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Moon news 02: FAKE Moon - video minutes

Spy satellite - much too big + much too light - number games - wrong rotation - legends of life without the moon etc.

Video log: The moon is artificial: An observation station of the aliens (24'7'')

The FAKE moon is hollow with floors   The FAKE lunar craters are all
                          equally deep   A total solar eclipse
                          has a probability of 1 in 1 trillion  
The FAKE moon is hollow with floors [1] - The FAKE lunar craters are all equally deep [5] - A total solar eclipse has a probability of 1 in 1 trillion [14]

Legends of the
                                              natives tell of a time
                                              when there was no moon   Book by
                                                Knight+Butler: "Who
                                                Built the Moon?"   Article:
                                                Mysterious monuments on
                                                the moon     
Legends of the natives tell of a time when there was no moon [16] -  Book by Knight+Butler: "Who Built the Moon?" [28]
Article: Mysterious monuments on the moon [33]



The facts about the hollow Moon (video minutes) on Aug 24, 2024: Spy satellite - much too big+much too light - number games - wrong rotation - legends of life without the moon etc.
Video on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bgl9L_2Y3U (11.2.2023)
Video on: https://t.me/standpunktgequake/157546 (24.8.2024)

  Video log: The moon is artificial: An observation station of the aliens (24'7'')
(orig. German: Der Mond ist Künstlich: Eine Beobachtungsstation der Außerirdischen)
  Video log: The moon is artificial: An observation station of the aliens (24'7'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bgl9L_2Y3U - YouTube channel: Universe Inside You Deutschland - installed on Feb 11, 2023


1. Weird Moon facts: the Moon is older than Earth
2. Moon numbers: codes 400, 108, 366, 1092, 273
3. The moon and espionage: always facing the same side - and the solar eclipse: probabillity 1 to 1 trillion
4. The Moon and the tides: the tilt of 5 degrees to the equator
5. Where does this strange moon come from? The information of the indigenous cultures about times WITHOUT the moon
6. Genetics of humanity: tesis: there was a "mytochondrial Eva"
7. The consequences of the installation of a Moon: the new living conditions
8. More Moon numbers: it's weight is too light
9. Ru 1970: Russian moon article by Vassijn and Sherbakov in Sputnik Magazine: Moon=spy satellite
10. GB 2006: British Moon book by Night and Butler "Who built the moon?": Moon=spy satellite
11. Moon Games from November 1969: "Moon module" and long earthquakes during landing
12. Geometric buildings on the Moon
13. Intentionally blurred Moon photos - photographer Mr. Escamilla colorizing Moon photos+discovering artificial structures
14. WHO built the structures on the Moon? And where are they now?
15. Moon Games in 1969: 2 minutes of radio silence - Armstrong warns of spaceships - Armstrong 1994: truth is hidden
16. There are extraterrestrials: hints from "US" "astronauts"
17. 1950s: Physicist Mr. Enrico Fermi says clearly: the universe is very large + many other civilizations are to be assumed
18. Prediction by astronomer Mr. Carl Sagan 1980 appr.: When truth breaks out, there may be a great anger
19. 1960s: NASA Brokings Report claims that truth about extraterrestrials would be dangerous

Video minutes:

1. Weird Moon facts: the Moon is older than Earth

-- Robin Bread (NASA scientist) explained: "It seems easier to explain the NON-existence of the moon than it does to explain its existence." (2'0'')
-- the moon is millions of years OLDER than the earth (2'20'')

Colored moon photo: Wide terrace
                      pyramid on the moon   Moon photo: Steep pyramid on the moon   Colored moon photo: Tower on the moon
Colored moon photo: Wide terrace pyramid on the moon [0a] - Moon photo: Steep pyramid on the moon [0b] - Colored moon photo: Tower on the moon [0c]

The FAKE moon is hollow with floors   The FAKE moon is an alien spy satellite   Robin Bread: It is easier to prove the
                      NON-existence of the moon than its existence
The FAKE moon is hollow with floors [1] - The FAKE moon is an alien spy satellite [2]
Robin Bread: It is easier to prove the NON-existence of the moon than its existence [3]

-- if one compares the moons of Jupiter and Earth, the Earth's moon is much too big, respectively comparing the proportions of the Jupiter moon to Jupiter, then the Earth's moon would have only a diameter of 50km (2'35'')
-- Earth's moon diameter: 3475 km, so the Earth's moon is proportionally more than 72x larger than the moon of Jupiter (2'50'')

Size comparison of the moons of
                      Jupiter and Earth  
Size comparison of the moons of Jupiter and Earth [4]

-- the moon craters are different sizes, but they all have the same depth, and this is NOT natural, and the moon "astronauts" could not drill into the ground, that was much too hard (3'15'')
The FAKE lunar craters are all equally
The FAKE lunar craters are all equally deep [5]

-- during the moon games [in the moon hall in Texas] 1968-1973, the moon "astronauts" discovered also metals like brass, mica and pure titanium on the "moon" which do not occur naturally (3'22'')

Moon landings [simulation
                      in the moon hall] 1969-1973: brass, mica and pure
                      titanium were "found"
Moon landings [simulation in the moon hall] 1969-1973: brass, mica and pure titanium were "found" [6]

2. Moon numbers: codes 400, 108, 366, 1092, 273
-- the numerical relationships between Sun, Moon and Earth are unique, so that can't be a coincidence (3'45''):

1. Code 400
The sun is exactly 400x bigger than the moon (3'53''):
Graphic with code 400: 4 moon diameter of 2160 miles each x 100 = diameter of the sun of 864,000 miles (3'47'')
and almost 400x as far away (3'57'')

Code 400: 4 Moon diameter x 100 =
                      Sun diameter
Code 400: 4 Moon diameter x 100 = Sun diameter [7]

2. Code 108
Graphic: with code 108 (1 to the power of 1 x 2 to the power of 2 x 3 to the power of 3 = 4x24 = 108):
a) The diameter of the Sun is 108 Earth Diameter (98.8%)
b) The distance between the Sun and the Earth is 108 solar diameters (99.5%)
c) The distance from the Earth to the Moon is 108 Moon diameters (97.6%). (3'55'')

Code 108: The distances
                      between the Moon, Earth and Sun
Code 108: The distances between the Moon, Earth and Sun [8]

3. Code 366
a) Earth is rotating 366 times around its own axis within a year
b) incomprehensible (ENGL: It's 366% measurement of the moon at the poles.)
c) The Moon orbits the Earth 366x (4'2'') in 10,000 days

Code 366: Earth days per year -
                      and rotations of the moon around the earth every
                      10,000 days
Code 366: Earth days per year - and rotations of the moon around the earth every 10,000 days [9]

4. Code 1092
a) There are 109.2 Earth diameters across the Sun's diameter
b) At its farthest point, there are 109.2 diameters between the Earth and the Sun
c) The circumference of the Moon is 10,920 kilometers. (4'10'')

Code 109.2: Sun's diameter = 109.2
                      Earth's diameters - between Sun and Earth there
                      are 109.2 Sun's diameters - the Moon's
                      circumference is 10,920km
Code 109.2: Sun's diameter = 109.2 Earth's diameters - between Sun and Earth there are 109.2 Sun's diameters - the Moon's circumference is 10,920km [10]

5. Code 273
a) The polar circumference of the Moon is 27.3% - the same as Earth
b) The Moon orbits Earth every 27.3 Earth days. (4'17'')

Code 27.3: Polar latitude and lunar month
Code 27.3: Polar latitude and lunar month [11]

The probability for such number structures is 0. and 64 zeros and then the 1, so:
0,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% (4'25'').

The probability of the Moon
                      numbers is 0. and 64 zeros + 1
The probability of the Moon numbers is 0. and 64 zeros + 1 [12]

3. The moon and espionage: always facing the same side - and the solar eclipse: 1 to 1 trillion

-- the "tidal lock"
-- the rotation of the Moon corresponds exactly with it's orbit (4'49''), that is, the moon has always turned the same side towards Earth, and this phenomenon is against all natural laws (4'57'')

The FAKE moon always points
                        THE SAME side to the Earth - and this is a
                        natural IMPOSSIBILITY
The FAKE moon always points THE SAME side to the Earth - and this is a natural IMPOSSIBILITY [13]

-- so people can NEVER see the far side of the Moon, which is also called "the dark side of the moon" (5'6'')
-- actually the rotation of the planet Earth should bring the Moon into a fast counter-rotation ("throw into a furious counter-rotation") comparing with other planetary systems with moons (5'19'')
-- the Moon of the Earth is like an "all-watching eye" which monitors Earth completely and always (5'29'')
-- the total solar eclipse caused by the Moon has a probability of 1 in 1 trillion (5'44'')
-- if you look at the total solar eclipse from space, the apparition looks like an eye (5'54'')

A total solar eclipse
                        has a probability of 1 in 1 trillion   A total solar eclipse
                        seen from space looks like an eye
A total solar eclipse has a probability of 1 in 1 trillion [14] - A total solar eclipse seen from space looks like an eye [15]

4. The Moon and the tides: The tilt of 5 degrees to the equator

-- normally, moons orbit their planets along the equator, but the moon of the Earth has an inclination of 5 degrees (6'6'')
-- exact distance, altitude, the elliptical course, the speed, all these are the conditions that allow the moon to change life on Earth so that the Moon creates the tidal currents and the seasons (6'19'')

5. Where does this strange moon come from? The information of the indigenous cultures about times WITHOUT the moon

-- the Moon of the Earth is older than it should be - is bigger than it should be - is lighter than it should be, and according to the laws of physics it should not exist at all (6'31'')
-- without the moon the orbit of the Earth around the Sun would change, it is claimed that the Earth would then have a volatile orbit and would "wobble" (6'45'')
-- so the question is, who installed the Moon on Earth? (6'56'')

Indigenous legends
                      tell of a time when there was no moon yet  
Indigenous legends tell of a time when there was no moon yet [16]

Descriptions of the time before the moon: in ancient Greece
-- the natives have written in many old texts about the time when there was no moon, e.g. there are many writers and philosophers from ancient Greece of antiquity, e.g. Aristotle and Plutarch (7'30'')
-- before the catastrophe, when there was no moon there were certain inhabitants known as "Proselenes", the name means: "those that were before the moon" (7'37'')

See: "Proselenos": People who was older than the moon (Link ENGL)
Ancient Greece: The
                        population that lived on Earth before the Moon
                        is called "Proselenes"  
Ancient Greece: The population that lived on Earth before the Moon is called "Proselenes" [17]

Descriptions of the time before the moon: Natives of Colombia
-- the Colombian legends also tell about people who still lived without a moon: Quote: "In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the sky" (7'53'')

Natives of Colombia:
                      Airplane in the Gold Museum of Bogotá   Natives of Colombia, gold statue
Natives of Colombia: Airplane in the Gold Museum of Bogotá [18] - Natives of Colombia, gold statue [19]

Descriptions of the time before the moon: The Zulus in South Africa: The moon = hollow egg, the earth toppled over, great flood + almost extinction of humanity
-- in Africa there is a legend of the Zulus who describes the Moon as an "egg" "whose yolk was removed", and this egg without yolk came from "far away", was brought by "non-terrestrial dragons" (8'6''), and brought this hollow egg into its orbit (8'8'')
-- the legend describes "that the Earth toppled over" when the moon was installed, with catastrophes and with a great flood, and humanity was almost wiped out (8'20'')

Legend of
                      the Zulus in South Africa: The Moon is like an egg
                      without a yolk   Legend of the
                      Zulus: When the Moon came, the Earth tilted and
                      there were great floods that destroyed almost
                      everything   Legend of the
                      Zulus: When the moon came, the earth tilted and
                      there were great floods that flooded entire
Legend of the Zulus in South Africa: The Moon is like an egg without a yolk [20] -
Legend of the Zulus: When the Moon came, the Earth tilted and there were great floods that destroyed almost everything [21]
Legend of the Zulus: When the moon came, the earth tilted and there were great floods that flooded entire mountains [22]

[Jhon Lear is telling another variation of this moon legend: A second moon with engine was tearing the first moon (without engine) into the orbit of space. Jhon Lear is not telling about any catastroph by that maneuver - link].

6. Genetics of humanity: tesis: there was a "mytochondrial Eva"
-- the research claims a gigantic catastrophe, and then the whole humanity genetically descended from a "mytochondrial Eva" who lived 150,000 to 200,000 years ago (8'41'').
-- this big catastrophe could have happened because of the arrival of the moon (8'50'')
-- the fact is that many ancient cultures tell THE SAME story independently of each other [telling about a time WITHOUT MOON] (8'59'')

Tesis: there was a
                      "mytochondrial Eva"  
Tesis: there was a "mytochondrial Eva" [23]

[Another thesis is a meteorite impact in the North Atlantic, so that a gigantic tidal wave caused the destruction of the North Sea culture, and at the same time the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea were filled, as well as provoked the folding of the Andes - see Zillmer: Columbus came last: The catastrophes after the last ice age - Link].

7. The Consequences of the installation of a Moon: The new living conditions

-- seasons (9'28'')
-- people have developed differently (9'32'')
-- maybe you can find more descriptions of the time from BEFORE the moon in other ancient cultures (9'37'')

-- Sumerians: The tablets of the Sumerians tell of the arrival of extraterrestrials who have genetically manipulated humans "to serve as their slaves here on Earth" (9'49'')

                      cuneiform tablet   Sumerian
                      rulers, relief   Sumerians, genetic manipulation
                      of humans into slaves
Sumerian cuneiform tablet [24a] - Sumerian rulers, relief [24b] -
Sumerians, genetic manipulation of humans into slaves [24c]

8. More Moon numbers: it's weight is too light

-- the Moon has 1/4 of the Earth's diameter, the Moon's diameter is almost 12,900 km (10'2'')
-- but the moon is much lighter: Compared to Earth, 81.5 Moons are needed to reach the weight of Earth (10'8'')
-- the mass of the Moon in comparison is only 1.2% of Earth (10'13'')

The moon is
                      much too light for its size: Earth weight = 81.5
                      moon weights
The moon is much too light for its size: Earth weight = 81.5 moon weights [25]

9. Ru 1970: Russian moon article by Vassijn and Sherbakov in Sputnik Magazine: Moon=satellite
-- Title of the article: "Is the moon created by extraterrestrial intelligence?" (10'30'')
-- "Our hypothesis: The Moon is an artificial Earth satellite put into orbit round the Earth by some intelligent beings unknown to ourselves." (10'41'')
-- "due to the logic of perfect size and alignment, they believed that the Moon was brought into the orbit of the Earth ages ago" (10'50'')

Article by Vassijn and Sherbakov in 1970 in
                      Sputnik Magazine entitled: "Is the Moon
                      Creation by Alien Intelligence?"  
Article by Vassijn and Sherbakov in 1970 in Sputnik Magazine entitled: "Is the Moon Creation by Alien Intelligence?" [26]

Vassijn and Sherbakov in 1970
                      in Sputnik Magazine have a clear thesis: The moon
                      is an artificial ball and was brought into orbit
                      by unknown beings
Vassijn and Sherbakov in 1970 in Sputnik Magazine have a clear thesis: The moon is an artificial ball and was brought into orbit by unknown beings [27]

10. GB 2006: British Moon book by Night and Butler "Who built the moon?": Moon=spy satellite

Book by Knight+Butler: "Who
                      built the moon?"
Book by Knight+Butler: "Who built the moon?" [28]

Christopher Knight and Alan Butler state in their book:
-- the so-called "Moon" of the Earth consists of an absolutely perfect-proportional geometry and the sequence of numbers are unique (11'14'')
-- and something like this was not found anywhere else in the solar system ("duplicated") (11'20'')
-- the so-called "Moon" of the Earth is a "huge, but ultralight mass" (11'25'')
-- the conclusion is clear: The "Moon" of the Earth is an artificially created object:
"If higher life only developed on Earth because the Moon is exactly what it is, and where it is - it becomes irrational to cling to the idea it is a natural object.")
-- the moon was probably brought there and is a "hollowed-out planetoid" (11'57'')

Knight+Butler's conclusion:
                      The moon is NOT a natural object
Knight+Butler's conclusion: The moon is NOT a natural object [29]

11. Moon games from November 1969: "Moon Module" and long earthquakes during the anding
-- there is said to have landed a "lunar module" "Apollo 12" on the moon which caused an "artificial earthquake" (12'13''): The seismic devices of the lunar module recorded the "artificial earthquake": The "moon" had suffered a 40 minutes long earthquake and "rang like a bell for 40 minutes" (12'23'')
-- the earthquake took 8 minutes "to reach its maximum point (12'28'')
-- at Apollo 13 a heavier "lunar module" was used so that the equivalent of 11 tons of TNT hit the moon and the earthquake lasted 3 hours (13'2'')
-- this actually clearly proves that the moon is hollow, and there are many articles on the subject: "Is the Moon Hollow? Evidence Supporting Hollow Moon Theory" (13'11'')

Article: "Is the moon
                      hollow? Evidence!"   The FAKE moon
                      is hollow
Article: "Is the moon hollow? Evidence!" [30] - The FAKE moon is hollow [31]

12. Geometric buildings on the Moon

-- perfect geometry, perfect placement, all craters are equally deep or equally flat, these are "unique artificial elements", the oblique orbit, the "hollow reverberation" are clear signs that the interior of the moon must be as extraordinary as the surface (13'34'')

Nov 23, 1966: 6 high structures on the moon
-- a manned Moon probe "Orbiter 2" is said to have recorded 6 high structures on the moon on Nov 23, 1966 (13'46'')
-- the publication was in the Washington Post and in the LA Times, article: "Mysterious Monuments" on the Moon (13'56'')
-- at least one Boeing scientist made the clear statement that the objects are "much too geometric to be natural" (13'59'')
-- the Soviet space engineer Mr. Alexander Abramov remarked about the towers that "the center of the towers is arranged exactly like the center of the tops of the pyramids of Egypt" [in Giza], and they cast "4 perfect 90 degree shadows in an eroded pit area" (14'19'')
-- "Dr. Faruk el Bas from NASA also claimed that they could not be natural and revealed that they were higher than any building on earth" (14'30'')
-- "NASA, on the other hand, refused to investigate, saying it was a trek of light and shadow" (14'37'')
-- therefore, the [Mossad] media deleted the topic and didn't report anything about it anymore (14'41'')
-- "Years later, several images of Apollo 17 showed the same clear, right-angled structures" (14'50'')

                      Orbiter 2 shows artificial structures on the FAKE
                      Moon   Article: Mysterious Monuments on the Moon   Obelisks on the FAKE moon: The arrangement in
                      the middle is like the pyramids of Giza  
FAKE Moon Orbiter 2 shows artificial structures on the FAKE Moon [32]
Article: Mysterious Monuments on the Moon [33]
Obelisks on the FAKE moon: The arrangement in the middle is like the pyramids of Giza [34]

Obelisks on the FAKE moon, article   Apollo 17 photographs the same
                      obelisks on the FAKE moon
Obelisks on the FAKE moon, article [35] - Apollo 17 photographs the same obelisks on the FAKE moon [36]

13. Intentionally blurred Moon photos - photographer Mr. Escamilla colorizing Moon photos+discovering artificial structures
-- photos of the Moon are partly deliberately blurred, as if the photos were from 1912, so details are blurred and are not recognizable (15'02'')
-- so, [cr. Mossad]-NASA shows sharp photos of the planet Mars, but blurry photos of the Moon, that's crazy (15'10'')
-- "until 1994 the photographer Mr. José Escamilla was coloring photos of the Moon taken by a Moon orbiter 160km away" (15'19'')
-- "the effect [of colorization] revealed the anomalies that are otherwise not visible in black and white photos" (15'27'')

Photographer Mr. Escamilla was
                      coloring moon photos   Mr. Escamilla
                      colors moon photos: There is a tower about 6.25
                      miles high   Photographer Mr. Escamilla colors moon
                        photos: Space station discovered
Photographer Mr. Escamilla was coloring moon photos [37] - Mr. Escamilla colors moon photos: There is a tower about 6.25 miles high [38]
Photographer Mr. Escamilla colors moon photos: Space station discovered [39]

14. WHO built the structures on the moon? And where are they now?

-- Apollo 10 also flew around the "moon" on the back - and "space music" was recorded, which had never been heard before (15'48'')
-- these were sounds like electromagnetic radio noises (15'55'')
-- the same sounds were recorded by the space orbiter "Cassini" from inside Saturn's rings (15'59'')
-- the [cr. Mossad] NASA describes the noise as "radio waves", "which interact with the magnetic field of the moon" (16'19'') - "but the moon does NOT have a magnetic field like planets" (16'22'')
-- so it is not known who is causing the noise, and there is a SECOND question: Why is the cr. Mossad NASA lying about it? (16'31'')
-- after the structures on the "Moon" were discovered in 1966, the [cr. Mossad] NASA is preparing the "astronauts" for the fact that there may be other people on the "Moon" (16'50'')

15. Moon games in 1969: 2 minutes of radio silence - Armstrong warns of spaceships - Armstrong in 1994: The truth is hidden

-- during the first "moon landing" [in the Moon hall in Texas], there was a 2 minutes long interruption with video and radio silence, it was claimed that cameras and recording devices had all "failed" at the same time for 2 minutes (16'56''), but after that the equipment never failed again, is this crazy? (17'8'')
-- Armstrong and Aldrin reported to their relatives, and these relatives reported years later what had happened in these 2 minutes of absence (17'18''):
-- while getting out of the module on the "moon", Armstrong switched his radio to the rescue control center and reported: "Here are other spaceships, Sir, on the other side of the crater. These parts are huge, enormous. They are watching us." (17'37'')

Apollo 11: Moon landing in the Moon Hall in
                      Texas 1969: with 2 "suns" in the sky   Apollo 11 moon landing in the Moon
                      Hall in Texas in 1969: UFOs suddenly appear on the
Apollo 11: Moon landing in the Moon Hall in Texas 1969: with 2 "suns" in the sky [40] 
Apollo 11 moon landing in the Moon Hall in Texas in 1969: UFOs suddenly appear on the horizon [41]

-- the astronauts had "strange attitudes" after their return to Earth [parachute drop] which are exactly from these 2 minutes which are supposed to have been a radio failure, and their facial expressions remained totally cold [from fear] and did not correspond to a joyful event of having been on the "Moon" (18'1'')
-- during the personal questioning the facial expressions of the "astronauts" remained very immobile and mendacious, everyone could see that there was something "wrong" (18'13'')

-- Armstrong: "It's a beginning of a new age" (18'20'')
-- much later, 25 years after the first landing in 1969 [in the Moon Hall in Texas], Armstrong gave an enigmatic speech ("cryptic speech") [in 1994]:
"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of TRUTH'S PROTECTIVE LAYERS (18'45''). There are places to go beyond belief (18'49'')."
-- What did Armstrong mean by "protective layers of truth"? What, then, protects us from the truth? (18'57'')

Astronauts after their return with
                      gloomy faces   Astronaut Armstrong in
                      1994 says clearly: The truth is hidden  
Astronauts after their return with gloomy faces [42] - Astronaut Armstrong in 1994 says clearly: The truth is hidden [43]

The FAKE moon
                      is a hollow alien spy satellite with floors
The FAKE moon is a hollow alien spy satellite with floors inside [44]

16. There are extraterrestrials: hints from "US" "astronauts"

-- if the Moon is hollow and was created by others, evidence of extraterrestrials should be found (19'8'')
-- the astronauts know about it, discuss the topic among themselves, but conceal their knowledge from the public (19'21'')
-- here are statements from those who have given information about extraterrestrials:

1. Scott Carpenter (Orbiter Mercury Atlas 7):
"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone; there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.

Astronaut Scott Carpenter: The Mercury
                      mission Atlas 7 was always monitored by UFOs
Astronaut Scott Carpenter: The Mercury mission Atlas 7 was always monitored by UFOs [45]

2. Buzz Aldrin (first "moon landing", he was never allowed to go to the "moon" again):
"There's a monolith on the moon of Mars.. when people find out about that, they'll say, who put that there?"

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin: People will ask: Who
                      placed the monolith on the Martian moon?
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin: People will ask: Who placed the monolith on the Martian moon? [46]

3. Colonel Lieutenant Ellison Onizuka
<He went so far to admit that he had seen "...small strange looking creatures, humanioid in shape; they did not look of earthly origin.")

Astronaut Onizuka has seen ETs
Astronaut Onizuka has seen ETs [47]

4. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the "moon"
Mitchell admitted:
"Yes, there has been ET visitation and may continue to be. There's a lot of evidence that points to a clandestine group."

Astronaut Mitchell:
                      There were visits from ETs, a secret group
Astronaut Mitchell: There were visits from ETs, a secret group [48]

So there are supposed to be ETs that Onizuka mentioned, and there is supposed to be a "secret group" that Mitchell reported on. Apparently, a lot is being concealed.

17. 1950s: Physicist Mr. Enrico Fermi says clearly: The universe is very large + many other civilizations are to be assumed

-- he said that there was a strange contradiction regarding extraterrestrial life (20'49'')
-- "in view of the vastness of the universe" the probability is high that other civilizations also exist (20'59'')
-- but there is a lack of evidence on earth or in space (21'7'')

[Then came the pioneer Erich von Däniken with his books with proofs of past civilazations on all continents].

Mr. Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist   FAKE moon with
                      base   UFO in
                      the shape of an arrow
Mr. Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist [49] - FAKE moon with base [50] - UFO in the shape of an arrow [51]

So there is a lack of evidence, but there is certainly evidence, but it is all suppressed by the [Mossad and Vatican] media (!) (21'20'')

There are many people who have had encounters with extraterrestrials and report extraordinary experiences (21'38'').

If people tell the truth that extraterrestrials exist, they risk being attacked and ostracized, and because of that [because of this brutal censorship by Mossad and the Vatican with its defamation campaigns against truthers], the truthers conceal the truth.

18. Prediction by astronomer Carl Sagan 1980 appr.: When the truth breaks out, there may be a great anger

Mr. Carl Sagan (1934-1996, astronomer in the "United States" - link:
-- when new truths come out, then many people develop a resistance, the "original reptilian brain" is activated (22'7'')
-- Sagan warned of the moment when the truth emerges:
"When our illusions about ourselves are challenged, some of us may tend to fly into murderous rage." (22'18'')

[because of the feeling of having been cheated during all life time of before].

Astronomer Mr. Carl Sagan 1980 appr.: Certain
                      people get angry when they feel betrayed
Astronomer Mr. Carl Sagan 1980 appr.: Certain people get angry when they feel betrayed [52]

This means: The truth is NOT dangerous, but the crowds with their reaction to it, they are (20'30'').

It is also strange that the hollow Moon is not explored, science simply remains silent when it comes to the Moon (22'39'').

And there is the protective claim that the important information about extraterrestrials would certainly not be withheld from humans (22'47'').

But the [criminal Mossad] NASA even falsifies "Mars photos" afterwards, where objects are deleted (22'50'').
Text: "NASA caught deleting data from Mars Curiosity Rover images"

At the [cr. Mossad] NASA nothing is trustworthy...

Criminal Zionist NASA faking
                      Mars photos: Suddenly an object is deleted from a
                      "Mars photo"!   FAKE moon landing in the moon hall in Texas
                      with astronaut Mitchell with a lamp in the
                      "sky", but the stars cannot be seen?   FAKE moon landing in the moon hall in Texas:
                      There is a row of stones nicely laid out
Criminal Zionist NASA faking Mars photos: Suddenly an object is deleted from a "Mars photo"! [53] [this is probably the desert of Chile]
FAKE moon landing in the moon hall in Texas with astronaut Mitchell with a lamp in the "sky", but the stars cannot be seen? [54]
FAKE moon landing in the moon hall in Texas: There is a row of stones nicely laid out [55]

19. 1960s: NASA Brokings Report claims truth about extraterrestrials would be dangerous

-- [criminal Mossad] NASA published a discussion of the 1960s as the "Brokings Report", in which it is claimed that if the truth about space with the extraterrestrials would come out, then the society would collapse, and therefore all knowledge about extraterrestrials must "remain secret" (23'7'')

-- so there is a second sun on the "moon photo" and the stars cannot be seen, or a straight line of stones on the "moon photo", or there are geometric objects on the "moon surface" with a triangle or like a spinning top (23'25'')

The fake moon landing of 1969 was not "a giant step for humanity" but "a huge deception for humanity" (23'46'') - see details on the moon photo index link

FAKE moon
                      surface with buildings in a triangle and as a
                      spinning top   "United
                      States" Los Angeles: Highway in the evening
                      with skyscrapers and FAKE moon (spy satellite)
FAKE moon surface with buildings in a triangle and as a spinning top [56]
"United States" Los Angeles: Highway in the evening with skyscrapers and FAKE moon (spy satellite) [57]

Conclusion: The moon is white+hollow+is an alien spy satellite.

According to Mr. Armin Risi "Change of Power on Earth" (orig. German: "Machtwechsel auf der Erde") Volume 3, the governments on Earth have agreements with these extraterrestrials to carry out experiments on humans or to sell humans to the extraterrestrials (sell genetic material because the extraterrestrials are genetically "very old" and have to "refresh themselves").

And for whom is the truth "dangerous"? For the fake 1-god religions and for the secret services, which have been lying continuously since the 1960s. NOBODY will believe them anymore.

Michael Palomino Aug 26, 2024

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1. Komische Mond-Fakten -- 2. Mond-Zahlen: Codes 400, 108, 366, 1092, 273 -- 3. Der Mond und die Spionage: immer dieselbe Seite zugewandt -- 4. Der Mond und die Gezeiten: Die Neigung von 5 Grad zum Äquator -- 5. Woher kommt dieser komische Mond? Die Angaben der Ureinwohnerkulturen über Zeiten OHNE Mond -- 6. Genetik der Menschheit: die "mytochondriale Eva" -- 7. Die Folgen der Installierung eines Mondes: Die neuen Bedingungen -- 8. Weitere Mond-Zahlen -- 9. Ru 1970: Russischer Mond-Artikel von Vassijn und Scherbakow im Sputnik-Magazin: Mond=Satellit -- 10. GB 2006: Britisches Mond-Buch von Night und Butler "Who built the moon?": Mond=Satellit -- 11. Mondspiele ab November 1969: "Mondlandefähre" und lange Erdbeben bei der Landung -- 12. Geometrische Bauten auf dem Mond -- 13. Absichtlich unscharfe Mond-Fotos - Fotograf Escamilla koloriert Mond-Fotos+entdeckt künstliche Strukturen -- 14. WER hat die Strukturen auf dem Mond gebaut? und wo sind sie jetzt?  -- 15. Mondspiele 1969: 2 Minuten Funkstille - Armstrong warnt vor Raumschiffen - Armstrong 1994: Die Wahrheit ist verdeckt -- 16. Da sind Ausserirdische: Andeutungen von "US"-"Astronauten" -- 17. 1950er Jahre: Physiker Enrico Fermi sagt klar: Das Weltall ist sehr gross+viele andere Zivilisationen sind zu vermuten --  18. Vorhersage von Astronom Carl Sagan 1980ca.: Wenn die Wahrheit aufbricht, gibt es vielleicht eine grosse Wut -- 19. 1960er Jahre: Der NASA-Brokings-Bericht behauptet, die Wahrheit über Ausserirdische sei gefährlich
