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Note: egg shell powder 01

Medical healing effect of egg shell powder with natural calcium: strengthens teeth, bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage of joints, nails,

Sammelfoto 03: Das Eierschalenpulver ins
                Essen streuen
Multiple photo 03: Egg shell powder is put into the meal [4]
June 7, 2024: Have a coffee
                mill for grinding egg shell powder 14 Euros       Jan 3, 2025: Grinding coffee
                grinder for eggshell powder 12 euros
June 7, 2024: Have a coffee mill for grinding egg shell powder 14 Euros [6] - Jan 3, 2025: Grinding coffee grinder for eggshell powder 12 euros  [7]


presented by Michael Palomino (since 2024)

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Short instruction

Feb 16, 2024: Make your own EGGSHELL powder
by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS PAY CASH - Feb 16, 2024 / Feb 23, 2024

Eggshells contain a lot of natural calcium and so are strengthening the teeth:
Buy organic eggs - boil - peel - crumble the shells with your fingers - let them dry for 8 hours - put them in a small pepper mill - hold them at an angle - grind them into a bowl - sprinkle them into the food - 2 eggs per week - with the egg itself you can make an egg salad in all possible variations with tomato sauce.

Feb 11, 2024: Strengthen teeth with eggshell powder (calcium) and soothe tooth roots tearing with double chamomile tea in the mouth
by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS PAY CASH - Feb 11, 2024

Translation with Translator.eu:

Strengthen teeth:
— sprinkle the eggshell powder into the food or into your drink (in acute cases of toothache, 1 egg per day)
— the roots of the teeth can be healed with double chamomile tea (in acute cases 3 times a day for 10 minutes).

The natural calcium in eggshell powder is easily absorbed.
Also strengthens bones, ligaments, tendons, nails, eventually also the hair.

Just crumble the eggshells, let them air dry for at least 8 hours and then grind them in a small pepper mill. 2 eggs per week. When there is acute tooth ache 1 egg per day.

Today I wonder why I only detected the eggshell powder as a medicine for my teeth last year in 2023 for strengthening my teeth, because I would have needed it 30 years ago! Not even my friend who is a lab technician told me that.

Last year (in 2023) there should be 2 root canal treatments, but the health service does not pay for them because they are the rearmost teeth, so the office has the guideline, better to extract teeth and that's it. But I didn't want that. That's when I detected the eggshell powder. With eggshell powder and the double chamomile tea tearing in the mouth, all the pain is gone within 2 weeks. The Mrs. woman dentist was surprised, she didn't have any more work with me. Today I still take 2 eggshells a week and I don't need to draw chamomile tea anymore.

Whether this counts also for vaccinated people has to be tested.

Tell it to everybody - anyone can collect eggshells and crumble them, let them dry and grind them in a pepper mill - and everyone can pull double chamomile tea in the mouth.

And yes, and a gum pocket has also disappeared with the eggshell powder and pulling double chamomile tea in the mouth. The dentist was surprised!

Have a nice Sunday,
Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+PAY ALWAYS CASH - www.med-etc.com

Always boil eggshells Feb 12, 2024: Minerals are heat-resistant
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [12.02.2024 08:08]

About egg shells

Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [12.02.2024 08:08]
Boil them well [because] under the peel sit the salmonella! The effect is equal: minerals are heat resistant.

Make your own EGGSHELL powder Feb 12, 2024: crumble + grind it in a pepper mill
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [12.02.2024 13:08]


not only for the teeth
Grind the egg shells of 2 eggs a week producing powder and take this - this strengthens the teeth - can't provoke any damage - maybe it also betters the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, eyes, nails, hair.

Healing tooth nerves: You make a combination:
— ingest eggshell powder, and
— pull double chamomile tea in the mouth 3x per day for 10min.

The research is still in its infancy.

My dentist has less and less work with me and I save my teeth. Healings in other persons are not yet there, this will come yet.

If I had had this idea 30 years earlier, I would have saved a lot of money - but better late than never.


                      shells crumbled with the fingers and let them dry
                      at least during 8 hours  
Egg shells crumbled with the fingers and let them dry at least during 8 hours [1]

Multiple photo
                      01: Eggshells are filled into the small pepper
Multiple photo 01: Eggshells are filled into the small pepper mill [2]

Multiple photo 02: close the pepper
                      mill and put it into a cup holding it in an
                      oblique position
Multiple photo 02: close the pepper mill and put it into a cup holding it in an oblique position [3]

Multiple photo 03: Egg shell
                      powder is put into the meal
Multiple photo 03: Egg shell powder is put into the meal  [4]

Eggshell powder on April 1, 2024: Summary
Vaccine damage Switzerland Corona vaccination, [01.04.2024 01:11]

Translation with Deepl:

Strengthen your teeth with eggshell powder (pure natural calcium):
-- Collect eggshells (pure natural calcium) from boiled eggs or boil eggshells a little (against salmonella) - crumble them - let them dry for 8 hours - then grind them in a little mill - store them in a medium spice jar - sprinkle them in small doses into your food
-- I made 4 eggs at a time [every week] for 2 months, I had much egg salad and was sprinkling the doityourself eggshell powder into vegetables, compote, tagliatini, spinach soup and salad.
-- My teeth have become totally strong, my joints too, tennis elbow from all the mouse clicking has gone, I can write as much as I want without pain, also suitable as a preventative measure, even my nails are strong
-- Pet owners can also use it to strengthen teeth, bones and joints in mammals, whether dogs or cats or horses etc.
-- The eggshell powder from the pet shop for dogs and cats is strange to me, has a strange taste, you can't check what else is mixed in.
Greetings to all and thanks for your work - Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINE + ALWAYS PAY CAS

Healing with eggshell powder on May 27, 2024: someone healed his joints almost by 100% in a short time with eggshell powder: wow!
Simply sprinkle it into your food every day
(orig. German: Einfach täglich ins Essen streuen)

An old friend in Vienna (about
                      50) heals his joint pains with eggshell powder
                      (collagen in the shell membrane) almost by 100%
                      and all has gone - sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon into the
                      food daily - it goes on!
An old friend in Vienna (about 50) heals his joint pains with eggshell powder (collagen in the shell membrane)
almost by 100% and all has gone - sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon into the food daily - it goes on! [5]

Ein alter Kollege in Wien (ca.50) heilt Gelenkschmerzen mit Eierschalenpulver (Kollagen im Schalenhäutchen)
fast zu 100% weg - täglich 1/2 TL ins Essen streuen - es geht weiter! [5]

June 7, 2024: Have a coffee mill for grinding egg shell powder 14 Euros

June 7,
                      2024: Have a coffee mill for grinding egg shell
                      powder 14 Euros       Jan 3, 2025:
                      Grinding coffee grinder for eggshell powder 12
June 7, 2024: Have a coffee mill for grinding egg shell powder 14 Euros [6] - Jan 3, 2025: Grinding coffee grinder for eggshell powder 12 euros  [7]

Nutrition on Aug 19, 2024: Eggshell powder heals cartilage in joints
by Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE + ALWAYS PAY CASH - Aug 19, 2024

Sprinkling eggshell powder into food results in
-- strong bones with natural calcium
-- strong teeth without holes with natural calcium
-- AND: joint cartilage is healed with the natural collagen in eggshell powder.

In my case, the “mouse arm” with the painful shoulder healed, just like that, without notice, suddenly and unexpectedly. Even the restriction of movement, where I could only move my right hand on my back up to my belt line, is over: my fingertips can reach my shoulder blade again like before the illness.

At first there were 4 eggs a week, now as a preventative measure I take the shells of 4 eggs a month, simply boil eggs now and then and chop up the shells, let them dry, grind them in a coffee grinder, fill them and then sprinkle them into food. This is how Mother Earth is healing.

The blacks in Africa were the model: they are eating eggs with the eggshell having strong teeth and never have problems with their teeth. This was the model for this healing method with egg shell powder.

If you want to buy the eggshell powder, buy it on the Internet or in the pet store for dogs and cats, then you are a dog or a cat for a moment. Of the industrially ground eggshell powder, it only needs 1/4 teaspoon sprinkled into the food, because the industrial powder is ground much finer and thus it is much denser. But if you make the powder yourself, you know exactly what kind of eggs you used.

Jan 3, 2025: Instruction for egg shell powder production and intake for teeth, bones, and cartilage of joints
E-mail to an organization in the "USA" - Jan 3, 2025


Apply egg shell powder for teeth and tooth nerves
Because I make also natural medicine with Mother Earth (all natural substances and plants) but I have also lost some teeth in my mouth and so I was looking for a good remedy for not having caries or nerve inflammations any more, and I found EGG SHELL POWDER which is recommended even for pets (cats and dogs [are said to have strong bones and teeth with it]) but it works also for humans, horses, cows and other animals with teeth (!!!):
Eggs   Eggs
                    with egg shell powder aside  
Eggs [8] - Eggs with egg shell powder aside [9]

-- human persons can put in their meals every month on 2 or 3 days egg shell powder (mix it into vegetables, musli, yogurts, soups, purés etc.)
-- it may be self made or when it's ground by industrial machines it's even more dense and less of it is needed but you don't know which eggs were used
-- this is half a tea spoon of egg shell powder for a person after 14, children get the half
-- adults who begin with the stabilization put it during 3 months, then reduce the rhythm to 2 or 3 days per month
-- children from 3 on get little bit 2 or 3 days per month, from 6 to 13 years 1/4 tea spoon 2 or 3 days per month

Making egg shell powder yourself
How to do it yourself - it's easy and just accustom to it - tell the elders, tell this to the [...] Committee etc.:
-- cooked eggs give egg shells or raw egg shells are used from egg meals, the raw egg shells have to be cooked for 5 minutes for eliminating salmonella when you have prepared an egg meal (fried eggs etc.)
-- next step: crumble the egg shells with your fingers
-- next step: let the reduced egg shells dry for 8 hours on a plate on open air
Egg shells crumbles drying in an plate   Little mill
Egg shells crumbles drying in an plate [10] - Little mill [11]

-- next step: then grind the egg shell pieces in a little mill so the egg shell powder comes out
-- save the egg shell powder in a tupper or glass to close, store the egg shell powder where the spices are
-- put half tea spoon into a meal, children until 12 years the half
-- in the beginning I was doing this every day during 3 months for strengthening my teeth - it also strengthens the bones AND the little skin contains collagen which heals damaged articular cartilage
-- I was surprised that my teeth felt bigger and one nerve inflammation has gone (the dentist was surprised ooo there was no work for her!) BUT: also my shoulder pain from much mouse work during the last 30 years was also healing by the way
Safe all your teeth with egg shell powder
With egg shell powder from the childhood on 2 times per month - or when persons from 14 on begin with it have it 3 months long every day - and the teeth will be stable without holes or inflammations.

Warm regards,

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Photo sources
[1,2,3,4] Photos by Michael Palomino (2024)
[5] Telegram
[6] Mill: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Grinder-Vintage-Antique-Adjustable-Adjustment/dp/B097D4SY32/
[7] Mill: https://www.geheimshop.de/nostalgie-kaffeemuehle-aus-keramik/
[8] Eggs: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/ostereier-eier-ostern-lebensmittel-6035549/
[9] Eggs with egg shell powder: https://practicalselfreliance.com/eggshell-powder/
[10] Gusci d'uovo sbriciolati che si asciugano in un piatto: foto di Michael Palomino
