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Note: amber healing effect

The healing effects of amber - the list: Names of the amber (resin) - electric charge by rubbing - worn on the skin directly on solar plexus region - wash it under lukewarm water -- Wearing an amber necklace with babies -- An amber necklace in general -- Amber for the psyche -- Amber powder - ground amber -- Amber oil

Amber necklace or an amber on the solar plexus: promotes blood formation - heart - hormone balance - cartilage formation - liver - kidneys - mucous membranes - self-healing powers - solar plexus - metabolism - digestion - wound healing -- indications: Allergies - respiratory - epilepsy - fever - gout - skin diseases - varicose veins - pathogens - nosebleeds - rheumatism - pain in the head area -- stabilizes the psyche, radiance -- Amber powder intake: Infections, boils, bladder, liver, kidney, gall bladder -- Amber oil: antispasmodic.

Bernsteinkette   Bernsteinkette 02   Buch
                "Heilstein Bernstein"   Bernsteinkette 03 für Kleinkind   Bernsteinkette 04 in Gelb aus Litauen
Amber necklace 1,2 [1,2] - Book "Healing stone amber" (orig. German: "Heilstein Bernstein") [3] - Amber necklace 03 [4] - Amber necklace 04 in yellow from Lithuania [5]

presented by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2023 - translation with Deepl 2023)

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The healing effects of amber - the list

Names of the amber (resin) - electric charge by rubbing - worn on the skin directly on solar plexus region - wash it under lukewarm water
-- Amber is fossilized resin of a pine tree, about 50 million years old, is very light, sometimes with insects, barks, seeds in the fossilization [web04]
-- Amber in German speaking regions is also called "sea stone" (Seestein) or Amber, usually it's golden yellow, but can also be blue, red or green, and was used as a gemstone in ancient times already [web11]
-- Amber necklaces must be worn ON THE SKIN [web08], amber is electric after rubbing and attracts wood chips and straw [web03]
-- never put amber in the sun, it can make it brittle [web06,web11].
-- amber works best when worn directly on the skin for a long time, it then becomes slightly warm and is said to transmit positive energies, especially between the chest and the ribs at the solar plexus region, amber works best [web11]
-- if the amber does not get warm anymore, it should be cleaned ("discharged"): Hold under lukewarm water [web11]: It is discharged under running water, this leads not only to an external cleaning, but also to a purification of the energies [web06]. Then it works again [web11]

Wearing an amber necklace with babies
An amber necklace around the neck has its effect [web04]:
-- teething: babies with amber necklace around the neck is facilitated teething [web08], less pain during teething [web02].
-- teething: makes teething easier for kids with their first teeth [web01]
-- teething: the soothing effect of amber against pain during teething is "based on the fact that amber - like brass and coal - has the highest radiance - a sixfold" (MOHLBERG, according to SCHRÖDTER) [web09]
-- teething in infants can be eased by drinking a lot, but please without sugar [web10]
-- amber is also helaing skin rash [web07]

An amber necklace in general
An amber necklace around the neck has its effect [web04]:
-- promotes blood formation (hematopoiesis) with new formation of red blood cells due to its effect on the spinal cord [web02]
-- promotes blood formation against leukemia [web02]
-- promotes cartilage: promotes regeneration of cartilage in joints (articular cartilage) [web01]
-- promotes digestion [web01]
-- strengthens the heart (cardiac muscle) [web04]
-- promotes hormone balance [web02]
-- promotes kidneys [web01]
-- promotes liver [web01]
-- promotes metabolism [web01,web04]
-- strengthens mucous membranes [web01]
-- promotes self-healing powers [web04]
-- promotes the solar plexus [web02]
-- promotes wound healing [web01,web02], e.g., for purulent wounds [web02]

An amber necklace around the neck has its effect [web04]:
-- relieves allergies of all kinds [web02], amber worn on the skin relieves almost all kinds of skin diseases and allergies [web02], such as cat hair allergies [web04], animal hair allergies, respiratory allergies, hay fever, pollen allergies [web02]
-- reduces epilepsy [web04]
-- reduces fever [web02,web11]
-- reduces gout (Thales of Miletus, Antiquity) [web11]
-- head: reduces problems of the head, jaw, teeth (dentition problems) [web02]
-- nose: reduces nosebleeds [web02]
-- reduces pain such as earache, toothache, pain after tonsil surgery [web02]
-- reduces pathogens (Thales of Miletus, antiquity) [web11].
-- relieves respiratory diseases, colds, diseases of the throat, neck, and larynx [web02], asthma [web02,web04] due to its warmth [web04]
-- reduces rheumatism [web04] and soft tissue rheumatism [web02]
-- skin: relieves skin diseases of all kinds [web02], amber worn on the skin relieves almost all kinds of skin diseases and allergies [web02], acts against skin diseases due to metabolic disorders [web04]
-- reduces varicose veins [web02]

Amber for the psyche
-- amber is a mood enhancer and brings back joy for life [web05]
-- psychically, amber strengthens the power of decision [web04]
-- more joy for life, reduces anxiety, depression, provokes creativity+decisiveness+flexibility, attractive charisma [web11]
-- worn as amulet: protection against mischief, witches, demons, trolls [web11]

Amber powder - ground amber
Amber powder has its effects [web04]:
-- against boils [web04]
-- against infections [in wounds?] [web04]
-- Amber ground+ingested: against bladder problems (Middle Ages) [web11]
-- Amber ground+taken: against liver problems (Middle Ages) [web11]
-- Amber ground+taken: for kidney problems (Middle Ages) [web11]
-- Amber ground+taken: against biliary problems (Middle Ages) [web11]

Amber oil
-- has an antispasmodic effect against spasm [web09].

The articles

Healing properties of amber
from: http://www.bernstein-insel.de/index2.html [web01]

From the experience of modern stone medicine it is known that amber favorably affects all metabolic processes of digestion, as well as the liver and kidneys. It helps to regenerate the cartilage of the joints, facilitates the teething of small children, strengthens the mucous membranes and promotes wound healing.

Healing properties of amber
from: http://www.esotheka.de/k_263.htm [web02]

For asthma, respiratory allergies, hay fever, colds, earaches, toothaches, nosebleeds, animal hair allergies, soft tissue rheumatism. For teething children, head and jaw dental area, respiratory system, hormone balancing, solar plexus.

Amber worn on the skin relieves almost all types of skin diseases and allergies. It relieves hay fever and pollen allergies. Worn close to the neck, it relieves the pain of teething in children.

It helps against fever and purulent wounds, relieves varicose veins, and controls the formation of red blood cells through its effect on bone marrow. It alleviates leukemia. It is especially helpful in throat, neck and larynx diseases. It relieves pain after tonsil operations.

History and legend
from: http://www.esotheka.de/k_263.htm [web03]

Already in the antiquity, it's characteristics were known that by rubbing it developed an attraction force on wood chips and straw. By this, the Persian name was derived: "Kahraba" - straw-attractor. The Greeks - called it electron - sun-golden. Its German name ["Bernstein" - stone from Berne] comes from the Low German bemen - to burn - because it is inflammable.

Healing properties
from: http://www.esotheka.de/k_263.htm [web04]

For 7000 years it has been used by people for metabolism and against all metabolic skin disorders. Due to its warmth, it can help with asthma. Allergic respiratory problems (e.g. cat hair allergy) improve noticeably with an amber necklace. Amber is good against rheumatism and for strengthening the heart muscle, even against epilepsy. Amber powder is effective against infections and boils. It promotes self-healing powers and strengthens the power of decision.

The amber is not a mineral, but a fossilized (fossil) resin that dripped as pitch (resin) from a pine tree about 50 million years ago and then fossilized. Since amber is a fossil resin, it is also very light. Sometimes there are insect, bark or seed inclusions in the amber.

Healing effect on the psyche
from: http://www.esotheka.de/k_263.htm [web05]

Amber is a mood enhancer and brings back joy of life.

Care of amber (petrified resin)
from: http://www.esotheka.de/k_263.htm [web06]

Never put amber in the sun, it can make it brittle. It is discharged under running water, this leads not only to an external cleaning, but also to a purification of the energies.


Amber has different effects on people

from: http://elternforum.hebammen.at/archive/index.php/t-116327.html [web07]

For my mouse [my baby] the amber necklace helped with rash too, supposed to be good for several things. I like that! For one mouse the necklace causes rash, for the other it helps against it. The ideal remedy.


Advertisement for amber necklace against teething pain

from: http://kinderbutt.shopolino.de/bernstein_kette_84878.html [web08]

Amber necklace - this natural stone [resin] necklace is designed to make teething easier for your little kids. It must be worn directly on the skin for this purpose. The hand-knotted chain is about 35 cm long and has a nickel-free spring ring closure.


Healing power of amber and amber oil

from: http://www.sungaya.de/schwarz/allmende/steine/bernstein.htm [web09]

Oil extracted from amber is said to have antispasmodic effects against spasms.

"By the way, it is not a superstition when Swiss mothers put amber necklaces around the necks of their children when they are teething, but the fact is that amber - like brass and coal - has highest radiating power - a sixfold" (MOHLBERG, according to SCHRÖDTER).


Ease teething with water - no sweet drinks!

from: http://www.rund-ums-baby.de/erstezaehne.htm [web10]

Teething children are usually very thirsty. A cool sip of tea or water comes in handy then. For years, however, dentists and pediatricians have warned against giving babies sugared drinks in their bottles. Continuous sucking of such liquids can quickly lead to caries, as the still young teeth are permanently washed around by sugar.

Fruit juices should also be consumed with caution, as fruit acids can also severely attack tooth enamel.

[Continuous sucking on a pacifier or a juice bottle also leads to misalignment of the child's teeth].

So it's good if mom and dad keep an eye on their favorite's drinking behavior and don't let him or her suck away unobserved with the bottle. Doctors recommend that children get used to drinking from a special sippy cup by the end of their first year of life to prevent unpleasant tooth decay.

As soon as the first little biter flashes in the mouth, it is time for consistent oral hygiene. Clean it with a moist gauze cloth or ear swab. That is enough at first.

Proper and healthy nutrition also helps maintain a healthy and strong set of teeth. Last but not least, chewing should be encouraged. Bread crusts, carrot and apple pieces, for example, are just right.


Jan.23, 2019: Effect of amber on body and mind: Importance of the healing stone [resin]

(orig. German: Wirkung von Bernstein auf Körper und Geist: Bedeutung des Heilsteins [Harz])
https://praxistipps.focus.de/wirkung-von-bernstein-auf-koerper-und-geist-bedeutung-des-heilsteins_107445 [web11]

Translation by Deepl:


Amber: name and use

Amber is one of the most famous gemstones in the world. It is especially rare when, for example, an insect has been enclosed in it.

-- Amber, in German speaking regions also known as Seestein ("sea stone") or Amber, is a gemstone in many different colors. It comes in blue, red, green, but most stones are golden.
-- This fossil tree resin is one of the oldest gemstones, and it was very wanted. Already in ancient times it was used for ornaments.
-- Probably the most famous work made of amber is the Amber Room in Russia. The German name "Bernstein" comes from the Low German word "Börnsteen" (burning stone) and is derived from the combustibility of the stone.

An amber can have many effects both on the body and on the soul. It is used as a gemstone, talisman or even as medicine.

-- The amber is known as a healing stone [resin]. In ancient times it was used, for example, by Thales of Miletus, to treat pathogens, fever, or gout.
-- If an amber is worn as an amulet, it is said to be able to ward off impending disaster. It is also said to protect against witches, demons, and trolls.
-- In the Middle Ages, it was taken as a medicine against bladder problems and for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. For this purpose, an amber was ground and swallowed.
-- In addition, amber is said to give joy for life. It calms and helps with anxiety, depression and provides creative ideas. It improves decision-making, flexibility and is said to lead to a more attractive appearance.

How to use an amber

For developing its effects, it must be taken care of. It is not advisable to expose it to direct sunlight, otherwise it will become brittle.

-- An amber can have an effect on the body if it is worn directly on the skin for a long time. It then becomes slightly warm and is said to transmit positive energy. This works especially well on the solar plexus, between the chest and ribs.
-- If the amber is no longer properly warm, it should be "discharged". This means that it is put under lukewarm water. After that, it is ready for use again.

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Photo sources
[1] Amber necklace 01: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/wwwbabyamberteethingcouk-1193372/
[2] Amber necklace 02: https://www.freeimages.com/photo/free-amber-necklace-1639745
[3] Book "Healing stone amber" (orig. German: "Heilstein Bernstein"): https://www.pinterest.com/pin/173318285652957068/
[4] Amber necklace 03 für Kleinkind: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/652599802269748404/
[5] Amber necklace 04 in Gelb aus Lithauen: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/636907572321338528/
