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Mozart family 01: Child abuse in the Mozart family

The example of a psychopathic musician family with music fanaticism showing the children around, aspiring to acknowledgment by traveling and committing psychical and physical child abuse with this

Mozart als Kind am Klavier
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: This child never could develop an own circle of friends...

by Michael Palomino (2006, translation 2012)

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from: Mozart family; Riemann encyclopedia

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1. Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold, 68 years (father of Wolfgang Amadeus and "Nannerl")
2. Mozart, Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia, 78 years ("Nannerl")
3. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 35 years
4. Konstanze Mozart, Frau von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 80 years
5. Mozart, Karl Thomas, 74 years, first son of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance
6. Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang (Wolfgang Amadeus), 53 years, second son of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance

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Analyzing the biographies of the Mozart family one can see that this Mozart family was very fanatic in music and the son Wolfgang Amadeus was abused as a show child and has suffered much by that for sure. Wolfgang has to be on trips for months with 6 years already, only because he is well playing piano and is composing well. Later is even coming a frustration when Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart cannot repeat his success of his childhood in Paris when he is there again as an adult person.

Insofar a big psychological child abuse can be stated in the Mozart family, an total music fanaticism. And this child abuse was also a physical one because with many stress and strains during the trips the child Wolfgang Amadeus is damaged badly, and one time during a trip of four months even both children - Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl - were very ill in the bed

Considering the today's well known psychological point of view this biography of this Mozart family is absolutely no model. It can be hoped that other parents will not take this biography as a model for their children.

There are many persons in this Mozart family not making any music, and significantly they have the longest life, above all Mozart's wife Constance who gets an age of 80 years, and the first son giving up making music but working as a high trading employee (the former name was an "Offizial") and he got an age of 74 years.

The second son of Wolfgang Amadeus surviving childhood, Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, is hardly mentioned in music history whereas he also has composed and was a conductor in Lemberg (Lviv).

All in all any objectivity is missing in the classical music scenery considering the overall context of the life's development, and the taboo of the psychical and physical child abuse by music fanaticism committed with talented children is not considered until today. Force for playing music in a childhood is child labor and torture and should be persecuted by law.

Michael Palomino (2005 / 2012)

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Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold (father of Wolfgang Amadeus and "Nannerl")

The father Leopold Mozart, baptized 14 November 1719 in Augsburg, died on 28 May 1787 in Salzburg, becomes a German composer, is the son of the bookbinder Johann Georg Mozart (1679-1736), and later he is the father of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and of his daughter "Nannerl". At Jesuits grammar school "Salvator" in Augsburg he gets a Humanist schooling, also with a schooling in violin, organ and music theory.


Johann Georg Leopold Mozart, severe
                          father of W.A.Mozart.

Johann Georg Leopold Mozart, severe father of W.A.Mozart.

As it seems Leopold Mozart has not to stay big trips and can develop his circle of friends normally. In 1737 he begins with studies in Benedictine University in Salzburg with a study in philosophy and legal studies. But in 1739/40 he has to give up these studies [there are no reasons indicated].

There follows an employment as a body servant and "Musicus" at the court of Count Thurn Valsassina and Taxis, a work as a violinist in the archiepiscopal chamber orchestra (1743) and as a violin teacher at the boy's orchestra institute.

Follows marriage with Anna Maria Pertl (born in 1720 in St. Gilgen, died in 1778 in Paris) and she is brining the lower funny humor into the family. There were 7 children but only two of them survive (Maria Anna "Nannerl", and Wolfgang Amadeus).

In 1757 Leopold Mozart is graduating being a court composer, and in 1763 he is graduating being the band leader. At the same time he is maintaining relations to Mizler Society of Leipzig, to the music college in Augsburg, and to Fr. W. Marpurg (Berlin). Leopold personifies diligence, sense of duty and tenacity, a special sense for popular music, and all is mixed with pious catholicism and also with some character of enlightenment.

[According to Riemann] the significance of Leopold Mozart can be see as a composer and as a music pedagogic writer, but above all as a teacher of his son Wolfgang Amadeus.

[Riemann is not detecting anything about the psychological child abuse committed with Wolfgang Amadeus, it's an absolute taboo].

The long travels which the young Wolfgang Amadeus had to stay were for sure the base for the latter illnesses of Wolfgang and his early death.

[This is an indication of Riemann himself, and with this the physical child abuse is confessed indirectly. But the reason, the father's terrorism, is not indicated].

Since 1781 there is a psychological alienation between father and the son, so the relationship is turning to be a tragic one.

[The cruel father having robbed a normal childhood wants now also to prohibit the marriage of his son].

Compositions: Leopold Mozart invents a mixture of baroque, early classical, Vienna, Mannheimer, North and South German folklore style with Italian elements. Add to this he is using rare instruments in his symphonies as a wheel fiddle, bagpipe, hammered dulcimer, jingling of bells, cow horn, whip and pistol [well, a pistol hardly can be considered as a "music instrument"].

Leopold Mozart's piano sonatas are very similar to the sonatas of D. Scarlatti and of Chr. Ph. E. Bach.

The work "A Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Violin Playing" (orig. German: "Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule", 1756, enlarged in 1769), is a pioneering work following the works of Montéclair (1711/12), Tessartini (1741) and Geminiani (1751). After these violin schools the one of Leopold Mozart is the most important elder method of violin playing. There are treating the Italian art of violin playing (Tartini, Locatelli), with an influence of Quantz (1752) and of Chr. Ph. E. Bach (1753). Add to this Leopold Mozart is also writing "Trials" for the flute and also for the piano.

Leopold Mozart is dying in 1787 with 68 years, 4 years before his son is dying.

[He never has realized the child abuse with his son by the long travels and the forced music education (child work). As also the surrounding world does not want to realize this child abuse, talented children are educated until today in this manner provoking that their souls are wreckages].

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Mozart, Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia ("Nannerl")

She was born on 30 July 1751 in Salzburg, and died on 29 October 1829 also in Salzburg. She was the daughter of Leopold Mozart, the elder sister of Wolfgang Amadeus. Schooling of her father on the piano converts her into the most skilled piano player of Europe. In 1759 Leopold is composing a "music book" for her (19 minuets, 21 compositions without dancing forms, and also the first compositions of Wolfgang can be found in this book).

Nannerl is forced to accompany the little genius brother of Wolfgang Amadeus on his travels and is suffering heaviest illnesses like her brother [and she is also loosing the circle of friends of her childhood].

In 1784 she is marrying the privy councilor Johann Baptist Empire Baron Berchtold zu Sonnenberg. She is living in St. Gilgen and after his death she is piano teacher in Salzburg.

[It can be admitted that since the marriage the music stress is reduced].

At the end of her life she is blind. She is dying with 78 years and is reaching a high age for that time.

Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart,
W.A.Mozart's sister Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart, Nannerl

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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Baptismal names are: Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus (lat. Amadeus); confirmation's name: Sigismundus.

He was born on 27 January 1756 in Salzburg, and died on 5 December 1791 in Vienna.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart als Kind am

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a child on the piano.

Wolfgang Amadeus has got a high musicality and a brilliant memory since his early childhood, in combination with seriousness and insensitivity of learning. The first peaces dictated by his father are well conserved in the "music book" which was given to Nannerl in 1759. In 1762 father Leopold is writing a "music book" for his son Wolfgang, with German, French and Italian compositions.

The Mozart family during long travels
In 1762 (as a 6 years old boy) were the first two "art travels" with father Leopold and his children Wolfgang and Nannerl to Munich and to Vienna. The children are "presented" to the music expert members of the court (Wolfgang is playing one of Wagenseil's piano concertos with Wagenseil himself in the public).

In 1763 there is a first "big travel" [that is an absolute child abuse with isolation from the circle of children friends, with the separation from the family and with a constant travel strain]: Munich-Augsburg-Ludwigsburg-Schwetzingen-Heidelberg-Mainz-Francfort on the Main (Goethe is listening to Mozart), then continuing to Coblenz-Aachen-Brussels-Paris. The travel provokes a causing a big sensation [respectively the father is increasing his reputation damaging the lives of his children and their bodies are strained heavily].

A supporter can be found with Friedrich Melchior Grimm (1723-1807), and in Paris more friendships can be made with German musicians (Eckhardt Honauer and J. Schobert). Mozart's first compositions are under Schobert's influence: Sonatas for harpsichord which can be executed with an accompaniment of a violin (orig. French: Sonates pour clavecin qui peuvent se jouer avec l'accompagnement de violon), in 1764.

But Paris is not the last stop, but the travel is passing the Channel. In April 1764 (with 8 years) Mozart is presented at the London Court and there is the meeting with J. Chr. Bach, the music master of the Queen, and they are playing music together.

Mozart has to pass regular "probes" when he is shown at a court:
-- he has to play at sight
-- he has to perform difficult music peaces
-- he has to sing and to play an accompaniment from a presented full score
-- he has to make improvisations of an aria on certain words or on a presented bass part
-- he has to perform transpositions.

[Childish naive ambition is shown here for the adult's circus, and this is another total child abuse].

Now by the ideas recollected during the travels there are new compositions:
-- 6 violin sonatas dedicated to the English Queen and printed and published
-- little symphonies
-- and during an illness of his father there is also a "music book" assembled by Wolfgang with dances, free music peaces and sonata movements.

Add to this Haendel has got a strong influence on Mozart concerning oratories.

[The compositions made by orders from outside are a clear child labor. The question how much pressure was executed by father Leopold doing this is a taboo until today, but heavy pressure can be admitted].

In July 1765 the travel is going on back home passing the Channel again and passing the French and Dutch towns Lille-Gent-Antwerp and The Hague. The children now fall heavily ill so there has to be a rest traveling of four months.

[Now the physical child abuse traveling without limits is hardly ending with the death of the children. But the father never learns anything by these events].

The family is living for half a year within the Dutch aristocracy. After reconvalescense of the fine children's bodies [at the beginning of] 1766 another show of Wolfgang Amadeus in Amsterdam follows. Wolfgang Amadeus is also composing piano variations, the orchestra quodlibet "Galimathias musicum", sonatas, and symphonies.

Father Leopold Mozart is urging his two children going on traveling. There follow the cities
Utrecht-Mecheln-Paris-Dijon-Lyon-Geneva-Lausanne-Berne-Zurich-Donaueschingen-Ulm-Munich-Salzburg (end of 1766).

[All in all this "trip" lasts four years from 1762 to 1766, and this trip has robbed the childhood of the Mozart's children, for sister Nannerl it is the period between 11 and 15 years, for Wolfgang Amadeus the period between 6 and 10 years].

Child work of Wolfgang Amadeus is getting it's culmination point in one movement of the oratory "The Obligation of the First Commandment" (orig. German: "Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots"). The other movements are written by Michael Haydn and Adlgasser. Further on there is a grave music and a Latin school comedy "Apollo et Hyacinthus".

[Why a child of about 9 or 10 ages has already to compose grave music seems very doubtful. The psychical child abuse is establishing itself with Wolfgang Amadeus and is becoming the "normality"...]

Wolfgang Amadeus is studying "Gradus ad Parnassum" [The way to the mountain Parnass] of the composer Fux (Fox).

In 1768 the first depression comes for the 12 years old child Wolfgang Amadeus. After a trip from Salzburg to Vienna in 1768 (with 12 years) the father Leopold is "presented" at the court of the Emperor Joseph II and the Mozart family wants to get it's fee musically and economically in Vienna. But because of the frugality of the Emperor Joseph II and because of intrigues of competitive composers there is no big success possible in Vienna for the child Wolfgang Amadeus.

Mozart's little opera "Bastien and Bastienne" gets it's first performance in the house of Dr. Mesmer.

Mozart's first opera "La finta semplice" [The simple intrigue] gets it's first performance in Salzburg in 1769.

At the inauguration of the orphanage church Mozart is conducting an own mass.

[Now Wolfgang Amadeus is becoming a "music machine"...]

In 1769 Mozart (as a 13 years old youth) is becoming concert master in Salzburg.

[Now the child abuse is completed with payed child work, but in these times there were many children working. Father Leopold seems to have only the family's pride in it's head shortening the life of his son with permanent stress...]

Wolfgang is writing masses, dances and serenades (with 13 years).

But also the working position as a concert master in Salzburg is not enough for father Leopold Mozart. In December 1769 this work is interrupted by a travel of father and son to Italy. Now Nannerl is not taken to the trips any more, but now Nannerl has to pass late puberty without any father's presence. Towns visited during the trip are Verona-Mantua-Milan. There are meetings with Sammartini and Piccini, and Wolfgang Amadeus gets an opera order [and this is again one more institutionalized child abuse]. The trip is going on to the towns Bologna-Florence-Rome-Naples-Rome, where Wolfgang gets a "medal of golden trail spade". Since then Mozart likes to call himself a "Cavaliere Mozart" [knight Mozart].

[But there is one more consequence of this: Mozart becomes a wrong model now: Many children in European "cultural region" are presented the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and have to accept being humiliated when they want to be normal children, and they are humiliated until the children get their certificates at music competitions which correspond more or less to a "medal of golden trail spade". Therefore society in general is fostering classical music within imperial hierarchies. The topic of child abuse is going on to be a taboo, and any sociological study about child abuse and stress in childhood is missing].

Father and son Mozart have meetings with Father G.B. Martini and the opera composers Majo and Paisiello. Mozart is accepted as a "compositore" in the "Academy of Philharmonic Players" (orig. Italian: Academia dei Filarmonici) and Mozart gets lessons with Martini.

Mozart is performing child work again, now composing the opera "Mitridate, re di Ponto", an ordered music peace for Milan.

Only in March 1771 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is in Salzburg again (with 15 years).

[This trip to Italy from December 1769 to March 1771 lasted 16 months, so 1 1/2 years, and the most important personal development of Wolfgang between 13 and 15 years was blocked by this. During his first 15 years of life Wolfgang Amadeus is about 6 years traveling. And instead of making up the personal development and installing constant relationships it seems that Wolfgang Amadeus was urged with pressure by the father on and on, and Wolfgang is going on traveling up and down in Europe].

Composition of a cantata "La Betulia liberata".

Traveling is going on now: In autumn of 1771 Wolfgang is again in Milan where the first performance of his theatrical serenade (Serenata teatrale) "Ascanio in Alba" is realized. In April 1772 he is again in Salzburg with the performance of the dramatic serenade (Serenata drammatica) "The Dream of Scipio" (orig. Italian: "Il sogno di Scipione"). During Christmas of 1772 Wolfgang is in Milan again with the first performance of the ordered opera "Lucio Silla".

In 1773 Wolfgang is in Salzburg, then traveling to Vienna getting to know the Haydn string quartets. Then he is composing masses, serenades, divertimenti, concerts, string quartets, choirs and first piano sonatas.

[Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart does not seam to have the mental capacity for relationships. The drill of the father is dominating his soul].

In 1775 he is composing the opera buffa "The Pretend Guarden Girl" (orig. Italian: "La finta giardiniera") and for Salzburg the festival opera "The Shepperd King" (orig. Italian: "Il re pastore").

W.A.Mozart als junger Mann, ca. 20 Jahre

W.A.Mozart as a young man, appr. 20 years old

In 1777 there are 5 violin concertos, masses, piano concertos, divertimenti, serenades and symphonies composed.

But Mozart has no good position yet, and in Salzburg the management does not permit more travel vacations. Therefore Wolfgang leaves Salzburg [with 21 years]. He is quitting his working post and his fix salary and he cannot solve from the live scheme of traveling to which he was forced during his childhood by the force of his father.

There follow two "big travels" from 1777 on, now accompanied by the mother, to Munich with a meeting with the piano maker J.A. Stein. In Mannheim he gets to know Cannabich, Toeschl, Filtz, Holzbauer, Schweitzer and the poet Wieland. A love affair with the woman singer Aloysia Weber is ending unhappily.

Wolfgang is writing arias, flute concerts, flute quartets and piano sonatas.

In March 1778 Wolfgang is urged by his father for a travel to Paris [Wolfgang continues to be determined from outside], where an opera quarrel is on the way between adherents of Gluck and Piccini. Mozart reaching in Paris cannot repeat the sensational successes of his childhood. There are first performances of a ballet pantomime "Les Petits Riens" from Noverres and a symphony (Paris Symphony).

Wolfgang is giving piano lessons. He has a meeting with Johann Christian Bach. There are more composition orders, a concert for flute and harp, sonatas and variations for piano and violin sonatas.

The mother falls ill and dies on 3 July 1778 in Paris [with 58 years].

The travel back is passing Strasbourg-Mannheim-Munich. Wolfgang is yet in love with Aloysia but she is rejecting him definitively and then Wolfgang comes home to Salzburg in January 1779 in a heavy heart ache of love. He is again accepted as a concert master in Salzburg and at the same time he becomes the Court's organist now.

Compositions are following and following without limits: "Coronation Mass", vespers, church sonatas, concerts, symphonies, serenades, violin and piano sonatas, the little opera "Zaide", and an Opera seria "Idomeneo" for Munich carnival.

Then a stay in Vienna follows where Wolfgang has to resign in a quarrel with Archbishop of Salzburg who is in Vienna at the same time, and because of this quarrel Mozart looses his working post in Salzburg (8 June 1781). Now Wolfgang is settling as a free artist in Vienna. He is the first putting the mental nobles over the native nobles. But any application for a definite working post have no success.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is giving lessons, is organizing academies with his works, but is always in money troubles. In 1782 he is composing for the Emperor an ordered opera / little opera "The Abduction from the Seraglio".

At 4 August 1782 Wolfgang is marrying Constance Weber, Aloysia's sister. This marriage is estranging him from his father. But there are new connections with Haydn, a constructive friendship (his string quartets are a new stimulus). Mozart is also much time with Baron van Swieten where only music of Bach and Haendel is performed.

Mozart is arranging the Preludes and Fugues of Bach for string quartet and is changing the instrumentation of Haendel's oratories.

In 1784 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is becoming a Free Mason (as also Haydn is member of a Free Mason lodge). The [superficial] idea of friendship and of brotherhood are mirrored in Mozart's works.

[The principal idea of Freemasonry is the domination of the word by a little group of persons claiming to be the successor of Jesus' wife which is suppressed not only by Mozart and Haydn].

In the same year of 1784 Wolfgang's first son is born in Vienna on 21 September 1784 surviving well: Charles Thomas Mozart (Karl Thomas Mozart).

In 1786 Wolfgang is composing the comedy with music "The Impresario" (original German: "Der Schauspieldirektor"), then also the opera "The nights of Figaro" (original Italian: "Le nozze di Figaro"). Figaro is celebrating a great success in Vienna and above all in [then mostly German speaking] Prague.

[But there is also another point of view: Mozart also would have been famous with only the half of his works].

In 1787 Mozart was composing in Prague an ordered opera for Prague, the funny drama ("dramma giocoso") "Don Giovanni". The Prague period of Mozart is a happy time. In April Beethoven is Mozart's pupil for some time. Mozart also gets the title being an imperial chamber composer.

In the same year the severe father dies, probably without any reconciliation.

In 1788 Mozart was composing the last great symphonies (E flat major, g minor, and C major).

In 1789 Mozart makes a travel with prince Lichnovky to Berlin passing Dresden and Leipzig where Mozart is studying Bach. King Friedrich Wilhelm II in Potsdam gives Mozart an order for new string quartets.

In 1790 Mozart is composing the opera "Thus Do They All" (originally Italian: "Cosi fan tutte").

And in 1791 the opera "The Clemency of Titus" (original Italian: "La clemenza di Tito") is composed. There is also an art trip to Francfort on the Main being present at the coronation of the Emperor. Add to this Mozart is composing an ordered work for Schikaneder's theater on the Wieden: "The Magic Flute" (orig. German: "Die Zauberflöte"), and there is an ordered music peace for the Duke Walsegg: "Requiem". This requiem remains incomplete. At the beginning Walsegg claims to be the composer.

And on 26 July 1791 there is a second son born who survives: Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart.

Then, Mozart is dying because of a heavy illness, probably by an always more acute kidney failure. Such a kidney failure would have it's roots also in the travel strains and the overload of the nerves during his childhood.

[It can be admitted that the immune system was damaged and weakened decisively by the overload of the nerves and by the self-constraint for having always new and new success].

The alleged intoxication by Salieri is a legend. Mozart is buried in a grave for the poor, so today nobody knows precisely where his last place really is.

[The warning concerning Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

At the end the Mozart family is completely splintered. The whole ambition with all the travels and with child work and children's torture at the music instrument have not brought any family ties, but for Wolfgang Amadeus it brought only stress and poverty, so he could not even afford a grave stone at the end. Add to this it can be that a strange behavior of Mozart in Vienna played a role when he was always rejected there. And also some racism in Vienna against foreign people can be possible as it had been with other persons who wanted to establish themselves in Vienna and were always rejected.

This example of the Mozart family is a warning to evade a forced education with child work. Children have to develop their psychological roots and their relationships themselves, and for that a balance of the powers is needed in the family and not at all any force for playing music with a career ambition is needed, with world trips in the childhood. Salzburg is celebrating Wolfgang Amadeus, and at the same time he is a multiple abused child - but this is never mentioned.

Until today any force against children for playing music is not rated as a crime. Forced marriage is forbidden in the meantime, but enforced music education remains without punishment. There is missing a supplement of the children's law punishing the enforced music education (punishing the enforced music toy called music instrument), so such a law would help to evade such children's fate which are widespread until today (enforced music training, enforced concerts, the music playing child is the "decoration" of the family, but principally these children do not want to make music at all, and there are music teachers being enforced to enforce these children for playing music etc.). There is missing any sociological study about this topic. Salzburg would have every reason to be a pioneer in this topic].

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Constance Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's wife

Maria Constantia Caecilia Josepha Aloisia Mozart, born Weber (born on 5 January 1762 in Zell in Wiese valley in South Germany in the Black Forest, died on 6 March 1842 in Salzburg).

Konstanze Mozart, W.A.Mozarts Frau,
                        geborene Weber

Constance Mozart, W.A.Mozart's wife, born Weber

Her father is a brother of Carl Maria von Weber. This brother has to give up is working post as a district magistrate in Zell, so there is a change of the domicile to Mannheim. There he is bass player, copyist and prompter.

In 1777 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart gets to know the family the first time getting a rejection from the elder sister of Constance, Aloysia.

In 1778 the Weber family is changing it's domicile to Munich, and in 1779 to Vienna. The three sisters become professional singers.

At 4 August 1782 there is the marriage of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance Weber. They have 6 children, but only two of them survive: Karl Thomas, born in 1784, and Franz Xaver Wolfgang, born in 1791.

After Mozart's death in 1791 Constance Weber is marrying in 1809 again, now a Danish diplomat Georg Nikolaus Nissen (1761-1826).

In 1810 there is the change to Copenhague, in 1820 to Salzburg where Nissen is recollecting material for Mozart's biography which is published by Constance after his death.

[Constance Mozart resp. Constance Nissen reaches an age of 80 years, a very great age in these times, without so much music travel stress during the childhood].

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Mozart, Karl Thomas; first son of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance

born on 21 September 1784 in Vienna, died on 31 October 1858 in Milan. He is the elder of the two surviving sons of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance Mozart. He is educated with Mrs. Niemetschek in Prague 1792-97 and gets piano lessons with Duschek.

In 1797 he is becoming a member of a business house in Livorno, but the trial installing an own piano commerce is failing.

In 1806 his domicile is changing to Milan. Karl Thomas recommended by Haydn becomes a pupil of Asioli.

In 1810 Karl Thomas is giving up any music stress and becomes an official in Milan. At the end he is imperial k.u.k. official in the statal account department. When he died all legacy was given to Mozarteum Salzburg (with a concert piano of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart).

[Karl Thomas dies with 74 years, really old for this period, without music stress].
W.A.Mozarts Kinder: Franz Xaver Wolfgang
                        (links) und Karl Thomas (rechts)
W.A.Mozart' children: Franz Xaver Wolfgang (left)
and Karl Thomas (right)

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Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang; second son of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance

W.A.Mozarts Sohn Franz Xaver Mozart,
                          ca. 40 Jahre alt

W.A.Mozart's son Franz Xaver Mozart, appr. 40 years old

He was also called Wolfgang Amadeus (born on 26 July 1791 in Vienna, died in 29 July 1844 in Carlsbad), second surviving son of W. A. and Constance Mozart.

He becomes a pianist and composer in Austria, takes music lessons with Neukomm, A. Streicher, Hummel (piano), Salieri (singing), with Abbé Vogler and with Albrechtsberger (composition).

In 1802 (with 11 years) his first music composition is a piano quartet op. 1. In 1805 there is a first performance in Vienna as a composer and pianist. In 1808 (with 17 years) he becomes a home music teacher in Galicia, since 1810 he becomes piano teacher and choir director in Lemberg. In 1818 he makes an art travel to Russia, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. He mostly plays music peaces of his father and own compositions.

In 1834 he gets a working post as a band leader at Lemberg theater. In 1838 he changes his domicile to Vienna giving music lessons and fostering contacts.

[He dies with only 53 years, with music stress].

His musical heritage is stored in Mozarteum in Salzburg, among other things there are two piano concertos, piano chamber music, piano music, one symphony, cantatas and songs.

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Photo sources
-- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a child on the piano: http://www.pianosociety.com/index.php?id=28
-- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, appr. 20 years old: http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/clas/mozart.htm
-- Johann Georg Leopold Mozart, father: http://www1.harenet.ne.jp/~q9427m/End%20of%20MozartFamilyE.html
-- W.A.Mozart's sister Maria Anna Walburga Ignatia Mozart, Nannerl: http://www1.harenet.ne.jp/~q9427m/End%20of%20MozartFamilyE.html
-- Constance Mozart, W.A.Mozart's wife, born Weber: http://www1.harenet.ne.jp/~q9427m/End%20of%20MozartFamilyE.html
-- W.A.Mozart's children: Franz Xaver Wolfgang (left) and Karl Thomas (right): http://www1.harenet.ne.jp/~q9427m/End%20of%20MozartFamilyE.html
-- Franz Xaver Mozart, appr. 40 years old: http://www.about.lviv.ua/english/People/Franz_Xavier_Mozart.shtml

-- background image with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on an Ausrian stamp of 1956:
