers consist of 85.2% water and have a dehydrating
effect (against edema), drainage (edema,
pregnancy edema), [web08]
-- Spleen diseases (since ancient times)
-- against scurvy in some countries [web08]
-- antispasmodic, eliminates cramps [web08]
-- Diabetes, blood sugar is regulated [web05,
web08] (discovered in Iran [web08]) [web08]
-- Hepatitis (discovered in Ayurveda in
India) [web08]
-- strengthens the blood vessels, strengthens
the heart, purpura vascular disease [web08]
[Conclusion: capers act
like an apple].
Capers as a beauty product
-- Skin care, skin rejuvenation, smooth wrinkles, capers are
ingredients in many cosmetics, freshen up the skin [web08]
-- Puree from capers can be put as a beauty mask [web08]
Caper bark - indications
-- Caper tree bark tea should reduce rheumatism [web05]
-- Chewing caper tree bark should reduce toothache [web05]
Cooking recipes: caper flower buds
("capers") as an ingredient in the kitchen
The flower buds of the caper bush ("capers") have been a
spicy and piquant ingredient in the cuisine of the
Mediterranean region since ancient times [web01], sourish
and piquant [web02].
Dishes with capers in Italy: Vitello tonnato
(veal in tuna sauce [web02]), spaghetti alla puttanesca,
insalata pantesca [web01]
Mediterranean area: fish with capers,
spaghetti with capers, sauces with capers, Italian + Turkish
recipes [web08]
Dishes with capers in Germany: Kings Rolls
(Königsberger Klopse), Frikassee, Rinter-Tatar [web01]
[also: potatoe salad with egg, tomato, ognions and capers -
tomato salad with ognions and capers]
Germany uses capers in cold sauces, combines capers with
boiled eggs, caper sauce with noodles, capers in potato
salad, capers on pizza, possibly combined with anchovies,
Capers in a meat loaf, capers with sliced meat, pureing
capers is an ingredient for drinks made from yoghurt or milk
drinks [web08].
Dishes with capers in Colombia: Ajiaco
More advice about capers
-- Pickled capers are a danger for people with histamine
intolerance, these people have to get capers in brine
-- they are available all year round, often offered in
vinegar and oil, rarely offered in brine in special gourmet
shops, or in Turkish or Italian shops, often brine real sea
salt. very valuable [web08]
-- capers stay cool in an open jar covered with liquid for 1
year, if you add oil to the jar, even longer [web08]
-- Vinegar or brine has to be rinsed or watered before
consumption, otherwise it dominates too much [web08].
Capers substitute - fake capers
In Germany, siome flower buds are used for capers: the buds of
-- the marsh marigold [web01,06,08]
-- the nasturtium [web01,06,08]
-- Lesser celandine [web01, web08]
-- Daisies [web01, web06]
-- dandelions etc. [web01].
-- broom [web06]
The buds are then colored green with copper connections
Sour capers are also said to be an aphrodisiac
-- the patroness of the capers was the oriental goddess of
love Astarte [web02]
-- in Cyprus Astarte became Aphrodite - from whom the word
"aphrodisiac" is derived [web02]
-- the sour-spicy capers are supposed to increase the "erotic
appetite" and to "stimulate lust" [web02]
[Well, how a sour fruit is supposed to be an
aphrodisiac is a mystery to me].
Caper apples (caper fruits)

Caper fruits are about 2cm long [2]
Caper apples (caper berries, caper cucumber) are 1 to 2 cm
long, are placed in vinegar or oil to remove the bitter
substances, the smaller they are, the more aromatic they are.
For extending shelf life in the supermarket they are treated
with preservatives [web06].
[web01] MoSSad Wikipedia denies natural medicine of
[web02] natural medicine of capers:
Photo sources
[1] Capers:
[2] Caper fruits:
[3] Caper bush:
[4] Caper bud on a caper bush:
[5] Pizza Napoli with anchovies, olives and capers:
[6] Spaghetti alla puttanesca with olives + capers:
[7] King mountain rolls (Königsberger Klopse) with capers:
[8] Ajiaco: Chicken soup with potatoes, corn + capers: