-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Pregnancy: blood groups - evade childlessness and
abortive births
The sex of children according to blood groups
Dr. Peter D'Adamo indicates that statistically the sex of
the child could be tendentially foreseen
-- when mother and fetus both are of blood group 0 or B,
then there is a tendency for more boys
-- when mother and fetus both are of blood group A, then
there is a tendency for more girls (4 Strategien, p.341).
Childlessness and abortive birth
Childlessness and abortive births are more often with blood
groups A, B, and AB, less with women with blood group 0 (4
Strategien, p.339). "Normal medicine" means for example that
there would be an interaction between antibodies in the
vagina secretion of the woman and the blood group antigen in
the sperm of the man supporting infertility and abortive
births (4 Strategien, p.339-340). Or: According to a
"comprehensive family study" the quota of abortive births is
the highest "when mother and father have an "intolerance of
AB0", that means for example when mother is 0 and father A,
respectively when mother is 0 and father B, or mother is 0
and father AB. Research regarding this is in progress (4
Strategien, p.340).
Well, but the fact is that general bodily constitution is
the cause provoking childlessness or abortive births. When
alimentation has been against the own blood group for years,
then no children will come [because the body's glands and
metabolism is hardly working well], as examples show us:
Case of Laure, 42 years,
blood group A: suffering many abortive births
After 20 abortive births during 10 years Laura is trying out
a nature doctor. [Well, she could have come after the first
abortive birth already...]. There are the following measures
for her.
-- introduction of blood group nutrition of blood group A
-- herbal compounds enforcing the muscle tone of uterus (4
Strategien, p.340).
And after having introduced these measures Laure is pregnant
and gets her healthy baby (4 Strategien, p.340-341).
Case of Nieves, 44 years, blood group B: digestion
problems and infertility can be healed
Nieves comes because of digestion problems. Measures are:
-- introduction of blood group nutrition of blood group B.
Digestion problems are going, and at the same time she is
getting pregnant. She thought that she would be infertile
and she and her husband had given up any hope for having a
baby already (4 Strategien, p.341).
Climacteric period and hormone therapy according
to blood groups
Changings during climacteric period
During climacteric period, women's production of the most
important feminine hormones estrogen and progesterone is
going down (4 Strategien, p.341). Estrogen is not only a
hormone, but is also a tonic for the heart, and is also
lowering cholesterol (4 Strategie, p.341).
And now when during climacteric period estrogen and
progesterone are going down several troubles come: hot
flashes, loss of libido, depressions, hair loss, change of
skin (4 Strategien, p.342), dry vagina (4 Strategien,
p.343). At the same time danger is rising for cardiovascular
diseases and for a high level of cholesterol, an mass of
bones is decreasing in total, and therefore the danger for
bone fractures is rising (osteoporosis) (4 Strategien,
"Normal medicine" with chemical estrogen compounds
supporting breast cancer
"Normal medicine" has got it's reaction for lower estrogen
and progesterone. They invented estrogen and progesterone
compounds (4 Strategien, p.342). "Normal medical" chemical
estrogen compounds have their base on estradiol (4
Strategien, p.343).
But according to some studies a higher breast cancer risk
has to be accepted with these compounds, above all when
there had been already cases of breast cancer in the family
(4 Strategie, p.342).
[Well, "normal medicine" is failing one more time completely
also in this case and not healing but is provoking new
diseases. The worst is that "normal medicine" does not want
to know why but is only calculating with probabilities...]
Well, one has to know that these chemical estrogen compounds
are that strong that they are suppressing the body's own
estrogen production, but at the same time also the risk of
heart diseases and osteoporosis is lowered (4 Strategien,
Herbal (phyto therapeutically) estrogen compounds
("phyto estrogens") on a base of soya etc. without side
effect of cancer
Dr. D'Adamo tells us:
<Phyto estrogens [...] are [herbal] substances similar to
estrogens and progesterones being isolated from
beans (4 Strategien, p.343), from
alfalfa, and
yam. Many of these compounds are offered in
form of creams which can be put on the skin several times
per day. Phyto estrogens normally contain a high proportion
of estriol. But chemical estrogens have their base with
estradiol. Medical professional literature shows us that
replacement therapies with estriol have an effect inhibiting
cancer.> (4 Strategien, p.343)
(orig. German:
"Phytoöstrogene [...] sind östrogen- und
progesteronähnliche Substanzen, die aus Pflanzen, in
erster Linie aus Sojabohnen
(S.342), Alfalfa
und der Yamswurzel
gewonnen werden. Viele dieser Präparate sind als Cremes
erhältlich, die Sie mehrmals täglich auf die Haut
auftragen können. Phytoöstrogene enthalten normalerweise
einen hohen Anteil Estriol, während chemische Östrogene
auf Estradiol basieren. Die medizinische Fachliteratur
zeigt, dass Ersatztherapien mit Estriol eine
brustkrebshemmende Wirkung haben." (4 Strategien, S.343)
Phyto estrogens are weaker than chemical estrogens, but they
are helping really [and without side effects] and are NOT
suppressing the body's own estrogen production (4
Strategien, p.343).
In Japan, alimentation with soya products has it's
tradition, and therefore also the feminine body is always
well supplied with herbal estrogen (genestine and diacidin),
so climacteric troubles are always diminished and Japanese
language even does NOT know any word for "climacteric
period" (4 Strategien, p.343).
Measures for climacteric period with blood group 0
and B
-- regular sports according to blood group sports
-- high share of proteins in the alimentation
-- blood group 0 and B are well going on with estrogen
replacement therapy of "normal medicine" without cancer side
effects, when there is no tendency for cancer in the family
[because blood group B is only little vulnerable and blood
group 0 even less vulnerable for cancer].
Dr. D'Adamo tells us:
<When you are blood group 0 or B reaching climacteric
period, then you should have regular sports activities
according to the blood group program and according to your
present condition. Add to this take care that you have a
high share of proteins in your alimentation. When there is
no heightened risk for cancer women of blood group 0 and B
in general are going well with conventional estrogen
replacement therapy.> (4 Strategien, p.342)
(orig. German:
"Wenn Sie Blutgruppe 0 oder B haben und in die
Wechseljahre kommen, sollten Sie regelmässig Sport
treiben, und zwar so, wie es für Ihre Blutgruppe empfohlen
wird und wie es Ihrer gegenwärtigen Kondition und
Lebensweise angemessen ist. Achten Sie ausserdem auf einen
hohen Eiweissanteil in Ihrer Ernährung. Wenn kein erhöhtes
Brustkrebsrisiko besteht, sprechen Frauen der Blutgruppe 0
und B im allgemeinen recht gut auf eine konventionelle
Östrogenersatztherapie an." (4 Strategien, S.342)
Therefore there is hardly any risk for cancer with 0 and B,
and at the same time the chemical estrogen compound is
lowering the risk for heart diseases and osteoporosis (4
Strategien, p.343).
[But basically artificial chemical estrogen compounds are
not at all necessary with a cancer risk when there are
herbal compounds].
Measures for climacteric period with blood group A
and AB
-- blood group A and AB have a high breast cancer risk in
general [because cancer cells are similar to body cells of
A, so the immune systems of A and AB cannot recognize the
cancer cells]
-- therefore women of blood group A and AB in general should
RESIGN to any estrogen replacement therapy of "normal
medicine" and should take herbal estrogen compounds (phyto
estrogens) with their base of soya, alfalfa or yams (4
Strategien, p.342):
Dr. D'Adamo tells us:
<Members of blood group A or AB have a high cancer risk
(see chapter 10) and therefore should resign to a
conventional estrogen replacement therapy. Use instead of
this the new phyto estrogens. These are substances similar
to estrogen and progesterone which are extracted mainly from
soya beans (4 Strategien, p.342), from alfalfa, and from
yams. Many of these compounds can be provided in form of
creams and can be put on the skin several times per day.
Phyto estrogens normally contain a high share of estriol,
but chemical estrogens have their base on estradiol. Medical
professional literature shows that replacement therapies
with estriol have a cancer inhibiting effect.> (4
Strategien, p.343)
(orig. German:
"Angehörige der Blutgruppe A oder AB sollten aufgrund
ihres hohen Brustkrebsrisikos (siehe Kapitel 10) auf eine
konventionelle Östrogenersatztherapie verzichten. Benutzen
Sie statt dessen die neuen Phytoöstrogene, das sind
östrogen- und progesteronähnliche Substanzen, die aus
Pflanzen, in erster Linie aus Sojabohnen (S.342), Alfalfa und der Yamswurzel gewonnen
werden. Viele dieser Präparate sind als Cremes erhältlich,
die Sie mehrmals täglich auf die Haut auftragen können.
Phytoöstrogene enthalten normalerweise einen hohen Anteil
Estriol, während chemische Östrogene auf Estradiol
basieren. Die medizinische Fachliteratur zeigt, dass
Ersatztherapien mit Estriol eine brustkrebshemmende
Wirkung haben." (4 Strategien, S.343)
[But pharma industry wants to sell their pills...]
Women during climacteric period with blood group A and AB
should take phyto estrogens, with big quantities of estriol.
This is the weaker form of the estrogen hormone. According
to Dr. D'Adamo Estriol is reducing any cancer risk, too.
Artificially produced estrogen hormone estradiol is
stronger, but all synthetic estrogen compounds are rising
the cancer risk (4 Strategien, p.367).