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Gaia film: The moon is a spying spaceship since 15,000 years - NASA=NAZA - John Lear

Emery Smith interviews John Lear: 1. Moon = spy drone for 15,000 years - 2. UFOs up to 48,000 km long - 3. The docking station - 4. Van Allen belts enclose people - 5. Travels to the moon - 6. NASA with fake photos - 7. Moon population - 8. 3R with NASA lies since 1945 - 9. Secret space station with the production of new propulsion technologies -- Vatican with the open moon as a spy satellite with computer AI

Emery Smith interviewing John Lear    Vatican
                                  Oct 13, 2023: moon is a spy satellite:
                                  the moon sculpture at Vatican is open
                                  and shows computer structures -
                                  probably AI  
Emery Smith interviewing John Lear [15] - Vatican Oct 13, 2023: moon is a spy satellite: the moon sculpture at Vatican
is open and shows computer structures - probably AI [37]

by Michael Palomino (2021 - news)

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Video: Gaia: The moon is a space shop since 15,000 years (30min.)
(orig. English title: Secrets of the Living Moon)
Video: Gaia: The moon is a space ship since 15,000 years (30min.)
Video link:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/xod4afXkW0WH/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - upload May 2, 2021

Embed code: <iframe width="666" height="444" src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/xod4afXkW0WH//" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Book suggestions

-- Howard Menger: From Outer Space To You (1956): Description of the civilization on the moon
-- Norman Bergrun: Ringmakers of Saturn
: Description of the rings, space ships up to 48.000km long, 3900km diameter


-- NASA space flight was only an atmosphere flight (Palomino 2006): http://www.hist-chron.com/atmosphaerenfahrt-index.html
(with data from the book by Wisnewski: "Lies in Space" (orig. German: "Lügen im Weltraum", 2005)

-- here is the video of Wikileaks about stage work of moon landings in Nevada Desert (2021): https://www.bitchute.com/video/HMIhVhwZSiff/  


1. The moon was built 38 million years ago - and drawn to earth 15,000 years ago - for espionage
2. Norman Bergrun: UFOs at Saturn up to 48,000 km long with a diameter of 3900 km
3. Moon spaceship: The docking station at Tsiolkovskij crater  
4. People on earth are trapped because of the Van Allen Belts  
5. Travel to the moon with spaceships - example Howard Menger
6. Criminal NASA with false photos of the moon
7. The lunar population: civilization - agriculture - inventions - trade with other planets
8. The Third Reich since 1945 got the NACA - later renamed it NASA: Maneuvers, manipulations and murders in the Apollo program  
9. The secret space station for new propulsion technologies: fusion motors, D.D plates, propeller jet  
10. What does the earth expect? One shouldn't worry (?!)

Film protocol:

Gaia Original (5'') - Film series: Cosmic disclosure inside the secret space program (11''): Film title: Secrets of the Living Moon (15'')

Emery Smith (lunar explorer and pilot of the "US" Air Force) speaks to ex-CIA pilot John Lear:


Emery Smith:
We are here with John Lear and today we are going talking about secrets of the moon (22''). John, for the longest time, I've been studying the moon (26''). And after going to the projects in the Air Force, I came to the revelation that there is definitely a lot going on up there (32'') that they don't want us to know about (34'').

Film von GAIA: Secrets of the
                      living moon, Titelfoto   Emery Smith, Mondforscher
                      und Air-Force-Pilot   Ex-CIA-Pilot
                      John Lear
Film by GAIA: Secrets of the living moon, title photo [0] - Emery Smith [1] - John Lear [2]

1. The moon was built 38 million years ago - and drawn to earth 15,000 years ago - for espionage

The moon was built on Jupiter about 38 million years ago

John Lear:
The moon is a spaceship (36''). It was built on Jupiter about 38 million years ago (39''). And between the time it was built and 15,000 years ago it's been touring around our solar system (47''). Our solar system ah - we are told by NASA there are nine planets, there is actually 40 (53''), there is the Earth plus 39 (54''). And each of those planets has a civilization (58'') and each of those planets has moons [for espionage] that have civilizations (1'2''). There is so much going on out there that - you know - we could impossibly grasp  how much is going on in our solar system (1'10''). There is so much air traffic control, it's fantastic (1'13''). -- Right (1'14''). -- The amount of trade that goes on both - technologically and sociologically (1'21''). Ah, it's amazing all the stuff that's going on (1'24''). So, it was made on - ah - Jupiter (1'28'').

Emery Smith 2   View to the
                      moon when it's full moon   John Lear 02
Emery Smith 2 [3] - View to the moon when it's full moon [4] -- John Lear 02 [5]

Emery Smith: By whom? What race? (1'29'')

Lear: By - I don't know (1'30'')

Emery Smith: Just the ETs? (1'31'')

The moon is a spy drone

Yeah, and - ah - it's been towed around the different moons [planets] (1'35'') doing exactly what it's doing now (1'37''), and that is: monitoring whoever lives on there  (1'40 '' ), and abducting or doing whatever it is they would like to do (1'45'').

The moon is being dragged around in space

Now, it doesn't have its own propulsion, it has to be towed (1'48''). And our moon was towed into its orbit now about 15,000 years ago (1'55''), just after the ice age - ah - the last ice age (1'59'').

And when man first became aware of the moon, or aware of the skies (2'6''), there was no moon, and then there was two moons (2'10''), and then there was one moon  (2'12''). And we think that the two moons was the vehicle that towed our moon in the space (2'20'').

2. Norman Bergrun: UFOs at Saturn up to 48,000 km long with a diameter of 3,900 km

Norman Bergrun (1921-2018) - space expert with a book about Saturn's rings - the largest spaceships are 48,000km long, 3,900km in diameter

Norman R.
                      Bergrun, portrait   Book by Bergrun: Ringmakers of Saturn  
Norman R. Bergrun, portrait [6] - Book by Bergrun: Ringmakers of Saturn [7]

Ah - there is a guy named Norman Bergrun (Aug 4, 1921 to July 1, 2018) who has passed away now (2'26''). Ahm - very knowledgeable, he had so many degrees and works with so many of our aerospace companies (2'32''), doing different things, he lived in Los Altos Hills, which is south of San Francisco (2'38''). and worked at Lockheed - ah - retired in 1986 (2'43''). And got a hold of some of the Voyager photos of the Saturn's rings (2'47'').

And he wrote [the book] "The Ring Makers of Saturn" (2'49'')

Emery Smith: Right (2'50''). Is this about the fuels, the fuel coming out in the rings? (2'54'')

Lear: Yes, the spaceship (2'55'')

Emery Smith: The spaceship - yeah.

John Lear:
The space station (2'56''). There were three of them that he saw (2'57''). And - ah - one of the biggest is 30,000miles [48,000km] long (3'2'') and 2,400 miles [3900km] in diameter (3'5''). Anyway, I thought it's be really nice to meet this guy (3'8''). So I wrote to him and just happened to be going to the UFO conference in San José in 2005 (3'15''). And I went by his house, met him  and we became friends (3'20''), very good friends over the years (3'22''). Unfortunately he passed away a couple of years ago (3'25'').

Giant space ship in the Saturn rings
                          01   Giant space ship in the Saturn rings
                          02   Giant space ship in the Saturn rings
Giant space ship in the Saturn rings 01 [8] - Giant space ship in the Saturn rings 02 [9] - Giant space ship in the Saturn rings 03 [10]

3. Moon spaceship: The docking station at Tsiolkovskij crater

Norman Bergrun: The moon was pulled into orbit - the locomotive spaceship (EMV) at Czelkowski crater on the far side of the moon

But in the back part [of the book] of "The Ringmakers of Saturn" he discussed how the moon was towed into its orbit (3'33''). And his proof (3'35''). And his proof it that [the lunar landscape] "Mare Orientale" - one of the craters on the back actually is not a crater (3'42"), but it's a place - ah - it has concentric rings (3'45") -- Exactly (3'45") -- And he thinks that's where they grabbed on to it (3'47''). He proposed that an EMV, i.e. an electromagnetic vehicle towed it into place (3'52''). I said: Where do you think it is now?" and he said, "I think they parked it on the far side [on the back side of the moon] until they are ready to use it again." (3'58''). So I started looking for it and found it immediately on the crater Tsiolkovskij (4'5''). [It remains an enigma how a little space ship should pull a complete moon - or the moon is light like a balloon].

Moon crater "Mare orientale"   Moon crater
                      Tsiolkovskij   There
                      is said to exist a locomotive space ship near the
                      Tsiolkovskij moon crater
Moon crater "Mare orientale" [11] - Moon crater Tsiolkovskij [12] - There is said to exist a locomotive space ship near the Tsiolkovskij moon crater  [13]

And - Tsiolkovskij is on the far side [on the back of the moon]. It has a very interesting history (4'11''). NASA has airbrushed, completely changed the character of that crater, [in total] 8 times (4'21''). And - ah, you know - it's absolutely for sure that that is the electromagnetic vehicle that towed the moon into orbit (4'30'').

                        faket the Tsiokovskij moon crater - ALL is a
                        fake with NASA   Emery Smith interviewing John Lear
Cr. NASA faket the Tsiokovskij moon crater - ALL is a fake with NASA [14] - Emery Smith interviewing John Lear [15]

4. People on earth are trapped because of the Van Allen Belt

The radioactive Van Allen Belts lock people in on Earth - the radioactivity is deadly there

                      Allen Belts in a graphic black and white   Van Allen Belts in a 3 dimentioned graphic   Van Allen Belts with
                      indicatinos of radiation in color
Van Allen Belts in a graphic black and white [16] - Van Allen Belts in a 3 dimentioned graphic [17] - Van Allen Belts with indicatinos of radiation in color [18]

You know, we wanted to go to the moon for ever, but we have this Van Allen Belt (4'36''), which is in place around the earth (4'38''). We sent three [test] rockets into space (4'39''). They all had Geiger counters, two of them worked and gave us readings [data] (4'46''), tremendously high readings of radiation, no way could we penetrate it (4'51''). And there is two belts: one that goes from 500 to like 10,000 [miles] (800 to 16,000km) and the other goes from 10,000 to 25,000 [miles] 16,000 to 40,000km (5'1'') - ah - very very lethal, just no way could mankind do that [passing these belts] (5'6''). So, I also talked to him about that (5'11'').

And the moon has a civilization (5'12''), ah - there's humans that live up there, and of course everyone says: "Oh, well, when will we go to the moon?" (5'18'').

Emery Smith: Yeah right. That was my next question (5'22'').

John Lear:
We are not the only humans in this universe (5'24'').

Emery Smith: All right. Are there Earth humans there? (5'27'')

John Lear:
Not that I don't know (5'28''). They have picked up thousands of Earth humans and taken them for visits (5'35''). -- Right. --

5. Travel to the moon with spaceships - example Howard Menger

Group travel to the moon for 100 years: Howard Menger 2 weeks on the moon - book "From Outer Space To You" - Pentagon advisor

One of them was Howard Menger in 1956 (5'38''). Howard Menger wrote a book called: From Outer Space To You (5'39''). And when I read the book, I thought it was really great (5'46''). [I] found out that not only HE was invited up there, but there was a number of other people: scientists and other people with him (5'56'')

Emery Smith: From the "United States" or was it a group of... ? (5'58'')

Book by Howard Menger: From outer
                      space to you 1953     
Book by Howard Menger: From outer space to you 1953 [19]

John Lear:
A group of different kinds (5'59'')

Emery Smith: Of different countries, all grouped together (6'0'').

John Lear:
Right. And - ahm - they told them that they had been doing this for a 100 years, taking people up (6'8''). But of course nobody wants to tell that story because nobody is going to believe it (6'11''). And he became an advisor to the Pentagon when he got back (6'14'') because he knew so much about what was going on. They took him there for two weeks (6'19'').

High altitude atmosphere on the moon - Train ride on the moon

First week - ah - is spent going to decompression because the breathable atmosphere is equal to about to 15 to 18,000 feet  here (4,500 to 5,500m altitude) (6'29'') on Earth, and of course if they were just to plop you down there, you'd have a problem (6'32'').


John Lear:
So they what they do is gradually decompress them until they are used to that and then they bring them down and then they take them all around the moon (6'41''). There is a train that travels to the heat what he calls a copper highway (6'47''). And he doesn't know how it goes, but it's very silent and goes very fast (6'51''). When they go out in the desert, they were - the train stopped and they were allowed to stand out at high noon (6'57'') to see that it wasn't as hot as NASA says (7'0'').

Right (7'1'').

John Lear:
And - ahm - they are just very nice people, very advanced (7'6''). And they have taken like I say - they have taken thousands of people over the years (7'8''). But people don't SAY that, they won't TELL their story  because they know that they won't be believed (7'14'').

Emery Smith: Yeah, I know it's gonna believe one time (7'14'').

The yellow sky on the moon

The sky of the moon is yellow
                            during the day
The sky of the moon is yellow during the day [20]

John Lear:
One element: the daytime sky - ah - the color is saffron yellow (7'21'').

Emery Smith: I heard about that, yes (7'23'').

John Lear:
And I wrote to him and sent him six shades of saffron yellow and asked him to put an x on the shade closest to the daytime color (7'34'').

6. Criminal NASA with false photos of the moon

The kr. NASA with fake photos of the moon: Black sky without stars

Fantasy lunar vehicle with
                                  impossible tracks at the end
Fantasy lunar vehicle with impossible tracks at the end [21]

That's another reason why now we didn't go to the moon because NASA, all their photos are black skies (7'41'').

Emery Smith: Yeah, I know. I was gonna talk about that. Yeah, what do you think about that? And how did they fake the whole [moon affair] ? (7'47'')

John Lear:
And like Chang'e-4, the Chinese just put up there (7'50''). I wrote a couple of pages on what a ridiculous set of photos that was (7'55''). You know, they have got shadows going every direction, which way on it (7'59'').

Emery Smith: Of course, all these pictures from the ISS and from satellites never have stars in the background either (8'6'').

John Lear: Yes (8'7'').

Emery Smith: Why is that because they are just all? (8'9'')

John Lear:
That's because ah - you know -  they - all, a lot of those pictures are fake (8'15'').

7. The lunar population: civilization - agriculture - inventions - trade with other planets

The real moon photos from Lunar Orbiter

Everything that comes, that we see from the moon, basically comes from the Lunar Orbiter Service (8'21''). Boeing built that camera and the spaceship (8'24 '). And it was five of them were launched between 1965 and 1967 (8'28''). And they took 1000s and 1000s of photos (8'32'') and developed them as the craft was in orbit (8'36''), and then they crashed into the moon (8'38''). There is fantastic pictures, I by a complete sheer accident have collected about 35 of them (8'49''). And some of them are - have been airbrushed (retouched) (8'55''), but we can see more than anybody else (8'57''). That picture right down there by the electric piano: "Copernicus". That was a photo taken on an angle [right angle] (9'5''). And it's a fantastic picture but there is so much going on in there (9'9'').

Moon crater Copernicus taken by
                          Voyager   Bob Lazar    Bob Lazar paper no.1
Moon crater Copernicus taken by Voyager [22] - Bob Lazar [23] -
Bob Lazar paper no.1 [24] 

Bob Lazar and the NASA photo with the "multi-storey car park"

Ahm - when I got started talking about people on the moon my friend Bob Lazar, who was the one that worked up at S-4, because he is skeptical (9'19''). He doesn't believe anything unless he touches it (9'23''). -- Right. -- And I was over at his house going on and on [talking] about this, and when I left he said (9'27''): "John, you realize now that if any of this stuff is true, I am gonna have to kill myself." (9'33''). And I said, "Yeah, let's put that on paper." (9'36'') - So, I've got that note in my records here and it says (9'40''): "I, Bob Lazar, promise to kill myself if any of John's moon stories is true." (9'45'') (original written in English: "I, Bob Lazar, promise to kill myself if any of John's Moon Stuff is true. Bob Lazar, Aug.23, 1996") (9'45'') - And so, when I sent to NASA to get that picture there  [near the electric piano], I was expecting an eight by ten format (9'56''). But somebody somewhere along the line sent me a 15 by 20 negative of that show [of this photo] (10'3''). I never did find out who it was, but this was in the early or mid 1990s (10'11''). And in Las Vegas there was nobody who could give me a positive of 15 by 20 negative (10'15''). The technology didn't exist [yet] (10'18''). So anyway, I had to wait 5 years for the technology to get to Las Vegas (10'24''). And on the top right side at the very top, there is what we call the parking garage (10'33''). It's a 3-story structure [building] and about 300 feet (90m) in width (wide) (10'38''). and it has a ramp on the side that looks like it's a parking ramp (10'40''). So it's a joke, we call it the "parking garage" (10'44''). So I took the 15 by 20 [photo] over to Bob's house and he looks at it and says (10'52''): "Damn, you know, you're right, John. That there is no way, that's unnatural thing." (10'56'') - And I said: "Ok Bob, now, we've been friends for a long time now and - you know - I don't want to do anything that would upsets you (11'5''), but you did promise to kill yourself (11'7''), if any of my moon stuff was true." (11'10'') - And he said: "Well, how can I get out of it?" (11'14'') - And I said: "Well, just take this piece of paper and write: "I, Bob Lazar, in return for not having to kill myself do readily admit that there is a building on the top of the Copernicus." (11'26'')

Moon crater Copernicus with parking garage   Moon crater Copernicus with parking
                      garage, zoom   Bob Lazar, paper no.1
Moon crater Copernicus with parking garage [25] - Moon crater Copernicus with parking garage, zoom [26] - Bob Lazar, paper no.1 [27]

The civilization on the moon: agriculture - inventions - trade with other planets - terrestrial people are laughed at because of their wars

Emery Smith: What are they doing - you know - up there on the moon? (11'29''), as you have heard of? (11'31'')

John Lear:
Ah - they farm [practicing agriculture], they do technological stuff, they build stuff (11'36'') they trade the things that they produce with other planets in our solar system (11'41''). You know - kind of like Earth, but they don't fight or you don't have any wars or anything or no social problems like that (11'47''). Everything is organized everything gets along (11'51''). And - ah - it's a really nice place (11'53''). They welcome Earth people, they actually go down and bring and get them, but they don't want to associate with them or try and change their ways (12'0''). You know - we're just the solar system morons (12'5'').

Emery Smith: Yeah, and they evolve on our own (12'7'').

John Lear:
And they send down spaceships from all over the different planets to look at the morons, it's like a zoo (12'14'') [and they report to each other]. "But you are not going to believe what we saw on Earth today: You know, there is a war going on." (12'19'') - And they sit there ha ha ha (12'21'').

Emery Smith: So on the moon there are humans (12'23'').

John Lear: Yeah. (12'24'')

Emery Smith: Because in my work I've seen so many human ETs, they are just off the DNA, is just off a little bit (12'33''). But they look just like us (12'35'').

John Lear: Yeah. (12'35'')

Emery Smith: You know, they are just like us (12'37'').

John Lear: Exactly, right (12'38'').

Emery Smith: And who are these humans and how long have they been there? (12'42'') - Is this just an ongoing project? (12'44'')

Billions of civilizations live in space

John Lear:
Well, as I told you, the people that made us made a billion other human civilizations of humans on different planets (12'55'').

8. The Third Reich from 1945 got the NACA - later renamed it NASA: Maneuvers, manipulations and murders in the Apollo program

Third Reich with contacts to extraterrestrials on the moon - spaceships

Emery Smith: John, what do you know about the Germans and the moon? (12'55'')

John Lear:
You know, it's a possibility - ah- that they went (13'3''). They did have help from ETs. They definitely had flying saucer (spaceships) (13'9'').

Emery Smith: I think they were probably one of the first to actually hook up with extraterrestrials [but they had no profit of it] (13'13'').

"Operation Paperclip": 5000 Nazi scientists infiltrate the "USA" - NACA becomes NASA - CIA becomes German - Wernher von Braun has all Americans kicked out

John Lear:
Yeah, they got help, but apparently - ahm - there's - people say that they lost the war but won the peace (13'25''). And the reason they say that is because they started with "Operation Paperclip" (13'29''), which the Germans came over just before the end of the war (13'34''). They knew you were trying to build an atomic bomb (13'36''). They had their own bomb, ah - but they didn't have the initiator and all the other stuff to get it going (13'42''). So they came over to us because they knew that we had everything else but the plutonium (13'47''). And they said: We'll give you the plutonium we have, so you can bomb Japan (13'51''). All we ask is that you permit 5,000 Nazis of citizenship after the World War II (13'58'')

                      Paperclip 1945: 5000 Nazi scientists are
                      nationalized in the "USA" with
                      "US" passports   Wernher von Braun is kicking out
                      all Ami scientists
Operation Paperclip 1945: 5000 Nazi scientists are nationalized in the "USA" with "US" passports [28] -
Wernher von Braun is kicking out all Ami scientists [29]

Emery Smith: That's how the CIA got infiltrated by... (14'0'').

John Lear:
That became the "Operation Paperclip" (14'2''), and it was run by John Foster Dulles, who was Secretary of State (14'6''). Allen Dulles, his brother, who was head of the CIA (14'10"), and Eleanor Dulles, their sister, who was head of the Berlin desk [office] for the "US" (14'15"). And they finally need 5000 people, or probably more people, gave them citizenship [in the "USA"], and they began to infiltrate the "United States" (14'24''). [They] took over NACA, which became NASA (14'27''), and the only actual "American" that was ever in NASA was the administrator (14'33'').

Emery Smith: As soon as Wernher von Braun came in, they just took all the "American" scientists and said to get out (14'38'') [and the NASA became a NAZA].

John Lear:
The story was that after as these 5,000 Nazis are being infiltrated - ah - Hitler did not commit suicide (14'46''). So came the happy end of World War II (14'49'').

[Well, the original Hitler had a severe Parkinson and could hardly be saved, but there were 2 or 3 doubles].

Hitler's trip [1 double?] To Spain, Argentina, "USA" - death [of the double] in 1968

Hitler first went to Spain, and then to Argentina (14'53''). And then somehow eventually ended up in the "United States" (14'58'').

Emery Smith: Wasn't he in Antarctica too? (15'0'')

John Lear:
Yes, he did go to Antarctica, ahm, but I'm not sure what he found [there], probably the same as us and was told to get out (15'7''). Ahm - Hitler died in the "United States", I believe at the Mayo Clinik in 1968 (15'13''). [This Hitler of until 1968 was probably a double].

"USA" as a Nazi state with Bell Helicopter and the Vietnam War

But up until that time he was running the Nazi infiltration of the United States (15'20''), which included Bell Helicopter and was the reason for the Vietnam War (15'25''), was the only reason (15'26''). Ah - they faked the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which never happened (15'30'').

Emery Smith: It was all boasted (15'30'').

John Lear:
Bullshit. And - ah - [they] had their own space command agenda starting with ripping off Mercury and Gemini (15'42") which most of those flights didn't go, and then Apollo (15'45"). And the whole program for 40 billion [dollars] which was the money they used to start their own space command (15'50''), and was based at Kwajalein (an atoll in the Pacific between Hawaii and Australia [web01]) (15'53'').

"USA" as a Nazi state simulates a fake Apollo program

Emery Smith: Why would we not return back to space? (15'55'')

John Lear:
We were never went, Emery. We never went the Apollo missions, [we] did not even orbit the moon (16'0''). Ah - that was all faked (16'2'').

Fake Apollo program: perfect photos with a Hasselblad camera on your stomach are impossible - crosshairs are wrong - black sky without stars is wrong

It was a tremendously - ah - technological way they did it [setting it up], but there is no possible way, but the Apollo missions could have gone [get there] (16'13''). Ah - we see these pictures that the astronauts sent back (16'20''). Besides, all the pictures perfectly framed from the Hasselblad camera, in the middle, right now, which they couldn't aim [because they couldn't look directly down being in their astronaut suit] (16'29''). And everyone is perfectly framed (16'31''), plus the fact that all the little marks, the needle marks, are all in different places [or crosshairs are covered by objects]. It's just a scam (16'38''). And - ahm - the fact that the sky is black in the NASA pictures (16'42''), it is not black, but saffron yellow (16'45''), when they landed at 10 o'clock in the morning (16'47''). So they had to come up with a reason of [excusing themselves like this] the camera was set for the foreground (16'52''), and they couldn't get the stars. It was all bias, they made, you know (16'59'').

Scene with 3 parachutists who claim to have been to the moon and not have seen any stars - the lie of the sextant

Survey of 3 parachutists: A journalist asks: Could you actually see the stars and the solar corona despite of the glare? (17'3'')

The middle skydiver:
We were never able to see stars from the lunar surface or on the daylight side of the moon (17'9''), by eye without looking through the optics (17'12''). Ah, I don't recall [remember] during the period of time that we were photographing the solar, what stars we could see (17'19'').

Other skydiver: I didn't see any (17'22'')

"USA": A journalist is asking a
                      parachutist if they had seen stars   Parachutists state that the had never
                      seen stars
"USA": A journalist is asking a parachutist if they had seen stars [30] - Parachutists state that the had never seen stars [31]

John Lear:
And then, the astronauts [parachutists] in the testimony, when the first of three of them (17'29'') ah - the first interview they had after Apollo 11 supposedly got back, you know, all three of them looked like they were scared to death (17 ' 40''). And they could not remember whether they saw stars (17'40''), and then they said that - you  know - well - they saw it with the sextants that they had to determine their position (17'49''). The computers they had those days they used to see they had what 30 kilobytes (of storage space), is that your memory? (17'54'') -- All right. -- All they had was 30 kilobytes, there's no way they're going to determine an orbit (17'59''), ah - even if it is pre-computed from taking off from the moon to get into an orbit and latch up with the space module [for landing] (18'8'').

Made up Apollo story: extraterrestrials on the moon greet Apollo astronauts

Emery Smith: What do you think what the astronauts like Buzz and who have came back and said: when they arrived on the moon,  there was - you know - they [other aliens on the moon] were ready to greet us (18'19'').

John Lear:
That was a planted story by NASA to be used in the event that we didn't - nobody was buying their story (18'27''), and they needed to move in their space aliens there to get everybody interested in it (18'31''). But Neil Armstrong never said a thing. His picture was never allowed, he never allowed his picture, and he never said a word about it (18'42'').

Fictional Apollo Stories: Aldrin is not doing well when he has to tell about it

Buzz Aldrin, who did a lot of talking about it, and when he had to talk about it, he had get violently ill (18'48''). Those stories that I've read all of them about whenever he had start to talk about the Apollo missions, he had get to throw up (vomited) and get ill (19'0''). So, whatever psychological mind control they had  (19'5''),

Emery Smith: Psychotronics, right (19'6'')

John Lear: ... wasn't as good as it is now, because it's perfect right now (19'9'').

Emery Smith: So, what do you take? What do you feel so - had happened to those astronauts? (19'14'')

Made up Apollo story: The crack in the Nanson crater at Apollo 17 - the oxygen tank at Apollo 13

John Lear:
A disinformation campaign and as far as Apollo 17 - that gap where they supposedly went into the secret, Nanson, remember that crater, the Nansen crater (19'25''). And they didn't die? (19'26'') - It was all engineered, just like Apollo 13, you know, they had a problem [NASA invented a hole in an air tank], everybody was worried if they would make it back, it's all bullshit. NOTHING happened there (19'36'').

The murder of Gus Grissom - the instructor's body had to be removed first before the NASA commission of inquiry could come

Meldung: Thomas
                          Baron wurde von der NASA (NAZA) ermordet    News report: Buz Grissom
                          was murdered by NASA (NAZA)
Report: Thomas Baron was murdered by NASA (NAZA) [32] - News report: Buz Grissom was murdered by NASA (NAZA) [33]

One of the things that they don't talk about a lot is the - ah - NASA guy (photo by Thomas Baron) who was in charge of exposing all the deficient [bad things] of the Apollo program (19'45''). And he and his family were killed by that train - do you remember the train wreck that they had? (19'50'') - He was ready to testify before Congress and they killed him (19'53''). They killed - ahm - Gus Grissom (19'56''), and the interesting thing about Gus Grissom was: He was killed on January 27, 1967 (20'4''). And a month before that, he had made a comment to the "United States" or to the "US" press (20'10'') standing at the command module and he had hung an orange or a lemon on it and he said (20'16''): "This thing ain't go to the moon in two years, this thing ani't go to the moon in 10 years [either]." (20'20'') - Because he was an engineer and he knew how screwed up the program was (20'26''). No possible way were they ever going to go to the moon (20'28''). So they had to kill him (20'29''). And how they decided to do that was a fire on January 27, 1967 (20'36''). And what they did is: they waited until the seal was completely closed , then they hat it triggered right [they started the fire] (20-42''). Virgil Grissom's son has that trigger. Somebody gave it to him to show how his father was murdered (20'48''). Now, the interesting thing about the Apollo 1 command module fire is that there were FOUR people in there (20'55''). Now, usually there was the head of the Apollo program (21'0''), and I'm trying to think the guy's name, it seems to me his last name was like Ladd or something like that (21'6''). -- Yeah. -- But anyway, this guy had to be in Houston, so they put a fourth astronaut, who was an ass drop in the secret program (21'14''). And that's why there is such a [time] gap between the time that the fire was put out (21'22'') until NASA investigators were let in to get the bodies (21'26''). Because they had to go in to get that body out so there were no questions about (21'31''): "What is HE doing? Who is THAT?" (21'33'') - So that took about an hour and a half to get in there [to] get the bodies of Grissom, White and Chaffee up, get the other guy out, and then let them in [the NASA- Investigation Commission] (21'48''). That's why the discrepancy came from (21'50'').

Criminal NASA: The murders of those who knew it

But there was a bunch of guys killed to keep this thing a secret (21'54'').

Emery Smith researches with hyperbaric chambers - invents plasma concentrator and stem cell concentrator - a flight crashes over Texas

Emery Smith:
So, I was working at the Space Coast Air Medical Institute, of my largest hyperbaric chambers in Melbourne, Florida (22'2''). There the contract was not contracted by NASA to do rapid decompression for pilots -- oh really? -- the astronauts (22'10''). And I was developing a system there, I invented the first tablet platelet-rich plasma concentrator and stem cell concentrator (22'19''). And there were always - you know - these things, John, just like NASA itself (22'25''). We are going to build this, we need all this money, but they just use half or a quarter and the other part of money goes nowhere (22'31''). So they were telling me: Well, since you invented this, we want you to go up [to fly] in the Shuttle, we want you to go to the space station and try this out (22'43'') because - you know - we believe that this will keep the muscle mass (22'46'') , and we are trying to figure out how to keep the body from breaking down (from collapsing) from deep space exploration (while staying in space) (22'53''). There was a big budget cut right about that time, of Bill Clinton (22'57''). And remember that big budget, he just cut NASA right off (23'0''). [Officially!]

John Lear: Yeah.

Emery Smith: And thank goodness he did. Because my return flight was the one that blew up over Texas (23'8'').

John Lear: Oh really? (23'8'')

Emery Smith: Yeah. Then I found out - 10 or 15 years later - from an admiral of the Navy: Well, you were supposed to be on that flight (23'15''). Everyone on that flight was targeted for termination [end up it's life] (23'19''). [That's the way NAZA is acting. It's not known who was taking the decision].

John Lear: Wow

Emery Smith: Yeah.

9. The secret space station for new propulsion technologies: fusion motors, D.D plates, propeller jet

ISS: Space Shuttle takes 2 1/2 days to the ISS (and arrives 25% loaded) and Vostok only takes 37 minutes (and arrives fully loaded)

Free Pic: Space Shuttle   International Space Stationi (ISS)
Free Pic: Space Shuttle [35] - International Space Stationi (ISS) [36]

John Lear:
Wow (23'21''). Let me... The Shuttle was going - ahm - me and Ron Schmidt were running the living moon (23'28''), and we were commenting and trying to figure out: Why did it take after the Shuttle takeoff 2 1/2 days to get to the ISS, when the Russians can do it in 37 minutes? (23'39'')

Emery Smith: Right (23'39'')

John Lear:
Why did it take? (23'40'') - And the chief disinformation agent of the NASA, he always had to answer to everything - you know - and he told us (23'48''): "Well, obviously you don't know anything about orbital mechanics (23'52") - you know - just pure boasted, right? What we noticed for us, that that the Russians always launched a Vostok [rocket], and the same day we launched a Shuttle (24'3"). And we couldn't figure that out (24'4"). A Vostok to the International Space Station (24'9"). Then we started to get the manifests [the reports] from the Vostok: And that was: fruit and vegetables and food and stuff, that was way more than they would have needed on the International Space Station (24'18") Then the Shuttles get to the International Space Station and they open the hatch and there is only 25% of the space used (24'29").

Secret space station with energy weapon production - aircraft carrier with D.D plate material and electrical charge - movement in water without resistance

So then we started backtracking (24'32''), you know - they are taking stuff up, but where is it going? (24'36'') - It was all going to the stuff that the Navy had in orbit (24'39''), the 13 DEWs (directed energy weapons [web02]), the foundries, they have 2 foundries up there for making the D.D [D-point-D] (24'45''). And as you know, the D.D is the whole plate material for submarines and aircraft carriers (24'52'') that is lighter than titanium, stronger than titanium, and with a small electrical charge it is able to keep the water 5 to 7cm away from all ( 25'4'').

What means that you can go with no drag (no water resistance) (25'8''). And you know the equation for hole [hull?] based boats is 1.34 times the square root of the waterline, which works out to be about 45 knots which is all they say (25'21''). You know - and last year, when they launched several of the Block T or Block II submarines, that are coming online now (25'29''), but they would say: we have some tremendous new technology, but didn't bother telling the public what it was (25'37''). So, on my Facebook I told there is three parts of technology.

New drive # 1: fusion engines

Number 1: They use fusion engine instead of fission, which is a tenth the weight and ten times the power (25'47''). And they can use 2 or 3 instead of - you know - in place of having a fission engine (25'52'').

New drive # 2: D.D plate system with electric charge

The second thing is that they have got the D.D which enables them to go a 100 knots fast (26'0'').

Emery Smith: That's incredible. They don't want us to know that because we could be able to travel quick (26'5'').

[But this is for NOTHING because Russia just will put off their radar system!]

The secrecy about the secret propulsion program: Seafarers stay locked in - seafarers want to keep their jobs

John Lear:
How do they keep the sailors from talking well? (26'8'') - One thing is they don't let them go top side when they're going [this fast], and the second thing is: they the guys don't talk about stuff that they are not supposed to (26'16''). They knew too many guys that have gotten into trouble (26'19''). So when they happen to get to some place 10 times faster than normally, they are not going up to the command and say: "Hey, something doesn't fit here!" (26'29'') - Right? here you know, if they want a job they are going to keep their mouth shut. That's how they keep it secret (26'32'').

[just normal military blackmail].

New drive number 3: the propeller jet

The other the fourth, the third thing was the prop jet (propeller jet), and that's the propulsion system that drives the propeller that's quieter and more powerful (26'43'').

Emery Smith: And I heard that they hook those up to the new battleships, too, now (26'45'')

[But Russia is switching off their radar system as it was in Syria].

John Lear:
Absolutely. And that D.D is made in the foundries that the "US" Navy has because it has got to be made in a vacuum (26'53'').

Emery Smith: And it has to be made in the back (26'55'').

[Conclusion: The ISS is only the diversion for concealing the REAL production plants in space (which are in the upper atmosphere)].

Gigantic stealth planes transport the D.D surfaces

John Lear:
And the way they bring it down, is [like this]: About 10 years ago, a friend of mine named Myles Johnson sent me a picture, he worked on towers in Scotland (27'6''). And they happened to be on the top of one of these towers, at sunset, and saw this thing fly overhead (27'13''). "Unbelievable." Look at that picture behind you, way up there: he saw that triangle coming over. He said it was 10 times bigger than a [Boeing airplane] 747 (27'22''). And he said it took 7 seconds to get from - over from - straight up to the horizon (27'29''). -- All right. - And he was working right near Machrihanish [beach village in Scotland], and we know that Microhamish is [hiding] some of the secret airplanes (27'38''). I don't know how they hide something 10 times bigger than a 747, but I do know that that ship was hidden (27'42").

[And Russia will switch off the Ami's radar... hahaha! All this is just a game!]

Giant triangle transport airplane
Giant triangle transport airplane [34]

Emery Smith: So that was a transport ship for the D.D [technology] (27'46" ),

John Lear: The D.D.

Emery Smith: Yeah.

John Lear:
The big plates (27'48''). And about that time I posted about this, a woman, one of the Gals one of the mothers in the UK, was on my [Facebook] page. She just said that her son had just got back from a deployment with news and they confirmed everything that I told him (28'4''), and that D.T, and using the fusion engines (28'9''). [And Russia is switching them their radar system off...]

The secret base in the high atmosphere for building the D.D panels

Emery Smith: How big is that base up there where they are built - you know - the D.D,  and how many men, personnel, are you aware of? (28'18'')

John Lear: Up there?

Emery Smith: Yeah.

John Lear: Ah, it's between a 1,000 and 1,500 astronauts, current and qualified, and most of them are in orbit (28'26''). So you could imagine, there is all kinds of stuff going on (28'28'').

Emery Smith: That's a huge job of doing program, too. What is in store for humanity that is in relation to the moon and where is it going? (28'35'')

10. What does the Earth expect? One shouldn't worry (?!)

John Lear has become an informer for Earth

John Lear:
Emery, you know what's great? That we don't have to worry about that (28'42''). Ah - you know, all we have to do is live our life with integrity (28'47''), without envy, hate or greed (28'50''). And having known you for - you know - some time, I'm sure that you will man (28'54''). Ahm - I know that I am in that (28'57''). Ah - I know that I don't have to come back here again (29'0''). So - ahm - you know it's just interesting. I'm pretty sure I'm here as a volunteer (29'7'').

Emery Smith: Yes.

John Lear:
To give information. I believe I've already passed my life review (29'13''). And I'm just down here to give information to people the best that I can (29'18''). I think I think I am free, I am pretty sure [that] you are (29'20'').

Emery Smith: Yes.

John Lear:
I know a lot of people [that they] are down here on their last trip (29'21'') [of the trips of reincarnation - when you believe in this].

Emery Smith: I feel the same way (29'22''). And - ah - go by the same standards of belief system (29'26''). Thank you John, it was always a pleasure to be here with you - and - ah - we will be talking soon (29'32'').

John Lear: I'm looking forward to it (29'34'') Take it easy Emery (29'35'').

Emery Smith: Thank you (29'36'')

Vatican Oct 13, 2023: moon is a spy satellite: the moon sculpture at Vatican is open and shows computer structures - probably AI

Vatican Oct 13, 2023: moon is a spy
                      satellite: the moon sculpture at Vatican is open
                      and shows computer structures - probably AI  
Vatican Oct 13, 2023: moon is a spy satellite: the moon sculpture at Vatican is open and shows computer structures - probably AI [37]


There is a moon sculpture in Vatican.
So they are fully aware of it!
Of course, there is no [shield saying] "moon" either, but it shows the dark side, open and full of AI...

Source: Eleonora

Teilen / share:


[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwajalein
[web02] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed-energy_weapon

[35] Free Pic: Space Shuttle: https://www.maxpixel.net/Spaceship-Space-Shuttle-Nasa-Isolated-2693697
[36] Free Pic: International Space Station (ISS): https://www.maxpixel.net/Space-Station-Dock-Iss-International-Space-Station-11114
