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Healing powers of colors: colors as remedies, application in practice

Part 2, chapter 7 to 12

  Blue light
                            provokes an insensibility for pains  Red
                        room for warm life against depressions
Blue light provokes an insensibility for pains. A red room is alleviating thoughts for suicide and psychosis [8,9].

Wachstumsstrahlen: Rot  Wachsttumsstrahlen: Orange  Wachstumsstrahlen: Gelb  Wachstumsstrahlen:
                        Grünlichgelb / Gelbgrün  - Wachsttumsstrahlen: Orange goldfarben, goldige Farbe Wachstumsstrahlen: Gelb Gelbgrün, Grünlichgelb hellgrün hellblau - Hemmungsstrahlen:
                        Blau  Hemmungsstrahlen:
                        Blau-Violett  Hemmungsstrahlen: Blaugrün

Colored glass
hinders passing other rays with the exception of those which are of that color like the glass itself. (chapter 32)

Water beings - irradiation of water
Plants and beings above all are consisting in water, and therefore colors have a big effect on plants and beings. Therefore the color irradiation is principally a "water irradiation". But "normal medicine" does not take this earnest... (conclusion in chapter 6)

Summary by Michael Palomino (1998 / 2003 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012 / 2014)

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from: Prof. Lilli Eberhard: Healing powers of colors. Colors as a remedy, application in practice (original in German: Heilkräfte der Farben. Farben als Heilmittel, Anwendung in der Praxis); edition 3 Oaks (Drei-Eichen-Verlag), 10th edition, 2002; ISBN-10: 3-7699-0392-7; ISBN-13: 978-3-7699-0392-8 [web16]


Part 1
1. Goethe's color theory as a base and signpost
2. Spectral analysis
3. Color therapy: effect of colors on the soul
4. Investigations in color therapy
5. Rejuvenating cure with color therapy: Dr.Sciascia
6. Changing water by irradiation with colors

Part 2
7. Light and photosynthesis - why are leaves green? and water plants are red?
8. Colors of animals
9. Healing effects by dyes [side effects?]
10. Claims and wisdom of the color therapist
11. Color rays and the effect of color therapy
12. Effect of color rays according to Prof. Ewald Paul - production of trace elements according to Dr. Ghadiali

Part 3
13. Color therapy with humans according to E.C.Babbitt, Grabley, Ghadiali
14. Kurt Matthäus: undulations of color rays have effect in body cells
15. Color therapy according to Dr. Falkenberg
16. Color therapy according to Dr. Heermann
17. Psychological effect of colors according to 4 tempers
18. Color therapy: Colored panes, colored food, colored bulbs
19. Color therapy with green
20. Perception of colors in state of exhaustion
21. Color blindness

Part 4
22. Munich Scientific Society for Science of High Frequency and Light, Ewald Paul, Dr.F.W.Fröhlich
23. High frequency therapy
24. "See" colors in a distinguished way
25. Dr.Alexander Heermann: thesis of harmony of growth and of harmony of restraint
26. Streams of space
27. Prof. E.Paul: psychiatric color therapy

Part 5
28. Effect of color rays - color therapy according to Gerhard Dix
29. Colors in agriculture according to Prof. Ewald Paul
30. Color therapy according to Dr. Müller
31. Color therapy with animals and by food according to Ludwig von Riess
32. Effect of color rays according to Dr.Ghadiali
33. Color therapy with vegetables according to Camille Flammarion
34. Conclusions by Michael Palomino
35. Appendix: color searcher
36. News

Part 6: Literature

7. Light and photosynthesis - why are leaves green? - and why water plants are red?

Dr. Otto Härtel explains: Chlorophyll consists of green granules in the cell with a diameter of only some 1000th part of a millimeter. Then follows the supply of carbonic acid to the granules. And the granules are irradiated by light. Then the procedure of sugar synthesis follows. But why the granules are green?

Sun light with red as biggest wavelength provoking green leaves
Our sun light consists of 7 rainbow colors. And now there are the following details:
-- red has the most energy with the biggest wavelength
-- therefore a plant is working best when the plant uses red rays best
-- green can absorb the red light best
-- and performing the experiment one can see: A red glass in combination with a green glass provokes that hardly any light can pass any more.

Leaves - here a varied hedge - are green,
                          because red color in the light (with the
                          longest wavelength, with the highest energy)
                          can be absorbed best by the color green. Leaves - here a varied hedge [1] - are green, because red color in the light (with the longest wavelength, with the highest energy) can be absorbed best by the color green.

Effect of blue light rays on plants
Plants are reacting on blue irradiation with a change of color of the leaves: pigments units are changing their color adopting.

Blue-green light under water: the adaption is red plants
-- red sea plants with red pigments are red, because they have adapted to the blue-green light in the sea water
-- red tissue can use especially well the blue-green light, for example red alga.

                          water in the first meters of depth of sea has
                          got a green-blue color Sea water in the first meters of depth of sea [2] has got a green-blue color, and corresponding to this color of the sea the plants are often red.

Red sea plants or red alga are red,
                            because red tissue can adapt especially well
                            the blue-green light of the sea water.  Red sea plants or
                          red alga are red, because red tissue can adapt
                          especially well the blue-green light of the
                          sea water.
vergrössernRed sea plants [3] or red alga [4] are red, because red tissue can adapt especially well the blue-green light of the sea water.

Effect of light colors
Research also found out the following facts:
-- red light rays are decisive for the construction of sugar and starch
-- short waved, blue rays are regulating the growth and the bending of the plants, they are provoking the strongest photo chemical effect.

Plants always feel the light rays. Even in the darkest cellar they are growing in the direction of the light source.

Color therapy with plants:
Intensive blue is delaying growth but is intensifying the colors

-- when a plant is growing in a red light, then the plants almost growing like the plants in the darkness
-- when a plant is growing in a blue light, there is normal growth
-- when a plant is growing in a very intensive blue light, growth is less:
oo the plants are more little, more compact, for example in the mountains where blue and ultra violet irradiation is higher
oo but at the same time the colors are more intensive because of the high intensity of light in the mountains.

Common dandelion Common  dandelion [5]
Mountain Dandelion (Taraxacum alpinum)

Mountain Dandelion (Taraxacum alpinum) [6] is little but has more intensive colors, according to color research because of the more intensive blue light in the high mountains.

Color searcher Mr. Pleasonton made experiments with blue irradiations on plants, and forms and shapes of the plants were changing:

The conclusions were:
-- color therapy is not only a fantasy
-- colors are forces of great significance also for the organisms of plants and animals.

8. Colors of animals

H. Fleischer found out:
-- animals always living in the dark remain white
-- so there is the thesis that the colors of the animals are formed with the light
-- beetles put into an additional light convert their color from green into blue
-- beetles of the same kind are green in Central Europa, but in Southern Europe they are blue.

[Different light intensity between Central and Southern Europe provokes an adaption of the color].

9. Healing effect by dyes [side effects?]

Synthetic dyes are made of black oil bitumen and the result are luminous colors. These dyes have a great effect on the inner functions of the human body and it's cells, so these dyes can be applied as assistants for the fight against illnesses and death.

The colors have the capacity to kill germs (bacteria)

Bacteria like Bacillus subtilis
                          ("hai bacillus") can be killed by
                          simple color irradiation
Bacteria like Bacillus subtilis ("hai bacillus") [7] can be killed by simple color irradiation

The wavelength of the colors have the capacity to blast the bacteria cells, respectively intensive color irradiation is killing the cells of the germs [probably producing lethal trace elements, see chapter 12, or provoking resonance undulations, see chapter 14].

So it's only natural that humans living and working in a gray concrete surrounding and having no idea of nature are more ill than humans in a colorful surrounding appreciating the colors of nature.

There are dyes for coloring clothes (azo dyes)
-- these azo dyes have the characteristic provoking a faster blood coagulation
-- and these azo dyes are really applied when there are cases of hemorrhage.

But here are side effects:
Azo dyes contain arylamine and there is a great suspicion that they are provoking cancer, and therefore many azo dyes are forbidden in Germany [web13].

There are also acridine dyes:
-- one can heal tropic dysentery
-- and it's a remedy against malaria (atebrin).

Here are more applications:

original in German:
Acridinfarbstoffe <dienen v.a. als histologische Farbstoffe (z.B. Acridingelb, -orange) sowie als Desinfektionsmittel u. Chemotherapeutika.> [web14]

Acridine dyes <serve above all as histological dyes (for example acridine yellow, acridine orange) and they serve as disinfectants and chemotherapeutic agents.> [web14]

10. Claims and wisdom of the color therapist

Dr. med. Dinshah P. Ghadiali (1873-1966) was healing with the following principles:

-- Ghadiali means that one has to see the human as a unity, and not one single unit can be separated
-- the development of specialists without end in normal medicine is a complete nonsense, Ghadiali says.

Color therapist
-- has to learn about the laws of life
-- has to learn well about the tempers of the humans and of the colors
-- has to conceive well the phenomenons of life as a unity of body and soul
-- has to learn well about nature of the patients
-- has to learn well about the colors
-- has to learn well about color chemistry, color physics and about the healing forces of the colors.

Color rays and the effect of color therapy

Ghadiali's principles of color therapy
1. Light and colors can have chemical effects
2. Light and colors can also provoke physiologic processes.

Chemical messages in the color rays according to Dr. Ghadiali

imitated message
Blue oxygen, cesium and others
Indigo Indigo
bismuth, cobalt a.o.
Violet Violet
actinium, strontium a.o.
Purple Purple lithium a.o.
Scarlet Scarlet
argon, manganese a.o.
Red-orange Red-orange
cadmium, hydrogen, krypton, neon a.o.
Orange Orange aluminum, calcium, copper a.o.
Yellow Yellow carbon, magnesium a.o.
Greenish-yellow Greenish-yellow
sulfur, iron a.o.
Green Green
barium, chlorium, nitrogen, radium a.o.

Ghadiali indicates that he detected two more elements by his color investigations.

When a body is ill, there is a disorder in the body. Eliminating this "disorder" in the body can be performed by animating the natural healing forces of the organism applying different color rays, with different color sequences from case to case.

"Prescription": One can use a 1,000 watt bulb reinforcing and concentrating the light ray by condensators.

Healing of humans by color therapy according to Ghadiali

Rays of growth: red, orange, yellow, yellow-red
rays of growth: red  rays
                            of growth: orange  rays
                            of growth: yellow 
                          of growth: greenish yellow

Rays of restraint: blue, blue violet, blue-green
Rays of restraint: blue  Rays of restraint: violet  Rays
                          of restraint: blue-green
There were great healing successes with this colors by color searcher Ghadiali treating

underweight, dying limbs, incubus, missing appetite, rash, chlorosis (anemia), bronchial catarrh, intestine catarrh, epilepsy, lichen, jaundice, depressions, hair loss (!!!), skin diseases, lumbago, paralyzations, weak limbs, liver diseases, measles, rheumatism, scarlet, fresh wounds, purulent wounds a.o. more.
There were great healing successes with this colors by color searcher Ghadiali treating

abscesses, arteriosclerosis of heart and brain regions, beard lichen, inflammation of the bladder, grumbling appendix, congestion of blood, purulence, adiposis, arthritis, headaches, struma, nose inflammation, nerve inflammation, ear diseases, colds, warts, toothaches a.o. more.

Ghadiali's experiences with color therapies on humans
Blue Blue developing force for life, eliminating fever, nourishing nerves
Violet Violet building up spleen, animating lymph, giving force a.o.
Purple Purple reinforcing sexual power, animating veins a.o.
Red Red building red blood cells, supporting human senses
Orange Orange building and reinforcing lung tissue, animating glands a.o.
Yellow Yellow reinforcing nerves, supporting digestion, animating stomach a.o.
Green-yellow Green-yellow building bones, killing bacteria a.o.
Blue-green (cyan)
Blue-green (cyan) reinforcing skin a.o.

and also healing cancer is possible
[probably with cooling, restraining colors of blue and violet]

Dr. med. Dinshah P. Ghadiali, the genius
At the same time Ghadiali is doctor in chemistry, physics and medicine.

And there are applications of color therapy in psychiatry
-- applications for mental disorders
-- applications for the nerves and for the nervous system
Red Red is reinforcing excitement of human nervous system
Blue Blue is calming the excitement of human nervous system

Rating of colors according to Ghadiali
Warm colors: red, orange, yellow,
he calls them infra green
Red  Orange  Yellow
cold colors: green, blue, violet,
he calls them ultra green
Green  Blue  Violet
Healing of diseases which are provoked by a cold.
Healing of diseases causing inflammations, fevers, congestion of blood a.s.o.

Color therapy in surgery

Blue light provokes an
                  insensibility for pains
Blue light provokes an insensibility for pains [8]

Color therapy in psychiatry: red room and blue room
warm, red color is supporting cheerfulness and mood  warm red
blue color is supporting calm  cool blue

                          room for warm life "Red room" [9]: Rooms with red walls, red carpets and red lamps provoke that women can reduce heavy melancholic troubles and with thoughts of suicide

"Red room": 1 day in a red room for persons with heavy psychosis, with stubborn objection of eating, these persons then come down and are pleading for eating.
Blue room cooling down people "Blue room" [10]: The blue room is for people "raving mad" for "cooling down" their energy so these humans will be "bearable".

[The cause for "raving mad" people probably can be found in familiar slavery and suppressing mechanisms, or in other suppressing mechanisms at the workplace, mobbing etc.].

Attractive and repelling colors: red and blue

Red is attractive for humans attractive red, blue is repelling humans repelling

In an experiment with bandaged eyes the result was this one:
-- when there was a red ray of light, the arms moved to the light
-- when there was a blue ray of light, then the arms moved away from the light.

Colors also have an effect on animals

                          house repelling carnivores A blue house [11]: Carnivores, insects and above all flies are fleeing from blue colors and therefore also from blue houses, and carnivores also flee from blue fences.

Carnivores (above all tigers) shy blue color. Fences and stables in blue are safe from carnivores.

[When carnivores "see blue" they go away].

Blue has got a repellent effect against some insects, above all against flies, also against water fleas, ans also against cyanobacteria.

There is a detail also for shipping enterprises: Barnacles are not occupying surfaces when there is a certain green color.

Favorite colors of humans - classification of tempers

-- sanguine person: yellow: gives a good and cheerful mood
-- choleric person: red: is exciting, provokes activity and courage for more fights
-- melancholic person: blue: provokes to be earnest, to think about things, calming down and provokes also to be a "believer" [well, this is a little bit naive]
-- phlegmatic person: dark green: is calming down, provokes to be comfortable and slow, and has got a relaxing effect.

[According to nowadays psychology with psycho analysis and searching the causes for syndromes and illnesses, this rating of the "4 tempers" is absolutely outdated].

But now there are general indications about favorite colors:

The colors are giving signals to the nervous system. Depending of the personal constitution certain signals are sent positively or negatively and some colors are attractive or repellent.

It could be observed that humans with the same favorite colors had striking common points in their characters.
Effect of color rays according to Prof. Paul Ewald

12. Effect of color rays according to Prof. Ewald Paul

Prof. Ewald Paul states clearly that one has to activate the self healing forces of a body and in this way one does not need many medicaments:

Specific remedies for any illness are a nonsense because by activating some cells many illnesses can be eliminated already.

And colors can be a great help for activating cells. Cells can be put into contact with the right color and the cell is correcting it's impulse for life. Colors are provoking by micro undulations - but millions of undulations - an stimulation of the cell reinforcing the defense against germs and substances provoking illnesses.

When the healing signal of the light is individualized even heavy illnesses like scrofula and tuberculosis (TB) can be healed. Add to this more forces can be released by vitamins. Add to this the healing effect can be supported by light food, vegetables and fresh fruits. The effect of color therapy will be reduced when there is eaten much meat, and when much alcohol or nicotine is consumed.

Healing effects of color rays according to Prof. Ewald Paul
Blue ray irradiation
blue irradiation
Red ray irradiation
red irradiation
-- for alleviation of pains
-- has got an effect against very high blood pressure
-- the anti bodies (the white blood cells) are reproducing much protecting the body from infections
-- there is provoked more blood, and therefore metabolism is animated
-- there is healing effect against general rheumatic diseases
-- there is healing effect against catarrhs
-- there is healing effect against sciatica
-- there is healing effect against troubles with blood circulation.

Colors provoking cell activity and power - and production of healing trace elements in the body

-- the color rays are provoking more activity in the blood and in the cells of the body
-- the colors provoke the building of tiny quantities of chemical elements, these are trace elements with a favorable effect
-- mucosa is relaxed and secretion is increased
-- the colors can fight bacteria which is proved by healing ill persons with tuberculosis and cancer
-- the sum of finest bio electric stimulations makes the effect.

Healing effects of color rays provoking the production of trace elements in the body according to Ghadiali
Blue color irradiation
blue irradiation
is provoking more oxygen in the body [8]
Red color irradiation
red irradiation
is provoking more hydrogen in the body [12]
Yellow color irradiation
yellow irradiation
is provoking more carbon in the body [13]
Green color irradiation
green irradiation
is provoking more nitrogen in the body [14]

By all this the living cell is producing bio electric power because there is the metabolism working different chemical processes. One part of this power is coming from

1) the electrolytes of the blood and of the lymph

and the other part of this power is coming from

2) the space, from the sun, the light and the colors.

Conclusion: The colors are finest sun forces which are playing a salutary game in our body.

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[web01] http://www.klausmoeller.net/lernen/farbenlehre/farbordnung.html
[web02] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wilhelm_Bunsen
[web03] http://www.lichtbiologie.de/page15/page7/page7.html
[web04] http://www.scionova.de/isis/lexikon-f.html
[web05] http://www.horusmedia.de/1994-energie/energie.php
[web06] http://www.actoid.com/webdesign/farblichtsehen/Farbtherapie.htm
[web07] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langsdorf
[web08] http://www.esoteric-house.de/farbtherapie.htm
[web09] Helmut Zander: Anthropomorphism in Deutschland; E-Book-Voransicht, S.1478
[web10] http://www.krankengymnastik-lambrecht.de/html/licht_u__farbe.html
[web11] http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonino_Sciascia
[web12] http://www.ilgattopardo.altervista.org/pg154.html
[web13] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azofarbstoff
[web14] http://www.aerztlichepraxis.de/rw_4_Lexikon_HoleEintrag_2483_Eintrag.htm
[web15] http://www.thule-italia.net/esoterismo/Libri/Tedesco/Reichstein,%20Herbert%20-%20Lehrbuch %20der%20Kabbala%20Magie%20d.%20Zahlen%20u.%20Namen.pdf
[web16] http://www.buch.de/buch/02939/503_heilkraefte_der_farben.html
[web17] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geldbaum
[web18] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camille_Flammarion

Photo sources

7. Light and photosynthesis - why are leaves green? and waer plants are red?
[1] green varied hedge: http://www.garten-linemann.de/index.shtml?Service
[2] green-blue sea water (sea wave): http://www.surfwaves.info/surf/surfwave.html
[3] red sea plants: http://www.fotocommunity.es/pc/pc/display/9471098
[4] red sea alga: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotalgen
[5] common dandelion: http://www.ralfkoch.com/wb/pages/home/futterpflanzen.php
[6] Mountain Dandelion (Taraxacum alpinum): http://flora.nhm-wien.ac.at/Seiten-Gattungen/Taraxacum.htm

9. Healing effects by dyes [side effects?]
[7] bacteria Bacillus subtilis: http://www.wissen.de/wde/generator/wissen/ressorts/kinder/expedition-wissen/ indianer/index,page=1306610,chunk=img_0.html

10. Claims and wisdom of the color therapist

11. Color rays and the effect of color therapy
[8] blue irradiation: http://www.teichmann-wienands.de/2_therapie_fuellungen.html
[9] red room: http://www.top1trans.ch/top1trans/m_Zimmer/index.php
[10] blue room: http://wutzblog.wordpress.com/2008/02/09/wohnungssuchend/
[11] blue house: http://www.sommerhaus-am-meer.de/Fotos_blau/blaues_haus_im_sommer.jpg

12. Effect of color rays according to Prof. Ewald Paul - production of trace elements according to Dr. Ghadiali
[8] blue irradiation: http://www.teichmann-wienands.de/2_therapie_fuellungen.html
[12] red irradiation: http://www.hausdersinneberlin.de/theater.html
[13] yellow irradiation: http://www.vaporsana.ch/index.php?nav=3,24,112
[14] green irradiation: http://www.vaporsana.ch/index.php?nav=3,24,112

-- Purpur: http://www.glamourshop.at/leder/lederunterwaesche/tangas/tangas206107a.php
-- Scharlach: http://www.gerstaecker.ch/CREATEX-Airbrush-Farbe-neuheiten-grafik-design.htm
-- Blauviolett: http://www.bastelweltcreativ.de/catalog/index.php/cPath/90_94_82
