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"Walipini" pit greenhouse 04a1: Germany: Little walipini 3x5m in the garden in a little slope (step)

Agriculture during 365 days a year WITHOUT heating: roof inclined to the sun, 3 of 4 sides are in the earth

Live AUTARKIC / self-sufficient - NO pesticides - NO machines - NO long transports - NO overuse of water reserves, etc.
LITTLE energy consumption - Mother Earth has got it!

Die Kiste ist
                      fertig, nun kommen Dachlatten auf die Pfostenenden
                      drauf   Das Dach (Hohlkammerplatte), Sicht
                      halb schräg   Und nun beginnt in den Beeten das
The box is finished, now the roof bars are planted on the pole ends [11]
The roof (double sheet polycarbonate) with inclination to the south, and the entrance is to the east [18]

In the box the path is covered with bark [34] - and now planting can begin in the beds [35]

presented by Michael Palomino (2022)

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Title: Build
                              a walipini yourself (orig. German:
                              "Walipini" selber bauen
Title: Build a walipini yourself (orig. German: "Walipini" selber bauen (Erdgewächshaus) [1]

Video on Bitchute: Germany 2022: Little pit greenhouse "Walipini" 365 days a year WITHOUT HEATING! (3'45'')
(orig. German: D 2022: Kleines Grubentreibhaus "Walipini" 365 Tage im Jahr OHNE HEIZUNG! (3'45'')

Video on Bitchute: Germany 2022: Little pit greenhouse "Walipini" 365 days a year WITHOUT HEATING! (3'45'')
(orig. German: D 2022: Kleines Grubentreibhaus "Walipini" 365 Tage im Jahr OHNE HEIZUNG! (3'45'')
Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/H3EzDxSsSXaX/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - uploaded on Aug.17, 2022

The construction work

There is a little
                              slope in a garden and here will be
                              installed a pit greenhouse
                              ("Walipini"). There are needed
                              some wooden boards, some poles, some
                              rafters, one door, some screws, and the
                              roof was formed with a polycarbonate
                              double sheet pane     he inner temperature remains warm
                              also in winter times WITHOUT any heating
                              [resp. the earth walls are the heating]  
There is a little slope in a garden and here will be installed a pit greenhouse ("Walipini"). There are needed some wooden boards, some poles, some rafters, one door, some screws, and the roof was formed with a polycarbonate double sheet panel [2]
The inner temperature remains warm also in winter times WITHOUT any heating [resp. the earth walls are the heating] [3].

Here an excavator comes:
                              It's time to work   Excavator is working
                              digging a pit into the slope
Here an excavator comes: It's time to work [4] - Excavator is working digging a pit into the slope [5]

The pit is ready
                              soon, the surface is 5 to 3 meters and the
                              walipini is about 2,5 meters high  
The pit is ready soon, the surface is 5 to 3 meters and the walipini is about 2,5 meters high [6]

The excavation should be
                              stored just aside the pit 01 for being
                              used after again   The excavation
                              should be stored just aside the pit 02  
The excavation should be stored just aside the pit 01 for being used after again [7] - The excavation should be stored just aside the pit 02 [8]

Now follows the
                              construction of the box with poles and
                              with wooden boards behind 1,2, and some
                              screws are applied (where?)   Now follows the
                              construction of the box with poles and
                              with wooden boards behind 1,2, and some
                              screws are applied (where?)
Now follows the construction of the box with poles and with wooden boards behind 1,2, and some screws are applied (where?) [9,10]

The box is ready, now the rafters are
                              fixed on the top of the poles   view on the entrance zone
The box is ready, now the rafters are fixed on the top of the poles [11] - view on the entrance zone [12]

View to the
                              entrance zone with the sight to the back
                              wall   view to the back wall, zoom
View to the entrance zone with the sight to the back wall [13] - view to the back wall, zoom [14]

The back wall is
                              reinforced with additional crossbars where
                              the slope is pressing forward   The roof is put
                              with a twin-wall polycarbonate panel
The back wall is reinforced with additional crossbars where the slope is pressing forward [15] - The roof is put with a twin-wall polycarbonate panel [16]

   The roof
                              (twin-wall polycarbonate panel), view from
                              above   the roof (twin-wall
                              polycarbonate panel), half inclined view:
                              the roof is inclined to the south, the
                              entrance is in the east
The roof (twin-wall polycarbonate panel), view from above [17] - the roof (twin-wall polycarbonate panel), half inclined view: the roof is inclined to the sun (in Europe to the south), so, the entrance here is in the east [18]

Twin-wall polycarbonate panel,
Twin-wall polycarbonate panel, zoom [37]

                              the door is installed   Now, the side walls are heaped up
Now the door is installed [19] - Now, the side walls are heaped up [20]

As an additional heating,
                              2 water barrels are put into the corners
                              of the back wall  
As an additional heating, 2 water barrels are put into the corners of the back wall [21]

                              the entrance zone is made bigger with
                              inclined wooden walls which are heaped up
                              with earth again   Entrance
                              zone, zoom
Now the entrance zone is made bigger with inclined wooden walls which are heaped up with earth again [22] - Entrance zone, zoom [23]

Now a gutter is added
                              to the roof (collecting of rain water is
                              NOT described in the video)   The wall is heaped up with earth
Now a gutter is added to the roof (collecting of rain water is NOT described in the video) [24] - The wall is heaped up with earth [25]

The interior is equipped
                              with shelves   In the interior are
                              2 water barrels and shelves now
The interior is equipped with shelves [26] - In the interior are 2 water barrels and shelves now [27]

In the interior
                              an artemisia plant is put for testing the
                              temperature, and the planting beds are
                              prepared with wooden boards on the ground   The roof edge is
                              protected with a metal border
In the interior an artemisia plant is put for testing the temperature, and the planting beds are prepared with wooden boards on the ground [28]
The roof edge is protected with a metal border [29]

The entrance zone
                              is heaped up with earth to a maximum
The entrance zone is heaped up with earth to a maximum [30]

Now the owners have installed a
                              little solar panel at the rear wall   Additionally, 3 little ventilators
                              were installed for air circulation
Now the owners have installed a little solar panel at the rear wall [31] - Additionally, 3 little ventilators were installed for air circulation [32]

And here something is
                              measured, perhaps the temperature or the
                              air's humidity
And here something is measured, perhaps the temperature or the air's humidity [33]

In the interior the path
                              is covered with bark   And now the planting in
                              the beds can begin
In the interior the path is covered with bark [34] - And now the planting in the beds can begin [35]

                              winter, even citrus plants are growing in
                              the pit greenhouse
In winter, even citrus plants are growing in the pit greenhouse [36]

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Germany 2022: Construction of a little walipini pit greenhouse in a garden 5x3m + appr. 2,5m high Video: Walipini / pit greenhouse do it yourself - the whole year without freezing (orig. German: Video: Walipini / Erdgewächshaus selber bauen - ganzjährig FrostFREI) -- The construction work --  Ideas for betterment of the construction: 1) 2 windows - 2) bigger roof - 3) raised beds - 4) 50m long

Photo sources
[37] Twin-wall polycarbonate panel, zoom:  https://www.bauhaus.ch/de/pc-hohlkammerplatte-23807758

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