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Note: eye exercise 04: palming (warming the eyes)

First rub your hands together - and then warm your eyes with the palms of your eyes in the shape of an "A" like a cave - count to 120

"palm"=the inner side of the hand

Pattrick Eurich shows how how palming goes:
                        1. Rub your hands together so that they get warm
                        - 2. Place hands as a hollow, do not touch your
                        eyes - 3. Count to 120 [2]
Pattrick Eurich shows how how palming goes: 1. Rub your hands together so that they get warm -
2. Place hands as a hollow, do not touch your eyes - 3. Count to 120 [2]

presented by Michael Palomino (2024 / 2025)

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Feb 3, 2023: Palming 2 minutes (count to 120) - flashes and spots disappear - "seeing black":
Video: INSTANTLY BETTER vision with this 2 minute exercise - palming eye training (3'14'')
(orig. German: Video: SOFORT BESSER Sehen mit dieser 2 Minuten Übung - Palmieren Augentraining (3'14'')

Pattrick Eurich shows how palming
                  goes: 1. Rub your hands together so that they get warm
                  - 2. Place hands as a hollow, do not touch your eyes -
                  3. Count to 120 [2]
Pattrick Eurich shows how palming goes: 1. Rub your hands together so that they get warm -
2. Place hands as a hollow, do not touch your eyes - 3. Count to 120 [2]

Pattrick Eurich shows how palming
                                  goes: 1. Rub your hands together so
                                  that they get warm - 2. Place hands as
                                  a hollow, do not touch your eyes - 3.
                                  Count to 120 [2]
Pattrick Eurich shows how palming goes: 1. Rub your hands together so that they get warm -
2. Place hands as a hollow, do not touch your eyes - 3. Count to 120 [2]

Pattrick Eurich from Eye Training online (German: Augentraining online):

-- the exercise was invented by William Bates, an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) in New York (25'')

-- different variants have been developed from this, but sometimes decisive points are missing for the palming to be successful (45'')

-- first the hands are rubbed together so that the palms get warm, warmth is relaxing the eye (1'5'')

-- then the eyes are closed and the hands are placed on the eyes in the form of an "A" with crossed fingers, like a cave, the eyes are not to be touched by the hands (1'21'')

-- slowly you can put your hands on the bridge of your nose - and now you just have to wait (1'30'')

-- Point 3: One should palm until one perceives a "rich black": "I should keep my eyes covered until I can only see black" - "In this case, seeing black is positive" (1'52'')

-- with stressed eyes people see flashes of light or gray spots, or colored spots. "These are all fragments of light that are still buzzing around on the retina, where the cones and rods (these are the photoreceptors), where they simply still fire." (2'14'')

-- "They are now being recharged, because we are not using up neurotransmitters at the moment, which these cones and rods need for signal transmission. And when I see everything sharply now - and it feels nice and warm - then I can open my eyes again" and let fall my hands down (2'33'').

-- Statement: If you have NOT pressed your eyes with your hands, then you "immediately have a clearer picture, a sharper picture, richer in contrast." (2'42'')

-- If you wear glasses, you can see much better with your glasses than before, "then you have a great picture" (2'53'').

-- This exercise can be done in the office or at home, you only need your own hands (3'2'')

Supplement: You can perform palming exercises anywhere where you sit safely
-- You can actually do the palming anywhere where you sit safely.
-- Also regularly in the bathroom on the toilet
-- So counting to 120 is fun
-- At the other side of your position, you can paint or glue a small letter in the opposite wall for testing your eyes if the eyes are getting better, or at least they will not become worse.
Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS PAY CASH - Jan 26, 2025

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