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Note: healings with thuja ("tree of life")

Oil on the skin: joint pain, rheumatism, gout, ostearthritis, muscle pain, chronic pain, headaches, nerve pain ("neuralgic pain"), stiff muscles, skin diseases, bacterial skin infections such as herpes simplex, warts; extract in water: cancer; extract in water and also in compounds: strengthens the immune system against flu, colds, respiratory diseases; the scent repels insects; sprayed in water on plants: insecticide

Thuja twig   thuja cone    thuja hedge
Thuja twig [1] - thuja cone [2] - thuja hedge [4]

presented by Michael Palomino (2023 - translation with Deepl)

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Basic data about thuja trees

Origin of thuja trees: cool North "America" and cool Asia
Thuja trees are originally from North "America" (2 species) and from East Asia (3 species). It is a cypress species, colloquially called "tree of life." [web01]

There are 2 species in North "America":
-- the Occidental Tree of Life (Thuja occidentalis L.) in Canada and in the northern to central states of the "USA" [web01]
-- the Giant Tree of Life (Thuja plicata Donn ex D.Don, Thuja gigantea Nutt.) in western Canada and in the northwest of the "USA" including California [web01]

and in Asia 3 species:
-- the Korean tree of life in North Korea (Thuja koraiensis Nakai, Thuja odorata Doi) in North Korea and adjacent North China (Jilin, Changbai Shan) [web01]
-- the Japanese tree of life on the Japanese islands of Honshu and Shikoku (Thuja standishii (Gordon) Carriére, Thuja japonica Maxim, Thuja gigantea var. japonica (Maxim.) Franch. & Savatier, Thujopsis standishii Gordon) [web01]
-- the Sichuan tree of life (Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.) in Sichuan (central China) [web01].

The thuja tree is said to have once saved the lives of French sailors, hence the nickname "tree of life" was created [web03]. With an overdose, however, Thuja is exactly the opposite: deadly [web03].

Large thuja trees   thuja nursery
Large thuja trees [3] - thuja nursery [6].

Identifying characteristics: Scent of the crushed twigs
When the twigs ("scale-like leaves") are rubbed, these rubbed leaves are said to have a peculiar fragrance.
-- Korean Tree of Life (Thuja koraiensis Nakai) in North Korea: has an odor of almond cake.
-- Japanese tree of life (Thujopsis standishii): has an odor of lemon candy
-- Occidental tree of life (Thuja occidentalis L.) in Canada and up to middle "USA": has an odor of apple puree with cloves
-- Giant tree of life (western Canada+northwestern "USA" including California): has an odor of pineapple [web01].

The ingredients of North "American" Thuja

Dr. phil. Utz Anhalt (translation):

"In the categories of medicinal plant encyclopedias, arborvitae is considered an essential oil drug: essential oils are present at 0.4 to four percent, especially the toxic thujone in the forms a-thujone and ß-thujone, also a-terpinene, sabinene, limonene, camphor, borneol, and fenchone. Also present in trace amounts are carvotanacetone, origanene, origanol, terpinolene, thujyl alcohol, a- and y-thujaplicin.

In addition, there are the lignan plicic acid, the sesquiterpenes occidentalol, occidol (in the wood parts of the tree), the flavonoids procyanidin-B3, prodelphinidin 2, the bioflavonoids amentoflavone and bilobetin. In tannins Thuja contains catechin and gallocatechin, in glycosides occidenside, umbelliferone and p-coumaric acid.

Furthermore, the tree of life offers water-soluble polysaccharides (4.1 percent in the fresh branch tips), especially pentoses and glycoproteins; in addition, in the twig tips 2.1 percent water-soluble minerals, 1.7 percent free acids and 1.3 percent tannins. Thuja has a high content of vitamin C." [web03]

Use of thuja as timber and as jewelry

Use of thuja trees: The wood of thuja trees "white cedar" and "red cedar"
-- the wood of thuja trees is light, the heartwood is red-brown, durable, valuable
-- the occidental tree of life (Thuja occidentalis) provides wood under the name "white cedar" and the giant tree of life (Thuja plicata) "red cedar
-- some people have allergies from the wood of the tree of life
-- shingles made of tree of life (red cedar, white cedar) are more durable than those made of larch wood [web01]

Use of thuja trees: hedges
Mainly the occidental tree of life (Thuja occidentalis) is used for hedges [web01]

Thuja hedge  
Thuja hedge [4]

Use of thuja, thuja oil and thuja extract in natural medicine

Thuja oil
-- the essential oil from twigs and cones is used [web01]
-- the ingredient thujone is irritant, can cause skin irritation, taken in large quantities it has a suicidal effect; if thuja hedge trimmings are fed to livestock, the animals die [web01]

Thuja twigs and the oil from thuja twigs are used in natural medicine [web02].

Thuja oil 01   Thuja oil 02
Thuja oil 01 [7] - Thuja oil 02 [8]

Thuja oil on the skin
The thuja oil acts directly on the skin
-- against joint pain [web02,web03]
-- against ostearthritis [web02]
-- against muscle pain [web02,web03]
-- against headache [web03]
-- against nerve pain ("neuralgic pain") [web03]
-- against stiff muscles [web03]
-- against skin diseases [web02], bacterial skin infections such as herpes simplex, warts [web03]
-- against warts [web02]
-- against cancer [web02]
-- against rheumatism, gout, chronic pain [web03,web03]

-- and the scent repels insects [web02], and there is an effect of a natural insecticide (translation): "Thuja oil also has a toxic effect on insects and can be used to kill or repel insects." [web03]

Thuja in mixtures against cold
-- strengthening of the immune system
-- Thuja is a component of combined preparations with echinacea against respiratory diseases and colds [web03].

Dr. phil. Utz Anhalt (translation):

"Numerous studies, both in vitro and in vivo, now show that Thuja stimulates and strengthens the immune system and is also effective against viruses. The antiviral potential has effects mainly through the macrophages and monocytes. Thuja activates macrophages, this is shown by increasing cytokine secretion, stimulating NO2 production and activating CD-4 positive T cells.
In vivo experiments in mice [Link (english)] showed that Thuja polysaccharides caused colony-forming granulocytes and macrophages to increase, as did spleen cells, while hematopoietic progenitor cells regenerated." [web03]

Diluted thuja extract against cancer

Thuja extract (research
                    seminars of Rainer Taufertshöfer)
Thuja extract (research seminars of Rainer Taufertshöfer) [9]

-- a study from South "America" from 2016 and a study from India from 2018 confirmed an anti-cancer effect of Thuja [web04].

Rainer Taufertshöfer quote: "Study from India, from 2018 [...] and the Indian results confirmed the South American ones from 2016, namely the anti-angiogenic influence of Thuja on tumors and moreover a suppressed growth on cancer cells, here [in the 2018 study from India] those of the human lung cancer cell line (A549) (Breeta et al., 2018)." [web04, pdf p.4]

-- The mode of action of Thuja against cancer.

Rainer Taufertshöfer quote: "The fractions of α- and β-thujones have a pro-apoptotic effect (i.e., stimulation of the intracellular underlying program of premature cell death [self-destruction] of tumor cells) and an anti-angiogenic influence (angiogenesis [i.e., formation of new capillary blood vessels]), which may counteract cancer metastasis." [web04, pdf p.3]

-- the dosage of Thuja against cancer:

Rainer Taufertshöfer quote: "Dosages of 2.4 mg/ml to 0.3 mg/ml of Thuja extract showed significant growth suppression of lung tumor cells and significant inhibition of angiogenesis in the aforementioned 2018 Indian study (Breeta et al., 2018). [web04, pdf p.5] A control group received 0.15 mg/ml, which showed no effect due to the dosage being too low." [web04, pdf p.6]

-- the Indian study thinks the potential of Thuja against cancer is gigantic:

Rainer Taufertshöfer quote: "Overall, it is postulated by the Indian research team that the plant leaf extract of Thuja orientalis has even better anti-cancer properties than those validated in their stu-die (Breeta et al., 2018)." [web04, pdf p.5]

Thuja homeopathic: against ulcers, rashes, shingles, lichens, infections, herpes, externally against warts, greasy hair, smell of sweat

Dr. phil. Utz Anhalt:

"Homeopathy uses Thuja in extremely diluted solutions against inflammations: Against skin diseases such as ulcers, rashes, shingles or lichens, as well as against infections of the respiratory and urinary tracts, also against herpes in the genital area. "Thuja externally" is used in homeopathy to treat warts. In homeopathy, extremely diluted Thuja extracts are also said to help against greasy hair and sweat odor." [web03]

Thuja overdose

Overdose of thuja oil provokes poisoning, can be fatal

Dr. phil. Utz Anhalt (translation):

"Toxic effect of thujone: convulsions and in the long run damage to the liver and kidneys. An overdose leads to nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and gastrointestinal catarrh, headaches, nervousness and chronic cramps. A large overdose can lead to death." [web03]

Making thuja tea yourself is unsafe - better buy extracts with controlled active ingredients

Dr. phil. Utz Anhalt (translation):

"Symptoms can also occur if you drink tea from fresh twig tips in larger quantities - an exact indication for a safe amount of such tea is hardly possible, because the thujone content in the twig tips can vary very hard. Therefore, you should not use thuja internally in an uncontrolled manner and, in the case of liquid extracts from the leaves, you should definitely use controlled medical preparations that contain the active ingredients. A dose of 1.25 milligrams of thujone per kilogram of body weight is considered safe. In medical preparations containing thuja that are used for respiratory illnesses, the thujone content is so low that there is no danger." [web03]

Overdose sun and warmth for the thuja - then turns brown and dies

Thuja with sunstroke turns brown and dies
Thuja with sunstroke turns brown and dies [5]

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Oil on the skin: joint pain, rheumatism, gout, ostearthritis, muscle pain, chronic pain, headaches, nerve pain ("neuralgic pain"), stiff muscles, skin diseases, bacterial skin infections such as herpes simplex, warts; extract in water: cancer; extract in water and also in compounds: strengthens the immune system against flu, colds, respiratory diseases; the scent repels insects; sprayed in water on plants: insecticide -- Basic data about thuja trees   -- Identifying characteristics: Scent of the crushed twigs -- The ingredients of North "American" Thuja -- Use of thuja as timber and as jewelry -- Use of thuja trees: The wood of thuja trees "white cedar" and "red cedar" -- Use of thuja trees: hedges -- Use of thuja, thuja oil and thuja extract in natural medicine  Thuja oil -- Thuja oil on the skin -- Thuja in mixtures against cold -- Diluted thuja extract against cancer -- Thuja homeopathic: against ulcers, rashes, shingles, lichens, infections, herpes, externally against warts, greasy hair, smell of sweat -- Thuja overdose  Overdose of thuja oil provokes poisoning, can be fatal -- Making thuja tea yourself is unsafe - better buy extracts with controlled active ingredients -- Overdose sun and warmth for the thuja - then turns brown and dies

[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensbäume_(Gattung)
[web02] https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/thuja-essential-oil-27148816488.html
[web03] Dr. phil. Utz Anhalt: https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/heilpflanzen/thuja-thuja-occidentalis-anwendung-und-wirkung/
[web04] Rainer Taufertshöfer, medicine journalist and naturalmedicine practitioner: report of his study pdf (7 pages):  Der immergrüne Lebensbaum und sein Potential in der modernen Krebstherapie*
Link: Thuja_in_der_modernen_Krebstherapie.pdf - link
Kontakt: https://www.rainer-taufertshoefer-medizinjournalist.de/

Photo sources
[1] Thuja twig: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/baum-cypress-side-bag-2680999/
[2] Thuja cones: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/baum-zapfen-natur-grün-zweig-4977756/
[3] Big thuja trees: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/riesenlebensbaum-baum-pflanze-natur-93660/
[4] Thuja hedge: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/885168501735752043/
[5] Thuja with sunstroke turning brown and dies: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/707909635187904632/
[6] Thuja nursery: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/352336370842407327/
[7] Thuja oil 01: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/806988827021052137/
[8] Thuja oil 02: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/571183165408344779/
[9] Reiner Taufertshöfer, natural medicine practicioner and medicine journalist:
Thuja extract: https://connectiv.events/der-immergruene-lebensbaum-und-sein-potential-in-der-modernen-krebstherapie/
Web site in the Internet archives:
Rainer Taufertshöfer, medicine journalist and naturalmedicine practitioner: report of his study pdf (7 pages):  Der immergrüne Lebensbaum und sein Potential in der modernen Krebstherapie*
Link: Thuja_in_der_modernen_Krebstherapie.pdf - link
Kontakt: https://www.rainer-taufertshoefer-medizinjournalist.de/
