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Note: healing effects of organic apple cider vinegar, ev. with organic honey - assorted

The list with 15 healing effects and applications
              of apple cider vinegar (video 03)   Bio-Apfelessig der Firma "Bragg" aus den
                "USA", das soll der beste Bio-Apfelessig der
                "USA" sein   Bio-Apfelessig heilt die Kopfhaut, die Haare, sogar
                Haarausfall verschwindet
The list with 15 healing effects and applications of apple cider vinegar (video 03) - Organic apple cider vinegar from the company "Bragg" from the "USA" is said to be the best organic apple cider vinegar in the "USA" (video 02) - organic apple cider vinegar heals the scalp, the hair, and even hair loss disappears (video 09)

Acne and pimples: apply apple cider vinegar water in a ratio of 1:1 - the pimple will disappear in 1 night -- Arthritis: take apple cider vinegar daily -- Cholesterol -- Cold -- Cold (sniffles) -- Dandruff (on the sculp) --  -- Detoxification of the body  -- Diabetes -- Dizziness -- Eczema (skin disease) -- Foot problems -- Gastrointestinal problems: hiccups, acid regurgitation, heartburn, flatulence, stomach pain, digestion, constipation, intestinal flora, abdominal discomfort, candida -- Hair care, bacteria + fungi on the scalp, bald head -- Heart problems -- High blood pressure -- Immune system -- Inflammation -- Joint problems -- Menopause symptoms -- Mouth problems / oral problems: bad breath, mouthwash, mouth infection, mouth sores -- Muscle problems: muscle pain, muscle cramps -- Obesity / weight Loss / overweight -- Respiratory diseases -- Skin problems: skin diseases, sunburn, stitches, cracked skin -- Sleep problems: insomnia -- Sweating problems -- Dental care with apple cider vinegar  -- Pets are healing with apple cider vinegar water: itching, earsh which are dried out, fleas, ticks -- Apple cider vinegar as a household cleaning agent: limescale deposits, bad smells, stains, fresh air + shoes

by Michael Palomino (2017 / translation 2020)

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The healing properties of apple cider vinegar

-- it must be organic apple cider vinegar without additives, e.g. the apple cider vinegar from Alnatura, otherwise the medicinal effect (supposedly) is not working (3'26'') (Video 09)

-- Apple cider vinegar contains minerals such as iron and potassium (2'46'') (Video 09)

-- Apple cider vinegar contains disinfecting elements against inflammation and bacteria (4'44'') and heals the skin with vitamin B and riboflavin (2'52''). Apple cider vinegar also changes the pH of the skin (6'6''). (Video 03)

-- Apple cider vinegar + honey = anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antioxidant (1'37''), And increases the pH value (3'13''). (Video 08)

-- Apple cider vinegar contains vitamin B1 and riboflavin, which stimulates the skin and its blood circulation (5'10''), And pathogens on the skin are all killed (5'17''); apply an apple cider vinegar bath with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in the bathtub (5'23'') (Video 03)

Side effects of apple cider vinegar overdose
-- Potassium level: Apple cider vinegar ingested for a long time provokes a low potassium level (2'50'') (Video 04)
-- Osteoporosis: Apple cider vinegar 8 ounces daily for 6 years provokes osteoporosis (2'57'') (Video 04)

Side effects
-- Bladder cancer: Apple cider vinegar harms people with bladder cancer (2'34'') (Video 04)
-- Pregnancy and breastfeeding: the effects of apple cider vinegar on pregnancy and breastfeeding are still unknown (3'15'') (Video 04)

Side effects of overdose of apple cider vinegar
Overdoses of apple cider vinegar cause combined effects with urinary drugs (diuretics), laxatives and drugs against diabetes and heart disease (2'48''). [Well, diabetes heals with sodium bicarbonate in 10 to 30 days with a cure rate of 90%]. (Video 05)

Overdose is dangerous
An overdose of apple cider vinegar provokes a potassium deficiency and hollows out the bones (5'31'') (Video 08)

Interactions of apple cider vinegar: with diuretics, laxatives, with diabetes and heart "medication" (5'49''). (Video 08)
[Well, diabetes heals with sodium bicarbonate in 10 to 30 days with a cure rate of 90%].

Taking apple cider vinegar (for heartburn, arthritis, cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart, and obesity)
-- Put apple cider vinegar in the salad dressings (1'53'') (Video 03)
-- Apple cider vinegar can be added to all dishes (1'57'') (Video 03)
-- Mix apple cider vinegar in water with a little honey (2'1'') (Video 03)

Preparation: Only unchanged organic products have the healing effect (4'26'') - Mix 1 teaspoon organic honey (8g) + 1teaspoon apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - the maximum is 3x per day (5'15'') (Video 08)

Solve energy problems of your body

-- Energy is generally increased (42'') (Video 04)

-- Energy (1'30'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Energy (2'42'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

The pH value in the body is balanced

-- Balance: Apple cider vinegar is balancing in the inner system (42'')
(Video 04)

-- pH value rises, the body becomes alkaline: Stress, fatty meals and sugary food damage the body provoking an acidic body (3'13'') - Apple cider vinegar makes an acidic body alkaline (3'42'') - the beverage with apple cider vinegar and honey has the effect like a protective shield (4'0'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), Take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

-- Apple cider vinegar or apple cider vinegar in water regulates the pH value of the scalp against all harmful influences of shampoos and air pollution etc. (2'33'') With vitamins and minerals such as iron and potassium (2'46'') (Video 09)


Diseases healing with apple cider vinegar

Acne and pimples: apply apple cider vinegar water in a ratio of 1:1 - the pimple will disappear in 1 night
-- acne [and pimples] (2'35'') (Video 02)

The apple cider vinegar water
-- has an antibacterial effect
-- works against inflammation
-- has a lightening effect (4'28'') (Video 11)

Arthritis: take apple cider vinegar daily

-- Arthritis (2'37'') (Video 02)
-- Arthritis pain is reduced by 30%: take apple cider vinegar daily (1'35'') (Video 03)
-- Arthritis (1'58'')  (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')


-- Cholesterol (2'43'') (Video 02)
-- Cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart problems: Taking apple cider vinegar daily lowers the cholesterol level by activating hormones that break down fats and cholesterol (3'6''), cholesterol in arteries is broken down (3'11'') (Video 03)
-- Cholesterol is regulated (42'') (Video 04)
-- Cholesterol (1'10'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').


-- Cold: stuffy nose clears again (42'')
(Video 04)

Cold (sniffles)

Stuffed nose: mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink this twice a day for 1 week (2'13 '') (Video 01)
4. Against nasal congestion: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink this twice a day for 1 week (2'13 ''),
-- Blogged and clogged nose: The minerals and vitamins potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and vitamins B1 + B2 eliminate the formation of mucus in the sinuses (2'22''). Intake: mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water and take this before going to bed to clear the nose [during the night] (2'29'')  (Video 06)

Dandruff (on the sculp)

Apple cider vinegar for dandruff
-- Apple cider vinegar regulates dry scalp, dandruff and itching disappear (5'51'') (Video 09)
-- the pH value of the scalp comes into equilibrium, dandruff disappears (6'8'') (Video 09)
-- Dandruff (2'48'') (Video 02)
-- Dandruff: After washing the head with shampoo, rub an apple cider vinegar-water solution 1:1 (4'57''). Apple cider vinegar balances the scalp (4'35''). Bacteria and fungal diseases are killed (4'50'') (Video 03)
-- Dandruff: After shampooing and washing out, massage some apple cider vinegar into the scalp and wait 2 minutes, then rinse off (3'18'') (Video 07)

Detoxification of the body

-- Body cleansing: Apple cider vinegar cleanses the entire body (3'26'') (Video 02)
-- Detoxification (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)


Diabetes type 2, insulin resistance: The intake of 1 glass of water with apple cider vinegar before going to bed stabilizes blood sugar (5'7 '') (Video 01)
10. Diabetes: Apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar (glucose) levels if you have eaten a lot of bad food (glycemic meals) (5'2 ''). Taking 1 glass of water with apple cider vinegar before going to bed stabilizes blood sugar (5'7 ''). Above all, apple cider vinegar cures type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance (5'14 '').

-- Diabetes (2'50'') (Video 02)
-- Diabetes is cured (42'') (Video 04)
-- Blood sugar is regulated (42'') (Video 04)

-- High blood sugar level: A high blood sugar level is the second most common cause of insomnia (1'33''). The fat metabolism, which is necessary for sleep, is blocked (1'36''). Apple cider vinegar increases the sensitivity to insulin, so the blood sugar level is lowered (1'41''). Ingestion: Take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before going to bed (1'48''). Pharma diabetes medication must be discontinued before (1'54'') (Video 06)
(Video 06)

-- Cholesterol level (2'24'')
(Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), the intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')


-- Dizziness: Apple cider vinegar regulates the stomach and intestines: Take 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water 30 minutes before going to bed (2'49'') (Video 06)

Eczema (skin disease)

-- Eczema (2'52'') (Video 02)
-- Eczema, rashes and other rashes: Prepare apple cider vinegar water in a spray can and spray it 3 times a day (2'41''), it burns at first, but then the pain subsides (2'46''). Vitamin B and riboflavin cure eczema (2'52'') (Video 03)

Foot problems

-- Athlete's foot (2'39'') (Video 02)
-- Athlete's foot (1'49'') (Video 04)

-- Foot care against cheese smell (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)

-- Foot bath with apple cider vinegar has a desinfecting effect and works against fungal attacks (2'45'') (Video 07)

Gastrointestinal problems: hiccups, acid regurgitation, heartburn, flatulence, stomach pain, digestion, constipation, intestinal flora, abdominal discomfort, candida

3. Hiccups: 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink it slowly and swallow until the hiccups provoked by the diaphragm stop (1'44 '') (Video 01)

-- Acid belching (2'33'') (Video 02)
-- Acid belching (57'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), the intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Acid belching (saures Aufstossen): 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water. Intake: 1 hour before going to bed (1'9'') (Video 06)
-- Acid belching (saures Aufstossen): Apple cider vinegar regulates the stomach and intestines: 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water, the intake is 30 minutes before going to bed (2'49'') (Video 06)

5. Heartburn: Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water before going to bed (2'44 '') (Video 01)
-- Heartburn cures: take apple cider vinegar daily (1'15'') (Video 03)

-- Heartburn (57'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Flatulence: Apple cider vinegar regulates the stomach and intestines: Take 1 teaspoon honey + 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water 30 minutes before going to bed (2'49'') (Video 06)

Stomach pain: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water, take it before going to bed (3'41 '') (Video 01)
- stomach pain (2'8'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')
7. Stomach pain: Stomach pain is often caused by gas or constipation. Apple cider vinegar reduces stomach pain. Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water to take before going to bed (3'41 ''). Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic with antibacterial properties (3'47 ''), soothing the stomach, reducing flatulence or constipation (3'54 '').

Indigestion: Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water and take (4'27 '') (Video 01)

8. Digestive discomfort: When digestion stops, so does metabolism. Apple cider vinegar stimulates both again (4'7 ''). Apple cider vinegar contains acid bacteria that regulate the intestinal flora so that mineral absorption is improved. Putrefactive bacteria are eliminated (4'20 ''). Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water and take it (4'27 '').
-- Digestion is regulated (42'') (Video 04)
-- Digestion (1'4'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Digestion, constipation (2'16'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), the intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

-- Constipation (1'4'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Constipation: Apple cider vinegar regulates the stomach and intestines: Take 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water 30 minutes before going to bed (2'49'') (Video 06)

[Constipation also heals with eating 3 tree nuts daily].

-- Intestinal flora is normalized (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)
-- Abdominal discomfort (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)

-- Candida (2'40'') (Video 02)
-- Candida: prevention (42'') (Video 04)

Hair care, bacteria + fungi on the scalp, bald head

The application of apple cider vinegar water on the head
-- Washing hair with apple cider vinegar: pure or in a water solution in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:4 (6'58'')
-- Massage in and let it work for a few minutes (7'15'')
-- Strongly irritated scalp burns at the beginning of the apple cider vinegar cure (7'25'')
-- Hair never smells like apple cider vinegar after drying (7'29'') (Video 09)
[Hair only smells like apple cider vinegar using pure apple cider vinegar]

-- Shining hair (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)
-- Dull hair becomes shiny again (3'35''), apple cider vinegar smooths the hair flakes on the hair so that it shines again in the light (4'2'')  (Video 09)
-- Hair becomes softer and much easier to comb (4'17'')  (Video 09)
-- The hair becomes more stable and split hair ends (split ends) disappear over time (4'40'')   (Video 09)
-- Hair retain their moisture and are no longer dry and brittle (6'22'')  (Video 09)
-- but the hair is lighter, softer and easier to comb (6'33'')  (Video 09)

-- Bacteria and fungi on the scalp disappear (4'48'') (Video 09)

Apple cider vinegar for strong scalp hair
-- clogged pores of the scalp are cleaned, all pores are cleaned and thus hair growth is improved (4'57'') - hair loss is reduced (5'5'')  (Video 09)
-- Massage with apple cider vinegar stimulates blood circulation in the scalp (5'12'') - which further strengthens hair growth (5'19'') (Video 09)
-- Apple cider vinegar also regulates blocked sebum glands, so that oily hair becomes normally airy and loose again (5'44'') (Video 09)

Dandruff: see dandruff

Heart problems

-- Cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart problems: Take daily apple cider vinegar and this lowers the cholesterol level by activating hormones that break down fats and cholesterol (3'6''), cholesterol in arteries is reduced (3'11'') (Video 03)

-- Heart diseases are minimized with apple cider vinegar (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)

High blood pressure

-- high blood pressure is regulated with apple cider vinegar (1'15'')
(Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- high blood pressure (2'24'')  (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

-- Cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart problems: Taking apple cider vinegar daily lowers the cholesterol level by activating hormones that reduce fats and cholesterol (3'6''), cholesterol in arteries is reduced (3'11'')
(Video 03)

Immune system

-- The immune system is strengthened with apple cider vinegar (see the list: 42'')
(Video 04)


-- Inflammation (1'40'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Reduction of inflammations (2'57'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), Take on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

Joint problems

-- joint pain (51'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').
-- joint pain (1'52'')  (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), the intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

Menopause symptoms

-- Menopause symptoms go away with apple cider vinegar (2'56'') (Video 02)

[Menopause symptoms go away even with chewing aniseed 3 times a day during 1 month]

Mouth problems / oral problems: bad breath, mouthwash, mouth infection, mouth sores

-- Bad breath (1'35'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Bad breath (2'54'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

6. Bad breath: take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed, this has an antibacterial and germicidal effect (3'21 '') (Video 01)

-- Bad breath: bacteria in the mouth can be the cause and are eliminated by apple cider vinegar and the mouth area becomes fresh (1'20''). Ingestion: Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed (1'26'') (Video 06)

-- Mouthwash: mix 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water (3'18'')
(Video 02)

-- Oral cavity inflammation: Gargle 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water every 4 hours (3'58''), In 48 hours the oral cavity inflammation will be over (4'3'')
(Video 03)

-- Inflammation in the mouth area (1'25'')
(Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

Muscle problems: muscle pain, muscle cramps

-- reduction of muscle pain (see the list: 42'') (Video 04)

Cramps (muscle cramps): Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water before going to bed (4'50 '') (Video 01)
9. Cramps, calf cramps, leg cramps: Cramps are caused by excessive stress or by a lack of potassium. Apple cider vinegar reduces cramps. Ingestion: Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water before going to bed (4'50 '') (Video 01)
-- Calf cramps: are occurring due to a lack of potassium (1'59''). Apple cider vinegar increases the potassium content in the body (2'9''). Ingestion: Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of lukewarm water before going to bed (2'4'') And [after 2 to 3 weeks of treatment] leg cramps will end (2'6'') (Video 06)

Obesity / weight Loss / overweight

Lose weight: Mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water and take daily (1'5 '')
(Video 01)
1. Losing weight: Apple cider vinegar is promoting the digestion and is causing weight loss (31 ''). Apple cider vinegar stimulates the formation of digestive juices. Slags and toxins are faster eliminated from the body and so the body weight is reduced (55''). Apple cider vinegar regulates the blood sugar level and prevents food cravings (1'0''). Ingestion: Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water and take (1'5 '').

-- Overweight (2'54'')
(Video 02)

-- Overweight: 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day promotes metabolism, stimulates hormones and thus also provokes weight loss (3'28''), fat cells are processed (3'31''); apple cider vinegar as a starter also provokes the feeling of having already taken something (3'35'') (Video 03)

-- Overweight (see the list: 42'')  (Video 04)

-- Overweight (1'20'') (Video 05)
Take 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (2'4''), intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes (2'17'').

-- Overweight and insomnia: Overweight provokes insomnia (3'3''). The pectin in the apple cider vinegar provokes a feeling of satiety (3'8''), so that the metabolism breaks down its own fat (3'11'') (Video 06)

-- Overweight (2'29'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), the intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

Take apple cider vinegar, honey and grapefruit drink against obesity for 2 weeks on an empty stomach
Weight loss: grapefruit, apple cider vinegar and honey (1'25'') - in combination with good nutrition makes the kg tumble (1'41''): 1 tbsp of honey + 1 cup of grapefruit juice (or small pieces of grapefruit, 2'13'') + 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar (2'4'') - mix this in a mixer for some minutes (2'28'') - take it on an empty stomach in the morning and before dinner (2'33'') - after 14 days of cure, make 1 week of rest (2'41'') - then do another round for 2 weeks when it's needed (2'48'') - grapefruit can also be replaced by other citrus fruits (2'56'') - but no lemons and no oranges (3'0''). (Video 10)

Respiratory diseases

-- Respiratory diseases (2'36'')  (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

Sore throat: take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a little water several times a day (1'23 '') (Video 01)
2. Sore throat: Apple cider vinegar has strong antibacterial properties and is effective against sore throats. Swelling and pain in the throat are reduced. Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar lukewarm in a little water several times a day (1'23 '').
-- Sore throat: Apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria causing sore throats and has a general antibacterial effect (40''). Intake: 1 hour before going to bed 1 teaspoon, and 30 minutes before going to bed and again 1 teaspoon immediately before going to bed (46'') (Video 06)
-- Sore throat (2'35'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), take it on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

-- Sore throat: Gargle apple cider vinegar water: 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (3'22'') (Video 07)

-- Cough (2'46'') (Video 02)

Skin problems: skin diseases, sunburn, stitches, cracked skin

-- Skin: Vitamin B1 and riboflavin stimulate the skin and the blood circulation in the skin (5'10''), and all pathogens on the skin are killed (5'17''); apply an apple cider vinegar bath with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in the bathtub (5'23'') (Video 03)

-- Skin diseases: free radicals are intercepted (2'50'') (Video 08)
Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until everything is dissolved (4'37''), the intake is on an empty stomach and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

-- Sunburn and stitches: Apply diluted apple cider vinegar to the sunburn (4'15''). Undiluted apple cider vinegar is applied to stitches (4'19''). The redness and pain or itching disappear (4'26'') (Video 03)

-- Skin cracks: cracked soles of feet are cared in warm apple cider vinegar water, 3 times a week for 15 to 20 minutes, also disinfects (2'27'') (Video 03)

Sleep problems: insomnia

-- Insomnia: Apple cider vinegar regulates the stomach and intestines: Take 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water 30 minutes before going to bed (2'49'') (Video 06)

-- Insomnia: A high blood sugar level is the second most common cause of insomnia (1'33''). The fat metabolism, which is necessary for sleep, is blocked  (1'36''). Apple cider vinegar increases the sensitivity to insulin, so the blood sugar level is lowered (1'41''). Ingestion: Take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before going to bed (1'48''). Pharma diabetes medication must be discontinued before the treatment (1'54'') (Video 06)

Sweating problems

-- Apple cider vinegar neutralizes armpit sweat: Apple cider vinegar is better than any deodorant (6'2''), is changing the pH value of the skin (6'6''). Wash armpits first with vinegar, then with cold water (6'14'') (Video 03)


Dental care with apple cider vinegar

-- white teeth+tartar: apple cider vinegar removes tartar (5'37''); you just dip the toothbrush in apple cider vinegar and then brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar (5'42'') (Video 03)


Pets are healing with apple cider vinegar water: itching, earsh which are dried out, fleas, ticks

Clean pets with apple cider vinegar
-- apple cider vinegar water against itching (3'2'') (Video 02)
-- apple cider vinegar water against dried out ears (3'4'') (Video 02)

Dogs heal with apple cider vinegar
-- Dogs: apple cider vinegar water against fleas and ticks (3'6'') (Video 02)

-- Dog fleas: spray apple cider vinegar water on the dog (6'27''), then rub gently on the entire animal (6'31''), do it once a day and the fleas will disappear in one week (6'36''); spraying apple cider vinegar water is also a precaution against dog fleas (6'38'') (Video 03)


Apple cider vinegar as a household cleaning agent: limescale deposits, bad smells, stains, fresh air + shoes

Apple cider vinegar for the bathroom, ceramics and car windows
-- neutralizes toilet odor: spray the toilet bowl with apple cider vinegar and scrub it off, this cleans the toilet bowl perfectly (6'59'')
(Video 03)
-- Stains on ceramics and tiles: spray stains with apple cider vinegar and scrub off or rub the stains off with a cloth (7'11''), and the ceramic tiles shine in a new shine (7'16'')
(Video 03)
-- Car windows: spray with apple cider vinegar - shine like new (7'23'')
(Video 03)
[this should also work with any other window pane].

-- Fresh room air: spray apple cider vinegar water in a ratio of 1:1, spray, this neutralizes any odor (3'26'')
(Video 07)
-- fresh shoes: spray apple cider vinegar water in a ratio of 1:1 on shoes, this neutralizes the cheese smell (3'34'')
(Video 07)

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Video 1: Oct 7, 2018: Put apple cider vinegar in the salad - take apple cider vinegar water - healing effects

The list
1. Lose weight: Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water and take this daily (1'5 '')
2. Sore throat: take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a little water several times a day (1'23 '')
3. Hiccups: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink it slowly and swallow until the hiccups by the diaphragm stop (1'44 '')
4. Blocked nose: Mix 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink it twice a day for 1 week (2'13 '')
5. Heartburn: Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water before going to bed (2'44 '')
6. Bad breath: take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed, this has an antibacterial and germicidal effect (3'21 '')
7. Stomach pain: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water to take before going to bed (3'41 '')
8. Digestive complaints: Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water and take it (4'27 '')
9. Cramps: Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water before going to bed (4'50 '')
10. Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance: Mix 1 glass of water with apple cider vinegar and take it before going to bed, this stabilizes blood sugar (5'7 '')

Video: See What Happens If You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Before Going to Bed! (5'48 '')
(orig. German: Schau was passiert, wenn du vor dem Schlafen gehen Apfelessig trinkst!)

Video: See What Happens If You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Before Going to Bed! (5'48 '')
(orig. German: Schau was passiert, wenn du vor dem Schlafen gehen Apfelessig trinkst!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZkQ_YffHOI   -  YouTube-Kanal Gesundheitsblatt

1. Losing weight: Apple cider vinegar is promoting the digestion and by this is causing weight loss (31 ''). Apple cider vinegar stimulates the formation of digestive juices. Slags and toxins are eliminated from the body faster and so the body weight is reduced (55 ''). Apple cider vinegar regulates the blood sugar level and prevents food cravings (1'0''). Ingestion: Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water and take it (1'5 '').

2. Sore throat: Apple cider vinegar has strong antibacterial properties and is effective against sore throats. Swelling and pain in the throat are reduced. Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar lukewarm in a little water several times a day (1'23 '').

3. Hiccups: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink it slowly and swallow until the hiccups by the diaphragm stop (1'44 '').

4. Nose congestion: Apple cider vinegar thins the mucus in the nose and clears the nasal congestion (1'55 '').

Vitamins in apple cider vinegar are among others vitamin B1 and B2. Minerals in apple cider vinegar are among others magnesium and potassium (2'2 ''). Apple cider vinegar has an antibacterial effect and strengthens the immune system.

4. Against nasal congestion: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, drink this twice a day for 1 week (2'13 ''),

5. Heartburn: Apple cider vinegar contains natural acids combined with minerals that prevent over-acidification in the stomach (2'28 ''). Apple cider vinegar stimulates the function of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach, and so the acidic belching should soon come to an end (2'40 ''). Ingestion: Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water before going to bed (2'44 '').

6. Bad breath: Apple cider vinegar compensates for poor oral hygiene. Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed, this has an antibacterial and germicidal effect (3'21 '').

7. Stomach pain: Stomach pain is often caused by gas or constipation. Apple cider vinegar reduces stomach pain. Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water and take it before going to bed (3'41 ''). Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic with antibacterial properties (3'47 ''), soothes the stomach, reduces flatulence or constipation (3'54 '').

8. Digestive discomfort: When digestion stops, also metabolism stops. Apple cider vinegar stimulates both again (4'7 ''). Apple cider vinegar contains acid bacteria regulating the intestinal flora so that mineral absorption is improved. Putrefactive bacteria are eliminated (4'20 ''). Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water and take (4'27 '').

9. Cramps, calf cramps, leg cramps: Cramps are caused by excessive stress or by a lack of potassium. Apple cider vinegar reduces cramps. Ingestion: Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water before going to bed (4'50 '').

10. Diabetes: Apple cider vinegar lowers the blood sugar level (glucose) if you have eaten a lot of bad food (glycemic meals) (5'2 ''). Taking 1 glass of water with apple cider vinegar before going to bed stabilizes blood sugar (5'7 ''). Above all, apple cider vinegar cures type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance (5'14 '').


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Video 2: Healing effects of apple cider vinegar

Body cleansing - Dandruff - Acne - Cough - Mouthwash - Acid Eruption - Cholesterol - Candida - Arthritis - Diabetes - Eczema - Overweight - Menopause symptoms - Foot fungus (Athlete's foot) - Furs of animals - Dried ears of animals - Dog fleas - Ticks in dogs

Organic apple cider vinegar of
                the company of "Bragg" from the
                "U.S.A.", in the video they say this would be
                the best organic apple cider vinegar in the
Organic apple cider vinegar of the company of "Bragg" from the "U.S.A.", in the video they say this would be the best organic apple cider vinegar in the "U.S.A."

from: video: Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Detailed Information (4'43sek.)

The intake of apple cider: pure, in water, in juices
-- drink pure apple cider vinegar in a shot glass "in one gulp" (3'48sek.)
-- drink apple cider vinegar solution with water in a ratio of 1:8 (3'56''), ev. with 1 or 2 spoons of honey as a sweetener (4'0'')
-- drink fruit juices or vegetable juices with 1 ounce of apple cider vinegar (4'11'') and nobody will notice anything of this apple cider vinegar in this drink (4'16'').

The most commonly used medicinal effects of apple cider vinegar are:
-- body cleansing: apple cough cleanses the entire body (3'26'')
-- dandruff (2'48'')
-- acne [and pimples] (2'35'')
-- cough (2'46'')
-- mouthwash: 1 ounce of cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water (3'18'')
-- sour eructations (2'33'')
-- cholesterol (2'43'')
-- candida (2'40'')
-- arthritis (2'37'')
-- diabetes (2'50'')
-- eczema (2'52'')
-- overweight (2'54'')
-- menopausal symptoms (2'56'')
-- foot fungus (2'39'')

Clean the pet with apple cider vinegar
-- itching (3'2'')
-- dried ears (3'4'')
-- dogs: against fleas and ticks (3'6sek.)


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Video 3: 15 cures with apple cider vinegar

Heartburn (acid reflux) - arthritis - cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart problems - overweight - mouth area - skin: dandruff, sunburn, stings+bites - eczema, exantemas, rashes - white teeth - axillary sweat - toilet bowl - stains on ceramic tiles - car windows - dog fleas

The list with 15 healing
                effects and application of apple cider vinegar
The list with 15 healing effects and application of apple cider vinegar

from. video: 15 Miraculous Apple Cider Vinegar Uses and Benefits

Apple cider vinegar contains disinfectant elements against inflammations and bacteria (4'44'') and heals the skin with vitamin B and with riboflavin (2'52''). Apple cider vinegar also changes the pH value of the skin (6'6'').

For daily consumption of apple cider vinegar will heal:

Intake of apple cider vinegar
-- heartburn (acid reflux) (1'15'')
-- arthritis pain decrease by 30% (1'35'')
-- cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart problems: cholesterol is lowered by activating hormones that break down fats and cholesterol (3'6''), cholesterol in arteries is reduced (3'11'')
-- overweight: 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily stimulates the metabolism, stimulates hormones and provokes so also the weight loss (3'28''), so fat cells are processed (3'31''); apple cider vinegar as a starter also provokes the feeling of having already eaten something (3'35sek.).

Ingestion of apple cider vinegar (against heartburn / acid reflux, arthritis, cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart, overweight)
-- in the salad sauce (1'53'')
-- in all dishes you can add apple cider vinegar (1'57'')
-- mix apple cider vinegar in water with some honey (2'1'')

Gargling apple cider vinegar (inflammation in the oral cavity)
-- mouth inflammation: 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water gargling every 4 hours (3'58''), in 48 hours the oral cavity ignition will be over (4'3'')

Apple cider vinegar solves skin problems (dandruff, sunburn, stings+bites, eczema, exanthem, eruptions)
-- skin: Vitamin B1 and riboflavin are stimulating skin and circulation of the skin (5'10''), and pathogens on the skin are all killed (5'17''); a bath with apple cider vinegar can be applied in a bathtub with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar (5'23'')
-- dandruff: rub the head after washing with shampoo with an apple cider vinegar solution with a proportion  cider to water=1:1 (4'57''). Apple cider vinegar is balancing the scalp (4'35''). Bacteria and fungal diseases are eliminated (4'50'').
-- sunburn and stitches+bites: put the diluted apple cider vinegar on the sunburn (4'15''). Put on stains and bites the pure apple cider vinegar (4'19''). The redness and pains or itching will disappear (4'26'').
-- eczema, exanthema and other eruptions: prepare apple water in a spray can and spray 3 times daily (2'41''), it burns first, but then the pain decreases (2'46''). The vitamin B and the riboflavin will cure the eczema (2'52'')
-- cracked heels: cure them in a warm apple cider water, 3 times per week for 15 to 20 minutes, has also a disinfecting effect (2'27sec).

Apple cider vinegar for white teeth and against sweat smell in the armpits
-- white teeth: apple remedies removed (5'37''); One simply dips the toothbrush in apple cider vinegar and then brushes the teeth with apple cider vinegar (5'42'');
-- neutralizes armpit sweat: apple cider vinegar is better than any deodorant (6'2''), changes the pH value of the skin (6'6''). Treat armpits first with vinegar, then wash them with cold water (6'14'')

Apple cider vinegar for the bathroom, ceramics and car windows
-- neutralized bath odor of the toilet: spray the toilet bowl with apple cider vinegar and scrub, this cleans the toilet bowl perfectly (6'59sek.)
-- stains on ceramics and tiles: spray them with apple cider vinegar, then scrub or clean it with a cloth (7'11''), and the ceramic tiles appear in new shine (7'16'')
-- car windows: spray them with apple cider vinegar - they will shine like new (7'23sek.).

Apple cider vinegar against dog fleas
-- dog fleas: spray apple cider solution on the dog (6'27''), then rub it on the whole animal gently (6'31''), do this daily 1 time and fleas will disappear within one week (6'36''); apple cider water is also a precaution against dog fleas (6'38'')


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Video 4: Apple cider vinegar: curing effects and side effects with chemical pills

Hair is shining - Cold (nasal congestion) - Cholesterol - Heart Diseases - Candida - Digestion - Immune system - Diabetes - Blood glucose - Intestinal flora - Abdominal discomfort - Detoxification - Overweight - Muscle pain - Energy - Balance - Foot care - Foot fungus

Apples and apple cider vinegar
                - from www.GreatLifeAndMore.com
Apples and apple cider vinegar - from www.GreatLifeAndMore.com
Video-Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V95pJ4izUGM (Aug,25, 2022)


Table with cures and
                applications with apple cider vinegar
Table with cures and applications with apple cider vinegar
Video-Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V95pJ4izUGM (Aug.25, 2022)

-- Hair is shining
-- Cold: Nasal congestion becomes clear again
-- Cholesterol is regulated, heart disease is minimized
-- Candida: prevention
-- Digestion is regulated
-- Immune system is strengthened
-- Diabetes is cured
-- Blood sugar is regulated
-- Intestinal flora is normalized
-- Abdominal discomfort
-- detoxification
-- overweight
-- reduce muscle pain
-- energy is generally increased
-- compensation in the internal system
-- foot care against cheese odor (42 '')
-- foot fungus (1'49'')

Side effects
-- people with bladder cancer: apple cider vinegar harms people with bladder cancer (2'34'')
-- pregnancy and breastfeeding: The effects of apple cider vinegar in pregnancy and breastfeeding are still unknown (3'15'')

Overdose indications with apple cider vinegar
-- potassium levels: apple cider vinegar taken over long periods provokes a low potassium level (2'50'')
-- osteoporosis: 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar daily during 6 years provoked osteoporosis (2'57'')


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Video 5: Apple-cider-vinegar+honey-cure in 1 glass of [warm] water: Take this on an empty stomach in the morning for a certain time

Joint pains, acid eructation, heartburn, digestion, constipation, cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight, mouth inflammation, mouth odor, inflammation, energy

Apple cider vinegar combined
                with honey (all organic) are e.g. healing joint pains
Apple cider vinegar combined with honey (all organic) are e.g. healing joint pains away

from: video from Grace GraceCO: What Will Happen If You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed With Honey Every Morning (2'59sek.)

With the mixture of apple cider vinegar + honey many diseases are curing (18 ''), there is a rejuvenating effect (21 ''), its cleansing and disinfecting and detoxifying the body (29 ''). The mixture of apple cider vinegar + honey is a natural antibiotic and is antiseptic to pathogens and bacteria (38 '').

Mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey + 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider in 1 glass of water (2'4''), take it and wait 20 minutes (2'17''). If necessary, add some water to rinse all thoroughly (2'25''). Take it on an empty stomach in the morning (2'39sek.).

Apple cider vinegar and honey in the morning taken soberly on an empty stomach is healing:

-- joint pain (51sec)
-- sour eructations (57'')
-- heartburn (acid reflux) (57'')
-- digestion (1'4'')
-- constipation (1'4'')
-- cholesterol (1'10'')
-- high blood pressure is regulated (1'15'')
-- overweight (1'20'')
-- inflammations in the mouth (1'25'')
-- mouth odor (1'35'')
-- inflammation (1'40'')
-- energy (1'30'')

Overdose effects with apple cider vinegar
Overdose of apple cider vinegar is causing combination effects with diuretics, laxatives and with chemical pharma medicaments against diabetes and heart diseases (2'48''). [Well, diabetes is healing with sodium bicarbonate in 10 to 30 days, 90% of success rate].


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Video 6: Apple cider vinegar: intake before bedtime during 2-3 weeks

Nasal congestion, throat pain, mouth odor, digestion, bloating, insomnia, glucose, overweight, calf cramps

Organic apple cider vinegar
                lets disappear calf cramps: take 2 tablespoons in 1
                glass of warm water before sleeping for 2 or 3 weeks
Organic apple cider vinegar lets disappear calf cramps: take 2 tablespoons in 1 glass of warm water before sleeping for 2 or 3 weeks

from: Video from 24 Physic: Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bed for These 8 Amazing Reasons (3'18sek.)

-- nasal congestion: The minerals and vitamins potassium, magnesium, vitamin A as well as vitamin B1 + B2 eliminate the mucus formation in the sinuses (2'22''); application: mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water, intake before going to sleep, the nose will be freed (2'29'')
-- troat aches: apple cider vinegar kills the bacterium for throat pain and has generally an antibacterial effect (40''). Ingestion: 1 hour before sleeping 1 teaspoon, and 30 minutes before sleeping again 1 teaspoon, and immediately before sleeping again 1 teaspoon (46 '')
-- mouth odor: bacteria in the mouth can be the cause and are eliminated by apple cider vinegar and the mouth area will be fresh (1'20''). Ingestion: Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed (1'26'')

-- digestion: acid eructations, flatulence, dizziness, constipation, insomnia: apple cider vinegar regulates stomach and intestine: 1 teaspoon of honey + 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water, intake is 30 minutes before going to sleep (2'49'')
-- sour eructations: 1 tablespoon of apple cider in 1 glass of water. Ingestion: 1 hour before sleeping (1'9'')

-- high blood glucose levels and insomnia: A high blood glucose level is the second most common cause of insomnia (1'33''). Fat metabolism is blocked which is necessary for sleep (1'36''). Apple cider vinegar increases the sensitivity to insulin, so the blood glucose level is reduced (1'41''). Ingestion: Take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before going to bed (1'48''). Pharmaceutical diabetes medicines must be discontinued (1'54'').
-- overweight and insomnia: overweight is provoking insomnia (3'3''). The pectin in the apple cider vinegar provokes a feeling of saturation (3'8''), so that the metabolism is degrading the own fat (3'11'').

-- calf cramps: are occurring due to potassium deficiency (1'59''). Apple cider vinegar increases the potassium content in the body (2'9''). Ingestion: Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of lukewarm water before sleeping (2'4'') and [after 2 or 3 weeks of this cure] this will finish all calf cramps (2'6'').


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Video 7: Organic apple cider vinegar for foot care, against dandruff, throat inflammation, bad air and cheese odor in shoes

Foot bath with organic apple cider vinegar - against dandruff - against throat inflammation - for fresh air - for shoes

Foot bath with organic apple
                cider vinegar
Foot bath with organic apple cider vinegar

from: video from Susana Home Remedies: This Happens If You Dip Your Feet In Vinegar One Night A Week!!

-- foot bath with apple cider vinegar disinfects and fights fungus (2'45'')
-- dandruff: after the shampoo and the washout, massage some apple cider vinegar in the scalp and wait 2 minutes, then rinse (3'18'')
-- throat inflammation: mix apple cider vinegar with water and gargle it: 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water (3'22'')

-- fresh air: mix an apple cider vinegar solution with water with the proportions 1:1, spray it, this will neutralize any odor (3'26sec)
-- fresh shoes: spray apple cider vinegar water in the ratio 1:1 on shoes, this will neutralize the cheese odor (3'34'').


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Video 8: 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar + 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of water increases the pH value (!)

Sore throat - respiratory tract - mouth odor - joint pain - arthritis - cholesterol levels + hypertension - stomach pain - digestion, constipation - overweight - skin diseases - inflammation inhibition - pH value is increasing, the body becomes alkaline - energy

Best prevention: organic honey
                with organic apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of
                warm water being taken on an empty stomach in the
Best prevention: organic honey with organic apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of warm water being taken on an empty stomach in the morning

from: Video from New Live in the World in deutscher Sprache: Welchen Effekt hat das Trinken von Apfelessig mit Honig am Morgen?

Apple cider vinegar + honey = anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antioxidant (1'37''), and is increasing the pH value (3'13''). Thus heal:

-- throat pain (2'35'')
-- respiratory system diseases (2'36'')
-- mouth odor (2'54'')
-- joint pain (1'52'')
-- arthritis (1'58'')
-- cholesterol levels and hypertension (2'24'')
-- stomach pain (2'8'')
-- digestion, constipation (2'16'')
-- overweight (2'29'')
-- skin diseases: free radicals are trapped (2'50'')
-- inflammation inhibition (2'57'')
-- pH increases, the body becomes alkaline: stress and fat and sugary nutrition are damaging the body and are provoking an acidic body (3'13'') - the acid body becomes alkaline (3'42'') - the apple cider vinegar with honey drink is acting as a protective shield (4'0'')
-- energy (2'42'')

Preparation: Only unchanged organic products have the healing effect (4'26'') - mix 1 teaspoon of organic honey (8g) + 1 teaspoon of cider (5ml) in 1 cup of lukewarm water (250ml) until all is dissolved (4'37'' ), take it on an empty stomach in the morning and wait 20 minutes until breakfast (5'5'') - maximum 3x per day (5'15'')

Overdose is dangerous
An overdose of apple cider vinegar provokes potassium deficiency and is hollowing out the bones (5'31'')

Interactions of apple cider vinegar: with diuretics, laxatives, with chemical "medicaments" for diabetes and heart (5'49'').
[Well, diabetes is healing with sodium bicarbonate in 10 to 30 days, 90% of success rate].

Michael Palomino, portrait
Michael Palomino, portrait

Conclusion: rising pH value with apple cider vinegar and honey - so: all illnesses should heal as with sodium bicarbonate

by Michael Palomino 2017

The combination of apple cider vinegar and honey lets rise pH values. Thus all illnesses should heal which also heal with sodium bicarbonate with rising pH values: diabetes, kidneys, allergies, asthma, tuberculosis.

The only question is how high the pH value will go with apple cider vinegar and honey so also cancer will heal with a pH8.


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Video 9: Apple cider vinegar: cleaning scalp and strengthening hair - hair loss disappears

The pH value of the scalp - cleaning the scalp - hair is shining again - hair loss disappears etc.

Organic apple cider vinegar is
                healing the sculp, the hair, and even hair loss is
Organic apple cider vinegar is healing the sculp, the hair, and even hair loss is disappearing

from: video from Littlebeautyguru: 10 Dinge, die APFELESSIG kann | HAARE |Schuppen, Glanz, fettiges Haar, Haarausfall| littlebeautyguru

-- apple cider vinegar regulates the pH value of the scalp against all harmful effects of shampoos and air pollution etc. (2'33'') with vitamins and minerals like iron and potassium (2'46'')
-- it must be organic apple cider vinegar without additives, e.g. in Germany from the company of Alnatura (3'26'')
-- glossless hair is again glossy (3'35''), apple cider vinegar smooths the hair, so that it shines again in the light (4'2'')
-- hair becomes softer and much easier to comb (4'17'')
-- the hair becomes more stable and split hair ends (chips) disappear with time (4'40'')
-- bacteria and fungi disappear on the scalp (4'48'')
-- blocked pores of the scalp are cleaned, all pores are cleaned and hair growth is improved (4'57'') - hair loss is reduced (5'5'')
-- massage with apple cessation stimulates the circulation of the scalp (5'12'') - which strengthens hair growth (5'19'')
-- apple cider vinegar regulates clogged sebaceous glands, so that greasy hair becomes normal airy and fine (5'44'')
-- apple cough regulates dry scalp, so dandruff and itching disappear (5'51'')
-- the pH value of the scalp comes into equilibrium, dandruff disappears (6'8'')
-- hair retains its moisture and is no longer dry and brittle (6'22'')
-- but the hair is lighter, softer and more combable (6'33'')

The application of apple cessation water on the head
-- wash hair with apple cider vinegar: pure or in a water solution of 1:1 or 1: 2 or 1: 4 (6'58'')
-- massage and let it work for a few minutes (7'15'')
-- strongly irritated scalp burns at the beginning of the apple cider vinegar cure (7'25'')
-- hair never smell of apple cider vinegar solution after drying (7'29'')
[when being treated with pure apple cider vinegar then it smells].


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Video 10: Take a drink with apple cider vinegar and honey against overweight taking it on an empty stomach during 2 weeks

Grapefruit+organic apple cider
                vinegar+organic honey are burning body fat all three
Grapefruit+organic apple cider vinegar+organic honey are burning body fat all three

from: video from Susana Home Remedies: Drink 2 Cups A Day For 14 Days And Have A Flat Stomach!

Weight loss: make a drink with grapefruit, apple cider vinegar and honey (1'25'') - in combination with good nutrition the body weight will go down (1'41''): 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 cup of grapefruit juice (or small grapefruit pieces, 2'13'') + 2 teaspoon (tsp) of apple cider vinegar (2' 3 '') - take it on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before dinner (2'33'') - after 2 weeks, make 1 week rest (2 ' 4 '') - then when you think that it's necessary make the cure again during 2 weeks (2'48'') - grapefruit can also be replaced by other citrus fruits (2'56'') - but no lemons and no oranges (3'0'').


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Video 11: Acne and pimples: Apply apple cider vinegar water in the ratio 1:1 - in 1 night the pimple disappears

from: Video from Kim Lianne: Beste ANTI PICKEL HACKS: PICKEL über NACHT WEG, DIY Pickelmale AUFHELLEN | LIVE TEST unreine Haut

Treat pimples with apple cider
                vinegar water with a ratio of 1:1
Treat pimples with apple cider vinegar water with a ratio of 1:1

The apple cider vinegar water
-- has an antibacterial effect
-- works against inflammation
-- has a lightening effect (4'28'')


One more time because it's so important:

Michael Palomino, portrait
Michael Palomino, portrait

Conclusion: rising pH value with apple cider vinegar and honey - so: all illnesses should heal as with sodium bicarbonate

by Michael Palomino 2017

The combination of apple cider vinegar and honey lets rise pH values. Thus all illnesses should heal which also heal with sodium bicarbonate with rising pH values: diabetes, kidneys, allergies, asthma, tuberculosis.

The only question is how high the pH value will go with apple cider vinegar and honey so also cancer will heal with a pH8.

Teilen / share:


Body cleansing - Dandruff - Acne - Cough - Mouthwash - Acid Eruption - Cholesterol - Candida - Arthritis - Diabetes - Eczema - Overweight - Menopause symptoms - Foot fungus (Athlete's foot) - Furs of animals - Dried ears of animals - Dog fleas - Ticks in dogs -- 15 cures with apple cider vinegar: Heartburn (acid reflux) - arthritis - cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart problems - overweight - mouth area - skin: dandruff, sunburn, stings+bites - eczema, exantemas, rashes - white teeth - axillary sweat - toilet bowl - stains on ceramic tiles - car windows - dog fleas -- Intake of apple cider vinegar - Ingestion of apple cider vinegar (against heartburn / acid reflux, arthritis, cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart, overweight) - Gargling apple cider vinegar (inflammation in the oral cavity) - Apple cider vinegar solves skin problems (dandruff, sunburn, stings+bites, eczema, exanthem, eruptions) - Apple cider vinegar for white teeth and against sweat smell in the armpits - Apple cider vinegar for the bathroom, ceramics and car windows - Apple cider vinegar against dog fleas -- Apple cider vinegar: curing effects and side effects with chemical pills: Hair is shining - Cold (nasal congestion) - Cholesterol - Heart Diseases - Candida - Digestion - Immune system - Diabetes - Blood glucose - Intestinal flora - Abdominal discomfort - Detoxification - Overweight - Muscle pain - Energy - Balance - Foot care - Foot fungus -- Side effects -- Overdose indications with apple cider vinegar -- Apple-cider-vinegar+honey-cure in 1 glass of [warm] water: Take this on an empty stomach in the morning for a certain time: Joint pains, acid eructation, heartburn, digestion, constipation, cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight, mouth inflammation, mouth odor, inflammation, energy -- Overdose effects with apple cider vinegar -- Apple cider vinegar: intake before bedtime during 2-3 weeks: Nasal congestion, throat pain, mouth odor, digestion, bloating, insomnia, glucose, overweight, calf cramps -- Organic apple cider vinegar for foot care, against dandruff, throat inflammation, bad air and cheese odor in shoes -- 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar + 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of water increases the pH value (!): Sore throat - respiratory tract - mouth odor - joint pain - arthritis - cholesterol levels + hypertension - stomach pain - digestion, constipation - overweight - skin diseases - inflammation inhibition - pH value is increasing, the body becomes alkaline - energy -- Overdose is dangerous -- Interactions of apple cider vinegar -- Apple cider vinegar: cleaning scalp and strengthening hair - hair loss disappears: The pH value of the scalp - cleaning the scalp - hair is shining again - hair loss disappears etc. -- Take a drink with apple cider vinegar and honey against overweight taking it on an empty stomach during 2 weeks -- Acne and pimples: Apply apple cider vinegar water in the ratio 1:1 - in 1 night the pimple disappears -- Conclusion: rising pH value with apple cider vinegar and honey - so: all illnesses should heal as with sodium bicarbonate
