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Schizophrenia 01: Prehistory and invention of "schizophrenia" since 1911

Violent criminal psychiatry from 1850 - in what violent and discriminatory context the term "schizophrenia" stands - maneuvers of the secret services with transmitters, voices and censored psychiatrists - MindControl since 1911

Terror religions with only 1 fantasy god - persecution of all those who think differently with colonialism and reformation - psychology defines "crazy" from 1850 - installation of psychiatry to eradicate "lower life" - from 1880 approx.: invention of new mental illnesses + heredity + sterilization (partly fatal) - around 1900: Zurich is a leader in eugenics - castrations without end (partly fatal) - 1907 new Swiss civil code with marriage bans and psycho-terrorism - 1911: Eugen Bleuler invents "schizophrenia" - hearing voices - secret services send voices - total terror since 1912 with Swiss civil code ZGB with marriage bans, eugenics, Pro Juventute, racism, child robbery, defamations against children + parents, escape from children's homes etc. - definition of "marital disability": every psychiatrist can decide for himself - Ban on cohabitation - tough cures in psychiatry until death - The Third Reich copies Zurich - Rüdin works in Berlin, Rüdin's race laws - criminal psychiatry continues from 1945 with "schizophrenia" and sometimes fatal sterilizations - education by C.G.Jung and the 1968 movement - AJZ movements with even more education - racist eugenicists are NEVER punished - term "domestic violence" only comes in the 1980s

by Michael Palomino (ab 2021)

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1000 B.C.-1911: The precursors of psychological and physical violence BEFORE schizophrenia was invented:

The beginning of the discrimination against those who think differently with Judaism, Christianity + Islam

Palestine - since 1000 BC: Definition of the dictatorial 1-God faith in Judaism
Ever since the patriarchs of Judaism defined the 1-God faith in the emergency situation against the gigantic Persia, Dictatorship is ruling of this invented  Jewish Fantasy God, and all deviants are excluded and discriminated. The mini-kingdom of Israel was then occupied anyway, some Jews were abducted, and after their return the 1-God faith was held in Judaism, although this God NEVER existed [world wisdom - Book: The Bible Unearthed].

since 250ca.: definition of the dictatorial 1-God belief in Christianity

-- the patriarchs of Christianity take over the fantasy god of the Jews and invent a Fantasy Jesus with the codes 3, 12, 13 and 33 (33 is the highest Freemason code) - since then the Christian DICTATORSHIP of the invented God from Rome has prevailed [world knowledge]

-- All deviants are marginalized and discriminated, an emperor introduces Christianity as the state religion and uses the network of relationships of Christians for his rule [world knowledge].

In the Church there is always the majority against minorities, the [satanist] church leadership defines "sects" and "unbelievers", [since the defeat of Acre (Akkon) in 1291 the cr. Church included the absolute persecution of all deviants, since colonialism from 1491 all over the world] and until the 18th century. deviants are robbed, tortured, driven out or even executed [defamations are spread that deviants had poisoned wells, pyre etc.] [web01 - Huonker, p.12].

Arabian Peninsula from 800: Invention of a 1-God belief in Islam
-- some crazy patriarchs claim that the Aramaic word Muhammad, which means "the praised one" and refers to the fantasy Jesus, was a separate person
-- until the year 800 approximately, the Arabian Peninsula was Christian, Jewish and indigenous
-- A story of Muhammad was invented with victorious wars against all the great neighboring empires in the year 622, when the Arabian Peninsula was still Christian + Jewish + indigenous
-- with the Quran and the Sharia, new laws are invented with loads of discrimination, extortion and death penalty throughing stones [world knowledge]

From now on, the three criminal 1-god religions are fighting each other worldwide and for them all indigenous people in multi-god systems are considered inferior and worthy of extermination. Big wars are organized, which are organized by the orders of knights and other secret orders and lodges - just for fun [world knowledge].

Europe since 1291: intensification of the persecution of deviants by the Jesus Fantasy Church
After the defeat of Acre and the "loss of the Crusader states" in 1291, the doctrinalists in the Jesus Fantasy Church believe that the Church must be led more efficiently by persecuting and driving out or even exterminating all the deviants and remnants of the European natives .

Europe since 1491 + 1493: Official beginning of the colonialism of whites against ALL OTHERS
The WHITE Pope in Rome divides the planet into a Portuguese and Spanish hemisphere in order to enslave or exterminate all other peoples of the world (Tordesillas line) [world knowledge].

since 1550 approx.: Further intensification of the persecution of deviants by the Jesus Fantasy Church with the "Reformation"

since 1550 approx.: Reformers in Europe invent new persecutions of dissenters
-- the [Fantasy Jesus dictator] Zwingli in Zurich lets e.g. the Anabaptists persecute in the canton of Zurich, in 1639 their property is confiscated [web01 - Huonker, p.12]
-- the Zwinglian "reformers" torture the Anabaptists with foot irons, beatings, chains, neck irons, disgraceful devices, forced labor, disgraceful stakes etc. [web01 - Huonker, p.11] or there is also sexual abuse [web01 - Huonker, p.12 ]
-- the Zwinglian "reformers" are robbing the Anabaptist children from their Anabaptist families [web01 - Huonker, p.34]
-- analyzing the reformer Luther there comes to the conclusion that Luther acts more brutally in terms of discrimination + punishment than the Catholic Satanist Church [Luther Terrorist - web02]

Governments copy the Church's discrimination
The discrimination by the criminal Jesus Fantasy Church is used by the Christian governments against all ethnic groups in Europe that do not fit the government's concept with it's fantasy God and fantasy Jesus
-- especially against the migrant peoples [Sinti and] Roma [web01 - Huonker, p.34]
-- in the canton of Lucerne the Yeniche are persecuted [web01 - Huonker, p.34]

from 1800: Discrimination now becomes "scientific": "Psychology"
-- many diseases are still considered "hereditary" at that time
-- this is how a "psychology" develops which introduces heaps of new forms of discrimination [web01 - Huonker in general]
-- Goiter is still considered as hereditary [web01 - Huonker, p.63]

from the early 19th century [from 1810 approx. / during the Napoleon Wars]: New movement to discriminate against those who think differently
-- James Cowles Prichard defines all people who do not follow the sex prohibitions of the Jesus Fantasy Church as "morally ill" ("moral insanity") [web01 - Huonker, p.104]

Zurich 1812: opening of the first madhouse
in the Jesus Fantasy Preacher Monastery (Predigerkloster) [web01 - Huonker, p.13]

Switzerland from 1840: industrialization provokes new starvation wages + poverty
so that private organizations become necessary for the families of the working-class who do not have Zurich citizenship [web01 - Huonker, p.14-15]

from 1850: Industrialization provokes new poverty and exclusion
-- Industrialization destroys many professions and families, frustration and psychological consequences and hardship are categorized "by the office" and the blame is blamed on those affected: "unhealthy conditions", "neglect", "environment in need of rehabilitation" etc. . [web01 - Huonker, p.16]
-- In 1877 e.g. the canton of Zurich installs a new factory law for workers in emergency situations [web01 - Huonker, p.15]
-- but from 1880 the right-wing parties manipulate this new factory law, postulates are rejected, poverty is further PROMOTED: rejection of state social insurance, rejection of regular family planning, rejection of maternity leave, rejection of child allowances, rejection of day nurseries [web01 - Huonker, p.15 ]

Look how the crazy Christians are acting with discrimination against "other" people:

Mid-19th century: "Scientific" psychology defines "lunatic" and allows torture + castration
[web01 - Huonker, p.76]
-- [WITHOUT considering the impoverishment through industrialization and WITHOUT considering the vaccination damages]
-- the castration does NOT count as bodily harm [web01 - Huonker, p.68], although it sometimes turns out fatal (!!!) [web01 - Huonker, p.69].

Principles of "scientific" psychiatry: Fulfill the sex prohibitions of the criminal Jesus Fantasy Church!
-- The "higher state" is reached when the sex prohibitions of the Jesus Fantasy Church are observed, masturbation prohibitions etc. [web01 - Huonker, p.14,153]
-- Anyone who masturbates is considered by criminal psychiatry of the 19th and 20th centuries as living in a "lower state" [web01 - Huonker, p.14,153] or criminal CHRISTIAN psychiatry follows the criminal Church with the claim that masturbation is a disease that is caused by damage of spinal cord and / or only occurs with the mentally ill [web01 - Huonker, p .153], English: "Masturbatory Insanity" [web01 - Huonker, p.154]
[-- the criminal Church with a Fantasy Jesus (who never comes!) therefore supports psychiatry in order to make deviants disappear in psychiatry]
-- the "scientific" psychiatry with its "psychiatrists" lets masturbating people castrate and sterilize thinking that in such a way, the "illness" of masturbation should be "cured", in this way think the criminal psychiatrists [which make their money with this! and the criminal fake Jesus pastors+priests are aplausing!] [web01 - Huonker, p.153]
-- against exhibitionism the castration is said to have been rated as an "effective" means [web01 - Huonker, p.160]
-- since 19th century, masturbating women are also brought to the criminal Christian "psychiatry" and punished with castration: clitoris removal should "cure" masturbation [web01 - Huonker, p.154]

The practice of criminal psychiatry with castration is blackmail: The affected person could only choose between castration or permanent internment. castration was rewarded with "freedom" [web01 - Huonker, p.69,157]

Love relationships in psychiatry are forbidden and are punished with isolation [web01 - Huonker, p.159]

If patients mutate into employees of psychiatry (e.g. in Burghölzli in Zurich), they remain WITHOUT wages and WITHOUT rights [web01 - Huonker, p.138-139].

Principles of "scientific" psychiatry: INVENTING new diseases to always have new patients
-- A "hysteria" is ascribed to women, which supposedly comes from the uterus (Latin: "hystera") [web01 - Huonker, p.154]
-- the psychiatry invents new "illnesses" like viciousness, nymphomania [web01 - Huonker, p.154]
[Observation from Peru 2015-2020: Impotence is considered "holy"
Strict Christians become impotent with 40 already, this is normal when love and masturbation are damned always - but this taboo is NEVER mentioned but impotence is rated even as "holy" in criminal and crazy Jesus Fantasy Church!]

Principles of "scientific" psychiatry: affected can choose between torture and castration or "custody" without end
Torture and castration are used to "treat" also the following illnesses: rage, epilepsy, tendency to use physical violence, exhibitionism and homosexuality - this is the case all over the world, wherever [Christian criminal] psychiatry is set up [web01 - Huonker, p.153] - also criminal pedophiles (pedosexuals) are castrated [web01 - Huonker, p.156].

Torture methods in criminal psychiatry in the 19th and 20th centuries
in the 19th century:
-- Covered long bath, injection of calf's blood, immersion up to fear of suffocation, swivel chair, or the surprising firing of firearms next to or behind the patient [web01 - Huonker, p.142]
in the 19th century until 1970:
-- treatment with "sedative" morphine [web01 - Huonker, p.137]
-- for the sleep treatment "Somnifen sleep cure" is applied, with memory loss / amnesia as a result [web01 - Huonker, p.138]

Principles of Psychiatry: NO legal basis
The criminal psychiatrists act WITHOUT a legal basis, [they commit the most serious bodily harm and the most serious deprivation of liberty] WITHOUT any legal basis, the public prosecutor [Christian or Jewish!] approves everything [web01 - Huonker, p.156]. There is no possibility of appeal against a decision to "custody", because the custody has no legal basis, but is approved by the public prosecutor [web01 - Huonker, p.164].

Principles of psychiatry: Thanks to psychiatry, the government can systematically make people disappear who think differently
In this way the [Christian] state was able to "bury unpleasant people alive" behind walls and barbed wire of psychiatry [web01 - Huonker, p.165; see also: Segessemann, E .: "Seelenmord" ("Murder of Soul") 1912].

from 1850 approx .: The psychiatry for the extermination of "lower life" is installed

Kansas ("USA") 1855: Castration Act against rapists (only against blacks and mulattoes)
Estimates mean about 60,000 sterilizations for the "USA" from 1855 to 1980 [web01 - Huonker, p.61]
[Dark figure?]

1863: Book about the "lunatics"
by Albrecht Erlenmeyer: "Overview of the public and private insane and idiot institutions", Neuwied 1863 - with the assertion of how many insane there are where:
-- Canton of Schwyz [Swiss countryside]: 1: 850 (one "crazy" person per 850 inhabitants)
-- Canton of Zurich [Swiss world town with countryside]: 1: 228 (one "crazy" person per 228 inhabitants)
-- Canton of Bern [Swiss town with countryside with inbreeding]: 1: 218 (one "crazy" person per 218 inhabitants) [web01 - Huonker, p.78].

-- the criteria are probably different from canton to canton
-- where more psychiatry is set up, there are also more "lunatic" cases to fill the psychiatry [web01 - Huonker, p.78].

-- Zurich 1867: "Lunatic asylum" of the Preacher's Hostpital (Prediger-Spital) is dissolved - Rheinau psychiatry [on "Rhine Floodplane island"] is opened [web01 - Huonker, p.13]
-- Zurich 1870: Opening of the walled-in psychiatry of Wooden heap with a Castle (Burghölzli) [web01 - Huonker. P.13], since then terrorism is at work against those who think differently who are assessed as living in a  "lower state" - those who think differently are supposed to be brought into a "higher state" [by torture + blackmail] [web01 - Huonker, p.14]

Actions of revenge by castrated psychiatric victims
-- castrated people attack their "psychiatrists" [web01 - Huonker, p.156]
-- King Ludwig II of Bavaria murders the director of Burghölzli strangling him, Bernhard von Gudden [web01 - Huonker, p.146]
-- a Rheinau patient attacks the head of the Rheinau Clinic - Friedrich Ris - who loses an eye through this [web01 - Huonker, p.146]

1870s: Darwinism and "race theory" with Friedrich Nietzsche
The aim is to exterminate all "lower races" with new "scientific" criteria or to promote the "extinction of many kinds of people" [web01 - Huonker, p.87], or all "wild races" [all indigenous people who lived on most of them know about mother earth and the universe] are to be exterminated [web01 - Huonker, p.59].
[The criminal colonialism of the criminal Christian church acted in this extermination style against natives who lived in connection with the planet and with natural medicine, sometimes without money with simple barter. This did not please to the Illuminati stock exchange!]

WHITE Psychiatry + WHITE Darwinism = Extermination of ALL OTHERS
The combination of "psychiatry" (doctrine of the sex prohibitions of the Church) combined with Darwinism (exterminating lower races) causes a cruel terror of the whites against all other non-white people:
-- Sterilizations in the "USA" on blacks, Latinos and indigenous people (against indigenous people until 1985) [web01 - Huonker, S.60]
-- African dance groups are "kept" in zoos in Europe (until the 1930s) and wild dancing is considered not so good [web01 - Huonker, p.60?]

from 1880: Criminal psychiatry rating down the victims of industrialization
-- as "defective" or "hereditary inferior" psyche [web01 - Huonker, p.27]
-- everything "inferior" should be "dangerous" [web01 - Huonker, p.62]
[The rich are never considered as mentally ill. De facto slavery is not considered sick ...]

since 1880 approx.: Principle of psychiatry: Invention of new mental illnesses - and heredity - and sterilization

around 1880: Modification of Darwinism by Darwin's cousin Francis Galton: definition of new "mental illnesses" - claim of heredity - all should be castrated and sterilized - August Forel
-- new mental illnesses are defined on a "scientific" basis [web01 - Huonker, p.59]
-- it is claimed that the newly defined mental illnesses are hereditary (!) - e.g. the Swiss Darwinist August Forel claims that [web01 - Huonker, p.59-60]
-- People who have these "mental illnesses" can be "eradicated" with castration or sterilization [web01 - Huonker, p.59]

from 1885 or 1892 (controversial): Switzerland sterilizes everyone who is supposedly "insane"
-- always with the assertion and with reference to the insane August Forel that mental illnesses are hereditary [web01 - Huonker, p.61]
-- sterilizations are COMMON PRACTICE since 1885 or 1892 [web01 - Huonker, p.61]
-- in the canton of Zurich, from 1892 to 1970 also thousands of women are sterilized - everything is "scientifically" based [web01 - Huonker, p.130]
-- forced internments and torture are normal ("forced treatments") [web01 - Huonker, p.136]

Psychiatry claims that migrating peoples have heredity (hiking is said to be a disease)
-- from now on wandering people like the Yeniche are called hereditary disease [web01 - Huonker, p.78]
-- the Yeniche are prosecuted with a family tree research, led by the psychiatry director in Chur (Waldhaus clinic): Johann Benedikt Jörger [web01 - Huonker, p.78]

The Swiss psychiatry mania of "heredity" becomes a model for the Third Reich [web01 - Huonker, p.79]

Psychiatry also claims heredity
-- for people with impaired hearing [web01 - Huonker, S.80]
-- for people of short stature [web01 - Huonker, S.80]

Sigmund Freud and his violent fantasies also brutalize psychology
by associating dreams and experiences in dreams with brutal sexual acts: instinctual desire, dream as disguise, so Freud invents new rapists, depending on how the dream was - Freud is absolutely criminal [web08].

Connecticut 1895: Marriage ban for "insane" is installed in the new law
Marriage prohibitions due to the "scientific" inheritance theory of psychiatry [web01 - Huonker, p.110]

Switzerland 1896: Psychiatrists appeal for the murder of people who are allegedly hereditary ill (euthanasia) - opium murders
see for example in the book of Eugen Bleuler "The born criminal" (orig. German: "Der geborene Verbrecher" (Munich 1896) on pages 74-75 [web01 - Huonker, p.66]:
-- the death penalty would reduce delinquency
-- the death penalty would prevent "the procreation of a similar kind of offspring" [web01 - Huonker, p.66]
[Cause research is still not desired in psychiatry - this is partly still the case in the "USA" today (2021)].

-- Psychiatrists sometimes commit "opium murders" on their patients, for example in the Rheinau Clinic under the director Friedrich Ris (director there 1898-1931), who then reports the opium murders - but the Zurich judiciary covers the murders and the Public prosecutor's office doesn't move a finger [web01 - Huonker, p.67]

Zurich - end of 19th century: Psychology invents "mentally mad" + "mentally ill"
[Christian] Psychology at the University of Zurich defines "mental abnormalities" with an "illness in the spirit" [web01 - Huonker, p.101]
[There is no research into the causes, but the victim is always blamed and is the source of money for the psychiatrist! - Christians with their prohibitions and fantasies of a fantasy God and fantasies of a fantasy Jesus are always loosing much time by difaming other people for hours - but these crazy Christians are NEVER classified as "mentally mad"].
Canton of Zurich around 1900: Switzerland is a European leader in eugenics and euthanasia
-- the psychiatrists can INVENT diseases, INVENT heredity and MURDER the psychiatric victims as they want, the eugenic public prosecutor's offices let the murders happen [web01 - Huonker, p.77]
-- Zurich is the eugenics center of Europe [web01 - Huonker, p.62]
[-- conclusion: Switzerland is already around 1900 like the Third Reich of 1933 (!)]
-- other voices do not accept the definition of heredity in the case of mental illnesses, but they demand the improvement of living conditions, e.g. the assistant doctor at Burghölzli Otto Diem (who was only an assistant doctor there for 3 years 1900-1902) - [perhaps he was fired because he had better living conditions demanded for all people?] [web01 - Huonker, p.77]

Eugenic principles are considered "modern" in Zurich around 1900 and are also being expanded in the areas
-- in anthropology under Professors Rudolf Martin and his successor Otto Schlaginhaufen
-- in ethnography under Otto Stoll (1849-1922)
-- in forensic medicine under Heinrich Zangger
-- young eugenicist Alfred Ploetz, socialist like Forel, combining eugenics with Nordic ideologies
-- young eugenicist Ernst Rüdin, anti-alcoholic
-- "occasionally in this group" was also Gerhart Hauptmann [web01 - Huonker, p.62].

Canton of Zurich 1901: New prison in Regensdorf
-- with a "modern" prison system [web01 - Huonker, p.13]

1903: Psychiatry makes propaganda for death penalty by euthanasia to mentally "ill" defined people
E.g. August Forel in his book: Hygiene of Nerves and Spirit (orig. German: Hygiene der Nerven und des Geistes, Stuttgart 1903, p.86-87, where he describes "degenerate germs" that would "contaminate" society [web01 - Huonker, p.66]

1903: The race hygienist Ernst Rüdin from St.Gallen demanded the sterilization of alcoholics in 1903
[web01 - Huonker, p.68]

    [Alcoholism cures with sodium bicarbonate in water with maple syrup or with apple cider vinegar in 10 days - the rate of cure is 90% - see the sodium bicarbonate link].

There are more measures: eugenic marriage bans, and there is "family tree research" all over the world with evidence that crime is hereditary etc., for example claimed by Johann Benedikt Jörger from the Waldhaus Clinic in Chur with the book "Family Zero" (orig. German: "Die Familie Zero") [web01 - Huonker, p.78 ]

from 1905: Switzerland is castrating people without end
"From 1905 Swiss practice allowed castration for social reasons. If the patient did not agree, the consent of the parents or the guardian was sufficient. [web01 - Huonker, p.68]. Some of those affected suffered death during the operation." [web01 - Huonker, p.69]
<From 1905 onwards, the doctors also carried out sterilizations in secret, under the pretext of another operation, in cooperation with the public prosecutor's offices. The victims didn't know that they were being sterilized (Huonker, p.69). At the same time the Swiss psychiatrists are demanding more and more a sterilization law in order to have a legal basis for approval or rejection (Huonker, p.70). The women who wanted to be sterilized, on the other hand, were usually denied sterilization. The "doctors" also forced the women to have children that they did not want (Huonker, p.72). A termination of pregnancy was mostly only allowed if the woman also consented to the sterilization (Huonker, p.73).

[Abortions are easy to carry out with natural medicine with herbal solutions, but white technical medicine simply doesn't know anything about it. They prefer to sell expensive operations where there is even a risk of death for the woman].

In contrast to Switzerland, in the German Empire from 1905 castrations were regarded as bodily harm, which in some cases severely restricted the practice of castration (Huonker, p.68). In 1906 the gynecologist Hermann Häberlin asked for epileptics to be sterilized.
(Huonker, p.109; Häberlin, Hermann: On indications and technology of surgical sterilization by cutting tubes (orig. German: Über Indikationen und Technik der operativen Sterilisierung mittels Tubendurchschneidung). In: Medizinische Klinik, year 1906, p.1306.).

At about the same time Bulgaria introduced an eugenic marriage prohibition law (Huonker, p.110). >

Switzerlandddddd 1907: New civil code (ZGB) with possible marriage prohibition and psycho-terror

Switzerland 1907: Article 97 of the Civil Code approves marriage bans based on "scientific" heredity
-- "In order to be able to enter into a marriage, the engaged couple must be able to judge. Mentally ill people are in no case fit for marriage." [web01 - Huonker, p.111]
-- whereby the "psychiatrist" can freely decide whether someone is "fit for marriage" or not [web01 - Huonker, p.110]
-- the situation in Zurich: registry office, welfare office, city president [Signer until 1970!] and the city president's secretariat willingly collaborate with the "psychiatrists" (in Zurich: see city council minutes) [web01 - Huonker, p.109]
-- the psychiatry in Zurich often sets the conditions that a marriage is only possible with a previous sterilization [web01 - Huonker, p.112]

Switzerland from 1907: Institutional terror with marriage bans under the civil code

Psychiatry now has the option of blackmailing consent to castration or sterilization
-- with the threat of permanent internment [web01 - Huonker, p.69,157]
-- with the threat of a ban on marriage [which at that time equals a ban on sex] [web01 - Huonker, p.70]
[With all this, Switzerland is like the Third Reich - in 1907 already!]

Zurich 1908
In 1908 the Swiss psychiatrist Hans Wolfgang Maier appeals to the extermination of moral idiots and alcoholics with sterilization or even murder, because he claims that this would be hereditary (dissertation by Hans Wolfgang Meier: "Moral idiot being" (orig. German: "Moralische Idiotie"), p.79-81) [web01 - Huonker, p .104]

In 1908, Eugen Bleuler mentions the term "schizophrenia" for the first time in a lecture [web06].

Zurich from 1908: Discrimination and eugenics in social work
In courses for social work is stated that crime and poverty are heredity [web01 - Huonker, p.14] and this way of thinking is implemented in this way by official guardianship, child welfare office and police against the poor [web01 - Huonker, p.16]

The goals are:
-- "elevated humanity", stopping the creation of "inferior people" [web01 - Huonker, p.17] - racial cleansing, relief of the race, castration of physical or mental cripples [web01 - Huonker, p.18]
-- control of the Yeniche people by an "inquiry service" [web01 - Huonker, p.18], and when the Yeniche renounce welfare services, the inquiry service continues to spy on the Yeniche [web01 - Huonker, p.36]

Following these guidelines the social disaster comes up in the canton of Zurich:

<The consequence of the coercive measures was the INCREASE in the number of poor cases and NO decrease (Huonker, p.17). Now, there were also systematic kidnappings of children from the Romas, from Yenish families and "neglected" children, just as in the "USA" and in Canada the children of the indigenous, primary nation and aboriginal families were systematically robbed and re-educated [in the sense of the white Christian Racism, with militaristic drill and fantasy Bible drill] (Huonker, p.34). Sometimes the parents were also incapacitated loosing their rights when the children were taken away (Huonker, p.36). This led to psychological breakdowns and compensatory addictive behavior within the affected families, so that according to ["Christian"] "science" there was another "inferiority" (Huonker, p.34).

[The "psychiatry" was constantly producing new patients, which the criminal-racist Zurich and other public prosecutors liked very much showing their Darwinism in the sense of an "uplifted, white race"].

In criminal Switzerlanddddd (Switzerland), Roma and Yeniche were often victims of secret sterilization, so that they often remained childless without wanting to. In part the state authorities forced the restless Roma and Yeniche people to take residence in a location by threatening them with compulsory psychiatry (Huonker, p.35). In 1911 Hans Wolfgang Maier pleaded for a Swiss sterilization law for all of Europe, as it already existed in the "USA". He succeeded in convincing the entire Zurich judiciary of the "importance" of sterilization (Huonker, p.70; Maier, Hans Wolfgang: essay: "The North American laws against the inheritance of crimes and mental disorders and their application" (original German: "Die Nordamerikanischen Gesetze gegen die Vererbung von Verbrechen und Geistesstörung und deren Anwendung").>

Too rich (Zurich) to think 1911: The Invention of "Schizophrenia"

After all this development of structural violence against those who think differently through psychiatry, Eugen Bleuler INVENTED schizophrenia:

Zurich - 1911: The racist eugenicist Eugen Bleuler invents "schizophrenia" - he wants to sterilize even more
Eugenics professor Eugen Bleuler invents the term "schizophrenia" at the University of Zurich [web01 - Huonker, p.101]
-- Eugen Bleuler defined "schizophrenia" for the first time in 1911 as a replacement term for Kraepelin's expression "dementia praecox" [web01 - Huonker, p.101]
-- Bleuler demanded a ban on marriage and sterilization for people defined as "schizophrenics" [web01 - Huonker, p.102].

     [There is no research into the causes, but the victims are always blamed and they are the source of money for the psychiatrist!]

Little inquiry at Facebook:

Schizophrenie=Stimmen hören? Geheimdienste senden Stimmen!
Kr. Geheimdienste verüben mit Sendern+Stimmen eine neue MindControl - seit 1961 mit HAARP - und die Psychologen behaupten "Schizophrenie"

aus Facebook, 23.1.2021
  • Dann sagt der instruierte Psychiater "Stimmen hören=schizophren" und das Opfer ist in der Psychiatrie versorgt und beseitigt - so einfach geht das.
    Das wollten die mit mir so machen - aber ich wusste, was die Geheimdienste können - hat nicht geklappt.
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    • 6 Std.
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    heisst "Voice to Skull" und gibts schon lange..In GB gingen 2019 sogar Menschen auf die Strasse um dagegen zu protestieren..
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  • Das stimmt z. T. .
    Geht über HAARP.
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  • Die wollten mich seit 2012 mit Stimmen über HAARP etc. verrückt machen, aber ich war informiert und habe sie mit Naturmedizin gekontert. Am Ende flogen die Täter auf: Synagoge Basel = Synagoge Stawa Basel (Eva Eichenberger, Eymann, Althof, Ambühl und wie die Zionisten dort alle heissen). Die Spione bleiben dumm...
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    Gold (Aurum Metallicum) Homöopathisch in 3 verschiedenen Potenzen hilft..

    [Video über und gegen MindControl
    zuerst ausgeführt durch die Sowjets, dann kopiert vom CIA, auch Schweden forschte daran, und seit 2012ca. arbeitet auch der kr. MoSSad mit MindControl - die Verteidigung geht mit homöopathischem Gold (Aurum metallicum) in verschiedenen Potenzen]
    Gold &
                                                    Mindcontrol? Anwalt
                                                    Henning Witte - Dr.
                                                    Rauni Kilde ist tot
                                                    | Bewusst.TV
    Gold & Mindcontrol? Anwalt Henning Witte - Dr. Rauni Kilde ist tot | Bewusst.TV 18.2.2015
    Gold & Mindcontrol? Anwalt Henning Witte - Dr. Rauni Kilde ist tot | Bewusst.TV 18.2.2015
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    • 2 Std.
Schizophrenia = hearing voices? Secret services send votes!
Cr. Secret services carry out a new MindControl with transmitters + voices - since 1961 with HAARP - and the psychologists claim "schizophrenia"

from Facebook, Jan.23, 2021

Michael Palomino
Then the instructed psychiatrist says "hearing voices = schizophrenic" and the victim is taken care of and eliminated in the psychiatry - it's that easy.
They wanted to do that to me - but I knew what the secret services could do - they did not succeed.

Corrina Jacker
Michael Palomino is
                                  mit rotem Daumen nach oben

Super informed
is called "Voice to Skull" and exists for a long time .. In the UK in 2019 even people took to the streets to protest against it ..

Jörg Kuschke
This is partially right.
This works with HAARP.

Michael Palomino
They wanted to drive me crazy with voices using HAARP etc. since 2012, but I was informed and countered them with natural medicine. In the end, the perpetrators were exposed: Synagogue of Basel = Synagogue Prosecution Service of Basel (Eva Eichenberger, Eymann, Althof, Ambühl and whatever the Zionists are called there). The spies remain stupid ...

Super informed
Gold (Aurum Metallicum) helps homeopathically in 3 different potencies.

[Video about and against MindControl
which was performed first by the Soviets, then CIA copied it, also Sweden worked on it, and since 2012 appr. cr. MoSSad also works with MindControl - defense goes with homeopathic Aurum metallicum with different potences]

Let's see this video about MindControl and the defense with homeopathic gold

Henning Witte with Jo Conrad at Conscious.tv (German: Bewusst.tv)

Video: Gold & Mindcontrol? Anwalt Henning Witte - Dr. Rauni Kilde ist tot | Bewusst.TV 18.2.2015 (39'44'')

Video: Gold & Mindcontrol? Anwalt Henning Witte - Dr. Rauni Kilde ist tot | Bewusst.TV 18.2.2015 (39'44'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u9xFz0Thi8 -- satsang - full -- 20.2.2015

Conscious.tv (German: Bewusst.tv) with Jo Conrad, http://bewusst.tv - Interview with lawyer Henning Witte from Whitetv.se, he is active in Sweden on the front against MindControl (39'17 ''), does educational work there and has the protection effect found out with Aurum metallicum (39'23 ''). Broadcast on February 13, 2015 (39'32 '').

- TIs (target individuals) - scalar waves - magnetic scalar waves - electro magnetic waves - radio waves

Informants about MindControl

- Simon Parks - Truman Dwedlock - Magnus Ulson - David Ike -

Video log

There was a researcher Rauni Kilde who wanted to publish a book about MindControl, and suddenly she got sick, was taken to a hospital and was treated very badly, then went to another hospital, where she said she would be treated better and died then (7'20 '').

MindControl by torture since childhood with voices of transmitters of the secret services
MindControl technology: It's possible to develop too much will, to plant new memory or to eliminate it (7'31 ''), manipulation of the body is possible, paralyzation, twitching, or steering so the victim will slap somebody (7'40 ''), or it's possible to manipulate the body into a vulnerable phase so that diseases occur (7'45 ''). There was the doctor's cousin in Northern Finland, who spoke Swedish well (8'4 ''), then in the end she could hardly speak Swedish or English and claimed that Rauni's book was bad, pages were missing, she claimed that the book couldn't be published (8'22 ''), because she claimed that a publication would damage her reputation (8'30 ''). But the book is in English so she cannot read nor judge what's in the book - so that's all controlled by the mafia, they wanted to stop the book (8'40 ''). With mind control people are manipulated in such a way that they perform a certain action (9'4 ''), so there is pain torture, there is torture, drugs are given, children are manipulated since they are little children with pain torture and drug torture for controlling them for having them as puppets when they are adults being steered from the outer world (9'23 '').

MindControl by radio waves and scalar waves
Then there is the technology with radio waves or scalar waves (9'31 ''). The goal is to undermine free will (9'34 ''), those up there want to have slaves (9'40 ''). People should only remember what they [the manipulators] want and vote for the party they [the manipulators] want etc. (9'44 ''). There are indications that all this happened in Ancient Egypt already, it started with small children, that's how the characters Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson were formed etc. (9'58 ''). Child torture provokes a split in the personality of the children, resulting in multiple personalities [bipolar persons] (10'11 ''), and under hypnosis one can program these bipolar people "to do all sorts of nonsense" (20'18 ''). The victims live normally, don't know anything about their other personalities (20'22 ''). So there is the book "Transformation of America" ​​with the sex programs by Cathy OBrian, she was a victim herself and survived (10'30 ''). They have been split into certain personalities, and if someone searches for certain characteristics with certain words, he / she will find the people with exactly these characteristics, the key words are needed and the program of the hidden personality unwinds (11'6 '') .

Memory switched off and programmed suicide
Then you can switch off the memory of the victim (11'11 ''), and the tortured children when they get older from 30, then the programming dissolves, and then it is programmed that the victims commit suicide (11'29 ' '). It didn't work out with Michael Jackson, so they "helped" a little (11'35 ''). The programming also failed with Marilyn Monroe and maybe that's why they killed her (11'43 '').

MindControl at Hollywood - MindControl with Monarch program - MKUltra programs
All of Hollywood is manipulated with MindControl, all big stars are manipulated in this way (11'52 ''). This is the Monarch program (based on the Monarch butterfly, which only lives in North "America") (12'4 ''). So the Monarch program is a sub-program of the MKUltra program, they wanted to find out whether one can change DNA in the course of life (12'15 ''), including with MindControl methods (12'17 ''). That's why the Monarch program is called that way because of the comparison when a caterpillar is converting into a butterfly (12'20 ''). Typical signals are the Hollywood stars or butterflies somewhere, i.e. tattooed, or a monarch butterfly on the dress etc., that is always an alert that the person stands under MindControl of the criminal secret services (12'31 ''). Butterfly can also be a symbol for methamorphosis because it develops from a caterpillar (12'40 ''). 90% of the victims do not know that they are under MindControl (12'52 '').

GOLD: Homeopathic gold as a defense
You can take homeopathic gold prophylactically every day, even if you don't have the typical symptoms (13'8 ''), as a prevention against the high lodges that torture people there (13'21 '').

MindControl with torture with pain - torture with waves since 1910 appr.: Tesla scalar waves
The old method forming a human being with MindControl for being a slave was the torture of children since they are toddlers, but this manipulation is dissolving with the age and is not solid enough (13'35 ''). Today the victims are irradiated with a type of wave that has existed for over 100 years [since 1910 appr.] (13'43 ''). This wave was invented by Tesla in 1898, so-called scalar waves (13'50 ''), which are slightly different from electromagnetic waves ( 13'53 ''), there were interviews with Constantin Meyer (13'58 ''). Tesla discovered the electric scalar wave in 1898, which can send electricity wirelessly through the air (14'12 ''), so light bulbs were lit without cables over a distance of kms etc. (14'18 ''), and Professor May invented it 20 years ago [approx. 1996] the magnetic scalar wave, and this is used at MindControl because it is biologically relevant (14'28 ''). If you have no idea about it, you cannot protect yourself (14'33 ''). Aluminum hats protect against electromagnetic waves, but not against scalar waves, electrosmog are scalar waves, so depending on the type of wave, the protection is again different (15'1 ''). The scalar waves are beamed onto their victims from small radar devices or computers, or from cell phones, i.e. an iPhone not only receives electromagnetic waves, but also scalar waves (15'26 ''). The electromagnetic waves can be measured and the electromagnetic waves have been reduced with smaller antennas, but the proportion of scalar waves has been increased (15'43 '').

Use of scalar waves for MindControl by TV devices - using DNA of the blood of the victim as an antenna - scalar waves are passing all materials
The scalar waves used to go over the sound of analog television (15'56 ''). With digital television, it goes through the flickering of the screen (16'0 ''). The modern TV sets with SmartTV send all scalar waves, Samsung has admitted it (16'13 ''). Everything is spied on and data is sold on who has such a TV set in the apartment (16'24 ''). And this technology comes from scalar waves that directly influence people in the apartment (16'30 ''). Victims are also specially selected and specifically irradiated (16'37 ''). You can irradiate the whole world with satellites and even from further away (16'47 ''). People groups can be irradiated, as happened in the Iraq war (16'52 ''). When individuals are irradiated, there is a chip implanted there, or their DNA (blood) (17'7 ''). The DNA acts like an antenna and sends and receives magnetic scalar waves (17'13 ''). When you have the blood of a victim, you can build up a resonance and control the victim, and the mean thing with the scalar waves is that they go through everywhere and have a very long range (17'29 ''). Anyone who hears voices in the head and talks to the voices is a victim of MindControl, and persons from outside who have no idea about this are looking at the victim in an annoyed way (17'43 '').

MindControl by chipping: with chips from 3x3cm to mini chips not visible - nano-chips - Africa is a problem
The other MindControl method works with chips, they used to be of big size, in the 1960s they were about 3 by 3 cm (18'3 ''). Once a bull was manipulated in such a way that it ran away from the red cloth (18'24 ''). Today these are RFID chips, chips the size of a grain of rice, they are found on dogs, pets, in the hand of some company employees (18'36 ''). Chips are so small today that they are no longer visible and can be triggered by scalar signals (19'18 ''). For vaccinations, the chips are in the cannula of the vaccination syringe (19'28 ''). There can be chips in the chocolate, in any clothes, to track people, if you pay for clothes with a credit card, they know who bought the item, then they know which person is walking around with which clothes etc. (19'59 '' ).

Insiders clearly state that there are nano-chips in the chemtrails and that people simply breathe them in (20'7 ''). 90% of the world population is already chipped (20'15 ''), 10 to 15% of the people cannot be reached despite chipping or blood espionage (20'25 ''), in sub-Saharan Africa people are particularly difficult to reach, Simon Parks say and Truman Dwedlock (20'32 ''), AIDS and Ebola were deliberately spread there because the population there cannot be controlled (20'42 ''). Apparently the DNA frequency is more difficult to control (20'58 '').

Chipping: Resistance against chip espionage - the groups and maneuvers of MincControl NWO - computers are Mind-controlling 7 billion people (!)
With 10 to 15% it could be the degree of maturity of the soul that protects (21'8 ''), so some people are aloof, you can do so much shine as you want, you can't get the DNA info (21'16 ''). A larger group is waking up that knows what is happening, and a larger group is deliberately informed about what is happening (21'33 ''), these are the so-called TIs (target individuals), so every day a victim is calling us for help (21'46 ''). You let them consciously notice that they are being controlled (21'54 ''), the control is done via computers, that's 7 billion people (22'2''), important politicians are controlled by their security staff (22'7 ' '), people are usually controlled by computers, and if someone "wakes up" then the computer has to be trained (22'15''), and for this training you specifically let people wake up to program the computers (22' 21 ''). So you can control the victims better (22'24 ''). So people sit there, are in pain, hear voices, and talk to them (22'34 ''), so there is intelligent feedback, or instructions like, one should read this and the headline (22'41 ''), and that's right (22'44 ''). So that then relates to the current life, what is instructed there, and the victim knows that there are people somewhere (22'57 '').

Those who don't know anything about this, they will think that the victim is mad (23'0 ''). Psychiatry is researching there. People ending up in psychiatry gets NO help, because many psychiatrists are themselves under MindControl (23'19 ''). The psychiatrists are trained to judge the victims as nuts so that the MindControl procedures are not exposed (23'30 '').

Scientology makes propaganda against criminal psychiatry but stands with NWO
The strongest critics of psychiatry are the Scientologists of Scientology (23'39 ''), calling psychiatry only huge messes, purest superstition and rip-offs (quackery) (23'48 ''). So the Illuminati control the opposition, when people turn to the Scientologists, then they know, someone has woken up again, then a few chips are sent again so that he / she is calm again (24'5 ''). Scientology is the secret arm of the CIA to test and further develop MindControl (24'9 ''). So one should not expect help from Scientology, the victims are only calmed down again (24'18 '').

Sweden: scalar waves - the pendant emitting scalar waves
In 2011 I got the tip from the Swedish secret service that the scalar waves use (24'33 ''). Then came the training in scalar waves (24'38 ''). Then I saw that there is an American company Q-Wave that produces pendants that emit scalar waves against depression (24'47 ''), and there were also trailers for sale against MindControl programs (24'51 ''). So in the "USA" many are affected by it (24'54 ''). During the testing, the pendant was effective for 10 days, then no longer because the attackers bypassed the pendant (25'6 ''). The effect against depression was still there, but there was no longer effect against MindControl (25'10 '').

Then a TableTopDefender was developed to protect the whole house from scalar waves (25'16 ''), against electrosmog, etc. (25'20 ''). That helped a little, but "not really" (25'23 '').

GOLD: homeopathic gold (Aurum metallicum) as a defense from MindControl and scalar waves - 80% defense quote
In 2012 the tip came in Germany: "Gold protects against MindControl" (25'29 ''). So you can't buy a gold helmet, but you can work with homeopathic gold (25'40 ''), the gold frequency is included, does not cost much, and in early 2013, I began with the intake of homeopathic gold Aurum metallicum (25'57 '' ). So it has to be a metallicum, precious metal, there are different ones (26'6 ''). You can take 3 different potencies, the higher the potency, the better (26'17 ''). Everyone has to work it out themselves, e.g. D30, D200 and D100, simply to have the widest possible frequency spectrum (26'34 ''), and that helps about 80% of people (26'44 ''). Pain stops, voices stop, and the other side now claims that gold would make you sick (27'8 ''). Homeopathic remedies do not work with molecules that react with other molecules, but they have their healing effect with waves, with scalar waves, with information (27'28 ''). The body only absorbs the waves it needs, so homeopathic remedies have no side effects (27'36'').

GOLD: the intake of different potencies during some months
Waves can reinforce or neutralize or change each other, it depends with which wave one is acting (28'2 ''). Every victim has to take different frequencies Aurum metallicum and test out how the optimal protection is, this varies depending on the person (28'10 ''). Persons who stop after 1 2 months with 1 2 potencies and thinks that this is ok now, although it is not completely gone, so everyone really has to proceed it just to the end (28'25 ''). Purchase in the Internet costs 5 or 6 euros, in the pharmacy 7 to 10 euros (28'33 ''). At the beginning you should try out 3 potencies, i.e. D30, D200 and C100 e.g. to start (28'43 '').

Homeopathy: principle: flights of 11km of height destroy homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies are negatively influenced by radiation at aircraft altitude (11km) (29'2 ''), that came out with Magnus Ulson, so if you travel around on the plane with homeopathic remedies, the homeopathic remedies no longer have any effect, you have to go shopping for a new remedy after 48 hours (this is the maximum effective time) (29'15''). The computers try to be stronger than the gold protection (29'38 ​​''). Magnus Ulson could not give the speech at the MindControl Congress in Brussels because he was without gold protection and the computer radiation attacks paralyzed him (29'42 ''). The homeopathic gold helps effectively (30'15 ').

Homeopathy: from D12 upwards only waves, no molecules
The vast majority do not take the MindControl victims seriously, gold leaf helmets may also be possible (30'45 ''). Gold water (colloidal gold) consists of still molecules [ions], they are still active there (31'0 ''). Homeopathic gold is from D12 potencies only consists of frequencies, there are no more molecules (31'5 ''). What really helps are the frequencies, not the molecules, so gold water makes no sense (31'11 ''). Gold water is much more expensive than homeopathic gold (31'15 '').

MindControl victims impoverish
People who are MindControl victims are mostly impoverished and can get the cheap, homeopathic Aurum metallicum (31'43 ''). Aurum metallicum also helps against depression, so it can't do any harm (31'50 ''). It can also be taken prophylactically, has no negative side effects (32'10 ''). The people who know and publish live dangerously, Rauni Kilde was murdered (32'23 ''). Simon Parks brings it up again and again, insiders are saying more and more details, knowledge has to expand, awareness has to be created (33'1 ''), David Ike reported a lot about it (33'6 ''), many of David Ike's warnings are now showing as reality (33'19 '').

Sweden=MindControl center - rewarded with Ericsson+Nokia - fear in Sweden from everything - Muslim invasion raping Swedish women without end
MindControl is very common in Scandinavia, in return Ericsson and Nokia were allowed to expand worldwide (34'48 ''). In Sweden there is a subliminal fear that does not exist in Germany (35'3 ''). This is artificially brought about, the country is not as liberal and free as it appears, Sweden is moving towards elimination of cash money and allows mass immigration with Africa + Muslim invaders which is worst of all Europe (35'21 ''). In the case of rape in Sweden, the rate according to the newly established, special research center is 100 rapes per day (35'34 ''). There WAS a quiet life in Sweden, you didn't have to lock either cars or houses (35'45 ''), and all of this is possible with MindControl of politicians, journalists, judges, who do not detain rapists for long but release them, and other decision-makers, everyone stands under MindControl (36'6 '').

Criminal secret services=actors
MindControl is controlled by the secret services (36'8 '').

Soviet Union: Tesla data and begin of MindControl with waves - CIA with MKUltra maneuvers
The first leaders in MindControl were the Soviets with the radar specialists from the 3R after 1945, and they did not demonize Tesla (36'25 ''). The Tesla material came to Belgrade after his death in 1943, Stalin was eagerly reading the Tesla material or had it examined by his scientists, and so the SU was a leader in waves with MindControl (36'40 ''). In the Korean War, the Russians were "ahead" in technology with programmed killers (36'55 '').

The CIA, on the other hand, developed MKUltra, which was exposed in the 1970s, the victims received compensation from the state of up to 100,000 dollars (37'11 ''). First the Russians were furthest, then the Americans, and then Sweden (37'21 '').

MindControl by chipping
In Sweden such gigantic chips [approx. 3x3cm] were built into babies in a baby clinic as early as the late 1940s, most of the babies died from it (37'28''). At that time the control was under the Swedish military, today [2015 approx.] in cooperation with the Caroline Hospital (Carolinisches Krankenhaus), they also have the Human Brain Project with over 1 billion euros in funding, officially this should be a "great thing", but in the background MindControl research can be presumed (37'58 '').

2015: Criminal MoSSad has MindControl technology manipulating ALL THE WORLD
According to the latest information, the MoSSad has purchased the MindControl technique from Sweden and therefore has got the control of the MindControl technology (38'7 ''). This is absolutely worrying (38'16 '').

Psychiatry is also under MindControl and NEVER HELPS - scalar pendant eliminating depression
Affected people should NEVER go to psychiatry, because psychiatry does not give any help, but locks people up, "they are just waiting for it" (38'21 ''), and all psychotropic drugs are "quackery" with a short-term positive effect, but on the long run all "only gets worse" (38'35 ''), there was a mother with Wispertal, good effect in the short term, but in the long term she was more and more dependent and more and more depressed (38'42 ''). Then came the scalar pendant, from then on she could stop taking the psychotropic drugs (38'51 ''). The pendant has eliminated the depression and the effect remains (38'58 ''). The pendant does not help against MindControl, but the person was not a victim of MindControl (39'1'').

Conscious.tv with Jo Conrad, http://bewusst.tv - Whitetv.se is at the front in Sweden (39'17 ''), is doing educational work there and has found out the effect with Aurum metallicum (39'23 '') . Broadcast on February 13, 2015 (39'32 '').

Now look what happened in Switzerland since 1912: It's THIRD REICH before the THIRD REICH:

from 1912: The criminal Civil Code of 1907 (ZGB) comes into force: Psychological terrorism throughout Switzerland against everything that is "different" - including the invention of "schizophrenia"

Terror-Switzerland from 1912: marriage bans, eugenics, Pro Juventute with racism, child robbery, defamations against children and parents, flight from children's homes
<In 1912 the new Swiss Civil Code of 1907 came into force, which allowed marriage bans in all of Shitzerland (Switzerland) based on eugenic criteria (Huonker, p.16). In the same breath, "Pro Juventute" was founded in 1912 by the "Charitable Company" ("Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft"), in the sense of a "youth welfare", led by Ulrich Wille junior, son-general and major of General Ulrich Wille senior, president of the foundation commission until 1958. The focus of activities was robbing children for "endangered children" when there was in the family crime, alcoholism, brutality or inability of the educators (Huonker, p.38). The robbery of children was defined as "violence [...] for the benefit of the children" (Huonker, p.39). The children did not only experience liberation from abuse situations. They also experienced the fight between the authorities and the defending parents and teachers (Huonker, p.39). Children were partly defined as "idiots", parents were labeled as criminals and children were kidnapped from the family (Huonker, p.40), child returns were refused, so that children took their flights from the children's homes (Huonker, p.41).> [web01]

<With taboo topics like homosexuality or drug addiction of the child, parents and guardianship often formed a coalition against the child (Huonker, p.44). From 1912 the state guardianship (staatliche Vormundschaft) had a double instrument for the formation of an "elevated humanity" (emporgehobene Menschheit) with the coming into force of the Civil Code and the newly founded "Pro Juventute". Within Europe, eugenic racism had a top European position in Switzerland (Huonker, p.17.70; Walter Kopp: book "Sterilization by law" (orig. German: "Rechtliche Unfruchtbarmachung", 1934, p.98).

The Swiss authorities were now systematically searching in all Switzerland for children of "vagabonds" in order to realize a new education stopping wandering peoples settling them down (Huonker, p.79). In the "USA", native children were treated just as brutally. Taking away children was a "requirement of human duty and social policy" (Huonker, p. 80). "Pro Juventute" had enormous financial resources at their disposal, e.g. through the Cadonau fund, a fortune that had come about through trading in colonial products in the sense of racism (Huonker, p.87). In 1914 a child classified as "abnormal" was deported from Switzerland to Austria, but smuggled back to Switzerland by the mother. In 1916 the 14-year-old was definitely deported after a new "evaluation report" from Eugen Bleuler (Huonker, p.37).

[The boy did not fit into the formation of an "elevated humanity" in Switzerland, and the child was an Austrian so it was deported ...]> [web01]

Terror canton of Zurich from 1912: defamations and displacement of entire families
<Families were sometimes classified as "Apache society" and whole families were expelled from Zurich (Huonker, p.42), or the child was taken away because of poor housing conditions and the mother was therefore accused of incapacity (Huonker, p.43).> [Web01]

(orig. German:
<Familien wurden z.T. als   "Apachengesellschaft" eingestuft und ganze Familien aus Zürich ausgewiesen (Huonker, S.42), oder die Kindswegnahme wurde wegen schlechter Wohnungsverhältnisse verfügt und die Mutter deswegen der Unfähigkeit bezichtigt (Huonker, S.43).> [web01])
Terror Switzerland from 1912 against wandering societies

     <If the kidnapped children were placed in "foster families", they were often also abused there.
(orig. German: Wenn die geraubten Kinder in "Pflegefamilien" kamen, wurden sie dort oft auch noch missbraucht).
     (see Huonker: Roma, Sinti and Yeniche in Switzerland - a historical overview; 28-01-2006;
     http://www.thata.ch/vortragromasintijenischelaprairiebern28jan06.pdf)> [web01]

[Huonker does not mention that child robbery is for Freemasons and their child rituals
It can be assumed that with the wave of psychology and robbery of children the Freemason Illuminati got children for their child rituals and child abuse in this way: high bankers, judges, politicians etc.]. [web01]

-- 1914-1918 the German Empire systematically lets psychiatric patients starve to death [web01 - Huonker, p.67]
-- the head of "Pro Juventute" is the son of General Ulrich Wille, robbery of children by Pro Juventute is normal [web01 - Huonker, S.? - Bonjour: History of Swiss Neutrality, Vol. VII 1970-1975, pp.54-55]
-- 1915 August Forel defines a "race hierarchy" with blacks as "subhumans" [web01 - Huonker, p.59] [Forel didn't want to learn anything from Albert Schweitzer who was healing blacks in Africa and detected all the damage of white colonialism in Africa - see the books of Albert Schweizer - link]
-- In 1916 Eugen Bleuler wants the sterilization of "incurable" criminals and "other serious psychopaths" [web01 - Huonker, p.125]
[Research into the causes of aggressive parents and the criminal church did not exist until the 1968 movement]

-- December 1916: Pro Juventute organized a "December action" robbing children without end filling the institutions [web01 - Huonker, p.38]
-- 1917: Eugen Bleuler can set up a "child psychiatry" in Burghölzli [with the children which were robbed in December 2016 (!) - web01 - Huonker, p.37]
[To date (2021) there is no psychiatry for parents for treating CRIMINAL PARENTS].

-- 1917: City councilor Paul Pflüger from Zureich for thinking (Zurich) demands the sterilization of women when they married "contaminated men, inferior men and criminal men" [web01 - Huonker, p.109] - at the same time, Pflüger was someone who was fighting for the 8-hour day and for education for everybody [web03].
-- In 1917 Switzerland is introducing the profession of "carer for the poor" ("Armenpfleger") but this is more espionage than care, and there is questioning of neighbors etc. [web01 - Huonker, p.17,19] - Offices pass the collected data to employers and register the data in a "Welfare Central Register" (Fürsorgezentralregister) [web01 - Huonker, p.20,22] - this is total waste of money, and dismissals are provoked with that and new poverty is provoked [web01 - Huonker, p.21-23] - sometimes children can be rescued from abuse situations and good solutions can be found [web01 - Huonker, p.20,22,28] - Family members could resist to the compulsory admissions in psychiatry, so there was a man presenting himself in military uniform, for example, he freed his wife from the Littenheid psychiatry against the institution's owner Dr. Schwyn [web01 - Huonker, p.33]

- the open welfare in Zurich took over rent debts and ran a "people's kitchen" [web01 - Huonker, p.29].

from 1919: Zurich for thinking introduces a tough marriage ban policy and sterilization policy against the own population [web01 - Huonker, p.112-115,128] - [Zurich since 1919 is like a Third Reich, just 15 years earlier]
<From 1919 a rigid policy of prohibiting marriage began in Zurich (Huonker, p.115), with diagnoses such as "inability to marry": "schizophrenia", "youthful idiocy", "moral nonsense", "lack of stability", "idiocy", "imbecility" (Huonker , p.114), danger of "idiotic" children, danger of "crippled" children, danger of "otherwise highly inferior children" (Huonker, p.125), "mentally abnormal", "bad genetic material", or "hereditary idiot" (Huonker, p.128). At the same time a war of expert opinions broke out over the "ability to marry". The diagnosis was decisive. The aim was to secure "healthy" offspring and to eliminate "sick" offspring. The wishes of the women were mostly not taken into account (Huonker, p.112,128). If a criterion was found, there was always sterilization or a marriage ban (Huonker, p.114). In the sick canton of Zurich, especially in Burghölzli, the "doctors" defined who was "mentally ill" and thus decreed the "inability to marry" according to their taste. Even the suspicion of "mental illness" was sufficient for a marriage ban proceedings. In rare cases a "middle course" was taken, a child was admitted, the sterilization was carried out and the marriage was approved (Huonker, p.113-115). In Zurich those affected who were not allowed to marry had also to pay the costs for the marriage ban proceedings (Huonker, p.113). > [web01]

[The eugenic-racist "psychiatrists" never felt "sick" during this time, but played "God" with the patients ...]

And so the terror of psychiatry continued into the 1970s - always covered by the police and the public prosecutor's office. But this Zurich psychiatric terror is of no use at all:

1927: Criminal Zurich: welfare cases do NOT decrease despite the Zurich racist terror (!!!)

<All the measures did not work. In Zurich in 1927 the number of welfare cases with 14% of the population was higher than ever before (Huonker, p.22). Bleuler, still head of the Burghölzli, advocated sterilization of "rampant girls" and "occasionally of men".> [Web01]

(Huonker, S.69; Bleuler, Eugen: Die ärztlichen Anzeigen für frühe Entlassungen. In: Roemer, H./Kolb G./ Faltlhauser V.: Die offene Fürsorge in der Psychiatrie und ihren Grenzgebieten. Berlin 1927, S.148).

Criminal Zurich then also makes a name for itself with a ban on living together (cohabitation) [web01 - Huonker, p.110].

And from the 1930s on a new "criteria" is invented: People who don't want to kill are not allowed to mary:

1930s: People not capable for military service shall all be "incapable of marriage"
Quote (translation):

<Hans Wolfgang Maier defined that those who are militarily unfit are all "unfit for marriage". Subsequently, psychiatric withdrawals from the military, in which Hans W. Maier was actively involved, also resulted in proceedings for a ban on marriage transmitting the military data to the local civil offices (Huonker, p.77). The marriage objection of the Zurich City Council against those who had been defined as unfit had lifelong consequences (Huonker, p.114).> [Web01]

(orig. in German:
<Hans Wolfgang Maier definierte, militärisch Untaugliche seien alle "eheunfähig". In der Folge hatten psychiatrische Ausmusterungen beim Militär, an denen Hans W. Maier aktiv beteiligt war, durch die Übermittlung militärischer Datenreihen auch Eheverbotsverfahren zur Folge (Huonker, S.77). Die Eheeinsprache des Stadtrats Zürich gegen Ausgemusterte hatte lebenslängliche Folgen (Huonker, S.114).> [web01])

from 1930s: Criminal psychiatry invents "hard cures"
-- There is systematic abuse of power in Switzerland by psychiatry, police and judiciary [this is still the case in 2021 - EVERYTHING is spied on, data is sold etc.]
-- Doctors who tell the truth about criminal psychiatry with murders through "hard cures" are punished and foreign doctors are even expelled from the country [web01 - Huonker, p.165]
-- "hard cures" are e.g. insulin shock, cardiazole shock, electric shock (these shocks are invented by the Mussolini regime) [web01 - Huonker, p.143], which usually WORSEN the patient's condition! [web01 - Huonker, p.142]
-- Psychiatric patients are blackmailed by the threat of "hard cures"
-- The criminal psychiatry collaborates with criminal surgeons who destroy the brain with drill holes from the outside with 6% death rate [web01 - Huonker, p.144]
-- Newer shock therapies: malaria cure against syphilis [web01 - Huonker, p.142], Sedobrol and rattlesnake venom against epilepsy [web01 - Huonker, p.151]
-- Patients became "patient material" or guinea pigs [web01 - Huonker, p.145]


Peter Surava alias Peter Hirsch
Peter Surava alias Peter Hirsch. There should be more such brave Suravas!  [27]
As a result, some of the patients rebelled against doctors in a violent way (Huonker, p.146). The resistance against the Burghölzli psychiatry found expression in the newspaper "Die Nation" by Peter Surava and in the "Swiss Observer" ("Schweizerischer Beobachter") (Huonker, p.168). In 1931 the gynecologist and Zurich city councilor Häberlin regretted that the people were not yet "ripe" for marriage bans (Huonker, p.109; Häberlin, Hermann: Practical Health Care (Praktische Gesundheitspflege). Zurich 1931, p.35). Secret sterilizations with subsequent childlessness caused some of those affected to suffer from severe depression (Huonker, p.150) or divorces (Huonker, p.152). The psychiatry produced its own patients ... The opposite happened in 1932, when an Aargau home community could force a marriage against the eugenic-racist Zurich city council (Huonker, p.117; minutes of the Zurich city council of September 11, 1942, no. 1585).
[Somewhere the arrogance and mindlessness of the Zurich bully police Turicum comes from: Bleuler!]

1933-1945: The Third Reich is copying criminal Zurich!

1933-1945: Third Reich murders the "mentally ill"
[without realizing the vaccine damage or upbringing errors or abuses]

-- 1933: The two SWISS racist Ernst Rüdin and August Ploetz write the new race law for the Third Reich [web01 - Huonker, p.89]

First, Rüdin came to Berlin:
<The St. Gallen "psychiatrist" Mr. Ernst Rüdin, head of psychiatry "Friedmatt" in Basel and university professor there, he became director of the psychiatric research institute at the "Imperial William Institute" ("Kaiser Wilhelm Institute") in Berlin in 1928. Rüdin and his student Hans Luxenburger kept in touch with the Bleuler family in Zurich (Huonker, p.63-64).> [web01]
And then the Swiss racist Rüdin was "active" for the Hitler regime:
<In 1933 Hitler's regime took over eugenics for whole Germany, following all other racist state laws and practices that existed around the world. The co-author of the Nazi race laws was the St. Gallen psychiatrist and former Basel psychiatry director of Meadow of Peace (Friedmatt), Ernst Rüdin (Huonker, p.63). The Zurich guidelines of eugenics were essential (Huonker, p.64).>
(original German: <1933 übernahm Hitlers Regime die Eugenik für ganz Deutschland, in Anlehnung an alle anderen weltweit bestehenden rassistischen Staatsgesetze und Praktiken. Mitverfasser der nazistischen Rassegesetze war der St.Galler Psychiater und ehemalige Basler Psychiatriedirektor der Friedmatt, Ernst Rüdin (Huonker, S.63). Wesentlich waren dabei Zürcher Leitlinien der Eugenik (Huonker, S.64).>)

Ernst Rüdin ab 1928 in Berlin im Dienste
                          einer "emporgehobenen Menschheit".
                          Foto von 1936.Ernst Rüdin ab 1928 in Berlin im
                          Dienste einer "emporgehobenen
                          Menschheit". Foto von 1936.
vergrössernMain racist perpetrator: Ernst Rüdin from 1928 in Berlin in the service of an "elevated humanity". Photo from 1936 [25]

-- from 1933 on, refugees from the Third Reich come to Switzerland again and again who are threatened by sterilization in the Third Reich - [thanks to the Swiss psychiatrist Mr. Rüdin!] - such refugees are INTERNED in Switzerland and CUT OFF and ISOLATED from the environment [web01 - Huonker, pp.94-96]
-- In 1934 Ulrich Wille, the president of the "Pro Juventute" foundation commission, meets with Adolf Hitler in Munich [web01 - Huonker, p.38], perhaps to discuss eugenic plans and to install the Nazi youth homes in Switzerland that existed in Switzerlanddddddd up to 1945 [web01 - Huonker, p.71].
-- In 1934 Bleuler defined a new illness in his Burghölzli: "vicious lifestyle" [web01 - Huonker, p.45]
-- Anyone who criticizes criminal psychiatry in Switzerland has the criminal police and the criminal public prosecutor's office on their backs - this is how the Swiss "system" works [web01 - Huonker, p.165]

-- In 1937 doctor Adolf Zolliker thinks that more sterilizations can save the hospitals from proceeding many abortions, which are carried out on "inferior" children [to prevent "hereditary offspring"] [web01 - Huonker, p.129] respectively abortion is in a " higher interest" and the woman should not have the right to wish an abortion herself, but has to carry the child and can be sterilized after birth [web01 - Huonker, p.125-126]
-- In 1937 doctor Hans Binder from Basel thinks that all "inferior" should be sterilized, which would be a "benefit [...] for the general public" [web01 - Huonker, p.108]
-- From 1938 the J-stamp of the Swiss policy against Jewish refugees was introduced stamping the Jewish passports with it giving back the Jews at the border to the Third Reich, this is only a small tightening of the eugenics policy of Switzerland against "inferior" [web01 - Huonker, p.94]

The "psychopaths" are inventing even more "science":
-- In 1938 a school doctor Carl Brugger in Basel calls for the introduction of heredity research in all of Switzerland [web01 - Huonker, p.86-87]
-- In 1939 the Nazi praise comes from the Third Reich with the "scientist" Benno Dukor praising Switzerland for its pioneering role in matters of marriage bans and sterilization [web01 - Huonker, p.110]
"With the creation of the legal provision of Art. 97 ZGB, Switzerland was almost the first European country 27 years ago (only Bulgaria apparently preceded us in Europe), so a marriage ban was introduced in private right for social hygiene against the mentally ill people, this was a marriage ban that [...] according to the intentions of the Swiss legal authorities should serve above all to the racial hygiene goals."

(original German:
"Mit der Schaffung der Gesetzesbestimmung des Art. 97 ZGB dürfte die Schweiz vor 27 Jahren fast das erste europäische Land gewesen sein (nur Bulgarien ist uns anscheinend in Europa darin vorausgegangen), das ein nicht nur rein privatrechtlich, sondern auch sozialhygienisch tendierendes Eheverbot für Geisteskranke einführte, ein Eheverbot, das [...] nach den Absichten des schweizerischen Gesetzgebers, insbesondere auch rassehygienischen Zielen dienen soll.")
(Huonker, S.110; Dukor, Benno: Das schweizerische Eheverbot für Urteilsunfähige und Geisteskranke. Seine Theorie und Praxis für Ärzte, Juristen und Fürsorgebeamte. Zürich 1939, S.5).

Or the praise came in this way:
In 1939, the Nazi state praised the racial hygienist Ernst Rüdin with St.Gallen origin, he had been formerly Friedmatt leader in Basel, then he had "ascended" to the advisory board of population and racial policy at the Reich Ministry of the Interior of the 3rd Reich in Munich. On his 65th birthday, the German side said:


"Professor Rüdin [...] provided the leadership of the Third Reich with a united front of scientific and practical skilled workers for the implementation of the population policy program of National Socialism. [...] This is how German psychiatry has its foresight and energy if it takes the place in the new Reich that corresponds to its great importance for the realization of the goals of our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler. "
(original German:
"Herr Professor Rüdin hat [...] der Staatsführung des Dritten Reiches eine geschlossene Front wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Facharbeiter zur Verwirklichung des bevölkerungspolitischen Programms des Nationalsozialismus zur Verfügung gestellt. [...] So hat die deutsche Psychiatrie es seinem Weitblick und seiner Tatkraft zu verdanken, wenn sie im neuen Reich heute den Platz einnimmt, der ihrer hohen Bedeutung für die Verwirklichung der Ziele unseres Führers Adolf Hitler entspricht.")

(Huonker, S.64; Roemer, H.: Vorwort zur Festschrift zum 65.Geburtstag von Ernst Rüdin. In: Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und ihre Grenzgebiete, Berlin 1939 (unpaginiert).

1940 a new "illness" is invented: Gays:

-- in criminal Shitzerland, from 1940 on (during WWII from 1939 to 1945) the homosexuals were put on the red list and a heredity was claimed. The "research" about gays took place among Jewish refugees (!!!):
<The Swiss Nazi doctor Theobald Lang did research in Jewish refugee camps with the permission of the Swiss authorities with regard to the inheritance of homosexuality (Huonker, p.96).> [Web01]

(original German:
<Der schweizer Nazi-Arzt Theobald Lang forschte in jüdischen Flüchtlingslagern mit der Erlaubnis der schweizerischen Behörden im Hinblick auf die Erblichkeit der Homosexualität (Huonker, S.96).> [web01])

-- 1939-1954 the canton of Bern carried out an average of 17 sterilizations annually [web01 - Huonker, p.75]
-- and the head of the Pro Juventute (Ulrich Wille) becomes the supreme corps commander of the Swiss army under General Guisan [web01 - Huonker, p.38]
-- In 1941 Manfred Bleuler, Eugen Bleuler's son, praised the "genetic prognosis" for sterilization in the German newspaper "The Heredian Doctor" (German: "Der Erbarzt") [web01 - Huonker, p.65]
Manfred Bleuler,
Manfred Bleuler, portrait [31]

[Switzerlandddddd remains Bleulering]

-- In 1941 Othmar Freiherr von Verschuer wrote his "Guide to Racial Hygiene" ("Leitfaden der Rassenhygiene") [web01 - Huonker, p.65]
-- In 1941 Swiss Nazis found the "Swiss Society for Hereditary Research" ("Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Vererbungsforschung") [web01 - Huonker, p.89]
-- 1942: The second Einstein son Eduard Einstein [who had never endured the fact that father Einstein left the family in Zurich in 1919 and screwed loads of rich women in Berlin - so Einstein ended up with endless attacks of anger as a helpless, confused person in the Zurich psychiatry and was defined as "schizophrenic"] - in 1942 Eduard Einstein gets an insulin cure, which doesn't bring anything [web01 - Huonker, p.148]
-- In 1943 the Third Reich carries out the euthanasia and mass murder of the sick and disabled [with Rüdin's laws as a basis] [web01 - Huonker, p.64]
-- Manfred Bleuler becomes the new head of Burghölzli [web01 - Huonker, p.62,89]

Eduard Einstein isst
Eduard Einstein, Psychiatriepatient am Burghölzli, isst ein Eis [32]

-- In 1943 Marianne Ulrich found out that deafness is not hereditary [web01 - Huonker, p.83]
-- In 1943 Ulrich Wille is again in Nazi Berlin at a meeting of Nazi officials [web01 - Huonker, p.38]
-- In 1944 Manfred Bleuler claimed that approx. 4-5% of the Swiss population were "incapable of marriage" [web01 - Huonker, p.118] and claims in a speech at an "advanced training course" on the subject of "genetics for doctors and biologists" that it's possible to foresee psychiatric illnesses of children stating "psychiatric" genetic prognoses" concerning "schizophrenia", epilepsy and depression [for carrying out more sterilizations] [web01 - Huonker, p.90]
-- In 1944, the director of the Epilepsy Clinic in Zurich, Friedrich Braun, said that epilepsy might be a brain injury, but not hereditary. But real changes in treatment only come in the 1960s [web01 - Huonker, p.85-86]
-- On April 19, 1944, the racist philosopher Ernst Rüdin from St.Gallen received a Nazi medal on his 70th birthday for his "merits" in "heritage care", presented by Reich Health Leader Leonardo Conti: "Eagle shield of the German Reich" with the inscription "For the pioneer of human genetic maintenance" (orig. German: "Dem Bahnbrecher der menschlichen Erbpflege") [web01 - Huonker, p.64]

Ernst Rüdin, Swiss Nazi racist with
                              Nazi medal, profile 1944 [33]
Ernst Rüdin, Swiss Nazi racist with Nazi medal, profile 1944 [33]

[The death lists of criminal psychiatry are missing
Now there is no death list showing how many people were killed because of this Ernst Rüdin, that must have been around 100,000 people. In addition, there are the indirect victims through the university lectures and the effect of his books and writings, that should be around 2 or 3 million deaths. The same death lists are missing for all other psychiatrists worldwide. And this is the secretive HOLOCAUST IN PSYCHIATRY, THAT IS MISSING IN THE WORLDWIDE SCHOOLBOOKS TODAY (2021)].

-- In 1944 the child psychiatry is moved from Burghölzli to Männedorf, so the children are no longer shocked because of adult "inferior" people [web01 - Huonker, p.37]
-- In 1944-1950 the Einstein son Eduard is tortured with electric shocks, which doesn't help at all - and the mother Mileva Einstein is said to have a "schizophrenic heredity" [hereditary] [web01 - Huonker, p.147-148]
[Eduard Einstein's trauma of separation and discrimination by the father Albert Einstein is not recognized: It was Mileva Einstein who had taught Albert Einstein the math and made him famous and Albert Einstein never mentioned her - but the reward was that Einstein went to Berlin in 1913 to screw famous women - which was repeated in Princeton in the "USA" from 1933 onwards - in 1933 father Einstein saw his son Eduard for the LAST TIME and son Eduard just went crazy and thus destroyed the reputation of the Einstein family, although actually father Albert Einstein was the perpetrator who was neglecting Zurich completely. The diagnosis for Eduard Einstein should therefore be: Severe trauma through neglect and discrimination. But the Jewish media wanted the Jewish star Einstein, who couldn't be told the truth about how he neglected his children...].

[So Albert Einstein belonged to the "high elite" and the psychiatrists classified his ex wife Mileva as "schizophrenic hereditary". The racists did not realize that they themselves were schizophrenic and that intelligence comes from thinking and not from killing ...]

from 1945: The criminal "psychology" continues with experiments and compulsory sterilization until the 1970s
-- everything is approved by the judiciary and governments
-- the psychiatrists + medical professionals could always claim an experiment or a sterilization in the sense of "progress" [web01 - Huonker in general]

<Since 1945, the elite in Europe and Switzerland hardly changed their attitude towards heredity and sterilization. The social deformations remained catastrophic. In the summer of 1945 the race hygienist Ernst Rüdin from St.Gallen, who had been an important representative of euthanasia in the 3rd Reich, was expatriated and lost his Swiss passport (Huonker, p.96). In Germany, the leading ex-Nazis justified the patient experiments with the practice in the "USA". At the same time the "Psychiatric Service of the City of Zurich" ("Psychiatrischer Dienst der Stadt Zürich") was founded in Zurich under the direction of the new city doctor Hans Oskar Pfister (Huonker, p.167). The Swiss health insurances are sending a first anti-eugenic signal by refusing to take over the costs of the sterilization from 1945 when they threatened to be banned from marriage (Huonker, p.130). As a result, however, those affected had to pay for the sterilization themselves if they wanted to get married. Ludwig Wille suggested sterilization as a "compulsory service" (Huonker, p.130-131), and in Switzerland homosexuality was still considered a "psychologically relevant mental disorder" without any legal basis. The castration was forced with the threat of "permanent internment" (Huonker, p.155-156). And the criminal Nazi Federal Council was now carrying out its revenge actions against the resistance: The resister against the Burghölzli psychiatry, Surava, was arrested, harassed and thus silenced by the Nazi-oriented Federal Councilor von Steiger (Huonker, p.168). [respectively: Surava could no longer publish under his name and had to use pseudonyms].

Nothing changed in Switzerland from 1945 to 1970 (!!!), but the racist eugenic doctors continued their careers in Switzerland from 1945 to 1970 with sterilizations, as if there had been no declaration of human rights (Huonker, p.96,99) . [Switzerland only signed human rights in 1968!]. Nothing was changed at the Nazi psychiatry (Huonker, p.168).

The Nazi research on eugenics was considered in Switzerland as the basis for further sterilization practice (Huonker, p.100) to prevent "hereditary offspring", with the support of the "Julius Klaus Foundation" and its president for life, Schlaginhaufen. The eugenicists Zurukzoglu and Hanhart became university professors (Huonker, p.96). The "eugenic purposes" had to be pursued further, this said the professor of the University of Bern, Jakob Wyrsch, in his book "Judicial Psychiatry" from 1946 (German: "Gerichtliche Psychiatrie"). And in the same sense were writings by Luxenburger, Zurukzoglu and Brugger working in the same direction (Huonker, p.97).

Ernst Hanhart, who became a professor at the University of Zurich, researched the "genetic biology" of the deaf and of "mongoloids" and continued "eugenic consultations" until 1972, remained particularly active. His students supported the sterilization practice until 1972 and partly examined villages for suspicious "clans" (Huonker, p.99). The leading "psychiatrists" also played a leading role in the "medical assessment", for example Eugen and Manfred Bleuler and Hans W. Maier in Zurich, as well as the freelance "psychiatrist" Charlot Strasser. Strasser was against abortions but was proceeding sterilizations with women often (Huonker, p.105,107).

Internationally, sterilization was regarded as a "purely medical matter" (Huonker, p.97) and the "Pro Juventute" continued to prevent the increase of "vagabonds" by robbing children away (Huonker, p.82). Also in the "USA", in Scandinavia and in West Germany (FRG) further sterilizations were carried out. The "hereditary biologists" Othmar Freiherr von Verschuer and Friedrich Stumpfl were leaders in the FRG. The "hereditary health courts" were abolished, but the practice of sterilization continued (Huonker, p.97), in the "USA" against natives until 1985 (Huonker, p.65).

In 1946 the military-racist Zurich welfare secretary Ludwig Wille died (Huonker, p.130). The secretary of the presidential department, Dionys Gurny, took on the marriage objection cases. Gurny relied on art sponsorship and continued to prevent marriage to a lesser extent. Zurich was the only Swiss city that adhered to a "eugenic" marriage ban practice until 1970 (Huonker, p.117). Even the National Federal Court [in Lausanne] supported the Zurich terrorist marriage ban, and the costs had to be paid by the victims (!) (Huonker, p.122). > [web01]

Poison-Pharma invents poison pills against psychiatric patients who have become patients only by constant violence
<1960s: [In the course of the war developments in Korea and Vietnam] the chemical giants invented neuroleptics, lithium and antidepressants [first in the service of the wars and then also] in the service of psychiatry (Huonker, p.144). In the course of the profit from the war and the Cold War, Switzerland remained the vault state of all great powers. As a result, the "bitter poverty" disappeared, supported by new social insurances, the expansion of the scholarship system and the boom until 1973. On the other hand, new misery spread in the foreign workers' barracks (Huonker, p.169). > [web01]

-- 1950s: child bans, compulsory abortions and sterilizations against "inferior" are continuously demanded in Switzerland [web01 - Huonker, p.97,98]
-- in the 1950s gays in psychiatry were given torture with electric shocks because "gay" was considered a disease [web05]

Burghölzli 1950 approx. -1974: Librarian without payment: Trudi W.
-- at Burghölzli, she develops from a patient to a librarian, but she NEVER gets a wage and she EVER gets any rights [web01 - Huonker, p.138-139]
-- Trudi W. was a "free worker" who even got an obituary from Professor Jules Angst in 1974 - all WITHOUT wages [web01 - Huonker, p.141]

-- in the 1960s the criminal Zurich police can no longer enforce the ban on cohabitation [web01 - Huonker, p.110]
[the last canton persecuting and snooping out lovers by the police in order to enforce a ban on cohabitation is Valais uphold the Catholic faith in a Fantasy Jesus calling love an aberration up to 1996 etc.]

-- In the 1960s, the criminal Zurich police found the new field of activity to pursue gays and on 1./2. July 1960 as well as on September 15, 1960 and on 6/7. December 1963 raids were carried out against gays [criminal police wants career points and someone has to be the victim, in those times the gays were the victims] [web01 - Huonker, p.155]

C.G. Jung

-- from 1945 to 1961, C.G. Jung in Zurich studied psychology with conversation analysis without violence. C.G.Jung refuted the primitive Sigmund Freud with his violent fantasies and sexually one-sided dream interpretations etc. [web07].

1968s Movement: The terror of psychiatry is only exposed in the 1968s

With the 1968 movement and the hippies against the highly criminal Vietnam War, the criminal psychiatrists, police and public prosecutors were blocked for the first time. Only with the Beatles and the 1968 movement a fundamental change was coming concerning the observation of who is the perpetrator and who is the victim of domestic violence at home.

Now, the whole psychiatry humbug breaks down:
<It was not until 1970 that Swiss psychiatry turned fundamentally away from research on Nazi racism. The walls around the Burghölzli Clinic in Zurich were torn down, the bars were removed from the windows and the mail's censorship was abolished (Huonker, p.136). The white-racist, America-friendly city president of Zurich, Sigmund Widmer, could no longer enforce a marriage ban against the city council on February 26th, 1970 (Huonker, p.124). The Swiss Society for Heredity Research (Gesellschaft für Vererbungsforschung - Société Suisse de Génétique) dissolved in 1970 (Huonker, p.89).

The prohibition of living together (cohabitation ban) was lifted in the same year 1970 in the canton of Zurich (Huonker, p.111), but remained in many conservative cantons of Shitzerland (Switzerland) [the terrorism of the judiciary against simple coexistence continued until the 1990s, the last Canton was the Catholic canton of Valais in 1996]. The shift away from sterilization and forced methods lasted all in all until the 1980s (Huonker, p.170). Ergotherapy, painting therapy, individual and group therapy were used as new therapies (Huonker, p.144).

Only in 1974 homosexuality was removed from the list of "mentally relevant mental disorders" by the Swiss government (Huonker, p.155).

[In practice, however, things looked different: until the 1990s, homosexuals suffered from massive discrimination when looking for accommodation, when looking for a job, etc.]. > [web01]

1980s: Autonomous Youth Center movement (German: AJZ) against criminal psychiatry

With the AJZ movements of the 1980s, criminal psychiatry is again blocked, which is still working with the criminal police and prosecutors to force the psycho-victims into suicide.
<Attempt to cover up racism in doctors' medicine - deprivation of liberty until the 1980s - sterilizations in the "USA" against native women until 1985

The racism of doctors-medicine should also be hidden further. In 1979 a consciously censored complete edition of the works of the eugenics racist Hans Binder (1899-1989) was edited and published, he had been head of the psychiatric clinic Basel 1932-1942, he had been director of the Psychi Rheinau 1942-1964 and he had been founder of the psychiatric clinic in Winterthur 1945 (Huonker, p.107 -108).

Until 1981, the forced deprivation of liberty (fürsorglicher Freiheitsentzug - FFE) was an arbitrarily enforceable terrorist measure in the canton of Zurich. Only during this period of time a new regulation was installed (Huonker, p.164) with the possibility of appealing to justice (Huonker, p.175). The Swiss Government (Federal Council) only issued federal guidelines for sterilization in 1981 (Huonker, p.71). The racist "USA" under Reagan stopped with their sterilizations and their genocide against native peoples only in 1985 (Huonker, p.60).> [Web01]

In the "USA" the forced sterilization of native women is stopped only in 1985 [web01 - Huonker, p.65].

NO punishment of racist eugenicists and sterilization killers!

You must imagine how criminal justice was: There was NOT ONE SINGLE trial against the racists of psychiatry:

<Death of the racists WITHOUT ANY PUNISHMENT - Attempt to rehabilitate the psychiatric victims - Klaus Foundation "researching" in the genetic field - Austria is still sterilizing (status 2002)

The reorientation of psychiatry was able to prevail, and the old racist eugenicists who wanted to create a "better society" in the Nazi sense slowly died away. Their activities came more and more to light in the 1990s and required political coping.>
for example:
-- Huonker, S.142; Hell, Daniel: "Klinische Psychiatrie - Woher? - Wohin? In: Psychiatrie im Aufbruch. Festschrift 100 Jahre Universitäts-Klinik für Psychiatrie Innsbruck. Innsbruck 1993, S.53-62
Huonker, S.130; Keller, Christoph: Der Schädelvermesser. Otto Schlaginhaufen - Anthropologe und Rassenhygieniker. Eine biographische Reportage. Zürich 1995, S.157>

from 1980s: the term "domestic violence"

Gays and lesbians were not recognized until the 1990s.

The term "domestic violence" did not appear in the mainstream until the 1980s. Laws with a clear formulation of domestic violence only come into being in Germany from 2000 [web04].

The criminal Jesus Fantasy Church with all its compulsions, sex bans and abuses was exposed since 2002 - the education work against the criminal pedophile priests of criminal Jesus Fantasy Church began with the presentation of the criminal pedophile priest Geoghan in 2002 - Link.

The anchor for life is Mother Earth - Link.

<<        >>

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[web01] Der Psychiatrie-Holocaust der "zivilisierten" Welt: http://www.med-etc.com/soz/buch-hoelle/03_psychiatrie-holocaust.htm
[web02] Luther Terrorist: http://www.geschichteinchronologie.com/k/Luther-terrorist/D/me001-video01-folter-massenmord-hexenverfolgung-totschlag.html
[web03] http://www.sozialarchiv.ch/Ueberuns/Pflueger.html
[web04] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Häusliche_Gewalt
[web05] Electroshocks against gays in British prisons; In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ 29./30.11.1997, S.20
[web06] MoSSad Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenie
[web07] C.G.Jung with revolutionary psychoanalysis by speaking without violence: http://www.med-etc.com/ps/traumdeutungen/autoren_Jung.htm
[web08] Sigmund Freud and his violent fantasies: http://www.med-etc.com/ps/traumdeutungen/autoren_Freud.htm

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