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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Incompatible and damaging food lectins: general indications
Incompatible lectins are connecting the sugar molecules which are on the body cells. So, the cells are "agglutinated" (richtig leben, p.89).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Principally lectins have the same effect like glue globing cells and similar structures> (richtig leben, p.89), [and this is happening in different ways according to the blood groups].
According to the blood groups these or those lectins are positive or have a damaging effect. And:
<Almost every person has got anti bodies in his / her blood against [certain] food lectins.> (richtig leben, p.90)
(orig. German:
"Fast jeder Mensch trägt in seinem Blut Antikörper gegen [bestimmte] Nahrungslektine." (richtig leben, S.90)
And: Incompatibility of lectins is shown "not always by symptoms which can be recognized easily" (richtig leben, p.95).
(orig. German:
"nicht immer durch leicht erkennbare Symptome" (richtig leben, S.95).
[But when there are concrete troubles and illnesses by incompatibilities of food lectins, then "normal medicine" is defining these troubles as a "disease" and is prescribing pills with side effects. But the affair is not an illness but is an incompatibility of lectins. But "normal medicine" does not want to see this, but is prescribing and selling pills and pills, with side effects without end...]
The definition of "lectins" since 1954
In 1954 William Boyd is defining the term of "lectin" for substances which are agglutinating the cells of plants. It's a
<term for a category of blood group specific agglutinins which were detected in certain plants. The name of "lectin" is derived from Latin word for "make a choice" [ligere, legi, lectum] and is also a little bit allegoric.> (richtig leben, p.89)
(orig. German:
"Bezeichnung für eine Kategorie blutgruppenspezifischer Agglutinine, die man in bestimmten Pflanzen entdeckt hatte. Der Name 'Lektin' leitet sich aus dem lateinischen Wort für 'wählen' [ligere, legi, lectum] ab und klingt etwas allegorisch." (richtig leben, S.89)
So, the term "lectin" means that the agent would elect cells which are glued then (respectively are globed resp. agglutinated) (richtig leben, p.89).
Chemical procedure how lectins are "electing" their cells
The decisive factor which cell is glued by the lectins is first
-- the quantity of sugar molecules
-- or the grade of glycolization of a tissue (richtig leben, p.89).
A predestined location for gluing of cells by lectins is for example the mucus lining of intestine wall:
Dr. D'Adamo:
<For example the cells at the mucus lining of the intestine wall are very well glycolized normally and are offering with this many locations for a lectin connection.> (richtig leben, p.89)
(orig. German:
"So sind beispielsweise die Zellen an der Schleimhautauskleidung der Dünndarmwand in der Regel sehr gut glykosyliert und bieten damit viele Stellen für eine Lektinbindung." (richtig leben, S.89)
Chemical and damaging effects of incompatible lectins
When for years incompatible food lectins are eaten, or when several incompatible kinds of food are eaten at the same time which are not matching to the blood group nor to the secretor status, this can provoke absolutely damaging effects:
Incompatible lectins have side effects provoking more illnesses
Incompatible lectins are agglutinating not only cells, but the bonding of cells has more effects:
-- [incompatible] lectins can inhibit the liberation of digestion hormones
-- [incompatible] lectins can form poison agents (toxins) and these can attack the digestion tract provoking heavy damages at the digestion organs and also at other organs
-- [incompatible] lectins can also have an effect similar to allergies so a kind of food is not tolerated any more, but when the alimentation would be right, then it could be tolerated (richtig leben, p.89).
Incompatible lectins damaging organs
Lectins from incompatible kinds of food can provoke an unnatural growth of organs.
Dr. D'Adamo:
<By [incompatible] food lectins an enlargement of digestive organs can be provoked. The lectins responsible for this are making this effect by reinforcing other growth stimulants, liberating the so called polyamines.> (richtig leben, p.94)
(orig. German:
"Durch [unpassende] Nahrungslektine kann es zu einer Vergrösserung der Verdauungsorgane kommen. Die dafür verantwortlichen Lektine bewirken diesen Effekt, indem sie andere Wachstumsstimulantien durch die Freisetzung so genannter Polyamine verstärken." (richtig leben, S.94)
In animal experiments incompatible food lectins are having the effect to "enlarge bowels, liver and pancreas." (richtig leben, p.94)
Wrong lectins can also have an effect on the metabolism so metabolism is provoking an enlargement of the organs (richtig leben, p.95).
Incompatible lectins can block the digestive hormones
Several food lectins, above all the wheat lectin, have a negative influence, for example on the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK).
Dr. D'Adamo:
<The [damaging] lectin is connecting itself to the receptors of CCK and is harming so the hormone's efficiency.> (richtig leben, p.93).
(orig. German:
"Die [schädlichen] Lektine binden sich an CCK-Rezeptoren und beeinträchtigen damit das Hormon in seiner Wirksamkeit." (richtig leben, S.93)
Principally cholecystokinin (CCK) is "a hormone stimulating the segregation of digestion enzymes." (richtig leben, p.93)
(orig. German:
Dabei ist Cholecystokinin (CCK) "ein Hormon, das die Absonderung von Verdauungsenzymen stimuliert." (richtig leben, S.93)
CCK can also be found in the brain in relatively high concentrations ans is presumably also responsible for the appetite feeling. Lectins could also have an effect on the appetite: With an inhibition of CCK the humans have more appetite [that means "ravenous appetite"] (richtig leben, p.93).
Incompatible lectins provoking autoimmune diseases
<There are some indications that the antibody built with rheumatoid arthritis has to be activated in reality perhaps by a wheat germ lectin.> (richtig leben, p.90)
(orig. German:
"Manches deutet darauf hin, dass der bei rheumatoider Arthritis gebildete Antikörper in Wirklichkeit vielleicht durch das Weizenkeimlektin aktiviert werden muss." (richtig leben, S.90)
Fibromyalgia (inflammatory disease of muscle tissue):
According to Dr. D'Adamo fibromyalgia is caused by an incompatibility of wheat (richtig leben, p.90).
"Normal medicine" simply prescribes amino sugar glucosamine in combination with chondroitin sulfate (richtig leben, p.90). With this procedure the amino sugar of glucosamine is connecting especially the wheat germ lectin (richtig leben, p.91).
[So, one could simply leave out the wheat, and no amino sugar would be needed...]
Incompatible lectins damaging mucosa of intestine
Microvilli at the surface of the intestine are [according to the blood group] damaged by different lectins of legumes. In a rat test the result was that omitting the damaging kinds of food like for example kidney beans provoked a regeneration of the microvilli (richtig leben, p.91).
Incompatible lectins rising permeability of intestine system - more incompatibility is possible
Certain lectins are rising [according to the blood group] the permeability of the intestine system. So [according to the blood group] the organisms are confronted with more proteins, and this is problematic.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Persons developing already an allergy or an incompatibility [can therefore] also develop a vulnerability for other proteins.> (richtig leben, p.92)
(orig. German:
"Personen, die ohnehin schon dabei sind, eine Allergie oder Unverträglichkeit zu entwickeln [können dadurch] unter Umständen auch anfällig für andere Proteine werden." (richtig leben, S.92)
In the animal experiment kidney beans are provoking more permeability of the intestine system for serum proteins which are lost then for other procedures (richtig leben, p.92). The consequence can be more incompatibilities of kinds of food (richtig leben, p.93).
Incompatible lectins blocking the absorption of nutrients by stomach and intestine
The flour of uncooked white beans as a main share of animal food has an effect in an animal experiment: 50% less absorption of glucose, and 50% reduction of procedure of food proteins. The flour of cooked white beans did not provoke this (richtig leben, p.93).
In the animal experiment digestibility and procedure of the animal food is disturbed when there are added to the animal food
-- wheat germs (Triticum aestivum)
-- lectins of thorn apple (Datura stramonium)
-- stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) (richtig leben, p.93).
Lectins are inhibiting digestibility and exploitation of food proteins, and are inhibiting the growth of the animals and are damaging heavily disturbing metabolism and the functions of metabolism. Wheat has especially bad effects:
-- wheat lectins are transported passing the intestine wall and are deposited at the walls of blood and lymph vessels
-- wheat lectins are provoking growth of pancreas
-- wheat lectins are provoking the reduction of thymus gland which is in connection with the immune system (richtig leben, p.94).
Criminal genetic engineering with wheat lectins can have consequences without end
When gens of wheat germ lectin is implanted into other plants making the plants more resistant against vermin, so the consequences can be a catastrophe for the "higher beings".
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<In the investigation [about genetic engineering with wheat lectins against "vermin"] there were the following conclusions: "Well, there is the suggestion to change crop plants genetically for rising their resistance against vermin and implanting the gene of wheat germ lectin. But the concentrations are that high for being effective against vermin, so the food lectin can damage mammals. When this lectin is implanted into the plant as a natural insecticide, then this will provoke health risks also for humans."> (richtig leben, p.94)
(orig. German:
<In der Untersuchung [über Gentechnik mit Weizenlektinen gegen "Ungeziefer"] gelangte man zu folgendem Schluss: "Zwar wird empfohlen, Kulturpflanzen zur Steigerung ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Ungezieferbefall gentechnisch zu verändern und sie mit dem Gen des Weizenkeimlektins auszustatten. Doch in den zu einer wirksamen Schädlingsbekämpfung erforderlichen Konzentrationen kann dieses Nahrungslektin höhere Lebewesen schädigen. Der Einsatz dieses Lektins in Pflanzen als natürliches Insektizid birgt Gesundheitsrisiken für den Menschen."> (richtig leben, S.94).
[And these health risks are unpredictable, but industry is only acting when there comes a heavy case of damage respectively when there are epidemic cases].
Chemical processes with wheat lectin - which is damaging for most of the blood groups
Mostly damaging wheat lectin (wheat lectin agglutinin) is enhancing and inhibiting different enzymes - according to the blood group
Wheat lectin (wheat germ agglutinin) (richtig leben, p.95) is enhancing the activity of the membrane-bound enzyme maltase that is splitting multiple sugars into simple sugars in the intestine (richtig leben, p.90).
Wheat germ lectin is inhibiting it's activity "of aminopeptidases, those enzymes which are responsible for the splitting process of polypeptides in amino acids." (richtig leben, p.90)
(orig. German:
Das Weizenkeim-Lektin hemmt die Aktivität "von Aminopeptidasen, jenen Enzymen, die in Aminosäuren für die Aufspaltung von Polypeptiden verantwortlich sind." (richtig leben, S.90)
Immune system of humans is especially vulnerable for wheat. Incompatibility of wheat is shown "by simply visible symptoms, but not always" (richtig leben, p.95). According to the blood group wheat can be very dangerous (richtig leben, p.96).
And this danger is different from blood group to blood group. Dr. D'Adamo:
"It's vulnerability for negative effects of the wheat germ agglutinin depends from the blood group." (richtig leben, p.95)
(orig. German:
"Ihre Anfälligkeit für die negativen Auswirkungen des Weizenkeim-Agglutinins hängt von der Blutgruppe ab." (richtig leben, S.95).
90% of humans have an incompatibility for gluten, and therefore their stomach mucous membrane is damaged, but the people have no symptoms and don't notice anything about it [resp. they will notice it when there is an inflammation] (richtig leben, 95-96).
Wheat with proteins gluten and gliadin:
<Wheat proteins contain a considerable share of gluten and gliadin - these are proteins which can be found also in many other kinds of grain. But gliadin of wheat provokes in the immune system more crossed reactions than with other kinds of grain.> (richtig leben, p.95)
(orig. German:
"Weizenproteine enthalten einen beträchtlichen Anteil an Gluten und Gliadin - Proteine, die sich auch in zahlreichen anderen Getreidesorten finden. Aber die Kreuzreaktivität des Immunsystems ist gegenüber Weizengliadin wesentlich ausgeprägter als gegenüber jedem anderen Getreide." (richtig leben, S.95)
-- within the digestion process the sensibility to gluten and gliadin is an essential factor
-- with 50% of the digestion problems "antibodies against gliadin can be proved in the serum", and wheat is probably one of the causes of digestion problems (richtig leben, p.95)
-- wheat lectins are rejecting to be split withing the digestion process
-- wheat lectins have "a metabolic [changing their form] and hormonal effect [changing the liberation of hormones]"
-- wheat lectin "is imitating the effect of insulin on the insulin receptors" (richtig leben, p.95)
(orig. German:
Weizenlektin "ahmt die Wirkung von Insulin auf den Insulinrezeptor nach" (richtig leben, S.95).
"Science" is using wheat lectins on and on making "investigations about the drive of insulin metabolism", but "science" does not accept to define wheat as a damaging element whereas according to studies about 20% of diabetes mellitus patients (IDDM) "have antibodies against the wheat germ lectin". (richtig leben, p.95)
Secretors of blood group A and AB can neutralize wheat lectins
In the digestive juice of blood groups A and AB, wheat lectin is connected with free blood group antigens before the wheat lectin is developing it's damaging effect (richtig leben, p.96).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<There are some indications that the type A antigen in the intestine is connecting with the wheat germ agglutinin and therefore secretors of blood group A and AB are in the situation to weaken the bad effects of wheat germ lectins. This happens by binding the lectin to the free blood group antigen in the digestive juice, just before it can provoke any damage. In the case of non-secretors this would not be possible.> (richtig leben, p.96)
(orig. German:
"Manches deutet darauf hin, dass das im Darm vorhandene Typ-A-Antigen sich an das Weizenkeim-Agglutinin bindet und damit Sekretoren der Blutgruppen A und AB in die Lage versetzt, die Effekte des Weizenkeimlektins abzuschwächen. Dies geschieht, indem das Lektin an das freie Blutgruppen-Antigen im Verdauungssaft gebunden wird, noch ehe es irgendwelchen Schaden anrichten kann. Im Falle von Nicht-Sekretoren wäre dies nicht möglich." (richtig leben, S.96)
But wheat should never be a main part in the food, not either for the blood groups A or AB (4 Strategien, p.109).
Tomato lectin is dangerous for blood groups A and B
There were news about lycopene dye in tomatoes inhibiting cancer - but this is only half of the truth
Tomatoes are always praised again and again by food industry because of their - as they say - high content of lycopene, red dye, a pigment with antioxidant cancer inhibiting characters. Food industry claims that the risk for some kinds of cancer can be reduced by tomato consumption, and also the rate of heart diseases could be lowered (richtig leben, p.97).
But another element of the tomato is really dangerous: tomato lectin (Lycopersicon esculentum agglutinin) is agglutinating the blood of all blood groups, and therefore it is a so called "pan haemagglutinin" and is making troubles with the metabolism of many other agents. Blood group 0 and AB can neutralize this agglutination, but for humans of blood group A and AB tomatoes are damaging (richtig leben, p.97).
Chemical processes with the tomato lectin
-- tomato lectin is hindering the concentration of mucin, an enzyme which is protecting the intestinal mucosa
-- according to investigations tomato lectin is binding itself "preferably to nervous tissue"
-- according to investigations tomato lectin is binding to a part of cells which are giving the signal for a gastrin production releasing stomach acid production, and therefore the tomato lectin is provoking the production of too much stomach acid (richtig leben, p.97).
After having eaten tomatoes many human beings for example are claim that their stomach had too much acid suffering an acidosis [with acid reflux] (richtig leben, p.97).
[Also in this case "normal medicine" is only ready to sell new pills with side effects. Tomato as a cause for the troubles is not detected by "normal medicine" because "normal medicine" wants only to sell more and more pills and side effects...]
Tomato lectins: damaging for blood group A and B, no damaging effect with blood group 0 and AB
Tomato with blood group 0, A and B: D'Adamo:
<Evade [persons of blood group A] tomatoes because their lectins have a very damaging effect on the digestive tract of type A. They [the tomatoes] belong to the so called haemagglutinining kinds of food, that means that their lectins are agglutinating the blood of any type of blood. But type 0 is producing no antibodies against tomatoes and therefore they may eat tomatoes, as also humans of type AB. But for type A and B they [tomatoes] are very damaging.> (4 Strategien, p.118)
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie [Menschen der Blutgruppe A] Tomaten, da deren Lektine auf den Verdauungstrakt des A-Typs überaus gesundheitsschädlich wirken. Sie [die Tomaten] gehören zu den so genannten panhämagglutinierenden Lebensmitteln, das heisst, ihre Lektine verklumpen das Blut jedes Bluttyps. 0-Typen produzieren jedoch keine Antikörper gegen Tomaten und dürfen sie somit essen, wie auch AB-Typen. Sehr schädlich sind sie [die Tomaten] aber für A- und B-Typen." (4 Strategien, S.118)
Tomatoes with blood group AB: The lectin is agglutinating the blood cells, but is well accepted by blood group AB, "perhaps because the reaction of the lectin by the antibodies of A and B is lowered in it's intensity." (4 Strategien, p.185).
(orig. German:
Das Lektin verklumpt die Blutzellen, wird aber von der Blutgruppe AB gut vertragen, "vielleicht, weil die Reaktion des Lektins durch die Antikörper von A und B herabgesetzt wird" (4 Strategien, S.185).
Dr. D'Adamo:
<As types of AB have so many different blood group specific substances and as the lectin is not having a specific effect, it seems that the huge quantity of substances can evade the dangerous effect. I have investigated persons of blood type AB who had eaten many tomatoes, and their level on the indican scale is in an acceptable range.> (4 Strategien, p.193)
(orig. German:
<Da AB-Typen so viele blutgruppenspezifische Substanzen aufweisen und das Lektin nicht spezifisch wirkt, scheinen sie die gefährlichen Wirkungen vermeiden zu können. Ich habe Menschen mit der Blutgruppe AB, die viel Tomaten assen, untersucht, und ihr Wert auf der Indikan-Skala lag im vertretbaren Bereich.> (4 Strategie, S.193)
Many persons with an incompatibility of food cannot accept tomatoes either [but these persons never know why it is like this] (richtig leben, p.97).
Cancer inhibiting lycopene in other fruits and vegetables
Fact is: Tomatoes have not so much lycopene, but a considerable part is only water. But a high lycopene share has tomato paste which for itself contains tomato lectins [and mostly is mixed with damaging vinegar for blood groups 0, A and AB]. So, who wants to consume lycopene as a prevention against cancer, can also eat other red kinds of food which contain partly essentially more lycopene than a red tomato. The consumption should always be with some [natural] fat [for example cold-pressed olive oil] optimizing the absorption (as with all carotenoids) (richtig leben, p.98).
Table: cancer inhibiting lycopene (red dye) in some fruits
Note the precise indications about compatibility.
Content of lycopene in microgram per 100g
Tomato paste (tube or can)
mixed with vinegar: only compatible for blood group B
with tomato lectins: only compatible for blood groups 0 and AB
->> tomato paste without vinegar is only compatible for blood groups 0 and AB
->> tomato paste with vinegar is not compatible with any blood group and has to be eliminated in general.
no indications about compatibility
neutral, for non-secretors of blood group A it's favorable
Grapefruit (red)
-- is favorable for blood groups A and AB
-- is neutral for blood groups 0 and B
(both times secretors and non-secretors)
-- is neutral for blood groups 0 and Ab
-- is damaging for blood group A
-- is favorable for blood group B
(always secretors and non-secretors)
Tomato (raw)
-- is neutral for blood groups 0 and B
-- is damaging for blood groups A and AB
Apricot (dried)
-- is neutral for secretors of blood group 0, damaging for non-secretors
-- is favorable for blood group A
-- is neutral for blood group AB
-- for blood group B indications are missing.
Rosehip puree
-- rosehip tee is favorable for blood group 0
(difference between secretors - non-secretors is missing)
-- rosehip tee is neutral for blood group B
(difference between secretors - non-secretors is missing)
-- for other blood groups indications are missing.
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben
-- table: http://www.med-etc.com/med/DrDAdamo/blutgruppen-0-A-B-AB/tabellen-0-A-B-AB.html)
[Does anybody claim yet that blood group nutrition would not be important for life? But "normal medicine" wants to go on selling pills and side effects...]
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