-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Importance of blood groups as a factor for health
with an intact immune system
Blood groups are more important than the races, because the
races have partially the same blood groups (4 Strategien,
Religious food is not healthy for all in any case. Blood
groups are older than religions (4 Strategien, p.54).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Blood group is the key for knowing the immune system of
a person. Blood group is regulating which influence have
viruses, bacteria, infections, chemical agents, mental
charges and the different intruders and living conditions
which are possibly endangering the immune system.> (4
Strategien, p.37)
(orig. German:
<Die Blutgruppe ist der Schlüssel zum gesamten
Immunsystem des Menschen. Sie reguliert, welchen Einfluss
Viren, Bakterien, Infektionen, chemische Stoffe, seelische
Belastungen sowie die verschiedenartigen Eindringlinge und
Lebensbedingungen haben, die das Immunsystem
möglicherweise gefährden.> (4 Strategien, S.37)
Considering blood group nutrition, metabolism can well work
like a "symphony orchestra" [that plays well] (richtig
leben, p.111).
Dr. Alex Duran says: "American" food is "the most important
cause of death, and all illnesses are coming after it."
(richtig leben, p.114)
(orig. German:
Dr. Alex Duran: Die "amerikanische" Ernährungsweise ist
"vor allen Krankheiten die häufigste Todesursache."
(richtig leben, S.114)
The word "immune system" comes from Roman town "Immunis"
which was free of taxes (4 Strategien, p.36). [Town
"Immunis" was "safe of taxes"]. Immune system is a
corresponding "safety apparatus" of any human being with
antigens in the cells ["saving" the body of illnesses]:
Antigens are looking for foreigners in the blood, for
example viruses, are stating the blood group of the
foreigner and are putting defense mechanisms into action.
Blood group names are according to the antigens which are
formed in the red blood cells: A, B, AB or no antigens: 0:
The base are long and branched sugar molecules, the "fucose"
(4 Strategien, p.38).
Blood group 0 has only a 0 antigen (fucose)
Blood group A has a 0 antigen (fucose) and a sugar molecule
N acetyl galactosamin
Blood group B has a 0 antigen (fucose) and a sugar molecule
D galactosamin
Blood group AB has a 0 antigen (fucose) and the two sugar
molecules of A and B (4 Strategien, p.39).
Effect of blood groups one against the other
Blood cells of "hostile" blood groups are agglutinated (4
Strategien, p.42).
Blood groups A and B are forming antibodies against the
other blood group:
A is forming antibodies against B
B is forming antibodies against A.
Therefore the exchange of blood between blood groups A and B
is impossible (4 Strategien, p.41).
AB forms no antibodies and can receive blood of any blood
Blood group 0 without antigens is forming antibodies against
A and B at the same time and can only receive blood from
type 0 (4 Strategien, p.42).
Capitalist and monetary greedy industry wants the
ideal nourishment for all which is NOT possible
Capitalist industry only acting according to the turnover
and stock exchange figures means that there would be an
"ideal diet" for all humans. This thesis - together with
industrial "normal medicine" isolating singular agents in
pills - is the main fault of capitalist and money greedy
stock exchange industry (4 Strategien, p.57).
For the industry the taste of food is more important than
the humans. And therefore the humans are always more and
more ill, because of wrong food (4 Strategien, p.57).
Wrong food provokes a damaging imbalance of the
substances in the body - with toxic effect
Damaging food
-- is producing incompletely digested fats
-- is producing incompletely digested proteins
-- and these incompletely digested fats and proteins "are
destroying the balance of the good working bacteria in the
intestine" (richtig leben, p.162)
-- and then they are eliminated, but the balance of the good
working bacteria is destroyed (richtig leben, p.162-163).
Incompatibility of food because of the effect of
lectins with the blood groups
Many kinds of food are coagulating the cells of certain
blood groups. This discovery was made in 20th century only.
Lectins (protein compounds) are having a connecting effect
on certain organisms in the blood according to the blood
group, in a positive or negative way (4 Strategien, p.43).
Lectins are on the organs (for example on the liver), on
bacteria and on microbes, and they are fixing themselves
with suckers at the mucosa of the body, according to the
blood groups in different ways. Also the alimentation
contains lectins which are compatible or not compatible with
the antigens of the blood groups. In the case of
incompatibility the lectins are nor digested but they remain
intact. They are installing themselves at an organ which
suits to them and then they are attracting more cells, are
agglutinating blood cells and are inhibiting the function of
organs or are even destroying it (4 Strategien, p.44).
All in all 5% of the lectins are lectins with damaging
<95% of the lectins taken by normal food can be processed
by the body. At least 5% of the lectins which we are taking
are passing a filter and are reaching the blood where they
cause a reaction and where they are destroying red and white
blood cells. In the digestive tract the effect of the
lectins can be even stronger. There they are often causing
an inflammation of the sensitive intestinal mucosa; this
agglutinating effect can be really compared as if there
would be a food allergy.> (4 Strategien, p.45)
(orig. German:
"95% der Lektine, die man mit der normalen Ernährung
aufnimmt, schafft sich der Körper vom Halse. Mindestens 5%
der Lektine, die wir aufnehmen, gelangen gefiltert ins
Blut, wo sie eine Reaktion auslösen und rote und weisse
Blutkörperchen zerstören. Im Verdauungstrakt ist die
Wirkung der Lektine unter Umständen noch stärker. Dort
rufen sie häufig eine starke Entzündung der empfindlichen
Darmschleimhaut hervor; diese agglutinierende Wirkung
lässt sich durchaus mit einer Lebensmittelallergie
vergleichen." (4 Strategien, S.45)
Sometimes lectins are also lethal, for example when they
come from ricin in castor beans: Red blood cells are
converted into big clots then:
<Ricin [...] is a lectin won from castor beans [...] and
this is a highly active agglutinin that can provoke death
also in little quantities only because the red blood cells
are converted into big clots blocking arteries. Ricin can
provoke death immediately.> (4 Strategien, p.45)
(orig. German:
"Ricin [...] ein aus Castorbohnen gewonnenes Lektin [...]
ist ein so hochwirksames Agglutinin, dass es selbst in
verschwindend geringer Dosierung zum Tod führen kann, da
es die roten Blutkörperchen in grosse Klumpen verwandelt,
die die Arterien verstopfen. Ricin führt sofort zum Tod."
(4 Strategien, S.45)
Therefore one should eat only food of the personal blood
<The decisive fact is to evade the lectins which are
agglutinating the special cells which are constituted by the
blood group.> (4 Strategien, p.46)
(orig. German:
"Das Entscheidende ist, diejenigen Lektine zu meiden, die
die besonderen Zellen, die durch die Blutgruppe
konstituiert werden, zusammenballen." (4 Strategien, S.46)
And nervous system is also reacting:
<Nervous tissue is reacting on the agglutinating effect
of the food lectins mostly in a very sensitive way.> And
this means that lectins of damaging food are for example
under suspicion of favoring hyper activity or schizophrenia:
<Nervous tissue is reacting on the agglutinating effect
of food lectins mostly in a very sensitive way. This
possibly explains why some searchers have the meaning that
certain manners of alimentation can support to evade
allergies and nervous diseases like hyper activity. Russian
searchers stated that the brain of schizophrenic
people is very sensitive reacting to the accretion of
certain food lectins.> (4 Strategien, p.46)
(orig. German:
"Das Nervengewebe reagiert auf die agglutinierende Wirkung
der Lebensmittel-Lektine meist sehr empfindlich. Das
erklärt möglicherweise, warum einige Forscher die Ansicht
vertreten, dass bestimmte Ernährungsweisen zur Vermeidung
von Allergien bei der Behandlung bestimmter Formen von
Nervenerkrankungen, beispielsweise Hyperaktivität, von
Nutzen sein können. Russische Forscher haben festgestellt,
dass das Gehirn von Schizophrenen besonders empfindlich
auf die Anlagerung bestimmter Lebensmittel-Lektine
reagiert." (4 Strategien, S.46)
In animal experiments with rabbits lectins of lentins were
causing arthritis. People affected by arthritis often have
less trouble when they eliminate the following vegetable of
botanic night shade family: tomatoes, aubergine, and potato
(4 Strategien, p.46).
Certain plants cause a too strong reproduction of white
blood cells, called misosis:
"Food lectins can interact with white blood cells by links
in their surface, and they can "reprogram" the white blood
cells in a manner so they are reproducing too fast." This
illness is called as a mitosis (4 Strategie, p.46). "These
lectins are called mitogens", because they provoke mitosis
with the white blood cells (4 Strategien, p.47). A diagnose
for "leukemia" is not right in this case, but the affected
person has eaten something with a mitogenic acting lectin,
for example pokes (4 Strategien, p.47-48).
(orig. German:
"Lebensmittel-Lektine können mit den Oberflächenrezeptoren
der weissen Blutkörperchen in eine Wechselwirkung treten
und diese so 'programmieren', dass sie sich rasch
vermehren", die Mitose (4 Strategien, S.46). "Diese
Lektine bezeichnet man als Mitogene", denn sie lösen die
Mitose bei den weissen Blutkörperchen aus (4 Strategien,
S.47). Eine Diagnose "Leukämie" stimmt dann jeweils nicht,
sondern die betroffene Person hat etwas mit einem mitogen
agierenden Lektin gegessen, z.B. die Kermesbeere (4
Strategien, S.47-48).
Polyamines in the body - unequal distribution when
damaging food is taken
Polyamines are
Polyamines are compounds in the intestine:
(richtig leben, p.164).
-- "polyamine [...] are proteins which are called also as
biogene amines"
(orig. German: "Polyamine [...] sind Proteine, die auch als
biogene Amine bezeichnet werden")
-- polyamines are in all cells in little quantities, with
humans, animals, and plants
-- polyamines are necessary for the growth of cells, for
cell renewal and for metabolism with "sustainable
stabilizing effect on DNS of the cell" (richtig leben,
(orig. German: "nachhaltig stabilisierender Wirkung auf die
Zell-DNS" (richtig leben, S.164).
Polyamines are responsible for the growing process and for
the healing process (richtig leben, p.166). Little children
for example are producing much more of polyamine compounds
than adult people (richtig leben, p.164).
Polyamines are in
vegetable, grain, fruits and in sprouts in the same quantity
as in fish and meat (richtig leben, p.167). Polyamines are
-- in cheese, beer, sourcrout, yeast extract (richtig leben,
-- in wine, beer or sourcrout, this is fermented food
(richtig leben, p.170)
-- in shock frozen food as canned food or frozen products
(flash freezing)
-- most of "mellow" or "spicy" cheeses have a high content
of putrescine (richtig leben, p.167).
Too many polyamines: polyamines are created with
extreme processing methods as for example shock freezing of
fruits and vegetables (richtig leben, p.167).
[Industry says that vitamins would not be destroyed by shock
freezing - but polyamines are produced with it which is NOT
Too less polyamines:
When polyamines are missing in vegetable food, the body
itself will produce them as a reaction on food lectins
(richtig leben, p.167).
High content of putrescine
-- frozen vegetables
-- canned vegetables
-- certain classes of fruits like oranges and mandarins
-- fermented soya sauce with wheat
-- shrimps, "above all when they are packaged and
deep-frozen" (orig. German: "besonders, wenn sie abgepackt
und tiefgefroren sind") (richtig leben, p.167).
High content of spermine
-- mellow cheeses
-- fermented soya beans
-- fermented tees [black tee, not green tee]
-- Japanese rice wine
-- cultivated mushrooms
-- potatoes [boiled potatoes]
-- fresh bread (richtig leben, p.168).
High content of spermine
-- grains for breakfast (cerealia)
-- canned vegetables
-- deep-frozen vegetables
-- meat products
-- raw meat
-- poultry (richtig leben, p.168).
Effect of lectins on the balance of the
polyamines: example. a damaged intestine
When too many healing processes are going on in the body, so
the balance of metabolism respectively metabolism in general
is changing into a damaging direction (richtig leben,
Damaging food lectins are damaging the little villus in the
intestine. Intestine is reacting with more secretion of
polyamines, possibly for a repair of damages with the little
villus which have been provoked by the damaging food lectins
(richtig leben, p.164).
Add to this polyamines are taken from other places to the
hurt intestine zone. And not other bodily tissues get a
shortage of polyamines (richtig leben, p.164-165).
Conclusion: Imbalance of polyamines is provoked by
damaging food
Damaging food against blood groups has consequences:
polyamines are concentrated on certain spots repairing
damages, and at the same time they are missing with intact
organs so their state is in danger then (richtig leben,
[And: canned food and frozen products provoke a pathological
increase of polyamines]. For all blood groups counts: food
with high content of polyamines have to be evaded (richtig
leben, p.172).
Example: little children of
Children of vegans for example are more little than children
with blood group nutrition because growing of bones and
muscles is inhibited when always grain food is taken
(richtig leben, p.165).
Example: organs increasing
because of compensative polyamine production
Damaging lectins hurting organs provoke an increased
polyamine production with other organs, so these organs are
bigger at the end. Animal experiments could prove for
example that pancreas and intestine were enlarged by wheat
lectins (richtig leben, p.165).
Estimation of polyamine levels [and detection of the
grade of injury of inner organs]
Symptoms with a high level
of polyamines are:
-- content of serum albumin is high or in the utmost zone of
normal level (richtig leben, p.169)
-- indican level in urine is high (proved with indican test)
-- there is halitosis (bad breath)
-- there is headache by fermented food (for example after
consumption of wine, beer or sourcrout) (richtig leben,
Special symptoms for high
level of polyamines with blood group 0 by damaging
food (damaging food are above all wheat and milk products
etc.) are:
-- heavy inflammations and joint pains (richtig leben
p.170), or muscle and bone pains (fibromyalgia)
-- work for reducing weight is without success, but bodily
fluid is kept by the body (above all with non secretors)
-- stomach cramps, gases and constipation
-- fatigue, mental hyper activity [?]
-- fatigue and numbness after meals with much carbohydrates
-- high level of triglycerides (richtig leben, p. 171).
Special symptoms for high
level of polyamines with blood group A (damaging
food is above all meat etc.) are: meat proteins are hardly
processes by blood group A, but intestine bacteria are
enjoyed very much about the not processes amino acids and
are producing then huge quantities of polyamines (richtig
leben, p.171). The symptoms then are the followings:
-- skin problems as psoriasis, eczema or acne
-- headaches, mostly "dump pains behind the front, and there
is hardly any reaction on headache medicaments with
acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol"
-- cystic breasts [breasts get swellings or tumors]
-- mental unrest, low level of ability to work under
-- fermentation in the stomach is provoking halitosis [bad
breath], above all with non secretors
-- low content of blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
-- high levels of cholesterol
-- bad taste of faces (richtig leben, p.171).
Special symptoms for high
level of polyamines with blood group B and AB
(damaging food is above all chicken and corn etc.):
Arginine is converted into ornithine and at the end into
polyamines. Nitric oxide is derived from arginine. Blood
groups B and AB are processing nitric oxide in another way
than blood groups 0 and A. "These blood groups [B and AB]
are reacting on changes of nitric oxide level in a very
sensitive way, and when polyamines are eliminating the
arginin from nitric oxide production, then this will have
not favorable effect for them." Symptoms with too high
polyamine levels are:
-- shortage of libido (sexual drive)
-- weak blood circulation, for example cold hands, cold
feet, fluctuations of blood pressure standing up or lying
down, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and general exhaustion
-- light sensitivity (photophobia) and sensitivity to many
-- "sour" stomach and bad breath, above all with non
secretors of blood group AB
-- feeling of fullness and indisposition in the lower zone
of intestine
-- cystic breasts (richtig leben, p.172).
[Therefore it's absolutely important to eliminate food with
a high content of polyamines, for example all canned food
and all deep-frozen food products. Food industry has no idea
that this industry is intoxicating the populations more and
more, and grocery chains, food super markets and governments
are not interested in, because the bosses are only elected
"solid" humans...]
Balancing food lowering polyamine levels (concerns
all blood groups)
Food reducing polyamine levels in the body are for all blood
groups neutral or even beneficial (richtig leben, p.172):
larch arabinogalacton (Larch AG, ARA-6): is
supporting the balance in the intestine and colon, and is
lowering the content of final products of protein
processings at the same time, for example ammonia
walnuts: inhibit orotidyl acid
decarboxylase (German: Orotidylsäuredecarboxylase (ODC) and
is reducing polyamine levels
green tee is acting like walnuts
blue, purple or red fruits (for example elder,
cherries, blueberries): contain antro cyanidine: These are
antioxidants inhibiting orotidyl acid decarboxylase (ODC)
and therefore are reducing polyamine levels (richtig leben,
onions, dill, tarragon, broccoli, garlic: "They
have a slight antibacterial effect against many polyamine
producing charges (richtig leben, p.173), and at the same
time they are also slight inhibitors of ODC (richtig leben,
curcumin and curcuma: has got a "strong
inhibiting effect on polyamine synthesis" (richtig leben,
Balancing food reducing polyamine levels (according
to blood groups)
inhibits orotidyl acid decarboxylase (ODC) and is reducing
also polyamine levels, is damaging for blood group B and AB
(richtig leben, p.173)
guava: is inhibiting orotidyl acid decarboxylase
(ODC) and is reducing polyamine levels by this (richtig
leben, p.173); is damaging for blood group AB (4 Strategien,
plantain: is inhibiting orotidyl acid
decarboxylase (ODC) and is reducing polyamine levels by
this, but is damaging for blood group 0 and A (richtig
leben, p.173).
Indicators for wrong food: test indican and indole
Indican is an indicator for certain toxic protein levels in
gastro-intestinal system. Indican level can be measured with
an "indican test" with the first urine in the morning
(richtig leben, p.162).
Risen indican levels "are normally the result of the not
desired conversion of tryptophan into indole, proceeded by
bacteria in the upper intestine zone" (richtig leben, p.162)
(orig. German:
Erhöhte Indikanwerte "resultieren normalerweise aus der
unerwünschten Umwandlung von Tryptophan zu Indol, bewirkt
durch Bakterien im oberen Darmbereich" (richtig leben,
Indican measurement is an indicator for indole levels in the
intestine (richtig leben, p.162), with the conclusion if the
intestinal flora is in order or intoxicated (richtig leben,
Indicator for wrong food: bacteria in the intestine
- indican and indole - and putrefaction within the
intestinal tract
Bacteria in the intestine in combination with a low
level of stomach acid
Bacteria normally remain in the intestine, but with a low
level of stomach acid like in the stomachs of the blood
groups A and AB bacteria also can easily reach the
intestine: "[Normally] remaining stomach acid is acting as a
barrage. One supposes that some kinds of bacteria can get
through easily."
(orig. German:
Die "Restmagensäure wirkt [normalerweise] als Barriere.
Man nimmt an, dass einige Bakterienarten leicht
Stomachs of blood group A and AB simply have not enough
"remaining stomach acid", and therefore bacterias could not
be blocked (richtig leben, p.162).
There are consequences when stomach acid is reaching the
intestine zone:
-- the upper zone of intestine will be "populated" by
and: remaining proteins in the stomach which were not
processes in the stomach because of the low level of stomach
acid will be alimentation for bacteria now
and: from the lower part of intestine more bacteria are
allured (richtig leben, p.162).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Putrefaction of not digested proteins is producing
indoles at the end which are adapted well by the blood
circulation and are converted into indican and are
discharged by the urine.> (richtig leben, p.162)
(orig. German:
"Die Fäulnis dieser unverdauten Proteinreste produziert
schliesslich die Indole, die vom Blutstrom aufgenommen,
dort zu Indikan umgewandelt und mit dem Urin ausgeschieden
werden." (richtig leben, S.162)
Intestine putrefaction by wrong metabolism
Putrefaction in the intestine by toxic byproducts
(indoles) by incomplete procedures in liver and
intestine - urine test (indican test)
Controlling intestine putrefaction is an indicator if
alimentation is right. Intestine putrefaction is created by
liver and intestine which cannot convert the proteins right.
Therefore toxic byproducts (indoles) are produced. The
concentration of these toxic byproducts in the blood can be
stated with an urine test, the so called "indican test".
Urine is added with hydrochloric acid and iron, and after 2
minutes 3 drops of chloroform, and then the color level of
the urine is measured with the so called indican scale. In
high dosages these toxic byproducts (indoles) can provoke
<Consuming regularly food damaging the body with
indigestible lectins, then the indican scale will indicate a
high level - that means, one has a high dosage of cancer
provoking substances in the body.> (4 Strategien, p.48)
(orig. German:
"Wenn man dagegen regelmässig Nahrungsmittel verzehrt, die
reich an unverdaulichen Lektinen sind, zeigt sich auf der
Indikan-Skala ein hoher Wert - das heisst, man hat in
hoher Dosierung krebsauslösende Substanzen im Körper." (4
Strategien, S.48).
Toxins are transported to the fat tissue (4 Strategien,
Indicane scale is going from point 0 to point 4 (4
Strategien, p.49). Also slight faults against blood group
nutrition can provoke high indican levels (4 Strategien,
p.48-49). Following absolutely blood group nutrition the
level of indican will fall withing two weeks down to the
level of intestine putrefaction 1 or 0 (4 Strategien, p.50).
Stress of "civilization" is overcharging our
metabolism system - provoking stress diseases
Stress comes from life conditions with are hostile to life.
Stress reaction is an instinct by persons, and is individual
depending on any person (4 Strategien, p.63): There will be
fight or flight. Industrialized culture and unnatural manner
of living are a big part of the causes of physical and
psychological diseases:
-- stress reaction is overcharged
-- natural reaction on stress has to be suppressed by
pressure of adaption by "civilization"
-- blood is always flooded by stress hormones (4 Strategien,
-- "That provokes that troubles by stress are 50 to 80%
(p.65) of all diseases in life of today's ["civilized"]
human beings." (4 Strategien, p.66)
(orig. German:
"Das hat zur Folge, dass stressbedingte Störungen 50-80%
(S.65) aller Erkrankungen im Leben des heutigen
["zivilisierten"] Menschen verursachen." (4 Strategien,
Such stress diseases are among others:
<Gastric ulcer, high blood pressure, heart diseases,
migraine, arthritis and other inflammation diseases, asthma
and other diseases of respiration ways, insomnia and other
sleep troubles, anorexia nervosa and other troubles with
eating, and much skin diseases, from nettle rash to herpes,
from eczema to psoriasis. Stress is a catastrophe for the
immune system because the body is given to the intruders
without defense.> (4 Strategien, p.66)
(orig. German:
<Magengeschwüre, Bluthochdruck, Herzkrankheiten,
Migräne, Arthritis und andere Entzündungskrankheiten,
Asthma und andere Atemwegsleiden, Schlaflosigkeit und
andere Schlafstörungen, Anorexia nervosa und andere
Essstörungen sowie eine ganze Reihe von Hauterkrankungen,
die von Nesselausschlag bis zu Herpes, von Ekzemen bis zur
Schuppenflechte reichen. Stress hat für das Immunsystem
katastrophale Folgen, da er den Körper den
unterschiedlichsten gesundheitlichen Beschwerden schutzlos
preisgibt.> (4 Strategien, S.66)
Certain charges can be rated also in a positive way, and the
body is storing the event as a "mental or bodily experience"
(4 Strategien, p.66).
"Inclined" metabolism with adiposity (overweight)
Metabolism with adiposity is getting into an "inclined"
position and cannot work well any more. Chemical analysis
you see here:
metabolism taking weight and with adiposity
Poison factor 90 with damaging food against the
own bloodgroup
When there is an incompatibility, there has to be considered
a 90 times higher toxic effect of the toxins as with the
beneficial and neutral kinds of food (4 Strategien, p.49).
When there are tables with rated food, so these tables have
to be understood like this:
beneficial = positive like medicine (p.58), "medical food"
neutral = neutral energy
to evade = toxics with factor 90 (4 Strategien, p.58).
<When persons with blood group 0 are eating 1 muffin of
whole wheat flour, so this corresponds to a quantity of
toxics of 90 muffins made of whole wheat flour.
When persons with blood group A are eating 1 slice of
Mortadella [meat cold cuts], then this corresponds to the
quantity of toxics of 90 slices of Mortadella.
When persons with blood group B are eating 1 peace of
chicken, this corresponds to the quantity of 90 peaces of
When persons with blood group AB are eating 1 ball of ice
cream, this corresponds to the quantity of 90 balls of ice
cream.> (4 Strategien, p.49)
(orig. German:
<Wenn ein Mensch mit Blutgruppe 0 1 Muffin [Teekuchen]
aus Weizenvollkornmehl isst, entspricht das der
Giftstoffmenge von 90 Muffins aus Weizenvollkornmehl.
Wenn ein Mensch mit Blutgruppe A 1 Scheibe Mortadella
[Fleisch-Aufschnitt] isst, entspricht das der
Giftstoffmenge von 90 Scheiben Mortadella.
Wenn ein Mensch mit Blutgruppe B 1 Stück Hühnerfleisch
isst, entspricht das der Giftstoffmenge von 90 Portionen
Wenn ein Mensch mit Blutgruppe AB 1 Kugel Speiseeis isst,
entspricht das der Giftstoffmenge von 90 Kugeln
Speiseeis.> (4 Strategien, S.49)
Examination methods for a healthy metabolism
Measurements of "bio indicators"
In 1991 William Evans and Irwin Rosenberg edited a study
about aged persons and defined "bio indicators" for them
rating the human beings in general in a medical way. The
"bio indicators" are
-- muscle mass [tissue with active metabolism]
-- force
-- basic turnover
-- rate of body fat
-- aerobic capacity [of respiration]
-- tolerance of blood sugar
-- density of bones (richtig leben, p.111).
The levels with a wrong and damaging alimentation
[-- balance of good bacteria in gastro-intestinal system is
not existing]
-- indican levels are low
-- persons with blood group 0 taking food against their
"hunter type" taking only vegetarian food mostly have high
indican levels because of the many damaging grain lectins
-- also persons of blood group A eating meat regularly
-- and also persons of blood group B eating chicken, corn
and buckwheat regularly (richtig leben, p.163).
High indican levels and indole levels - this is proved -
have the effect to support cancer and are even enhancing the
cancer promoting effect of chemicals (richtig leben, p.163).
[Therefore an indican test is really important for all
Healthy metabolism: bio indicator is the active tissue
and the basic turnover
Tissue with an active metabolism is muscle tissue and organ
tissue. These tissues have an effect on the "basic turnover"
(this is the "quantity of calories which is consumed during
one day in a calm position"). With a low basic turnover the
calories are not effectively burnt. In the age the basic
turnover is automatically going down, mostly because
of the loss of muscle mass (richtig leben, p.111).
Healthy metabolism: bio
indicator is also active tissue and force
The bigger and more active the tissue mass, the more force
can be and higher is the basic turnover
-- and respiration is better ("aerobic capacity")
-- and general feeling is better
-- and heart and blood circulation functions are better
-- and procedure of sugar is better
-- and cholesterol levels are good and stable
-- and density of bones is higher
-- and anti fat metabolism is on a healthy level, because
also in a calm position more body fat is burnt when the
tissue mass is bigger and more active (richtig leben,
General change of alimentation according to blood
group nutrition
Therefore a change to blood group nutrition should be
performed like this:
-- first evade [step by step] the damaging food [eliminate
one per day]
-- and introduce the neutral kinds of food without taking
weight with them (4 Strategien, p.61)
[-- and then one can introduce the "medical food" step by
step, one per day].
Also all reform products and nutrition supplements depend on
the blood groups. Propaganda of nothing knowing industry of
"civilization" can be right or wrong according to the blood
group [but industry greedy for money does not want anything
about this because ill persons taking pills are another
factor for more turnover].
Vitamin compounds and mineral compounds can have an effect
like a drug - according to blood groups, and therefore they
should only be applied with certain blood groups (4
Strategien, p.62).
Many phytomedical products have "more effect and are
damaging less than vitamins and minerals." (4 Strategien,
With a healthy way of life with blood group nutrition
negative rated kinds of food are allowed but only in little
quantities (4 Strategien, p.89).
Immune system is "balanced again" by blood group
Almost 50% of the tested bacterial strain indicates "blood
group specific characters". (richtig leben, p.175)
Body's own bacteria are 50,000 times more than foreign
bacteria from outside (richtig leben, p.176).
Blood group nutrition is reinstalling the ideal
balance in metabolism
-- superfluous proteins in gastro-intestinal tract are
-- toxic decomposition products from damaging kinds of food
are reduced
-- vitality is enhanced automatically when metabolism is
more and more getting into it's balance
-- immune system is optimized
-- intestinal flora is developing a balance (richtig leben,
Blood group nutrition is also balancing the polyamines [and
the distribution of polyamines in the organism] (richtig
leben, p.167).
Pro biotic nutrition is only a healing for the
Elie Metschnikow, a Russian biologist, detected even in 1910
a possible detoxification of gastro-intestinal tract with
"pro biotic" products, so these are products with lactic
acid bacteria and "cultivated" products, but nobody took him
earnest (richtig leben, p.174).
With pro biotic nutrition, bacteria can especially been
placed balancing intestinal flora. Dr. D'Adamo developed own
pro biotic nutrition supplements. But pro biotic nutrition
is only fighting a symptom and is not healing the basic
disease, is "only a lifeline, is supporting detoxification
and healing." (richtig leben, p.176)
Definite detoxification of the body will be with blood group
nutrition then (richtig leben, p.176).
Case of Amelia K., medium
age, blood group B: immune system is enforced and she is
loosing weight
Amelia with blood group B meant that vegetarian nutrition
would be good for her and therefore she stressed her immune
system and developed overweight. Blood group nutrition is
healing her, enforcing her immune system, and Amelia is
living without colds during winter again. As a side effect
she is loosing weigh without doing anything for it (richtig
leben, p.166).
Case of Phillip N., medium
age, blood group AB: immune system is enforced, he is
loosing weight, and development of a new drive
Phillip comes to Dr. D'Adamo and reports that he always has
bronchitis, colds, influenza, and there is always a fatigue
etc. At the end the doctors of "civilization" give him a
diagnose that he would have a rupture of diaphragm. Well, he
is eating 4 or 5 times chicken per week. Then changing to
blood group nutrition he is changing some things:
-- he is eating lamb meat and no chicken any more
-- withing 2 weeks he is loosing 4.5 kg, and then is going
on loosing weight down to 65 kg
-- and his body is developing a new drive (richtig leben,
-- and immune system is totally strong and is not vulnerable
any more (richtig leben, p.169).