-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes
Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4
Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben.
Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types,
4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
management with blood group AB by relaxation techniques
Blood group A "has the capacity to turn upside down the
negative effect of stress"
(orig. German:
Blutgruppe A "hat die Fähigkeit, die negativen
Auswirkungen von Stress umzukehren."
respectively blood group AB is reacting
on stress like blood group A with nervous intellectual
action charging the nervous system so the nervous system
is more sensitive. This provokes a damage on the sensitive
and protecting antibodies. These are more and more getting
tired and cannot defend infections and bacteria any more
(4 Strategien, p.214).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<During the signals of stress are pulsing in your
immune system, you [the affected persons] are always
weaker. The enhanced sensitivity of your nervous system is
damaging step by step the sensitive protecting antibodies.
They are getting too tired and cannot fight infections and
bacteria any more which only are waiting for an invasion
into the body.> (4 Strategien, p.214)
(orig. German:
"Während die Stresssignale in Ihrem Immunsystem
pulsieren, werden Sie [die betroffene Person] immer
schwächer. Die erhöhte Empfindlichkeit Ihres
Nervensystems schädigt allmählich die empfindlichen,
schützenden Antikörper. Sie sind zu müde, um gegen die
Infektionen und Bakterien anzukämpfen, die nur darauf
warten, in den Körper einzudringen." (4 Strategien,
On the long term the nervous system is damaged with this,
and the immune system is paralyzed with this, and then the
whole organism is more vulnerable, among others for heart
and cancer diseases (4 Strategien, p.144, 214).
Stress with members of blood group AB is reduced with Yoga
or meditation reducing the charge of the nerves by a
concentration and relaxation (4 Strategien, p.214):
exercises in this way are
-- Tai Chi
-- Hatha Yoga
-- stretching exercises from India
-- walking in the landscape, swimming, biking etc.
Sweating is permitted with this (4 Strategien, p.214).
Decisive is "how strongly you are mentally with the bodily
exercise." One should not exaggerate, and one should
fulfill a program of short sports times several times per
week. This provokes a relaxation of the tension and will
revive the energy (4 Strategien, p.215).
Stressful fighting sports and stressful exercises are not
good for the nerves of blood group AB but are provoking
only more stress and the immune system will be weakened
again, eventually will also be an illness (4 Strategien,
Table of relaxation techniques for
members of blood group AB according to Dr.
Peter D'Adamo
times per
30-45 min.
3-5 times
30 min. |
60 min. |
2-3 times |
60 min. |
60 min. |
20-40 min. |
30 min. |
3-4 times |
30-45 min. |
2-3 times |
("low impact")
30-45 min. |
in the landscape
45-60 min. |
15 min. |
every time when you are doing
bodily exercise
Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien,
Maximum of pulse frequency is according to Dr. D'Adamo:
(220 minus age) x 0.7, with persons over 60 or in a bad
bodily constitution x 0.6 (4 Strategien, p.105), and at
the end one more time 0.5 (4 Strategien, p.106).
Initial training for warming up should reach 70% of the
maximum of pulse frequency. Isometric exercises with
training of unique stationary muscles (warming-up
training, stretching, relaxation exercises) are followed
later by isotonic exercise with the whole body (walking,
swimming, gymnastics) (4 Strategien, p.105).
is enhancing suppleness of body movements (4 Strategien,
is a training for the inner uprightness, add to this for a
breathing control, and is a training for the body posture,
and is a training for concentration (4 Strategien, p.146).
reduction with mild herbal compounds with blood group AB
Calming sedatives on the base of herbs are working well
with blood group AB:
-- camomile
-- Valerian root (4 Strategien, p.212).