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Cupper 03: healings 01: cupper water - cupper bracelet

Healings with copper water / copper food / copper jewelry in Ayurveda (India) - copper water from a copper bottle (purified water) stops epidemics that are transmitted through water - healings with copper water / copper food / copper jewelry - copper water / copper food / copper jewelry heals skin wrinkles and wrinkled faces - Copper coins - Copper objects (copper jewelry) on the body - Wear a copper bracelet (or wear it on the ankle) - Copper bracelet - The bio-magnetic copper bracelet - The copper bracelet: harmonization - reduced pain - reduced inflammation: wrist, Hands, fingers, elbows, hips, ankles, feet - copper as a contraceptive

by Michael Palomino (2020)

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Copper heals - natural copper as a remedy (like a medicament)

Copper heals - a bit of history

-- India: Old yogis and wise men drank copper water to protect themselves against diseases, Ayurveda healing is still possible today [2020] with copper [web25]
-- India: In India most restaurants use copper pots, the tradition of yogis is continued [web25]
-- India: Copper works against radiation (has radiating properties) and vitalises and according to Ayurveda heals away all diseases [web25]
    Quote (translation): "If you believe the old statements, there does not seem to be any disease that cannot be eliminated by this practice." [web25]
   (orig. German: "Schenkt man den alten Aussagen Glauben, so scheint es keine Krankheit zu geben, die nicht durch diese Praxis beseitigt werden kann." [web25])
-- India: In ancient India and the Far East, copper was a traditional remedy for skin diseases, lung diseases and eye infections [web21]
-- Copper dishes ensure a healthy copper supply for the body [web24]
-- Ancient China: In acupuncture, copper needles were used first, they supported the treatment with the copper healing effect [web27]
-- Ancient Egypt: drinking water was sterilized with copper, headaches healed, the healing of skin diseases supported [web21]
-- Ancient Egypt: A paste was made from copper flakes and spread on inflammation to relieve inflammation [web27]
-- Hippocrates recommended copper as a remedy for various diseases [web21]
-- the Aztecs used copper for healing purposes, also gargling copper-containing water against sore throats and infections [web21]
-- the Celts wore copper bracelets as jewelry AND because of the healing properties [web28]
-- the Vikings wore copper bracelets as jewelry AND because of the healing properties [web28]
-- in late ancient Greece ("Roman times") doctors recommended using copper to clean the stomach, for detoxification, against canker sores and ulcers, against eye infections, against cataracts, against venereal diseases [web21]
-- in Europe in the 19th century French doctors discovered that copper strengthens the immune system against cholera, especially copper workers were immune to cholera [web21]
-- Europe late 19th century: Doctors also recommend copper for the treatment of arthritis, diarrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis [web21]

Copper research in the 20th century
-- 20th century: German doctors in the Third Reich discover in 1939 that copper miners have no arthritis when they work in the copper mine - this was followed by copper research against arthritis, fever, sciatica, neck pain, back pain [web21]
-- Red wine contains copper, has a healing effect and allegedly lowers the heart attack rate in France to the lowest rate in all of Europe [web21]
-- Menke disease: those who cannot absorb copper well (Menke disease) have a weak immune system and many infections [web21]
-- Animals with a copper deficiency are susceptible to bacteria such as salmonella and listeria [web21]
-- Copper as prevention: The doctors realized that copper ions are also a prevention against diseases [web21]
-- Study from the 2010s: Contaminated water being stored in the copper pot for 16 hours became
completely free of bacteria, thus the healing knowledge from ancient times about copper was confirmed [web21]

Drink copper water from a copper bowl on an empty stomach - and wait 45 minutes

-- In the Indian health doctrine of Ayurveda [veda = knowledge, ayur = life -> knowledge of life], water is stored in copper vessels for 6 to 8 hours in order to produce drinking water (the process is called "Ushapaan", the copper water "Tamra Jal") - the best is to store the water in copper vessels overnight [web49]
-- a study from 2012 showed a considerable reduction in microbes after 16 hours of storage of contaminated water [water which was extra contaminated by "vaccination"] in copper vessels at room temperature (Journal: Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition) [web49]
-- Ayurveda doctrine means that one must bring three life elements (doshas, ​​the tridosha) into harmony [web49]
-- the copper water becomes alkaline [basic: the pH value rises to over pH7] and is balancing the pH value in the body (acid-base balance) [web49]
-- Copper water is self-cleaning ("oligodynamic effect": the copper ions destroy the pathogens), even bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics ("super germs", MRSA ") are destroyed by copper [by copper ions in copper water] [web49]
-- Copper is a type of microbial purification of drinking water [biological sewage treatment plant] [web49]

-- let the water stand in a copper cup overnight [web25]
-- in the morning the copper water is drunk [on an empty stomach], before sunrise the copper water is said to have an even more intense effect [web25]
-- then wait 45 minutes and then comes food and drink [web25]

-- You shouldn't take more than 1 to 3 glasses of copper water a day, for example [sober] 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening [on an empty stomach] [web46]:

           Quote: "It is important to not abuse this amazing water. Drinking 1 to 3 cups a day is all you need." [web46]

-- too much copper water is not so good [web48]
-- the ritual of taking copper water can also generally strengthen the will for improvement and healing, even stonger are sayings or wishes being recited [web46]

Healings with copper: the list

-- age spots [web48]
-- aging is stopped [web48]
-- anemia is healed [web25]
-- arteriosclerosis is reduced [web48]
-- arthritis, inflamed joints [web18, web48], inflammatory pain, rheumatoid arthritis [web49]
-- bacteria [web18]
-- blood pressure: high blood pressure is regulated [web18]
-- bones [bone density] [web48]
-- brain [web18]

-- brain activity becomes faster and more efficient [web49]

-- cancer is prevented [web18, web49] with strong antioxidant properties [web49]
-- cells (strengthening), cell damage is repaired [web48], promotion of new cell formation, has a rejuvenating effect [web49]
-- cholesterol is regulated (good HDL promoted, bad LDL reduced) [web48]
-- cholesterol level is regulated [web48]
-- colon cleansing [web19]
-- cramps: muscle cramps are eliminated [web49]
-- defense (strengthening of the immune system by eliminating harmful pathogens, germs, infections) [web48]
-- detoxification [web19] of the digestive system and the liver as well as the kidneys [web48]
-- digestion is regulated [web18], digestive disorders [web48]
-- energy [by promoting the red blood cells] [web48]
-- gastrointestinal tract+liver+kidneys are liberated of waste products [web48]
-- healing of all diseases is faster [web48]
-- heart attack risk is reduced [web48]
-- heart: cardiac activity is regulated [web48]
-- heart: the cardiovascular system is regulated [web18]
-- heart problems caused by cholesterol + high blood pressure are eliminated [web48]

-- immune defense against infections is increased [web48]
-- infections in the gastrointestinal area [web19]
-- inflammation [web19] and joint inflammation [web48]
-- joint inflammation [web48]
-- kidneys are detoxified [web48]
-- liver [web25] is detoxified [web48]
-- lymphatic system [web25]
-- metabolism is optimized, this provokes weight loss + improvement of the whole body [web48]
-- muscle cramps are eliminated [web49]
-- muscle tension is eliminated [web27]
-- muscles are strengthened [web48]
-- nutrient uptake is optimized through detoxification [web48]
-- overweight [web18, web25]
-- pain due to joint inflammation, arthritis etc. [web18,48,49]

-- psyche [web25]
-- rheumatism (muscle rheumatism, joint rheumatism) [web25]
-- red blood cells (new formation) [web48]
-- rejuvenation (skin, organs etc.) [web18] through new cell formation, replacement of old cells with new cells [web49]
-- skin (rejuvenation) [web18]
-- stomach ulcer [web19]
-- spleen [web25]
-- stroke: the risk of a stroke is reduced [web48]

-- thyroid disorder (thyroid malfunction with too little copper) is regulated [web18]
-- wound healing: wounds heal faster [web18]
-- wrinkled face [web25]
-- wrinkles go away (by promoting the formation of collage) [web48]

Especially with copper water
-- stop dysentery (Ruhr) [web48]
-- stop jaundice (Gelbsucht) [web48]
-- stop malaria [web48]

Healings with copper (in detail)

Healings with copper water / copper food / copper jewelry in Ayurveda (India)
-- is considered a tonic for the liver, spleen, lymphatic system [web25]
-- is a remedy against overweight / obesity [web25]
-- is a remedy for rheumatic muscle and joint diseases [web25]
-- protects the lungs from diseases [web25]

-- reduces anemia (lack of red blood cells): Copper has a positive effect on the hemoglobin content of the blood, it is assumed that anemia (too less red blood cells) can be alleviated [web25]
Quote: "Its positive effect on the hemoglobin content of the blood is believed to have a soothing effect on anemia." [web25]
(original German: "Seine positive Wirkung auf den Hämoglobinanteil des Blutes wirkt sich vermutlich lindernd bei Anämie aus." [web25])

-- has a harmonizing effect on psychosomatic disorders [web25]
Quote: "The harmonizing effect of water on psychosomatic disorders, which are currently still being researched, should not go unmentioned." [web25]
(original German: "Nicht unerwähnt soll auch die harmonisierende Wirkung des Wassers auf psychosomatische Störungen bleiben, die derzeit noch erforscht werden." [web25])
Further healings with copper water / copper food / copper jewelry

-- Drinking copper water from a copper cup has healing properties (translation): <12 reasons why drinking water in a copper cup is beneficial

     -- 1 Helps the digestive system function better

     -- 2 Helps with weight loss [web18] by optimizing the metabolism [web48]

     -- 3 Helps wounds heal faster

     -- 4 Slows down aging

     -- 5 Helps maintain cardiovascular health and regulates high blood pressure

     -- 6 Can fight cancer

     -- 7 Can kill bacteria

     -- 8 Stimulates your brain

     -- 9 Regulates the work of the thyroid gland

     -- 10 Beats arthritis and inflamed joints

     -- 11 Skin health and melanin production

     -- 12 Fights anemia> [web18]

-- Water is kept in a copper vessel for at least 4 hours, so the copper transfers "certain qualities" into the water [web19]

-- Copper gives water a positive charge [web19]

-- good for liver care [web19]

-- good for general well-being and life energy [web19]

-- is antimicrobial [web19]
-- is anti-inflammatory [web19]
-- works against cancer [web19]
-- acts as an antioxidant [web19]

Copper water in the morning as a colon cleanse

Quote (translation):
<To make it work best, drink water from a copper cup should be the first thing to do in the morning after waking up. This works great for clearing the digestive tract as you are drinking the water on an empty stomach. Drinking water from copper cups stimulates the so called peristalsis, or the contraction and relaxation of the stomach, to digest the food and move it to the next process of digestion. During the detox, harmful bacteria are killed and inflammation is reduced, which could clear up painful stomach ulcers and infections. If you have always some digestion problems, drinking from copper cups could be the cure you have been looking for.> [web19]

(original German:
<Damit es am besten funktioniert, trinkst du Wasser aus einem Kupferbecher als erstes am Morgen, wenn du aufwachst. Dies funktioniert wunderbar um den Verdauungstrakt zu reinigen, da du das Wasser auf nüchternen Magen trinkst. Wasser aus Kupferbechern zu trinken, stimuliert so genannte Peristaltik, oder die Kontraktion und Entspannung des Magens, die Nahrung zu verdauen und zum nächsten Prozess der Verdauung zu bewegen. Während der Entgiftung werden schädliche Bakterien abgetötet und Entzündungen reduziert, was schmerzhafte Magengeschwüre und Infektionen beseitigen könnte. Wenn du regelmässige Verdauungsstörungen hast, könnte das Trinken aus Kupferbechern das Heilmittel sein, nach dem du gesucht hast.> [web19])

-- Copper optimizes the brain activities (brain becomes faster + more efficient: copper helps with the synthesis of phospholipids, which are essential for the formation of the myelia sheaths) [web49]
-- Muscles: copper has an antispasmodic effect and prevents cramps [web49]
-- Copper has cell-forming properties and rejuvenates, for example the skin, replaces dying skin cells with new skin cells, removes skin folds [web49]
-- Copper eliminates "arthritis and other inflammatory pains" from inflamed joints, eliminates rheumatoid arthritis [web49]
-- Copper with strong antioxidant properties can eliminate cancer [web49]

Copper water from a copper bottle (purified water) stops diseases that are transmitted through water
-- permanent dysentery (Ruhr) [web48]
-- jaundice (Gelbsucht) [web48]
-- malaria [web48]
[You can also achieve clean water with solar water, but the copper ions are then missing].

Healings with copper water / copper food / copper jewelry
-- improves bone strength [bone density] [web48]
-- reduces inflammation, arthritis and joint inflammation [web48]
-- strengthens the muscles [web48]
-- gives more energy [by promoting the formation of red blood cells, so that more oxygen is transported and the whole body "runs better"] [web48]
-- strengthens the defense against pathogens, germs and infections - by saving energy against pathogens, more energy is available for other things [web48]
-- strengthens the cells, prevents cell damage and aging, prevents wrinkles and age spots [web48]
-- strengthens the skin, which remains flexible, wrinkles are reducing and skin is not falling [web48]
-- regulates digestion: eliminates harmful bacteria and inflammation in the stomach, heals ulcers, indigestion and infections [web48]
-- regulates the digestion: detoxifies the digestive system [web48]
-- regulates the excretory organs like liver and kidneys, eliminates waste products [web48]
-- regulates the absorption of nutrients [web48]
-- reduces the bad cholesterol, lowers the LDL-cholesterol level (bad cholesterol), so that the good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) recovers and thereby heart problems due to high cholesterol level and high blood pressure are eliminated [web48]
-- by regulating the cholesterol the risk of cardiovascular problems is reduced like arteriosclerosis, heart attack and stroke [web48].
-- strengthens the immune system to protect against infections [web48]
-- all wound healing and healing of diseases is quicker general [web48]
-- heals anemia [promoting the formation of new red blood cells] [web48]
-- balances blood pressure and regulates heart activity [web48]
-- heals thyroid malfunction, because too little copper causes thyroid malfunction [web48]

Copper water / copper food / copper jewelry heals skin wrinkles and wrinkled faces

-- for having a fresh and young skin enough collagen is needed (protein in the connective tissue, a protein) with swelling properties closing the cavities in the skin [web25]
-- the body needs copper to produce collagen [web25]
-- so the skin will remain smooth and firm [web25]

Strange healings with copper water
-- in case of a poisoning by food, copper sulphate (copper vitriol) is a strong emetic [web01]

-- in case of white phosphorus: white phosphorus is taken out with copper sulfate and the phosphorus is bound as poorly soluble copper phosphide [web01]

According to MoSSad media, drinking too acidic beverages from a copper cup is said to be dangerous

-- A study in the MoSSad news paper "Whats on" (Switzerland, propagandist Mr. Hugo Stamm) claims: Drinks with lime juice (pH 2.2 - e.g. in the Moscow Mule cocktail) are too acidic and would dissolve too much copper from a copper cup [there is no evidence] what is supposed to be dangerous [so that the copper content is then above the limit value] [web22]

-- the long drink "Moscow Mule" consists of vodka, ginger beer, lime juice and ice cubes [web23]
-- the report does not show any evidence and does not mention the possible consequences
-- once a week a Moscow Mule out of a copper cup can probably not damage!]

Copper objects

Copper coins

-- Water in copper vessels or water with a copper coin in it stays fresh longer and does not rot as quickly [web01]

Copper objects (copper jewelry) on the body

Copper objects and copper jewelry
-- are earth friendly
-- are antimicrobial [web49]

Wear a copper bracelet (or wear it on your ankle)

Copper bracelet / copper bangle

-- With the copper bracelet on the wrist, copper ions get into the skin and into the blood circulation, with a disinfecting effect, strengthens the immune system against negative environmental influences [rain, snow, cold, pathogens etc.] [web27]
-- one thesis is that the copper reacts with the natural sweat and in this way traces of the copper get into the bloodstream [web28]
-- copper works very well with the human energy system [web28]
-- in India mantras or yantras are also engraved into the copper bracelet [web28]
-- Copper bracelets heal various ailments [web28]
-- Athletes with copper bracelets report healing of inflammations, muscle tension, joint problems (especially tennis players, golfers) [web27]
-- Copper is the best heat conductor and can loosen tense muscles, scientific studies are in progress [web27]
-- Wearing a copper bracelet works against arthritis (apparently people with arthritis lack copper or their metabolism cannot convert it) [web25]
-- improves rheumatic complaints [web28]
-- Copper bracelets also have a "good effect on the psyche" [web28]

The bio-magnet copper bracelet

There have recently been copper bangles / copper bracelets with 3 small magnetic stones on each side, a total of 6 magnetic stones. Here are some comments from those who have used such a magnetic copper bracelet:

-- "Everyone has to find out for themselves whether the magnets have an effect. I feel very comfortable with them and full of energy." [web32]
-- combined with magnets comes "positive energy" [web35]
-- reduces knee pain which lasted for 15 years before [web37]
-- after 2 years the effect of the magnets diminishes and you have to buy a new magnetic copper bracelet [web42]

"Attractive product at a good price and has six magnets. These bracelets appear to need replacing after around two years as the magnets weaken. Just had a new one, now one for each wrist! They really do work!" [web42]

The copper bracelet: harmonization - reduced pain - reduced inflammation: wrist, hands, fingers, elbows, hip joint, ankle joint, foot

Magnetic copper bangle brings general harmonization
-- Copper bracelet brings deeper, more restful sleep and you are fresher in the morning [web36]
-- Copper bracelet brings harmonious muscles and energy like never before [web37]

Magnetic copper bracelets reduce pain
-- Copper bracelet reduces pain so that one can sleep normally again [web39]

Magnetic copper bracelets reduce headaches
-- The copper bracelet reduces severe headaches to a minimum, the bracelet is never taken off, not even when showering [web29]
-- Copper bracelet reduces years of migraine pain [web35]

Magnetic copper bracelets reduce inflammation
-- Copper bracelet reduces pain from tendinitis by 80% [web36]

Magnetic copper bracelets reduce joint pain

As a general rule:
-- Copper bracelet heals joint pain for years [web33]:
"This bracelet really helped me after the first day.
Wouldn't have thought this possible even though I've been using acupuncture for several years.
both knees, tailbone and hips, believe it or not.
I'm definitely flabbergasted. Couldn't imagine something like that in my wildest dreams. "[Web35]

-- Copper bracelet reduces joint pain and reduces swelling in the joints [web36]
"Ordered myself one as my finger joints were so painful. It works! So I bought 2 more for others with pain in joints and they have reported less pain and less swelling." [web36]
-- The copper bracelet reduces joint pain considerably in one week [web39]:
"This is stunning, beast to wear, within a week my joint pain is considerably less." [web39]
-- Copper bracelet reduces joint pain in a short time so that more mobility is possible again [web40]
"Over a very short time my aches and joint pain has lessened, increasing my mobility" [web40]
-- in a short time the pain has reduced considerably [web42]
"Recieved copper bracelet a couple of days ago & i already feel significant pain relief" [web42]
-- Copper bangle reduced the pain a lot: "Has been easing my aches and pains." [web44]

-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces wrist pain [web36]
-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces osteoarthritis pain in the wrists [web29]
-- Magnetic copper bracelet heals years of pain in the wrist in one hour [web29]

-- Magnetic copper bracelet makes stiff hands normally mobile again [web37]
-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces arthritis pain in a few hours which has been for years [web29], heals arthritis pain in the hands [web37], reduces arthritis pain [web37]
-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces pain in the hands in an incredible way [web43]:
"My hand got quite painful from time to time but the bangle has helped tremendously." [web43]

-- Copper bracelet reduces hand cramps: "Seems to work - not had any hand cramps since i got it" [web45]
-- Pain and numbness of the hands improve: "they help me with pain and numbness in my hands and fingers which is what I needed them for" [web45]

-- Magnetic copper bangle reduces pain in the fingers: "It has eased the pain in my fingers." [web40]
-- Magnetic copper bangle reduces pain from arthritis in the fingers and in the wrists [web29]
-- Magnetic copper bangle reduces arthritis in the thumb so that an operation can be dispensed with [web40]
"Most of the pain I was feeling in my arthritic thumb has gone now, which means I can avoid an operation in the immediate future." [web40]

-- Magnetic copper bangle reduces pain in the thumbs [web40]
"I've tried it for a couple of days and do feel that it has helped the pain in my thumbs." [web40]
-- Magnetic copper bangle heals elbow pain away [web29]
-- Magnetic copper bracelet makes arm pain disappear when it is worn [web30]:
Quote (translation): "I can only say that my arm pain (which comes from wearout by work) is significantly reduced when I wear it." [web30]
(original German: "Ich kann nur sagen das meine Schmerzen im Arm (beruflicher Verschleiß) deutlich gelindert sind wenn ich ihn trage." [web30])
Hip joint:
-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces pain from an unsuccessful hip joint operation [web29]
-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces pain at the hip joint in 30 minutes to such an extent that the person can walk again [web38]:

     "I don't know if it is the bracelet or a placebo effect, but within half an hour of putting the bracelet on my hip pain eased and I am now walking much easier." [web38]

Ankle joint:
-- a magnetic copper therapy bracelet relieves pain of all kinds, e.g. joint pain on the right ankle joint [web29]

-- Magnetic copper bracelet reduces arthritis on the foot, in a week the foot will be much better [web43]:

     "I have very bad arthritis in my foot l have tried most things but l have to say that after one week my arthritis is much better." [web43]

Comfort with the magnetic copper bracelet (magnetic copper bracelet)

Positive voices:
-- "very easy to bend" [web34]
-- Copper bracelets can be easily bent and also adapted to narrow wrists [web30]

-- quote (translation): "Fits all arm joints as it can be easily adjusted." [web32]
   (orig. German:
"Passt für alle Armgelenke, da er sich leicht verstellen läßt." [web32])

-- quote (translation): "The skin doesn't turn black. I've been wearing it day and night for 4 months." [web31]
   (orig. German:
"Die Haut wird nicht schwarz . Ich trage es seit 4 Monaten Tag und Nacht ." [web31])

-- The copper bracelet does NOT leave any green traces even after showering or swimming, good quality [web40]
-- no allergic reaction and no green tarnish: "It doesn't go green or give me an allergic reaction like the previous one I ordered" [web41]

Negative voices:
-- Copper bracelets with magnets on them are uncomfortable to wear, the magnets are not magnets at all, they often don't heal anything [web29]
-- Depending on the provider, the magnets fall out sooner or later:
Quote (translation): "After 4 days, 4 out of 6 magnets fell out. Normal, daily wear. My previous bracelet from another provider still had the magnets in it after 2 YEARS." [web30]

(original German:
"Nach 4 Tagen sind 4 von 6 Magneten schon rausgefallen. Beim normalen, täglichen Tragen. Mein vorheriges Armband eines anderen Anbieters, hatte noch nach 2 JAHREN die Magnete drin." [web30])

-- leaves residues on the hand [web33]
-- can break: "Unfortunately it now breaks in the middle so this processing is not so good." [web35]
   (original German:
"Leider bricht es jetzt in der Mitte somit ist diese Verarbeitung nicht so gut." [web35])
[You just have to keep it on, day and night, even when bathing or swimming etc.]

-- turns green and provokes green spots on the skin, absolute waste quality [web37]

"Tarnishing everytime I wore it and cause green stains all over my wrists it bent out of shape really quickly And has no pain relief whatsoever a complete waste of money!" [web37]
-- in the case of a copper allergy with redness and wheals you have to heal the allergy first [cure allergies with sodium bicarbonate water + maple syrup or sodium bicarbonate water + apple cider vinegar] [web30]
-- cheap copper bangles are only copper-plated and can peel off, the core could be made of nickel [web35]:
Quote (translation): "It just seems to be a thin layer of copper. After a few days it began to peel off and an ugly metal background became visible. So not pure copper! I cannot recommend this product. Maybe this is a nickel core ?! Fortunately, react I'm not sensitive to it. " [web35]

(original German: "Es scheint nur eine dünne Kupferschicht zu sein. Nach wenigen Tagen begann sich diese schon abzulösen und ein hässlicher Metalluntergrund wurde sichtbar. Also kein reines Kupfer! Dieses Produkt kann ich nicht empfehlen. Möglicherweise handelt es sich hier um einen Nickelkern ?! Zum Glück reagiere ich darauf nicht empfindlich." [web35])
-- "the bangle is not bad from the craftsmanship, but also with this price no magnets should fall out )-:" [web31]
-- all magnets fall out in 2 days [web36]

-- quote (translation): "Very bad quality what a magnet should be - totally oxidized, a total mispurchase." [Web33]
   (original German: "Sehr schlechte Qualität das was ein Magnet sein sollte ist - Total oxydiert totaler Fehlkauf." [web33])

-- magnets fall out and they are so small that they can't hardly be found anymore [web37]
-- in one month 4 of the 6 magnets fell out [web38]
-- under the magnets, wounds are forming, it's not possible keeping it on day and night [web39]
Quote: "After a few weeks small sores appeared under the magnets and I had to stop wearing the bracelet. Disappointing." [web39]
-- and the magnets are so small that children or pets can swallow them [web39]
"It's very pretty but the magnets keep falling out. It only arrived yesterday, so not very pleased. Given how tiny the magnets are, they are definitely a swallowing hazard for kids or pets." [web39]
-- the magnets provoke itchy skin and one of them gets rusty [web41]
-- magnets fall out and the skin becomes a bit greenish [web41]
-- after 3 weeks the copper bracelet turned black on the underside and 4 of the 6 magnets have disappeared [web42]
"After 3 weeks has tarnished black on the underside and all but 2 magnets have vanished." [web42]
-- Magnets fall out and it's not known whether to stick them back in [web43]
"Some magnets have fell out and someone suggested glueing them back in I don’t think so." [web43]
-- In 1 week 2 magnets fell out: "Two of the magnets kept coming out, now lost. Shame." [web34]
-- provokes a rash, a magnet fell out and there the skin is irritated even more [web45]:
"Also it irritates my skin so had to stop wearing it as it brought my skin out in a bad rash!! Also as you can see one of the magnets has also come out so irritates my skin even more." [web45]

Copper as a contraceptive

-- Copper chains or copper spirals in the uterus kill sperm and are a means of contraception for women, the copper things have to be fixed in the uterus by a gynecologist, the copper chain is more difficult to fix than the spiral - effectiveness 99% [web15] .

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[web01] MoSSad Wikipedia: Copper: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupfer
[web02] MoSSad Wikipedia: Copper alloys: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupferlegierung 
[web03] https://www.centrosan.com/Wissen/Naehrstoff-Lexikon/Spurenelemente/Kupfer.php
[web04] https://praxistipps.focus.de/kupfer-und-seine-wirkung-auf-die-gesundheit-wofuer-das-rote-metall-gut-ist_106118
[web05] https://www.oekolandbau.de/landwirtschaft/pflanze/grundlagen-pflanzenbau/pflanzenschutz/pflanzenschutzmittel/kupfer-im-oekolandbau/
[web06] http://skyhen.de/2017/04/23/kupfer-warum-kupfergefaesse-fuer-den-alltagsgebrauch-empfehlenswert-sind/
[web07] https://www.foodwachhund.com/warum-sie-ihr-wasser-aus-einem-kupfer-becher-trinken-sollten/
[web08] https://182tage.net/blog/archive/1485
[web09] Copper against algae in a pond: https://www.hausjournal.net/kupfer-gegen-algen
-- pool with copper device gets clean water without chlorine: https://www.deutsche-apotheker-zeitung.de/news/artikel/2012/08/01/sauberes-wasser-mit-kupfer-ionen
-- pool with copper device gets clean water without chlorine: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/2012/07.16-08.43.html

[web11] https://www.medica.de/de/News/Archiv/Warum_sterben_Bakterien_auf_Kupferoberflächen
[web12] Copper bands on roofs against plants on the roof: https://www.bauhaus.ch/de/moosband-20236195
[web13] Copper in the swimming pool, no chlorine: https://www.wippich-schwimmbadtechnik.de/swimming-pools/chlorfreie-pool/
[web14] Copper bathing water provokes green shinging in blonded hair: https://www.test.de/Gruene-Haare-nach-dem-Schwimmen-Mit-Zitronensaft-spuelen-1371484-0/
[web15] Copper chain and copper spiral kill sperm: https://www.gynial.com/de/hormonfrei/ueberblick/auf-einen-blick/
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[web17] Copper water has a harmful effect on earthworms and other small organisms: https://oekologischerlandbau.julius-kuehn.de/index.php?menuid=45
[web18] Copper cup: https://www.hole-x-taschen.de/detail/index/sArticle/121
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[web23] Video about Moscow Mule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7X-AeGHPcE
[web24] https://www.gesundheit-ganzheitlich.com/kupfermangel/
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[web27] Copper: https://www.schmuckladen.de/magazin/wissenswertes/edelmetalle/kupfer/
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[web33] https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Heilung-Magnetisches-Bio-Therapiearmband-Schmerzlinderung-Arthritis/product-reviews/B010HPFVE2/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_paging_btm_next_5?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=5











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[web47] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/copper-water-benefits#what-it-is
[web48] https://www.theindusvalley.in/12-benefits-of-drinking-water-in-a-copper-vessel/

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Photo sources

