Lies and
profit with "normal medicine". Index
How medicine after the invention of radiation
equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business
Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)
Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The
Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health
Industry (orig. German: Das
Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der
Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition,
Munich 2002; summary and chronology by
Michael Palomino
All occasional
inventions are indicated as "occasional".
The lies in normal "medicine" are
precisely presented in a chronology and
with the argument chains. In normal
"medicine" the factor making career and
money is more important than the health of
the human. Why do the health insurances
pay for this normal "medicine" when there
are always more ill persons produced
instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
Abbreviations |
Medical Journal (p.276) |
National Institutes of Health with
headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland
(p.324) |
the American Medical Association (p.339) |
Advisory Committee (p.328) |

Part 1: Money - hygiene -
bacteria - Pasteur and intrigues
1. Normal
"medicine" which is not medicine but is a competition
for more money
2. "Average age": hygiene and surgery
increasing the age
3. Infection illnesses: detection of bacteria
and the war against bacteria - and Pasteur's
2: Cholera - TB - lies of Koch - rations and
food care parcels
4. Cholera and
TB - Pettenkofer for hygiene and immune system -
Koch for quarantine
5. TB lie by Robert Koch - press media
cheering and protecting the liar - Hoechst selling the
6. Psychological nursing as a factor: Cochrane's
statistics about the influence of rations and food
care parcels in war camps in relation with
3: Industry - Ehrlich - syphilis - antibiotics -
7. Industry
fighting for medical research since 1900 appr. -
career of Paul Ehrlich
8. Ehrlich finds remedies against sleeping
sickness and syphilis - Hoechst invents
the instruction leaflet in 1912
9. Antibiotics and over prescription with
antibiotics - resistances of bacteria - allergies by
too many antibiotics
10. Research for disinfecting agents: Alexander
Fleming finds, Florey and Chain are producing Penicillin
Part 4: Cancer lies - cancer can be
healed by fever infections
11. Cancer: The lies
of healing by breast amputation and "prevention"
11.1 Cancer can be healed - normal "medicine"
rejecting immunotherapy
11.2 Stress supporting cancer
11.3. Different cases of cancer in normal
11.4 Preventive checkup against cancer
increasing the operation rate
11.5 Follow-up testing against cancer
increasing the operation rate
11.6 Preventive checkup against prostate cancer:
without success, but with heavy side effects after
super fluent operations
11.7 Preventive checkups against cervix cancer
increasing the operation rate
11.8 Epidemiologists prove: Preventive checkups
with Pap-test only bring more costs
11.9 New suspicion of cancer by HPV virus
infections is well worked out by industry
Part 5: stories about gene therapy
- with lethal victims
12. The fairy tale
with gene therapy
12.1 Genetic research: new eugenics are not
12.2 Scandal about genetic diagnostics with
the fetus and abortions
12.3 Clone baby and "preimplantation diagnostics": creation
of humans
12.4 Gene therapy with adenoviruses provoking the
death of the volunteer
6: Life expectation - medicaments shortening
life expection - hospitals
13. Life expectation
for a healthy life
14. Life expectation and fairy tales
14.1 Fairy tale of the merits of normal "medicine" for
a rise of life expectation
14.2 Medicaments shortening life expectation!
15. Psycho terrorism in hospitals against all
Part 7: Lies about heart attacks
and cholesterol - the Ornish program
16. Heart attack and cholesterol
- the Ornish program
16.1 The first study in Framingham about
lifestyle in 1948
16.2 Lies about high cholesterol levels - "cholesterol
reducers" bring much profit
16.3 Since 1962: war against fat is a war
against the body - "Light" products have no effect at
16.4 Diabetes: Sugar is a new "enemy"
16.5 Body Mass Index (BMI): Now the whole body
is an "enemy" - but the population is getting fater
despite of all
16.6 The first lifestyle program of Dean Ornish
against heart attacks
Part 8: Estrogen replacement
therapy damaging - Caesarea and "high risk
17. Since 1976: Hormone
replacement therapy (HRT): Artificial estrogen is
18. Invention of "high risk delivery" (high risk
9: Vaccinations against immune system -
allergies - psycho manipulations with immune
19. Manipulations of normal "medicine" with immune
19.1 Normal "medicine" does not want to know anything
from immune system
19.2 Vaccination: Misleading the immune system
- allergies and high mortality rates
19.3 Case: Vaccination against diarrhea with
rotaviruses causing death by intestine
19.4 Allergies by too much hygiene and immune
system without work: "Jungle thesis"
20. Detection of psycho manipulation with immune
system: Psychoneuroimmunology
Part 10: AIDS lies -
transplantations - thyroid "medicament" - tick
vaccination - aging - operations - arbitration
21. Lies about AIDS
using to profit of pharma industry
22. Cardiac transplantation: Definition of a
brain death instead of a cardiac death
23. Thyroid "medicament" is not better but
more expensive
24. Tick vaccination against FME: Propaganda
against ticks for profits
25. "Prettiness" - medicine against aging
26. Operations with complications - examples
27. Arbitration boards in Germany and
catastrophic balance of normal "medicine"

-- injection into a leg:
-- threatening injection:
-- fat addiction:
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo:
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end:
-- inhalator for insulin:
-- Medicine Cartel, cover: