D     ESP

Playground analysis. Index

The concept of the facility - playground elements - fields and courts

Tierplastiken aus Hecken, Schmetterling 02
                        mit den Flügeln, Legendenpark (parque de las
                        Leyendas), Lima, Peru  Doppelrutschbahn in Form einer farbigen
                        Globus-Skulptur 02, Ayacucho, Avenida
                        Prolongación de la Libertad, Peru  Rondell 03 im Berner Oberland mit
                        spielenden Kindern drauf

Analysis by Michael Palomino (2012)

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1. The concept of the playground facility

1 Concept and psychology on the playground
The "composition" of a playground -- children from 2 to 5 years old ("toddlers") -- children from 5 to 6 years on: movement -- partition of a playground -- entrance gates -- psychology -- discrimination -- playing times - lunchtime -- parents with children - the child from 5 years on "shows" their parents what it "can" - festivities -- psychology: playground "until 14 years" -- psychology: dogs NOT allowed

Entrance gate 01 in Ibbenbueren, Region of Muenster, North Rhine Westfalia, Germany
Entrance gate 01 in Ibbenbueren,
                                Region of Muenster, North Rhine
                                Westfalia, Germany
2 The playground facility 02: playground devices and their surroundings
Music -- seating accommodations and dividers -- bollards -- water - playground devices mediating fantasy - fairytale-like playground devices - figures and sculptures -- shelters and food  -- playground castle

A wonderful animal sculpture made of hedges, a butterfly 02 with it's wings, can be found in Legend Park (parque de las Leyendas) in Lima in Peru

A wonderful animal sculpture made
                                of hedges, a butterfly 02 with it's
                                wings, can be found in Legend Park
                                (parque de las Leyendas) in Lima in
3 Trees and shrubs on the playground

Trees are like brothers - big trees are like big brothers...

Who is protecting trees will also be protected by trees.

Tadpole Playground in the shadow of big trees, Boston, criminal "USA"

Playground with table tennis in the shadow of big trees, Schützenmattpark ("Rifleman Meadow Park), Basel, Switzerland
Tadpole Playground in the shadow
                                  of big trees, Boston, criminal
4 Extension possibilities and raft at seaside or riverside

Pavilion - herbary- café - restaurant - sanitation -- park train, summer luge run, pedalo ships -- fairy tail forest: every house has got a fairy tale -- theme train, theme park -- raft at the seaside or riverside

Amphitheater in stone steps in Kennedy Park in Lima-Miraflores with Peruvian folk music (2010)

Amphitheater in Steinstufen im
                                Kennedy-Park in Lima-Miraflores mit
                                peruanischer Volksmusik (2010)
5 The sand box in the house - warning from sand digging
The sand box in the house (or on a courtyard, or in a garage etc.) has many advantages -- Important: warning from sand digging - lethal danger for children from about 40 cm depth on

Sand box in the house 02, a box with sand, play cars and play digger with a shovel
Sandkasten im Haus 02, Kiste mit
                                Sand, Spielautos und Spielbagger und
2. Playground elements

2-1. Playground elements for children from 2 to 5 years old

1 2 to 5 years old children
The playground for "toddlers" - the first encounter with new elements and possibilities

The playground for "toddlers" - the first encounter with new elements and possibilities -- The playground facility -- Artificial lawn on the playground for toddlers -- Slides for toddlers must be short - dangerous slides for toddlers -- Spring riders for toddlers -- Baby swings -- Plate swings -- Stationary vehicles for toddlers -- Mobile vehicles for toddlers

Playground castle with an artificial lawn in Kennedy Park in Lima, Peru
Playground castle with an artificial
                              lawn in Kennedy Park in Lima, Peru
2-2 Playground elements for children from 5 to 11 years old

1 Slides
Broad slide - natural slide - wave slide - curve slide - garden house slide - volcano slide - artificial hill - pyramid slide - double slide - slide tower - inflatable slide - sleeping room slide - impractical slides

Double slide in form of a colorful sculpture with a globe, Ayacucho, prolongation of Liberty Avenue (Avenida Prolongación de la Libertad), Peru
Double slide in form of a colorful
                                cculpture with a globe, Ayacucho,
                                prolongation of Liberty Avenue (Avenida
                                Prolongación de la Libertad), Peru
2 Seesaws
Details about seesaws and rubber buffer and the soil below it

Seesaw made of wood with soft rubber buffers on a sawdust surface, Claramatte-Park (Clara Meadow Park), Basel, Switzerland
Seesaw made of wood with soft
                                rubber buffers on a sawdust surface,
                                Claramatte-Park (Clara Meadow Park),
                                Basel, Switzerland
3 Swings
Plate swings - normal swings - tire swings / tyre swings - ring swings - "bird-nest swing" - plate swing cable car

Group of swings with swings in different heights and with a woodchip surface, Heiningen near Stuttgart, Germany
Group of swings with swings in
                                different heights and with a woodchip
                                surface, Heiningen near Stuttgart,
4 Roundabouts, bollards, music, snakes, trampolines, climbing
Easy playing devices giving a mental stimulation -- bollard jumping and tire jumping / tyre jumping -- balancing trunks -- tire throwing: throw bike tires / bike tyres -- labyrinth -- playing snake labyrinth -- tunnels on a playground -- music on the playground: natural music instruments -- playing devices supporting sportiness -- roundabouts -- carousels -- trampolines and jumping castles -- climbing on the playground and in the forest -- warning from climbing in the forest

Roundabout in Bernese Oberland with playing children on it
Roundabout in Bernese Oberland with
                                playing children on it
5 Vehicles in playgrounds
Cars - steam roller - train engines - ships - tractors - go-carts - park trains - bicycles / bikes - pedalo ships - summer luge run

Rent a go-cart in Ejido Park in Quito, Ecuador
Rent a go-cart in Ejido Park in
                                Quito, Ecuador
6 Playground party
Rolling barrels - stilt soccer - tug-of-war - benches made with cycle stands and trunks - barbecue - balloon action - air snakes - traffic course - hut play - marble track on the table of table tennis - jumping castle - book exchange - CD exchange - giant "Connect 4" - puzzle with municipal coat of arms - street pedalo - Hot Wire - children make-up - archery - family street pedalo - sack race - tap a nail - egg's run - throwing tires / tyres

Playground festival with stilts soccer in Berlin-Wedding
Playground festival with stilts
                                soccer in Berlin-Wedding
3. Fields and courts

Fields and courts for group plays
Soil and water -- soccer field -- inflatable soccer field -- table-top football -- Tipp-Kick football -- combi courts - movement court - basket ball court and street ball -- volleyball field, street volleyball, beach volleyball - hockey, street hockey, table hockey - traffic parks - skateparks for skating, biking and scooting -- water plays

Volleyball on a lawn in the park at Dammweg in Berlin-Neukoelln
Volleyball on a lawn in the park at
                                Dammweg in Berlin-Neukoelln

Vokabular - vocabulary
4 gewinnt = connect 4
die Bodenplatte = the floor panel
die Federwippe = the spring rider
die Finnenbahn = the woodchiptrack
die Finnfläche = the woodchip ground
das Glockenspiel = the chimes
das Kinderfarzeug = the children's vehicle
die Murmelbahn = the marble track
der Poller = the bollard
quietschen = to squeak
das Sägemehl = the sawdust
die sanitären Anlagen = the sanitation
die Schaukel = the seesaw
der Schieber = the slider
die Schlafzimmerrutschbahn vom Hochbett aus = the loft bed slide
die Sprungfeder = the coil spring
der Stufenstein = the stone step
das Tanzglockenspiel = the dancing chimes
der Teich = the pond
die Tellerschaukel = the plate swing
die Trampolinbahn = the trampoline track
die Wellenrutschbahn = the wave slide
der Verkehrsgarten = the traffic park
der Versand = the mail order selling
