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Turning desert into forest 03: Highlands of Ethiopia (Africa): provinces of Amhara, Tigray and Oromia - status 2014

Terraces, dams, ditches, protected meadows, forests, water furrows, ponds, higher harvests - and the river flows ALL year round

Das Hochland von Äthiopien war eine
                    einzige Wüste   Äthiopien:
                        Felder am Hang werden mit Gräben und Dämmen
                        ergänzt 01   Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien: Erdwälle mit Gras
                    und Gräben davor fangen das Regenwasser auf, das
                    dann langsam in den Erdboden sickert
Until 2005 the highlands of Ethiopia were a desert - earth dams with ditches were built, so rainwater seeps into the ground and does not flow away.
8 Jahre später wurde das
                          Hochland von Äthiopien zu einer grünen
                          Landschaft mit Wald und Feldern   Die Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien hat eine
                        neue Kleinfelderwirtschaft mit frischem Gemüse   Der Fluss fliesst seit der
                          Begrünung der Landschaft das GANZE Jahr über
                          und die Bewässerung der Felder ist das GANZE
                          Jahr über möglich
Sustainable agriculture brings a green highland with dams, ditches and forests - harvests are tripled and there are new products - the river flows ALL year round (as of 2014)

presented by Michael Palomino (2018)


1. In 2005 the highlands of Ethiopia were still a desert - the introduction of sustainable agriculture by 2014 - drought no longer harms --
2. Training villages in the countryside - chopping tree holes --
3. Ethiopia, Amhara province: grass fields, livestock stays on the farm and gives more milk --
4. Ethiopia, Tigray Province: tree holes and forest against erosion - terraces are renovated and supplemented with new knowledge --
5. Ethiopia, Oromia Province: Small earth dams planted with grass and ditches at the front: rainwater seeps down and fills the groundwater up --
6. Fish farming and beekeeping --
7. The measures of the Ministry of Agriculture step by step -- 7-1. Enduring commitment -- The exchange of experience goes fast -- 7-2. Villages decide the change together - by the high demand for vegetables and fruits -- 7-3. Landscape-oriented agriculture (landscape approach) -- Highlands of Ethiopia: Example of a landscape that has been sustainably established sector by sector: Terraces - the cattle stay on the farm, grass and meadow territories -- 7-4. On the mountain ranges: Installation of water furrows and forestation --
8. The control of rainwater with terraces, dams, ditches, forest and water furrows: Groundwater level is rising - wells are filling - the river flows ALL year round - irrigated agriculture can be ALL year round - new varieties of vegetables - harvests are more than tripled --
9. Credits: film producers, credits, financial contributions
Video: Regreening Ethiopia's Highlands: A New Hope for Africa (13'9'')

Video: Regreening Ethiopia's Highlands: A New Hope for Africa (13'9'') - YouTube channel: TerrAfrica  published  on Sep.21, 2014

1. In 2005 the highlands of Ethiopia were still a desert - the introduction of sustainable agriculture by 2014 - drought no longer harms

Title: Regreening Ethiopia's Highlands. A message of hope for Africa (8'').
Hochebenen Äthiopiens. Eine
                      Hoffnungsbotschaft für Afrika   Das Hochland von Äthiopien war eine
                      einzige Wüste   8 Jahre später wurde das Hochland
                      von Äthiopien zu einer grünen Landschaft mit Wald
                      und Feldern  
Film title: The highlands of Ethiopia. A message of hope for Africa - The highlands of Ethiopia were a complete desert - 8 years later the highlands of Ethiopia became a green landscape with forest and fields
The highlands of Ethiopia are increasingly transforming from a desert into a fertile landscape with forests and fields, and more and more fresh vegetables are available on the markets (33''). Ethiopia used to be a country of hunger, but that has changed in the last 10 years (1'12'').
Markt im äthiopischen
                      Hochland,z.B. mit Zwiebeln und Kohl   Gesunde und gut ernährte Kühe im äthiopischen
                      Hochland   Das Hochland von
                      Äthiopien (Stand 2014) mit Wald, Terrassen und
Market in the Ethiopian highlands, e.g. with onions and cabbage - Healthy and well-fed cows in the Ethiopian highlands - The highlands of Ethiopia (as of 2014) with forest, terraces and fields
                    in Äthiopien war gestern 01   Dürre
                    in Äthiopien war gestern 02   Das Hochland von
                    Äthiopien ist grün geworden mit Wald und Feldern
Drought with hunger in Ethiopia was yesterday 1,2 - The highlands of Ethiopia have become green with forest and fields

Eine Männergruppe geht zum Bäumepflanzen  
A group of men are going to plant more trees

The government has launched a reforestation program: "Sustainable Land Management Program" (1'14''). The principles of this program are laid down in Ethiopia's new constitution (1'24''). Agriculture Minister Sileshi Getahun:
"The farmers in the community are benefitting from it, are giving their own testimony (1'30''), how that is also supporting the environment and how that is also supporting their household, income." (1'38'')
                        Regierung hat ein Regierungsprogramm für eine
                        nachhaltige Landwirtschaft aufgelegt, das
                        "Sustainable Land Management
                        Programme"   Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
                        in Äthiopien: Heufelder statt überweidete
                        Flächen, das Vieh bleibt zuhause   Landwirtschaftsminister Sileshi Getahun
The Ethiopian government has launched a government program for sustainable agriculture, the "Sustainable Land Management Program" - Sustainable Agriculture in Ethiopia: hey fields instead of overgrazed areas, and the cattle remains at home - State Minister of Agriculture Sileshi Getahun
The chairman of the Kebele Station in Tigray, Egziabher Gebre Wahed: "The strategy of using sustainable land management to eradicate poverty has been very effective." (1'48'')

Markt im äthiopischen Hochland mit
                    Teeblättern   Kleinfeldlandwirtschaft im Hochland von
                    Äthiopien mit Bäumen und Bananenstauden rund rum  
Market in the Ethiopian highlands with tea leaves - small field agriculture in the highlands of Ethiopia with trees and banana plants all around

2. Training villages in the countryside - chopping tree holes

Whole villages had to be retrained and convinced that it was worth changing the agriculture principles, and experts assisted with important details and tricks (2'0'').

Hochland von
                    Äthiopien: Es mussten ganze Dörfer neu geschult
                    werden 01   Hochland von
                      Äthiopien: Es mussten ganze Dörfer neu geschult
                      werden 02  
Highlands of Ethiopia: Whole villages had to be retrained 1,2

Redner mit
                          Hacken und Schaufeln an einer Dorfversammlung
                          01   Redner mit
                          Hacken und Schaufeln an einer Dorfversammlung
                          02   Ato Belete
                          Tafere, Minister for Environment & Forest
Speaker with hoe and shovel at a village meeting 1,2 - Ato Belete Tafere, Minister for Environment & Forest

H.E. Ato Belete Tafere, Minister of Development and Forestry: "So the planning is both ways. Framework planning is developed by the region by the top government, but as a right, the final plan endorsement is coming from the bottom [with a vote of the population]." (2'17''). At the end of each meeting there was always a vote and with the decision the change of agriculture was implemented (2'25''). Distances were set where trees would be planted or dams were installed - and then holes have been chopped to plant trees or to install proper terraces (2'33'').
Die Umwandlung in eine nachhaltige
                      Landwirtschaft: Die Vermessung von Baumpositionen   Die Umwandlung in eine nachhaltige
                      Landwirtschaft: Es werden Baumlöcher gehackt 01   Die Umwandlung in eine nachhaltige
                      Landwirtschaft: Es werden Baumlöcher gehackt 02
The transformation into a sustainable agriculture: The measurement of tree positions - The transformation into a sustainable agriculture: tree holes are chopped 1,2

3. Ethiopia, Amhara province: grass fields, livestock stays on the farm and gives more milk

The Blue Nile has it's origin in the province of Amhara in Ethiopia. At the same time, the pastures were overgrazed with livestock, resulting in erosion. The cattle are now kept on small areas near the farm, and the grass is brought in from other areas so that the pastures are well under control and can recover (3'14'').
Karte von Äthiopien mit
                      den Hochland-Provinzen   Karte von
                      Äthiopien mit der Provinz Amhara mit der Quelle
                      des Blauen Nils   Provinz Amhara: Die Überweidung
                      provozierte Erosion
Map of Ethiopia with the highland provinces of Oromia, SNNPR, Gambella, Benishangul-Gumuz, Amhara and Tigray - Map of Ethiopia with the province of Amhara with the source of the Blue Nile - Amhara Province: Overgrazing provoked erosion
The cattle remains at the farm and the grass is brought to them, so the territories are under perfect control and in perfect condition. Mr. Girmaw Tezazu, a Catchment Committee Member of Amhara: "The grass you see growing is the result of our work. We now cut and carry the panels to our animals" - and at the same time the cows on the farm produce more milk at home (3'27'').
Die Kühe bleiben am Hof und
                      fressen gelegtes Gras 01   Girmaw Tezazu vom Committee Amhara   Provinz Amhara:
                      Gras wird geschnitten und nach Hause zum Vieh
The cows stay on the farm and eat the grass which is brought to them 01 - Girmaw Tezazu from Committee Amhara - Amhara Province: grass is cut and brought home to the cattle
Prozinz Amhara: Die Kühe am
                      Hof fressen gelegtes Gras 02 und geben MEHR Milch
                      als frei in der Landschaft   Provinz Amhara: Schwarz-weisse Kühe am Hof
Amhara Province: The cows at the farm eat laid grass which is brought to them 02 and give MORE milk than being free in the countryside - Amhara Province: Black and white cows at a farm
Grasland regeneriert wieder 01   Grasland regeneriert wieder 02   Teje Gelaw, Bauersfrau aus
                      der Provinz Ahmara, Äthiopien
Farmer Mrs. Teje Gelaw: "It [the landscape] used to be exposed to erosion, but now has become fertile like a flower" (3'46'').
4. Ethiopia, Tigray Province: tree holes and forest against erosion - terraces are renovated and supplemented with new knowledge

Tigray Province was a complete desert landscape (3'50''). And when it rained, the erosion was very bad (4'3''), and the mountains were all bare (4'6''). Farmer Geiorgis Gebre Mariam from Tigray: This place was previously unsuitable for people and animals (4'23''). They even thought about leaving the place. (4'25'')
"Before this work, it was a place unsuitable cattle and men. We were even considering leaving. At first I opposed the conservation work, but now, I am the main defender of the program." (4'32'')
Die Provinz Tigray mit
                    Wüstenhochland in Äthiopien, Karte   Im Wüstenhochland von Tigray herrschte
                    Erosion   Im Wüstenhochland von
                      Tigray in Äthiopien waren nur kahle Berge
Tigray Province until 2005 with desert highlands in Ethiopia, map - In the desert highlands of Tigray erosion prevailed - and only bare mountains
Die Provinz
                    Tigray in Äthiopien wird mit der neuen
                    Landwirtschaft wieder grün   Die Provinz Tigray in Äthiopien wird
                    mit der neuen Landwirtschaft wieder grün mit
                    bewaldeten Hängen   Getreideernte
                    in Tigray
Tigray Province in Ethiopia becomes green again with the new agriculture - with wooded slopes - grain harvest in Tigray
Ein Dorf in Tigray in der Wüste
                      vor der Umstellung der Landwirtschaft: Die Leute
                      dachten wegzuziehen   Provinz Tigray, Bauer Gebre Mariam  
A village in Tigray in the desert before the change of agriculture: people thought to move away - Tigray Province, farmer Gebre Mariam

Provinz Tigray, die
                      Bevölkerung hackt Baumlöcher 01   Provinz Tigray, die
                      Bevölkerung hackt Baumlöcher 02
Tigray Province, the population is hacking tree holes 1.2

There were old terraces, which were now rebuilt combined with new knowledge (4'51''). The terraces of the Loess Plateau in China (5'0'') were the model. Moisture was retained, the soil remained moist, and everything turned green again with grasses, vegetables and fruit trees (5'15'').

Provinz Tigray, da waren
                    alte Terrassen für die Landwirtschaft   Provinz Tigray: Die Terrassen
                    werden neu hergestellt 01   Provinz Tigray: Die Terrassen
                    werden neu hergestellt 02
Tigray Province, there were old terraces for agriculture - Tigray Province: The terraces are being rebuilt 1.2
China: Terrassenbau auf dem Loess-Plateau   Provinz Tigray: Zwiebeln wachsen auf
                    Terrassen   Provinz Tigray: Fruchtbäume wachsen
                    auf Terrassen
China: Terrace construction on the Loess Plateau - Tigray Province: Onions grow on terraces - and also fruit trees

5. Ethiopia, Oromia Province: Small earth dams planted with grass and ditches at the front: rainwater seeps down and fills the groundwater up

In Oromia Province all the forest was cut down and the erosion destroyed more and more the pastures (5'33'').
Karte von Äthiopien mit der Provinz Oromia   Provinz Oromia in
                      Äthiopien: Die Abholzung provoziert Erosion   Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien:
                      Waldpflanzungen und Erddämme in den Feldern gegen
Map of Ethiopia with the province Oromia - Oromia Province in Ethiopia: Deforestation provokes erosion - Oromia Province in Ethiopia: Forest plantations and earth dams are installed in the fields against erosion
The villages have decided on conservation measures and have built a series of earth dams and water holes (5'37''). The earth walls were stabilized with grass (5'40''). In front of the earth walls there are ditches where rainwater is collected, which slowly seeps into the earth after the rain [and fills up the groundwater for new springs] (5'51'').
Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien: Erdwälle mit
                      Gras und Gräben davor fangen das Regenwasser auf,
                      das dann langsam in den Erdboden sickert
Oromia Province in Ethiopia: earth walls with grass and ditches in front of it catching the rainwater, which then slowly seeps into the ground filling the groundwater up
Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien:
                          Edwälle und Wasserlöcher auf den Feldern
                          beugen der Erosion vor   Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien: Erdwälle
                          werden mit Gras bepflanzt gegen Erosion  
Oromia Province in Ethiopia: earth dams and water holes in the fields prevent erosion - Oromia Province in Ethiopia: earth walls are stabilized with grass against erosion
This field management with earth dams and ditches combined with reforestation regenerates the old fields of the indigenous people (6'0''). This creates new, positive living conditions (6'6'') and new vegetables grow in small field agriculture, e.g. with banana plants all around (6'11'').
Die Provinz Oromia in
                      Äthiopien geniesst die neue Bewaldung   Die Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien hat eine neue
                      Kleinfelderwirtschaft mit frischem Gemüse   Die Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien hat
                      eine neue Kleinfelderwirtschaft z.B. mit
                      Bananenstauden rundrumOromia Province in Ethiopia enjoys the new forestation - Oromia Province in Ethiopia has a new small field economy with fresh vegetables - or with banana plants around it.
6. Fish farming and beekeeping

Farmer Mezgebu Tadesse says: "An expert came to me and suggested fish farming. And that is what I have done." (6'24''). Fish gives protein to the diet, so his income increased (6'30'').

                    Provinz Oromia in Äthiopien, Bauer Mezgebu Tadesse
                    hat einen Fischteich   Die Provinz Oromia in
                    Äthiopien, Bauer Mezgebu Tadesse   Die Provinz
                    Oromia in Äthiopien, Bauer Mezgebu Tadesse mit
                    Fischteich hat mit Proteinfütterung grössere Fische 
Oromia Province in Ethiopia, farmer Mezgebu Tadesse has a fish pond - and with selling fish he rose his income.

In addition, with the growing diversity of species, beekeeping with beehives has also become possible (6'35'').
Die Provinz Oromia
                    in Äthiopien, Imkerei mit Bienenstöcken wird
Oromia Province in Ethiopia, beekeeping with beehives becomes possible

7. The measures of the Ministry of Agriculture step by step

7-1. Enduring commitment

1. Enduring commitment to maintain the landscape sustainably (7'5''), e.g. to build dams and ditches within the field areas on fields with little inclination (7'10'').

Addis Abbeba, das Landwirtschaftsministerium   Äthiopien: Felder am
                    Hang werden mit Gräben und Dämmen ergänzt 01   Äthiopien: Felder am
                    Hang werden mit Gräben und Dämmen ergänzt 02
Addis Abbeba, the Ministry of Agriculture - Ethiopia: Low-tilt fields are supplemented with trenches and dams 1.2

The exchange of experience goes fast

Teshome Wale, Deputy Manager, Agriculture Office in Amhara: "If we have one capella that has good experience to share, we take the feedback on violet, send it to all other districts and cappellas. The information reaches about 3,000 cappellas in Bahirdar within just two or three days." (7'41'') - In addition, the government and experts form common groups (7'53'').
Teshome Wale, der stellvertretende
                    Geschäftsführer vom Landwirtschaftsbüro in Amhara     
Teshome Wale, the deputy managing director of the agricultural office in Amhara

7-2. Villages decide the change together - by the high demand for vegetables and fruits

There is a high demand (it's demand-driven) (7'55'') and it affects all people in the population (7'57''). The municipalities decide on their own change for a sustainable development (8'3'').

Hochland von Äthiopien:
                      Dorfversammlung am kahlen Hang für die Einführung
                      der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft   Lauchfeld im Hochland von Äthiopien   Getreidefeld im Hochland von Äthiopien
Highlands of Ethiopia: Village meeting on a bare slope for the introduction of sustainable agriculture - leeks field - grain field

At the same time, the government has launched a land certification program that gives farmers more security and an incentive to reinvest in sustainable agriculture (8'19'').

7-3. Landscape-oriented agriculture (landscape approach)

Not only does water have to be poured, but the whole landscape has to be taken into account (8'29''). Ethiopian Agriculture Minister Sileshi Getahun: "Then upwards that we identified and found to be suitable for the Ethiopian landscape is that watershed approach and the landscape approach." (8'40'').

Der Landwirtschaftsminister
                    von Äthiopien Sileshi Getahun   Das Hochland von
                    Äthiopien wird wieder grün mit Wald, Dämmen und
The Minister of Agriculture of Ethiopia Sileshi Getahun - The highlands of Ethiopia are turning green again with forests, dams and ditches

Highlands of Ethiopia: Example of a landscape that has been sustainably established sector by sector: Terraces - the cattle stay on the farm, grass and meadow territories

Here is an example of a landscape in Ethiopia how it was until 2005:

Eine Landschaft wird in 4
                          Sektoren aufgeteilt 

The landscapes can be divided into different types and sectors, e.g. into 4 sectors (8'47''):

Hochland von Äthiopien, Beispiel einer
                    Landschaft Sektor 1: Niedriges Land wird bewässert,
                    wenn in der Regenzeit der Fluss fliesst   Hochland von Äthiopien,
                      Beispiel einer Landschaft Sektor 2: Vom Regen
                      bewässertes Getreideland
1. Lowland as irrigated land [when the river flows in the rainy season] (8'49'') - 2. Cereal land irrigated by the rain during rainy season (8'53'')
Hochland von Äthiopien, Beispiel einer
                    Landschaft Sektor 3: Weideland weiter oben   Hochland von Äthiopien, Beispiel einer
                      Landschaft Sektor 4: Berghänge mit Erosion
3. Pastures further up (8'56'') - 4. Eroded mountain slopes (9'0'')

First, there were measures in the rain-irrigated cereal land in Sector 2: Terraces and ditches were created so that the water no longer drained quickly (9'9'''). In sector 3 in the overgrazed pasture zone, measures were taken to combat overgrazing and the zone gradually regenerated, i.e. with the protection of parts of the land with fences, so that the land was completely protected and could be used much better because the animals no longer were eating anything away, biodiversity was returning and the entire landscape has regenerated (9'43''). In addition, the feed for the cattle improved and the cattle produced more milk and more offspring at home at the barn (9'55''). This has resulted in a positive circuit (10'3'').

Schema: Kleine Felder gegen Tierfrass
                              einzäunen ergibt besseres Gemüse,
                              Artenvielfalt und besseres Vieh 1. Land is fenced and regenerated
2. All the vegetation becomes better
3. Biodiversity is returning and CO2 is reduced
4. The whole landscape becomes healthy
5) Livestock is also becoming healthier and more productive with more milk and more offspring.
Scheme: Fencing small fields against animal feed results in better vegetables, biodiversity and better livestock

7-4. On the mountain ranges: Installation of water furrows and forestation

At the end of many years of development, also in the the eroded mountain slopes in sector 4 measures were taken: water furrows and forests were installed to slow down the flow of watercourses and thus minimizing erosion (10'13'').
Hochland von Äthiopien:
                    Hohe Berghänge mit Wasserfurche 01, um die
                    Fliessgeschwindigkeit der Gewässer abzubremsen   Hohe Berghänge im
                    Hochland von Äthiopien mit Bewaldung gegen Erosion
Highlands of Ethiopia: High mountain slopes with water furrow to slow down the flow velocity of the waters - forestation against erosion

8. The control of rainwater with terraces, dams, ditches, forest and water furrows: Groundwater level is rising - wells are filling - the river flows ALL year round - irrigated agriculture can be ALL year round - new varieties of vegetables - harvests are more than tripled

The final state: Rainwater was now completely controlled over large areas (10'18''). In addition, the groundwater level rose, wells were filling again, and the river now flows ALL year round, so that the irrigated fields can be planted ALL year round, and many more varieties can be planted than before [even varieties that need more water] (10'38'').

[Permaculture agriculture is missing yet so also agriculture WITHOUT irrigation would be possible].

Hochland von
                    Äthiopien: Das Regenwasser wird nun fast überall
                    kontrolliert   Hochland von Äthiopien: Der
                    Grundwasserspiegel steigt, und in den Brunnen steigt
                    der Wasserpegel  
Ethiopian Highlands: Rainwater is now controlled almost everywhere - the groundwater level is rising, and the water level in the well is rising
                    Fluss fliesst seit der Begrünung der Landschaft das
                    GANZE Jahr über und die Bewässerung der Felder ist
                    das GANZE Jahr über möglich
Since the greening of the landscape, the river is flowing ALL year round, and irrigation of the fields is possible ALL year round now.
Bewässerte Felder
                      beim Fluss mit ganzjähriger Bewässerung   In
                      den hohen Berghängen wurden auch Weiher angelegt,
                      hier mit einem Treppenzugang  
Irrigated fields by the river with year-round irrigation - in the high mountain slopes, ponds have also been created filling the groundwater up, here with a stairway access.
Harvests and incomes have thus increased markedly (10'44''). Mr Enideg Diress Tegegne, SLM Coordinator in Amhara, says: "The farmers used to produce only 8 quintals of grain per hectare before, but now they can produce from 20 to 32 quintals." (10'58'') - In less than 10 years, 10 million hectares of land have been regenerated (11'5''), on 15 million hectares of land sustainability measures have been implemented (11'10'') and a total of 30 million people have improved their lives through this program (11'15'').

Das Hochland von
                    Äthiopien ist in weniger 10 Jahren eine grüne
                    Landschaft geworden, mit Feldern, Bachläufen und
                    Wäldern 01  Das Hochland von
                    Äthiopien ist in weniger 10 Jahren eine grüne
                    Landschaft geworden, mit Feldern, Bachläufen und
                    Wäldern 02
The highlands of Ethiopia have become a green landscape in less than 10 years, with fields, creeks and forests 1,2

9. Credits: film producers, credits, financial contributions
                              Filmproduzenten 01  Die
                              Filmproduzenten 02   Die
                              Filmproduzenten 03
The film producers 1,2,3
Danksagung 01   Danksagung 02
Credits 1,2
Beiträge vom Weltbankteam   Beiträge vom GIZ-Team
Contributions from the World Bank Team - Contributions from the GIZ Team

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