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Note: The healing effect of snake venom of the Indian cobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja - homeopathy)

Heart enlargement - heart failure - heart damage - heart damage after infectious diseases - heart flutter - stitches in the heart region - heart valve error in children - muscle weakness - circulation+blood pressure - edema - head: severe headache - hay fever - sore inflammation - asthma - suffocation feeling - cramps in esophagus and respiratory tract - lower body: Digestion - duodenum ulcer - ovary cysts, abdominal complaints - menopause symptoms - mentally: jealousy, loneliness, irritability
Indian Cobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja)   Indian Cobra
                (Naja tripudians / Naja naja): the back side with the
                glasses design   Indian Cobra (Naja tripudians),
                homeopathic globuli
Indian Cobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja) [1] - Indian Cobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja): the back side with the glasses design [2] - homeopathic globuli [3]

presented by Michael Palomino (2019 / 2022) - news

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Indian cobra: occurrences and cults

The Indian cobra (lat. Naja tripudians or Naja naja) is the most common cobra species with 1.5 to 2m length. The pattern on the top is yellow and brown [web03]. It belongs to the family of the Elapid snakes and occurs in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan [web04]. The Indian cobra is one of the "big four" that causes most of all snake bites in Asia [web08].

The snake charmers in India have fun to make the Indian cobra "dancing" with a spread shield with a black and white glasses drawing at it's back side. That is why the Indian cobra is also called "spectacled cobra" [web03]. The snake is ritually worshiped [web04].

Snake charmer with 4 cobras in Kochi (India)  
Snake charmer with 4 cobras in Kochi (India) [4]

Myths and stories
India maintains tons of myths about the Indian cobra, e.g. the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling. Indian cobra is an important deity in Hinduism. Shiva is often connected to a cobra snake called "Vasuki". Vishnu is usually depicted on a multi headed snake. Cobras are worshiped at Hindu festivals. Killed cobras are buried in a cloth, and milk and ghee are put into the grave as an addition. Cobras also play a role in Indian coat of arms. Snake charmers have their snake in a round basket with them. The snake is deaf, only sees the movements of the flute and feels the shocks when the foot of the snake charmer knocks onto the floor. Snake charmers also sell the snake venom of their snake at a high price. Snake fights were also normal, are now prohibited [web08]

Indian cobra = spitting cobra
In India, the Indian cobra is one of the "big four" (link) that add most of the snake bites to the people in India. Nevertheless, the Indian cobra in India has been protected since 1972. It rarely bites and has to be provoked for a long time until it attacks. The mouth has two teeth for the injection of the poison. The Naja species are spitting cobras and spit their poison over several meters away from the enemy [web04]. Cobra bites of the Indian cobra occur in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, throughout South Asia. The most common bites of the Indian cobra are reported from Bangladesh. Whole books have been written about the cobra bites [web08].

Usually the Indian cobra lives hidden in earth holes with it's nidus. It's active during day and night. It is shy of rain [web04].

The bite of the Indian cobra
The quantity of snake venom per bite is very different. But mostly the Indian cobra is only spitting [web08].

Indian cobra: ingredients of the snake poison

The snake venom of the Indian cobra contains a post-synaptic nerve poison (neurotoxin) and a cardiac poison (cardiotoxin). The poison acts on the synapse crevices of the nerves and thus causes muscle paralysis. Heavy bites also lead to respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. Furthermore, the snake poison contains enzymes such as hyaluronidase for the dissolution (elimination) of the cells and for the poison distribution [web08].

The poison of young cobras was misused as a cult in India. Snake charmers were payed for the service that the public wanted to get bitten by a cobra bite. Due to this past practice, symptoms are still available among the population such as unconsciousness, euphoria and death [web08].

-- Strong nerve poison (neurotoxic) [web04]
-- Death from rising breathing paralysis [web04]
-- Heart toxins (cardiotoxins) are intoxicating the heart of the victim [web04]
-- The death rate of people bitten by the Indian cobra is about 10% by breathing paralysis [paralysis of the diaphragm] [web04]

Indian cobra: The effect of the snake toxic: drowsiness - paralyzation symptoms - muscle paralysis - breathing paralysis - death
When the Indian cobra is biting, then the skin is coloring towards purple with burning pain. After one hour the muscle paralysis is coming [web04].

After a severe bite of the Indian cobra, the symptoms of poisoning take place as follows:

The symptoms of poisoning occur from 15 minutes to 2 hours after the bite event. Without treatment, 20-30% of bitten people die, when there is an immediate treatment only 9% die. The remedy should be given at the latest 30 minutes after the snake bite, e.g. 100ml serum [web08].

-- First comes the drowsiness, which in 60% of cases in 30 minutes after the heavy bite, in other up to 3 hours later [web08]
-- Local death of tissue (necrosis) at the bite point [web08]
-- Pain and swelling across the whole leg or the whole arm, where the bite took place, sometimes the trunk is partially affected [web08]
-- On the third day, the skin at the bite point with black color follows, the wound begins to stink foul, an important sign of snake poison [Web08]
-- At the same time, the first violent symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomit, dizziness and tiredness, sleepiness and poisoning [Web08] are carried out.

-- On the third day, the skin at the bite point becomes black, the wound begins to stink foul, this is an important sign of snake poison [web08]
-- At the same time, the first violent symptoms are coming such as headache, nausea, vomit, dizziness and tiredness, sleepiness and poisoning [web08]

In human trials, subjects were paid for "trying out" the snake poison for the statistics. The results were like this:
-- The drowsiness was like taking a strong poison [web08]
-- from 1 to 4 hours after the bite came difficulties with opening the eyes, with speaking, with opening the mouth, with moving the lips, and with swallowing [web08]

-- The first paralysis takes place on the eyelid (ptosis) 1 1/2 to 6 hours after the bite, the bitten victim can no longer open the eye and it's head is tending to the back for trying to open the eye lid [web08]
-- Now is the latest point of time to give a cure against snake poison [web08]
-- The bitten victim can no longer control saliva secretion in the mouth, the jaw hangs down or the mouth does not open [Web08]

-- Now follows general weakness all over the body [cells are destroyed] [web08]
-- People with severe cases develop  now muscle paralysis by the nerve poison which are blocking the synapses, right up to the paralysis of breathing [paralysis of the diaphragm]. In severe cases, breathing paralysis occurs in 3 to 4 hours: First, breathing is hasty, irregular, intellectual confusion comes, and finally breathing is stopped. Doctors must recognize the previous symptoms BEFORE the paralysis of breathing [Wweb08]
-- In the case of breathing paralysis, the most important measures are a mouth-to-mouth ventilation and a drive to the next hospital where also an air pipe cut (tracheotomy) can be made [web08]

Pharmaceutical remedies against snake bites of the Indian cobra
-- Serum with multiple effects against various snakes: At least 30 minutes after the snake bite, an antidote should be given, e.g. 100ml serum. The paralysis of an eyelid is clear sign of snake poison. If there is no clinical improvement within one hour, a second dose is given [web08].
-- Zedoary root (white turmeric) acts against snake bites and is in the pharmaceutical test phase [web08].
-- In Costa Rica at the Clodomiro-Picado Institute, an antidote was developed in November 2016, the pharmaceutical test phase runs on Sri Lanka [web08].
-- In Thailand from 1968 to 1974, 20 bite victims were treated from the country. Most victims had worked in the rice fields and suffered a snake bite on foot. They got an antidote intravenously injected, combined with a symptom treatment and supportive procedures. 19 survived, 1 victim died of lack of oxygen in the brain [web08].

The homeopathic healing effect of Indian cobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja)

Homeopathic remedy Naja tripudians / Naja naja heals everything that is committed by the snake poison:

Physical indications
-- cardiovascular system [web04]
-- nerve pain [web06] = neuralgia [web07]

Naja tripudians heals the heart region
-- angina pectoris (narrow chest) [web05, web06] with narrow sensations that radiate to the throat, to the neck and to the left arm up to the left hand [web05]
-- Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) and laminitis (endocarditis) [web05, web06]]
-- Heart valve defect [web05]
-- fast heartbeat (tachycardia) [web05]

Or this way:

Homeopathy heals heart disease: anamnesis and e.g. diluted cobra snake venom (Naja tripudians). Indications: hypertrophy of the heart (heart enlargement), acute+chronic heart inflammation (endocarditis), heart damage after infectious diseases, nervous heart flutter without concrete cause, painful stings in the heart region, mostly accompanied by low blood pressure can be observed, possibly combined with headaches in foreheads and temples. Dry cough due to heart disease is not uncommon. It is given diluted cobra snake venom (Naja tripudians). - All snake people suffer at the throat zone, they don't like tight clothes on the neck, sometimes also tend to dry skin and eczema [web01].

Or this way (translation):

"In homeopathy, the remedy Naja tripudians is considered a proven means of complaints from the cardiovascular system. Stinging and radiating heart pain in connection with fear of death are treated with Naja tripudians as well as general heart problems in connection with cough or shortness of breath.
The patients are very sensitive to the cold and they show big complaints when lying on the left." [web07]

Key symptoms
-- "left-side headache that pulls to the back of the head
-- headache with nausea and vomiting
-- dry cough combined with heart diseases
-- enlargement of the heart, heart failure" [web07]

Naja tripudians / Naja naja heals the circulation
-- high blood pressure (hypertension) is regulated, which becomes worse by light activities already, as well as by lying on the left and by speak [web05]

Naja tripudians / Naja naja is healing the head region
-- strong headache on the left side, radiating migraine head pain on the left side, along with nausea+vomiting [web05]
-- nose: hay fever [web05]
-- inflamed neck with swelling and inflammation [web05]
-- asthma with suffocation feeling, air snaps at night [web05]
-- "Cramps of the esophagus and the respiratory tract" [web06]

Naja tripudians / Naja naja heals the abdomen
-- digestion troubles [web05]
-- duodenum ulcer [web05]
-- "Left-wing ovarian cysts and abdominal complaints" [web05]
-- menopause complaints (heals also with Lachesis) [web02]
-- feeling of tightness, paralysis, shortness of breath and suffocation feeling, feeling of a laced neck, tight clothing on the neck is rejected [web05]

Complaints typically begin on the left side of the body and develop to the right. A stay outdoors and lying on the right side improves the symptoms [web05].

Homeopathy heals menopausal symptoms: perform an anamnesis and then give e.g. diluted snake venom of the Bushmaster snake (Lachesis) and of Cobra (Naja tripudians) [web02].

Naja tripudians / Naja naja for the muscles
-- Sudden muscle weakness on the arms and legs, "like paralyzed" [web05]
-- Sudden tiredness of the legs [web05]
-- edema in the legs (water retention) [web05]

Naja tripudians / Naja naja for the skin
-- acts "against leg hair in women" [web05]
-- acts against hypersensitivity of the skin when blue spots and burst veins develop these spots already by soft strokes [web05]

Mental indications
-- bad feeling of everything [web06]
-- intolerance of narrowness [web05]
-- jealousy [web05]
-- self-isolation, unstable mental health, thoughts of suicide, addictive behavior [Web05]

Naja tripudians for children

When there are heart defects:
-- Translation: "For children, Naja is mainly used when there is a congenital heart defect." [web05]
-- Cradiac valvular effect with children [web05]

Dosage and intake

-- Naja tripudians is well tolerated without side effects at any age from being a baby to be adult, and it's also for pregnant women appliable [web05]
-- It's recommended using potencies of D30 upwards as also LM or Q potencies with the accompaniment of a doctor or midwife who understand something about homeopathy [web05]

There are the normal precautionary measures such as
-- no food, drink, smoking or alcohol 15 minutes before and after taking, and in this time must not be any essential oils (mountain pine, menthol, camphor) or solution substances (paints, colors, gasoline), also no consume of mint, toothpaste, chewing gum, coffee or alcohol [web05]
-- the form of remedy may be globuli, dissolved tablets or drops with a plastic spoon [web05]

-- Infants up to 12 months 1 globulus per time, up to 3 years old babys 2 globules per time, from 3 years on and adults 3 globules per time [web05]
-- "Infants and babies are given the globules to dissolve in the cheek pocket" [web05]
-- Tinctures are unsuitable for alcohol content for babies, children and pregnant women [web05].

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Heilung durch Nahrung - Heilkräuter, Extrakte, Pulver - alles Bio-Vollkorn, kein weisser Gift-Zucker Powershake vom
Rohköstlichkeiten (Kekse, Schokolade, Brote, Oliven, Miso etc.)
Regenwaldprodukte (Kräftigung, Heilung und Prävention)
Algen (Ausleitung, Vitamine, Mineralien, Eiweisse, Nährstoffe)
Energetisierung von Wasser (Blumenmuster, Filteranlagen)
Bücher und DVDs (veganes Kochen, Heilen, Geistiges, günstig!) etc.
Regenbogenkreis - Lübeck - Versand: Ganz Europa

Herzvergrösserung - Herzschwäche - Herzentzündungen - Herzbeschädigung nach Infektionskrankheiten - Herzflattern - Stiche in der Herzregion - Herzklappenfehler bei Kindern - Muskelschwäche - Kreislauf+Blutdruck - Ödeme - Kopf: starke Kopfschmerzen - Heuschnupfen - Halsentzündung - Asthma - Erstickungsgefühl - Krämpfe in Speiseröhre und Atemwegen - Unterleib: Verdauung - 12-Fingerdarmgeschwür - Eierstockzysten, Unterleibsbeschwerden - Wechseljahrsbeschwerden  -- Indische Kobra: Vorkommen und Kulte -- Die Bisse der Indischen Kobra -- Indische Kobra = Speikobra -- Der Biss der Indischen Kobra -- Indische Kobra: Inhaltsstoffe des Schlangengifts -- Indische Kobra: Die Wirkung des Schlangengifts: Schläfrigkeit - Lähmungserscheinungen - Muskellähmung - Atemlähmung - tot -- Heilmittel der Pharma gegen Schlangenbisse der Indischen Kobra -- Die homöopathische Heilwirkung der Indischen Kobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja) -- Dosierung und Einnahme

[web01] Homöopathie heilt Herzkrankheiten mit mit Anamnese verdünntem Schlangengift Naja tripudians: https://www.experto.de/gesundheit/homoeopathie/homoeopathische-mittel/schlangenmittel-wann-wird-naja-tripudians-eingesetzt.html 
[web02] Homöopathie heilt Eifersucht und Wechseljahrsbeschwerden: mit Anamnese und verdünntes Schlangengift: https://www.experto.de/gesundheit/homoeopathie/homoeopathische-behandlung/goettliche-homoeopathie-schlangenmittel-bei-eifersucht-lachesis-und-naja.html
[web03] Indische Kobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja): https://www.globuli.de/einzelmittel/globuli-von-m-bis-o/naja-tripudians/
[web04] Indische Kobra (Naja tripudans): https://de.wikibrief.org/wiki/Indian_cobra
[web05] Naja tripudians Globuli: https://www.globuli.de/einzelmittel/globuli-von-m-bis-o/naja-tripudians/
[web06] Naja tripudians: https://www.gesundu.de/lexikon/detail/naja-tripudians
[web07] Naja tripudians: https://www.hallo-homoeopathie.de/mittel/naja-tripudians
[web08] https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Indian_cobra

[1] Indische Kobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja): https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Indian_cobra
[2] Indische Kobra (Naja tripudians / Naja naja), Rückseite mit Brillenmuster: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Indian_cobra
[3] Indische Kobra (Naja tripudians), homöopathische Kügelchen: https://www.shop-apotheke.com/homoeopathie/4228355/dhu-naja-tripudians-d8.htm
[4] Schlangenbeschwörer mit 4 Kobras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJFmLtMGSqs
