-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
[Preface: the terms "ill" and "civilization" and
"psycho therapy"
"Psychological illnesses" is a very flexible term. According
to civilization the official "medicine" is rating a behavior
as "ill" or "healthy". But personally I have the impression
that the standards of this "civilization" within capitalist
globalization are more ill than healthy, and I have the
impression that many persons rated as "ill" persons are more
healthy than ill. This could above all for societies which
have installed an expensive "psychiatry", and where children
are more in therapies than the criminal parents who never
are torn to justice. This counts for example for Central
Europe and for "U.S.A." etc. Just these societies are also
violating any alimentation standard supporting fast food
societies and stress, so the populations are always more and
more ill and not more healthy. But governments do not want
to see this...]
Michael Palomino, November 2006
There is a "limit" also with psychological
The "limit" (according to Dr. Hahnemann "psora") with the
emerging of additional illnesses provoked by a certain
stress counts also for psychological illnesses which can
-- by a heavy stress situation
-- by a heavy adaption against any natural rules
-- by disturbance of the immune system
-- by a fight against an illness without end (richtig leben,
The connection between wrong alimentation and
psychological troubles
In general alimentation has got a big influence on any
mental sensitivity.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"Any mental procedure in our body how we think, how we feel
or dream or how we are making our ideas, all this is in
connection with complex chemical processes in our organism.
And this complete system of our body is depending from our
blood group." (richtig leben, p.32)
(orig. German:
"Die Art und Weise, in der wir denken, fühlen, träumen und
uns Vorstellungen machen, offenbart sich in den komplexen
chemischen Abläufen in unserem Organismus. Und
durchdrungen ist dieses ganze System von unserer
Blutgruppe." (richtig leben, S.32)
<Many mental problems have their base on mechanisms which
are in connection of imbalance of body's own chemical
processes - above all there is a connection in respect of
hormones and neurotransmitters.> (richtig leben, p.62)
(orig. German:
"Viele seelische Probleme beruhen auf Mechanismen, die mit
Unausgewogenheiten in den körpereigenen chemischen
Abläufen - insbesondere in Bezug auf Hormone und
Neurotransmitter - in Zusammenhang stehen." (richtig
leben, S.62)
And genetically there is also the connection between
alimentation, blood group and mental state:
<The gens which are responsible for such processes
[mental processes] are very near to the gens which are
responsible for the blood groups.> (richtig leben, p.62)
(orig. German:
"Die für die Steuerung solcher Prozesse [seelischer
Prozesse] verantwortlichen Gene liegen sehr dicht bei den
für die Blutgruppen zuständigen Genen." (richtig leben,
Studies about the connection between blood group and
psychological dysfunctions are normal in the "U.S.A.", for
example with "Medline", this is the medical online database
of National Institute of Health (richtig leben, p.62).
Enzymes and gens as factors for vulnerabilities
for psychological diseases
Dopamine as a factor
Decisive for the converting process is the conversion of
dopamine into noradrenalin by the enzyme dopamine beta
hydroxylase (DBH, also:
Dopamine β-hydroxylase)
(richtig leben, p.62).
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) as
a factor
Enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) is formed in trombocytes
(richtig leben, p.70). MAO has an influence on dopamine
balance (richtig leben, p.69). MAO is metabolizing dopamine
into a great variety of compounds. There are two main groups
of MAO:
-- MAO-A which is in the complete organism
-- MAO-B which is mainly in the brain (richtig leben, p.70).
Heredity on blood group gen as a factor
Gen for dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH) is on the blood
group gen 9q34. Therefore a certain heredity is stated with
the blood group (richtig leben, p.62-63).
Other <gens stay also in connection with AB0 genetic
location, and these gens are presumed to be in connection
with some psychosis. These gens possibly are affectin the
role of dopamine beta hydroxilase and the effect of AB0
genetics on this enzyme.> (richtig leben, p.66)
(orig. German:
Andere, "vermutlich mit affektiven Psychosen in
Zusammenhang stehende Gene, sind auch mit dem AB0-Genort
verknüpft. Diese Gene beeinflussen möglicherweise die
Rolle von Dopamin-Beta-Hydroxylase und die Auswirkung der
AB0-Erbanlagen auf dieses Enzym." (richtig leben, S.66)
And there is also nitric oxide: This nitric oxide (NO)
exists only for 5 seconds and is reduced within these 5
seconds again. It is created by the conversion of the amino
acid arginine (richtig leben, p.76).
The enzyme for splitting of arginine - this procedure is
Argininosuccinate syntheses - is fixed on the
AB0 gen 9q34, and probably this procedure is different
according to the blood group (richtig leben, p.78).
Psychology according to blood groups: The types of
Blood group 0: details about the creation of "type
of personality type A"
[All humans of blood group 0 will ask after this analysis
why they should be "type of personality A", with many rages
and much anger, and at the same time with decisiveness and
with a great organizational talent. Why is this like this?]
Blood group 0: This is the remnant of manic
depressive kind of living: the "hunter"
Chase and hunt need aggression forces with fights and
flights from the big animal, and also calm periods are
needed. The differences between phases of calm and charge
during a chase were huge for sure (richtig leben, p.67).
[Today this habit is defamed by psychiatry as "manic
depressive" respectively as "aggressive" because hunting is
not element of sadistic "civilization" of banks any more.
Here is one of the main faults of a big part of humans in
the "civilized" countries].
Chemically analyzed there is happening the following with
blood group 0 in it's organism of "hunter and collector":
Problem of blood group 0: problem to excrete
noradrenaline and adrenaline
When blood group 0 is in a stress, there is the problem to
excrete the catecholamines of noradrenaline and adrenaline.
And then mental "troubles" are coming (richtig leben, p.62).
Managing the problem of
blood group 0: don't produce much noradrenaline - quantity
of dopamine
Precondition for the production of noradrenaline is the
substance of dopamine. Decisive is the conversion of
dopamine into noradrenaline by the enzyme dopamine beta
hydroxylase (DBH). The organism must not to produce too much
noradrenaline, and there should also not be too much
dopamine (richtig leben, p.62).
Dopamine is regulating also pain perception in the organism
(richtig leben, p.62).
Dopamine itself is only existing in the frontal lobe, in the
center for higher, abstract mental processes. Certain
substances are liberating dopamine: cocaine, opiates,
alcohol. By this the feeling to be "happy" with a "felicity"
is coming up (richtig leben, p.63).
Too much dopamine in the limbic system (center of feelings
in the brain) and too less dopamine in the mental center
(cortex) can provoke paranoidity and autism (richtig leben,
But blood group 0 normally has a higher noradrenaline
production than all other blood groups. Noradrenaline is
liberated "within the stress reaction with anger and
aggression" (richtig leben, p.65).
Blood group 0 is liberating adrenaline with fear, anxiety
and pain (richtig leben, p.65).
Therefore blood group 0 is more often suffering imbalance,
aggression and anger than other blood groups, which is
corresponding to the "type of personality A" (richtig leben,
Blood group 0: mental
diseases with variations of activity of enzyme dopamine
beta hydroxylase (DBH)
Oscillations of activity of enzyme DBH can provoke heavy
psychological diseases with blood group 0:
<Many [mental] diseases in connection with oscillations
of normal dopamine level can often be seen with blood group
0.> (richtig leben, p.65)
(orig. German:
"Viele [seelische] Erkrankungen, die mit Schwankungen der
normalen Dopaminspiegel in Zusammenhang stehen, treten
beim 0-Typ häufig auf." (richtig leben, S.65)
Therefore by this sensibility with dopamine blood group 0 is
especially vulnerable for
-- manic states: risen enzyme activity of DBH
->> much dopamine is converted into adrenaline
->> and in the following time the dopamine level is
low and the adrenaline level is high (richtig leben, p.66)
-- depressions, which are in connection with a reduced
enzyme activity of DBH
->> only few dopamine is converted into adrenaline
->> dopamine level is high, adrenaline level is low
(richtig leben, p.66)
-- there is also a vulnerability for schizophrenia,
eventually because of an "excessive activity of dopamine"
(richtig leben, p.65)
-- there is also a vulnerability for depressive states:
"With stress type 0 cannot reduce well catecholamines
sustainably - other blood groups can - and therefore manic
depressive diseases can be seen more often with blood group
0 than with other blood groups. This means that genetic
activity of dopamine beta hydroxilase with blood type 0 -
which is connected with the gen location AB0 - is emerging
in a very heavy way. This conclusion would be also plausible
in the anthropological context" [because 0is hunter type
which needed this behavior] (richtig leben, p.67).
(orig. German:
"Unter Stressbedingungen kann der 0-Typ Katecholamine
nicht so nachhaltig abbauen wie Angehörige anderer
Blutgruppen, und eine manisch-depressive Krankheit ist bei
diesem Typ wesentlich häufiger zu beobachten als bei den
übrigen Blutgruppen. Dies bedeutet, dass die genetisch mit
dem AB0-Genort verknüpfte Aktivität von
Dopamin-Beta-Hydroxylase beim 0-Typ weit ausgeprägter in
Erscheinung tritt - eine Schlussfolgerung, die in
anthropologischem Kontext durchaus plausibel wäre."
(richtig leben, S.67)
Concretely responsible for manic depressions [also called
bipolar disorder] and "type of personality A" is an up and
down of dopamine beta hydroxylase levels (richtig leben,
Well, now humans of blood group 0 are often addictive for
wheat products and for raw meat, probably because these are
the richest sources for L tyrosine - the basic module of
dopamine and of catecholamines. So, humans of blood group 0
want to hold dopamine level up intuitively. But with wheat
they are damaging much themselves (richtig leben, p.69).
And medicaments for a
regulation of enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO)
According to some studies, with blood group 0 the MAO
activity is "much less than with other blood groups" which
provokes a high level of dopamine (richtig leben, p.70).
When MAO balance for processing dopamine should be balanced
when there is too less dopamine, then "normal medicine" is
using MAO inhibitors, for example a product called
"Seleginlin" for MAO-B in the brain, so not so much dopamine
is processed, and the dopamine level is rising then, for
example in cases of Alzheimer (richtig leben, p.70).
When there is always too much dopamine the result are
criminal habits against others and against oneself.
According to Turkish studies sexual criminals have the
lowest activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), and
therefore they have the highest level of dopamine within the
captives, with ambition without control, with impatience and
with competitiveness, with game addiction, with negativism,
with verbal aggressions, with a greed for sensations, with
impulsiveness, rejecting monotony and with addictions like
tobacco and alcohol. Scientists had expected that violent
criminals would have the highest dopamine level. But the
fact were others (richtig leben, p.71).
Blood group: The remnant of
manic-depressive kind of living: the "hunter": chemical
The organism of blood group 0 was well adapted to hunting,
with fast fight periods, and with sudden rest periods.
Hunting needed the aggressive tribes with instinct for fight
and flight, and also rests. The difference between phases of
rest and of charge during the hunt was huge for sure
(richtig leben, p.67).
Chemically blood group 0 is absolutely adapted to hunting.
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<During the difficult hunt for prey probably the priority
was to use aggressive tribes. This had to be coordinated
with fine coordinated instincts for fight or flight. This
was probably the survival strategy with first humans when
they were hunters and collectors. Add to this the
differences between calm periods and periods of charges were
huge, and building of catecholamine probably was a great
factor for it. It can be presumed that by this reason - the
ability for actuating or accelerating dopamine beta
hydroxilase and then slowing down or stopping it again - was
the point which made the first representatives of blood
group 0 to be successful hunters.> (richtig leben, p.67)
(orig. German:
<Nachdem bei der gefahrvollen Jagd nach Beute aller
Wahrscheinlichkeit nach in erster Linie Aggressionstriebe
zum Tragen kamen und dazu ein fein abgestimmter Kampf-
oder Fluchtinstinkt, dürfte dies bei den
frühgeschichtlichen Jäger- und Sammlerstämmen eine überaus
nützliche Überlebensstrategie gewesen sein. Überdies
dürften Ruhe- und Belastungsphasen durch gewaltige
Schwankungen in der Katecholaminbildung beeinflusst worden
sein. Und vermutlich aus diesem Grunde machte die
Fähigkeit, die Aktivität von Dopamin-Beta-Hydroxylase in
Gang zu setzen oder zu beschleunigen und danach wieder zu
verlangsamen oder zu beenden, die ersten Vertreter der
Blutgruppe 0 zu erfolgreichen Jägern.> (richtig leben,
[That means: When there is a "civilization" which does not
need to hunt any more - but all heavy work is performed with
machines - then the humans of blood group 0 principally are
not matching any more to this "civilization". Today this
kind of living is simply called as "manic-depressive" resp.
"aggressive" because this manner of living is not matching
any more to this "civilization". Here is one of the main
causes how a big part of mankind is misjudged in the
"civilized" countries].
Depressions with blood group 0 - healing with
blood group nutrition
Regularly blood group diet has the effect that
chronic-depressive states are eliminated. So, successes with
blood group nutrition are one more proof that the soul is
connected with the body and with the bodily supply (richtig
leben, p.33).
When humans of blood group 0 ("hunter" with daily meager
biological meat) mean that a strict vegetarian alimentation
without meat would be healthy for them, than they are sooner
or later in mental depressions without noting it. When such
vegetarians of blood group 0 are changing their alimentation
with a blood group diet, they regularly are beginning to
live again (richtig leben, p.61).
The case of Lydia, medium
age, blood group 0: depression is healed
Antidepressants alone did not work with Lydia (these were:
50 mg Fluoxetin, 400 mg Bupropion, and 1,600 mg amber
extract per day). When amber extract is stopped a heavy
depression is following. Then blood group nutrition is
introduced, with positive consequences:
-- within 5 days comes the first mental brightening
-- after 7 days comes the desire for sports activities
-- and then the development is only going upwards. Amber
extract is stopped, overweight is lost without doing
anything (richtig leben, p.64).
The case of Vera L., medium age, blood group 0:
depression is healed
Vera is coming to Dr. Peter D'Adamo with anxiety states and
with depressions (richtig leben, p.67). When blood group
nutrition is introduced, depression is going from alone
(richtig leben, p.68).
Blood group A: There are always problems with high
level of cortisol and it's diseases
Blood group A is suffering with a high level of cortisol.
This high level of cortisol is facilitating
-- cancer
-- high blood pressure
-- heart diseases
-- heart attacks (richtig leben, p.71).
According Dr. D'Adamo, high cortisol level often also plays
a role with senility and Alzheimer (richtig leben, p.71).
For a long time "normal medicine" thought that a high
cortisol level would be the consequence of the illnesses
mentioned above. But just the contrary is right: Since 1984
it's proved that the high cortisol level is the cause for
the illnesses (richtig leben, p.71).
(see: A.T. Sapse: "Stress, cortisol, interferon and stress
diseases. I. Cortisol as the cause of stress diseases." In:
Med Hypotheses, Jan. 1984; 13 (1): p.31-44)
(richtig leben, p.506)
Suspicion of often emerging obsessional neurosis by
high cortisol level with blood group A
Blood group A has the highest rate of obsessional neurosis
("Obsessive Compulsive Disorder", OCD), possibly because of
the high cortisol level which blood group A always has
(richtig leben, p.73). Obsessional illnesses always go with
a higher cortisol level and a low melatonin level (richtig
leben, p.74).
Obsessional neurosis have the following elements:
-- repeating fixed ideas
-- repeating action without common sense on the base of
these fixed ideas (for example fear from cancer, obsession
of washing etc.)
-- and without having performed these obsessive actions the
affected people become worried (richtig leben, p.73) and
also hysteria can develop (richtig leben, p.75).
"Natural medicine" is performing expensive treatments but
cannot heal, but is producing only new side effects, for
example with manipulations with serotonin balance (richtig
leben, p.74). Blood group 0 is hardly affected by
obsessional neurosis (richtig leben, p.74). According to
W.F. Boyer also cell membranes could play a role which
"partly are also under the influence of the blood group."
(richtig leben, p.75)
The case of Jane I., blood group A: healing from
Jane is introducing blood group nutrition and depressions
are eliminated, it's a difference "like day and night"
(richtig leben, p.72-73).
Blood group B: factor nitrogen oxide (NO)
provoking mental diseases
Latest research since about 1997 tells us that mental
processes with blood group B depend partly from nitrogen
oxide molecule, and also nervous system and immune system of
blood group B (richtig leben, p.75). This topic was treated
from 1998 to 2002 with 18,000 publications. The illnesses
which are with blood group B in connection with nitrogen
oxide are:
-- sunburn
-- anorexia
-- cancer
-- addiction to cancer
-- addiction to drugs
-- diabetes
-- high blood pressure
-- trouble of memory
-- trouble of learning
-- septic shock
-- infertility
-- tuberculosis (TB) (richtig leben, p.76).
Nitrogen oxide (NO) exists only for 5 seconds and is reduced
within these 5 seconds again. It is produced by the
conversion of amino acid arginine (richtig leben, p.76).
Enzyme for splitting arginine, argininosuccinatsynthetase,
is on the AB0-gen 9q34, and probably this procedure is also
specific to the blood groups (richtig leben, p.78).
Nitrogen oxide (NO) is during this 5 seconds a
-- between nervous and immune system
-- between cardiovascular and reproduction system (richtig
leben, p.76).
Blood groups B and AB can excrete nitrogen oxide faster than
other blood groups. Therefore a recovery from stress
situations is faster with blood groups B and AB and has
positive consequences for cardiovascular system (richtig
leben, p.77).
The case of Sherry N.,
woman of medium age, blood group B: healing of depressions
With blood group diet Sherry N. can resign to anti
depressive medicaments within 7 days. Within 14 days she can
stop smoking, and after 3 weeks she develops a normal drive
of living with positive effects for her marriage. Also her
connections are positively surprised by her change of
personality (richtig leben, p.77).